I Love a Mama's Boy Season 4 Episode 3 - The Prince Has Arrived - Part 2/3

  • 2 days ago




00:00It still smells like baby change.
00:07My friends are like, what's going on?
00:09And I'm like, that's just my mom.
00:14This is my mom.
00:15Oh, that's your mom!
00:17I just stopped in for a drink.
00:21I would not bring my mom to a first date.
00:24Like, that's kind of a deal breaker for me.
00:31We want it to be tidy for when Chase gets here.
00:34Chase is coming!
00:43Come on, Trim Trim.
00:44My name is Lori, and this is Trim Trim.
00:47And I'm the owner of Trim Trim.
00:49Trim Trim.
00:50Trim Trim.
00:51Trim Trim.
00:52Trim Trim.
00:53Trim Trim.
00:54Trim Trim.
00:55Trim Trim.
00:56Trim Trim.
00:57Trim Trim.
00:58Trim Trim.
00:59My name is Lori, and this is my son, Chase.
01:02This is my pookie bear, and I love him.
01:07All righty.
01:08Get this out of the way.
01:10Whenever Chase comes to town, I want everything to be perfect.
01:14I get the royal treatment.
01:15She rolls out the red carpet for me when I come home.
01:18The prince has arrived.
01:21You gonna go look for Chase?
01:23He's coming to see you.
01:26Hey, Mom.
01:27Oh, my goodness, he's here!
01:28Hey, buddy.
01:29Come here.
01:31I'm so glad to see you.
01:34I love you.
01:35Chase grew up here in Thomaston, Georgia, and now he has his career in Tennessee.
01:41I'm in construction sales, and I travel for work, so I'm always on the road.
01:45I love it when he comes to visit.
01:47I get really excited and make sure my house is just to a tee.
01:51Look what I've got.
01:53A little fresh out of the oven.
01:55Ooh, banana bread?
01:57Banana bread!
01:59Every time I go home, I tend to gain, like, 10 pounds,
02:02and I gotta work it off for, like, the next three weeks.
02:04I show love through acts of service.
02:07What do you think?
02:08Ooh, that looks good.
02:09I prepare ahead of time.
02:11He loves banana bread and country fried steaks, sweet potato souffle.
02:17I go into full throttle with this one right here.
02:22Buddy, I have your laundry.
02:25You know I love doing this kind of thing for you.
02:28I'm so glad you're home.
02:30My mom's so fun to hang out with.
02:32We go on vacations and stuff together, and it's easy.
02:36One of the reasons I come on the weekend is because we love going out to bars together and letting loose.
02:43So, we do get this a lot.
02:45Whenever we're out dancing or just hanging out, people think we're a couple.
02:51It's a little bizarre, but people don't think of us as being another son.
02:59I like doing things with my mom.
03:00If she wants me to go to the spa, whatever, I'll go.
03:03I just like spending time.
03:05Oh, goodness gracious.
03:07Okay, yeah.
03:09You really don't even need that, Mom.
03:11You're beautiful as is.
03:13Is that not precious?
03:16That's why everybody needs a sweet son.
03:21I don't think it's weird to have a close-knit relationship with your mom.
03:25I think that's actually what you should aim for.
03:30I don't think I can say that.
03:32I don't think it works that fast.
03:34Thank you, and I love you.
03:35I love you, too.
03:43Honey, what are you doing?
03:45Just hanging out in the old room.
03:47We got London in here.
03:49I love going to Chase's bedroom sometimes.
03:52It's my peaceful spot,
03:54and it just allows me to reflect on just warm, sweet memories.
04:00Chase is my only child,
04:02so I wanted to make sure I gave him all the time I could give him.
04:08I grew up in a kind of rural area,
04:10so she would get out there and, like, throw the football with me for hours,
04:13or riding four-wheelers, or playing in the pool.
04:19It still smells like baby Chase.
04:27Oh, my goodness.
04:28What are y'all doing in here?
04:29Oh, we're just rummaging.
04:31She's just going down memory lane.
04:33My name is Tosh, and I'm Chase's fiance.
04:36We met in college at Ole Miss at one of the bars I worked at.
04:40I knew she was something special then.
04:42I remember at the end of the night, he asked if he could kiss me.
04:46I laid one on her.
04:48She was hooked ever since.
04:50Tosh and I immediately hit it off,
04:53and I think she will make a great partner for Chase.
04:59Oh, this is what they gave us when we were in the hospital.
05:03God, you really saved everything.
05:05I did.
05:06Like Kleenexes and everything.
05:08Did you save his hair?
05:09I did.
05:10That's so weird.
05:11That's the weirdest one.
05:12I saved his navel cord.
05:17I couldn't throw it away,
05:18so I have it, like, in a little bag in his baby book.
05:22The first thing I noticed of just how close they were
05:25was just, like, how a part of, like, our partying that she wanted to be.
05:29Like a parents' weekend when all the parents come in,
05:32Mom would have the other mothers up dancing on the tables.
05:36My friends are like, what's going on?
05:38And I'm like, that's just my mom.
05:41What happens to the Chase Museum when you move?
05:43I'm going to transport it.
05:45We're going to have the Chase Room.
05:47A Chase Mausoleum.
05:49Is there a problem with that?
05:50Scott's going to be okay with that.
05:55Chase and I have been engaged for a little over a year now.
05:58And Scott and I have been engaged for six months.
06:00That means we're both brides.
06:02I know.
06:04Are you going to do a more updated photo for our nightstand?
06:10Once we're all married, nothing's really going to change.
06:13It's just going to get better.
06:16Oh, God.
06:21I know that with marrying Chase comes Lori,
06:24and that she's always going to be a big part of our lives,
06:26but I need her to know that at the end of the day
06:28that I'm going to have to come first.
06:31It's going to be a hard adjustment.
06:33Josh can be the princess, but I'm the queen.
06:59Good morning, honey.
07:00How are thou?
07:01Come here.
07:04I'm so excited.
07:05Oh, my God.
07:06You're here.
07:09Christmas is right around the corner,
07:11and I'll be hosting the boys in Michigan for Christmas this year.
07:15Are you hungry?
07:17I'm going to make you some light apples.
07:19All right, sweetheart.
07:20Let me get this for you.
07:22What do you want to do later on?
07:24I'll pick Chris out.
07:26Chris gets in this afternoon.
07:29How is he doing?
07:30He's good.
07:35So my mom and Chris haven't spoken in a year,
07:37but with Chris not having his family around
07:40and the holidays are hard for him,
07:42I did want him to be a part of a family he's familiar with.
07:46Nobody should be alone at Christmas.
07:50But it's just sometimes we just don't get along.
07:55Until, yeah.
07:56It's intense.
07:57So that makes it more.
08:05Chris is arriving in a little bit,
08:07so I'm going to go pick him up from the airport,
08:09bring him back here.
08:15I am feeling very anxious,
08:18a little nervous on how things are going to pan out
08:20just from the last experience that we had
08:22and the blow-up that my mom and him had.
08:26Obviously, whoever I'm with or whoever I'm dating,
08:29I want to have a good relationship with my mom.
08:31So if there's any hope of Chris and I working things out
08:36and getting back together,
08:37him and my mom need to seriously get it together.
08:40Otherwise, it's just not going to work.
08:53How are you?
08:54I'm good.
08:56It's really good to be this excited
08:58because I kind of feel like there's something
09:00that could still be there.
09:01So it's a good feeling.
09:05So how was your flight?
09:07It was super long.
09:09So I'm heading to the Shirlene's house
09:11for the first time in almost two years.
09:14I'm hoping that with the conversation
09:16that me and Shirlene have,
09:17that it will allow us to build a better relationship
09:21because of me and Austin.
09:22And hopefully, if we do decide to get back together,
09:25that me and Shirlene have a good relationship
09:27because it's important that we do.
09:29I just want her to just, like, address the issue
09:32so that way I can understand that she understands
09:35my perspective, right?
09:36But I think you also need to understand
09:38her perspective as well.
09:39Oh, well, I'm open to receiving her perspective.
09:43The anticipation is absolutely killing me.
09:45I'm super, super nervous, but I'm excited.
09:49I'm excited.
09:50And if I know Shirlene still,
09:52then I know that it'll be nothing but love
09:55and we'll get through it.
10:02Okay, yes, let's go.
10:04Holy f***ing cow.
10:06Here we go.
10:21So Shahid, how are things with Nyla?
10:23Actually, yeah, we've been doing pretty well.
10:26You know, she started her new job.
10:28She works at the daycare now.
10:30Like a real job?
10:31Like, she gets paid every two weeks' job, yeah.
10:35Is she done stripping or...?
10:40She never did that, Mom.
10:45What kind of teacher dresses like a sexy turkey?
10:50With her boobies all out?
10:53Well, actually, I'm a bit toasty now.
10:55Oh, Lord Jesus.
10:59What kind of kids is she teaching?
11:04Nyla and I think that it's important
11:06to move on to the next phase of our relationship.
11:10What's that even mean?
11:13We'll be getting a place together.
11:19I mean, I live at home.
11:21Nyla lives at home.
11:23I have to drive an hour to an hour and a half
11:25just to go see my girlfriend.
11:27You don't have to go see her.
11:33You choose to.
11:35You're making bad decisions.
11:40Mom, I'm trying to talk to you.
11:44And I'm listening, baby.
11:47I tried to get him to move out with me.
11:49I wanted him as my roommate so I would split rent.
11:52That's literally it.
11:56Shahid should be saving his money right now.
11:59But if it was not for me putting a hold
12:02on Shahid's accounts from time to time,
12:05he'd have no money saved up.
12:08Like, I have to move money out of his account
12:11so that he cannot spend it on her.
12:13You move in with Nyla, she's going to expect you
12:15to pay for the whole apartment yourself.
12:18Baby, think about it.
12:25I mean, I don't plan on moving out today.
12:28I don't plan on moving out tomorrow.
12:30It's just something that me and Nyla
12:33have been talking about for a while now.
12:36And we definitely wanted to get the ball rolling on it.
12:40Nyla and I have been doing the long-distance relationship thing
12:42for a while now.
12:43I mean, she's like an hour and a half away from me.
12:45So, I mean, Nyla's worth moving out of my mom's basement for.
12:50Your approval would mean the world to me.
12:56I mean, at the end of the day, that's all I really want,
12:58is just my mom to say, this is okay.
13:08I absolutely do not approve.
13:12I really wish you did.
13:15I need that. I really, I need that approval.
13:18You still haven't said, how are you guys splitting rent?
13:28I don't know. Let's think about it.
13:31I don't really want to talk about it right now.
13:34This is rough. It's really rough.
13:37And I'm in the middle.
13:40And I don't know what to do.
13:43I'm telling you, this girl.
13:45I don't know what she's like.
13:46I don't know what she's done to this boy.
13:50You know, those are the shoes I wore on my wedding.
13:53Oh, my God.
13:54Actually, now that I'm looking at it, there's rhinestones missing.
13:57No, she waits until everybody's here and embarrasses me.
14:10Did you have fun last night?
14:12Yeah, I did.
14:14It was a good time.
14:15I went to bed all right.
14:17So, today's the day after my mom's party.
14:20It was a perfect event.
14:23It was just great. It really was.
14:25Are you going to cut the bacon or are you going to cook it whole?
14:27I'm going to cook it whole.
14:29You're going to put paper towels down?
14:31Jesus, Janelle.
14:33I set up a morning after party.
14:35We have my Uncle Jim, my grandfather,
14:38Alex and Richie, really some of the closest people in my mom's life.
14:42I was so surprised.
14:44And the fact that you did all that and you went through this much trouble.
14:47And the girls, too, Janelle.
14:49No, did you have a blast last night?
14:51We might argue, but I love you.
14:53We do have one more surprise for you.
14:57A little gift.
14:58Are you serious?
14:59Just a little something.
15:00I went out of my way to make sure my mom's party was great.
15:03And then she had a nice gift the day after.
15:05I can't believe this.
15:07I had a surprise enough last night.
15:09Listen, I wanted to do something very special for you.
15:12And this was all my idea.
15:14It's something you've always dreamed of.
15:17You're not going to give me credit?
15:19I'll give Jay a little credit.
15:21Oh, my God.
15:22Oh, my God.
15:25I'm so nervous.
15:29Oh, my God.
15:31Are you kidding me?
15:33Oh, my God.
15:34Thank you so much.
15:38This is amazing.
15:39I've always wanted a Louis bag, and now I got my Louis bag.
15:45This is amazing.
15:47Guess who doesn't have one?
15:49You two.
15:52Tina is constantly doing things to get a reaction out of me and Janelle.
15:55And loves to kind of look at me and Janelle and say, like, oh, look at me.
15:59Like, I'm more important than you guys.
16:02I'm joking.
16:03I'm sorry.
16:04That was mean.
16:05I'm going to, you know, respect that it's her birthday,
16:07and Josh is going to do stuff for her.
16:09But I am about to boil over.
16:11I know Josh is spending a lot of money, and Tina makes him feel guilty
16:16and makes it so that he does this stuff for her
16:19when he doesn't have to do it at all.
16:23That's the one I wanted.
16:25I know.
16:26That's the one?
16:30What's going on?
16:33About a month before Tina's surprise birthday party, I showed Josh a picture.
16:38I was like, this is the bag I want.
16:40And he knew that.
16:42So it was very shocking when Tina opened her present,
16:47and it was the same exact bag that I wanted.
16:51I didn't realize that.
16:53I thought you helped him pick it out.
16:56No, I didn't.
17:01So you're Mrs. McAloon now.
17:03Oh, I didn't know you were Mrs. McAloon.
17:05I didn't either.
17:08I didn't know it was your mug.
17:10I'm sorry now.
17:11All the mugs you could take, you take Mrs.
17:13I didn't do it, honestly.
17:15I think it's because you want to be Mrs. McAloon.
17:17Listen, I was Mrs. McAloon before you even thought of being Mrs. McAloon.
17:21I'm saying Mrs. McAloon with your son.
17:23Oh, are you kidding me?
17:25No, it was an afterthought.
17:26I didn't even think of it.
17:28Because I know how you get affected by little things like that.
17:31That's what I mean, just help yourself to myself all the time.
17:35She was wearing my shoes, too.
17:37I did.
17:38How often do you sneak into Janelle's closet?
17:41A couple times a week.
17:44And your shoes were comfortable, by the way.
17:47But when I got out of the truck last night, I stepped in the mud,
17:51and I may have ruined your shoes.
17:53Oh, my goodness.
17:55You know those are the shoes I wore on my wedding.
17:58Oh, my God.
17:59Don't even say that, Janelle.
18:01I'm serious.
18:02They really were.
18:03Are you kidding me?
18:04No, I'm not kidding.
18:05Oh, my God.
18:06And I ruined your wedding shoes.
18:08Janelle, how was I to know?
18:11It was a surprise.
18:13I had no idea.
18:14Okay, but, like, why do you even have to go in my closet?
18:17You have your own stuff.
18:18I couldn't find any shoes that matched my dress.
18:20Come on.
18:22They're clearly wedding shoes.
18:23And I almost didn't wear them because when I was walking,
18:26the little beads got stuck on my dress and almost ripped it.
18:30But then I said, they look so good.
18:33So then I wore them.
18:34But I did not know they were your wedding shoes.
18:38Where did you put the shoes that are so precious?
18:40Here, I'll go get them.
18:44I just think there's a lot of boundaries that are being crossed here.
18:50She waits until everybody's here and embarrasses me.
18:54Look, Josh is not even here.
18:56Yeah, where did Josh go?
18:57He's upstairs.
18:59Here are the shoes.
19:02Oh, the shoe.
19:03Oh, the shoes.
19:05Oh, shoot.
19:07It's a little mud on the shoe.
19:10Look at the heel.
19:11Look at the heel.
19:12Ripped, dirty.
19:14Actually, now that I'm looking at it, there's rhinestones missing.
19:17You know what?
19:18Take your shoes upstairs.
19:19We're done with the shoes.
19:23Just stop wearing my stuff.
19:24I won't wear them again.
19:25That's it.
19:26That's all I want is you not to wear my stuff.
