Married at First Sight UK Season 9 Episode 11

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Married at First Sight UK Season 9 Episode 11


00:00You couldn't even just write something previously you fight with me every Saint
00:06I'm not laugh at the way I think Eve opting out of experts week
00:10Endangered her troubled marriage to Charlie. I'm laying my heart out on the line here. I'm getting
00:16But a welcome apology
00:18I'm sorry for it. Sorry to set the couple back on track
00:24Until Polly what you've done to her. It's a bit of a bully bully
00:29Put the cat back amongst the pigeons
00:33And the return of the honesty box, what is the biggest obstacle in the way of our happiness?
00:39Definitely sex. What do you think you should do to prevent us from being stuck in the friendzone?
00:44Exposed Polly's frustrations with her own marriage. I will leave in a minute. You need to just start
00:50I just wanted him to be honest and try to make it stupid
00:54But it made me look stupid if Polly continues to talk to me like a child it pissed me off and this marriage isn't going to
01:03Tonight I feel content. I feel so sure the strength of some marriages. I can't seem so fun
01:10Yeah, yeah, there is so much love around and I just don't feel that with custard
01:16Highlights the weakness of others. I've pulled back. I don't know where she's at. I feel like I've got a guard up now
01:22I don't look into Polly's eyes and think I'm really want to kiss you. Oh my god
01:27And as Charlie demands answers, what did you do last night? You went into my safe space. That's not true
01:34Oh my god, I'm lying again. Someone please
01:36Eve is in the firing line Eve with respect. You've lied on the couch today
01:54Don't look at that. Yeah, I'm a girl
01:57Have you done it before?
01:59No, I think just painted and decorated
02:03It's the morning after the dinner party. I don't know right? I'm super grateful. Oh, yeah, you took the words
02:13Thank you and having missed it due to being unwell
02:16Lacey's keen to catch up on the night's events. So what happened to the dinner party? I want to hear it all
02:27I don't know. How is the atmosphere? I rule
02:35No idea
02:37It might have been a drama down at the bottom of the table. There was like a little
02:41Little something I think Polly maybe walked out
02:44Why I
02:48Don't know I don't know
02:50Interesting. It sounds like a lot went on last night, but Nathan he's so chilled and like positive vibes
02:56I don't think he was quite listening. We're not dramas going on your head
03:09So did Polly tell me to shut up last night she told everybody to show
03:16But when your relationship ain't wait supposed to be like stop throwing stones if you live in a glass house, you know
03:30I feel really apprehensive this morning. I
03:35Don't feel like I was the only one at fault last night
03:38To me it sounded like you just completely swore the question
03:41And didn't answer it properly, which is why I asked again how I did
03:45Which I've apologized for I was just annoyed I've read it wrong. And then he was like, that's not why ashtar
03:52And you told it me again. So it's like you've told me four times now. I'm not stupid
03:59Definitely seen a different side to Polly last night
04:01I could say that it's not helping the attraction with Polly acting that kind of way because
04:06Did make me feel really small and I don't really like that side of her if I'm honest
04:11It was obvious that you were RC
04:15Now I need to be told when to stop obviously in a nice way
04:19After last night, I feel like we've took a step back again
04:22If this marriage was on the outside world probably wouldn't continue it. I'm not quite sure what we're going to do from here
04:43Hello good morning
04:45Me and Holly have finally decided to move back in together
04:48Good to be on so long it is for you to do my head in not gonna do you ready in mango
04:55During experts week behind closed doors was sound Holly and Alex's marriage received hands-on help from Paul
05:03Communication and time is key. So now we're going to come up with a safe word to prevent you from overstepping again mango
05:14The couple's breakthrough led to a touching dinner party confession
05:18What do you most admire about me? The only guy who's ever made me feel so beautiful even when I wake up first thing in the morning
05:26You are
05:32You hungry I'm hungry. Yeah, that's good. I feel really good. Alex is back the dinner party
05:38It was so positive for us the communication between us both is definitely growing right this morning
05:43I feel like it's the first day that I woke up and genuinely felt like happy with how we are
05:48Like I know we're good. Yesterday was just so productive for us. I feel like after what's happened
05:54You've learned what I want. Yeah, and
05:57Maybe for a long time you haven't had to think this way. It's been you and the kids
06:03But now there's somebody else you've got to think of if you want to think of them. I
06:08Mean you back home. Oh, yeah, obviously I've been thinking about yeah
06:13We just gotta keep working out every day, you know
06:16Having good times and smiling and laughing around each other and we'll be fine
06:31And when I have had a far better week this week, but we are still in separate rooms who are still taking it slow
06:39We're not where we wanted to be when we started this
06:42Why do you think you chose her body to focus on it was my honest truth
06:47I didn't want to lie. You're never gonna want to rip my clothes off. Are you?
06:52With Mel's help. We're gonna start focusing in on both of your best from the wedding through the honeymoon everything
06:58She's been supportive. Thanks, hun. Emma and Casper made progress during experts week. There's a fresh start ahead
07:05This is what we need
07:08It followed a difficult first commitment ceremony
07:11I don't understand how the process got me to Emma and it's really frustrating. So this is my life. You're fucking with
07:23And I said if he found me sexy at all and he just said no I
07:29Mean last one knew there was some stuff to unpack and you it wasn't gonna be pretty for me personally
07:34you know, I had a lot of things to own and a lot of things that I had to accept that I
07:39Done so that was always gonna be really hard for me. However, we've had a good week
07:45Casper and I have made some real progress since the first commitment ceremony. I think the advice that Mel gave us really helped
07:54Casper's really trying we've really started like a really good path
07:58However, I've lost a lot of respect for him since the comment that was made on the honeymoon
08:03The patterns that I've seen with Casper are quite erratic
08:06But he's had days where he's woken up in the morning and felt really positive, but it could turn at any minute
08:12Certainly on the wedding day. I was a lot more open to intimacy on any level
08:17But lots has happened and now I've just built a guard up
08:28I've had chance to think about what happened last night
08:31Eve's clearly gone behind my back spoken a lot about our relationship to other people and then
08:38After the dinner party last night, I was conducting an interview
08:42The environment where you go in to talk about our feelings
08:46Okay, Charlie, you ready?
08:49I've taken accountability for my actions and I'm doing all I can
08:52To prove to Eve that I'm not this monster that she thinks that I am
08:56Whilst doing the interview, we opened the door and Eve had her ear to the door
09:11I'd come east up. I don't want to do this now. It's annoyed me
09:17Our interviews are there as a safe space for us to talk about our feelings
09:22And for her to stand outside the door and listen to my private conversation, I feel is a complete breakdown of trust
09:32So I was standing I'd say the door and
09:35Two members of staff came over and they're like, what are you doing? And then the door opened?
09:39I didn't hear a sentence or a complete answer or anything like that there
09:44I'm not saying I'm perfect. I know I'm not but I'm scared of saying something and then Charlie twisting it
09:52Every single thing in my body is screaming get out, but I just don't know
09:59My head is all over the place
10:03I still in my heart of heart want to give this a chance
10:06But do I write stay because I want to give this a go or do I write leave to put my own sanity first?
10:15I'm so conflicted right now. I'm just not really sure what I'm gonna do
10:23Don't know
10:48Yeah, sure
10:51Welcome guys to the second commitment ceremony
10:55we understand that some of you will have made progress in your marriages and
11:00Be feeling positive today and some of you may have experienced a few challenges
11:05Just remember that we are here to help and provide support
11:11Okay, let's get cracking first up on the couch
11:16Kieran and Christina
11:22What a happy entrance
11:25How's the week been for the two of you?
11:27Needed some of the questions that you said and when you did you're referring to the ask me anything task. Yeah
11:35Why was that so needed?
11:37With Christina being quite an emotional girl. It's quite hard for me sometimes devise how I'm feeling
11:43But it's been amazing. Yeah, we've really really grown together from that
11:47It was so nice to just see Kieran just so vulnerable and honest
11:55As much as he likes to say that he is, okay
11:59Actually, he is saying no, you know, I'm not. All right
12:03Kieran, why do you think you've always said I'm okay when you're not because I know everyone's going through something and they don't need like
12:09No, I know but I got I'm just I just care and I don't want to cause problems for people
12:15Listen to your woman because she's absolutely, right
12:19What you've got to say and what you're feeling is valid. Yeah
12:24It sounds like you're someone who's very comfortable perhaps putting someone else's needs before your own
12:30But now you're in this equal relationship both of your needs are met
12:35But now you're in this equal relationship both of your needs and emotions are just as important as each other's
12:42I'm learning
12:44What do you think you need to focus on in the next week or so to really move things forward?
12:49You really need to stop the self-doubt
12:53This is what we need to stop. I keep telling like this Paul Christina. What I've noticed is the I'm not good at this
13:00My brain doesn't work this way
13:02I'm sorry
13:04Why do you think we need to stop that?
13:06It's annoying for you, isn't it? It's it's not that it's annoying
13:09I just really feel bad that you feel the need to apologize over things that are irrelevant
13:14And you know what? I just want to acknowledge this for you Christina
13:17I know a lot of us were all bombarding you with messages saying don't put yourself down. I get that that's hard
13:22It's really hard. You've got a lifetime of patterns and habits that have you know, been very natural to you
13:28Yeah, so maybe this week when you start to notice yourself doing that. Mm-hmm. Let Kira know
13:35So I'm here for
13:38Now of course at the dinner party the biggest news was Kieran you sharing that you're falling for Christina
13:53Yes, I can't see myself falling for Christina, yeah Wow, I can't totally
14:02Makes me feel funny. I
14:10Think we're gonna go to the decision you two and Kieran will start with you
14:17So I love everything about you and I can't wait and see where this leads because so far it's beautiful
14:31And Christina
14:33Always appreciate you even when I am a bit of a nightmare, which I know I am
14:39You're so supportive and you do reassure me. Well and
14:44Accept me. That's everything. I have always always wanted is to just be accepted for me
14:52Accept you
14:55So for that reason
14:58I am staying
15:06Wonderful, well lots of optimism
15:11reaffirming each other
15:12Step into this week and enjoy it guys. Thank you so much. Good work
15:24Next up to the couch Holly and Adam
15:29Hey guys, all right. Hello good to see the two of you again you
15:37So we know that it was quite explosive at the dinner party between the two of you
15:45But before we get to that, let's look at the intimacy task
15:52Why do you think it was that you were set that task I
15:56Know this because it's what I've asked for the physical touch the affection
16:05Well, I feel like it was a step in the right direction
16:08Well, we had a little bit of a tiff last night, which put me back a bit
16:14Holly you were quite upset weren't you about Adams response to the honesty box?
16:23Question was what can you do to prevent yourself from staying in that friend zone?
16:28If you were to answer this question now for Polly, what would your answer be? I
16:37Feel like to prevent us from staying in the friend zone, I thought we need to flirt a bit more
16:44When just grow that's why I feel like I do I get nothing back from you
16:54Don't know I don't know if it's just that
16:56Initial like spark and I don't like look into Polly's eyes and think I really want to kiss you
17:05Which is shit to say
17:09Obviously, I don't want to upset you up but that's just me being honest I
17:14I would like to know Polly how it feels for you to hear Adam say this
17:27Just rejected
17:30There's nothing on you, it's me. Well, you just rejected her
17:35So she's gonna feel rejected
17:39But that's only my opinion
17:42Let's just call it what it is
17:46Polly you're physically attracted to your husband Adam
17:54You're not physically attracted to your wife
17:58And you haven't been
18:01I'm not saying it wrong
18:05What is physical attraction mean to you
18:08I'm confused by the question. Do you want to shag her?
18:30What is physical attraction mean to you confused by the question
18:35Do you want to shag her
18:41Yeah, I would but I just don't want to hurt her so I'm not gonna do it again until I know it's right because I
18:47Would not be using up
18:54There's a lot of words there we just want the basics here
18:59It's quite a simple question I feel like you're avoiding the question
19:09Adam yeah, is there at least a
19:15minimal level of
19:17physical attraction
19:19towards your wife
19:22A hundred percent a hundred percent a hundred percent is a little bit. Yeah, I
19:31Have to do feel like the last few days like I have looked at her more and I thought you know what she's actually
19:36Good-looking. Oh
19:38my god
19:41No, no, no, no better Morgan looking that was terrible I
19:45Told you I'm not good with my words. I don't like pressure
19:48There's not many occasions where I'm speechless and Mel at the same time
19:55Adam hypothetical
19:58Another groom comes in the door and says Adam. I love everything about Polly
20:03I'd like to pursue her and I just want your permission. Hmm. What would you say?
20:12I feel like right now if
20:15That's what Polly wanted
20:17But I would say
20:20Go for it because I want her to be happy
20:25Because I feel like it's too soon for me to give her what she needs
20:30Well, you've essentially just communicated to Polly that you would give her permission to go with another guy
20:37If that's what she wanted, obviously, does she look like that's what you want?
20:42That was just me being honest if you said you want this I'd like that is fine
20:45But I feel like that was still true that was asking you they weren't asking me how I'd be thinking of your feelings before mine
20:52Sing the hot seat boys
20:57Polly can I ask has that changed how you feel toward him at all?
21:02Well, yeah, of course because he's just willing to ship me off like it's a 1950s and trade wives
21:06Obviously, I don't want him to let me go
21:08I don't want him to say that he's open to let me explore with someone else's well
21:12No, that's not like someone saying to me. Do you want to send Holly a question? It was my question
21:18It made me feel shit, yeah, so I feel like
21:24Yeah, maybe not as safe as what I thought I felt
21:27If he's just willing to do that
21:30You know, what we're trying to do is we're trying to verify if there's something here because otherwise we're wasting our time
21:38And you're wasting your time and Polly's having her time wasted
21:45Let's go to decisions
21:49Polly if we could start with you, please
21:55We obviously still have stuff to talk about and it's things that were spoken about and voice last night have been kind of resolved
22:04However, I'm not naive to the fact that there is a lot of work to be done but not for me
22:11So I've put stay
22:16Just to see if it can work
22:21Thank You Polly and Adam, what's your decision?
22:24My decision
22:27Because I feel like there's still that little bit of something missing we are lacking that intimacy and that spark
22:39I want this experiment to work. I feel like I've got lots of doubts, especially after the argument last night
22:46I feel like I've got lots of doubts
22:48I feel like I've got lots of doubts
22:50I feel like I've got lots of doubts
22:52I feel like I've got lots of doubts
22:54But I feel like we get on really well. I would like to think that physical attraction can grow
23:04For that reason
23:08I put stay
23:10I put stay
23:18What we have identified today is that for you Adam that there is some level of physical attraction here
23:24But I suppose it's whether it's enough for you Polly
23:28You know you want to feel desired and loved and you deserve that
23:32And I don't know whether the two of you can experience that or not only the two of you know that
23:38Okay, yeah, all right guys, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Adam
23:49I respect the experts opinions, but I got a little bit of a grilling not a nice feeling to be fair
23:58As soon as I said that I've realized Polly's good-looking I knew I said it completely wrong and it did make me feel a little
24:04bit stupid
24:05next up on the couch
24:07Can we have Nathan and Lacey?
24:15There we go get settled in
24:18All right, so it's beautiful to see you both. How was the week obviously lay something really well, but yes
24:23Yeah, that's good week. It's nice to see how Nathan's acted with me being ill
24:28I couldn't have done it without you looking after me, so I do appreciate that
24:33Nathan how did you find that navigating the dinner party by yourself?
24:37Yeah, it was all right, but obviously the energy is not the same. He wanted to stay with me if I'm honest
24:41Yeah, I mean it's you wouldn't usually go
24:43Would you like if your partner's ill and you're both gonna go and I but I'm proud of you held you
24:48All right, so now your task this week was to ask me anything. How did you find that task?
24:54My favorite question was that he does see a future
24:58It was nice to hear it because I felt the same
25:01This is a huge moment for you then
25:04What about Lacey makes you see a future with her, what do you like about Lacey?
25:10Yeah, I like a personality. I like a character. It's very similar to mine like it's a little bit weird like at times where
25:17We've got very similar core values
25:20And she's beautiful. Yeah, she's stunning. Yeah, she's done. Yeah
25:24No, it is nice to hear compliments
25:26Not just about the surface because in past relationships
25:29She's got nice bum she's got nice body which I know I do but I want deeper you can call me beautiful
25:39I've been in relationships where they bought out the worst in me and
25:44It's made me not value myself because you know, they've done things
25:50Yeah, I feel content. I feel so sure
25:52Okay, that says it all that says it all all right should we go to the decision it's good decision, okay
25:59You look ready
26:02Why don't you go first then since you look so ready
26:08So I'm really enjoying the time I'm learning a lot about myself and learn a lot about Lacey it's going really well
26:13I'm really excited about it. I'm excited about it. I'm excited about it. I'm excited about it
26:17I'm excited about it. I'm excited about it. I'm excited about it. I'm excited about it
26:20Myself and learn a lot about Lacey. It's going really well, and I'd like it to continue. So that's why I've got stay, okay
26:32We just keep getting stronger and stronger and
26:36You're everything I've always wanted so I've put
26:46Continue to communicate but most importantly continue to communicate your love for each other through your actions and
26:52We can't wait to see what next week looks like for you
27:04Next up to the couch Holly and Alex
27:12No, beautiful people
27:17So the two of you are back together in the apartments is that back home, okay
27:25That first dinner party was quite explosive
27:28What we noticed was there was a bit of point scoring between the two of you
27:32Have you been able to address some of those issues?
27:36Definitely so because we're such big personalities, you know, we find that in a room full of people
27:42We both speak with volume because we want to get our voices over
27:46When you're in front of the group, it's like oh, I don't want to look silly
27:48You don't want to look silly a protective streak. So and then we get nowhere, okay
27:53There was some work that you did with Paul around
27:57Communication have you been able to implement that?
28:05Just sold yesterday's dinner party we had had an argument the night before and
28:12We did end up having to spend the night apart again
28:16We was rushing in that moment
28:18Going back to being a mom again when you're rushing out the house and I'm like shoes coat draw fridge
28:23But I didn't say it in an aggressive way. Alex didn't like it and was like don't speak to me like a dog
28:30You're probably used to speaking to your kids like that, but I am NOT one of them
28:37That's why I apologize to you like pretty much straight away
28:41You're apologizing, but I don't want an apology. I just want I want the behavior to change
28:48Well, we've spoke about this
28:50I've seen we've already resolved this issue because when we sit and talk behind closed doors, we become to a resolution
28:57It's just about taking it down a peg and thinking it's only us in a let's just communicate just me and you now
29:06This man walked in magic, yeah
29:09Well, it looks like something has shifted in your relationship
29:13one thing that I noticed was that there were some really nice tender moments between the two of you at the dinner party as
29:20You were looking through the honesty box. I felt like it was only me and Alex in the room when we was answering them
29:27He held my hand. He reassured me like it's okay
29:31Like I've got you and I felt so safe in that moment to tell him exactly how I felt
29:39We actually have a really good relationship, however, sometimes it's hard for you to just
29:44Acknowledge how your wife
29:46Is feeling about the situation?
29:49Just validate how she's feeling and accept it and
29:54Try and find a way to work on
29:56Where you go wrong? Yeah, definitely. It's great that you've listened to the feedback that Paul has given you and that you're still both smiling
30:04Yeah, that's a good sign
30:08Let's go to the decisions Holly if you'd like to start
30:15It does great my bloody tits sometimes
30:19We do have fun and it does give me the reassurance that I've needed for a very long time
30:25So for that reason, I'm gonna stay cuz we slay
30:35Alex what's your decision?
30:37So I see a lot of good in Holly. I feel like she can bring the best out of me
30:42I feel like I do bring the best out of her. It's just we're all a work in progress
30:47Maybe I act a little bit impulsive last week. So
30:51I'm gonna stay with my sexy milf
30:59Even though she does my head in sometimes
31:04I am so happy that you guys are in a good place. You've got a great connection here
31:09So wish you all the best for the rest of the week
31:18Our next couple up to the couch Emma and Casper
31:28Of course we've met during the week and the two of you have obviously made some progress
31:33So why don't you talk us through a little bit how things have shifted?
31:37Yeah, I mean I felt last week a lot of the work we need to do in our relationship had to come from me
31:43And I've just realized I've got to give him a best shot, you know, I did decide to move out
31:49I just take that bit of space and I feel like I left a lot of that
31:54That evening there and I woke up the next morning
31:56I went right
31:57Time to crack on and see where we can get to and I think you know
32:00We've gone about it in a pretty strong way so far
32:05Emma what about you? What have you learned from Casper this week? I just learned that you really want to be a gentleman
32:12I've seen that with me as like he gets happier. He wants to care for me a bit more
32:18Yeah, that's that's the good parts
32:22my concerns were
32:26Kind of how long is this gonna last because I've seen that positive Casper before
32:31Maybe for a couple of hours on honeymoon and and then something would go and he'd go back into the holes. I
32:42Feel like I've got a guard up now though
32:45My body is just kind of shut down to any emotion
32:49There is so much love around and I just don't feel that with Casper
32:57There have been times over this week where I thought I'll be just nice to have a quick kiss
33:03And I pulled back from that cuz I don't hurt her but also don't know where she's at
33:09When we just pause there for a moment
33:13Let's just check that out Emma what what would happen if he was to just grab you and give you a kiss
33:26No, I wouldn't want it
33:40Emma what would happen if he was to just grab you and give you a kiss
33:47No, I wouldn't want it
33:49In my head, I'm like, don't do that.
33:56So what do you think it's going to take for those walls to drop?
34:00I don't know, Mel.
34:02I don't know.
34:05I've never not had a spark, right?
34:07And I've never ever worked backwards from that before.
34:10But I don't know how to get there and I don't know what Casper can do to get there.
34:15Emma, it's interesting because last night during the Honesty Box,
34:18you were saying sex is really important to you.
34:21Yeah, yeah.
34:22But right now, what's important is the emotional intimacy.
34:26Let's call out the elephant in the room as well.
34:29You're not living together.
34:33You know, right now you are in this experiment as mates.
34:37This is not mates at first sight.
34:41To move to this next stage of the relationship,
34:44whatever that's going to look like, you've got to share space.
34:50This forum is important for the three of us to hold you all accountable.
34:56But it's also a forum, I think, for us to celebrate.
34:59Emma, you've been patient and the perfect supporter throughout this.
35:04And then Casper, I have never seen anyone make the same turnaround
35:10that you have made this week.
35:12I mean, my only point was, I wish this week had been a little bit longer.
35:15Because, you know, we've had a couple of good days,
35:17but then, you know, it's sort of come around quickly, this.
35:22We do need to go to a decision.
35:24Casper, why don't we start with you?
35:29For me, it was a really easy decision.
35:30We've had the best week so far.
35:31I can see progress and I think we're really coming along.
35:34So, yeah, I wrote...
35:39Good stuff.
35:41Good stuff. And Emma?
35:46For me, I'm struggling with intimacy on any level.
35:51I can't see it happening and it scares the life out of me.
35:53How long is this going to last?
35:59But it's been so lovely to see you.
36:03What I think is your happy place.
36:06And I always see the glass half full, so I wrote State.
36:14Wonderful stuff.
36:15So, when are you going to move in together?
36:18Tonight, tomorrow. I don't mind.
36:20Tonight's great. Yeah.
36:21Tonight's great. Yeah!
36:23Well, we look forward to being welcomed into your new home.
36:27Thank you so much. Thank you, guys.
36:29Thank you, guys.
36:33I'm quite on edge about the whole physical affection thing.
36:36If we get there, then we'll get there.
36:38If we don't, we don't.
36:39But we'll see.
36:42So, it's up to the couch, Sasha and Ross.
36:49Good to see you both. Hello.
36:50Hey. Hey.
36:55Looking cosy together.
36:58How has it been for the both of you?
37:01We've had a really good week, haven't we?
37:08How was the dinner party yesterday?
37:10We noticed that there was some kissing.
37:12I was there!
37:13If I wasn't, I'd be like...
37:18Maybe it was just so natural. Yeah, I think so.
37:20Yeah. Would you say that that indicates
37:23that you're feeling more comfortable with one another?
37:25I think we're very comfortable.
37:27Couldn't even imagine not sleeping next to him.
37:29It'd be really weird.
37:31I even missed her to the park for 20 minutes or something.
37:33I even missed her.
37:34I'd say, yeah, so I can't be apart with her.
37:38Being with him, he's, like, peaceful and comforting
37:41and he's, like, my safe space when we've had a crazy day.
37:45It's just different.
37:48That's beautiful. I love them.
37:50So, we assigned you the intimacy task this week.
37:53How did that go?
37:55We didn't really struggle with it at all
37:57because we are very physically affectionate.
38:00We are very intimate in terms of, like,
38:02we've got a very deep connection.
38:03When that time comes, I don't think it will be an issue.
38:07It'll just be something that we think is right.
38:13True. Yeah.
38:17Let's go to the decisions, guys.
38:19So, if we start with you, Sasha.
38:22I've had a great week with you.
38:27We really, really, really care about each other.
38:32So, I said, stay always.
38:37I'll stay always.
38:38I love that.
38:41Lovely. OK, Ross, can you top that?
38:43Oh, no.
38:47When I first stepped my eyes on you at the hotel,
38:49I thought you were going to be the one.
38:53Every time I wake up in the morning, I'm a happy man.
38:58I should...
39:07Well, guys, it sounds like your relationship is going
39:09from strength to strength, so keep going.
39:18I'm sweating a bit down there.
39:21What is it that you make so dry?
39:23I know.
39:24It's nothing.
39:25Next up, can we have Orson and Rochelle?
39:33Welcome, welcome, guys.
39:37All right.
39:39Look at this.
39:40Body language, good.
39:41You're looking good.
39:42Last night's dinner party was good.
39:44This is good.
39:47We like this.
39:48So, now, last week on The Couch, Rochelle,
39:50you mentioned how you were having a hard time trusting
39:52in what Orson was saying, right?
39:55Has that changed?
39:59We joke about, you know, we're in the verification process.
40:02Yes, yeah.
40:03Which should apply to Orson as well.
40:06It's not just the one way.
40:08You know what's interesting is, I think for everyone,
40:11I see everyone is negotiating trust.
40:13Trust takes a long time to build and we know it takes...
40:16It's overnight to lose.
40:17But it takes time to be able to build that trust.
40:21Can I just ask a question, guys?
40:23Would you say you've experienced any kind of conflict
40:26in your relationship?
40:27The funny thing is, not cutting you off, babe,
40:30like, she said to me this week,
40:32I cannot wait to piss you off.
40:36Just to see how you're going to react.
40:39Because I'm kind of cool, calm, I don't really get,
40:42you know what I mean?
40:43So, for me, her saying that was like,
40:45OK, she wants to see another side of me.
40:47Well, I'd like to see another side of you as well.
40:50What I'm seeing is, you are very much a gentleman.
40:54Sometimes it feels like you're quite compliant.
40:56Is there space in this relationship to say,
40:58actually, that got on my nerves when you did that?
41:01I think if I feel that way, I'd hear it, you know?
41:04I have heard things that we speak about.
41:06But I'd prise that out of you, though.
41:11You know, I will vocalise certain things,
41:14and, like, everything, you just, you know,
41:17can't really, don't really get much of a reaction, really.
41:22This could be potentially dangerous in a relationship.
41:27A great way to help trust to build
41:30is to feel that what your partner's saying
41:33is very genuine.
41:35If you're just compliant, and everything is fine,
41:38and nothing's really bothering you,
41:40that creates a space where a partner can feel like,
41:43can I trust this situation?
41:48Yeah. Yeah, I agree.
41:52All right.
41:53So, now, when you think about your future together,
41:57what are some of the areas
41:59that you believe we can help you with as we go forward?
42:03I don't know.
42:04I mean, because I don't know how you can help us
42:07get to know each other better, deeper.
42:10Charlene can.
42:15Hi, Charlene!
42:17We don't need you!
42:19We don't need you, Charlene!
42:21I feel like I'm not needed in this space.
42:24You don't need to knock on the door with your rucksack.
42:30OK, OK, fine. Fine, fine.
42:33Let's go to a decision.
42:35Orson, if you can go first.
42:37I'm enjoying getting to know Rochelle.
42:39She is a phenomenal woman.
42:41I think us living together now is, you know,
42:44the be-all and end-all, really.
42:46Like, can we actually live together?
42:48Week one, I was tying her shoestrings.
42:50Week two, I was taking off her shoes.
42:52So I'm excited to see what week three is going to bring.
42:55So, in that note, I've decided to stay!
43:05So, yeah, I think I'm more used to sort of relationships
43:09that might be a little bit rocky, a little bit up and down.
43:12You know, it's just...
43:14I don't get that from you.
43:16I don't actually have any complaints,
43:18other than he maybe talks a little bit more than I would like.
43:23So, for that reason...
43:26..I'll stay.
43:33Charlene said some amazing things to you here,
43:35Orson, that you could focus on this week.
43:38And also make sure that you both focus on building that trust.
43:44Thank you, guys.
43:52Well done.
43:53Yeah, well done.
43:54And last up on the couch,
43:56if we could have Eve and Charlene.
44:08OK, thank you, both.
44:09Definitely understand this is challenging for you both.
44:14Here's where I'd love to begin.
44:16We assigned you a letter to write.
44:20And I'm curious about this.
44:22Eve, you chose not to write the letter.
44:26I'd just like to understand why.
44:30I was trying my best to talk myself into writing something,
44:34but I wanted it to be genuine.
44:36I just had my walls up so high at the minute that I thought,
44:39if I was in order to do that or tell her what I was going to tell her,
44:43and she was to throw that back in my face,
44:45that would have absolutely destroyed me.
44:48So now, Charlene, the fact that Eve did not write a letter,
44:53but you did, how did you feel about that?
44:56Rejected, I felt crap.
44:58I felt like she wasn't committed to the experiment.
45:01And with her just refusing to do the task,
45:04we're just staying in the same place again.
45:08So we're going to go to the dinner party.
45:11So you came into this dinner party together,
45:14but then, very quickly, things fell apart.
45:18So, Charlie, can you talk about the conversation that you had with Polly?
45:22Because I think that illuminates a lot about your relationship.
45:26So, Polly approached me
45:28in regards to what had happened on the honeymoon,
45:31some of the things that I'd obviously said to Eve previously,
45:35and that I was a bully.
45:41Which was a strong word.
45:45I was just a bit shocked,
45:46cos I thought we had come in as a united front,
45:49I thought we were on a good path.
45:51I didn't realise that these things were still going on in her head
45:54when she was going to the other girls.
45:56And I just feel like I have done all I can
45:58to hold myself accountable for them things that I've done,
46:01but it seems that it was still going on behind my back.
46:06So, Eve, every time that you've engaged with the group,
46:09what I've noticed is that having the group's validation
46:12is very, very important to you,
46:14more so than your partner's validation.
46:17I think, you know, mentally, we're both really struggling.
46:20I just, I feel like I can't open up to them girls,
46:23and when I sit down with them, it all comes out of me.
46:25I don't know.
46:26Eve, here's my observation.
46:28You are not giving this experiment any bit of fairness at all now.
46:33I have been trying. I have really been trying.
46:36But, you know, trying is more than words.
46:39I know.
46:40Trying is action.
46:41Where's the action of the try?
46:44Every time I, like, try to let my waltz down a bit with Charlie,
46:47she would throw it back in my face,
46:49or she would just do something that just hurt me more.
46:52You need to, like, try.
46:54Just give it a go.
46:56You can't just keep putting that guard up and going,
46:58I can't do this.
46:59We've had multiple conversations about squashing what happened.
47:02I held myself accountable.
47:04I kind of got to a point where there's not really much more I can do,
47:07and I can't keep being told that I miss you,
47:11you know, I want to spend quality time with you,
47:13and then it not happening.
47:14We had a big fail the second day of the honeymoon,
47:17and we haven't kissed because of what happened.
47:19Charlie, you know what happened that night?
47:21I know, but I said I'm sorry.
47:23And it hasn't been said.
47:24I held myself accountable.
47:25I said I'm sorry.
47:26Like, you can't keep saying squash it...
47:28What did you do last night? What did you do last night?
47:31Because... What did you do last night?
47:35You went... One second.
47:37You went into my safe space,
47:39you put your ear against the door in my interview
47:42that you should not have done.
47:43You took that upon yourself to do that,
47:45to listen in to my interview,
47:47after the dinner party,
47:48and got your back up because of an action that you took.
47:51What did I say? What did I say?
47:52You sat in that room and glared at me
47:54like I'd done the worst thing in the world.
47:56That's not true. That's not true.
47:57When you were the one that came to the door,
47:59you literally listened in to my safe space, my interview.
48:03You took that upon yourself to do that. That's not true.
48:07Ray... Oh, my God, I'm lying again.
48:09Someone, please.
48:12Why is it always my fault?
48:14Take some accountability for them, isn't it?
48:16Take some accountability
48:17for the mistakes and the issues that you've made.
48:19Stop telling lies, Charlie. Stop telling lies.
48:21They're just calling me a liar again.
48:23We're going to get to the bottom of this.
48:25We're going to get to the bottom of this.
48:27I can't do it.
48:29Just breathe. I can't.
48:31You've just called me a liar on camera again
48:33for something that you actually have done, Eve.
48:36You've got your reality and I've got mine.
48:38That is not true, Charlie. That is not true.
48:40That is not true.
48:41I can't do this. I can't.
48:43Charlie, it's OK.
48:45You've lied on the couch today.
49:02You've just called me a liar on camera again
49:04for something that you actually have done, Eve.
49:07You've got your reality and I've got mine.
49:09That is not true, Charlie. That is not true.
49:11That is not true.
49:12I can't do this. I can't.
49:14Charlie, it's OK.
49:16Eve, with respect,
49:18you've lied on the couch today.
49:23So we are aware
49:25of what's going on here, Charlie.
49:29And the three of us are all here to listen
49:31to both of you, OK?
49:35Can I ask you both a question?
49:37Why have you both chosen
49:39to continue the experiment
49:41in this last week?
49:44I like Eve.
49:46I fell for Eve.
49:49I fell for her at the wedding
49:51and I still see
49:53so much good.
49:55But I keep getting
49:57empty promises.
50:00I'm going to move in. I'm going to do this.
50:02I'm going to do that. So I'm holding onto it
50:04because I want it so bad. It's the hope.
50:09I have said to myself,
50:11maybe I'm not giving her as much of a chance as I should be
50:13and I'm finding it really difficult to do that.
50:15I'm struggling to be able
50:19But this is what I can't get past.
50:23I'm not joking. Alarm bells go off
50:25in my head and I'm sorry
50:27if I'm pushing her away, but I am.
50:29I am trying.
50:33What is a shame here is that amongst all
50:35of the infighting, there's a desire
50:37to be together.
50:41you have
50:43stepped up this week and
50:45Eve, what I can't understand
50:47is you have someone who makes
50:49corrective action,
50:51owns their crap
50:55and you choose not
50:57to feel safe with this
50:59person who's walking through fire
51:01for you. I know. I don't. You're right.
51:03Why? I don't trust her.
51:07I'm just telling you the truth.
51:11The thing is, you don't trust her
51:13but you are saying some different
51:15things to the group
51:17but you're kind of then saying to Charlie,
51:19I miss you, I do want to work on this.
51:21So I suppose my question to you is
51:23which one is it?
51:27Have I ever said that I hate this girl?
51:29Do you think I want to be with her?
51:31I do. I don't sit and say she's horrible.
51:33I say she makes me feel and think she's
51:35actually done. I'm not saying I hate her.
51:37I don't want to be around her. It's not that.
51:39They know I'm really struggling.
51:41You have said though a few times, Eve, that you do want
51:43to try with Charlie but by trying
51:45you have to move in with her to try.
51:47And you do say all the time,
51:49I do want to try with her.
51:51I haven't changed my mind on that but, you know,
51:53things happen then and we don't know where we stand with each other.
51:55Do you know exactly where you stand
51:57with me, Eve?
51:59I have done everything in my power
52:01to try and... It's just really hard. try and show to you
52:05you can trust me, that I'm not this monster
52:07that you think that I am.
52:09Just give me a chance.
52:11Like, Eve can be annoyed at me
52:13and upset with me and not trust me
52:15and take a step back but
52:17if I need the space or if I need
52:19to be upset or vent how I'm feeling
52:21to Eve, I'm not allowed to.
52:23I always let you leave.
52:25Then you get your defence up and you say that that's me
52:27being horrible to you or bullying you.
52:29Just when you're angry you make me feel that.
52:31Can I just stop you guys here?
52:33Because I don't think either
52:35one of you are listening to each other.
52:39There's something that's very toxic about some of these
52:41behaviours and I think that
52:43that might be something you need to have a think
52:45about. I agree.
52:49None of us are happy. I'm miserable.
52:52So let's go to the decision.
52:58Eve, if we can have your
53:00decision first.
53:02I'm sorry. I maybe got
53:04so in my own head about feeling
53:06sorry for what I was going through.
53:10And I'm sorry for everything
53:12you've put you through.
53:14Maybe I can't get over the trust thing.
53:18I know it might not look like it but I really
53:20am trying.
53:26I gotta go. I'm sorry.
53:28I gotta leave.
53:44Alright, Charlie we'll come to you for your decision.
53:48Yesterday evening you went into my
53:50safe space, you listened to my interview
53:52and break a barrier
53:54of trust.
53:57I spent this week giving 100%
53:59of my efforts and energy
54:01to you.
54:03I'm not gonna give
54:05my all to somebody that gives me 10%.
54:09So that's why I voted
54:11to leave.
54:17Oh wow.
54:19Wow, okay.
54:23Okay, well we know the rules.
54:27When both partners have selected to leave
54:29then you must now leave
54:31the experiment.
54:33And I will say that we
54:35thank you for taking the risk
54:37to participate in this journey.
54:39Thank you. The hope is that you are both
54:41walking out of here with some lessons.
54:43Always lessons.
54:45There's always lessons.
54:47There's always lessons
54:49that you can take into your next relationship.
54:53Is there anything that you would like to say to the group
54:55before you leave?
54:57I know things didn't work out good
54:59but yous are fucking amazing.
55:01But I really love yous and yous are such great people
55:03and you're a great person too Charlie and I hope
55:05something... Clearly not.
55:07I just hope something makes you very happy.
55:09Yeah, you deserve it. Thank you guys.
55:11Obviously I didn't get a chance to even
55:13for you to even get to know me
55:15on a, cos you know, someone else decided to
55:17tell you all about me before you'd even
55:19got to know me.
55:21Keep your head up held high Charlie.
55:23I think, I hope you all do really well
55:25and I wish you all the best of luck in your marriages.
55:30Thank you both for participating
55:32and you can say goodbye to the group.
55:40I did really want to try for Charlie
55:42but I just couldn't get over
55:44putting trust in somebody I don't trust.
55:47He's so conflicting because
55:49yes, it's the right decision
55:51but it still hurts
55:53like, having to walk away from someone
55:55that you have feelings for
55:57but I have to put myself first
55:59and realise that I deserve better.
56:01You've done the best you could.
56:03You really did do the best you could
56:05and there's still time to get to know you individually
56:07so don't think you're going anywhere.
56:09I'm so sorry.
56:11I am.
56:13I am.
56:15I am feeling a little distressed,
56:17feeling overwhelmed, feeling sad,
56:19feeling happy, feeling relieved.
56:21I do feel like a wisp being lifted off my shoulders.
56:23If she's feeling what I'm feeling
56:25I think we both know we had to leave.
56:29We and Charlie are not meant to be together.
56:35I know I'm gone, I'm not here.
56:37I know.
56:39I look after you.
56:43I can't give 100%
56:45and my wife can't.
56:47Oh my God.
56:49And Eve.
56:51Free me like that.
56:53I just wish so bad that it worked.
56:55You know, I'm leaving
56:57a heartbroken woman right now.
57:07Next time.
57:09I definitely deserve to find love.
57:11A brand new couple enters the process.
57:13Finding true love is everything.
57:15To take the ultimate gamble on love.
57:17La la Madonna.
57:21But the groom's charm offensive
57:23Hello baby.
57:25is less charm and more offensive
57:27for his new bride.
57:29It's giving me the ick a little bit.
57:31And the experiment's original couples
57:33It's in-laws week!
57:35Face tough questions
57:37from nearest and dearest.
57:39Do you love Lacey?
57:41What do you see happening?
57:43You don't want no one else to look at me in the eyes
57:45and say yes I want to work with Lacey.
57:47He should be scared really.
57:49That's awful.
57:51Knife, shut up.
57:53I don't think my mum took that too well to be fair.
57:55Dog house.
58:05Dog house.
58:07Dog house.
58:09Dog house.
58:11Dog house.
58:13Dog house.
58:15Dog house.
58:17Dog house.
58:19Dog house.
58:21Dog house.
58:23Dog house.
58:25Dog house.
58:27Dog house.
58:29Dog house.
58:31Dog house.
