Married at First Sight UK Season 9 Episode 10

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Married at First Sight UK Season 9 Episode 10
00:00Am I too much for you?
00:03I care for you a lot.
00:04I really appreciate Kieran being vulnerable.
00:07In an Emotional Experts Week...
00:09Why do you think you chose her body to focus on?
00:12...couples faced their crises head-on.
00:15I didn't want to lie.
00:16You're never going to want to rip my clothes off, are you?
00:18But with hands-on help from the experts...
00:21We're going to start focusing in on both of your wrists.
00:24There's a fresh start ahead. This is what we need.
00:27...there was breakthrough...
00:29It was nice to get closer. It felt very natural.
00:32...after breakthrough...
00:33Behind closed doors was sound.
00:36Communication is key.
00:39But Eve's failure to take part...
00:42You couldn't even just write something.
00:44I'm not there yet.
00:46...crushed Charlie's fragile hopes.
00:48I'm laying my heart out on the line here.
00:50I'm getting **** back.
00:58Oh, hello!
01:00An unexpected reconciliation...
01:02If they do come in together, then I'll **** call it out later.
01:05...sparks an unwanted intervention.
01:07What have you done to her?
01:08It's a bit of a bully.
01:09A bully?
01:10I don't want to do this anymore.
01:13And the first honesty box of the series...
01:16Here we go.
01:17What is the biggest obstacle in the way of our happiness?
01:20Definitely sex.
01:22What do you think you should do to prevent us from being stuck in the friend zone?
01:26...prompts Polly to demand answers.
01:29I will **** leave in a minute. You need to just shut up.
01:31I just want him to be honest.
01:33Don't start getting aggy at me.
01:35I didn't try to make you look stupid. I read it again.
01:37I'm not saying you tried, but it made me look stupid.
01:39If Polly continues to talk to me like a child, it pisses me off.
01:42And this marriage isn't going to work.
01:45What are you looking forward to, like your first dinner party?
01:49Is the food good?
01:50The food's actually nice.
01:51Why do you look so beautiful?
01:54No, you can't be smiling at me.
01:56I think we need to get ready.
01:57I need to sort this bonnet out because I ain't going looking like this.
02:00I wouldn't either.
02:01Oh, all right. Rude.
02:07What is the biggest obstacle in the way of our happiness?
02:10Definitely sex.
02:11I read it again.
02:13How do you feel like we are going to be walking in this week
02:18after Charlene's help?
02:21I do feel like we have took a good step in the right direction.
02:25Yeah, I do definitely think it's helped.
02:27I feel like the Eve and Charlie situation, I feel like that could be brewing.
02:32I do definitely think that it could be a bit more heated
02:35now more has been unpacked from last week.
02:39Last night, Eve told me and Holly some pretty shocking things
02:41about how Charlie's been treating her.
02:43To be honest, I think them as a couple is quite volatile.
02:45I think it's very, very toxic and I'm not going in there with high hopes.
02:52It has been a very turbulent week with me and Eve.
02:55There's been refusing to move in, refusing to do the tasks
02:58and the tasks are there to hopefully get us to a better place.
03:02So it just makes me feel like she's not 100% there.
03:06You look lovely. I'm so excited.
03:08Despite instant chemistry on their wedding day...
03:11She's perfect.
03:12..Eve's need for patience on honeymoon...
03:14I need a wee bit more time sometimes to feel comfortable.
03:16I need me own space.
03:17..caused the couple to clash.
03:19You left me alone again.
03:21I don't like being shouted at. the first commitment ceremony...
03:25We had a really big fight for our honeymoon
03:28to the extent where I moved on.
03:30It was a really big fight.
03:32..and we haven't kissed since that day.
03:34I cut everything. advice helped the couple move forward.
03:38It really is about how you can heal trauma
03:41and as a result show up for your partner in a better way.
03:45I want to give this 100%.
03:47..but Eve's failure to take part in Experts Week...
03:51It's really sad that you feel like you couldn't even just write something.
03:55I'm not there yet.
03:57..sent the couple into a downward spiral.
04:00No! Just go!
04:08I am still very overwhelmed about yesterday.
04:11She can't control her emotions and you can't take words back.
04:16I don't know why I'm struggling so much, but I am.
04:19I'm really struggling to get over things that have happened between us.
04:25But I do see good in her, I see good in us.
04:28So I think I'm just going to have to throw myself into it
04:31and get over it.
04:33I'm going to have to.
04:35I'm going to have to.
04:37I'm going to have to.
04:39I'm going to have to.
04:41I'm going to have to.
04:43I'm going to have to throw myself into it
04:46and if this doesn't work, I don't know what will.
04:49So clearly yesterday wasn't a great day for us.
04:53A lot of emotions both ways.
04:58I am sorry for hurting you.
05:00Sorry too.
05:02Breaks my heart, Charlie. Me too.
05:04And then I think we both shut down a wee bit and...
05:07..and we don't get anywhere. No.
05:09So let's just try and move forward, enjoy the good together
05:13and let's try not to maybe go in too much on things.
05:18Let's just be positive. Yeah.
05:20Go forward. Yeah.
05:22We've got this. Let's give up.
05:24OK? Good. Yeah. Cool. Good.
05:29I am pushing myself harder than I'm ready to probably go.
05:33And I'm just hoping that this works.
05:43Kaspar and I are still in separate apartments
05:46but it was really good to have Mel over.
05:49We've learned a lot about each other and feel in a better place.
05:53Obviously I'd like Kaspar and my relationships
05:56to be more husband and wife
05:58but I think we need more time in this new realm of positivity.
06:03We're going to be happy, we're going to be us
06:05and then we'll see where the night goes.
06:08I'm feeling really good.
06:10I'm feeling really good.
06:12Feeling positive about where Emma and I are at.
06:15Wow, look at you! Hello!
06:17So much colour.
06:19We're in a far better place now than we were
06:21and I'm excited for tonight because we both enjoy this sort of thing.
06:24Ready to go? Whoo!
06:26You all right? Yeah, not bad.
06:28I'm well excited. I know, it's another party.
06:34I'm still not feeling that great. Mm-hm.
06:36But it's probably better if I don't.
06:38Don't come.
06:42You sure you don't want me to stay with you?
06:44No, it's fine, honestly.
06:46I appreciate you even saying that.
06:48Holly needs you there tonight.
06:50Got to look after my girl.
06:52I'm not sure how her and Alex are right now.
06:54Hopefully they're in a better place.
06:56Hopefully it's not going to be any drama tonight from it.
06:59Yeah, no.
07:09I actually found Experts Week really productive.
07:12I took everything Paul said and I really put it into use.
07:16But because of the communication problem,
07:19yet again me and Alex have rowled.
07:21He's not even got one bag through the door
07:23and he was already straight back out.
07:25How you doing? You good? Good to be here.
07:27Welcome, you all right? Yeah.
07:29During Experts Week, Paul helped Holly and Alex work through their issues.
07:33Can I finish my food?
07:35And this is what annoys me, they're talking over me as well.
07:38I feel like I can't always get my thought out
07:40because by the time you finish what you're saying, we're not speaking.
07:43Communication and time is key.
07:45So now we're going to come up with a safe word
07:48to prevent you from overstepping.
07:53Mango out the room.
07:55I was just about to say.
07:57You big softie.
08:04Last night me and Alex had a row.
08:06It's just quite petty when I think about it, really.
08:09I was passing him things, tidying up.
08:12I was just going, fridge, drawer.
08:14And he said, don't speak to me like a dog.
08:18Alex blows the littlest things out of proportion
08:21when really we have bigger problems.
08:23We don't know how to communicate without arguing
08:26so we need to stop complaining about
08:28I don't want to put a drink in the fridge
08:30and start worrying about if we can even have a conversation
08:33without killing each other.
08:35Me and Holly had a disagreement
08:37in which she spoke to me in a way I didn't like.
08:40In the conversation with Paul, we set boundaries.
08:43Then less than 24 hours later,
08:45she overstepped the boundary and it's all kicked off again.
08:50I do feel like I deserve an apology from Holly.
08:53For me, it's not water under the bridge.
08:56I'm actually really looking forward to seeing everybody
08:58and just spending some time with you.
09:00Good, me too.
09:02I am really excited to walk into the dinner party with Eve today
09:05because we are good when we're good.
09:07We're just really bad when we're bad.
09:11I do feel like shit's going to hit the fan.
09:13Do you? Yeah, big time.
09:15If even Charlie walk in tonight hand-in-hand as a united front,
09:19I will definitely question it.
09:22I'm just today feeling really anxious.
09:25If we don't work past this,
09:27then I don't think my time here is going to continue
09:30because I can't be with someone like that.
09:41Here we are, second day of the dinner party.
09:45We're going to have a dinner party.
09:48Here we are, second dinner party,
09:51right off the back of Experts Week.
09:53I wonder how that impacted our couples.
09:56Yes, first impressions have happened now.
09:58We're now moving into some of the norming and storming stages
10:01and we're going to see factions develop.
10:03We're going to see subgroups develop.
10:05And tonight, I think it will be quite fascinating to watch.
10:10Oh, we're first!
10:11We're first. First in the dinner party.
10:13Well, here they are, Emre and Kasper.
10:16Yes, this is your couple, Mel.
10:18This is my couple.
10:19We sat down and shared some time together this week
10:22and I really tried to get them to move away
10:24from all of these differences about each other
10:27that they've been focusing on
10:29toward more of a, what are the strengths here?
10:33Yes, yes, that would be nice.
10:35I'm going for it.
10:38It appears that your magic has worked
10:40because this is the strongest we've ever seen these two.
10:43We've got experts this week.
10:46Do you think everyone got experts?
10:48No, they were trusted to behave without experts supervising them.
10:53The bad ones got the experts.
10:55Like we did.
10:59Oh, TV!
11:01How are you?
11:02Orsun and Rochelle.
11:03Look at that!
11:04Now, this is really good to see
11:06because, of course, Rochelle didn't turn up last time.
11:09So it's so lovely to see them come in as a couple.
11:13God, how was your week been, though?
11:15Yeah, good.
11:16It's been really nice.
11:18Yeah, I can't complain.
11:19Like, you know, I've been way more positive.
11:22A lot of the stuff that came out in the commitment ceremonies now,
11:25it's not in the past, but it's like all of that stress is sort of gone.
11:28He's come into the apartment, you know, every morning,
11:31going like, morning!
11:32Oh, bless!
11:33But, of course, keep in mind,
11:34she's saying he comes into the apartment in the morning,
11:37so they're still not living together, but it's a positive step.
11:44Kiran and Christina, what an entrance.
11:47I mean, these are our pair of balls of energy
11:50entering together, bringing all of that energy into the room.
11:55How's your week been?
11:57So we had, like, the expert's golden envelope.
12:00It was just a perfect thing for us.
12:03It really gave Kiran the opportunity to be, like, really open
12:07and, like, vulnerable, so it just had a bit of a lightbulb moment
12:10and, like, we're just, like, actually enjoying the experience
12:13instead of, like, putting so much pressure on ourselves.
12:15But you are in a good place.
12:17Oh, God, we couldn't be happier at the moment.
12:20Oh, beautiful.
12:22I, like, really opened up to Christina.
12:25The thing is, with Christina, like, she's an emotional girl,
12:28very, very emotional, so I've kind of...
12:30I've had my emotions reserved because I don't want to put anything on her
12:33because she is so emotional, so I've kept everything to myself.
12:36The last thing she needs is to hear about everything that's going on
12:39when she's struggling herself.
12:41So I disagree with that. That's the first thing she needs to hear.
12:44Because what they need to build is emotional connection
12:48and they can only do that if Kiran is willing to fully open up.
12:58Holly and Adam.
13:00This is the second time they've entered
13:02where Adam doesn't hold Holly's hand.
13:05No, he just has this stiff arm that she grabs on to.
13:09How you doing? Really good.
13:11We had Charlene. She came to us.
13:14We had massage oils.
13:18So I got a lovely little massage last night.
13:20Genuinely, over the last few days,
13:22there's been a lot more vocal, like, compliments.
13:25There's hands in bed.
13:27A lot more touchy-feely.
13:29So it's definitely helped and we both think that it's progressing.
13:33So slow steps forward, but at least it's forward and not...
13:36Backwards. That's really good news.
13:40Does it excite you? It does.
13:42I'm getting the fanny flutters.
13:46Cheers to the fanny flutters!
13:48The fanny flutters? Yeah.
13:50That's a good sign. That's a good sign.
13:54Have you managed to see Alex this week at all?
13:56Yeah, I was at gym with him this morning.
13:58Is he giving anything about him and Holly, or...?
14:00I think they're just bought in ads.
14:03I feel like they're both so fired up.
14:06I think it's a stubbornness.
14:08Nobody wants to say, I'm wrong.
14:11I agree with Orson, he's 100% correct.
14:13Holly is supremely stubborn, and guess what?
14:16Her husband, equally supremely stubborn.
14:19What's so sad here is that when I left them on Experts Week,
14:22they were in a strong position.
14:24I would argue the strongest position they've ever been.
14:26Chances of their walking in holding hands?
14:28Not a chance.
14:35And here Holly is by herself.
14:37Oh, no. Are you OK?
14:39Are you good? I'm good.
14:41I just needed a second one to calm my flutter.
14:43It's always so hard to walk into a mixer
14:46or a dinner party by yourself, isn't it?
14:48It takes such courage.
14:50So what happened? So he was coming to me back in last night.
14:53Yeah. And he'd not even got a sandal through the door
14:55and he was straight back out.
14:57Oh, OK. I literally passed him over.
14:59I literally passed him over a piece of paper and said,
15:01will you put that in the drawer and that water in the fridge?
15:03And he was like, don't speak to me like I'm a fucking dog.
15:08But that's, like, something little that he reacted wrongly.
15:12You then put your defences up, he put his defences up.
15:15I didn't, no. I went in the bathroom and sat on my own,
15:18just calmed down, and I come back out and he said,
15:20you need to start behaving like the 30-year-old woman you are,
15:23that you claim you are, and don't speak to me like you speak to your son.
15:26And I thought, do not bring my kids into it, first of all.
15:28And then I sat on the couch and I went,
15:30I'm apologising if you feel like I said it to you in any manner,
15:33because I wasn't. Yeah.
15:35And he was like, yes, you was, wanted to argue,
15:37so I just went, swear down, I said, I'm going, I'm leaving.
15:40As I'm walking out the door, he got all leery,
15:42so I just walked off.
15:44What's also challenging here is that I work with them on setting boundaries
15:47and making sure that they're not name-calling,
15:49they're respecting each other, so it sounds like that has fallen apart.
15:53Hi! Oh, hello!
15:56Oh, here's the pageant queen entrance.
16:01Sasha looks super excited to be walking in with her husband.
16:05She does. Super proud of him. Mm-hm.
16:08You're drawing mint together? Yeah.
16:23She thinks I'm a punching bag as well.
16:25She keeps digging me all the time. Does she? Oh, yeah.
16:27Put your leg in the wall. Love it!
16:29Love it? Love it!
16:35So, Eve and Charlie.
16:37I do not have high hopes for them at all.
16:41Oh. It's giving toxic.
16:44It actually upsets me, you know, because Eve has got such a big heart
16:48and she genuinely just wants to be loved by someone.
16:51Some of the stuff she was saying to us last night about Charlie was awful.
16:55What I didn't like, though, was that the commitment ceremony,
16:59Eve got me to feel like a... Oh, no, I know.
17:01But this is what I said to her last night.
17:03So why was she sitting there, like, fucking all over each other?
17:05And she was like, because if she doesn't, then she gets shitty.
17:08Do you know what I've said to Eve?
17:09I think you both need to move back in together,
17:11see that she's still the way she is,
17:13and then that'll be a clarification that this relationship's never going to work.
17:16Because them being apart, they're not seeing each other enough.
17:18Yeah, but they're not seeing each other enough
17:20because Charlie's been mean.
17:22Now I can understand what Eve was saying on the sofa with the experts.
17:25Do you not think you're mean to me? She is fucking mean.
17:27Yeah. If anything, she's a little bit of a bully.
17:29Wow. Wow.
17:31That's a strong word. Yeah.
17:32That is such a strong statement
17:34when actually Polly doesn't know both sides of the story.
17:38Do you think she's coming in on her own?
17:40100%. I would be shocked if they come in together.
17:42And if they do come in together, then I'll fucking call it out later.
17:51They're together!
17:53Hi, everybody! Hello!
17:57How are you?
17:59Get so happy!
18:01Oh, my God!
18:13Hi, everybody! Hello!
18:15How are you? Get so happy!
18:17Oh, my God!
18:19Oh, my God!
18:21Hi, darling! Are you all right?
18:25Just stay, stay.
18:27Are you OK? Yeah.
18:29Why have you walked in together?
18:31Why have you walked in together?
18:33What do you mean? Why have you walked in together?
18:35Do you not think that's giving everyone, like, full scope?
18:38What do you mean?
18:40We talked this morning. Oh, you did?
18:42OK. That's really confronting, isn't it?
18:44Why did you walk in together?
18:46Absolutely. What's it got to do with you, Polly?
18:48You know, at this point, she's really inserting herself
18:51into someone else's relationship.
18:53Fill it up, Ross. Fill it up.
18:55Oh, you're getting smashed.
18:57Yeah, mate. I'm going to fucking need it after they've just walked in.
19:00Go on, talk to me.
19:02Yeah, it's been tough.
19:04It's been a tough week, just mentally.
19:06It's just been draining. But we're fine.
19:08We are actually fine.
19:10So right now, it's almost like Eve and Charlie
19:13are in two completely different relationships.
19:15Here's Charlie saying to Kasper,
19:17everything's fine, we're going OK.
19:19And it sounds like, on the other hand,
19:21Eve is telling a very negative story
19:23about what's going on between them.
19:27So what's changed since last night
19:29for you to want to walk in together?
19:31I just think that's really confusing.
19:33Erm... Do you know what I mean?
19:35We just talked, we got everything off our chest.
19:38And we more or less said that we're just going around in a fucking circle,
19:41so if we don't, we either need to make a decision
19:43to this isn't good for us and go,
19:45or we need to try and squish everything.
19:48I just cannot fathom how you are putting yourself in this position
19:52when you've divulged as kind of much as what you have.
19:56And it's not good, Eve.
19:58Don't do this now.
20:00This is not fucking healthy, Eve.
20:03You cannot keep lying to yourself with what's happened
20:06because all you're going to do is change who you are
20:09for someone else who's not giving you what you want.
20:12And it's not fucking fair.
20:19If you are not happy,
20:21then you need to remove yourself from this situation.
20:23Because you two walking in how you are
20:25when she's been how she's been towards you is not normal.
20:28Because you are not how you were when we met you on Hendoo.
20:32And I'm not having it, I'm not letting you change who you are
20:35because you want to please someone else.
20:37I just think we needed, like, a...
20:39..setting boundaries and just having a good chat.
20:42It was good. Like, it's just what I needed
20:44because I've just been spending a lot of time on my own.
20:47I'm sorry, guys. I know I've been rubbish.
20:49Chazza, Chazza, you haven't been rubbish.
20:51We've all been rubbish. If you feel better for that, own it.
20:54But at the same time, just know that we're going to be around to help you.
20:57That's it. Don't feel like you have to be on your own.
21:00This, I'm not, I'm not having this.
21:02I just don't need any more fuel putting the fire at the minute.
21:05No, no, no. Can I just make the decision myself?
21:08Of course.
21:09You know, I have talked about it in my head, right?
21:11And, you know, there she is, that she doesn't like me seeing any of you,
21:14she doesn't like me doing anything because I'm not spending time with her.
21:17And she's made it out like I'm just rum after all,
21:19using what my hundredy were, and it's not true.
21:21If you don't want to be in her company and you don't feel safe with her company,
21:24what are you going to do, sit in a room on your own?
21:26What you're seeing is two different forms of support.
21:28What is happening right now with the ladies and Eve is anger towards Charlie.
21:32What you see happening with Charlie and her group is actual support and advice.
21:36And this shows you how friends can be incredibly dangerous
21:39and detrimental to your relationship.
21:41That's right.
21:42You know what she said yesterday?
21:43I go, I can't get over what you did on honeymoon.
21:45She goes, that was two weeks ago, mate.
21:47And she says to me, I know.
21:50Where is she now?
21:51I don't know.
21:57I'm going to go and put her on.
22:03Come on, darling.
22:11How's it going?
22:12How's it been?
22:15How's it been?
22:16Honestly, come on, cut the bullshit.
22:18How's it been?
22:20Why's it been bad?
22:21We've not moved in with each other yet.
22:23We're just bickering.
22:25We did a task the other day.
22:27What did you have? What was that?
22:28To write a letter to each other.
22:31Something that we haven't told each other yet.
22:33But she refused to do it.
22:35I kind of just felt like,
22:36are you actually in this for the real deal, you know?
22:38Have you acknowledged what you've done to her
22:41that's made her how she is with you?
22:43Yeah, like, I feel like I've apologised, I've said I'm sorry.
22:46I literally...
22:47I don't know if...
22:48There's not really much else I can do.
22:50Can you see what you've done to her is a bit...
22:53It's a bit of a bully.
22:58A bully?
22:59Because you are very much...
23:00A bully.
23:02So, that's what...
23:03The things that she's saying, do you know what I mean?
23:06No, not at all,
23:07because I don't feel like I've acted like that.
23:12So that's what everyone thinks of me, that I'm a bully?
23:14No, no, no. No, no, no.
23:15That's not...
23:16Who used the word bully, then?
23:18But you haven't asked me at all what went down.
23:20No, I haven't.
23:21And this is why I've just told you what I've said,
23:23which is why I'm now asking.
23:24And personally, I don't feel comfortable talking to you about it,
23:26if I'm totally honest.
23:32You all right?
23:37Come by, ma.
23:38Come by, ma.
23:40Bully, lol.
23:42Oh, yeah.
23:44Yeah, great.
23:53Yes, it's very clear that Charlie feels completely attacked by Polly tonight.
23:57Polly has misread the situation,
23:59or she's only half-read the situation,
24:01and she's pounced too soon, and she's really done some damage here.
24:04What's happening?
24:05Nothing, I don't even want to talk about it.
24:07How are you guys?
24:08I ain't got me, you know, yeah.
24:10Yeah, just watching it.
24:16I need to get out of this room.
24:22Our conversation did not go well.
24:24What is this all about?
24:26I called Charlie a bully.
24:28She was like, where did that come from?
24:30And I said, me.
24:31I said, I said it.
24:33So that didn't go well.
24:35Well, I'm not going to lie about it.
24:39Charlie, what happened there?
24:41She called me a bully.
24:42What did she say?
24:43Apparently, I've been bullying you.
24:44I told her not to get involved today.
24:46How much have you told these people?
24:47Because I literally cannot believe that she has just said on camera
24:50that she thinks that I'm a bully.
24:52I'm not going to lie about it.
24:54I literally cannot believe that she has just said on camera
24:56that she thinks that I'm a bully.
24:58Is that what you've been telling people?
25:00I've told them things that have happened, yeah.
25:01The honeymoon, what all the things she said to me and all I did.
25:03And that makes me a bully?
25:05I felt bullied.
25:09I wish you'd spoken to me about that, Eve.
25:11I did tell you that, Charlie.
25:12You didn't tell me that you thought I was a bully.
25:13Charlie, I told you that you were bullying me.
25:15Didn't I say you were emotionally and verbally abusing me?
25:17Didn't I?
25:18You didn't call me a bully.
25:19That's a horrible word.
25:20That could be her.
25:21That could be her use of the word.
25:22Like, awful word.
25:24But I did tell you this, Charlie. Please, I did.
25:26No, no, I know, I know.
25:27But I feel like I've taken accountability for it
25:29and that is just not fair.
25:31You haven't even given me a chance to even build a relationship with them.
25:33I did tell them not to get involved today.
25:35I swear to God, I say it, I say it, I say it.
25:37I know, I know, I know, I know, I know.
25:39I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know.
25:42I swear to God, Charlie, I told her not to.
25:44And she promised me she wouldn't.
25:46She shouldn't have said that to you.
25:47Not there.
25:51I can't do this.
25:52I know.
25:53I don't want to do this anymore.
25:54It's OK.
25:56It's OK.
25:57I'm not a bully.
26:00I'm sorry for what I did to you.
26:01I know.
26:02But that doesn't make me a bully.
26:06Do you want to go?
26:07Please, just get the cameras off me now.
26:09Just give her a minute.
26:10I'm so upset.
26:11Is that what you really think I've done to you?
26:13I'm so sorry.
26:14I didn't mean to make you feel like that.
26:16Come here, come here, come here, come here.
26:19Come here.
26:23Do you know what happened then with Charlie?
26:27Do you know what Polly said?
26:28Apparently, Polly said that she's a bully.
26:34That's why she walked out.
26:35Oh, did Polly say that?
26:36Is that what you said?
26:37Did you say, you're a bully?
26:38Yeah, I said, she sounds like a bully.
26:41The one thing I have to say is that I'm not a bully.
26:44I'm not a bully.
26:45I'm not a bully.
26:46I'm not a bully.
26:47I'm not a bully.
26:48I'm not a bully.
26:49I'm not a bully.
26:50I'm not a bully.
26:51The one thing I have realised tonight, yeah,
26:53is Charlie's basically spent all of this week on her own.
26:56Maybe we need to tread carefully with them.
26:59Yeah, yeah, of course.
27:00I think he's had a lot of shoulders to cry on.
27:02I wouldn't say Charlie's had the same.
27:06Yeah, he's alive!
27:09Oh my goodness.
27:12What is he doing by himself?
27:13He's alive.
27:14Give us a cuddle, big lad.
27:15Where's your lass?
27:16She's not very well.
27:17She's not very well?
27:18Ah, okay.
27:19I can't, she's not well.
27:22I was not ready for that.
27:24It's good then, yeah?
27:25Yeah, mate, yeah, really good, really good.
27:28Yeah, we're getting better.
27:30There's more, I'm complimenting her
27:32and being a little bit more affectionate.
27:36I just don't want to force it.
27:38But she understands that, and that's the main thing.
27:41I always feel like there's so much more that Adam isn't saying.
27:45He's holding back, isn't he?
27:47He's not really saying what he's feeling.
27:49Yeah, yeah.
27:53Oh, Eve's back.
27:54Oh, Eve's back alone.
27:56Thank you so much for speaking to her about that.
27:59Can I have a wee word with you?
28:02Is she coming back?
28:03I don't know.
28:04Sit here, yeah.
28:05Oh, God.
28:10So, do you call her a bully?
28:12Yeah, I said that she was a bully to you.
28:14I really appreciate you doing it, and I can't help but be so relieved.
28:18But I just, like, met with a team and was wrong.
28:20I get that.
28:21I am really sorry that I might have done it in the wrong way.
28:24Thank you.
28:25And if she's not...
28:26Honestly, I really, really, really needed you to stick up for me.
28:28Thank you.
28:29Eve's being a little duplicitous here, if you ask me.
28:32Yes, when she's in the presence of Charlie, she shows loyalty to her.
28:35Now she's here with Polly, she's showing loyalty to her.
28:38It's hard to know where her real position is.
28:41Tell us some gossip.
28:43I've got enough.
28:44What's happening with you and Ali?
28:45We have not had a conversation.
28:48Like, you two were cool.
28:50Like, how could you go from... You know what I mean?
28:53Zero to 100.
28:54I do want to have a conversation with him and stuff,
28:56but it just scares me that it's going to escalate again,
28:58and I don't want that.
28:59I just want us to have a clear mindset and just talk,
29:02and it'll be OK, and we agree to disagree, but in a respectful manner.
29:10How are you, how are you?
29:12How are you, how are you?
29:15Nice to meet you.
29:18Don't be last.
29:19No, don't be last, don't be last.
29:21What are you saying, my brother?
29:25I feel like you need to make that effort.
29:28Hello, darling. You all right?
29:35This can't be easy for Holly.
29:37What are you saying, my bro?
29:53I'm in trouble.
29:57Well, her anger at him didn't last long.
29:59That's a very fast kiss and make-up.
30:01I'm confused. Are you confused?
30:04I think as soon as she laid eyes on Alex,
30:07she just melted, because she massively fancies him.
30:10We know that they have great sexual chemistry,
30:13but lust is only going to get them so far.
30:15They need to work on communication.
30:18You look really nice.
30:19Thank you, so do you.
30:20No, like, really nice.
30:22You've dropped a bomb.
30:24What's the crack, my darling?
30:26We need to learn on communication, I think.
30:30I do care about you.
30:32I really hope we can work past this, between us both.
30:35Because there obviously is something.
30:38It's cool, man. We'll just work on it, man.
30:40Cos we know we can get on, cos look at our honeymoon.
30:44Everything was fine until the first dinner party.
30:46And then, I don't know, it just turned into a shit show.
30:49I apologise if I made you feel any way, and I'm sorry.
30:53It's really nice to see that they've made up
30:55and that they're in a good place,
30:57and that hopefully they're able to move forward from this.
31:01You look so fire.
31:03You actually do.
31:05I think we need to leave.
31:14Oh, look at it!
31:21Come on!
31:22Come on!
31:23Come on!
31:24Come on!
31:25Come on!
31:26Come on!
31:27Come on!
31:28Come on!
31:30Charlie's back.
31:31So they've managed to repair something.
31:34Let's see how far it goes.
31:36I was completely taken off guard with Polly.
31:39She came into that conversation in a totally disrespectful way.
31:44I didn't even really want to go back in.
31:46But me and Eve have had a conversation,
31:48and I've decided to join the dinner party for our sake as a couple.
31:58Red flag.
31:59I didn't pull my chair out.
32:01I was too busy fuming about the thingy.
32:05Do you know what?
32:06I was too busy fuming about being at the end of the table.
32:21I appreciate how much you have been communicating with me,
32:24especially I am deaf, so it means a lot to me.
32:27And everybody looking good, and let's get the party started!
32:33That was good, babe.
32:37Love, guys.
32:38Cheers, babe.
32:39Are you getting involved over here?
32:42I didn't pull my chair out, and they're not fucking cheers me either.
32:46I love you.
32:48I'm just bored here.
32:50You're not after a good start tonight.
33:01Charlie still looks pretty frosty with Polly.
33:15You OK, yeah?
33:16I mean, I'd be lying if I said I was fine.
33:20Being called a bully is probably the worst thing anyone could
33:23cause somebody to do, so...
33:25And she doesn't know me, so to make a judgement based off of
33:29a one-sided conversation is really, really harsh.
33:32Yeah? And I would have much preferred her to have just come over
33:36and maybe spoken to me like an actual human being,
33:39rather than just glaring into my soul,
33:41like I've gone and done the worst thing in the world.
33:45She's bitchy and, like, it's nasty and it's unnecessary.
33:49You agree.
33:50But, yeah, I won't be wasting my breath on her any more.
33:57Wow. Ooh, yeah.
33:59Quite mysterious.
34:15It's, like, a night and day from commitment ceremony.
34:20He's woken up every day being positive.
34:23Have you snogged at all?
34:24No, no snogging yet. No snogging yet.
34:26I reckon he's going to get in there tonight.
34:29Oh, my boy, it's desperate.
34:31Definitely a step in the right direction.
34:33The energy is better, the positivity is starting to build,
34:36but they still haven't snogged, so they haven't moved their
34:39relationship out of the friend zone yet.
34:43You're kissing again. Do it again.
34:45Give me a kiss, darling.
34:51How lovely to see so much kissing around a table.
34:54Physical intimacy is definitely growing with some of our couples.
34:58Just do it.
35:01What are you doing?
35:02You're on my feather.
35:03We need to do something.
35:05I've got to go.
35:06I've got to go.
35:07I've got to go.
35:08I've got to go.
35:12Stop digging, you mean.
35:13I'm not digging.
35:17I'm not digging.
35:35I think I'm going to try and have a chat with her.
35:37Just be nice.
35:38I will be nice.
35:39I'm always nice.
35:40When am I not nice?
35:41I'm not deaf.
35:43Oh, wow.
35:51I don't know what to do.
35:53Have you got something to say?
35:55Yeah, but I'd rather talk...
35:56Come on, then.
35:57Right, OK, cool. Come on.
35:59Yeah, fine.
36:00Go on, girl.
36:27First of all, I want to apologise.
36:29I do really want to apologise
36:31because I did not take your thoughts and feelings
36:36into consideration over the last week.
36:38Yes, I appreciate that.
36:39I am really sorry.
36:40And I do really appreciate you, obviously,
36:42opening up to me with the whole Eve situation
36:45because you didn't have to and you did.
36:47I'm now, if you're happy to, finish off this conversation
36:52about how you think it's gone and for me to just...
36:56I appreciate your apology
36:58but I don't feel I'm ready to talk to you about my relationship.
37:01No, that's absolutely fine. I appreciate that.
37:03I don't really know you.
37:05I keep my cards close to my chest
37:07and I'm just...
37:09What goes on between me and Eve is between me and Eve...
37:11I get that.
37:12..and I just don't... I don't feel ready to talk to you about it.
37:14No, I get that and I accept that and I will respect that.
37:16But thank you for your apology. I appreciate it.
37:18I am really sorry about how I come into it
37:20without thinking of how you felt before I kind of come into it.
37:23It's OK, girl. Thank you very much.
37:26Do you feel like that was resolved?
37:29Yeah, it seems like there's so much tension
37:31and animosity still left between them.
37:33The words were great, the actions were great
37:35but ultimately I feel like we're back at square one.
37:39Hi, Dago.
37:40Yeah, sorry.
37:42Is that OK? Yeah.
37:44I accept her apology.
38:11Good evening.
38:14In this box are questions designed to help you as couples.
38:18They will encourage you to open up and strengthen your marriages.
38:23The questions are genuinely constructed
38:26to help all of you on your journey.
38:28So please be honest.
38:31Love, Paul, Mel and Charlene.
38:33Love you! Love you!
38:35We love you too.
38:37Wait until you see what's in the box.
38:42Emma, what is the biggest obstacle
38:44standing in the way of our happiness?
38:49In a relationship, definitely sex.
38:58In order for us to be happy in a relationship,
39:00obviously intimacy is a great thing and, like...
39:04We're a while off that, don't get me wrong,
39:07but that's the thing I'm probably thinking most about.
39:10Like, is, you know, will we have a shag?
39:17I'd love to be top shagging with you.
39:22But I'm not there yet. I'm not there yet.
39:24Of course, this is another example of Emma using her humour
39:27and her fun, playful nature to hide something
39:30that is really quite painful for her at the moment.
39:33She's feeling rejected by Casper.
39:35You all right, Casper?
39:37I might be blushing, I can't...
39:44Go on, Ra.
39:47What have you learned about yourself so far?
39:52So I've learned that when I feel safe,
39:55I can be very physically affectionate, loving.
40:00My walls can come down very quickly, I can be vulnerable.
40:04I always thought that was a me thing,
40:06but it must be the picking the wrong people.
40:09Because when I'm with you, I'm a different person,
40:11so I've learned a lot.
40:14Oh, isn't that beautiful?
40:16That is so powerful for Sasha to say that.
40:19I thought I couldn't communicate in relationships previously
40:22because it was me, but now I realise I didn't feel safe
40:25and I'm safe with you.
40:27Really powerful stuff.
40:31What can I do to improve our marriage?
40:34Oh, for fuck's sake.
40:44I think just...
40:46Allow me to prove to you that I'm here for, like, the right reasons
40:50and I want to prove to you that I am not the person that you think I am
40:54and, like, just give me the opportunity to show you
40:57that I'm not that person that was on the honeymoon.
41:01When I say that, that was a blip.
41:03I'm so serious about this and, like, I'm sorry for the mistakes I've made.
41:07I just want you to come full team ahead with me
41:09and allow me to prove you wrong.
41:12I'm not here to hurt you and I'm not here to be a dickhead
41:15and I'm actually a pretty all right person.
41:18Oh, Charlie. And, like, just let me show you that.
41:23Well done, Charlie.
41:26Well done, guy.
41:28So, Eve, how likely do you feel that we can get back
41:33to how happy we were on our wedding day?
41:35Oh, Charlie.
41:37Come on, Charlie.
41:39Oh, Charlie.
41:41You're all right.
41:43I think what we're seeing here is that Charlie is clearly still invested
41:47in this relationship in spite of all that's happened
41:51and she's been very vulnerable here in front of everyone.
41:55It's brave. Yeah.
42:25I was overwhelmed today. Like, I couldn't console myself at all.
42:28Like, I was in a horrible place again.
42:30I didn't think we could come back from it.
42:32And then, you know, you and Polly had the conversation
42:35and then I just seen hurting you and when I chased you,
42:38it broke my heart to see you like that.
42:40And then, you know, we talked and stuff,
42:42so I do have hope that we'll be able to get back on track.
42:45Do you? I do. I do.
42:47I'm sorry for what I did. I know.
42:49Listen, I think we've got this in the bag if we just do the bare minimum.
42:53Maybe there is hope between Eve and Charlie
42:55because Eve sees a path forward.
42:57Clearly, Charlie's fighting for it.
42:59And that's all you need is two people
43:01who want to fight for their relationship.
43:05Well done, guys.
43:14What do you most admire about me?
43:23Erm... You got this house?
43:27You're the only guy who's ever made me feel so beautiful,
43:30even when I wake up first thing in the morning.
43:33Cos you are? Like...
43:35Yes, you are!
43:39Stop believing it, man.
43:41In that noise.
43:52Like, I have craved...
43:55..just someone to make me feel so comfortable in my body
43:59for so many years.
44:01And when we was on the honeymoon, like... made me feel so sexy in my bikini
44:07with my little momentum and stretch marks,
44:09my little power marks.
44:11And you've shown me, like, all that self-love
44:14I've worked on for so many years.
44:16Like, there's a man out there that'll look at me
44:19and admire that.
44:27I love that.
44:29That is so special for Holly to be feeling that.
44:32That was... That was so nice.
44:35Well done, guys.
44:37Well done, babe.
44:41What do I need to do to deepen our connection?
44:45Oh, God.
44:48Our connection right now is deep enough
44:51for what it should be at this point in our relationship.
44:54I don't think we could get any deeper, you know, without rushing it.
44:58So I think our connection is good.
45:00I think it's strong. Honestly, what you're doing is enough.
45:03Aw! Come on, guys!
45:07Come on, Orson!
45:10Next question.
45:12What could I do to improve our marriage?
45:18I feel like in the last two days,
45:20we have definitely taken a step in the right direction.
45:23And as soon as... I'm going to get really emotional.
45:26Don't get emotional, it's OK.
45:28I know I am so overwhelming and so full-on
45:32and so sensitive and so, so emotional.
45:35Stop it! Stop!
45:38That is what makes you who you are,
45:40so never, ever apologise for that.
45:42I couldn't imagine you in another light.
45:45Like, I love... I love everything about you.
45:48Even when you're being this crazy Christina
45:50that you think you're being, I'm like, this is amazing.
45:53This is what I need in my life.
45:59Wow. I mean, the one thing Christina needs to hear
46:02is I accept you as you are,
46:04and he's just saying that absolutely naturally.
46:07It's quite clear that these two have started peeling back those layers
46:10of fun and started looking at each other as two humans
46:14trying to connect, and it's very beautiful.
46:16Yes, yeah.
46:20Can you see yourself falling for me?
46:31That was great, I loved that!
46:33Thank you. Honestly, it means the world.
46:35Honestly, it means the absolute world.
46:39Adam... Yeah?
46:41What do you think you should do to prevent us
46:44from being stuck in the friend zone?
46:47If we're stuck in the friend zone,
46:49that's because I'm not ready to take it to that next step,
46:52and if I take it to that next step,
46:54and then in a couple of weeks' time say I'm not feeling it still,
46:57that would upset you and hurt you, so...
46:59Yeah, but I feel like you've dodged that question
47:01because that's what you say to that every time you're asked it.
47:04But that is the truth.
47:06That's not really dodging the question.
47:08Yeah, but you have dodged the question
47:10because you've said that to every time you've been asked it.
47:13But that question's asking me how we get out of the friend zone.
47:16Well, it says, what do you think should prevent us
47:18from getting stuck in the friend zone?
47:20Oh, prevent? I thought it said take us.
47:22No, to prevent us. Oh.
47:24Well, I'm sorry then. Rethink. Rethink.
47:26Yeah, yeah.
47:28What do you think you should do...
47:30To prevent... Listen, listen.
47:32I get it, you've just read it. No.
47:34Don't start getting aggy at me.
47:38You've just read it to me. I get the question now.
47:40I get it now. I just said I apologise for getting it wrong.
47:47I feel like I'm annoyed now. My answer's not going to be the truth.
47:50I just feel like I'm pissed off now.
47:52What are you pissed off for?
47:54Because I heard the question and then she's literally talking to me
47:57like I'm a piece of shit. No, I haven't.
47:59You did. She's like, I'm saying I prevent...
48:01Like, I heard the question.
48:04Watching Adam, it seems that throughout the night
48:07there's been an accumulation of lots of little digs,
48:09lots of little occasions where Polly has given him feedback
48:12to say, you're not doing it right.
48:14And this is really the accumulation of that
48:16where now I think he feels he's being picked on.
48:18I do feel like you spoke to me in a tone I've not heard before.
48:22I didn't. That was a different tone to what I've heard you say.
48:25Adam, you're overthinking that in your head.
48:27Adam. Adam.
48:29Wait, does everyone just shut up for a minute?
48:32I reworded it in a way that you'd understand.
48:35I didn't say that to you in any type of way that was shitty.
48:38I knew there was going to be shit questions anyway.
48:42Oh, fucking hell.
48:44Whatever. Ask the fucking question.
48:51How does our level of physical intimacy...
48:54It's fine, just shut up. Just everyone please just shut up.
48:57Just shut up.
49:02Come on, pal.
49:04No, it's just really fucking true.
49:06I'm glad that you thought that I asked you that in a fucking shit way
49:09and I didn't.
49:11That's just how I felt.
49:14It's all right.
49:16No, it isn't all right, though, because you've just fucking made me
49:18look like a dickhead in front of everyone else
49:20because you've taken it different.
49:22I felt like an idiot in front of everyone.
49:24We're just repeating the questions you understood now.
49:26I'd already read it myself.
49:29I will fucking leave in a minute. You need to just shut up
49:31because I need to just listen to one person.
49:35I just felt like an idiot for giving some massive explanation
49:38and then he was like, you don't know the question.
49:42I need to... Sorry.
49:44This is fucking too much, mate. Everyone's talking about shit.
49:46Polly, are you OK?
49:53I'm so sorry.
49:56I heard the question wrong, gave you an answer
49:58and you went, you dodged the question,
50:00tried to make me look stupid. I'm like, what do you mean?
50:02I didn't try to make you look stupid.
50:04And then I read it and I was like, oh, shit, I apologise, everyone.
50:06I didn't try to make you look stupid.
50:08I said, I apologise, everyone, I've read it wrong.
50:10I thought Adam's deflecting the question that I've asked him.
50:12It does give me doubts and it's made me realise
50:14that things aren't where I thought they were.
50:16I just want him to be honest and open with how he feels.
50:19I didn't try to make you look stupid.
50:21I didn't try to make you look stupid.
50:23I'm not going to lie to you and pretend it didn't upset me
50:25or, like, piss me off. It pissed me off.
50:27I've seen a side to her that I don't really like.
50:29If Polly continues to talk to me like a child,
50:31then she's not the right person for me
50:33and this marriage isn't going to work.
50:39Next time...
50:41I feel content. I feel so sure.
50:43..the strength of some marriages...
50:45I can't seem to stop falling for her, you know, yeah?
50:47There is so much love around us.
50:49It's like, I don't know, I don't know,
50:51and I just don't feel that with Kasper.
50:53..highlights the weakness of others...
50:55I've pulled back because I don't know where she's at.
50:57I feel like I've got a guard up now.
50:59I don't look into Polly's eyes and think,
51:01I really want to kiss you.
51:03Oh, my God.
51:05..and as Charlie demands answers...
51:07What did you do last night?
51:09You went into my safe space.
51:11That's not true.
51:13Oh, my God, I'm lying again. Someone, please.
51:15..Eve is in the firing line...
51:17Eve, with respect.
51:19You've lied on the couch today.