Rekindled Heartache Episodes 68-69

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Rekindled Heartache Episode 68-69 Don't forget supporting me by buying for me a coffee ☕️ Click Here
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00:00Please share and comment for supporting me, and before listening from Episode 68 to Episode 69,
00:06don't forget from today, everyone supporting me by buying from me a three coffees from the link in
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00:26comment, and like. Episode 68, Buy Me a Drink. Zoe was touched by Blaine's assurance that he could
00:34help her mother. She knew that he was comforting her, although his attitude was not obvious.
00:40Zoe clutched the number he had given her for an appointment and said softly,
00:45thank you. Blaine nodded lightly and didn't say anything else. He turned around and prepared to
00:53leave. However, he stopped when he felt her small hand touch his arm tentatively. Blaine
01:00frowned slightly. He glanced at Zoe out of the corner of her eye, but he didn't turn his head
01:05back. Nor did he speak. Your injury on your back. How is it? Zoe asked, unable to hold her concern
01:14in any longer. Blaine shook Zoe's hand off. Ms. Fuller, whether my injury is better or worse
01:21has nothing to do with you. After he finished speaking, Blaine started walking away from her.
01:27As Blaine walked, he dialed the hospital's director's number. Tell the director I need
01:32to speak to him about his proposal to charge visitors for coffee. It hardly serves our
01:38reputation as a place of healing if we can't even provide our patients' families with this basic
01:43courtesy. What next? Are we going to make them pay the cable television charges in the waiting room?
01:50Yes, good idea. Go get him. I'll hold. She saw Blaine shake his head in aggravation. Zoe watched
01:57Blaine's white back disappear around the corner, listening to him speak righteously to the hospital
02:02director. Zoe's heavy heart seemed to feel lighter suddenly. Just seeing Blaine made her feel
02:09slightly better. He had given her the hope she so desperately needed right now. At noon, Zoe brought
02:16her mother to the hospital for her appointment with Blaine. Gloria heard Blaine would be the one
02:21treating her tumor, and an argument ensued. Her mother was extremely unhappy, but Zoe didn't care.
02:29She told her mother that she needed the best surgeon, and since Blaine was the best,
02:34he was the doctor. Zoe would be taking her to see. End of story. Gloria eventually gave in.
02:42However, when Blaine walked into the exam room, Gloria's expression was still far from friendly.
02:48Hello, Mrs. Fuller. Blaine politely greeted her as he sat down. Mom. Zoe quietly prompted her
02:57mother under her breath to be polite. Gloria shot her daughter a look out of the corner of her eye
03:03before reluctantly offering a curt hello. May I take a look at the seat, uh,
03:09of Mrs. Fuller's brain? Blaine's question was directed to Zoe as he got straight to the point.
03:16Zoe quickly passed the CT image to him. Blaine took the image out and placed it on the lightboard.
03:23Zoe silently watched as he carefully studied it for a while. The expression on his handsome face
03:29remained carefully neutral throughout his inspection. Finally, Blaine turned his chair
03:35around and faced Zoe and Gloria. He placed his hands on the table and said,
03:40Seriously, Mrs. Fuller, I'm going to be honest with you. Your tumor is indeed located in a
03:47difficult position. An operation of this sort would be quite tricky. Hearing this, Zoe's face
03:54immediately paled. Gloria, beside her daughter, took the news much more calmly. She only said,
04:01It's all right, Dr. Dexter. Do your best. There's really no other way. If the operation works or
04:09not, I have no real choice. I've had a lot of good years, so if this is my time, I'll understand.
04:16Mom, how can you say such a thing? I won't allow you to speak such depressing words.
04:23Zoe turned to Blaine. Dr. Dexter, can this tumor be removed? Blaine didn't directly answer Zoe's
04:31question. He just pointed at Gloria's cascane and explained to both women in a serious tone,
04:38This brain tumor is located close to the great arteries and compressing the optic nerve at the
04:44same time. I'll be honest, most surgeons wouldn't even attempt such an operation. Dr. Dexter,
04:51just say it. What are my chances? Gloria asked. The success rate for this type of operation
04:58is less than 20. Not only could the operation fail to remove all the tumor, but even if it
05:05is successful, the tumor's proximity to the optic nerve could result in other permanent damage,
05:11such as blindness. This operation has a significant risk, and while I am willing to
05:17attempt it before I do so, I must be sure that both of you, as the patient and your family,
05:23understand the possible outcomes. Also, Mrs. Fuller, I recommend that if you are going to
05:30proceed with the operation, you should be immediately admitted to the hospital.
05:35Upon hearing what Blaine said, Gloria immediately shook her head, rejecting him. No, no, I'm living
05:42at home. Why would I need to stay in the hospital? Dr. Dexter, can I trouble you to arrange for my
05:49mom's hospitalization? Zoe ignored her mother and decided for her. Zoe, no, I won't allow it.
05:57Gloria immediately argued, Mom, this is not optional. Please don't make me worry about this.
06:04Zoe knew what her mother wasn't saying out loud. Her mom was worried that the cost would be too
06:09high when Zoe was already stretched to her limit. Taking care of Max, looking into her daughter's
06:16anxious eyes, Gloria didn't continue to be stubborn and agreed. Blaine accompanied Zoe
06:22to complete her mother's admission paperwork. Blaine handed his black card to the hospital
06:28cashier without Zoe saying anything. He knew Zoe couldn't afford it unless she used his card.
06:34As Blaine signed the receipt, Zoe stood next to him and felt embarrassed.
06:40Blaine. She said quietly, don't worry, I'll pay you back. Zoe would be getting paid at the end
06:49of the week and figured she could give him money towards this then. But after signing, Blaine put
06:55down the pen in his hand and passed the slip through the window. He then looked at Zoe indifferently
07:01and ridiculed. Pay me with what? Zoe bit her lips immediately, feeling her embarrassment grow.
07:08Blaine handed her mother's admission registration forms to Zoe and said indifferently,
07:13keep your phone open. I will naturally give you the chance to pay me back.
07:19Zoe's face paled. Of course, she understood the meaning behind his words. How else would
07:25she be able to pay him back other than with her body? Zoe wanted to say something, but Blaine
07:30had already turned and left indifferently. After Blaine left and Zoe was preparing to go find her
07:36mother, Ziva suddenly appeared. She leaned against the window gasping for breath. She rushed over the
07:44moment she heard. Sis, how's mom? She's okay. The doctor asked that she be admitted to the hospital
07:53for observation before her operation. I've just completed the paperwork. Zoe tried her best to
08:01say this in a relaxed manner so as not to worry Ziva too much. So fast. Have you paid the admission
08:07fee? Ziva asked in surprise. Zoe nodded, avoiding elaborating. Ziva snatched the receipt out of
08:16Zoe's hand. $4,000. That was so expensive, sis. Where did you get so much money? After Ziva said
08:24this, Zoe suddenly felt a bit guilty. Just as she was about to reply, she was surprised when the
08:30cashier, sitting in the window behind them, volunteered an answer. Dr. Dexter personally
08:37paid for this admission. Dr. Dexter paid. Ziva was startled as she stared at Zoe in disbelief.
08:45Sis, was this really paid for by Dr. Dexter? Zoe bit her lips, not knowing how to explain it to
08:51her younger sister. Well, here's the thing. Um, actually, it just so happens before Zoe could
08:59finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Ziva. Her face looked excited as she exclaimed,
09:05Heavens, you know what this means, don't you, Zoe? Dr. Dexter
09:12must be really interested in me first. He came to our house for dinner, and now he's paid for
09:18our mother's medical expenses. Ziva was unable to conceal her joy, no matter how hard she tried.
09:25As they walked to the admissions desks, Ziva said happily, Sis, don't worry. I will return
09:32the money so you don't have to worry about that. Ziva. Actually, Zoe opened her mouth to explain,
09:40but Ziva stopped her. Zoe, I know what you're going to say. There's no need. You already have
09:48Max to worry about. So let me bear the cost of mom's hospitalization. What's more, Dr. Dexter
09:55must have paid for it out of respect for me. So of course, it's up to me to return the favor.
10:01Don't worry, I'll take care of this. Hearing what Ziva said, Zoe's explanation was stuck in her
10:09throat, unable to come out. Should she tell her sister that Blaine didn't pay for their mother
10:15because of her? But how would she explain her relationship with Blaine to Ziva in its current
10:20state? She certainly couldn't tell Ziva she was Blaine's mistress, so Zoe said nothing. That night,
10:28after visiting with Max, Zoe returned to St. Mary's to sit with her mother.
10:33When Gloria fell asleep, Zoe quietly left. The moment Zoe came out of her mother's room,
10:39she saw Blaine. He was wearing a blue surgical gown and a blue sterile cap. He was walking
10:45towards her, looking a bit tired. It was the first time Zoe had seen him in his surgical gear.
10:52Just when Zoe thought Blaine couldn't get any more handsome, she saw him like this.
10:57There was something about seeing him dressed in this way that made him look sexier than if he was
11:02wearing a tuxedo. These were the clothes he wore to save lives. He looked tired.
11:09Did you just get out of surgery? Zoe asked him when he stopped in front of her. Yes! Blaine
11:15pondered for a moment, then reached up to grab the cap off his head. His hair was a bit disheveled
11:20from the pressure of the cap, but he didn't seem to care.
11:25Buy me a drink, Blaine said suddenly. Zoe blinked at him, puzzled. It's already so late? Blaine
11:32completely ignored Zoe's words. He just turned around and walked away. His attitude was evident.
11:40It was fine if she went, but if she didn't go, then that was fine too. Looking at his
11:46departing back, Zoe suddenly felt that his usually noble figure looked quite lonely.
11:52What happened to him? Without thinking, Zoe hastily caught up with him. I'll go with you.
11:59She didn't ask any more questions, but just fell into step beside him.
12:04At first, Zoe didn't even know if Blaine had heard her, but then she could feel his footsteps
12:09slow down a little to accommodate her. They didn't go to the enclave, but to a small dive bar
12:15around the corner from the hospital. The only other place close to the hospital that was still
12:21open at this time. Taking their seats at a small table, Blaine ordered their drinks, and Zoe
12:28watched as he took several long swallows of his beer. Looking at Blaine's low mood, Zoe couldn't
12:34help but ask tentatively, what's wrong? Blaine raised his eyebrows and glanced at her. At that
12:41moment, Zoe shivered. The bar was drafty, and she hadn't thought to bring her coat with her.
12:48Blaine noticed and immediately took off his jacket and wrapped it around Zoe in a domineering
12:54manner. Put this on. I'm really not cold. There's just a bit of a draft in here. Zoe frowned as she
13:03looked at Blaine, who was now only wearing a long-sleeve shirt. She was about to take off
13:09his jacket, but was stopped by him. Don't even think about it. His eyes were serious because she
13:15knew that he was in a particularly bad mood. Zoe complied. What's the matter with you? Looking at
13:23his depressed state, Zoe was worried. She reached out and placed her hand over his impulsively.
13:29Zoe was slightly startled. Blaine, your hand is so cold, she said looking up at him. Blaine tried
13:37to pull away from her warm hand awkwardly. Zoe didn't care about his anger as she quickly took
13:42off his jacket. Blaine, you need to wear this. I'm really not that cold. You need it more than me.
13:50As Zoe said this, she stood up and was about to place his jacket over his shoulders when
13:56unexpectedly, Blaine suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her onto his lap.
14:01Zoe was shocked by this sudden action. Her pretty face immediately flushed red
14:07at finding herself suddenly in this position. Glancing around the room to see if anyone was
14:12watching, Zoe struggled to get out of his arms, saying, Blaine, stop messing around. Let me hold
14:19you. Blaine's voice was low and hoarse, and Zoe felt her heart turn over. The arms around Zoe
14:26tightened even more. He buried his head into her soft neck, greedily absorbing the warmth from her
14:33body. Zoe was stunned and obediently let him hold her in his arms, not moving the slightest.
14:40Do you remember what I told you about the older man I was trapped with in Mexico City?
14:46Blaine's muffled voice asked from Zoe's arms. Of course I remember. Zoe nodded.
14:53She held his head gently and stroked the back of his neck. She just wanted to pass all of the warmth
15:00and love in her body to him. He's gone. As Blaine said this, he tightened the arm at Zoe's waist,
15:08and the hand on her back pressed her closer. It was as if he couldn't get close enough to her
15:13at this moment. It was as if Blaine only knew how to soothe the pain inside of him by holding Zoe.
15:25When Blaine told Zoe that the older man he'd been trapped in Mexico City with had died that day,
15:31she suddenly understood Blaine's current dark mood. Zoe pressed him closer to her and stroked
15:36his head, letting the man in, whose lap she now sat, seek the comfort he needed from her embrace.
15:44Blaine's voice was hoarse and low as he elaborated. He traveled back with us to Phoenix.
15:50He wanted me to perform his operation, but then tonight on my operating table,
15:56I failed to save him. As Blaine explained, Zoe's eyes filled with tears. So deeply was her heart
16:03intertwined with this man that Zoe felt Blaine's pain as if it were her own. When I pushed him
16:09into surgery, I told him with such confidence that I would tell him the story about you and me.
16:15As soon as his operation was over, Blaine hugged Zoe and buried his face in her chest,
16:20going silent in his grief. As a doctor, being unable to save any patient was a terrible feeling.
16:28However, the pain of failing to save the life of a friend who had given Blaine hope and kept
16:34him company in his darkest hour was truly unbearable. They had survived together only
16:40for his friend to die on Blaine's operating table. How could fate be so cruel? Blaine's pain felt as
16:47if it was suffocating him. He only knew how to ease his hurt by seeking Zoe's comfort. He knew
16:53that it was only in front of her that Blaine would truly be able to let go of all his burdens
17:00and completely vent the sorrow inside him. Only this woman could provide him comfort.
17:07Even if Zoe didn't do anything and didn't say anything, just as long as she was with him,
17:12he knew he would get through this. The two of them sat in the dive bar for many hours.
17:18They'd ordered a bottle of wine, which quickly seemed to become two empty bottles.
17:23Although Blaine drank more than Zoe, he was much bigger and heavier than her by the time they
17:29caught a taxi back to his place. Zoe was completely drunk from the time they left the bar
17:35to the time they arrived at Blaine's building. Zoe only spoke once.
17:40Blaine, you are truly the most handsome and outstanding doctor I've ever met.
17:45And I think I may have drunk too much. Blaine carried Zoe into his penthouse and placed her
17:51on his bed. He was about to get her some water and aspirin when, unexpectedly, her cute little hand
17:58grabbed the front of his shirt and her other arm hooked itself around his neck, pulling him towards
18:04her. Blaine, don't go. Zoe pleaded, her voice soft and sexy. She looked up at him with her seductive
18:14blue eyes. Why did you ignore me these past few days? Zoe asked him, looking hurt as she said this.
18:22Her eyes teared up. Do you know how much I missed you? Do you know how much I missed you?
18:29Blaine's gray eyes turned stormy at her words. Say what you just said again. His voice was low
18:35and husky. Zoe's eyelashes were wet with tears. She looked at his handsome face dejectedly.
18:43She shook her head and turned her face away, saying, I won't say it again. Blaine did this
18:49when he was especially angry. He would make Zoe repeat what she had just said. Then, when she
18:55complied, he would explode in anger from hearing her say it again. Even drunk Zoe wasn't falling
19:01into his trap this time. She had learned her lesson the last time they'd seen each other,
19:06that it was best to not say anymore. Blaine gave Zoe a light kiss and nibbled at her lips.
19:12He didn't deepen this kiss. Instead, he used his lips to tease Zoe's gently licking and tasting
19:19them. He gazed at her captivating face, and Blaine's eyes gradually filled with emotion.
19:26He grabbed Zoe's small hand that was still gripping his shirt and raised it to his lips.
19:32He kissed it greedily, rubbing it against his rough cheek. He wanted to feel the warmth of
19:37Zoe's skin more deeply. Zoe. He whispered her name, and there was a pleasure in Blaine's
19:43magnetic voice. Zoe. Him. Zoe answered him in a daze, her eyes closing in contentment.
19:52Zoe. Blaine's arms supported. Zoe sighed as he held her tightly in his embrace.
19:59His head was slightly lowered as he constantly murmured her name over and over. Zoe.
20:06It was as if he needed to prove that this woman was in his arms.
20:10Zoe blinked and opened her eyes again to smile up at him. Her eyes were wide and happy.
20:17She playfully traced his handsome features with her delicate fingers.
20:21Why do you keep saying my name? Because I missed you so much. Blaine's warm fingers
20:28stroked her forehead and cheeks. Their mutual intoxication had loosened Blaine's tongue.
20:33He could unhesitatingly reveal the truest thoughts in his heart to her.
20:37Zoe's glassy eyes blinked again and again, and her eyelashes dampened with fresh tears.
20:44Do you miss me too? She asked him with uncertainty. Yes, Blaine's voice was a bit
20:50hoarse, and his eyes were fiery with pent-up emotion. I missed you. I missed you so much.
20:57Zoe held his hot hand and buried her face deep into his palm. She greedily nuzzled his hand,
21:04seeking warmth from his skin. Blaine, I seem to be drunk. How else could I have heard such
21:10beautiful words? You're not drunk. Blaine didn't want her to be drunk. He wanted Zoe to be sober,
21:17to express how she felt about him, and hear how he felt about her, because he had risked his life
21:24just to hear the sound of her voice, and had suffered because of it.
21:29When they met again, Blaine was even more sensitive to Zoe's love. He couldn't reveal
21:35his love like he once could four years ago. Then he could offer her his heart with both hands.
21:41But now Blaine had learned how to hide and protect himself,
21:45even if he couldn't forget the woman in his arms. Don't love her. Stay away from her.
21:52Blaine told himself over and over. But the warnings to himself never worked,
21:57because despite what had happened in the past, the Zoe of today seemed like the Zoe Blaine had
22:03fallen in love with, not the one who betrayed him at the end of their relationship. The way
22:08Zoe repeatedly risked herself for him and cared about him contradicted what she said.
22:14She constantly pushed him away, but then couldn't help but run back, as if she couldn't help
22:20herself as well. Zoe didn't give him the slightest sense of security, but he could no more suppress
22:26his love for her today than he could back then. His feelings only seemed to grow stronger as they
22:33were thrown in each other's paths by fate again and again. I'm drunk. Zoe mumbled and smiled
22:40happily. Blaine, I will definitely pay you back the money I owe you. Zoe was in a daze,
22:47and her thoughts jumped from one thing to another. And how do you plan to pay me back?
22:52Blaine lowered his head and asked her with his seductive voice. He rubbed the stubble on his
22:58cheek against Zoe's cheek, intentionally making her giggle. I know what you mean. You want me to
23:05repay you with my body. Zoe's speech was a bit slurred, but her mind seemed clear. Yes. Blaine
23:13nodded without any hesitation and asked her with a smile. What do you think? How about it?
23:21Zoe arched her eyebrows and playfully pouted. I don't know. Normally, Zoe would respond to
23:29Blaine's proposal by calling him a hooligan and shoving him away with a blush, but the alcohol
23:35had lowered her inhibitions. It's just, Zoe continued, squinting flirtatiously at his
23:42handsome face. Blaine, how can you be so good looking? Her restless little hands stroked his
23:49face. She opened her eyes wide and held his handsome cheek, admiring him as if she were
23:54seeing him for the first time. Blaine suppressed his chuckle and allowed her to wreak havoc on his
23:59face, asking her probingly, tell me, do you like Blaine? Who was so good looking? I like you.
24:08Zoe answered without any hesitation. With a shy expression, she added,
24:14every woman likes you. Blaine laughed and said, I don't want other women to like me.
24:20Then what do you want? Zoe asked him with a smile, wide-eyed and curious as she looked at him
24:27expectantly. I thank you. Blaine's voice was low and rough, even though Zoe was drunk. She understood
24:36his words. She understood even better than if she was sober. Her blue eyes filled with a hazy mist.
24:44The next moment, she pulled him down by his shirt. Her soft red lips, which still had the fragrance
24:51of alcohol on them, moved toward him before covering his sexy mouth with her own. The tip
24:58of her hot, wet tongue clumsily scurried over Blaine's lips. He desperately wanted to pry open
25:04her mouth with his own and take control, but he just had to see what she would do. Her drunken
25:11kisses were endearing, and Zoe's hurried and erratic movements almost made Blaine burst out
25:16laughing. Zoe, there's no rush. Blaine gently coaxed her slightly, pulling away from her lips.
25:25Unexpectedly, she followed him hungrily, just as he was about to move away.
25:31She caught him again, as if she was afraid that he would escape. Zoe simply wrapped her arms around
25:37his neck and then increased the awkwardness of her kiss even more. Blaine didn't know whether
25:42to laugh or cry. Zoe's impatience and initiative were much stronger than he had expected.
25:49A small hand suddenly reached into his shirt, unexpectedly floating down along his chest.
25:56Although her actions were bold, her trembling little hand had already betrayed her nervousness.
26:02Blaine's entire body suddenly froze, and his lower abdomen suddenly tensed up.
26:08His eyes narrowed a few times as he stared at the little white rabbit below him that was trying to
26:13turn into a hungry wolf until her fingers touched the zipper of his trousers. Then all of Blaine's
26:19patience was gone.
