IHSG Sesi II Ditutup Melemah ke Level 7.543

  • 17 hours ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) kembali ditutup ke zona merah pada sesi terakhir perdagangan hari ini, Kamis (3/10). Indeks berakhir melemah 19,4 poin atau 0,26 persen ke level 7.543,82.

Sore ini, terdapat 284 saham menguat, 296 saham melemah, dan 216 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp11,9 triliun dari 20,6 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.


00:00I will try to give you an update on the closing of the trading session on the second day
00:04and also some graphic information that has been collected by our production team.
00:08And the share price index is still closed in the red zone,
00:12weakening at 0.25%, the weakening is more like a limit
00:16and the share price index is closed at the level of 7,543.828.
00:22The highest intraday today was at 7,581.334 and the lowest level at 7,504.407 overall.
00:32The share price index is still able to survive above the level of 7,500.
00:37Let's just go straight to the first graphic.
00:39We will try to see the closing update of several other indexes in the second trading session today.
00:45You can see the first graphic on your TV screen.
00:49The position of the MNC36 index is weakening at 0.08%.
00:54The Jakarta Islamic Index is at 0.47%.
00:57The LQ45 index is weakening at 0.14%.
01:00Meanwhile, the levels of each index can be seen on the graphics on your TV screen.
01:05The sectoral movement rotation.
01:09Next, non-primary consumption is strengthening at 0.64%.
01:13Property is also strengthening at 0.44%.
01:16Technology is becoming a burden.
01:19It is weakening at 1.11%.
01:23Energy is also weakening at 0.71%.
01:26In the midst of the return of some previous stocks that have experienced significant strength.
01:31Let's move on to the next graphic.
01:32Today's stocks are experiencing strength that has entered the range of Tovganos and Mirsa.
01:38There is Astra International, which has strengthened back to 5,200.
01:42It is exactly at 5,250 rupiah per share.
01:45PNLF is closed in the green zone at 448 rupiah.
01:49XL is strengthening at 2,260.
01:52Today's SMKR is fast forwarding back to the level of 4,000 at 4,040 rupiah per share.
01:59Let's move on to the next graphic.
02:00Today's stocks are becoming a burden for SMKP.
02:05AMAN is stressed to 8,900.
02:09BRMS Profit Taking is back to 244.
02:13BREN, which we have reviewed earlier, is at 6,850.
02:16Medco is also weakening at 1,370 rupiah per share.
02:22That's the update on the position of SMKP.
02:25And also some other indicators in the second session today.
02:29And hopefully it can be a reference for you in dealing with trading the next day.