The Green Knight Story in English _ Stories for Teenagers _ @EnglishFairyTales

  • 2 weeks ago
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Some material of this video may not be suitable for children below 13 years of age.
The Green Knight Story in English | Story | English Story
00:00The Green Knight
00:09Once upon a time in the great kingdom of Kaplan lived King Duster.
00:15King Duster had only one daughter called Rachel and she was the most dearest to him than anything
00:22in the world.
00:24Everyone who saw her thought that she would grow up to be as beautiful and charming as
00:28her mother who had passed away when she was born.
00:33Princess Rachel often missed her mother and the king was aware of it.
00:37He felt sorry for her.
00:40It so happened one day that near the king's palace came to live a noble lady called Lady
00:46Trish and her little girl Vonta.
00:50Vonta was about the same age as Princess Rachel.
00:54Princess Rachel and Vonta soon became friends and Lady Trish would be in the palace most
00:59of the time looking after the two girls while they played.
01:05Lady Trish was very kind to the princess and treated her with love.
01:10Princess Rachel and Vonta played together and grew up together.
01:15Everything was fine in the princess's life.
01:18Until one day as she was walking in the kingdom gardens, Lady Trish came to her dressed for a journey.
01:26Where are you off to?
01:28Farewell my child.
01:30I must leave you and go far away.
01:36And when will you be back?
01:39I'm afraid never.
01:43Please don't go.
01:44What will I do without you?
01:47It breaks my heart to go, dear child, but I must go.
01:53Is there nothing that can keep you here?
01:56Only one thing and that is impossible.
02:01Nothing is impossible.
02:03Tell me what it is and I will make sure it is done.
02:07I would stay if your father would make me his queen, but that he would never do.
02:15That's all?
02:16Leave it to me and it will be done.
02:19Princess Rachel went to her father immediately.
02:23Father, I have come to ask you to marry Lady Trish.
02:26If you do not, she will leave us and then I will be deprived of mother's love once again.
02:32Please marry her father.
02:34I am very fond of her.
02:36King Duster turned pale when he heard this.
02:40He did not like the countess and did not wish to marry her.
02:44But then he had promised his dying wife that he would always do what his daughter asked him to.
02:51I do not want to marry her, my child.
02:54But if this is what is going to make you happy, then I agree.
03:00Princess Rachel was ecstatic.
03:02Thank you so much, father.
03:04You're the best.
03:06Soon after, the wedding was celebrated with great festivities and the countess became the queen.
03:13But in spite of all the joy that filled the palace, the king looked sad for he was certain that ill would come of the marriage.
03:23And that is exactly what happened.
03:27In a very short time, Lady Trish's manner towards the princess began to change.
03:32She was jealous of her because she, instead of her own daughter, was heir to the throne.
03:39Soon her true colors came out.
03:42Instead of speaking kindly and lovingly to the princess, her words became rough and cruel.
03:49That is a nice dress you are wearing.
03:52I want you to give it to Fanta at once.
03:55But mother, I love this dress.
03:58I don't care.
04:00I am the queen.
04:02Do not forget that.
04:03Now get out of my sight.
04:05The queen's behavior towards the princess became worse with every passing day.
04:11And soon, the princess could take it no more.
04:14She was sad and upset all day, crying in her room.
04:19The king was very unhappy at seeing his loved daughter suffer and could no longer bear it.
04:26He decided to build her a castle on the island in the lake.
04:31Here it is, your very own castle.
04:34Live here happily, away from your stepmother.
04:38Here you can do whatever you want, and I will make sure that your stepmother never enters it.
04:44Thank you so much, father.
04:46Promise me you will come visit me every day.
04:49That goes without saying, my love.
04:51The princess hugged her father.
04:54For a long time she lived in peace and grew more and more beautiful every day.
05:00One day, a messenger from the neighboring kingdom
05:03came to invite King Duster to a great meeting of knights and nobles.
05:08King Duster accepted the invitation.
05:11Before setting out, he went to take leave of his daughter.
05:15My love, I am going to the great meetings of knights and nobles.
05:20There will be splendid shops set up, especially for princesses like you.
05:25Is there anything I can get for you from there?
05:28I do not want anything, father.
05:30But if you would greet the Green Knight from me, I'd be thankful.
05:34Um, sure, my love. I will do that.
05:38King Duster had never heard of the Green Knight,
05:41but there was no time to ask questions.
05:44Therefore, he gave the promise and rode off on his journey.
05:49While on his journey, he asked everyone he saw about the Green Knight.
05:54Do you know the Green Knight?
05:57But the answer was always no.
06:00King Duster began to believe that his daughter was mistaken
06:03about the existence of the Green Knight.
06:06He was sad that it was the first time she had asked him to do something for her,
06:10and he could not do it.
06:13He thought so much about it that he did not notice the direction his horse was taking.
06:18And presently, he found himself in the midst of a dense forest
06:23where he had never been before.
06:25He rode on and on looking for the path.
06:28At last, to his delight, he saw a man.
06:32He rode up to him.
06:34I've lost my way. Can you tell me where I am?
06:39You're in the Green Knight's forest!
06:42King Duster was ecstatic.
06:45Where does the Green Knight live?
06:47Oh, not far from here.
06:49The man explained to him the directions.
06:52King Duster thanked him and rode on.
06:55Finally, he reached a beautiful castle standing in the midst of a lovely garden
07:00where fountains played in marble basins.
07:03On the edge of a marble basin sat a young and handsome man
07:08who was dressed from head to foot in a suit of green armor.
07:13King Duster went up to him.
07:15You must be the Green Knight.
07:18Yes, they call me that because I am always dressed in green.
07:22But my real name is Eugene.
07:25I'm so glad to have finally found you.
07:28I was on my way to the great meeting of knights and nobles,
07:32but lost my way while trying to find your palace.
07:35What is it that you come to ask of me, sir?
07:38Well, I have come to give you my daughter's greeting.
07:43I've never met you or your daughter before,
07:46but you are very welcome to stay in my palace for the night.
07:49The sun is setting down,
07:51and for you to go back through the forest now is not advisable.
07:56King Duster was thankful and accepted the invitation.
08:00Next morning when King Duster was about to set forth on his journey home,
08:04Prince Eugene put into his hand a jeweled casket.
08:08Your Highness, please carry this gift to your daughter.
08:11It contains my portrait, and when I come to see her, she will know me.
08:16I am very certain that she is the lady I have seen night after night in my dreams,
08:21and I must win her for my bride.
08:24The king gave the knight his blessing,
08:26and promised to take the gift to his daughter.
08:30With that, he set off.
08:33When he reached her palace, Princess Rachel ran towards him.
08:38Did you see the green knight?
08:40Yes, I did.
08:41And his real name is Prince Eugene.
08:45Prince Eugene! Wow!
08:48He has asked me to give you this gift,
08:50so that you will know who he is when he arrives.
08:53When the princess saw the portrait, she was delighted.
08:57It is indeed the man who I have seen in my dreams.
09:01Father, I will marry no one but him.
09:04All right, if that is what you wish, my love.
09:07But I would suggest you meet him first.
09:10Meanwhile, make sure your stepmother doesn't find out about it.
09:15Very soon after Prince Eugene arrived,
09:18and he looked so handsome in his green armor,
09:21the princess fell in love with him even more.
09:24When he saw her and recognized her as the lady whom he had so often dreamt of,
09:30he immediately asked her to be his bride.
09:33Will you marry me?
09:35The princess looked down and smiled.
09:40They hugged each other.
09:42Just then, Princess Rachel remembered her father's advice.
09:46But listen, we must keep this secret from my stepmother until the wedding day.
09:52Otherwise, she will find a way to ruin it all.
09:55As you wish.
09:57But I cannot stay away from you any longer.
10:00Until the wedding day, I will meet you every day.
10:03I will come early in the morning and leave when it is dark.
10:07That way, your stepmother will never find out about us.
10:11For the next few days, Prince Eugene visited the princess every day,
10:16and spent many hours wandering with her through the beautiful gardens
10:20where they knew the queen could not see them.
10:23One day, a girl who was walking by the lake early in the morning
10:27saw the prince row to the princess's castle where Princess Rachel awaited him.
10:33She soon went to the queen and told her everything.
10:37The queen was furious.
10:40The next day, early in the morning,
10:42the queen went down to the shore of the lake with a bottle of magic potion
10:47and hid herself behind the tree.
10:50Prince Eugene came as usual, spent the day with Princess Rachel,
10:54and when it was almost dusk, he went to the bank and sat on the boat.
11:00Unaware that the queen had applied the magic potion all over the handle of the oar,
11:06he held it and started rowing.
11:09Ah! It is so hot!
11:12With the magic potion all over his palms, Prince Eugene wiped his forehead.
11:17The potion soon mixed with his skin and slowly started turning him green.
11:23When Prince Eugene reached his palace, he felt very ill.
11:28For the next few days, Princess Rachel longed for Prince Eugene.
11:33But he did not come as he was sick.
11:35But she did not know of this.
11:38She felt helpless as her father was also out of the kingdom
11:41to visit the other kings for matters of trade.
11:44She sat by the open window crying and feeling very sad.
11:49Just then, a little bird came and sat on the branch of the tree that stood just underneath.
11:56Your prince is sick. You must go to him immediately.
11:59What? What happened to him?
12:03There is no time for explanation.
12:05Just know that your evil stepmother has used a magic potion on him
12:09and only the yellow herbs in your garden can save him.
12:13Tell me more, please.
12:15Dress yourself as a nurse from the palace of the country king,
12:19for it is the only way you will be allowed near the prince.
12:23Make soup out of the yellow herbs and give it to him.
12:27When he finishes the bowl, he will recover instantly.
12:31The next day, Princess Rachel left early in the morning dressed as a nurse,
12:36carrying with her the yellow herbs.
12:39The bird flew ahead of her to give her directions to the palace.
12:43And when they reached the palace,
12:45Princess Rachel at once went to the prince's most trusted old nurse.
12:50Madam, my name is Fiona,
12:52and I have been sent by the country's king to help in the prince's recovery.
12:57And how do you intend to do that when even our best doctors have failed?
13:02The potion is fatal and it breaks my heart to say that no one can help the prince.
13:09Oh, but I can.
13:11You see, with my herbal soup, the prince will recover at once.
13:15And why should I trust you?
13:18Do you have any other choice?
13:21The old nurse thought that it was worth giving a try.
13:25She agreed.
13:27All right, you can go to the prince's room with the soup.
13:32Princess Rachel fed the ailing prince with her own hands.
13:36After finishing the entire bowl of the soup,
13:39she went outside and waited for some time.
13:43Soon, Prince Eugene started sweating,
13:46and within moments he recovered completely.
13:49When he woke up,
13:51Princess Rachel sent inside a young nurse with the empty bowl of soup in her hand.
13:56Who are you?
13:58Is it you who made the soup that has cured me?
14:02Well, choose whatever you wish as a reward and you shall have it.
14:06The young nurse had already been taught by Princess Rachel what to say.
14:11I want to be your bride.
14:14I am sorry, but that is the one thing I cannot grant,
14:18for my heart belongs to the most beautiful girl in the world,
14:22and she waits for me in her island palace.
14:25Hearing this, Princess Rachel ran inside the prince's room and hugged him tight.
14:31The young nurse smiled and left.
14:34The prince was delighted to see her, but also confused.
14:38What is going on?
14:41Princess Rachel explained to him everything,
14:44and how it was her stepmother who had used a magic potion to make him fall sick.
14:49Ah, I am so glad you saved me, my love.
14:53I am glad you are fine.
14:56The two held hands and hugged each other once again.
15:00Soon they were married with great splendor.
15:03King Duster was delighted to see his daughter so happy.
15:07And as for the queen and her daughter,
15:10he sent them out of the kingdom and warned them to never set foot in his territory.
15:16Prince Eugene and Princess Rachel lived in their island palace
15:20and also helped King Duster in running his kingdom.
15:24Under them, the people of the kingdom were very, very happy.
