• 2 days ago


00:00He stays home.
00:02Today, me and Nala did plan on going to the winery,
00:05but before leaving, my tooth started, like, acting up.
00:09I asked her for candy, and she just gives it to me.
00:12She's an enabler.
00:13You don't approve of your girlfriend, huh?
00:15No, I do not.
00:17I can hear everything you're saying.
00:21Does she think that I care?
00:23I don't care.
00:33I don't like the boots. I mean, I hate them.
00:36Guys, this is why I don't go on dates.
00:43You okay?
00:44No, I'm not going.
00:47Because I can't find boots.
00:49I can't find shoes that look good.
00:51My mom is going on a date with her ex-boyfriend, Ed.
00:54And it's a great thing,
00:56because she hasn't been on a date in about a decade.
00:59Get out.
01:00Do you want to wear my boots?
01:02I don't know. Let me see what they look like.
01:06You can wear whatever you want of mine.
01:08I love it.
01:09Oh, my God.
01:10If Tina was out and dating,
01:12I would let her just have my whole wardrobe
01:16to just go out and date.
01:18I got to go downstairs and see if I can find a pair.
01:20They look awful.
01:21Mom, they look fine.
01:22Getting out there and dating again
01:24not only will benefit her,
01:26but will benefit our relationship as well.
01:30Come on, you're, like, really crushing our timing right now.
01:33What time is it?
01:34It's 5.15.
01:35All right, we got a half-hour.
01:37Josh, it's five minutes to get there.
01:39Mom, just wear sneakers with it, then.
01:41No, I wear sneakers.
01:45So this is kind of typical of my mom when she's...
01:48This is kind of the reason why she can't go on dates,
01:50because she gets very, very insecure in situations like this.
01:53And when it gets closer to the event,
01:56she starts to, like, unravel.
01:58Like, nerves of actually going out and meeting somebody,
02:01kind of something that's held her back for a long time.
02:04You like these better?
02:05They do?
02:07You guys will say anything.
02:08They get a camera shot.
02:10Mine must look better than...
02:12Yeah, it matches.
02:13It looks good.
02:14I'm serious, it looks good.
02:16These better?
02:18All right.
02:19Dude, that looks pretty.
02:20Whether this is an opening door to, like, getting back out there and...
02:26I want her to have someone special in her life.
02:28That would be good for her.
02:29It would.
02:30And you're going to have a fun night tonight.
02:32Okay, let's go.
02:33I got to get a sweater or something.
02:34I know you're mad right now, but it's like, you know, come on.
02:36Excuse me.
02:37How would all of your lives be different if Tina were dating someone?
02:41I mean, our life would be extremely different.
02:44It would improve drastically.
02:47She wouldn't rely on them so much for everything.
02:50Where is my red coat, guys?
02:52Come on, let's go.
02:53I need my jacket, Lee.
02:54Does the jacket matter, Mom?
02:56I need a coat, Jay.
02:58If Tina was happy in her personal life, she wouldn't be as hard on me and Lisa.
03:03It would actually probably be a breath of fresh air.
03:06You got your bag right here.
03:08You got, you're ready to go.
03:10Bye, guys.
03:12Don't mess this up.
03:15All right.
03:17She's out.
03:18She's gone.
03:19She did it.
03:20It's a little cold out tonight.
03:21It's freezing.
03:22I'm ready.
03:23Can't wait to see Ed.
03:24The rekindling has begun.
03:26Oh, God.
03:34You guys, we got to get going.
03:36Chop, chop.
03:37Come on.
03:39Chris, I got your hot toddy here.
03:43Thank you so much.
03:45Things are going really well.
03:46Chris and my mom hashed things out.
03:49I feel like a weight has been completely lifted off my shoulders,
03:52so I feel like definitely the Christmas holiday spirit has definitely taken over.
03:56I love your red boots.
03:58Oh, thank you.
03:59Things are going so well with Chris and my mom that Chris and I are kind of opening back up.
04:05Last night, we got a little snuggle, a little cozy again, so it was nice.
04:09The question is, when's the last time everybody's been ice skating?
04:12Well, you guys ice skated all the time at Rolling Hills.
04:15Yeah, and I was only like five years old.
04:17No, you weren't.
04:19Well, I'm excited.
04:20All righty.
04:21I think we're ready.
04:22All right.
04:23Let's do it.
04:24So today's Christmas Eve.
04:25It's a little chilly outside.
04:27And we're getting ready to go ice skating, which I haven't done in a long time.
04:30It's going to be a lot of fun.
04:31I'm excited.
04:33Let's go.
04:34I'm excited.
04:35We're going to go ice skating.
04:36I can't wait to see you guys fall.
04:38How are you going to do, Chris?
04:39I'm going to fall.
04:40Chris is going to fall.
04:41He's the most top-heavy ever.
04:49First one that falls buys dinner, Chris.
04:51Get your wallet ready.
04:54No, we'll get some walkers.
04:55Ain't nobody falling today.
04:57All right.
05:00What a nice son.
05:02Look at that.
05:03Austin never loses sight of me.
05:05Leave it to Austin to take care of his mom.
05:08He always wants to make sure I'm okay.
05:10Hold me.
05:11He has that natural instinct.
05:13Is my mom good?
05:15You know, he just has it, and I love it.
05:17And it makes me feel so safe.
05:21Oh, my gosh.
05:26What was that?
05:28Oh, yep, yep.
05:53Keep it down.
05:54Loving it.
05:55Where's the brakes at?
05:56There's no stoppers?
06:01Chris is like, I'm done.
06:02Yeah, I'm not doing too good on the skating rink,
06:04so I'm going to just sit it out,
06:06and I'm going to hope for the best for them.
06:08You guys are good.
06:12Their closeness, I expect.
06:14I just want to be, I guess, in a sense,
06:17included in their bond, right?
06:20Like, I don't want their bond to change.
06:22I just want them to make room for me.
06:26If that makes any kind of sense.
06:29Your nose is red.
06:31It's so red.
06:32I feel like Rudolph.
06:34Come here.
06:35I'm an angel.
06:37Come over here.
06:41Time has to happen in order for me
06:43to kind of get a real good idea
06:45of we've made some changes.
06:47Jingle bells, jingle bells,
06:49jingle all the way.
06:52I feel really good that Chris and I talked.
06:55But it doesn't mean I want Austin and Chris back together.
06:59That did not change.
07:02But I'm glad he's here,
07:03and he's part of the family this weekend,
07:05and we're going to have a great time.
07:13That's the second fall.
07:15You get one more try.
07:17That's the third.
07:18Nyla, she's talking about
07:20her and Shahid moving in together.
07:22You need to talk some sense into him
07:24about this.
07:25Sounds like a good idea to me.
07:28Why not?
07:29How is that a good idea?
07:30You need to get your titty out of his mouth.
07:35I have definitely listened to my mom
07:37probably more than I should.
07:38I don't know how I feel about that.
07:41You got to grow some balls
07:43and tell her no.
07:45I've done some.
07:55Hey, Sting, what you watching?
07:57Watching the basketball game.
07:59Well, look, you missed Nyla the other night.
08:02She's talking about
08:04her and Shahid moving in together.
08:11You need to talk some sense into him
08:13about this.
08:15He does not need to be moving in with her.
08:17Why not?
08:19She just wants it for his money.
08:21What money?
08:22You know he's saving up.
08:24For what?
08:25To move out.
08:26Yeah, he's going to buy a house.
08:28Oh, God, here we go with this again.
08:30He's not buying a house.
08:31He's not buying nothing.
08:33Jerome thinks that Shahid should be
08:35out living on his own already.
08:36He's kind of tired of the fact
08:38of me taking care of him.
08:40We come from a different generation
08:41where we were just out on our own.
08:43After school, we were just out of the house
08:45and I don't want Shahid to have to struggle.
08:47This is my baby.
08:48He's not going to live in the basement forever.
08:51He's not.
08:54Dear son, Shahid needs to move out of this house now.
08:57It sounds like a good idea to me.
09:00Him moving out with Nyla.
09:03Why not?
09:04How is that a good idea?
09:05How does that make any sense?
09:06You need to let him go
09:08and learn how to be a man.
09:10He is a man.
09:12That lives at home with his mama.
09:14He graduated college.
09:16Who do you expect him to start?
09:17Three years ago.
09:22I thought it would be over with
09:24after he graduated high school,
09:26but it got worse.
09:27It's just freaky weird.
09:29You are always being just rough on him.
09:33Because he needs to move out.
09:34Leave him alone.
09:35He needs to grow up.
09:36You need to get your titty out of his mouth.
09:42You want to keep it in there?
09:44A couple more years?
09:46You want to keep breastfeeding him?
09:48You want to give him more titty?
09:50I'm not breastfeeding him.
09:53That's all you do?
09:54I'm not breastfeeding Shahid.
09:57I think Jerome just wants some Jerome dear time.
10:01I think he's just trying to get everyone out the house.
10:04At least just warn him about women like Nyla.
10:08What do you mean women like Nyla?
10:09What does she do?
10:10She's just dating him so he can take care of her.
10:13That's why he's not able to move out yet.
10:15Oh my God.
10:16You trying to use that?
10:17All he does is take care of her.
10:19What's the evidence?
10:20I'm in his bank account.
10:21You're not.
10:22Why are you in his bank account?
10:23What do you mean why?
10:24I have to manage his money.
10:27Because if I didn't, Nyla would.
10:29And she would just take, take, take.
10:31He's got to learn somehow.
10:33That's what you need to teach him.
10:34Learn how to manage his money.
10:35Take him out.
10:36Teach him how not to let a woman take advantage of him.
10:40If Jerome can convince Shahid to get rid of Nyla,
10:45Shahid can save enough money and he can move out.
10:48Jerome will get what he wants and I can give her to Nyla.
10:50It's a win-win.
10:52What's up, y'all?
10:53Hey, Dig Dig.
10:54What you guys talking about?
10:55Your brother.
10:57I was just telling Jerome that I want him to take Shahid to the gym.
11:02Y'all can play some basketball or something.
11:04You can go along too.
11:05That way you can tell him that he needs to break up with Nyla.
11:09You know she's trying to get him to move in.
11:12He move in with Nyla.
11:13She'll fool him around.
11:14She'll trap him.
11:15She'll probably get pregnant.
11:17And then guess what?
11:18Then they'll have to come back here with a baby.
11:21You want to take care of their baby?
11:22Because that's all that's going to happen.
11:23He moves in.
11:25Where you get that from?
11:26She'll trap him.
11:27How else?
11:28Does she have a job?
11:29Bottle girl.
11:30But that's a job.
11:34I just need you guys to just try to talk some sense into him.
11:38Bounce the ball.
11:39You know, take a shot.
11:41Hey, Sha'i.
11:42These women out here, you know, not everybody's like your mom.
11:46I got lucky.
11:49Oh, my God.
11:51I've been knowing from day one that Nyla is not good for him.
11:53I've been waving these red flags.
11:55He's not hearing me.
11:56Because maybe, you know, I'm his mom.
11:58He thinks I'm just being overprotective.
12:00So I just need Jerome to come in here and back me up.
12:04I'm actually trying to play some basketball now.
12:09If you can play some basketball, you can do that.
12:14You going to talk some sense into him?
12:16After I beat him up.
12:17You're not going to put your hands on my baby.
12:28I've decided to go meet up with Chanel at Cooper's again to chat
12:33and to see, like, where things are and, I don't know,
12:37just kind of go a little bit further than speed dating and just talk and see, like,
12:40you know, is there really anything there?
12:42Is there not?
12:49I'm going into this, like, positively because this is, like, me getting back out there.
12:52This is me, like, trying.
12:53And, you know, I'm hopeful that I'm going to find my person.
12:57I went speed dating last week, and despite my mom's constant interruptions,
13:01I was able to match with one of the girls, Chanel.
13:05Did you guys come together?
13:10We have a close relationship.
13:14She handled Mom well, so this is just that hurdle that you have to get over
13:21because if not, you know, I'm going to be in the backyard forever just saying,
13:26oh, I want to, like, find love.
13:27I want to do all this.
