When Revenge Gets Out of Hand- Huge Plot Twist!

  • 2 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, I'm Aphrodite, and my face almost ruined my life.
00:05But before I tell you my story, please like and subscribe.
00:08My parents named me after the Greek goddess of beauty because my emerald eyes and wavy
00:13golden hair got so much attention.
00:16Wow, that baby's gorgeous!
00:19When I was seven, me and my parents were out for a walk, when this movie producer stopped
00:24his car in the middle of the street, jumped out, and ran up to us.
00:28You're daughters of vision.
00:30I've never seen anyone so beautiful.
00:32She's perfect for my movie.
00:34My parents were all too eager to sign me up, and we started filming the next day.
00:38But I'd always been shy and quiet, and before shooting started, I hid in my trailer.
00:44I'm scared, Mommy.
00:46You can do this, honey.
00:48We believe in you.
00:50The movie ended up being a hit.
00:52After that, I landed a dozen more movie roles and a modeling contract.
00:57The money was rolling in.
00:59We moved into a huge mansion near the beach.
01:02My parents quit their jobs to manage me full-time, and they hired a tutor so I could be homeschooled.
01:07Life was a beautiful dream come true.
01:10That is, until the day after my tenth birthday, when Mom caught Dad kissing our maid.
01:16Mom threw Dad out of the house, burned all his clothes, and used a picture of his face
01:21as a dartboard.
01:23They went through an ugly divorce, and the ultimate prize was me.
01:28Mom fought Dad for custody and won.
01:30Then Dad moved away.
01:32It broke my heart to see him go.
01:34Life wasn't easy with Mom.
01:36She grew obsessed with money.
01:38She booked me for every job just to get a paycheck, and it got really exhausting.
01:44Get up, honey.
01:45No time for sleep.
01:46You're filming a movie in Timbuktu.
01:47Plus, you're the face of this new clothing line, this orange lipstick, and these magic
01:52When I was 15, Mom set up a huge deal for me to star in a movie about a high school
01:58But when I had a meeting with the director, he tossed me a script, asked me to read a
02:02few lines.
02:03Then he told me that I was absolutely terrible.
02:07He ripped up the deal and threw us out.
02:10Mom was livid, and I was sad I'd let her down.
02:13I'm sorry, Mom.
02:14I tried my best.
02:16Mom refused to take no for an answer and convinced the director to give me another chance.
02:21The deal is still on the table.
02:23I convinced the director to let you audition again in three months.
02:27I've enrolled you in a local high school so you can get some practice being a high school
02:31But I am a high school girl.
02:33You know what I mean.
02:35It's research for the part.
02:36You start tomorrow.
02:38Mom skipped out of the room and shut the door.
02:41My mind raced.
02:42I'd been homeschooled for most of my life.
02:44I'd never been around kids my age.
02:46What if they didn't like me?
02:48What if I didn't fit in?
02:50I spent hours tossing and turning that night, unable to sleep.
02:54The next morning, as we drove to school, I begged Mom to reconsider.
02:59But of course, she didn't.
03:01Instead, she shoved me out of the car, waved goodbye, and sped away.
03:05The moment I stepped on campus, I noticed kids whispering and pointing at me.
03:10It didn't help that there was a huge billboard with my face on a stupid can of magic beans
03:15across the street.
03:16I tried to talk to a few kids, but the girls gave me dirty looks, and the boys were weird.
03:22Half of them stared at me and drooled, while the other half, well…
03:26You're hot.
03:27Wanna be my girl?
03:29I lost my phone number.
03:30Can I have yours?
03:31Then this crazy girl ran up to me.
03:34It's you!
03:35I can't believe it!
03:36I'm Leah, your biggest fan!
03:37You're even prettier in person!
03:38Can we be friends?
03:39Please, please, please?
03:40I didn't know what to say.
03:44Leah kept staring at me as she waited for an answer.
03:47I guess.
03:48Leah gave me a tour of the school.
03:51She spelled all the tea about my teachers and my classmates.
03:55She protected me from the mean girls and the creepy boys.
03:58Out of the way, precious cargo coming through!
04:00What are you staring at, jerk?
04:03Soon, Leah and I were the best of friends.
04:05One time, Leah took me to this cool cafe across town, and this gorgeous boy named Tyler stepped
04:11on stage with a guitar.
04:13He started singing, and the crowd went silent.
04:16He had the most beautiful voice I'd ever heard.
04:19As he was singing, I swear he was looking right at me.
04:24My heart melted.
04:25I'd never felt this way about a boy.
04:28He stepped off stage and walked right up to me and handed me his number.
04:33We talked for hours.
04:35He took me to the beach the next day.
04:37Tyler and I had so much in common.
04:39He'd spent his childhood traveling from city to city trying to make it as a singer, and
04:44his mom was as pushy as mine.
04:46Sometimes, all this pressure is so overwhelming, I just want to crawl into a hole.
04:52I totally get it.
04:54Geez, I feel silly complaining so much.
04:57I'm sure you've got it ten times worse.
04:59I'm not half as talented as you.
05:02Then Tyler looked up at me with his sparkling hazel eyes and strummed a few chords on his
05:08Wanna hear a secret?
05:10I wrote a song for you.
05:11Tyler started singing.
05:12The song was so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes.
05:18That was amazing.
05:19Not as amazing as you.
05:20Tyler pulled me into his arms and kissed me.
05:24Not just any kiss, an earth-shattering, mind-blowing, once-in-a-lifetime, straight-out-of-a-romantic
05:31movie kiss.
05:32And at that moment, I fell in love.
05:35Soon, Tyler and I were a couple, and we spent all of our time together.
05:40Tyler swore I was his muse.
05:41He wrote a bunch of songs about me, posted them online, and they went viral.
05:47Overnight, Tyler became a huge sensation.
05:50A few weeks later, the director of my movie called me back in to redo my audition.
05:56Tyler came to support me.
05:57The director took one look at Tyler and invited him to audition too.
06:02Then, something unexpected happened.
06:04The director was so impressed with both of our auditions that he cast us for two lead
06:11Leah was so excited, she threw me and Tyler a party at her house to celebrate.
06:15And she invited a bunch of nerdy kids from school.
06:18Since I'm your number one fan, I've assembled your ultimate fan club.
06:23You smell like sunshine.
06:25Then Tyler walked in, looking as gorgeous as ever.
06:28Wow, Tyler, you're hot and your skin is as smooth as a red-eyed tree frog.
06:34Wanna take a selfie?
06:35Leah pulled out her cell phone and ran up to Tyler, but Tyler sidestepped her and she
06:40fell on her face.
06:41Hard pass.
06:42Tyler pulled me to the side.
06:45Let's get out of here.
06:46These nerds give me the creeps.
06:47And can you believe that freak, Leah?
06:50Leah's not a freak, she's my friend.
06:53Whatever, I can't take a picture with her, it would ruin my image.
06:57I'm out.
06:58I'm going home to take a shower.
06:59Then Tyler left.
07:01I was so upset.
07:03I couldn't believe he was being so rude.
07:06That night, he apologized for being mean to Leah and promised he'd never do it again.
07:10But a couple of weeks later, everything changed.
07:14Tyler grew distant.
07:16He spent all his time posting videos for his fans online, and he stopped answering my calls
07:22and texts.
07:23I knew he was busy managing his newfound fame, but I still wanted to be supportive.
07:28One night, I invited him to my house to rehearse our lines for the movie, and I even made his
07:33favorite lemon meringue pie, but he didn't show up.
07:36I went online and saw that he'd just posted a video of himself practicing his guitar in
07:42his room.
07:43I went to his house.
07:44His front door was open, so I walked upstairs, but when I stepped into his room, what I saw
07:50turned my world upside down.
07:53Tyler was kissing some random girl.
07:56Babe, what's your ex doing here?
07:59Tyler turned to me with this dumb look on his face.
08:02Oh man, you didn't get my text?
08:05What text?
08:06Fine, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way.
08:09It's not me, it's you.
08:11No, it's not you, it's me.
08:14Whatever, I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore.
08:17I went bonkers.
08:19I smashed the pie in Tyler's stupid face and punched him in the nose.
08:23Tyler's girlfriend started screaming like a banshee.
08:27Tyler's parents rushed in and broke up the fight.
08:30After that, Tyler and his new girlfriend spread rumors that I was unstable, and all of Tyler's
08:35fans turned against me.
08:37Then, the director of our movie called me and gave me the most horrible news.
08:41We've decided to take the story in another direction, so you're fired.
08:45Have a nice day.
08:46I begged him to reconsider, but he hung up in my face.
08:50I was devastated.
08:52Mom rushed to my side, she'd heard the whole conversation.
08:56It's okay, I can fix this, I'll just get you another movie.
08:59Mom hopped on the phone to try to get me a new job, but no one would take her calls.
09:04She tried bribing a casting director and called in a dozen favors, but no one was interested
09:09in hiring me.
09:10Then, when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I found out that Tyler's new girlfriend
09:16was cast in my role.
09:18When Tyler and his dumb girlfriend's movie came out, it was a hit.
09:22Every time I turned on the TV or walked outside, I saw their faces on billboards, benches,
09:28and posters, and I swear I could hear them laughing at me as I passed.
09:32I grew angrier by the day, and I couldn't hold it inside.
09:36I started screaming and cursing in the street.
09:40Tyler broke my heart and ruined my life, so I vowed to get back at him.
09:46I started trolling Tyler online and left comments on all his posts saying that he was a stupid,
09:51mean jerk.
09:52He blocked me, and then my account was suspended.
09:55But I wouldn't give up, so I recruited Leah to help me stake out his house and get some
10:01We painted our faces green and hid in the bushes outside Tyler's house.
10:05After a few hours, Leah started to complain.
10:07Uh, Bestie, can we go?
10:10I think a mosquito bit my butt and these ants are crawling up my leg.
10:14No, we're on a mission.
10:16We can't back out now.
10:18Tyler is the enemy.
10:19He's evil.
10:20He must be destroyed.
10:21The next day, Leah and my fan club ambushed me in front of my house.
10:26We are worried about you.
10:28You're obsessed with Tyler and it's making you crazy.
10:31You have to move on and let it go.
10:34I burst out laughing.
10:36I'll never stop.
10:37If you're not with me, you're against me.
10:41I grabbed a water hose and sprayed Leah and the rest of the nerds in the face.
10:45They ran, running and screaming for their lives.
10:49Leah slipped and fell into a puddle.
10:51I'm melting.
10:52I'm melting.
10:53Oh, what a world.
10:54What a world.
10:55I scoured the internet to find anything I could about Tyler.
11:00I learned that he'd be at an exclusive party in town.
11:03I couldn't get an invite, so I did some digging and found out the host of the party had a
11:08son that went to my school.
11:11The boy's name was Isaac and he was in my math class, and I knew he had a crush on me.
11:16So I pretended to like him and asked him to take me to the party.
11:20I don't know, parties aren't really my thing.
11:24But we'd have so much fun.
11:26I held his hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he turned as red as a chili pepper.
11:31If you really want to go, I guess I could get us some tickets.
11:35Isaac picked me up for the party, and to my surprise, he looked really handsome.
11:40Like he'd walked off the cover of a fashion magazine.
11:44On the way to the party, I learned so much about Isaac.
11:47He was a talented artist, and he drew the most amazing sketches.
11:52He was smart and funny, and he made me laugh.
11:55For the first time in a while, I didn't think about Tyler and how he hurt me.
12:01I felt like a weight had been lifted.
12:03But all that came crashing down when we ran into Tyler in the parking lot.
12:08Tyler stepped out of a gold-plated Porsche with his girlfriend on his arm.
12:12Hey Aphrodite, what are you doing here?
12:15This party is for A-listers, not washed-up losers.
12:18Tyler smirked at me and his girlfriend giggled.
12:21I saw red.
12:23I lunged at Tyler, but Isaac stepped between us.
12:26You've got some nerve calling her a loser.
12:28She's got way more talent than you ever will.
12:31Aw, how cute.
12:32The geek's defending the loser.
12:34Together, you're a lame sandwich.
12:37Tyler and his girlfriend laughed at me and Isaac, then walked away.
12:41I felt so helpless and angry, I wanted to cry.
12:45Then I spotted a bat in the backseat of Isaac's car.
12:49I grabbed the bat and darted toward Tyler's Porsche.
12:52Aphrodite, don't!
12:54I ignored Isaac.
12:55I smashed Tyler's windshield and broke his taillight.
12:59The car alarm wailed.
13:00Tyler ran outside, saw the damage, and cried like a baby.
13:05Then the police came and hauled me off to jail.
13:08Mom bailed me out, paid for the damages to Tyler's car,
13:11and convinced him to drop the charges.
13:13She was so disappointed in me.
13:16Tyler and his girlfriend were all over the news telling everyone I was crazy.
13:20I hid in my room and refused to come out for weeks.
13:24Until one day, there was a knock on my door.
13:26It was Leah and Isaac.
13:28Bestie, you've gotta get out of bed.
13:31Your fan club is worried about you.
13:33I'm fine.
13:35Just leave me alone.
13:36But Leah and Isaac didn't listen.
13:39They camped out in my room.
13:41They brought me my favorite foods and we watched funny MSA videos for hours.
13:45Eventually, I started to feel better.
13:48Tyler's a jerk.
13:50What he did to you was wrong.
13:51But you can't let it change who you are.
13:54Isaac's words hit a nerve.
13:56He was right.
13:57I'd worked for years to develop my career.
14:00I couldn't let it all go down the drain.
14:02But there's nothing I can do.
14:04Everyone hates me.
14:06You've still got us.
14:07And your talent.
14:09Isaac handed me a flyer for a summer Shakespeare festival.
14:12The winner gets an audition with a huge Hollywood producer.
14:15This is your chance to get back on top.
14:18I was reluctant at first.
14:20But with Isaac and Leah's encouragement, I entered the contest.
14:24Though my mom wasn't too happy about it.
14:26You're wasting your time.
14:28There's no money in plays.
14:29That's your problem.
14:31It's always about money for you.
14:33You pressured me to take stupid jobs and bribed people to give me dumb roles.
14:38You took all my joy out of acting.
14:41Now I'm getting it back.
14:43Mom gave me the strangest look.
14:45Then she wiped a tear from her eyes.
14:49I've never seen you have so much passion.
14:52You could be a star on the stage or on the screen.
14:55I'm sorry, honey.
14:57I didn't know I was hurting you.
14:59That ends today.
15:01Mom promised to have my back.
15:03And I felt more confident than ever.
15:05On the night of the festival, I poured all the pain and hurt that Tyler caused into my performance.
15:12When I was finished, the crowd cheered and gave me a standing ovation.
15:16Of all my years as an actor, I'd never felt such a rush.
15:21When they announced the winners, I got second place.
15:24I was bummed at first.
15:25But it didn't matter.
15:27In my mind, I'd won the most important prize.
15:30I'd proven to myself that my career wasn't over.
15:34You were awesome!
15:36No, you were perfect.
15:39Isaac gave me a huge bouquet of flowers and then he hugged me tight.
15:43A year later, Tyler and his girlfriend got cast in another movie.
15:47And it was a total flop.
15:49It lost the production company millions.
15:52By then, they were total divas.
15:54So they fired their agents and managers.
15:56And no one wanted to work with them again.
15:59I continued doing plays for the rest of high school and through college.
16:02And eventually became a leading lady on Broadway.
16:05I hired Leah as my publicist.
16:08Duh, I'm her number one fan.
16:10And Isaac stole my heart.