Nineties Eastenders (13th February 1997)

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Nineties Eastenders (13th February 1997)
00:00Actually, Alan, there's something I need to talk to you about.
00:29Well, can't it wait? I mean, all I want to do is get my head down.
00:33It's to do with Billy.
00:36He was out with me the day before yesterday.
00:40We got caught up in an armed robbery at the Billings Society.
00:42What? Are you all right, Gran? Is Billy all right?
00:45No, no, we're fine. It was frightening.
00:47I mean, we got shaken up a bit, but nobody got hurt.
00:51What happened?
00:53These men burst in and made everybody lie down on the floor.
00:57There was a lot of shouting and a lot of threats.
00:59And then they were gone as quickly as they came.
01:02Well, did Billy know what was going on?
01:03Yes. He even gave the police a description of the men.
01:08Well, Carol took him down to the police station.
01:11Why didn't she tell me? I mean, why didn't I know about this?
01:13Well, nobody has seen you.
01:14She knows where I am. I mean, I should have been told. I should have been with him.
01:17I mean, what the hell was she thinking of?
01:19Morning. Morning.
01:22Gita, about last night.
01:25Look, there's a lot to set up for the seventies tonight.
01:27I should have known I wouldn't be back.
01:28Not to worry.
01:29Look, we can talk some other time, can't we?
01:31Any time.
01:34What's all this about Billy?
01:36Yeah, I was just about to come round. Is he all right?
01:37I mean, where is he?
01:39He's upstairs. He's OK.
01:40Well, how could he be? He's been in a robbery.
01:42And what's all this about you dragging him down to the police station?
01:44I didn't drag him anywhere.
01:45So what did they want with him?
01:47You've got to look at the men who did it, all right?
01:50He told me that night, and when the police found out that he'd seen something,
01:52well, there weren't that many witnesses, you know?
01:54They're getting pretty desperate.
01:55Oh, well, they must be. Interviewing an eight-year-old.
01:58I mean, what was you thinking of?
01:59It was a difficult situation, Alan, you know?
02:01You know what the police are like.
02:02Yeah, well, I would have told them where to go.
02:03Yeah? Well, it wasn't that simple, and anyway, you weren't around.
02:06Yeah, well, I've been sick, haven't I?
02:08I mean, why don't you let me know what was going on?
02:09Because I've got enough on my hands.
02:12And I don't want to have to knock on that door and ask her if I can talk to you.
02:15Look, give me a break.
02:17I did what I thought was best. I don't need this.
02:20I'm just thinking about Billy.
02:21Well, maybe if you was around a bit more often,
02:22I wouldn't have to come and find you to tell you what was going on.
02:25Look, I don't want to get into this now.
02:27I just want to know how Billy is.
02:28Yeah, well, he coped with it all, with the police, everything.
02:31And it was the right thing to do.
02:34Yeah, is that Mr Kendall?
02:35Yeah, this is Ricky Butcher from Mitchell Autos.
02:38Yeah, well, I've just been looking for the records,
02:40and I see that your car's due for a service.
02:44Oh, right.
02:45Well, I hope you consider coming to see us again in the future.
02:49Okay, I'm sorry to bother you. Thanks, bye.
02:58Blood pressure fine.
03:00I'm still alive then, am I?
03:02Much more than that. Give yourself credit.
03:05You've completed the course of medication, got the alcohol out of your system.
03:08So that's it now? I can just get back to normal, can I?
03:11In terms of the immediate physical dependency, yes.
03:14Next thing is to get you started on a counselling programme.
03:17Well, you can forget about that.
03:19It's the next part of the treatment.
03:21Yeah, well, I'm saving you the bother.
03:23I don't need any counselling.
03:24The treatment isn't finished until you've done it.
03:27Phil, you agreed to see this through.
03:29Well, I agreed to a lot of things, didn't I? But I won't be self-backed then.
03:33Look, I got into this to stop drinking, and you've helped me do that.
03:37Now, I'm grateful, but counselling, no...
03:40Look, I don't need it. I'm on top of it now.
03:42Do you really think so, Phil?
03:44Cos you've stayed off booze for a week,
03:46with pills, with support, stuck in here, away from all temptation.
03:49How does that prove you're in control of your drinking?
03:53What are you going back to?
03:55A life that was organised around drink?
03:57Think about it.
03:59The people you hung out with, the places you went.
04:01So I'll avoid them.
04:02So what are you saying? You'll never go in a pub again?
04:06Look, I can handle it, all right?
04:08I don't think you realise how hard this is gonna be.
04:10Every time you want a drink, you're gonna have to fight it.
04:14I'd hate to see what you've been through this week go to waste
04:16cos you don't get the support to back it up.
04:21If you don't start counselling in the next few days, then you're on your own.
04:25We can't help you any more.
04:27And your chances of beating this go right down.
04:33Thanks for everything, Liz.
04:37Good luck, Phil.
04:41I'll see her out, all right? I've got to get back.
04:44I'll be happy to see you again later.
04:48Liz, you're not just gonna give up on him.
04:50The next step is up to him.
04:52But he needs help. He's depressed. He's not himself.
04:55Which is one of the reasons why he needs counselling.
04:58It's just... He's never been the sort of bloke to talk about his feelings.
05:02Which means he's the sort who should.
05:04You can see what an uphill struggle it's gonna be to get him to go.
05:06I can't tell you how important it is.
05:08He's far more likely to backslide if he doesn't get support.
05:11I can't make him go.
05:12You've got to try. I've done what I can.
05:15You don't know him. He's so strong-willed.
05:19Maybe he is one of the ones who can make it on his own.
05:22Without counselling, he'll be drinking again in a month.
05:24I've seen it so many times.
05:29Oh, Carol, thanks for coming in early.
05:32No problem. You've covered a lot for me lately.
05:34Oh, looks a lot better, doesn't it?
05:36Yeah, well, you just have to keep dabbing away, that's it.
05:39I'd best get on.
05:40So, where are you off to?
05:41Oh, it's to see the solicitor on Arthur's case.
05:44Oh, so something's finally happened?
05:46Well, I don't know.
05:47He said he just wants to give me an update on it all.
05:50Oh, he's dragging on a bit, isn't he?
05:53You know, when we first started this, they said it would take a long time,
05:57but this is ridiculous.
05:59Just better have some good news for us today, that's all I can say, yeah.
06:03He came in very late last night. I pretended to be asleep.
06:06So, did he say anything this morning?
06:08Oh, something about a problem at the club. I wasn't really listening.
06:11So, where is he now?
06:12He's gone off to the wholesalers.
06:14I'm trying to keep out of my way.
06:15But how long can it go on like this, Keita?
06:17I don't know, Ruth.
06:18I just don't know what else to do.
06:21Listen, I need to go.
06:23Are you going to be all right?
06:25Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
06:27All right, I'll see you later.
06:30Right, round to the community centre to pick up the key.
06:33Hi, Sarah.
06:34Oh, Robbie, hi.
06:36You busy?
06:37Oh, no. Look, I'll catch up with you, yeah?
06:40I've always got time for my friends.
06:42So, how have you been?
06:43Yeah? What have you been up to?
06:45Oh, you know, I'm taking up boxing.
06:47I don't know if I can afford the gear, that is.
06:49It's a violent world out there, Sarah.
06:50I mean, you've got to be able to stand up for yourself these days.
06:52What, and this is the answer, to become part of it?
06:54Oh, you wouldn't understand. It's something men have to do.
06:57What, is that what being a real man is?
06:58Going around hurting other people?
07:00No, it's about defending yourself. It's about being in control.
07:03What, learning how to punch someone and knock them out?
07:05Oh, you don't understand.
07:06Oh, no, no, I don't think I want to, Robbie.
07:09The message of the mig, for they should inherit the earth.
07:11Have you never heard that?
07:16What, Sarah?
07:17Oh, it's just Robbie.
07:19He always winds me up.
07:21So much for my late resolution to spend more time with my friends.
07:24Don't give up, Sarah.
07:25It's never been easy.
07:31Need a hand there?
07:33Not unless you fancy trudging up the high street,
07:34sticking these through a few letter boxes.
07:36No problem.
07:39Yeah, all right, you're on. Here's a list of addresses.
07:4120 quid, and I'll get rid of the lot.
07:45What, you think I'm made of money?
07:47Tenner. Take it or leave it.
07:49All right.
07:58Thought you might like a visit.
08:01Ben, it's Daddy.
08:03Hi, Ben.
08:05That's my boy, eh? That's my boy.
08:08Have you missed me?
08:09Of course he has.
08:10Well, I've missed you.
08:13You know, I swear he's trying to talk.
08:16It's great to see him, Kathy.
08:21So what about the counselling, Phil?
08:23What about it?
08:24Well, have you rung them?
08:29Oh, Phil!
08:31Look, I don't need people checking up on me.
08:34That's not what it's for. It's there to help.
08:36Look, I've learnt me lesson.
08:38From now on, it's just you, Ben and my work.
08:41That's all that matters.
08:42Look, I'm already getting back into it.
08:43Well, you know there's more to it than that.
08:45Look, all I need is my family, eh?
08:47And things to get back to normal.
08:49But they aren't.
08:50Look, Kath, give us a chance, will you?
08:52I've only even got out the door and people are saying I can't do it.
08:55What do I have to do to prove that things are better now?
08:57See the counsellor.
08:58Oh, what?
08:59So he can give me advice on whether to have orange juice or lemonade when I go in a pub?
09:02To talk about why you need to drink.
09:04Some total stranger I've never even met is going to do that, is he?
09:07Look, come on, Kath, please.
09:09That's all I need.
09:11You'll see, things are different now.
09:13It's not going to happen, Phil.
09:15Not until I know that things have really changed.
09:18And when I hear you saying that there's no problem and you don't need any more help,
09:20then I know they haven't.
09:22Oh, come on, Kath. Wait, I've hardly even seen him, have I?
09:25Are you going to come back later?
09:26I'm not coming back later, Phil.
09:29If you don't need any more help,
09:30then you don't need me popping back here every five minutes, do you?
09:33I won't let you get on with it.
09:39Barry, get you a drink?
09:41No, I've got things to do.
09:42Look, are you guys still interested in some work?
09:44No lick with the interviews, eh?
09:45I could have told you, you stick to local talent.
09:47I've got my drivers for the evening shift.
09:48All I need is a couple of people to cover the day shift between 11 and 5.
09:51Are you interested?
09:52We do the code work from 10 till 4.
09:54We could have a couple of hours sleep in the morning and a few more in the evening.
09:56Yeah, we're up for it.
09:57Why not? You've got yourself some drivers.
09:59On a trial basis, yeah, we'll see how we go.
10:01Any problems with us?
10:02It's a quality outfit.
10:03My drivers are reliable, helpful and smart.
10:07Well, we can do smart, can't we, you?
10:09So you wear uniforms at all times, right, and you keep them in perfect nick?
10:12So, erm, what do these uniforms look like?
10:15Erm, still sorting that out.
10:17But we'll be up and running soon and, er, well, I'll let you know when you can start.
10:22Hey, we're in the money.
10:23Who needs sleep?
10:24We can grab 40 wins for twin pick-ups.
10:26Hey, this calls for a celebration.
10:28There's a private do at the club tonight.
10:30And we just happen to have the night off, so what are we gonna do about it?
10:36Robbie, wait.
10:37Look, I'm sorry about earlier.
10:38What I said about boxing.
10:40Don't worry about it.
10:41No, I was horrible and it's not the way friends should be.
10:44And quoting the Bible at you, I'm such a hypocrite.
10:46Let me make it up to you.
10:50All right.
10:52Hey, Sanj.
10:53Party tonight, our place.
10:54Oh, yeah?
10:55You up for it?
10:56Oh, you know me, come on.
10:57You as well, do you?
10:58I don't think so, Lenny.
10:59I don't think so either.
11:01Where'd you get it to?
11:02In the footprints again?
11:03Who cares?
11:04So what are you doing?
11:05Just stuff.
11:07So why are you wearing his jacket?
11:08Well, what do you think?
11:09Is he OK?
11:10I know him.
11:11He can keep his mouth shut.
11:12What's going on?
11:13Look, I'm not here.
11:17Who wants to be a policeman now?
11:21He seems OK, don't you think?
11:23Yeah, he's fine.
11:25Did you talk to Carol?
11:26Yeah, we talked.
11:27It was...
11:29It was unforgivable.
11:30I mean, I neglected you for ages,
11:31and then I jumped down your throat the minute I see you.
11:33I suppose boxing's not everyone's cup of tea.
11:35I bet your friends should support you, whatever you do.
11:37No, I didn't mean to put you down. Honest, I didn't.
11:39Sarah, it's OK. Will you stop apologising?
11:41I'm sorry.
11:44All right, I'll stop.
11:47It's been a long time since we've talked.
11:49I suppose we've both been really busy.
11:51Yeah, well, when I said I wanted us to be friends, I meant it.
11:53I haven't given you much of a chance, have I?
11:55Well, why didn't you come round?
11:56Because of Joe, I suppose.
11:58Joe? What do you mean?
11:59You and him, I mean, you're always together.
12:01Yeah, well, we went out for a while, but we're just friends.
12:04Oh, well, if you're not going out with him, I don't suppose there's a chance of us.
12:08Oh, well, you know me. Never give up.
12:10He's right. He's a good goalie.
12:12Yeah, but can we trust him?
12:13I won't tell anyone.
12:14Have you got what it takes, though?
12:15Have you ever been in a fight?
12:16Yeah. I'm not afraid of no-one.
12:18Have you ever nicked anything?
12:19Course I have.
12:20Yeah, like what?
12:21Things off the market, you know, tapes and stuff.
12:23My dad taught me everything, when he wasn't in prison.
12:26What did he do?
12:27He robbed banks.
12:28Then he got killed.
12:29Trying to escape.
12:31Kat's putting Ben down.
12:33Oh, right.
12:34Well, I'll wait if that's all right.
12:36Why? What do you want with her?
12:37Oh, it's the arches.
12:38Look, people don't wait around, Pat, you know.
12:40See, Phil upset quite a few customers when he wasn't, you know, himself.
12:43So I was just going to ask her, you know, if we could do some promotions,
12:45like cut-price servicing, something like that.
12:47Oh, don't ask. I'll just do it.
12:48She's got a lot on her mind.
12:49I'm sure she'll be glad we just got on with things.
12:51All right, well, maybe I'll do that, then.
12:52Get some leaflets printed up, eh?
12:53Hello, Ricky.
12:54Hello, Kat.
12:55Everything all right?
12:56Yeah, fine.
12:57I'm just good to play some good old clear-up when I'm, you know, doing some ringing around.
13:00Oh, any takers?
13:01Yeah, there's one or two possibilities.
13:02I'm just waiting for some people to get back to me.
13:04Um, right.
13:05Maybe I should get back, really, see if there's any messages.
13:08I'll see you later.
13:09Yeah, ta-ra, Ricky.
13:11So, how was Phil?
13:13Back to his old self.
13:14Stubborn as ever.
13:15Now he feels better.
13:16He doesn't want to hear any more about counsellors or follow-ups.
13:19Well, that sounds like the old Phil.
13:20He's supposed to be going to counselling next, but he just won't go to it.
13:23We've had a bit of a row.
13:25Oh, Kathy.
13:26I don't know if I've done the right thing, Pat, but he's got to do this.
13:29The nurse said he's far more likely to backslide if he doesn't.
13:32And I've told him if he doesn't go, then he's on his own.
13:35Yes, I know.
13:37But he's got to face up to this, Pat.
13:39I don't want to spend the rest of my life looking out for the signs and worrying about him.
13:43I want to be his wife, not his nursemaid.
13:45Well, of course you do.
13:46There's nothing more I can do.
13:49It's up to him now.
14:06You all right?
14:08I'm sorry, Ruth.
14:09I didn't mean to embarrass you.
14:11I get the feeling Mr Morne's used to irate clients.
14:14Just after all this time, I still can't believe how angry I get.
14:17Angry that nothing's happened.
14:19Well, the legal aid application's gone through.
14:21That's something.
14:22Yeah, but I'd have thought at least he'd had a date set for the hearing by now.
14:25He did say it would take years, Polly.
14:27No months.
14:28Yeah, but it seems to me the longer it takes,
14:30the less likely it is that the truth's going to come out.
14:32Look, Mr Morne thinks you've got a good case,
14:35and he's the one it should know.
14:37Yeah, but I just wanted it all over by Arthur's anniversary.
14:43What a nurse, though.
14:46Hey, Mark!
14:48Oh, God!
14:49What's been going...?
14:50There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere.
14:52Where have you been?
14:53Up the allotment.
14:55It fell over.
14:56Go on, give us a hand.
15:00Dad used to have these full of bulbs every spring.
15:03Still, be pleased to know that you and Mark are looking after the allotment.
15:06Is everything all right up there?
15:08Yeah, it's great.
15:09Oh, good.
15:10Come on, then, bring your baggage.
15:11Pat, I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't desperate.
15:13I don't believe you, Barry.
15:15I told you I didn't want anything to do with it.
15:17But control is a key position.
15:18So you think I've got nothing better to do than jump in and fill the gap?
15:21But it wouldn't be for long.
15:22If you haven't got the staff, you're not ready to start.
15:25Well, those cars are sitting out there every day, it's costing me.
15:28Well, you'd better hurry up and find somebody, then, hadn't you?
15:32Oh, come in, son.
15:33Barry, it's for you.
15:37Well done, mate.
15:38That was quick.
15:39I've been up the high street and I've delivered every address on this list.
15:43Do you want any more done?
15:44No, that'll do for starters.
15:46Come on.
15:53There you go.
15:55Might just pay for a gum shield.
15:57Hey, listen, if anything comes up, you know, like a proper job,
16:00I'd be really interested.
16:01You know, I can pick things up really quickly.
16:02Oh, sorry.
16:03All I need now is a controller.
16:04What kind of person do you need for that?
16:06Someone who can think on their feet and relay instructions precisely.
16:08Well, I can do that.
16:10It's a key position, son.
16:11I'll have to get an ad in.
16:13Well, keep me in mind, look, I can learn fast.
16:15That's all I need.
16:16More interviews.
16:22Let's get this show on the road.
16:24Yeah, you said it.
16:25Shall we invite one of our favourite neighbours?
16:27Well, why don't I throw open the windows, crank up some music, it'll get the mess.
16:30Not at work, Alan?
16:31No, I've got a cupboard of something.
16:33Great, cos we've got a party tonight.
16:34Since when?
16:35Since we got ourselves some work driving for Barry.
16:37Flashcards, big tips, we're made.
16:39That'll be the day.
16:40Yeah, anyway, we're celebrating.
16:41You know us, any excuse?
16:44Maybe not.
16:46Frankie, we're having a party.
16:48Invite some of your friends.
16:49We need some more girls.
16:50Sorry, I'm going out.
16:51Yeah, we both are.
16:52What could be more exciting than one of our booze-ups?
16:54Prayer meeting.
16:55You're kidding, right? It's a joke, yeah?
16:56Nah, Frankie's going along with old Matt with her singing and stuff.
16:59And what are you going to do? Observe through the collection plate?
17:01I'm going to make sure she don't get brainwashed all the time.
17:04Well, if that's how serious you're taking it, I think I'll go on my own.
17:07No, no, no, it's just a joke.
17:08You'd much rather be here. I know you're only going for me.
17:10No, that's not true.
17:11Yeah, it is.
17:12No, no, come on. I said I'd go with you and I will.
17:14Stay and enjoy the party, Aaron. You know you want to.
17:16Don't be such a martyr.
17:18I don't know.
17:19I'll only be gone an hour or two. I don't want to miss the fun myself.
17:22Yeah, well, if you're sure.
17:29Kathy asked me to pop over with that.
17:32She could have brought it over later.
17:34She's not coming over, Phil. She means it.
17:38All this fuss over going to talk to someone.
17:41Well, it's not a lot to ask after what she's been through.
17:43What she's been through? Well, I'm the one who's...
17:48I just want her back.
17:50What, so she can take care of you?
17:53Can't you see how much it's taken out of her getting you this far?
17:57She can't go on being your sole support and watching you every minute.
18:01I'm not asking her to.
18:02But that's what she'd end up doing, wouldn't she?
18:27Hey, Ricky, what's going on?
18:29Oh, just heard there's a party, that's all.
18:31Oh, so why not? I bet not be going on late.
18:33Well, I wouldn't count on it.
18:34What is it with him? They're always having parties.
18:36Everyone's invited.
18:37No, I don't think so.
18:39Ian, you know a lot about business, don't you?
18:41Can I ask you something?
18:42Oh, make it quick. I've got a babysitter waiting.
18:44How would you go about advertising a special offer?
18:46I don't want to put out too many leaflets.
18:48Well, you've never had too much publicity.
18:50It's not easy, is it? So many decisions to make.
18:52Well, if it was easy, everybody would be doing it, wouldn't they?
18:55I'll see you later, yeah?
18:58Goodnight, then.
18:59Close your eyes now. Go to sleep.
19:19No, it's Geetha. Sanjay's not here at the moment.
19:23What's happened? Tell me.
20:43Thank you. Praise the Lord.
20:48Well, that certainly raised the roof.
20:50As you can see, what we lack in tunefulness, we make up for in enthusiasm.
20:53I enjoyed it. Don't get a chance to hear it very often.
20:55Come and meet some of the others, Frankie.
21:04Yeah. Yeah, he was here earlier, but he went off.
21:09I don't know. He ain't here now.
21:11Yeah, sorry, Geetha.
21:12Look, if he does turn up, will you tell him to come home straight away?
21:16Tell him it's very important.
21:18That his mother rang and she needs to speak to him.
21:21All right?
21:23Thanks, Lenny.
21:32It started about an hour ago. It's been getting louder and louder.
21:35It's the middle of the week. Kids have got school in the morning.
21:37It's out of order, don't you think?
21:38It does sound a bit loud to me, yeah.
21:40Right, then what are you going to do about it?
21:41We'll take a reading and if it's over the limit, we'll give them a warning.
21:44I don't need a machine to tell me it's over the limit.
21:48I've tried to find him, Neelam.
21:49I'm sure he'll be back soon and I'll get him to call you the minute he comes in, OK?
21:55It's OK, Neelam. Sanjay will know what to do.
21:57He'll make all the arrangements.
22:02I'll get him to call you.
22:07Hey, want to come in? You're all welcome.
22:09No, thanks.
22:10I'll have a beer. Go on.
22:18It's really nice that you came. So, what did you think?
22:21I enjoyed myself. Everyone's been very friendly.
22:23And you're right about Alistair. He's hot stuff.
22:26Yeah, he's so good at putting things in a way that really relates to your own life, isn't he?
22:29Marvellous. So is Sue his wife?
22:32Oh, no. Alistair's not married.
22:34Well, he doesn't have time for anything but the fellowship.
22:36I see.
22:38We were just talking about your sermon. It was very interesting.
22:41I can't take any credit. I only interpret what's in the reading.
22:44So, what will you be giving up for Lent?
22:46Indulging in the sound of my own voice, maybe.
22:48Well, no. Actually, we're looking for someone to lead the singing.
22:51Are you the answer to our prayers, Frankie?
22:53I don't know. I just do what comes naturally.
22:55Well, there's nothing more natural than using God's gifts to give him glory.
22:58Maybe we should join forces.
23:00My voice, your vision. Who knows where it could get us?
23:03I certainly hope you'll get more involved.
23:05I think I just might.
23:21We've monitored the noise from the house
23:23and I'm obliged to serve you with this warning notice.
23:27It's a party, mate. Of course it's noisy.
23:29One of the neighbours has complained and the council is obliged to check it out.
23:32What am I supposed to do with this?
23:34Do you know how many neighbours and times I've stuffed it in their ears?
23:36It informs you of your rights and obligations.
23:39Oh, yeah. Look, here it is.
23:41You have no rights to have any fun.
23:43Anyone doing so will be lined up and shot.
23:45If the noise isn't reduced to acceptable levels and the complaints continue,
23:49we have the power to enter the premises and impound the offending equipment.
23:52No way. You're not touching my gear.
23:54Then I'd advise you to turn it down.
23:56I don't believe this. Who complained, anyway?
23:58Oh, no. Don't tell me. I can guess.
24:01Well, I wish you good night.
24:03I didn't know it was till you turned up.
24:05Someone put on the Pericomo.
24:08Look at him. Wouldn't know a good time if it slapped him in the face.
24:11Yeah, well, I wouldn't mind putting that to the test.
24:13Come on, he's probably got the cops waiting to nick us
24:15as soon as we've got to find this doorstep.
24:17Well, I'm going to get him, cos this isn't over yet.
24:24Where have you been?
24:26You know where I've been. The party.
24:28I tried to phone you. You weren't there.
24:30Oh, you've been checking up on me, have you? Here we go again.
24:32I've been trying to find you. Something's happened.
24:34Well, what is it? Can't I go out once in a while?
24:36Look, you'd better sit down. There's been some bad news.
24:39What bad news? Your mother called. It's your father.
24:42My father? He fell ill earlier today.
24:44It was all very sudden. There was nothing they could do.
24:47He died a few hours ago.
24:49No, he can't have.
24:57What are you doing here?
24:59I thought I'd, er...
25:01I'd had enough of being cooped up in the house.
25:03Well, should you be out? I was restless.
25:06I felt like a walk.
25:08Come and sit down. No, I just, erm...
25:11I just want a word with you. Well, what is it?
25:14Look, I've been thinking about what you said.
25:18And I don't want you to give up on me.
25:20Well, I don't want to, but...
25:22Look, I'll give the counselling a try, all right?
25:25What's changed your mind?
25:27Well, does it matter? It's what you want, innit?
25:29Don't just do it to please me, Phil.
25:31Well, that's the part of it, yeah, a big part.
25:34Maybe, erm...
25:37Maybe because I...
25:39I don't know if I can do it on my own.
25:48He can't be dead.
25:50Please phone your mother, Sanjay.
25:52She's all on her own.
25:54I couldn't get her to call one of your cousins.
25:56I'm really worried about her.
25:58I can't. I can't talk to her now.
26:00You've got to. You've got to make all the arrangements
26:03about when you're going to get over there, when the funeral should be.
26:06Can't you leave me alone? Sanjay, your mother needs you.
26:09Don't hassle me. Leave me alone, please.
26:11I'm only trying to help you.
26:13You don't care about me.
26:15All you're worried about is what other people think.
26:18You're upset, Sanjay. I know you don't mean that.
26:21But please call your mother now.
26:23I'll call her in my own time.
26:25But when? She's all on her own.
26:27Look, that must be her now.
26:29Please answer it.
26:31Please, Sanjay. I can't.
26:33I can't do this for you.
26:35Your last duty to your father is to look after your mother.
26:38You can't let him down.
26:40Yeah, that's right. Just stick the knife in.
26:42I never did give him much to be proud of, did I?
26:44It must have been a huge disappointment to him.
26:46Just like I am to you. I couldn't even give him a grandson.
26:49Where are you going? I don't know.
26:51Sanjay, you can't run away from this. Sanjay, please!