
  • last week
00:00:00Wow! Cool!
00:00:21Jenna, Mike, come join us. I was just about to start the story.
00:00:26How did she know our names?
00:00:28I told you, she knows everything.
00:00:39Once upon a time long ago, in a land that always was and forever shall be, there was a peaceful place known as the Kingdom of Rhythm.
00:00:50Oh! I know where that is!
00:00:52Shh! Quiet!
00:00:56The villagers of the kingdom were a kind and gentle people.
00:01:09A beautiful day, Tyler.
00:01:14Indeed, Gary. How is the bakery business today?
00:01:17On the rise.
00:01:27And how are you today, Brittany?
00:01:30Wonderful. It's such a lovely day. I feel like singing and dancing.
00:01:36Then by all means, may I join you?
00:01:39You may.
00:01:43I love to sing.
00:01:45I love to dance.
00:01:47It comes to us by no mere chance.
00:01:50I love to sing.
00:01:52I love to dance.
00:01:53It's not a thing of circumstance.
00:01:57The music makes me want to move.
00:02:00The music makes me sing a happy tune.
00:02:03It makes me feel like a bird in flight.
00:02:06It makes me feel oh so right.
00:02:16Come on!
00:02:18We love to sing.
00:02:20We love to dance.
00:02:21It comes to us by no mere chance.
00:02:24We love to sing.
00:02:26We love to dance.
00:02:27It's not a thing of circumstance.
00:02:30Oh no!
00:02:31When I dance, I feel like a princess.
00:02:35And everyone can witness what it does to me.
00:02:42My feet start to float in the moonlight.
00:02:48And I rise to a new height.
00:02:51Just you and me.
00:02:55When I sing, even though I may be off tune,
00:03:00You will see that real soon.
00:03:04I will make you smile.
00:03:08And then you will join with me.
00:03:13And we will feel so free.
00:03:17Just you wait and see.
00:03:21Yeah, join in, guys!
00:03:23We love to sing.
00:03:25We love to dance.
00:03:27It comes to us by no mere chance.
00:03:30We love to sing.
00:03:32We love to dance.
00:03:33It's not a thing of circumstance.
00:03:36We love to sing.
00:03:38We love to dance.
00:03:43They were ruled by the good King Jason and his wife, Queen Catherine.
00:03:48They were fair and kind rulers who had kept peace in the land for many years
00:03:54and were loved by all their subjects.
00:03:57Even the evil witch Bandrilla did not bother them,
00:04:00for she too liked King Jason and Queen Catherine.
00:04:04Bandrilla lived on the other side of the magic forest,
00:04:08high atop Skull Hill.
00:04:10And for centuries, she had struck fear in the hearts of the people of the kingdom.
00:04:16The animals of wonder have two special powers.
00:04:20They can talk, and they, like the people of the kingdom, love to dance.
00:04:27Every 100 years, these powers are renewed at a special and magical ceremony.
00:04:33The Festival of Mahjong!
00:04:35That's correct, Mike.
00:04:37Very good.
00:04:39All the animals of the forest must join together and perform a special dance,
00:04:45and they are bestowed with another 100 years of speech and dance for themselves and their descendants.
00:04:53When this story takes place, the festival was just 11 short years away.
00:05:00One day, King Jason made a wonderful announcement to the people of the kingdom.
00:05:06And this is where our story really begins.
00:05:24My friends, I have tremendous news to share with you.
00:05:29Catherine and I are going to have a child!
00:05:32Let the bells ring throughout the land.
00:05:37BELLS RING
00:05:40Word of the joyous news spread quickly.
00:05:43When the blessed day arrived, gifts were brought from far and wide.
00:05:48The two most unusual gifts came from the animals of Wonder Hollow.
00:06:09Hello! We wish to see the king and his new family.
00:06:13We bear gifts for them.
00:06:15Of course. Follow me.
00:06:27Welcome to the kingdom of rhythm!
00:06:30Your Highness, the animals of Wonder Hollow are here.
00:06:35The animals of Wonder.
00:06:37It's so good to see you.
00:06:39Oh, it's always good to see the two of you.
00:06:42Congratulations, Your Highness.
00:06:44We, the animals of Wonder Hollow, share in your happiness,
00:06:48and we wish to present the princess with two gifts.
00:06:52May I?
00:06:54Of course, my friend.
00:06:56This is Princess Katrina.
00:07:01The first gift is this water.
00:07:04It comes from the brook which flows within the magic forest.
00:07:09It's called Love Brook, because by bathing our newborns there,
00:07:14they grow up with a love for all things,
00:07:17and we wish to share this gift of love with Princess Katrina.
00:07:21Thank you, Mindy.
00:07:35This is the second gift.
00:07:38This is Bonji Bear.
00:07:40Bonji's parents passed away recently, leaving him an orphan.
00:07:45He wishes to remain here at the castle and protect Princess Katrina
00:07:51as she starts to make her way on this journey we call life.
00:07:56We accept your wonderful gift of the water,
00:08:00and to you, Bonji Bear, welcome to your new home.
00:08:03Yes, welcome to the Kingdom of Rhythm.
00:08:06On behalf of Princess Katrina, we thank you all.
00:08:10And Bonji, since you will be one of the protectors of the princess,
00:08:15I would like to present you with something.
00:08:18Guard, could you hand me one of the special bibs, please?
00:08:22Yes, Your Majesty.
00:08:31I, King Jason, ruler of the Kingdom of Rhythm,
00:08:36hereby proclaim you Bonji Bear, protector of the princess.
00:08:53I guess we'll have to shorten it a little for you.
00:08:57No, Your Majesty. It's perfect.
00:09:06I will protect her with my life.
00:09:47As we wander through this life and meet so many souls
00:09:54There are friends along the way that help us meet our goals
00:10:00No matter how time flies, there's always one so true
00:10:06The one who truly cares, the one that's there for you
00:10:15That special friend who's there through thick and thin
00:10:21That special friend who can make your frown a grin
00:10:27That special friend, you were always meant to be
00:10:33That special friend
00:10:56When life takes us by surprise, as it often seems to do
00:11:03You're right there by my side to help me make it through
00:11:09Through the laughter and the tears, there's one thing that I know
00:11:15I can always count on you, and our bond will always grow
00:11:21That special friend who's there through thick and thin
00:11:27That special friend who can make your frown a grin
00:11:33That special friend, you were always meant to be
00:11:39That special friend, that special friend, that special friend
00:12:29Whatcha doing, Papa?
00:12:31What are you doing?
00:12:34You must speak correctly, Pumpkin.
00:12:37Oh, Papa!
00:12:39What are these for, Mother?
00:12:43They are the invitations to the annual celebration of Rhythm, dear.
00:12:47It's almost that time of year again.
00:12:51Oh, boy, I love the celebration of Rhythm!
00:12:54Everybody in the land comes!
00:12:57But why do you send out invitations?
00:12:59Everyone knows it's open to all.
00:13:01Because it's the proper thing to do, dear.
00:13:04We want everyone to feel special.
00:13:08Okay, I gotta go tell Bongie.
00:13:12See ya!
00:13:14You must go tell Bongie, not you gotta go,
00:13:19and see you, not see ya,
00:13:22and don't slam the...
00:13:27Sorry, Father!
00:13:30What are we going to do with her?
00:13:33Oh, she'll be fine, dear.
00:13:35I seem to remember your mother telling me what a handful you were
00:13:38when you were Katrina's age.
00:13:41Well, that's beside the point.
00:13:49Jason, you invited Bandrilla again this year.
00:13:53You invite her every year, and every year she refuses.
00:13:57I know, dear.
00:13:58But as I told Katrina, we invite everyone.
00:14:02No one is left out.
00:14:04His Majesty King Jason,
00:14:07Queen Catherine,
00:14:09and Princess Katrina!
00:14:27My, how she's grown over the years.
00:14:32It's hard to believe she's ten years old.
00:14:38Welcome, everyone.
00:14:41I am honored that you all have taken the time to come and celebrate with us.
00:14:46The celebration of rhythm would not be the same without you.
00:14:50So without further ado, let the celebration begin!
00:15:01It's here! It's time!
00:15:03The celebration of rhythm!
00:15:07We wait so long for this time of year
00:15:11It's the time for us to dance
00:15:14A time for us to laugh and cheer
00:15:18And now we have a chance
00:15:22It's a celebration of rhythm
00:15:24A celebration for all
00:15:26A celebration of rhythm
00:15:28Everyone will have a ball
00:15:30At the celebration of rhythm
00:15:32We usher, you repeat
00:15:34At the celebration of rhythm
00:15:36It's the music that's the key
00:15:44Who cares if we can't dance or sing
00:15:47It's a time for us to shine
00:15:49A time to let the music ring
00:15:52And you all can enjoy the light
00:15:55It's a celebration of rhythm
00:15:57A celebration for all
00:15:59A celebration of rhythm
00:16:01Everyone will have a ball
00:16:03In a celebration of rhythm
00:16:05We usher, you repeat
00:16:07At the celebration of rhythm
00:16:09It's the music that's the key
00:16:11Come on, everyone!
00:16:13Woo-hoo! Yeah!
00:16:15That's the spirit!
00:16:17Come join us now from far and wide
00:16:20It's a time for all to sing
00:16:22A time you all can show your pride
00:16:25It's a great big musical thing
00:16:29It's a time to just let go
00:16:32A time to get a special treat
00:16:35And let the music flow
00:16:37It's a celebration of rhythm
00:16:39A celebration for all
00:16:41A celebration of rhythm
00:16:43Everyone will have a ball
00:16:45In a celebration of rhythm
00:16:47We usher, you repeat
00:16:49At the celebration of rhythm
00:16:51It's the music that's the key
00:16:58Hey, Bonji, why don't we get a group of kids
00:17:01and have a game of kickball?
00:17:03That sounds like fun.
00:17:05Hey, there's Tyler, the candlestick maker,
00:17:08and his wife.
00:17:09They have a bunch of kids.
00:17:11Let's see if they can come and play.
00:17:13Excuse me, Mr. Tyler, sir.
00:17:15Um, we wanted to know if your children
00:17:17could play kickball with Bonji and me.
00:17:20Are they here today?
00:17:21They are around somewhere, princess.
00:17:23I'll call them.
00:17:38Hi, Katrina!
00:17:40Hi, Bonji!
00:17:51What are you doing?
00:17:54It's okay.
00:17:56We're just having fun, sir.
00:17:59Come on, guys.
00:18:00Let's go play kickball.
00:18:02What would the king and queen say
00:18:04if they saw that?
00:18:06He would say
00:18:08the princess was lucky
00:18:10to have such good friends.
00:18:12Your Majesty!
00:18:14I'm so sorry.
00:18:16I... I...
00:18:17It's okay, Tyler.
00:18:19They're just kids having fun.
00:18:21I just wanted to commend you
00:18:23on the fine candles you made
00:18:25for the castle last week.
00:18:27I have never seen such artistic work
00:18:29on a candle.
00:18:30I hate to burn them.
00:18:32They look so beautiful.
00:18:34Thank you, sire.
00:18:43King Jason, Queen Katherine,
00:18:45have some of my pastries.
00:18:47I make it just for you.
00:18:49Please enjoy.
00:18:54Fabulous, Gary.
00:18:57And congratulations, Your Highness.
00:18:59It looks like another successful celebration.
00:19:02Look at all the people.
00:19:04There seems to be more than last year.
00:19:07This is good.
00:19:09Oh, look at all these people.
00:19:11I got it. Don't worry.
00:19:18at a kingdom rhythm!
00:19:23they ain't listening to you, Barnabus.
00:19:26Oh, this ain't good.
00:19:28You know how she can be
00:19:30if people don't pay attention
00:19:32when she arrives?
00:19:34Siren, be careful.
00:19:36She'll hear you.
00:19:38Oh, she can't hear me.
00:19:40But she'll be here any moment.
00:19:42And if you don't introduce her,
00:19:44we will pay.
00:19:46You know she likes to make a big entrance.
00:19:49Must be her ego.
00:19:54People of the Kingdom of Rhythm!
00:19:58Her Majesty,
00:20:00the Queen of Darkness,
00:20:02her Royal Evilness,
00:20:04the Big Kahuna,
00:20:18Siren, be careful.
00:20:20She'll hear you.
00:20:22Oh, this ain't good.
00:20:24You know how she can be
00:20:26if people don't pay attention
00:20:28when she arrives?
00:20:30Siren, be careful.
00:20:32She'll hear you.
00:20:34Oh, she can't hear me.
00:20:36But she'll hear you.
00:20:38She'll hear you.
00:20:40Oh, she can't hear me.
00:20:42Oh, she can't hear me.
00:20:44Oh, she can't hear me.
00:20:47Much to learn.
00:21:01I am so glad you decided
00:21:03to attend this year.
00:21:05On behalf of the people
00:21:07of the Kingdom of Rhythm,
00:21:09I welcome you.
00:21:11Bandrilla, you must try
00:21:13some of these pastries.
00:21:15They are delicious.
00:21:25These are good.
00:21:29I can cook them better.
00:21:31I'm glad you like them.
00:21:33Your Majesty, we need you
00:21:35over at the pie table
00:21:37to judge the pies.
00:21:39Please, come along.
00:21:41Yes, of course.
00:21:44Please, excuse me, Bandrilla.
00:21:46It's one of my duties, you know.
00:21:49Enjoy yourself.
00:21:51I'll talk to you later.
00:21:56Follow me!
00:22:06Oh, she looks so lonely.
00:22:10I think I'll go over
00:22:12and ask her to play with us.
00:22:14That would be nice.
00:22:16Are you crazy?
00:22:18She'll probably turn you
00:22:20into a purple toad.
00:22:22Or maybe an ogre.
00:22:24Or she might zap you
00:22:26like she did her two birdies,
00:22:28and then you'll become a zombie.
00:22:30Well, she might.
00:22:32Look, all I'm going to do
00:22:34is ask her to play kickball with us.
00:22:36It's no big deal.
00:22:39Bungie, you stay here
00:22:41and protect this scaredy cat.
00:22:43I'll be right back.
00:22:52What do you want?
00:22:54Um, would you like to play
00:22:56kickball with me and my friends?
00:22:59Why, thank you, child.
00:23:01But I think it's best
00:23:03if I just watch.
00:23:05I'm Bandrilla.
00:23:07And who might you be?
00:23:09I'm Katrina.
00:23:11The princess?
00:23:15Oh, I should have guessed
00:23:17you were Jason's daughter.
00:23:19Run along, child.
00:23:21Your friends are waiting,
00:23:23and, uh...
00:23:27Okay, but if you change your mind,
00:23:29we'll be right over there.
00:23:37Uh-huh! Slip and slide!
00:23:39Slip and slide! Look out!
00:23:41Here we go!
00:23:43Oh, check it out!
00:23:45I can't believe it!
00:23:47I can't believe it!
00:23:49Look out! Here we go!
00:23:51Oh, check out the moves!
00:23:53Hey, watch me go!
00:23:55Ivan, check out this one!
00:23:59What are you doing?
00:24:03Uh, well...
00:24:05Buggy in?
00:24:07The electric slide?
00:24:11Ow, my tail!
00:24:13Sorry, evilness!
00:24:15Hey, you're really smoking.
00:24:18It's time for the final dance!
00:24:21What's the final dance, Papa?
00:24:23It's when everyone makes a giant circle,
00:24:26and the royal family is in the middle.
00:24:29Then they each choose someone
00:24:31to dance with for a few minutes.
00:24:33And then they pick someone else to dance with.
00:24:36It's the highest honor to be the first to be chosen.
00:24:39Maybe the princess will pick me.
00:24:42Don't be silly.
00:24:44She always picks Bungy Bear first every year.
00:24:51May I have this dance?
00:24:55Thank you, my queen. Of course.
00:25:05Bandrilla, may I have the honor
00:25:08of starting the dance with you?
00:25:10Wait till they find out she can't dance.
00:25:13Ivan, please. She's gonna hear you.
00:25:16Why do you say that?
00:25:19I think she heard you.
00:25:21I think you're right.
00:25:24I can do this.
00:25:26All I have to do is fake it for a minute,
00:25:29and it will all be over.
00:25:31King Jason has been so kind to me.
00:25:34I will not insult him by refusing his request,
00:25:37just because I can't dance.
00:25:41How hard can it be?
00:25:45As you wish.
00:25:47I am honored.
00:25:49Oh, this is not good.
00:25:51Not good at all.
00:26:10Let's go.
00:26:41Ignore them.
00:26:43They were doing just fine.
00:27:34How dare you laugh at me!
00:27:37Bandrilla, the queen of darkness!
00:27:42I told you so!
00:27:47Wow, scary!
00:28:23From this day forth,
00:28:25the people of the kingdom of rhythm
00:28:28shall never dance again!
00:29:03We'll never dance again!
00:29:07This is nonsense!
00:29:09No wrinkled old bag of bones can stop me
00:29:12from twinkling my toes!
00:29:16Surely, if anyone can dance,
00:29:18it will be Gary the Bacon.
00:29:21He's the best dancer in the kingdom.
00:29:33Oh, no!
00:29:35The witch's spell really worked!
00:29:38All is lost!
00:29:50It'll be all right, Katrina.
00:29:56But Bungie, you don't understand.
00:29:59Neither I or anyone else will ever be able to dance again
00:30:02because of Bandrilla's spell.
00:30:05Hey, that's what I'm here for,
00:30:08to help you.
00:30:12When you're scared and all alone
00:30:17and you don't know what to say
00:30:22when you reach into the dark
00:30:28and can't seem to find your way
00:30:34then you feel a hand that comforts you
00:30:38and you know it'll be okay
00:30:42That's me
00:30:45I'll be there for you
00:30:48That's me
00:30:50Now and forever
00:30:53That's me
00:30:55Always together
00:30:57That's me
00:30:59That's me
00:31:03When you're tired and feeling down
00:31:08and it seems your dreams just won't come true
00:31:13when you feel like giving up
00:31:19and you don't know what to do
00:31:24then you hear some words right from the heart
00:31:28words you know that were meant for you
00:31:32That's me
00:31:35I'll be there for you
00:31:39That's me
00:31:41Now and forever
00:31:43That's me
00:31:45Always together
00:31:47That's me
00:31:49That's me
00:31:54When you think life's got you down
00:31:59and you're about to hit the ground
00:32:05then two arms reach out and break your fall
00:32:09They're there to help you through it all
00:32:13That's me
00:32:15I'll be there for you
00:32:19That's me
00:32:21Now and forever
00:32:23That's me
00:32:25Always together
00:32:27That's me
00:32:29That's me
00:32:35Princess, I have always said I would do anything for you
00:32:40and now I will break Bandrilla's spell
00:32:43There must be a way
00:32:45Do you really think so, Banji?
00:32:47A witch is so powerful
00:32:50If anyone can help us, Mindy the Owl of the Land of Wonder can
00:32:54She is very wise and I am sure she can help us
00:32:58I'll leave at once to see her
00:33:01Now you go into the castle with your parents
00:33:04I'm sure they'll be wondering where you are
00:33:12Be careful, okay?
00:33:14I love you
00:33:16Okay, run along now
00:33:18There you go, Bandrilla was right again
00:33:21She said someone would try to break her spell
00:33:24Bandrilla was right?
00:33:26Of course she was right, she's always right
00:33:31Okay, stop
00:33:33Why do you think she wanted us to stay behind and listen, Birdbrain?
00:33:37Come on, we gotta go tell Her Royal Wickedness what this Banji character is up to
00:33:42I think I missed the last...
00:33:44Oh, I'm right behind you, Barnabus
00:33:54I must find a way to break Bandrilla's spell
00:33:58Princess Katrina is counting on me
00:34:15Is anyone there?
00:34:19Something's not quite right here
00:34:22I don't hear anything
00:34:24Not even the crickets
00:34:28Who's there?
00:34:33I know you're out there
00:34:35You come on out!
00:34:38I know you're out there
00:34:40You come on out!
00:34:48Hey, Banji!
00:34:51How you doing?
00:34:53It's moi
00:34:55I've been following you
00:34:57What's up?
00:35:01Gee, what are you trying to do, scare me to death?
00:35:05Some friend you are
00:35:07Have you been following me for a while?
00:35:10Sure I have, ever since you left the Kingdom of Rhythm
00:35:16I love to go and watch the people dance at the celebration every year
00:35:21Dance is in my blood
00:35:23It's in my feathers, truly
00:35:29Ba-da, ba-da, ba-da-ba-ba
00:35:32Wa-shoot, wa-shoot
00:35:35Oh, I hurt myself
00:35:37I was even there when that crazy old witch zapped everyone
00:35:41Oh, I'll never forget it
00:35:43Zap, zap, zap, brrr
00:35:45But how can that be?
00:35:47You're still dancing
00:35:49Hello? Yoo-hoo? Hello?
00:35:52Is anybody in there?
00:35:55If you remember, Bandrilla said none of the people would ever dance again
00:36:01I mean, that's what she said when she did that zapping people punchy
00:36:05I'm not a people
00:36:07And hey, neither are you
00:36:09Get it?
00:36:13Hello, operator, I've been disconnected
00:36:17Boy, I never even tried to dance after the spell
00:36:20I was so concerned about Princess Katrina
00:36:23But I still have to go see Mindy the Owl to find a way to help King Jason and his people
00:36:36Sure, sure, together we'll break a spell
00:36:39I'll knock her and her two henchmen flat with one punch
00:36:43Ka-pow, boom
00:36:45Pow, that's three, but I don't care
00:36:48Uh, I'd give her a karate chop
00:36:56Oh, that hurt, that smarts
00:36:58Pain, lots of pain
00:37:00Oh, hello
00:37:02Pilot to tower
00:37:04Mayday, mayday
00:37:06I'm hit, my wing is hit
00:37:08Losing feathers fast
00:37:10Hello, help
00:37:12Come in
00:37:14I'm out of control
00:37:16Oh, they're going, look at that
00:37:18Three feathers at once
00:37:20Please, I'm hit
00:37:22One, two, three
00:37:24Oh, I'd have to have these reinserted
00:37:28Where am I?
00:37:30Hi, remember me?
00:37:32Wow, Myron, are you all right?
00:37:35Oh, yeah, I'm okay
00:37:43It only hurts when I do this
00:37:45You know what? I'm not going to do that
00:37:55Yeah, I'm okay, I'm okay
00:37:58Just give me, you know, a couple of weeks and I'll be fine
00:38:03Oh, please, they don't stand a chance
00:38:06But we have to hurry, don't forget
00:38:08Tonight at midnight, we have to be at the Festival of Mahjong in Wonder Hollow
00:38:12This will be our first time celebrating it, Bonge
00:38:15Oh, I can't wait
00:38:17That's right, I almost forgot
00:38:21I may not be able to be there
00:38:23I made a promise to the princess
00:38:26Oh, but Bonge, if you don't go to the Festival of Mahjong
00:38:30you'll lose your ability to talk and dance
00:38:33I mean, it only happens once every hundred years, you gotta
00:38:36I mean, you gotta be there
00:38:38Then we have to hurry, don't we?
00:38:41Come on, Bonge, I know a shortcut to Mindy's home
00:38:45Follow me, walk this way
00:38:54You know something? I think we're almost there
00:39:05Bonge, Myron, welcome
00:39:08Mindy, Myron, welcome
00:39:11That is amazing, she called us by...
00:39:13I mean, how did she know that it was...
00:39:15That's very impressive
00:39:17I'm impressed, how did she do that?
00:39:20Hello, Mindy
00:39:22I've come because I need your help with a problem
00:39:25The witch cast a spell on the people of the Kingdom of Rhythm
00:39:28They can no longer dance
00:39:30They laughed at her when she tried to dance with the king
00:39:33and she became angry
00:39:35With your help and advice
00:39:38Oh, uh... Mindy?
00:39:42Would the two of you like some tea?
00:39:44Now you're talking
00:39:46What kind you got?
00:39:47I'll be right back
00:39:50What did you say that for?
00:39:52Gee, I'm sorry, I'm kind of thirsty, you know
00:40:00Mindy, we don't have...
00:40:22Wow, that really hit the spot
00:40:26I'm damp, I'm damp all over
00:40:29Mindy, we really need to hurry
00:40:31Bungie, it was cruel of the people of the Kingdom to laugh and make fun of Bandrilla
00:40:36And it was also wrong for Bandrilla to put a spell on them
00:40:40One bad deed does not deserve another
00:40:44When will they ever learn?
00:40:47But all is not lost
00:41:02Go to King Jason and tell him to send a messenger to Bandrilla apologizing for his people
00:41:09What if she doesn't accept the apology?
00:41:12That is the best place to start, Bungie
00:41:15Start there and see what happens
00:41:17There are other things they can do, but apologize first
00:41:21Go, now
00:41:23Thank you, Mindy
00:41:48You think apologizing will get Bandrilla to reverse the spell?
00:41:52I don't think so
00:41:55Not in a month of Sundays
00:41:58Not in any fairy tale ever
00:42:17It's me, Your Majesty
00:42:19Bungie, I have news
00:42:22Come in, Bungie
00:42:25Sire, Mindy the Owl says you should send a messenger to apologize to Bandrilla
00:42:31And that she will probably remove the spell
00:42:34You're too late, my friend
00:42:36While you were gone, I sent a messenger to do just that
00:42:39And moments before you arrived, he returned, dancing
00:42:43That's great, Your Highness
00:42:45Then why do you look so sad?
00:42:48And why is Princess Katrina crying?
00:42:52Because Bandrilla turned him into a frog
00:42:56And sent back an answer saying she will never forgive us
00:42:59And that this dancing frog will always remind us of what we have lost
00:43:09Then I shall return to the magic forest
00:43:12Mindy the Owl said there were other things we could do if apologizing didn't work
00:43:17I will not give up
00:43:19And neither will I, Your Majesty Highness, sir
00:43:24Come on, Myron, there's no time to waste
00:43:38I'll be right with you, Bungie, give me a one, two
00:43:43Ah, Bungie, that was not so nice
00:43:48Foot odor
00:44:02Hello, hello, I'm stuck, my head is stuck
00:44:05I'll be out in a minute, what is this?
00:44:07Hello, oh, please, get me, please
00:44:11Whoa, I'll clean this up later
00:44:15I'll come back and take all care of, you know, Your Majesty, Your Holiness
00:44:22And your, your kingly, sir
00:44:41Look at her, she's really full of herself
00:44:46Shh, don't let her hear you, you see what she does to Barnabas and Ivan
00:44:51Tell me about it, I used to be much taller
00:44:55Oh no, is she going to be all right?
00:44:59I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
00:45:02I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
00:45:06Much taller
00:45:08Oh no, is she going to sing again?
00:45:12Oh, it really hurts my ears
00:45:15You don't even have ears
00:45:18You're really getting to be a pain in the neck
00:45:22I hate to tell you, you don't even have a neck either
00:45:36I'm so misunderstood
00:45:48You'd think I was a common hood
00:45:52They laughed when I tried to dance
00:45:56And now they want another chance
00:45:59They want to dance again, but I'm a thriller
00:46:02I'm really quite a thriller
00:46:05I'm a thriller, I'm really quite a thriller
00:46:09Evil grows from the head to my toes
00:46:13Evil grows from her head to her toes
00:46:18So they think my spell can be broken
00:46:22Do they think it was dribbling as it spoken?
00:46:27My spells are so strong, how could I be wrong?
00:46:32They'll never dance again
00:46:35I'm a thriller, I'm really quite a thriller
00:46:39I'm a thriller, I'm really quite a thriller
00:46:43Evil grows from the head to my toes
00:46:47Evil grows from her head to her toes
00:46:52With the help of my magic cauldron
00:46:56I'll keep an eye on all of them
00:47:00And if they should try to defy me
00:47:04More evil is what they will see
00:47:06They'll regret it till the end
00:47:08Because I'm a thriller
00:47:10I'm really quite a thriller
00:47:13I'm a thriller, I'm really quite a thriller
00:47:17Evil grows from the head to my toes
00:47:22Evil grows from her head to her toes
00:47:26Evil grows from her head to her toes
00:47:37Keep it up, smart guy, and I'll use you as a bowling ball
00:47:46Let's see what they're up to now
00:47:51You see that, Ivan? That's beauty
00:47:54That's why Bandrilla is where she is today
00:47:57Fear, love, hate
00:48:00If we work hard, someday, my friend, we may reach that level too
00:48:05Anna, I'm glad you brought that up
00:48:21Do you know what really sets her apart from all the rest?
00:48:27Turn it off
00:48:49It's image
00:48:51Now I've written a song to boast our evil image
00:48:54It will skyrocket us to the top of evildom!
00:48:58What are you talking about now?
00:49:00All right, just work with me, will ya?
00:49:02Take these papers and follow along and listen.
00:49:05Hit it, boys!
00:49:24If you need a dirty deed and you want it to succeed,
00:49:38If you need a bloke rubbed out, just give us a shout!
00:49:41We maim, we lame, we break, we fake, we steal, we peel.
00:49:46We peel? That doesn't make sense!
00:49:49That's the beauty of it, Barnabus!
00:49:51It rhymes! It doesn't have to make sense!
00:49:54It's advertising!
00:49:57We are the dastardly, dirty duo!
00:50:00We are the dastardly, dirty duo!
00:50:03When you want a bad job done, to us it will be fun!
00:50:07If you're looking for some hoods who really got the goods,
00:50:10We'll pillage the village, we'll rob the mob, we'll plunder, we'll blunder!
00:50:15We are the dastardly, dirty duo!
00:50:19We are the dastardly, dirty duo!
00:50:22So when you're looking for the best, forget about the rest,
00:50:26And when evil is your game, just remember our name!
00:50:30We are the dastardly, dirty duo!
00:50:34We are the dastardly, dirty duo!
00:50:37Yes, the dastardly!
00:50:40I said the dastardly!
00:50:43The dastardly, dirty duo!
00:50:51Well, what do you think? Pretty great, huh?
00:50:55Look over there.
00:50:57Hey! Birdbrain.
00:51:00Is that a yes?
00:51:03Well, if Minnie says well, then we have a try.
00:51:07We can't hurt her.
00:51:08That's better than any fairytale ever!
00:51:12Fools! When will they realize there's no way to break my spells?
00:51:20I'll have to keep an eye on that nosy bear and his friend to see what they're up to.
00:51:26Ivan, Barnabus, go!
00:51:29Follow them into the magic forest and let me know everything they do.
00:51:38Oh, gee, your wickedness. It's awfully late. Can't we go in the morning?
00:51:44I said go!
00:51:59You never know when to shut up, do you?
00:52:02You always get us in trouble with that beak of yours.
00:52:05You know you can't say things like that to her.
00:52:09But I'm tired.
00:52:12You know, she really should do something about that temper of hers.
00:52:16Counseling would do her good.
00:52:26Hey, Bunch, what do you think we have to do to break the spell now, huh?
00:52:30I'm not sure, but Mindy will have a plan.
00:52:38Who goes there?
00:52:41Did you hear that?
00:52:44It's just us again. What's the matter? You losing your touch?
00:52:52Not you. Up there. Someone is watching us.
00:52:59I'll get the little snoop.
00:53:04Never mind, Myron. We don't have time to bother with them.
00:53:08But gee, I could have caught him, Bunch. Honest.
00:53:13He's right, Myron. Time is running out.
00:53:16The only way that you can defeat Bandrilla now
00:53:19is by having the animals of Wonder Hollow
00:53:22celebrate the Festival of Mahjong in the castle courtyard
00:53:26with all the villagers present.
00:53:30Its power would be much stronger than any spell that Bandrilla could make.
00:53:35But you must start this before midnight tonight
00:53:38or all hope will be lost for one hundred years.
00:53:42Oh no, it's eleven o'clock, Myron. There's no time to waste.
00:53:47You go to the Willow Grove and ask the other animals
00:53:50if they will have the festival in the castle courtyard
00:53:53and I'll go tell the king to gather his people for the festival.
00:53:56Bunch, you can count on me. I'm on my way.
00:54:01Thank you, Mindy.
00:54:03Mindy, take care and I will see you at the courtyard.
00:54:10Well, you two finally did something right.
00:54:14By not getting caught by that phony bird
00:54:17and flying right back here quickly, I know there'll be fun.
00:54:21Word for word.
00:54:23And I don't have to guess what they said because you two idiots forgot.
00:54:29When you're right, you are right, witchy.
00:54:34Well, looks like you're slowing down in your old age, huh, witchy?
00:54:42Oh, not that time.
00:54:44Thank you, Mindy. I'll have to hurry. Time grows short.
00:54:49So, it seems they may have come up with a way to break my spell.
00:54:56But I'll bet the animals of the forest will only help if that pesky bear is there.
00:55:02So, I'll get rid of Bungie Bear.
00:55:08You two, we have one last job to do tonight.
00:55:12Yes, your evilness. We are right behind you.
00:55:16You betcha, babe.
00:55:21Your Highness, Bungie Bear is here to see you.
00:55:25Let him in, please.
00:55:29Any news, my friend?
00:55:31We need to get all the villagers in the courtyard right away
00:55:35to celebrate the festival of Mahjong with the animals of the magic forest.
00:55:39It's our only hope.
00:55:40I want you to send 50 guards to go out and bring all the people in the kingdom
00:55:44back to the courtyard immediately.
00:55:46Yes, sire.
00:55:48I'll go in the courtyard and ring the tower bell to alert everyone that something is up.
00:55:53Good idea. Go ahead. I'll wake Katrina.
00:56:13Hello! It looks like you're the first to arrive.
00:56:24The first?
00:56:26Isn't that just dandy?
00:56:32You nosy, meddlesome bear!
00:56:36I've had enough of your interference!
00:56:44And where do you think you're going, pal?
00:56:47Yeah, where?
00:56:54Your time has come!
00:56:58Gindo, bendo, bundo, boom!
00:57:02Bungie Bear, I'm through with you!
00:57:23I've won! I've won!
00:57:26Now dance will be lost in the kingdom forever!
00:57:41Hey, Bung! We're here! And we made it on time!
00:57:54Yo! Hey, Bung! Where are you?
00:57:57Bung! I mean, where are you?
00:58:01I can't... Bung? Yo! Bung!
00:58:05Gee, I wonder where he is.
00:58:08I mean, he said he'd be here.
00:58:11Hey, maybe he's over there. I mean, you know, with all those people.
00:58:24Hey, come on, Bungie. We don't have time to joke around like this.
00:58:29I mean, he ain't moving. Talk to me.
00:58:35It was the witch. We saw her do it.
00:58:39I am so sorry. I'm so sorry.
00:58:43Come on, get up.
00:58:46We saw her do it. I am so sorry. I'm so sorry.
00:58:52Come on, get up, Bung. You have to get up with the little princess. You gotta.
00:58:57Oh, Bung.
00:59:00It's just that he's my best friend.
00:59:05What's going on here?
00:59:08I'm sorry, your highness. He's gone.
00:59:17Bungie! Bungie, no!
00:59:25That's me.
00:59:29That's me, now and forever.
00:59:33That's me, always together.
00:59:38That's me.
00:59:58That's me.
01:00:14Bungie? Bungie!
01:00:18My stars! What's happening?
01:00:22The power of love, your highness.
01:00:25We gave Princess Katrina the gift of the waters from Love Brook when she was born.
01:00:30Her tears contained the love within her.
01:00:34And the witch's spell was no match for the love she had for her friend.
01:00:45Wow. What are you all standing around for?
01:00:50It's only one minute until midnight.
01:00:54We must start the festival of Mahjong now. Let's do it.
01:00:59Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's party.
01:01:09Let those feathers fly.
01:01:24Let's go.
01:01:54Let's go.
01:02:24Let's go.
01:02:54Let's go.
01:03:24Let's go.
01:03:54Let's go.
01:04:12It's good to see everyone smiling again.
01:04:15How can we ever repay you?
01:04:17Thank you, Bungie.
01:04:19Bungie, you have saved the entire kingdom.
01:04:23I am indebted to you and the animals of Wonder Hollow.
01:04:27Hey, I mean your kingship.
01:04:31What about me?
01:04:33I wanted to thank you too, Myron.
01:04:36I have something special for you, but I don't have my sword right now.
01:04:41Excuse me.
01:04:44Here, use this.
01:04:48On behalf of all the people of the Kingdom of Rhythm,
01:04:51I, King Jason, hereby dub thee
01:04:55Myron, Grand Protector of the Kingdom of Rhythm.
01:05:12I'll definitely have that fixed for you.
01:05:17Yeah, that might be good.
01:05:20I also need to thank you, Mindy,
01:05:23and all the animals of Wonder Hollow.
01:05:26Without you, my people would be doomed to a life without happiness and dance.
01:05:31I can't thank you enough.
01:05:34We were glad to help.
01:05:36I'm sure you would have done the same for us.
01:06:06How can this be?
01:06:08It's simple, Your Majesty.
01:06:10Banjo must have been hiding behind the tree
01:06:13or in the bushes during the entire celebration.
01:06:16And the same power which gave us all the ability to dance
01:06:20also gave it to her.
01:06:22Let this day be a new beginning for all.
01:06:46They say that some things cannot be
01:06:49and for some that may be true.
01:06:52But if you open your eyes and look at me
01:06:55you'll see that I am blue.
01:06:58A talking bear, a dancing squirrel
01:07:01how can this ever be?
01:07:04When you open your heart
01:07:06the magic is there for all the world to see.
01:07:10You've got to live each day in a special way.
01:07:13You've got to live each day no matter what they say.
01:07:16You've got to take a chance, you've got to make a stance.
01:07:19You've got to live each day.
01:07:28We walk and talk and sing and dance
01:07:31and the love will always shine.
01:07:34I'm blue, they're green, she's red, he's yellow
01:07:37but we're all just one of a kind.
01:07:40Now you've seen what love can do
01:07:43and there's much I can say.
01:07:46Keep that love close to your heart
01:07:49forever and a day.
01:07:52You've got to live each day in a special way.
01:07:55You've got to live each day no matter what they say.
01:07:58You've got to take a chance, you've got to make a stance.
01:08:01You've got to live each day.
01:08:04You've got to take a chance, you've got to make a stance.
01:08:07You've got to live each day.
01:08:20What happened to Bandrilla's helpers, Barnabas and Ivan?
01:08:26We are so glad you asked that question.
01:08:29Yeah, no one has ever wondered what happened to us.
01:08:33Don't worry.
01:08:36Barnabas and Ivan are now our friends also.
01:08:39Hey, Min Min.
01:08:42How's it going?
01:08:45Oh, it's always great to see you, Mindy.
01:08:48And we always love hearing that story.
01:08:51I thought you were the bad guys.
01:08:54Nah, not really. Psst, between you and me,
01:08:57I'm actually an old softie.
01:09:00I love not getting my tail burnt, let me tell you.
01:09:03Why don't you tell the children how it all ended?
01:09:06Oh, it was great. Everything turned out just dandy.
01:09:09You got it, Ivan.
01:09:12It was just like the storybooks.
01:09:15Everybody lived happily ever after.
01:09:30I love you, too.
