Purposeful life, or purposeless? || Acharya Prashant (2020)

  • 4 days ago
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Video Information: 07.07.2020, IIT-Bombay, Greater Noida, U.P.

~ What is the purpose of our life?
~ Can we live a purposeless life?
~ Is is necessary to live a purposeful life?
~ What is purposelessness?
~ How to have the right purpose?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Adarsh Tiwari, second year undergraduate mathematics student, so you advise us to have a purposeless,
00:28aimless life, but if we will not aim for anything, then how will I crack my exams?
00:41In your young days, you too prepared for exams like MBA, IITJ, civil services, etc.
00:51But now you say that having aims is no good, aren't you contradicting yourself?
01:09Adarsh, living an aimless purposeless life is the ultimate thing, that's the goal, that's
01:25the goal, however, given we are, we cannot realize that goal instantaneously, if that could be done,
01:42if instantaneous liberation were possible this moment, wonderful, have it, go right away for it,
01:54so purposelessness is the ultimate state beyond all states that one aspires for, but here is the
02:13contradiction, what is the state one aspires for? A state in which there is no purpose, no aim,
02:27and therefore no aspiration, so what's your aspiration? To come to a point of freedom
02:38from aspirations, what's the desire then you must have? To reach a point where you have exceeded
02:51all desires, what is the aim that you must carry? To set aims in a way that you come to a point of
03:09aimlessness, there is a difference between ends and means, purposelessness is the end,
03:28purposefulness is the means, thoughtlessness is the end, thoughtfulness is the means,
03:46desirelessness is the end, right desire is the means, actionlessness is the end,
04:07action is the means, silence is the end, right word is the means, if you do not have the right
04:23word what will take you to silence or if you are so tremendously gifted that you can at the drop
04:33of a hat come to absolute silence all by yourself then nothing like it, unfortunately that is not
04:41possible for most people, even to come to silence most people require the aid of the right word,
04:52that right word is also called as the holy word, to come to desirelessness most people will first
05:02of all require to cultivate the right desires, to come to a point in life where there is no goal
05:10left, most people will firstly require to set right goals for themselves and that's the difference
05:18between right goal and wrong goal, right desire and wrong desire, right word and wrong word,
05:23that's the only way you can differentiate between right and wrong, the right is that
05:31which will take you beyond itself, the right will enable you to exceed it, transcend it,
05:40the wrong will keep you confined to itself, that which you enter never to emerge out is wrong for
05:58you, the wrong is like walking into a jail, the right is like walking over a bridge, get the
06:16difference, you walk into a jail only to remain confined, and you step over a bridge and very
06:33soon you find that you have crossed over, the right is that which enables you to cross over,
06:43the wrong welcomes you and then you're trapped, shut firmly in, the gates are closed, no freedom,
07:07no escape, so you're asking but you must have targeted clearing those exams that you did,
07:25yes of course I targeted, but now you'd know the difference between target and target, right,
07:34you must know what you're targeting, you must know what is it within you that wants to achieve
07:47something, rule of thumb that which you want to achieve for yourself would be like a jail,
07:56that in which there is a larger purpose, a bigger vision involved would be like a bridge,
08:09before you take the next step, ask yourself what is it in front of me, a trap or a bridge?
08:39So there are quite a few exams that I might have cleared, but if you see unfortunately those
08:52institutions generally require you to take up specific professions or work of a definite
09:14kind or work within a narrow spectrum, I think I can be satisfied that my work does
09:28not fall within the spectrum dictated by the institutions I have been through, I have
09:44not allowed anything to act as a jail for me, I walked in and I walked out, I'm thankful
09:57to those institutions, I learnt quite a few important lessons, at the same time I have
10:06not allowed any institution to hold me captive, I'm not doing what a typical IITian does,
10:13I'm not doing what a typical IIM pass out does, yes I did prepare for the sales examination,
10:31I did clear the examination, but when I found that things aren't going to suit me as they are,
10:44I resigned. Are you getting it? So probably I used them as bridges, otherwise it is quite
11:06possible to get used by the institutions you come from, to be enslaved by the targets that you set.
11:29Someone says this is the target that I set, now I have achieved it, how do I exceed it
11:37now, there is so much investment I have put in, how do I go beyond it now, did I come
11:46to this point only to go beyond this point, it appears absurd, so people then are held
12:01hostage by the targets that they achieve, reminds me of the Zen saying, it says once
12:10you have reached the top of the hill, keep climbing, there is another one that probably
12:17says that the climb begins after you have reached the top of the hill, do not allow
12:23the summit to declare a full stop to your evolution, it doesn't matter how high the
12:41hill is, it will have a summit and the summit is the limit of the hill, it cannot offer
12:49you any height beyond its summit, once you reach the summit, begin the next climb, begin
13:02the real climb, no point settling down on the hilltop, maybe you can rest for a while,
13:24there is some Maggie point there, fine, chill, have some juice, collect your breath, and
13:38then move on, move on, Charai Veti, what I am, thank you so much, you gave me so much,
13:51I shall be tremendously grateful, but you are not what I am born for, there is something
14:02far higher than institutional sanction or institutional certification that I am looking for.
14:14Mine is a very long road, several institutions are there along the way and they are all beautiful
14:34and grand institutions, let me be there for a while, let me humbly accept what they can
14:48offer me, and then, Charai Veti, hmm, keep moving.
