Grotesquerie Seasion 1 Episode 4

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Grotesquerie Seasion 1 Episode 4
00:00What's that line from that movie you love with, uh, Bill Holden, if they move, kill
00:19him? Did I tell you? We got robot cop dogs now. Steel Dobermans, razor sharp teeth with
00:32rocket launchers and flame throwers. They don't match for my guy. Hell, I'm not. Marsh,
00:48lately the only thing that's holding me together is uppers and vodka. Used to be you long ago.
01:08It's taunting me. I'm as doomed as you are. You know you're doomed, right? Your great
01:23enemy, Niji, was right. God is dead. Are we recording this? I need evidence. I don't have
01:35a lead on this. Not a goddamn one. I gotta, I gotta steady myself. I gotta concentrate
01:43until I can catch the sickle. I guess what I'm saying is, Marsh, I'm not gonna be able
01:49to be here to see you every day. Abandonment? This man needs care and familiarity. He gets
01:57me before I get him, which is, which is probably the case. This is goodbye. For our sins, we
02:14both deserve death. Maybe we'll be kinder to each other then. Kind ghosts in the land
02:26of the dead. Kind ghosts? Her brain is pickled in vodka. But if I solve this and I live,
02:36I, I'm giving away all your books. With the notes and the margins? For what? What good
02:42does he do? Baby, this is the end of time. And that, that is what Mr. Grotesquerie is
02:52saying. This is the end. Christ, she's barking mad. We will have power of attorney. We will.
03:22It starts right here, baby. The future of the Catholic Church is in this cycle class.
03:50We're gonna take it up a notch. I want everyone to increase their resistance. Another five
03:54to ten. Five to ten, baby. Let's go. All right. You are saving your souls from sinning while
04:04spinning. Come on. You got it in you. I know you do. Okay. All right. Here we go. Get ready
04:20and deep breath. We're gonna go in five seconds. All out. This is it. And sprint. Five, four,
04:38three, two, one. Yeah. Douse yourself. Inhale the Holy Spirit. Amen.
05:08Lucy, sorry, Father. I just wanted to, I just wanted to review my recent reporting.
05:30No. No, this is not approved. This is where we are. We can't run a story that says that the police
05:36are stymied and that they have no new leads. It's boring. Lackluster. Right, I'm sorry. I know that
05:55you know that I think that you're a talented writer. It's just that it seems like low-hanging
06:01fruit to me, maybe. I think we can expect more out of your journalistic efforts than that. Because I'm
06:11sorry. Where is the bloodlust? Where is the fear? It's not in that story.
06:20Don't worry. It's all part of the process. The waiting.
06:43Excuse me. You're an observer. That's what makes you such a good journalist. You like to watch.
07:00Maybe I'm stuck. Maybe I need to push myself harder. You are right. Because there's always something worth
07:12seeing. If you look close enough. You were watching me earlier in the rec room. Anything worth seeing?
07:27It was an exaltation of God's glory through physical prowess. It's kind of become my side hustle. The
07:41peddling priest. I could become a coach. Start my own show. Some of the older bishops, they deride all excessive
07:50exercise as vanity. They see it as worshiping oneself. A sin of the flesh, but to that I just say.
08:00Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, which is in you? Therefore, honor God with your
08:07bodies. Yes. Exactly.
08:37This is exactly what they're talking about right now with the Vatican. And ecumenical council has congregated so that
08:46they can discuss a radical change. And this would completely disrupt all of the archaic interpretations of the
08:55scripture. And this is regarding sex and lifestyle. And even possibly potentially celibacy.
09:09Put those in the cloth. That's difficult to imagine.
09:23This is so difficult. Parishioners are losing faith and the youth are not being called to serve quite in the same way as they used to.
09:34The church is dying and the bishops and the Pope, they know this.
09:43They know that change must come.
10:09It is still a sin.
10:23We are. We always will be sinners.
11:27Hey, Detective Sassy Pants.
11:31How you doing?
11:34Hell yeah.
11:36You can tell.
11:39How's Marshall?
11:44He's circling the drain.
11:47And I.
11:49Listen, babe, I owe you a countless number of apologies for my less than perfect comportment.
11:56Comportment. It's a fancy word for being human, right?
12:01You're fine. We're good.
12:07We're good. Yeah.
12:12I appreciate that you've always been this gentlemanly.
12:17What can I say?
12:19You know what? Let me bake you something.
12:22What's your favorite cake?
12:26You know what I like? Pop tarts without the frosting.
12:29What? That's not even cake.
12:33Let's do something.
12:35You mean like a date?
12:38Sure. We can call it that.
12:41I was listening to this one preacher says over the AM radio from the middle of the desert.
12:48Hell is actually right here on Earth.
12:52So when you die, you don't go to hell.
12:56So I think, well, why not die then?
12:58So I set out to do it with tequila.
13:01I quit the job.
13:02I quit everything, man, except the tequila.
13:06It's not an easy way to kill yourself.
13:10You get very sick and you find yourself in a hospital.
13:13Your loved ones crying, begging you to live.
13:18And that's how hurting your loved ones.
13:22And I've slipped three times.
13:25And every single time is people like you that hold me up.
13:31So if this is hell, then how can there's folks like y'all?
13:40Can we please go get something to eat now?
13:50You get it, right?
13:52You got to slow down the sauce.
13:54How'd you get off it?
13:57So how was your typical ski bum?
14:00I loved the slopes until I tore all my ligaments.
14:04And then I hightailed up to Juneau, Alaska.
14:08Alaska? What'd you do there?
14:11Tell me.
14:14I worked at a mail strip joint, jiggling in for horny mamas coming off of cruise ships.
14:20Tell me more.
14:22I rocked a banana hammock with the name Big Peter and his banana splitter.
14:28I know you made that up.
14:30Thought it was classy.
14:34Well, it worked for all those ladies off those cruise ships,
14:37because I would get drunk with them, take one back to my cabin,
14:40and if I got a tip, well, I told myself it was for dancing.
14:45Not all the other stuff.
14:50Ended up on the streets.
14:55Was that your rock bottom?
14:58Oh, I had ways to go, Lady Lowe.
15:03But that's pretty much the gist.
15:08I don't know. Long story short, I was just missing my dignity, you know?
15:22Indeed I do.
15:28Listen, Lowe.
15:31I had to find stuff to live for.
15:34You, you haven't lost your dignity.
15:38So don't.
15:41All right?
16:08I would invite you in, but it's a little complicated right now.
16:13Yeah. You have a kid, right?
16:16A daughter.
16:17She fine like you?
16:20I don't want to talk about her right now.
16:22She's a wonderful girl. I just, I don't know if I'm the right mother for her.
16:32Here, let me get that for you.
16:49You're a real woman, you know that?
16:53Right back at you, Lady Lowe.
17:55Hey, it's not too late, is it?
18:10Father Charlie is so happy to do this.
18:13He is glad he can do something for you in this time of need.
18:16Did you want to talk to me before he sees you?
18:19Exchange some recent theories about our killer, maybe.
18:21You okay? You seem nervous.
18:24Fine. Just frustrated that in terms of our case we seem to be at an impasse.
18:28We're working hard. Cases get solved and sick people get better.
18:33Most murders go unsolved.
18:36And the majority of people in hospitals usually die there, alone.
18:40Don't be naive.
18:43I thought you were smarter than that.
18:50It's right inside. In the booth.
19:14So, how does this shit work?
19:19Stuff work.
19:20I take it that this is your first confession.
19:25What goes on in the booth stays in the booth. Does that sufficiently answer your question?
19:33I am sick of my own bullshit.
19:39I have let so many people down. Mostly myself.
19:44I need to be stronger and sharper as a cop. And better.
19:51As a wife and a mother, but...
19:56Instead, I climbed into the bottom.
19:58You'll stop. You're getting ready to. I can tell.
20:02And while my husband is dying, I'm starting an affair.
20:06Of course you are. But God forgives us our weaknesses so long as we...
20:11So long as we what? I haven't seen a sign of God lately. I mean, is he even listening?
20:18Well, maybe his silence is essential to our free will.
20:21I think that there has been a change in the basics of human nature.
20:25Something old, brutal, and hellish is here.
20:32I don't think that you're crazy to think that.
20:34You sense it. Nobody can do anything about it.
20:39It's like the darkness that hangs in the air even when it's sunny and light.
20:46It's like God just locked up and left. Adios.
20:51And so what if he did, Lois? What if he's gone?
20:56What if that's exactly what he's done?
21:00Big Daddy's left and gone on a business trip, so...
21:05We have the codes. We know the rules that goodness is governed by.
21:11And maybe this is his way of telling us that it's time that we figure this shit out on our own.
21:17He didn't just leave, Father. He left the keys to the candy store to the devil.
21:26Let's keep things easy. Just a few basic ingredients.
21:30Garlic, butter, a little white wine, fresh parsley.
21:34Miss Mary, you and that couch are gonna fuse together.
21:38You been watching TV all night?
21:40Why you talking?
21:42I got it open.
21:44At first I thought it was like a curry-curry puzzle box.
21:47You know, it opens in a few steps, but it's not.
21:51At first I thought it was like a curry-curry puzzle box.
21:54You know, it opens in a few steps, but it's not.
21:57But then I was like, no, maybe it's like a Rubik's.
22:00It's gonna be an algorithm.
22:02But no, this thing has its own logic. It teaches you as you go.
22:05I've never seen anything like it.
22:07You know what? I don't care. What was in the box?
22:21Sister, I got something.
22:24It's coordinates.
22:50Fast, Daddy, I need a fast favor.
22:53I know it's the crack of dawn, but can you come by my house?
22:56I got good coffee.
23:07What is this? Are you trying to play matchmaker or something, Mom?
23:10Would that be so funny?
23:12Merit, I am trying to keep you safe, okay?
23:15Something is after me, or us, okay?
23:20Get your ass in there.
23:22Your mother doesn't want you sleeping by yourself overnight, thank you.
23:26Is that so bad?
23:28I don't know you.
23:31Something's going on, though.
23:33I'm not stupid, Mom.
23:35Are you two having relations?
23:37You here to spy on me and report back?
23:41Merit, he works at the hospital taking care of your father.
23:47Are you sure you're not having an affair?
23:51I'm glad you find this so entertaining.
23:54I'm very single.
23:56You, why? You gay?
23:57No, not yet, at least.
23:59We'll see what the future holds, though.
24:02Well, do you like to watch old movies all night?
24:06When I can't sleep, my mom comes in and we watch old movies.
24:09I like westerns and cooking shows.
24:13Cooking shows?
24:15What can you make?
24:17Oh, chicken tenders with a lemon quesadilla sauce and a panko crust.
24:23And can't forget my mom's famous tuna wiggle.
24:25What the fuck is tuna wiggle?
24:27Like a casserole.
24:29What house rules does she have?
24:32Do I need to enforce anything?
24:34You enforce me?
24:36Just try me, baby. I'll run straight through you.
24:38Hey, keep this pepper spray on you at all times.
24:42It is powerful, but not exactly legal, okay?
24:47Cool. I might just use it on you.
24:51Hey, nobody is leaving this house at night while I'm gone, okay?
24:55Ed agreed to take off work for a couple of days to protect you, just like he protects me.
25:09So, have you ever heard of this show called Good Times?
25:13It's about this black family that lived in the ghetto.
25:16Florida was the month of Jane, Thelma, J.J., and Mike.
25:21And, like you, they always prayed to a white Jesus.
25:26I never understood that part.
25:28Like, don't you think your guys should look like you?
25:38I don't know how to love him
25:43I don't know how to love him
25:48I don't know how to love him
25:53I don't know how to love him
25:58I don't know how to love him
26:03I don't know how to love him
26:09What to do, how to move him
26:14I've been changed
26:17Yes, really changed
26:21In these past few days when I've seen myself
26:27I seem like someone else
26:34I don't know how to take this
26:41I don't see why he moves me
26:46He's a man
26:48He's just a man
26:52And I've had so many
26:56Men before
26:59In very many ways
27:04He's just one more
27:09Should I bring him down?
27:12Should I scream and shout?
27:15Should I speak of love?
27:18Let my feelings out
27:21I never thought I'd come to this
27:27What's it all about?
27:34Don't you think it's rather funny
27:40I should be in this position
27:45I'm the one who's always been
27:51So calm, so cool
27:55No lover's fool
27:57Running every show
28:02He scares me so
28:16I never thought I'd come to this
28:23What's it all about?
28:31Yet if he said he loved me
28:37I'd be lost, I'd be frightened
28:43I couldn't cope, just couldn't cope
28:49I turn my head, I look back away
28:55I wouldn't want to know
29:00He scares me so
29:03I want him so
29:06I love him so
29:36I never thought I'd come to this
29:41What's it all about?
29:46Should I bring him down?
29:51Should I speak of love?
29:56Should I scream and shout?
30:01Should I speak of love?
30:05Or should I speak of a cat?
30:36I have to say, this trip feels like a fool's errand.
30:39The devil's trick.
30:40What do you mean?
30:41You know what I mean.
30:43A trap.
30:44A set-up.
30:45It's like a horror movie people are sitting in the dark watching.
30:48And a stupid heroine is creeping down into the dark cellar.
30:52And everyone in the audience is screaming,
30:53Don't go into the cellar, Jamie Lee!
30:55Because everyone knows the killer is in there, ready to attack.
30:58It's a set-up.
31:00And here we are.
31:02Down into the cellar.
31:05Are we smarter than this?
31:08Don't we know how this movie ends?
31:11Do you smell the smoke?
31:34Fire season.
31:35We're close.
32:04Is he trying to tell us something?
32:28Psalms 88, 6 through 7.
32:31You have put me in the lowest pit, in the darkest depths.
32:34Your wrath lies heavily on me.
32:36You have overwhelmed me with all your waves.
32:39English, please.
32:42He's in the darkest place imaginable.
32:45Cut off from God and God's love in the darkness.
32:48And the part about the waves is the relentlessness of his punishment.
32:52How does this even happen?
32:55A massive fire pit in the middle of nowhere.
32:59Lois, we have company.
33:08Hey, hey!
33:10Hey, you need to leave!
33:13Let me see your hands!
33:15Yeah, fine.
33:16Hands are visible.
33:20I don't know what the fuck you're doing here, but that thing's getting bigger by the day.
33:23You got ID?
33:25Can you not point that thing at me, please?
33:27Look, I'm not armed.
33:29Look, you ladies don't want to hang around here.
33:31There's been earthquakes averaging 3.4 to 4.2 almost consistently over the past two weeks.
33:39I'm Joe Ritter, Dr. Joseph Ritter, U.S. Geological Survey.
33:43I was camped out here when we got word.
33:46I've seen it wide.
33:47What the hell is it?
33:50It's a sinkhole over a natural gas deposit.
33:53This is a fault line you're on.
33:55What are you doing out here?
33:58Well, trying to keep people like you away until someone decides whether the National Guard or the U.S. Army or some other outfit takes over.
34:08What are you doing out here anyhow? Nobody knows about this yet.
34:13You seen anybody else out here?
34:17A pickup.
34:18They just took off before I could see the driver.
34:25I didn't know there were natural gas fields out here.
34:29He was just detected.
34:33It's worth billions.
34:38Or I don't know.
34:42Maybe hell finally opened up.
34:46It's not science at all.
35:13I hate those people.
35:15You don't say.
35:28Grotesquerie is trying to scare us.
35:32You still do a pretty good job of it, don't you think?
35:38Oh, shit.
35:46What do we do now?
35:50There was a motel back in the valley.
35:53We're going to have to spend the night.
36:08We're going to have to spend the night.
36:39I remember when I was a little girl, our house was on fire.
36:47I'll never forget the look on my father's face as he gathered me up in his arms and raced into the burning building on the pavement.
36:56I stood, shivering in my pajamas, and watched the whole world go up in flames.
37:06When I was all alone, I said to myself,
37:10Is that all there is to a fire?
37:16Is that all there is?
37:20Is that all there is?
37:25If that's all there is, my friends, then let's keep dancing.
37:34Let's break out the booze and have a ball.
37:43Is that all there is to a fire?
38:05I'm venturing to guess that you have dogs.
38:11I had them.
38:14Why'd you say that?
38:17She likes you.
38:21Doesn't like girls usually, but the girls that she likes are the best.
38:28She likes you.
38:31Doesn't like girls usually, but the girls that she likes are the best.
38:38Digging for buried treasure?
38:41Making a fire line.
38:43It's like this thing just sprang up out of nowhere, right?
38:48Nothing comes from nowhere.
38:50We did it.
38:52We burned fossil fuels, increasing the greenhouse gases, depleting the ozone layer.
38:58Just nobody cared.
39:01You know if it's a way around the fire?
39:03Too late for that.
39:05You think we should go back?
39:07Oh, definitely too late to turn back.
39:11Do you know what the tipping point is?
39:14The global temperature is up three degrees centigrade.
39:17Threshold is four.
39:19The only thing to do now is improvise, adapt, and overcome.
39:26You got to go through it.
39:28Through the fire?
39:30Heat rises, so you want to get to lowland.
39:35Safest place to be is on the road.
39:37You're lucky.
39:39You got a car.
39:41You'll survive, probably.
39:45But not everybody, though.
39:48Never everybody.
39:51Well, what about you?
39:53I mean, didn't somebody come through here to evacuate this place?
39:58You mean run away?
40:00There isn't anywhere left to run away to.
40:11You take this.
40:19Got to be prepared for the worst.
40:22If you're feeling a little hot, feel free to douse yourself off.
40:26It's just that...
40:30Time to hit it.
40:36It's time to get the hell out of here.
40:39Well, you're getting reception anyway.
41:05I can barely see a thing.
41:30I'm not going to let anything happen to you, okay?
41:34We're going to be fine.
41:35The safest place for us to be is right here on this road.
41:39And we got this baked potato thing.
41:42We can hunker in it together.
41:48It's my fault.
41:49Well, according to Al Gore back there, it's all our fault.
41:52So beat yourself with a feather, not a bat.
41:55No, I've done something.
41:58I've sinned.
41:59You mean drooling over Father Charlie?
42:02Is that an impure thought?
42:06Not thought.
42:09Oh, shit.
42:12What? You and him?
42:13I swore fidelity to God.
42:16It's adultery of the highest order.
42:18Hey, hey, hey.
42:20Because a man who's your boss, in position of authority over you,
42:24pulled you in some coat closet and got handsy, you blaming yourself?
42:31Listen, I work a ton of sexual assault cases.
42:34No, I wanted this.
42:38I made this happen.
42:40It's my fault.
42:42Okay, forget about him for a second, okay?
42:45You think all of this is happening because a nun had a thought, acted on it,
42:52and now all hell is opening up and coming just for you?
42:58Not just for me.
43:00What about that?
43:02It's coming from all of us.
43:04What I've done, it's part of it.
43:13Lois, have you ever committed this sin?
43:32Come, get inside!
43:37Come in, you're safe.
43:39He's coming, he's coming, he's coming!
44:15Lights up your face
44:20Let's sway
44:22Sway through the crowd to an empty space
44:30If you say run, I'll run with you
44:38If you say hide, we'll hide
44:45Because my love for you would break my heart in two
44:53If you should fall into my arms, tremble like a flower
