Sport Chumpions (1941) - Looney Tunes Cartoon

  • il y a 18 heures
00:22Sports champions, bringing you lowlights in the world of sports.
00:27L'archerie est l'un des sports les plus anciens.
00:29Ici, c'est un moderne Robin Hood en action.
00:33Un bullseye.
00:35Un autre bullseye.
00:36Et un autre.
00:37Et un autre.
00:38En effet, un vrai champion.
00:44Un sport favori à l'intérieur, qui nécessite une main solide et un timing parfait, c'est le billiard.
00:49Regardons cette difficulté.
01:09Here is another popular indoor sport.
01:31Each winter, ski jumpers from all over the world go to Lake Placid to test their skill.
01:36This is considered to be the highest, longest, and most treacherous ski jump ever constructed.
01:42Only those with iron nerve and daredevil courage ever attempt this hazardous feat.
01:47And now, about to undertake this perilous jump is Pavo Nervi.
01:51Good luck, old man. Happy landing.
02:02The high hurdle race is one of the most exciting events of a track and field meet.
02:06We're just in time to see the start of the 120 high hurdle race.
02:09And they're off!
02:20Aquabelles get in the swim for the Women's National Championships.
02:30And here's the finish of the 50-yard freestyle race.
02:34This attractive miss is the new Women's Champion.
02:45Basil Barracuda, former Olympic star, demonstrates a few swimming strokes.
02:49He shows you the breaststroke.
02:59And the backstroke.
03:06And now the crawl.
03:16For grace and beauty, nothing excels perfect dives.
03:19This is the jackknife dive.
03:25The beautiful swan dive.
03:30And here is another very popular dive.
03:36Crew racing is a sport that requires flawless timing and teamwork.
03:40Notice their perfect precision.
03:54The six-day bicycle race is an annual event at Madison Round Garden.
04:14Monotonous, isn't it?
04:23And now the national pastime.
04:25Let's take a glance at that popular catcher, Gabby Herrinette, in action.
04:56That's the old pepper in her kit.
05:00Football attracts such capacity crowds that seating has become a problem.
05:04Now here is the latest ideal stadium, the dream of every football fan,
05:08where every seat is on the 50-yard line.
05:11Now we go down to the field and show you a few exciting moments from this thrilling game.
05:44For the benefit of those in the audience who couldn't follow the play,
05:47we'll explain it by means of this animated diagram.
05:50From a box formation, the backfield shifts into a modified T formation.
05:54The left half runs out into the flat zone.
05:56The tailback drops back into the left wing position.
05:58The quarterback drops back into the tailback position.
06:01Ball is snapped back to the fullback as the running guard pulls out of the line.
06:04The right end takes out the left tackle.
06:06Left half laterals to the left wing.
06:08Left wing laterals to the left halfback.
06:10The right half tosses a shovel pass against a 2-2-1 defense.
06:12Tackle takes out the flanker man.
06:13Center blocks out the right guard.
06:14The center passes the ball.
06:15Tackle goes around the end.
06:16Signal is called.
06:17Forward pass to the fullback.
06:18Left end catches the pass.
06:19Fumbles the ball.
06:20Center blocks out the guard.
06:21Spin out through tackle.
06:22Quarterback straight arms to the end.
06:23Run for touchdown.
06:24And there you are.
06:25And now, the event of events.
06:26The Indianapolis Speed Classic.
06:28We're in the last lap of this grueling race.
06:30Car number 65 is in the lead.
06:34Followed by car number 17.
06:38And here comes a midget car.
06:42And now, here comes the winner across the finish line.
06:47Let's get a close-up of the victor.
06:50Won't you say a few words?
