I Thought My Dad Was A Hero

  • 2 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, I'm Thule from Boston.
00:02Before I tell you my story, please like and subscribe to MSI.
00:05Growing up, I was really close to my dad.
00:08He was a space scientist who worked for the government.
00:11He built satellites, won multiple awards for his space research,
00:15and one time, he even predicted a war based on a satellite meeting.
00:19Dad was my hero, and I inherited his love for science.
00:23We would talk for hours discussing big mysteries of space, and I loved it.
00:28But my mom always felt left out in our conversations.
00:31Like this one time in 10th grade,
00:33Dad was telling me about his new project when Mom walked in and turned the TV volume up.
00:38You turn that stupid music down, it's giving me a migraine.
00:42Your stupid science talk is giving me a migraine.
00:45Dad snatched the remote and shut the TV off.
00:48Mom tried to snatch it back, but she lost her balance
00:51and knocked into a big shelf with Dad's trophies and awards.
00:54Everything crashed, and Dad looked mad.
00:57Look what you've done! When will you start behaving like a grown-up?
01:00You're a scientist's wife, and you're dumber than a tree.
01:03Gosh, what an embarrassment.
01:05Tully, come to my study. We'll talk there.
01:07Mom looked like she'd burst into tears, and I felt a little bad for her,
01:11but she was always acting so silly.
01:13Over time, my parents started fighting a lot,
01:16and every time Dad would get annoyed, he'd lock himself in his study.
01:19He started getting more distant and would hardly even talk to me.
01:23Then a week after my 18th birthday, I walked in on him packing his bags.
01:27Where are you going?
01:29On a big mission. I don't have time to explain, Tully.
01:31Just keep this necklace, and know that I love you.
01:34I opened the necklace and saw a picture of me and Dad,
01:37and broke into tears.
01:39Don't go, Dad.
01:40I just have to. Take care. I'll see you soon.
01:43Dad left, and I waited for him patiently.
01:46But weeks turned into months, and he never came back.
01:49And then one day we got a phone call from his office
01:51saying that they'd lost contact with his spaceship, and the search was underway.
01:56The news of Dad's disappearance spread like wildfire.
01:59Everyone was concerned for the hero scientist who had gone missing, except Mom.
02:04She was happier than ever.
02:06She went shopping, got a new phone, changed her hair,
02:09got rid of all of Dad's stuff, and wiped his study clean.
02:13When I kicked up a fuss about it, she said we had to move on with our life.
02:17But things hit the roof when the police came in asking for questions.
02:21Mom just screamed at them and asked them to leave.
02:24Why did you send the police away? They could have helped us find Dad.
02:27They already went through everything a few days back, Tully, and they found nothing.
02:32Why do I have to go through this again and again?
02:34How would they find anything when you literally got rid of everything Dad ever touched?
02:39It's so obvious you don't want him to come home.
02:42I heard you two fight the day before Dad left, and you sounded like you'd rip his head off.
02:46That's none of your business, and whatever I'm doing is for your own good.
02:50Now go to your room and stop giving me a headache.
02:53But I wasn't going to give up this easily, so I decided to take things into my own hands.
02:58I spent days reading every news article printed about his disappearance,
03:02tried getting in touch with his office, spoke to some of his friends, but nothing turned up.
03:07I was super distracted and failed a scholarship test to one of the best colleges in the city.
03:13Bummed out, I skipped school that day and went to a cafe when this guy crashed into me,
03:18spilling his drink everywhere.
03:20He tried to apologize, but slipped and fell right on top of me.
03:24This is the worst day ever!
03:27Yeah, it kind of is.
03:28I almost got hit by a bus in the morning, and then my car broke down,
03:32and then I came to the cafe, but they didn't serve any hot chocolate,
03:36and I had to get cold chocolate instead.
03:38And now I'll have to order a new one.
03:40Can you shut up and get off me? You're kind of heavy.
03:44Yeah, sorry.
03:46Oh my god, is that the sequel to the Underwater Alien Invasion series?
03:51Please, please let me borrow this.
03:53I'm a huge fan, and all the copies are sold out.
03:56I'll get you free coffees for a whole month.
03:59I'm Kirk, by the way.
04:02Kirk and I spent the next few hours together, and it turned out we had a lot in common.
04:06He was a science nerd like me, fun and really cute.
04:10He was a bit weird, but at least he made me smile.
04:13We started hanging out often,
04:15and slowly I opened up to him about my life, family, and dad's disappearance.
04:19That's exactly what happened to my uncle.
04:22He was a fisherman and went missing.
04:24We found him ten days later and kept asking him what happened,
04:27but he didn't say a word.
04:29Eventually we realized he'd gone deaf because of water clogging his ears.
04:33I don't see your point.
04:34The point is that we found my uncle, and we'll find your dad too.
04:38We just need to keep looking.
04:39Kirk told me his dad knew people in the government,
04:42and maybe he could help us get some inside scoop.
04:45I prayed something would turn up soon,
04:47but all my hopes went down the drain when a week later,
04:49Kirk came back and told me that my dad was never assigned a mission.
04:53Everyone in the government was just as confused about his disappearance as I was.
04:58But how's that possible?
05:00Dad told me he was leaving on a mission.
05:02He gave me this necklace right before leaving.
05:04Kirk asked me for the necklace, but just as I was giving it to him, it fell.
05:08My picture fell out, and behind it was a tiny key.
05:12When I went home that night, I tried looking everywhere
05:15if there was a box or locker that dad might have left behind, but I found nothing.
05:20I was searching the living room when I heard a car pull up in my driveway.
05:23I went to check and saw mom all dressed up talking to some man.
05:28As soon as he left, I rushed outside to confront mom.
05:31You moved on quickly.
05:33I just went out to a nice dinner. With a nice man.
05:36It's not a big deal.
05:38Really? I wonder what dad will say when he gets back
05:41and finds out that his wife is cheating on him with some clown.
05:44And what will he say when he sees that his genius daughter failed an important scholarship test.
05:50That's right, your teacher called me.
05:52How are we supposed to afford college now, huh?
05:54Oh, don't worry about it.
05:56We'll just borrow some money from your rich boyfriend.
05:59He drives a fancy car.
06:01I don't think he'll have a problem sparing a few bucks for your poor daughter.
06:04You know what, mom? You never deserved dad.
06:07He was too smart for you anyway.
06:09Good that you're finding someone from your own league.
06:11Watch your mouth, Tuli.
06:13But I was already on my way inside the house.
06:15That night, I slept with one thought on my mind.
06:18I had to find dad and move out of this miserable house as soon as I could.
06:23The next day, I met Kirk and told him my plan of breaking into dad's office.
06:27Mom got rid of all of his stuff, and the office is the only place I haven't looked yet.
06:31How are you so sure that you'll find something?
06:34The police might have looked already.
06:36But they didn't have this key.
06:38I know it means something, and I have to give it a shot.
06:41Fine, I'm coming with you.
06:42No way I'm dragging you into this.
06:44Saying that, I turned around and left.
06:46Dad worked in a government facility, and it was difficult to get past the security checks during the day.
06:52So I decided to sneak into the office building at night.
06:55That evening, when mom slept, I slowly slid out of my window and left.
06:59I was standing outside dad's building when a guy dressed up as Batman came and stood next to me.
07:04How do I look?
07:05Kirk, why are you dressed like that?
07:08I've always wanted to dress up like Batman and fight crime.
07:12Actually, no.
07:13I wanted a disguise, and this was the only costume available last minute.
07:17I wish they had Spider-Man.
07:19Listen, I'm coming with you, okay?
07:21I know you're strong and independent, but you need my help.
07:24Why do you want to help me?
07:25Because I like you, dummy.
07:27And if we survive tonight, I'm taking you out on a date.
07:32Just think about it.
07:33Now, remember, be quiet and fast.
07:35Kirk said that, took one step, and fell on his face.
07:39I was showing you what we shouldn't do.
07:42Got it, Buttman.
07:43I'm joking, don't cry.
07:45Let's go, Batman.
07:47Kirk and I went inside, kept our heads down, and dodged a bunch of cameras.
07:51It was dark, and Kirk kept bumping into me,
07:54but somehow we made our way towards the Department of Space and Aerotechnology.
07:58This must be it.
07:59But just as we took one step inside, alarms started blaring like crazy,
08:04and within seconds we were surrounded by a SWAT team.
08:07I told them my dad worked here, but they still handcuffed me and Kirk,
08:11took us to the police station, locked us in, and called our parents.
08:15Kirk's dad used his connections to get us out,
08:18and I even had to pay a lot of money so my arrest won't go on my permanent record.
08:22When we got home that night, she was pissed.
08:26I sold my jewelry to get that money.
08:28It was for your college.
08:29I don't even know what to say to you.
08:31You could start with telling me where Dad is.
08:33Oh my God, Toolie, your dad's gone.
08:36I've accepted that, and you should too.
08:38I just can't give up on him so easily.
08:40Look, look at this necklace.
08:42It's a key, and Dad gave it to me right before he left and asked me to keep it safe.
08:47Obviously it's something important.
08:49This might have information on it that can lead us to him.
08:52Give this to the police and let them handle it.
08:55This is beyond your control.
08:57And what if the police fail to handle it?
08:59It's been months, and we have no clue where Dad is.
09:02People don't disappear like that, Mom.
09:04Something happened to him.
09:06If he is out there, how can I stop looking for him?
09:08If you know something, just tell me, Mom.
09:11I can handle the truth.
09:12I just know I can't go on like this anymore.
09:16Oh, my sweet baby.
09:18I wish I could help you.
09:19Mom hugged me tight as I sobbed like a little baby.
09:23In all my years, I'd never felt this close to her.
09:26And maybe she was right, and the situation was beyond my control.
09:31The next morning, Mom and I went to the police and gave them all the information I had, including the necklace.
09:37The principal agreed to let me appear for the scholarship test again, thanks to my previous scores.
09:42And this time, I cracked it.
09:44Dad took me out to celebrate over ice cream when he suddenly jumped on a table and started singing.
09:49Oh, Tilly, my Tilly.
09:52You're sweeter than ice creams.
09:54I want to be with you.
09:56Will you be the peanut butter to my jelly?
09:59That was so cheesy.
10:01Then what do you have to say about this?
10:03Kirk kissed me, and it felt perfect.
10:06We started dating officially, and he even got through to the same college as mine.
10:11I was happy, and everything was fine, except I still missed Dad terribly.
10:16Then, a day before I was leaving for college, I was loading my stuff in the car when a bunch of police vehicles pulled up in our driveway.
10:23They spoke to Mom for a while, and then she walked up to me with tears in her eyes.
10:27It's about your dad.
10:29My heart leapt to my throat.
10:31What's happened? Is he okay?
10:33They found him, but he doesn't want to see you.
10:35That's not possible. Dad loves me. Of course he wants to see me. I have to go.
10:39Mom tried to stop me, but I ignored her and left.
10:42I didn't get what her deal was, but I was too excited to see Dad after so long.
10:47But my excitement turned to horror when I saw the police car turn towards a prison.
10:52My heart was pounding when the police asked me to sit in the waiting room, and minutes later, a frail-looking man walked in.
11:00I ran and hugged him tight.
11:02I'm so happy you're okay, but what are you doing in prison, Dad?
11:06Paying for trusting my daughter. What else?
11:08Dad told me that he was running away from the government because he had illegally sold important government secrets to enemy nations for money.
11:16The government found out about it and had been tracking down Dad for months.
11:20But I got that phone call from the office about losing contact with your spaceship.
11:25That was a lie the government made up.
11:27They couldn't tell the public a national hero had gone rogue till they had proof, which you gave them.
11:33That was the key to my secret locker with evidence of my illegal activities and bank accounts.
11:38I had no choice but to flee, but I didn't want to get caught with all the information on me.
11:42No one would suspect a stupid necklace, so I put that key in there and gave it to you to keep my information safe.
11:48But you went ahead and handed it over to the police.
11:51How could you be so dense, Toolie?
11:53Don't you dare talk to my daughter like that, you moron.
11:57I turned around to see Mom walk in with Kirk, march up to Dad, and slap him square in the face.
12:02That was for insulting my daughter, and that is for lying to us.
12:07You mean lying to Toolie?
12:09Because you knew the whole truth, but you chose not to tell her, so I guess we're not that different.
12:14What? Is that true, Mom?
12:17Yes. The police told me everything the day after your dad left.
12:21They were the ones who took away his things into custody for investigation, but didn't find anything.
12:26I tried to help as much as I could, but I didn't want them to drag you into the mess, so I kept everything from you.
12:32You worshipped your dad, and I thought finding out that he's not a hero but a traitor would destroy you.
12:38So you lied to me? For months you saw me suffer and you didn't say a word.
12:43How could you, Mom?
12:44And Dad, I trusted you blindly and almost gave up on my future to find you.
12:50And you didn't bother to tell me you were okay?
12:52Both of you are liars. I hate you.
12:55Mom tried to stop me, but there was nothing more to say. Dad got life imprisonment, and I never saw him again.
13:02Kirk and I left for college soon after, and even though Mom tried calling several times, I didn't answer her.
13:08All I needed was space and time to heal. I felt like a mess, and Kirk helped me pick up the pieces.
13:14I went into therapy, graduated from college, got a job, and got married to Kirk in a small ceremony.
13:20A year went by, and soon I was blessed with a baby girl. I was in the hospital when Mom walked in with a huge bouquet.
13:27I know you don't want to talk to me, but I'm here for my granddaughter.
13:31How are you, Mom?
13:32Since you're asking, I'm doing pretty good.
13:34No, that's a lie. I'm horrible too. I miss you so much. Please forgive me.
13:41I know it was stupid of me to hide the truth about your dad, but I thought I was protecting you.
13:46You have a daughter now. Won't you do anything to protect her?
13:50I guess. I get your point, Mom, but it was still wrong what you did. But I forgive you.
13:56Can you please take away these roses from my face now? You know I hate them.
14:00Anything you say, love.
