Industri Kreatif: Tren Deflasi dan Estafet Pemerintahan Baru

  • 2 days ago
Indonesia deflasi di 2024 menjadi sorotan utama dalam perkembangan ekonomi nasional. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mengumumkan bahwa Indonesia mengalami deflasi selama lima bulan berturut-turut hingga September 2024, dengan angka deflasi terbaru sebesar 0,12% secara bulanan.

Plt Kepala BPS Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti melaporkan bahwa Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK) turun dari 106,06 pada Agustus 2024 menjadi 105,93 pada September 2024. Kondisi deflasi yang berkepanjangan ini menimbulkan kekhawatiran di kalangan ekonom dan masyarakat umum tentang dampaknya terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia.


00:00Thank you for joining us and joining us again, Prisha Sombodato.
00:05This time we will discuss an interesting topic related to the creative industry, the deflation trend, and Estafet, the new government.
00:13It has been connected through a video conference with our beautiful audience,
00:17Ms. Temi Sumarlin, CEO of Scruff Media Indonesia, also the chairman of DPP G-Craft.
00:23Okay, good morning, Ms. Temi.
00:25Good morning, Mr. Wiki, Ms. Prisha, how are you?
00:28I'm great, thank you for joining us.
00:31Okay, this is about a data that is quite interesting, Ms. Temi,
00:34related to what has been said by the BPS,
00:38about the deflation that has been going on for five consecutive months in Indonesia.
00:42Many have said that this is actually an alarm,
00:44meaning that it is related to the ability of the community itself is not doing well.
00:50How do you, creative industry friends, see the recent deflation trend, Ms. Temi?
00:55Okay, actually, maybe because this morning I was talking about the creative economy,
01:02then also the impact of the recent deflation.
01:05If we look at the creative economy subsector, there are 17,
01:09and the most affected right now is the creative industry,
01:14such as fashion, food, which is actually the primary consumer of the community every day.
01:21For friends in the creative economy, fashion, and also food,
01:27the last five months have really seen the impact.
01:31Maybe if we look at the data of several offline activities
01:36held in the last five months,
01:39from various regulators,
01:42although there is an increase in transactions,
01:44it is actually not too significant from the previous year,
01:47where there was an extraordinary increase.
01:49This is actually not because the income is also low,
01:53but there are many factors that apparently affect the purchasing power of the community itself.
02:02So even though the income is still there,
02:04but there are other factors,
02:07for example, there is an increase in taxes, which they also consider,
02:12then they also consider many things from various policies,
02:16and then finally they have the opportunity to think,
02:21compare one with the other.
02:24This is also very visible from the impact of transactions
02:29that are felt by many creative economy actors,
02:32especially in the fashion and culinary sectors.
02:35More and more, right?
02:36It's getting better.
02:38It seems like it's still better than this.
02:41Yes, that's right.
02:42So in the previous years, maybe with the price of Rp. 400,000-Rp. 500,000,
02:47we got a product that maybe the quality was just normal,
02:52there were no complaints.
02:54But because now the community also has a lot of considerations,
02:58because if they spend Rp. 500,000,
03:01they have a much higher expectation,
03:04because there is another amount of money that may be for other needs,
03:09which we never know what it will be like in the future.
03:11It means that it has been felt by friends in the creative industry,
03:14the decline in purchasing power, right?
03:16That's right.
03:18If we talk about what needs to be done by friends in the creative industry
03:22in the midst of a deflationary trend,
03:27I am quite sure that friends in the creative industry
03:31will definitely find a way to stay afloat
03:34even though the purchasing power of the community is declining.
03:37What should be done?
03:39The name of the creative industry is definitely all creative.
03:43But actually, from friends in fashion,
03:47or in culinary and other industries,
03:51there are a lot of innovations.
03:54But again, how long will it last?
03:58That's the question.
03:59Maybe in the short term, it can still last.
04:03But if this happens for a long time,
04:06I think it will be a bit of a nuisance and a problem.
04:11Because actually, if we talk about the fashion subsector,
04:14for example, the ecosystem is quite long.
04:16From the beginning, we had a wire producer, for example,
04:22or even textile garments,
04:24which are currently in poor condition.
04:26There are a lot of PHKs, a lot of garments that are closed.
04:29This is a question.
04:30When the number of fashion models increases,
04:33will it be produced in Indonesia or imported from China?
04:38This is also a question, actually.
04:40So there is a chain that is disturbed in this industry.
04:44The things that are done,
04:46actually there are activities in various communities
04:49that we also encourage from GECRAFT.
04:52And don't forget that from GECRAFT itself,
04:55actually last year,
04:57Alhamdulillah, we encouraged the National Creative Economic Day,
05:00which is a ministerial decision
05:03from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.
05:06And actually, this is one of the pillars
05:10how GECRAFT really wants to have a goal,
05:13there is a momentum that can be felt
05:16as the holiday of creative economic actors in Indonesia.
05:20Like the holiday, the vibes,
05:23how the community gets a lot of positive impacts,
05:27be it transactional or other things.
05:31Well, the momentum of the Creative Economic Day
05:34which is held on October 24,
05:37actually this must be really pushed by the government
05:41to become a momentum that spreads throughout Indonesia,
05:46how various creative economic subsectors
05:49can really feel the benefits,
05:52be it transactional or also networking,
05:56or even production and distribution.
05:59This is what we are actually encouraging right now.
06:02Well, how to encourage the momentum of this National Creative Day
06:06to be more maximum
06:09and more participants,
06:12more involved, we will discuss later,
06:15let's break first.
06:16And stay with us, we will be back soon.
06:19Yes, thank you for coming back with us,
06:21we are Pemirsa and Mas Berbincang,
06:23together with the CEO of SCRAFT Media Indonesia,
06:26there is Mrs. Temi Sumarlim,
06:29discussing the National Creative Economic Day 2024,
06:33which falls on October 24,
06:35or HECRAFT NAS.
06:37Okay, good.
06:38As long as this becomes something that will be used
06:42as a platform to advocate various kinds of positive achievements
06:47that have been achieved by friends in creative industries in Indonesia
06:50to finally be conveyed to the next government,
06:54Mrs. Temi.
06:56Yes, actually HECRAFT NAS should be a platform
07:00or if we describe it as the holiday of national creative economic actors.
07:05Why take the spirit of Eid?
07:07Because as we know,
07:09Eid is not only for Muslims who feel the momentum,
07:14but also those who benefit from Eid or Fitr.
07:18All of them are eligible.
07:21So it's inclusive.
07:23This is also what we want to encourage,
07:25how creative economic actors all over Indonesia
07:29can feel the impact of the National Creative Economic Day.
07:34Minimum, for example, in one month or a few weeks,
07:38their transactions are very good.
07:40And we also have to help,
07:43not only in a ceremonial way,
07:46but also with very strategic steps.
07:49For example, if HECRAFT NAS has just reached the ministerial decision,
07:53the hope is that in the future it can also be pushed
07:56to become the president's decision.
07:59So that the vibes or euphoria
08:04can be felt all over Indonesia,
08:07how all creative economic actors from 17 subsectors
08:12can welcome,
08:14then also create various creative events,
08:17they can contribute to those activities.
08:21Because we can't deny
08:23that the current creative economy is still based on events.
08:27So every event will definitely achieve more.
08:31There are G20, Bali,
08:33it's better.
08:35There are many creative economic actors who have a good impact.
08:38And the hope is that this is done every year,
08:41and maybe also planned better.
08:44This will have a positive impact,
08:47both for small creative economic actors,
08:52or also for the economy of Indonesia as a whole.
08:55Okay, Ms. Temi.
08:57This is a milestone for creative economic actors
09:01related to the National Creative Economic Day,
09:04which will be this year, in 2024,
09:07on October 24th.
09:09And this is the second year,
09:11because it was first in 2023.
09:13But the target of the transaction value
09:19must have a buyer, right?
09:21Is it local?
09:23Or is it also the hope of the state?
09:25Because if we talk about local again,
09:27I'm afraid that the purchasing power will drop again.
09:30How effective will this be?
09:33Or just for promotion or what?
09:36Actually, for the second year,
09:38the biggest target is the literacy first.
09:43Because I'm sure there aren't many creative economic actors
09:46who realize that they are creative economic actors.
09:50There are many fashion planners who don't realize
09:54that they are part of the creative economic ecosystem.
09:57So, in this second year,
09:59we also want to encourage
10:01how to convince, introduce,
10:03and educate the people that this is creative economic.
10:07This is the impact.
10:09How can they benefit
10:13if they are part of the creative economic?
10:15Therefore, from G-Craft itself,
10:18we created an activity called Ecrafest,
10:21the Creative Economic Festival,
10:23which we will hold in Sarina.
10:26Of course, this is not without reason,
10:28because as we know,
10:30Sarina is indeed a legendary retail store in Indonesia,
10:34which is one of the first places
10:37that became a historical moment
10:41for creative economic brands in the past.
10:45So, we chose Sarina as an activity center
10:48on October 24-25, 2024.
10:54And the activity is not only an exhibition,
10:58but there will also be a talk show of various expertise
11:01that will discuss themes related to creative economic.
11:05Then there will also be a game spot.
11:08So, games are also part of what we encourage.
11:12Because from G-Craft itself,
11:14now we try to continue to do regeneration
11:17at G-Craft Campus.
11:19How is it called?
11:21One of the latest creative economic
11:23in applications in games.
11:25This must continue to be developed
11:27and also have a lot of positive impacts
11:30from the economic side
11:32or also from the actors themselves.
11:34With the momentum of Ecrafest in 2024,
11:37this is certainly one of our small steps
11:41to continue to introduce
11:43the National Creative Economic Day.
11:45Literacy is the main thing first, right?
11:49The more aware the public is of
11:51various kinds of support
11:53that they can provide to the creative national industry
11:56and continue to grow well.
11:58Ms. Temi, there are still many questions to be addressed,
12:00but then the time is very limited.
12:02Thank you for joining us at CREATEP this time.
12:04Continued success for friends in the creative industry in Indonesia.
12:07See you.
12:08See you.
12:10Good luck for the event on October 24th.
12:13Thank you all.
12:16Okay, we will see again the movement of IHSG.
12:20From the opening of session 1
12:22until 9 o'clock, more than 27 minutes,
12:24when Indonesia is in the West,
12:26IHSG, when it was opened,
12:28is currently moving weakly,
12:300.49% at level 7526.103.
12:34With the value of the exchange rate for the US dollar also weakening,
12:37back to 15,300,
12:39precisely 15,332.
12:42With the stock market,
12:43the gainers and losers of the Indonesian stock market
12:46are Medco.
12:48Gainers based on value increased by 2%,
12:50Harum increased by 3.5%,
12:52then BSBK increased by 1.67%,
12:55Rajaya increased by 9%,
13:0110 gainers based on value.
13:04There are 8 stocks in the top losers list,
13:06among which are Bang Mandiri, AMMN, BUMI, BRMS,
13:09ELSA, BRIS, HEXA, and ESA.
13:13Stocks in the sector,
13:15which are supporters of IHSG,
13:17even though IHSG is weak,
13:20technology is also the main weakness,
13:26the main driving sector is energy.
13:28Maybe Profit Taking has experienced a lot of strengthening
13:30with the price of oil.
13:33And Mr. Mir, after 90 minutes,
13:35we accompany you in Power Breakfast.
13:37Hopefully today's discussion can be a reference
13:39and source of information for you.
13:41Keep updating your information only on IDX Channel,
13:43the Trustworthy and Comprehensive Investment Reference,
13:45and don't forget to watch the Market Review program
13:47which will be broadcast at 10 o'clock
13:49in West Indonesia time.
13:51And Mr. Mir, don't forget,
13:52because the future of the future must be the future,
13:54I am a stock investor.
13:55I am Prisa Sompodato.
13:56I am Wiki Adrian.
13:57See you.
14:17Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
