Italian commedia sexy all’italiana film directed by Lucio Fulci and starring Edwige Fenech. The movie follows the story of Viola Orlando, a strict and inflexible magistrate in a small town in Veneto. Her rivals, seeking to discredit her, hire her twin sister Rosa, a high-class prostitute and pornographic photo-novel star, to impersonate Viola in Rome and tarnish her reputation.
Meanwhile, Viola is torn between her duty as a magistrate and her personal life, as she is pressured to marry her childhood friend. The film explores themes of identity, deception, and the blurring of lines between reality and fiction.
Meanwhile, Viola is torn between her duty as a magistrate and her personal life, as she is pressured to marry her childhood friend. The film explores themes of identity, deception, and the blurring of lines between reality and fiction.
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