Postman Pat - Postman Pat Misses the Show (With Original Music)

  • avant-hier


00:00Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
00:12Early in the morning, just as day is dawning, he picks up all the postbags in his van.
00:22Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
00:29All the birds are singing and the day is just beginning.
00:34Pat feels he's a really happy man.
00:39Everybody knows his bright red van.
00:44All his friends will smile as he waves to greet them.
00:49Maybe you can never be sure they'll be knock,
00:55bring letters through your door.
01:00Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
01:07All the birds are singing and the day is just beginning.
01:12Pat feels he's a really happy man.
01:17Pat feels he's a really happy man.
01:22Pat feels he's a really happy man.
01:34There was a touch of spring in the air in Greendale.
01:38Pat was on his way.
01:42A lovely scent of blossom wafted in at his open window.
01:47He didn't see much post today, so he had time to stop.
01:53Oh, isn't it grand?
02:02Come on, Jess, stretch your paws.
02:18Well, look who's here.
02:20Morning, Miss Hubbard.
02:22Oh, morning, Pat.
02:24Just the day for a bit of painting.
02:27Pat, my canvas, quick, catch it.
02:29I'll get it.
02:32Well caught, Hedge.
02:34Quite a lively picture this'll be.
02:40Here we are, Miss Hubbard, all safe.
02:43Oh, thank you, Pat.
02:45This is a most important canvas for the Ghana Bridge Archer.
02:51The Pancaster Gazette's offering a prize, a very big prize, I believe.
02:56Just think of that.
02:58Well, I never saw that.
03:00I've been too busy sorting out letters to read the paper.
03:06Ah, here we go.
03:14Not a bad start.
03:20Well, hmm, is it?
03:24I mean, all that yellow, it fair makes you squint.
03:30Now then, Pat, what do you think of that?
03:37I think the wind's trying to paint you.
03:41Oh, no good, Pat.
03:44I'll have to go home and paint a pot of flowers on the kitchen table.
03:53Next day, Pat was out in his van again.
04:00There was a parcel for Ted.
04:03Morning, Ted.
04:06Morning, Pat.
04:08I hope you've got a parcel for me.
04:11I have, and it looks like something special.
04:15Special? I should think so.
04:19It's a thing-a-me-what's-it for this doolally gadget I'm making for the Pancaster Archer.
04:26Well, I wouldn't mind having a go, but I don't think I could make a doolally what's-it.
04:31Well, there's all sorts of things you could try.
04:35What about a spot of painting?
04:37I've got plenty of tins with a bit left in. I'd be glad to get them used up.
04:42I was watching Miss Hubbard yesterday.
04:45It looks a bit messy, especially when the wind gets up.
04:50What you want is a nice lump of clay.
04:54That sounds more my style, but where could I get such a thing as a lump of clay?
05:00I've got a tin of some special stuff.
05:03I want it for me to try out. It's like clay.
05:07I haven't got time to bother with it. You're welcome to try if you like.
05:11I'll have a go.
05:14Here you are. Plenty there. Just read the instructions.
05:19Thanks, Ted.
05:21But what's this thing you're making? What does it do?
05:25Now then, don't tell anybody, Pat.
05:29It's to be a secret until the show opens.
05:32I've never seen anything like this.
05:35It all works with the wind, you see.
05:39That's what this fan's here for.
05:50I'd better be off. I've had enough wind today to last me for a long time.
05:57Bye, Pat.
06:00What about a clay mouse chest?
06:03That might do.
06:12At Greendale Post Office...
06:16Everybody was talking.
06:19Hello there. Morning, Pat.
06:21Morning, Major.
06:22About the art show.
06:24How wonderful to have an art show in our community.
06:28Last time I did any painting, what?
06:31Painted the fence all round the barracks.
06:34Made a bit of a mess of it.
06:37When I was a girl, I was a wonder at needlework, embroidery, all that sort of thing.
06:44I can't hold a brush properly now.
06:47It's these rheumatics, you know.
06:50Oh, yes, I'm sure. I just have to sort out these letters.
06:55It was sixty years ago.
06:58When I was on for tea to the band, what should I do with this little thing?
07:02I'm all fixated on needlework.
07:05Quiet, everybody!
07:07Now, look, folks. I have these letters to sort out.
07:11And if you want any advice, you'd best go have a word with Mr. Pringle down at the school.
07:18Follow me.
07:21Mind the step!
07:24These were cushions. Cross-stitching.
07:27A bit faded by now.
07:31Hello, Mrs. Goggins.
07:34Do you know...
07:35If it's about that blessed poster and the art show, no, Pat, I don't.
07:41The whole of Greendale's all abuzz about it, and I'm tired of answering silly questions.
07:47Besides, there's a deal of posts coming, so there'll be no time for chatting.
07:52Thanks, Mrs. Goggins.
07:53Bye, Pat.
07:55I'm thinking of having a go at something. Just wait and see.
08:04It was a quiet evening for Pat.
08:06Sarah was at the W.I.
08:08Julian was doing his homework.
08:11Pat had a look at the Pencaster Gazette.
08:14Then he remembered.
08:18Now then, what shall I make?
08:23First job, get it out of the tin.
08:30What does it say? I wish Ted hadn't spilt paint on it.
08:35Keep warm and mix a small amount of water.
08:39I can't see the rest. Never mind.
08:48Oh, dear!
08:53It's... it's alive!
09:04More like glue than clay.
09:11My goodness!
09:12I'd better get a move on.
09:15Oh, dear!
09:18Get off!
09:24The next morning, Pat phoned Ted.
09:31Hello, Ted.
09:32Hey, old butt. How you doing?
09:35I had a spot of bother with that clay stuff you gave me.
09:39Took me till bedtime to clean it up.
09:43What did you make?
09:45A mess, that's what I made, Ted. Nothing else.
09:49You should have heard what Sarah said when she came home.
09:54You'll have to follow the instructions, Pat.
09:57I'll see if I can get a leaflet about it.
10:00I know I've got one somewhere.
10:05Pat just had to have another try.
10:12It's beginning to look like...
10:16...something familiar.
10:22Ah! Jess was getting fidgety.
10:28At last, the day of the art show came.
10:37On the way to George Lancaster's, Pat's van was making some very peculiar noises.
10:46George heard the noise and came to have a look.
10:50Morning, George.
10:51What's wrong, Pat?
10:53Oh, I don't know. She just conked out.
10:56Let's have a look. I know a thing or two about motors.
11:02Sam Waldron arrived.
11:07Hi, Sam.
11:10Hello, Pat.
11:11Anything wrong?
11:12The main manifold to the exhaust.
11:16I suppose it'll do.
11:18This distributor looks icky.
11:20Hey, Pat.
11:21These plugs are mucky.
11:24Let's have a shupty.
11:27There's nothing wrong with the van, Pat.
11:30It's just that it won't run on fresh air.
11:34You're out of petrol.
11:36Oh, what a shame.
11:39You're out of petrol.
11:41Oh, what a noodle I am.
11:44And I'll miss the art show.
11:46They're picking the winner this afternoon.
11:51Here you are.
11:52I can spare you a drop.
11:55Enough to get you down to the village anyway.
11:58Thanks, Sam.
12:05Cheerio. Bye.
12:09The van went much better with petrol in it.
12:14But not for long.
12:17Oh, dear.
12:19Oh, no.
12:31Come on, Jess.
12:32We'll have to walk the rest of the way.
12:39Pat was out of puff when he got to the school.
12:42There was no sign of the judge.
12:45Hello, everybody.
12:46Hello, Pat.
12:47Hello, Pat.
12:48Am I too late?
12:49Ah, hello, Pat.
12:50Ah, there's Sarah.
12:54Pat, over here.
12:57She was looking after Pat's model of Jess.
13:00Someone had stuck a notice on it.
13:03Hello, Sarah.
13:05What's this?
13:06Special award.
13:08Greendale Prize.
13:11It's a special prize, Pat.
13:13Something about your model serving the show.
13:18I didn't think my model was...
13:20Hang on.
13:21There's something missing.
13:23His tail.
13:24His tail's missing.
13:27I gave him a nice bushy tail.
13:29Erm, but...
13:30Hello, Ted.
13:31Could you spare a minute?
13:33Is there a flood?
13:34There was a leak.
13:35Erm, you see that pipe?
13:38That's a nice lump of clay
13:41wrapped round the pipe.
13:43That's Jesse's tail.
13:45The cold water makes the clay go hard,
13:47so it's just the thing to stop a leak.
13:50Without that, we would have had to close the show down.
13:54I think Jess deserves first prize.
13:57After all, he did help to stop a flood.
14:00He's a first prize cat, is our Jess.
14:03He's a first prize cat, is our Jess.
14:33Subtitling TITRAFILM
