Postman Pat - Postman Pat and the Big Surprise (With Original Music)

  • avant-hier


00:00Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
00:07Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
00:12Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
00:17Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
00:23Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
00:29All the birds are singing and the day is just beginning.
00:34Pat feels he's a really happy man.
00:39Everybody knows his bright red band.
00:44All his friends will smile as he waves to greet them.
00:49Maybe you can never be sure they'll be knock.
00:55Bring letters through your door.
01:00Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
01:07All the birds are singing and the day is just beginning.
01:12Pat feels he's a really happy man.
01:17Pat feels he's a really happy man.
01:22Pat feels he's a really happy man.
01:52I could do a spot of weeding before I go to work.
02:00Pat arrives at the garden shed.
02:04I'll need a spade.
02:11He soon found what he wanted.
02:14Here we are.
02:16Just the job.
02:17This will help get rid of these blooming weeds.
02:30There was plenty to choose from.
02:34Just look at that time. Pat's going to be late with the post.
02:40Pat, you best leave those weeds now.
02:43Time's getting on. It's nearly quarter past.
02:48Hang on. I'll be there in a minute.
02:55I'll just shift this.
03:07Out you come!
03:11Ouch! Oh dear! Help!
03:17Sarah was busy and didn't hear Pat come back.
03:32Oh, my back!
03:41Are you all right, Pat?
03:44Oh, dearie me, what's happened to you?
03:51It's my back.
03:53Oh, it doesn't half hurt.
03:55I was just pulling this grass.
03:58Let me straighten you up.
04:00Ouch! Stop! It's worse like that.
04:06I think I'd better call the doctor.
04:08I can't leave you standing there all day propped up on the table.
04:15Bless me! That's just the person I need.
04:20Dr Gilbertson happened to be passing.
04:24Hello, doctor.
04:26What a piece of luck seeing you.
04:29Poor old Pat's hurt his back.
04:31Can you come in and have a look at him?
04:34Of course I can. Poor Pat.
04:38Now then, Pat, what have you been up to?
04:41Oh, hello, doctor. Only a bit of weeding.
04:45Oh, ow! It's my back.
04:50Let's have a look now.
04:52Does it hurt when I press here?
04:57Sorry about that.
04:59Yes, you've pulled more than grass.
05:02You've pulled a muscle. That's what you've done.
05:05And you need to rest it.
05:07A day in bed and you'll be as right as rain.
05:10A day in bed?
05:12That's right. And I'll send round some lotion to help ease the pain.
05:16Bye for now.
05:18Cheerio, doctor.
05:20Thank you.
05:22What about the post?
05:24I can't just stay in bed with all the letters and parcels waiting to be delivered.
05:31I know.
05:33You can take the letters.
05:36Oh, me? You're joking.
05:39Well, I suppose I could.
05:42I did work for the post office once.
05:45And I can drive.
05:47Give old Sid a ring in Pencaster.
05:50I'm sure he'll be able to fix it.
05:52There's nobody could do it better than you.
05:55You know the way round as well as I do.
05:58Well, I will.
06:01It'll make a nice change going out with the post.
06:04I'll give them a buzz right now.
06:13Oh, hello, Sid.
06:15Yes, yes, it's Sarah.
06:17I'm calling to see if I can replace Pat today.
06:21I can't stay here all day.
06:23He's got a bad back.
06:24That's fine.
06:26Yes, you too.
06:29There we are. That's all fixed up.
06:32Now, I wonder if Pat's hat will fit me.
06:37Oh, postwoman Sarah.
06:40What a laugh.
06:42I'm off, Pat.
06:43I gave the okay.
06:45Have a nice rest.
06:49Bye, Sarah.
06:51Jess wondered what was going on.
06:58She went back inside to see if Pat was still there.
07:03Mrs Goggins was busy at the post office.
07:07Here comes Pat.
07:10Morning, Mrs Goggins.
07:13Morning, Pat.
07:17Oh, it's Sarah.
07:20Where's Pat?
07:22He's hurt his back and has to stay in bed.
07:25I'm taking the post today.
07:27It's all arranged with Pencaster.
07:30Oh, that's all right then.
07:33I'm sorry to hear about Pat.
07:36There's not much post today.
07:38It's all in this bag.
07:40It'll be a bit of a change.
07:42For you, I mean.
07:44I hope it all goes well.
07:46Oh, I'm sure it will.
07:48Do you mind asking Dorothy Thompson for her carrot cake recipe?
07:53It's not something I could ask of Pat.
07:56Of course.
07:57Don't worry.
08:04Sarah's next stop was at the village church.
08:11Anybody there?
08:14Morning, Reverend.
08:17Bless me.
08:19What's happened to your voice, Pat?
08:21Oh, it isn't Pat.
08:25What a surprise.
08:28And a parcel.
08:31But where is Pat?
08:33Laid up with a bad back for the day.
08:35Oh, the poor boy.
08:37I'll pop in and give him a game of chess.
08:40That'll take his mind off it.
08:42Thanks, Reverend.
08:45Goodbye, Sarah.
09:01Sarah was on her way.
09:15At Thompson Ground, Dorothy Thompson was very busy in the kitchen.
09:20That sounds like Pat.
09:23Now I wonder if he's forgotten.
09:26It'll make a nice surprise.
09:29Morning, Pat.
09:30I just thought you...
09:32Oh, it's Sarah.
09:36Pat's in bed with a bad back.
09:39So I'm doing the post today.
09:42With a bad back?
09:44Today of all days?
09:46What's so special about today?
09:51Oh, nothing.
09:54Well, you know, I just thought...
09:58Oh, dear.
09:59Oh, I nearly forgot.
10:01Mrs Goggins asks if she can have you a carrot cake recipe.
10:06Parrot cake?
10:09I'm not sure.
10:10Just now.
10:11You see...
10:13But I can see you want to be on your way.
10:16And all that.
10:18What with all those letters to deliver.
10:20I'll not hold you up.
10:22Good luck.
10:26Oh, yes.
10:27Well, I'll be off then.
10:32What's she in such a hurry for?
10:38Folks are acting a bit peculiar.
10:40I wonder if they're always like this.
10:42I must ask Pat.
10:51Sarah was on her way.
10:56It was the last call for the day.
10:59At George Lancaster's place.
11:03He'll be looking forward to getting his farmer's weekly.
11:09But there was no sign of him.
11:12He's gone.
11:14He's gone.
11:16He's gone.
11:18He's gone.
11:20He's gone.
11:22He's gone.
11:24There's no sign of him.
11:28Anybody at home?
11:36Hello, Sarah.
11:38What a surprise.
11:41Hello, George.
11:42Here's your magazine.
11:43Pat's at home.
11:44In bed with a bad back.
11:47You're early with the post.
11:49I mean...
11:50You mustn't be too quick, must you?
11:54Do you fancy a sandwich?
11:56No, thanks.
11:57I'm fine.
11:58I must be going.
11:59Well, um...
12:00How about a look at my prize hens, then?
12:03Now, isn't this one a beauty?
12:06You can hold her if you like.
12:08No, thanks, Georgia.
12:09I really must be on my way.
12:11Nay, nay.
12:12You'll not go without a cup of tea, will you?
12:15I must see how Pat's getting on.
12:18You could take Pat some eggs.
12:22Bye, George.
12:43What a strange day it had been.
12:46She was hoping that Pat would be up and about.
12:52Hello, Jess.
12:53Have you been taking good care of Pat?
12:57Hello, Pat.
12:58I'm home.
12:59There was no answer.
13:02It's me, Sarah.
13:04There was still no reply.
13:07Oh, it's dark.
13:12Happy anniversary!
13:14Happy anniversary!
13:16Happy anniversary!
13:18Happy anniversary!
13:20Happy anniversary!
13:22Happy anniversary!
13:26And I thought Pat had forgotten.
13:30We all wanted you to have a special party as a big surprise.
13:35Have an anniversary cake.
13:38I can tell you I had a shock when I saw you coming with the post.
13:43Well, I did smell baking, but you didn't give me time to ask about it.
13:48I have one parcel that arrived late.
13:51Happy wedding anniversary.
13:53Oh, lovely.
13:56Oh, but I nearly forgot.
13:58How's your back?
14:00The ointment I gave him and the day's rest didn't wonders.
14:04Here's to Pat and Sarah.
14:10Hooray for Green Day!
14:18Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
