Grotesquerie Seasion 1 Episode 3

  • 20 hours ago
Grotesquerie Seasion 1 Episode 3
00:39Hi, my name is Merritt try on I'm 27 years old
00:47When you're as big as me not much fits
00:49But I think I am the perfect fit for your show. Nope. Do not mom do it like that
00:58No, no, no, you sound a man. Um, please
01:01You you sound stiff like a robot. My name is Mary. This is my story
01:08You got this filthy hospital curtain up here. Okay, it's my backdrop
01:12Let's record again. Do not interrupt me. Okay, miss Diane Carol. I won't say
01:32Ever since I was a little girl
01:35I've had a problem with food. I mean
01:39At least what I thought was a problem
01:45It was what I ran to
01:52But I'm starting to realize that maybe
01:56Food wasn't the only problem. It was that anxiety and depression Christ on a crack. All right, you're done
02:04Thank you. No, thank you. Mary. Why do you have to debase yourself?
02:08Why they want a story and my smart you are tell me you graduated at 16
02:13Tell him you got a perfect score on the SAT wanna know why that is a story
02:17They don't want to hear that. Okay, they want to hear about
02:21Adversity and hardship
02:23Okay, I have seen a lot of victims in my life man. And believe me when I tell you baby, you are not one of
02:32You can go. Thank you
02:34Please go. I
02:39Let the goddamn light in and let everybody see how wretched and horrible your life is
02:47All right, go
02:49Still here. Oh, so that's funny. Okay, baby girl. I'm a go
02:53But mama is literally cooking you up something you're gonna love
03:01So wait, let me get this straight you're making me a turducken you bad
03:09We have the makings of a fresh full-fat turkey the layer of andouille sausage stuffing then a very good
03:17muscovy duck
03:18carefully deboned and gently placed within the turkey's cavity and then last but certainly not least an
03:25Organic free-range a motherfucking chicken within that all layered with this andouille sausage stuffing
03:32If you dare, oh, I dare
03:36How did you learn how to make a turducken and why did you wait so long?
03:40Listen, I told you I would help you actualize your dreams of worldwide fame. This dish has over
03:4712,000 calories. So if you eat that over four days, that's like it's like 3,000 a day ding-ding-ding
03:53But I intend to eat this in one possibly two days
04:01Here's the deal
04:04You don't give me shit about what I like to drink
04:09Understand me
04:10vodka martinis
04:13any of it
04:14In exchange, I'll help you get where you want to be. Wait, why?
04:19Take it or leave it
04:26It's a deal
04:30Can I watch you make it
04:32Can you fill her up first I don't want to get raw poultry on the vodka bottle
05:01You'll love this next part
05:14It's where it gets delicate
05:16You need steady hands like those of a trauma surgeon
05:21We got to make it look like a turkey again, not flattened roadkill
05:26so we
05:29So up the back
05:39We trust the bow
05:41like a roping a calf
05:45and finally a simple shoelace knot and
05:51Voila one in gas traded turkey
05:57Wow, wait, I'm sorry you said castrated
06:01In gas traded it means the remains of one animal are stuffed inside of another animal
06:07How do you even know that?
06:10Lately, I can't sleep at night. So I read cookbooks girl
06:15It's interesting
06:18Well, how long is this thing gonna take because I think I will need a snack will you know
06:23About three hours, but if that's too hard for you, I can make you an omelet or something. Oh, yeah, what kind?
06:29I think we got some more L's left a little mascarpone
06:34Or mama another drink
06:44It's the greatest thing ever invented and the kindest thing you've ever done for me I
06:51Was gonna make cherry choubouli for dessert, but I can't come
06:55Okay, I'm gonna have some more that's her ducking for dessert
07:05So what's this all about I mean
07:11You used to put out a frozen lasagna if anything, okay relax
07:15No, my domestic skills. I admit were slow to develop
07:20I do miss your father's cooking though all those layered flavors see
07:25I knew you missed him. I know you miss him. You have to okay
07:29I miss certain things about him that made me stay as long as I did
07:33I mean those are things from long long ago. That's nostalgia, baby
07:42Tell me the story of how you and daddy man. Oh my god
07:46Why do you want to hear that story again?
07:48Because I want to hear it again. I've told you this a thousand times before make it a thousand and one. Okay
07:54Thank you. I
07:58Was working in Riverside near the University
08:02Taking classes during the day working at night. Oh, I loved being there. I could have done this for a living
08:12And Marshall comes in with his students like every Friday night, which I start really looking forward to into the real
08:20That's when the fruit got you some extra dumplings you are goddess Lois
08:25You're goddess and was the con right in his notion that we are the words we speak
08:30Lois are we not the words we speak you you're a wise woman
08:34I don't know about that
08:35But I do think you get the face you earn and the ass you work for as you get older
08:39Who had the extra chili paste you? Oh, you want one too?
08:44your kindness
08:46Is noted
08:49I love his table. His students love him. They light up the place laughing
08:58Cheers miss Lois to the end of the day
09:02And he would stay after so we could talk we loved it maybe we were the words we speak
09:10Wait a minute. I
09:12Saw you on campus earlier that didn't I you your student there, aren't you? I am indeed
09:18My daddy wants me to be a lawyer and I'm straining to be interested pre-law
09:24I'll just change a major to something else like philosophy
09:30I know you do people need it. Oh, they don't realize
09:36But they do I am interested in the law just not
09:41Interpreting it parsing it using it. I would much rather depend it you'd alone
09:47Ranger in this mad bad world you back. Oh, there was something about
09:52the idea of a woman with a badge and a gun it's just
09:56powerful I
09:58Agree we should go on a date
10:03Wait now what right now not more than ever, baby
10:18And then we were together nobody looked at me like he did
10:34Told you I would be done with this puzzle before dinner was ready. You did you did
10:39The last piece is never as much fun as the first. I think every piece is fun for you
10:46You know, you should be a detective you'd be wasted as a lawyer
10:56You waste that little squirrel brain he was on torts and depositional you like to get underneath things you like
11:04Route around
11:18And he was so right
11:20All I've ever wanted
11:23Was to live in a universe of order solve all the chaos. I
11:29Don't I don't know how he knew that about me right away, but he did
11:38Truth is I know what it is now. I'm hyper vigilant. I
11:44See everything everywhere
11:49It's not fun
11:52You listen to me you be on guard to be careful about what love can do
11:58It can turn us off so hard or a heart so soft when it needs
12:05to be brutal
12:10That makes me sad for you mommy
12:14It is
12:17But it's also survivable God all of it all of its survivable
12:25Just don't know whether or not that's good thing
12:29So what you just you you curl up like a pill bug and
12:38Sometimes obviously
12:42Well, I know I'm not allowed to um
12:47Speak of your drinking
12:50But does that apply to um
12:53All love or
12:56Just romantic love
13:00If you ask me if I love you most days I do
13:17And even when I can't I want you
13:29Stop drinking stop eating
14:30Answer the phone that could be the hospital calling about that
14:37Hello, it's
14:40It's five. We have another body
14:44text me where
15:18Yeah, let's do it
15:26Don't know it's like a Frankenstein. How did they even get in there to do that?
15:29Slow down officer would you that the doors the exits are closed inside? There's no signs of being me
16:03Okay, what is it
16:14Who are they
16:16Who are the body parts?
16:18Son, who do they belong to?
16:21We don't know we don't know the DNA will take a few days
16:29And these fucking lights Jesus we're working on it right now we have to locate the control somewhere Lois
16:35It's a it's a crime scene. You can't just
16:40Lois you cannot be here. Not like this
16:45Can this be your check
16:48Because it is
16:52This shit is real it's right in front of our eyes
16:59You are not in control you reek of vodka, which is hard to do low stay away go home
17:07Sleep it off. I'm sorry, but I have a duty to the force to the community
17:13Exactly who in the community? Do you have a duty to Jack? Huh?
17:20Jessica, oh
17:22Are you talking about you got a duty to her?
17:26Tria rhymes Nene Lynn Taylor Danny Carter. Who are you talking about?
17:33The body parts how dare you not know who they are
17:37Dare you not know who they are
17:42Drea was a part of the broadside motel crew
17:48Pimpin got physical with her. She was afraid she came in you took the goddamn report
17:57And then what did you do Jack
18:00You locked her up she came to you for help
18:04How do you know Jesus Jack she had a tattoo on her ankle cherry blossoms a symbol of
18:12Transient fleeting beauty though fucking irony
18:17That's her leg
18:22Danny Carter
18:23Used to wander all the time between seventh and Camino looking for dope
18:27I shot that boy up with Narcan more times than I can even count
18:31Told me how he got the scar on his chest had open heart surgery when he was a baby six months old metrio valve
18:40Rheumatic fever
18:45All the girls went to her for ink for piercings. She used to say to me all the time officer try on
18:51Give your husband a thrill. Let me pierce you down
18:54You know where and I said child. No, the only reason I'm saying that it's cuz my man don't deserve a damn thrill
19:03And you
19:06Put a community Jack
19:10You don't know the community
19:17You would just as soon wait three days for the DNA to come back
19:21Tag them all those throw them in a mass grave with a headstone made out of concrete cuz they ain't worth the price of a
19:28rock to you
19:36He go home
19:39You go home you watch the news and you see what's going on elsewhere. That's so bad. So so bad. Oh
19:46What about right here Jack?
19:51That's how you love the community
19:56Did you get all those names? Yes, ma'am
19:58I want to know every person that they spoke to in the last two weeks. I want pictures of everything
20:04I want it tagged and bagged and on my desk in an hour. Do you understand me?
20:10The monster is out there
20:13and after the night he had
20:16He's tired as a motherfucker
20:18And he's slow right now so we might be able to catch him
20:24so move
20:26People you heard her move people
20:40For my hostility
20:43No, I fucking don't
20:45Stop out Jack, but you know, I'm right, you know it
21:11Come on sister we're up
21:20Do all these cases have in common
21:24These are all well-known sex workers in town. I mean
21:28All of you have caught them at one point or another. Do you have collective amnesia with all due respect?
21:34What the hell is the nun doing here? Is she a confidential informant or something?
21:39Because she has the insights we lack or you like
21:44It's because you're not using your imagination you always two steps behind sister you have the floor but reach
21:56Killing as an art form
21:58This is a language. She uses an essay
22:02Taking something from his unconscious making it real so we can use language to describe it read Lacan exactly
22:09Bingo I'm sorry read who we need to decode the language. He's speaking and then we'll have him
22:14Think of it as hieroglyphics
22:16The bodies and what's on them?
22:20Exactly the tattoos on the shoulder a shamrock the arm another clue a lily
22:27two flowers
22:28One the symbol of mourning the other the symbol of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
22:32Are you hearing this people? Are you do you see what she's saying?
22:37By their ink alone I can tell who every recidivist in this town is
22:43If I could all of you, I would fight for not recognizing those people. Okay, though. I admit we're lagging
22:53It's a surgeon a coroner's
22:58Someone who knows anatomy
23:02And knows how to sew a
23:05Trauma surgeon a medic check the army and Air Force bases
23:13And it's someone who knows me detective try on is being taunted
23:19Explain please. Oh Jesus because of my relationships with the sex workers. I've helped all of them
23:29Driven them the clinic taking them to detox fought for advocated for
23:35Protected them even when I was arresting them. This is known by him
23:43He has a
23:48Contempt for me. He hates sex
23:50It's filthy Steve didn't sin. He's a cleaner a prophet trumpeting the coming of the end
23:57Listen to her
24:06Find a surgical thread he used who supplies it
24:13What size was the needle
24:18How did he get his construction there, how did he hang it?
24:27Check warehouses
24:30Find connections
24:33Sniff it out smell it
24:39Unraveled a string
25:05Come on chief how much more before this becomes an IA issue more like an AA issue
25:10Did you smell her? She reeked and why is the creepy nun all over it all the time? Why?
25:17Who's this?
25:18Lacan person anyone know who he is. Yeah, he's a fucking French philosopher dead. So he didn't do it
25:24Don't you know anything Jesus you are all so eager to get rid of her her husband is in a coma and
25:31Guess what? She's right. She's being taunted by this killer
25:37She is Lois try on
25:39She's closed more cases than all of us show some goddamn respect. Yeah, but she's sick. She needs our support
25:48Maybe she'll solve this case
25:51She's a once-in-a-lifetime detective and you'll miss her when she's gone
25:59Bye dismissed fuck off go
26:24Charles dear boy, you've done wonderful work. It's not that it's more
26:29Granular and nuanced. It's a matter of where your energies can be better focused the morbidity of the reporting
26:37It's too much. We would just like to put the newspaper to bed for a bit
26:40I think that this is exactly the wrong moment for that Bishop
26:45mother superior
26:50You seen the throngs
26:53the readership mushrooming
26:55Bill you've seen the subscriptions multiply. This paper is profitable finally
27:01first time in decades
27:02The stories are pornographic
27:06Exactly and what's so bad about that?
27:10Nobody but us is discussing the implications of all of this
27:14Politicians win by capitalizing on the great fears within the populace the church used to do this by the way quite effectively I might add
27:20You burn a witch people flock toward you and then everyone is trembling before the doors of the church
27:30Maybe he's right, you know, the numbers are proof in a way
27:34Donations up attendance is up and the newspapers driving that this desert town
27:41Military bases farm workers retirees slow. Hope slow income slow support and
27:51Here we are
27:52We don't stop publishing
27:55We publish more maybe a Spanish edition
27:59That's not a bad idea
28:01Charlie here makes a lot of sense
28:03We tell them more than the local papers and the local news does my neighbor rabbi Chabon
28:08He said his congregation Beth Shalom are all reading it
28:11Maybe because we offer exactly the kind of blinding vision that we should be and that no one else is
28:20Because make no mistake. These murders are parables. They are
28:24Proverbs 4 25 26 let your eyes look straight ahead
28:33Fix your gaze directly before you and give careful thought to the paths where your feet and be
28:42in all of your ways
28:50Do you have any notes Bishop
28:56Okay, then keep going cast your bread upon the water son
29:03But with a little less relish perhaps I'm so sorry less relish yes
29:16No more
29:18With all due respect if the church does not modernize it will die Bishop
29:25Spinning classes online
29:32Only fans for the God-fearing
29:38For couples of faith perhaps
30:18Hello there salutations
30:21Yes, I know that from your caller ID that puffed up oh right I'm a ding-a-long, of course, sorry father
30:34Well, gosh golly I'm working on tomorrow's story and let me tell you it's a pip a killer story
30:42She's got puns. Give me the headlines
30:44I'm sure. Okay. That's why I'm calling. There are things I want to publish here and I mean
30:51It's something
30:54Graphic not for the squeamish. I feel it's heretically controversial and I need to know I won't get fired if I run this an example, please
31:02I'm not a mind reader nor a mystic sister. Um, sure. Okay. Hold on to your communion wafers father. This is bold stuff
31:10At the crime scene
31:12Bodies of dismembered sex workers were arranged in a terrifying tableau male and female hookers on the stroll
31:19I like that. That's very clever
31:24Me too
31:26Hookers on the stroll were snatched from their street corners or darkened internet spots of sin and shame
31:32Slaughtered and then arranged in a stomach-churning Catholic mise-en-scene. Were there any suspects? Yes
31:40Lois strongly believes and I concur that a freaky-doo doctor or nurse or medic is involved here
31:46Someone specializing in surgical precision interesting. There's precedent for this precedent
31:53In the 1980s, I believe in New York City. There was a medical professional
32:00Who came under great investigation?
32:03Connected with the West Village murders. It's a horrible case
32:09All the victims were members of the homosexual community
32:16They were viciously tortured
32:20Before being stabbed strange fellow this
32:26Murderous man he was a
32:29sodomite nurse
32:30Yes. Yes and
32:33anesthesiologist who specialized in spinal taps
32:35Oh, and did you know father this cruisin killer was actually featured in the movie The Exorcist?
32:43He was the one the director hired to give Reagan her spinal taps, this is great reporting sister
32:49what I'd like you to do is bring a hard copy for me to redline in one hour and
32:54This is great sister. You're doing God's work
34:05Closing that door, please
34:17Well, that was quick is that a B or a poor strip on your nose
34:22Cleanliness is next to godliness. It's not what they tell us
34:34Is that the article for my approval yeah here
34:51I may be so bold. We have that in common
34:56Why did you have me deliver this story in person could have emailed it to you this is excellent
35:06This is incredible
35:15Maybe I like seeing your angelic face
35:20It lifts my spirits
35:26Would you mind
35:29Trying my back
36:53Let's go to the press with this
37:24For all that is in this world the desires of the flesh the desires of the eyes the pride of life come not from
37:29the father
37:36From this world
38:26Don't you stand that gaping you're a detective you must have seen worse than this
38:30I can't hold him and do this at the same time. What is it? And where is your team my team?
38:38My team are all spread out spread out and spread thin it's a bloody huge bed
38:43So we better pray we're not too late to stop sepsis. Come and hold him. Hold him
38:49God's sake help me
38:55How come this is the first time you're noticing this
39:01Because we'll be damned if we're the only ones caring for him while you drink yourself into oblivion
39:12No, don't you dare vomit your boozy ball detective you'll kill him if it gets in there
39:22Yet not yet, okay. All right. I need to dress this
39:31All right, let's get the dressing
39:38Right, you can let him down now gentle gently
39:49How come you let this happen
39:55Should be ashamed of yourself. Yeah, she sits doing nothing
40:02Simply wringing her alcoholic hands weeping vodka filled tears negating any
40:09Responsibility. Well officer. This is a tiny small town hospital
40:12And you terrorize the staff and you berate as people flee when you come around they flee
40:22So this is what happens when you bully the people trying to help you
40:39The time has come the time has come for a talk
40:51Not unsympathetic
40:53You hunted by this
40:55demonic killer, it's hard
40:58but still
41:00There are things that must be accomplished and I'd like to offer one way
41:14What is this give me power of attorney over Marshall
41:19You just can't do it. Can you not like this? Are you insane? Have you lost your mind?
41:27Why would I because I care about him more than you do and you know that to be true
41:36So just let him go
41:38Walk away. Nobody will blame you everyone will understand
41:49Call ex-aids
41:51You should check into our rehab it's just here
41:5628 days. Oh
41:58Yes, 28 days with nothing else but drying up
42:04on your poor adult mind
42:10No, no
42:12Mm-hmm. It's my husband. I'm not gonna abandon it already have
42:23Look I have my ways I
42:27Could get a court order I
42:30Could get you declared incompetent
42:33Have you held you'd lose your job this case that you're on this case
42:38That is all you seem to care about as if this killer were an atomic bomb waiting to be detonated
42:46Yes, I
42:49Think you'll sign this power of attorney
42:53Or else risk losing so much more than our dear Marshall
44:18Thank you handsome, what's your name?
44:26Ed Lachlan, but you can call me Eddie
44:29Eddie something tells me when you're done with your little ciggy break here. You're gonna want to get the hell out of here
44:36And I don't blame you
44:40But should you be driving
44:44Probably not
44:45But I'm going to anyway, of course you are. Of course. I am windows down
44:51Mm-hmm hair blowing in the wind, you know, it's no earth wind and fire on the radio
44:56I don't act like, you know, we don't know some
45:02You want to go with me only if I can drive
45:07Miss sassy pants flirting with orderlies
45:13Who is the one flirty
45:16You are lighting cigarettes in the wind and smiling like a cartoon cat
45:22Mr. Eddie
45:25Locke Locke Lachlan. Yes
45:29You are oddly beautiful
45:34Or beautifully odd I can't seem to figure it out, but I sure want to do you now
45:42And does that line always work oddly beautiful beautifully odd only when it's true. Talk you talk
45:55Lois Lois try on
46:05It's like heaven, isn't it sure is but we're not allowed out there Lois
46:14In that case, I'm gonna leave fast
46:22Listen I really don't think you should be driving right now. I can tell you reflexes are off a little bit
46:26I don't want you to have any regrets
46:29Who doesn't have regrets?
46:31Come on
47:19Mm-hmm low
47:28Am I actually handcuffed you were arrested blood alcohol 13 Highway Patrol found you on Pearl Blossom
47:38I'm trying to make it go away
47:42Why would you do that cuz none of the other assholes at the precinct can solve this one
47:49Hello ma'am, I have something for you that looks like it's meatloaf
47:57Joy I
47:59Have to go and try and explain to Highway Patrol why this should go away
48:04So congratulations, you've managed to do what countless bribers and politicos couldn't you turn me dirty?
48:19That was rough, how you doing
48:22Notice I didn't say I told you so you just got here
48:26There's a key ring in my purse. It has a cuff key on it. Use it
48:30I'm police. I just figured that one out. Yeah. Thank you. And you want me to be complicit in a crime with you, too
48:41Tell me why should I help you?
48:45I'm trying to catch a killer
48:49On the hunt, huh that old excuse. Yeah
48:54Try something else sassy pants
48:56Come on
49:00Fast Eddie
49:03Fast Eddie, please
49:05What's the style?
49:08I am such a sucker for you problem child types
49:14Something about you
49:33Powerless totally powerless. Thank you
49:43Can you help me get out of here
49:46Help you get out of here
49:51If you make it quick because any moment some asshole is gonna barge in here
49:58There's a lot of orders a bunch of testosterone and
50:03That's just the candy striper now where you close over there
50:14Okay, need any help getting that on I
50:20Do not I just um if you could turn around I got it
50:27All right, and don't peek
51:14You have no idea
51:58We down in your heart
