• 2 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) parkir di zona merah pada penutupan perdagangan hari ini, Kamis (30/1). Indeks tercatat melemah 1,36 persen atau 97,48 poin ke level 7.068.

Sepanjang perdagangan hari ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 12,17 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp7,42 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 759.161 kali. Adapun, sebanyak 379 saham harganya terkoreksi, 192 saham harganya naik dan 230 saham lainnya stagnan.


00:00Next, let's talk about the Index of Joint Stock Prices after the long weekend holiday.
00:09The Index of Joint Stock Prices on the first trading session on Thursday
00:12was closed in the red zone with a sharp decline of 1.36% to the position of 7,006.8.
00:21The IHS gate was opened in the first session also in the red zone at 7,142,
00:26while the highest level was only able to reach 7,150.
00:29The weakness that occurred in the first trading session on Thursday
00:32continued the movement of the IHSG in the red zone in trading 23 and 24 January or last week
00:39where the IHSG continued to be closed in the weak zone.
00:42However, during the first session, 401 shares were corrected, 206 shares strengthened,
00:48and 348 other shares moved stagnantly.
00:51The transaction value during the first trading session reached 7.41 trillion rupiah.
00:58In the middle of the weakness, the Index of Joint Stock Prices is 1.36%,
01:02there are still a number of shares that are able to record strength and enter the top gainers.
01:06Among them, there are AADI shares that rose 4.68% to the level of 9,500 rupiah,
01:12WEFE shares rose 21.94% to the level of 1,195,
01:18RAJA shares rose 2.31% to the level of 3,990,
01:22and also BRPT rose 3.87% to the level of 940 rupiah.
01:29Meanwhile, there are shares that entered the top losers or experienced a weakness.
01:32There is BBRI which was corrected 1.91% to the level of 4,110 rupiah,
01:37BRMS weakened 5.08% to the level of 374 rupiah,
01:42GOTO shares were corrected 3.61% to the level of 80 rupiah,
01:45and PANI shares also weakened 3.93% to the level of 12,225 rupiah.
01:52Meanwhile, from the sectoral movement side,
01:54it is observed that the technology sector still strengthens 0.58%,
01:58primary consumption strengthens 0.26%,
02:01steel products are corrected 2.64% and properties weakened 1.49%.
02:16We have accompanied you for 60 minutes in IDX First Session Closing.
02:19Keep updating your information on IDX channel,
02:22your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
02:24And don't forget to watch IDX Second Session Closing,
02:27which airs at 3.30 p.m. WEST INDIAN TIME.
02:30And investors, because the matter of the future must move forward,
02:33I am Investor Saham.
02:35I am Fadjar Royong.
02:36Goodbye. Thank you. See you.
02:45IDX First Session Closing