I Love a Mama's Boy Season 4, Episode 4 - I Don't F, I Poot! - Part 2

  • 2 days ago




00:00♪ Everyone's wondering who could it be? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Too much, never enough.
00:13You ready to start trying on some dresses?
00:15Yeah, let's do it.
00:16Okay, let's start with this one right here.
00:18So big, so big.
00:20We're going big.
00:21Wedding dress shopping is traditional.
00:23It's usually just between you and your mom or maybe your best friends or your sister, just like a small group.
00:28And it's kind of hard to say no to Lori when it comes to anything.
00:31So I wasn't upset that she wanted to tag along.
00:34But my mom, however, was a little – she was a little annoyed.
00:37All right, we ready?
00:39I'm ready.
00:40We're ready.
00:41Oh, wow.
00:45Do you love it?
00:46I do.
00:48Isn't she stunning?
00:49Like, look at that silhouette on her.
00:51It's pretty, right?
00:52It's beautiful.
00:53Oh, my gosh.
00:54It's kind of like old and new.
00:56Like, it's princess, queen vibes, but a little modern, too.
01:00Check out the train on this one.
01:02Now, this is an entrance.
01:04The train is crazy.
01:06I don't know.
01:07Is it you?
01:08Do you think?
01:09I'm not, like, 100% on it, I think.
01:12Yeah, I mean, it's really a fun dress.
01:14But is it the one?
01:18I think Chase would actually love this dress because even though it's more ornate at the top.
01:24Yeah, but it's more simple on the bottom.
01:27But yet it's absolutely stunning.
01:30She has in her mind what she wants.
01:32And I'm just here to, you know, direct along the way.
01:37And hopefully what Chase's expectations are will be part of the equation for her.
01:43That's mom's vote anyway.
01:46Not the one, though.
01:50Lori is almost acting as if she's the voice of Chase.
01:55As if I really take fashion advice from Chase, or any man for that matter.
02:00This is the Carrie dress.
02:02Are you ladies ready for this?
02:03I'm ready.
02:04I'm glad you gave us the heads up.
02:07Oh, my goodness.
02:09Isn't it cool?
02:13I love that one.
02:14I love it, too.
02:15It's got some golden hues to it.
02:17It's so much better for your skin tone.
02:19Gosh, it looks good.
02:20I wouldn't have really picked the strapless.
02:24Lori just shows up, and she kind of just lives in her own world at times.
02:29I just really, like, lean into the strapless, to be honest.
02:32I know.
02:33I just really don't want her to step on my toes today.
02:36Are you guys doing, like, a first look?
02:38So that's, like, the big debate because we really don't want to miss our cocktail party at all.
02:42So I think we probably will do a first look.
02:45Scott's not going to see me any the day of the wedding.
02:48You're getting married?
02:49I am getting married.
02:50Could you imagine?
02:52So Lori is getting married soon, a lot sooner than I am.
02:55Her wedding's coming up, and she's getting really swept up in the wedding planning herself,
02:59and it's kind of overshadowing my day.
03:02Do you have a dress already?
03:04Not yet.
03:05So you ready to try some on today?
03:07Well, I don't want to rain on anybody's parade, but, yeah.
03:11This is my big moment.
03:13I'm getting married and only getting married once, and Lori's already had her wedding.
03:17Bye, Carrie.
03:18So as much as she wants to steal the spotlight, she needs to just take a backseat for this.
03:25Oh, my.
03:27My, my.
03:28How beautiful.
03:30What do you think?
03:31You know what?
03:32I will say that's a little too simple.
03:36It's not enough for it.
03:38Chase would not think it's enough.
03:42What are we thinking?
03:43What are we feeling?
03:44I love all three of those dresses I tried on.
03:46They're so pretty.
03:47I think I need some time, but I feel like we have some good options.
03:50It's a huge decision.
03:51I get it.
03:53I did not pick a dress, and it's because I just didn't find the one.
03:57I'm very particular about the dresses that I like, the styles that I like,
04:01and I feel like it's kind of like the right man.
04:03Like, you just have to know when it's right, and I felt like it wasn't right.
04:06Is it your turn now?
04:10Cash, do you mind?
04:12Do what you need to do, I guess.
04:17Today, I was okay with her coming.
04:19Okay is the right word.
04:21But what happens?
04:22She gets swept up in the moment?
04:24She wants to try on a dress for herself?
04:26I won't be long.
04:27I just want to take a look.
04:29And that didn't fly well.
04:32It's beautiful.
04:34I am channeling Chase's likes as I'm looking through the dresses.
04:38I think this one's gorgeous.
04:40Chase likes for me to do a little more conservative look that would be mama appropriate.
04:46Well, why don't you follow me?
04:48He's not going to want a sexy look, for sure.
04:51I found one!
04:53Oh, no, she's not kidding.
04:55Uh, really?
04:57Imagine that!
04:59You've got to be kidding me.
05:07Pretty close, right?
05:10Oh, s***.
05:19All right.
05:20Let's go.
05:26You got it?
05:28Here we go.
05:32The anticipation is absolutely killing me.
05:35I'm super, super nervous.
05:39Let's go.
05:40And as I'm walking into the house, like, my heart is just pounding.
05:43My hands are, like, shaking.
05:44I feel like I'm about to f*** myself, like, as I'm walking to the front door.
05:50And I'm just like, holy f***ing cow.
05:53Here we go.
05:57Hello, hello!
05:59Oh, my God!
06:00We are here!
06:01Look at you.
06:02Oh, my God.
06:04Welcome home.
06:05Welcome back.
06:07I'm going to cry.
06:08Oh, wow.
06:10I love you.
06:11I love you, too.
06:12I'm so glad you came, sweetheart.
06:14It's good to be here.
06:15Oh, my God.
06:17Watching them hug, it was, like, coming out all over again.
06:20It was, like, the way it's been lifted, and it was just like, thank God.
06:24You still smell good.
06:26Oh, she's trying.
06:28I put it on just for you.
06:29You are like a son to me.
06:31I want you to know this.
06:32I want you to know this.
06:37The nervousness that I had immediately dissipated as soon as I walked in the room and I saw her face.
06:42And she smiled at me, and I saw the heartfelt, like, tears in her eyes.
06:48It just made me realize that I'm here for a reason, and this is exactly where I need to be.
06:54I think we've both grown a lot since then, right?
06:58You know?
06:59I know.
07:00You've always been a savior to me, and I've always appreciated the love that you've shown me.
07:02And, you know, even through all of that, I'm still here, and your heart's still open for me.
07:06And, you know, I appreciate that.
07:07I love you for that.
07:09Chris, when he came in the door, his heart was open.
07:11I could feel it.
07:12I'm happy he's here, but it is a little nerve-wracking.
07:15I can tell you that.
07:18I do feel like we should have had a conversation.
07:21We just never talked about it.
07:22I know.
07:23I mean, okay, my perspective on it.
07:24Yeah, let's hear yours.
07:26I feel like my aggression was an accumulation of how I was feeling.
07:33And I was, like, in a bad—not even a bad place, but I just was in a different—
07:37Oh, you had a lot going on.
07:39Your dad died, your brother.
07:40I mean, there was a lot going on.
07:41I didn't really have anything holding me back from just letting go and just kind of being, like, a super emotional wreck.
07:49And I feel like that's just what you got from me.
07:51But, you know, we're going to get into spats.
07:53We're not going to always agree.
07:55And I feel like that's, like, real family.
07:58I don't know where Chris and Austin will go with this.
08:02Austin wanted him here.
08:03If Austin wanted him here, I wanted him here.
08:05Okay, so grab your cookie.
08:08But it doesn't mean I want Austin and Chris back together.
08:13We'll never do that again.
08:17That will never happen.
08:18What do you think?
08:20Good job, Mom.
08:21You don't like him?
08:22They're a little hard.
08:24I love him.
08:25They're good.
08:26They're good.
08:27I'm kidding.
08:28You like him?
08:31Nyla, if you truly cared about my son, you would take better care of him.
08:36She controls your entire life.
08:39Obviously, I don't control him, because if I did, he wouldn't be in this relationship.
08:45So, I guess you're going next.
08:48All right.
08:49Ready to turn on your dress?
08:51I am.
08:52She's going to want her time in the limelight.
08:54Every time.
09:12We're going to get you down to the dentist.
09:14I'm really hoping it's not a cavity.
09:17Oh, it's definitely a cavity.
09:19I smelled it.
09:20Because somebody has been giving you candy.
09:25I'm sorry, but Shahid is a grown man.
09:28If you truly cared about my son, you would take better care of him.
09:33Oh, my God.
09:35Ideally, you know, Shahid would be more self-sufficient, you know?
09:39I would love for him to have noticed that he had a cavity, and he just took the initiative on his own.
09:45To just be like, oh, dang, I need to go to the dentist.
09:48I need to make an appointment.
09:49That's literally what my mom is for.
09:51That's my mom.
09:52Because she controls your entire life.
09:55Obviously, I don't control him, because if I did, he wouldn't be in this relationship.
10:10Madeline, did you fart?
10:13I know that wasn't my mom.
10:15I didn't fart.
10:16Oh, baby, is that your cavity?
10:19Oh, too soon.
10:21No, Madeline, it's not my cavity.
10:22I just smelled something.
10:23Come here, let me smell you.
10:24It smelled like a fart.
10:25Come here, come here.
10:27Oh, no.
10:29That's a different smell, then.
10:32Madeline, are you sure?
10:34I don't fart in front of others.
10:39First of all, I don't fart, I pooped.
10:42Poop sounds way worse than fart.
10:45It's like you pooped.
10:49How do you know it wasn't her?
10:51I know what my mom's fart smell like.
10:52I didn't own up to doing it.
10:53If I did it, I would say it, but I'm in the backseat, minding my business.
10:57Just nothing loose.
10:58Farting in the car.
10:59Just stinking it up.
11:01Just stank, stank, stank.
11:03The whole ride.
11:05Like they're just blowing it out.
11:17Oh, I love your sweater.
11:19Super cute.
11:21We are VIPs at Dr. Nick's office.
11:24We've been going to him for about 14-something years now.
11:29Come on, Mom.
11:30Bring his coat.
11:31I go, and my mom's other kids go to him, too, so it's kind of like a family thing.
11:35You're brother and sister, not other kids.
11:37They weren't planned, though. I was planned.
11:46Oh, I know they have, like, waters and juices and, like, coffee up front, too, if you get thirsty.
11:49Okay, perfect. I'll be here when you're done.
11:51Just wait here.
11:53Go back.
11:57I'm sitting here at the dentist, and Shahid has a rotten, decaying tooth.
12:03Him and Ms. D are holding hands. They're matching.
12:06It was all too much for me when I thought I was going to be at a winery.
12:11I'm like, how did we end up here?
12:13It's okay.
12:15Mom, can you just tell him that I've been flossing and brushing my teeth?
12:18And stop telling him that I've been eating candy.
12:20Hey, Dr. Nick.
12:21Look who's here.
12:22I know.
12:23How are you?
12:24Oh, my God. You doing okay, buddy?
12:25What's going on?
12:26He's eating candy again.
12:29Candy, candy, candy.
12:31My day of candy may consist of, like, a couple fruit roll-ups in the morning,
12:37and then eat some candy on the way to work.
12:40And then, like, when I get home from work and I take a shower and I'm in my bed,
12:44like, I need a few pieces of candy to go to sleep.
12:50All right, let me take a look and see what's going on first.
12:53D and Shahid seem to be very close.
12:55They seem to be very attached.
12:57And it's good to have a really nice relationship with your mom,
13:00and there shouldn't be, definitely, separation or distance.
13:03I think, you know, it should be better for him to become a more independent man.
13:10You got a cavity, buddy.
13:12I had to walk.
13:14I'm right here.
13:15I'm right here.
13:16Mom's right here.
13:17Don't worry.
13:18You're going to be fine.
13:19I can't do the cavity today.
13:21I found one.
13:23Oh, no.
13:24She's not kidding.
13:25She found one.
13:26Just one.
13:27Imagine that.
13:28I'm shopping for a wedding dress with my mom today,
13:31and I didn't really find the one, but Lori has decided to find her dress.
13:34Are you kidding me?
13:36You seriously?
13:38She's always overshadowing in some way, shape, or form.
13:42Look, I'm beautiful.
13:43Look, I'm beautiful.
13:44Look, I'm beautiful.
13:45Look, I'm beautiful.
13:46Look, I'm beautiful.
13:47way, shape, or form.
13:48Look, I'm beautiful.
13:49Look, I'm beautiful.
13:50Move over, princess.
13:51Look, I'm beautiful.
13:52Move over.
13:53And it's not the big, it's a totally different style.
13:55Lori will have her own wedding, Lori will have her own dress,
13:58Lori will have her own perfect set-up, but today is not her day.
14:02Today is Natasha's day.
14:04So, I guess you're going next.
14:07All right, you ready to turn on your dress?
14:10I am.
14:11And we're going to make this fast.
14:12I'm not going to take up a lot of time, I promise.
14:14No worries.
14:15Oh, stop.
14:16Oh, stop.
14:17I'll be back.
14:18Stop already.
14:19What's with this false modesty?
14:20It's got to stop.
14:21Need a refill?
14:22Not yet.
14:24It's a long day.
14:25So, we have a few other things to do.
14:27I know.
14:28I'm starving.
14:29I hope she makes this quick.
14:34She's going to want her time in the limelight.
14:36Every time.
14:40I was surprised that she actually took it there to try on the dress,
14:44but at the same time, it's Lori.
14:45Like, nothing shocks me anymore.
14:48I'm ready.
14:59You look amazing.
15:00I'm not going to lie.
15:01It is beautiful, Lori.
15:03I love it.
15:04I love it.
15:05It feels like you, truthfully.
15:06And this is a little bow.
15:08I mean, it's got the little ribbon.
15:09It's like the perfect mix of your personality.
15:12It has a romanticism to it, too.
15:14Yeah, it does.
15:16That's you.
15:17That's beautiful.
15:18What would Chase say?
15:19I believe Chase would absolutely love this one.
15:23Did you find your dress?
15:25I think I did.
15:26Are you saying yes to the dress?
15:28I'm saying yes to the dress.
15:30I found a dress myself.
15:33I tried it on, and it was perfect.
15:37Of course.
15:38Thank you so much.
15:39Lori said that she didn't want to rain on my parade,
15:41but of course she walks in.
15:42She sees a dress that she locks eyes with,
15:45and of course fits her like a glove.
15:47All right.
15:48All right.
15:49Okay, I'll get dressed now.
15:50We'll take your measurements.
15:51I am about to marry into this family,
15:53and I know Lori's a part of the package,
15:54but I hope that once all the wedding craziness is over,
15:57that it's not just her inserting herself into our lives.
16:01It's a new time.
16:02I didn't say yes.
16:03You said yes.
16:04Well, you were part of...
