Rugby World Cup 1995 - France vs England

  • 2 days ago
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00:00:00well that's it and it will be all action then for the next 80 minutes or so that's the French
00:00:08combination three changes to their team Sigania coming in at eighth man for Mark Cession
00:00:16Frank Minell for Christophe Deloe and Benazai for Louis Armaret
00:00:21would have noticed the change of numbers there in the French combination and England deciding
00:00:32to go with Ian Hunter on the right wing in place of Tony Underwood and Steve Ajomo is
00:00:37replacing Dean Richards who's still struggling with a shoulder injury
00:00:55those are the replacements for today and so many of those players have
00:00:59had to warm the replacement bench during this Rugby World Cup
00:01:02only Philippe Szilard and Frank Minell are the survivors from Rugby World Cup 87 in the French team
00:01:15France were of course finalists in the first Rugby World Cup in 1987
00:01:19in New Zealand and reached the quarterfinals in 1991
00:01:32support on the side does not only come in human form for France that's their mascot
00:01:48now the referee for today's encounter is Mr David Bishop from New Zealand
00:01:51in his 25th international and supporting him on the side will be Colin Hawke from New Zealand
00:01:58and Wayne Erickson from Australia the reserve touch judge is Ian Rodgers as
00:02:04Rob Andrews starts this playoff Olivia Rumai is the man catching England's swarm in
00:02:17Galti just looking to get some motion for France
00:02:21are France going to be allowed the latitude that they will be searching for during this match but
00:02:26that ball was held on the ground
00:02:34wonderful take there by Rumai as he went up for that with great support from his teammates but
00:02:40not normally do we see French trying to drive from inside their 22 and take the ball outside
00:02:44of the 22 meter area and the resultant penalty goes the other way after some fine possession
00:02:50well I wonder if that isn't just an omen Tony that France are going to look to really play this ball
00:02:54wide today and get the big men of England moving across the field
00:03:00possibly represents real chances for them
00:03:06Andrew with the help of kicking guru David Allred has achieved great success
00:03:11for England there was a period where he never even kicked for England but
00:03:16such is his accuracy and his strike rate these days that he's the number one kicker for his
00:03:21country I want that to swing in but it started too early
00:03:30seems to have struggled with his kicking in the last two games Gavin he
00:03:33almost seems to kick it a little bit too quickly with that right foot and just
00:03:37tends to hook it a little bit well kicking is all about timing and precision
00:03:46Frank Menil and Terry Lacroix just uh throwing the ball between each other then the big kick from
00:03:51onto Michael Catt England's tactics have become well known from those catches
00:03:57Emile Intermac takes the catch
00:04:06big punt out there from Philippe Sinandre who's playing on the left wing
00:04:14well you'll see that Emile Intermac is playing with a number 15 jersey
00:04:19and fullback Jean-Luc Sardeney is playing with a number 14 jersey
00:04:32well Moore has lots of options in this line out Johnson in the front
00:04:35Mayfield in the middle and Rodbert the back but it's the French that take it away
00:04:40as you were saying earlier possibly this afternoon we may see a lot of running rugby
00:04:47from the French side and perhaps coach Pierre Babizia just given the players an open hand
00:04:54and saying get out there enjoy yourselves we'll see you in the next game
00:05:09saying that it does lend itself to a great deal of errors but at the same time we should see some
00:05:14exciting rugby from on the French outfit well there's not much difference in the pack weights
00:05:20but France have picked Frank Menil at fly off and he is a running fly half
00:05:24so opportunities for them that will be taken if they can stretch it that's Rob Andrews punt
00:05:31Rob Andrews the one man that can foil those French thrusts with that boot of his a very educated boot
00:05:37in the middle of picture there was Jack Rowland that's Rob Andrew
00:05:43and of course when a fly half kicks your forwards into position it really is a psychological boost
00:05:48for your forwards they always seem to be going forward moving in a direction towards the trial
00:05:52line well we must remember to be playing at altitude so the ball travels further
00:06:01big jump in the front there by Olivia Mull
00:06:07well French the French have the put in in the scrum and the England midfield
00:06:14will be certainly hard-pressed to keep an eye on possible running opportunities by France
00:06:23Galti back it goes to Sardounais lovely footballer Jean-Luc Sardounais
00:06:31and saying that the French may well run from any place on the field remember last week Walter
00:06:38Little started a wonderful movement for the All Blacks against England from deep inside the 22
00:06:43that resulted in a try so the French will be aware that they can run at their opposition
00:06:48possibly look for some big holes France have taken the big men in the front row out Jason
00:06:54Leonard and Victor Bogu to the back it goes Kaban with a tap but England come away with it
00:07:07that was a knock forward by England so France will have the benefit of the put in
00:07:18just keep an eye on those two front rows there two very very solid front rows good technique
00:07:24Galti looks to bridge that advantage line and virtually gets across it
00:07:31France can certainly take on a pack of forwards if they need to Sardounais
00:07:35kick through this is Michael Catt
00:07:39a bit of a change for Michael Catt too with the ball running
00:07:43a little bit further a little bit quicker and traveling further he's going to have to readjust
00:07:46himself that's Martin Johnson in the front
00:08:00lots of experience for the solicitor from the England side
00:08:07now do England look to get that ball going and then the playoff with the big men
00:08:12Morris Morris does well to get away that's the kick from Ben Clark and back for it is Sardounais
00:08:21well sometimes one wonders just how Dowie Morris manages to slip through those gaps tiny
00:08:28well he's a useful player as Dowie Morris he certainly in this world cup has been one of the
00:08:32success stories of this England team and very very fine link between backs and forwards and
00:08:38backs and forwards and often gives Rob Andrews that little bit of extra space
00:08:42to get those super touch kicks in that's despite having come to rugby world cup 95
00:08:47as second string behind Kieran Bracken but he's taken that position and made it his own this is Rob Andrew
00:08:57England caught napping behind the advantage line but French go over the top just as we were saying
00:09:04that we may see an open expansive game from France it looks to be that England have been
00:09:07given the open hand and Rob Andrews in an unaccustomary position of running from inside
00:09:12his half would normally have looked to pick the put the big one up look for his men running onto
00:09:19the fullback and suddenly on that occasion he chose to run it and the resultant penalty well
00:09:24another chance for him to stick in fact Michael Catt is going to stick England into French half
00:09:30of the field Rob Andrew just took a little knock so that's a good choice of kicker and Michael Catt
00:09:36was punting a little bit early on and doing it rather well
00:09:41been a real fairy tale rise for the South African born fullback
00:09:48that's the man who was awarded the MBE by the
00:09:51Queen last week and that's Martin Johnson with Martin Bayfield behind him
00:09:59great jump in the front by Johnson but he was lifted
00:10:05the new line out laws of course don't allow you to support the jumper until he's caught the ball
00:10:14Frank Menel
00:10:19it was a good option from Menel because he was closer to the far touchline
00:10:27the weekend referee indicates there was some lifting involved and he says to the players
00:10:31none of that player can get himself in the air with no assistance
00:10:39bit of a seesaw in the line out with both teams getting securing good possession
00:10:53that's Olivia Rumar
00:10:57possibly has a little bit of blood on his arm
00:11:02may well have picked up what we commonly call a roasty on the harder fields of the high felt
00:11:09you pick up those grass burns and uh quite obviously last week at King's Park in the
00:11:14wet of Durban there was no chance of him picking up one of those Kevin well despite that uh that
00:11:20great and successful career this would be a first for Olivia Rumar if France beat England today
00:11:27the clash of the two northern hemisphere teams Bayfield
00:11:37plenty of basketball in that line out is there an advantage for France the referee waits for it he
00:11:42gets it France also guilty of playing behind their advantage line and Will Carling and
00:11:50Jeremy Guscott were up very quickly well those are great benefits to a team in a mall which
00:12:00became a ruck there to just get them players driving together Tony and the the French pack
00:12:06are working well in unison far better pressure there from both Will Carling and Jeremy Guscott
00:12:11in the middle they obviously learnt their lesson against New Zealand you've got to kill the space
00:12:15very quickly and that they did
00:12:22to back the pickup and then this is sudden he's so dangerous when running
00:12:30once again Gauti
00:12:35that was the little chip kick through there from Sadunay playing with the number 14 on his back
00:12:41he's always looking to get himself into the line
00:12:53there have been an enormous number of lineouts in these first 11 minutes of the match
00:13:00of course plenty of kicking from both teams with the ball traveling further this is Frank Minnell
00:13:05just worms his way out of the initial tackles from England
00:13:10he's got a lot of speed he's got a lot of speed he's got a lot of speed he's got a lot of speed
00:13:13Frank Minnell just showing how strong he is in the thighs there he's a useful player playing
00:13:18at fly half today played a lot of his rugby at centre as well as we saw earlier has a useful
00:13:24boot as well well it was nine years ago when he made his debut for France in the same position
00:13:29at fly half playing in his third rugby world cup of course he has played at centre as well for France
00:13:40it's good ball for England Rob Andrews thriving in the
00:13:47unified atmosphere up here on the high felt
00:13:52Rob Andrews is certainly enjoying the high altitude as you said earlier the ball
00:13:56travels forever and on that occasion he's put England right onto the attack deep into French
00:14:01territory that's uh Jean-Michel Gonzalez the hefty hooker for France also a man of
00:14:14great experience at the back Laurent Caban and Ben Clark for England
00:14:22the men with the job of getting to the point of breakdown as quickly as possible
00:14:26well taken by Olivia Mill
00:14:32French looking to open up with Thierry Lacroix very competent kicker of the
00:14:37ball is Thierry Lacroix whether it's out of hand or at the poles
00:14:42and such is the versatility that that man too can play and has played at fly half for France
00:14:48Thierry Lacroix coming into this evening's match trails Gavin Hastings by one point in the
00:14:54log standings for point scorers and I'm sure given the opportunity to kick for goal this evening
00:14:59he should score that valuable point England have done most of the throwing in in the lineouts
00:15:04which is an indication of France having played a largely defensive role in these opening minutes
00:15:16Ojomo came to the middle and neither he nor Bayfield could get it but it comes out England's
00:15:21side this is the launch from Rob Andrew well taken by Sadumay and the French pick this up
00:15:30this is Intermac he's a big man is Emile Intermac once again coming out on the England side the
00:15:39French guilty of not executing the right ball retention
00:15:43Rob Andrew has taken a another smack in the back
00:16:00the man who's kicked the most drop goals in the history of rugby holds the record
00:16:08so Rodbert just has a little peek as does Ben Clarke from that scrum back inside to Penadze
00:16:19the French are getting good ball from the Ruxin balls on occasions and
00:16:23that just gives the scope for Frank Manel to go
00:16:28a good platform laid by the French players there as they use their scrum off to take the ball
00:16:32they use their scrum off to take the ball around the sides and playing with their big loose forwards
00:16:36in Benazir who's in this world cup certainly being one of their major contributors to the
00:16:42success of this French team so many teams these days employing men who can play
00:16:49in the lock position at loose forward that's the French bench
00:16:53this is France's first real probe into the 22 of England
00:17:06England continuing success in terms of controlling their own throw-ins at the line out
00:17:12that's Morris's hoist
00:17:13well very little real excitement in these first 15 minutes
00:17:25both teams just feeding each other out France decide to go with the short line out
00:17:32Kip Califano in there along with Benazir and the two big men
00:17:37well taken by Penadze, Gauti probes blind but this is Gonzalez
00:17:48France just lacking close-in support Ian Hunter is the man to save it for England
00:17:53and Sardeney then joins the line beautifully and creates a super attacking opportunity for
00:17:58France there but again their ball retention skills just letting them down at the moment critique
00:18:04Ian Hunter rescues the day for England
00:18:09that's Jean-Luc Sardeney
00:18:15wonderful to have been able to learn your rugby under the tutorship of Serge Blanco
00:18:21France can't control initially
00:18:26well that'll be a scrum down there with attacker's ball
00:18:36so this will be a true test for England now
00:18:41France might well put all feet back in the eight man scrum
00:18:49England pack have very seldom been found wanting in these types of situations
00:18:57Sigania at the back just controlling for Gauti little flick pass can France force their way over
00:19:09well almost inevitably England were caught in an off-sides position
00:19:14that ball was well controlled at the back by Sigania
00:19:17playing his first international for France today at 34 years of age
00:19:21well Tony Thiry-Lacroix his success rate at Rugby World Cup has been quite outstanding with a boot so
00:19:29very little choice there for Philippe St-Andre but to take the kick at goal
00:19:34yes absolutely Gavin he came to the World Cup possibly as not a renowned world kicker
00:19:39up against the likes of our own Joel Stransky Andrew Mertens from New Zealand and
00:19:45well he's proved that he's the man that really has
00:19:48well he's proved that he's the man that really has created all sorts of records here
00:19:55we must also remember that Gavin Hastings had the benefit of one or two real big scores
00:19:59and Lacroix just steadily chased him all the way through Rugby World Cup 95
00:20:06he has the benefit of course of these extra two matches
00:20:09nevertheless take nothing away from the French midfielder
00:20:13a familiar two steps back and then the fall forward but he's also pulled it
00:20:23in an ideal kicking condition this evening not a breeze here at Loftus
00:20:27Versvelde one would have thought the kickers would take full advantage of it
00:20:31well I'm sure both teams are enjoying the fact that despite the fact that they were at altitude
00:20:36they are playing into the depths of the early evening here in Pretoria
00:20:45Andrew decides to go with the longer drop that's Gaultier
00:20:54well he's not scared to take contact amongst the backs long pass there to Lacroix
00:21:04England look to recover England under lots of pressure that was good play by Ian Hunter
00:21:08once again Morris just seemingly having so much room to move in this is Gascott and Rory Underwood
00:21:17great tackle on Gascott from Frank Minnell
00:21:24good to see England trying to run out of those defensive situations and indeed Rory Underwood
00:21:28may have been a little well suited to taking his man on on the outside he has enormous pace
00:21:33and shown in this World Cup that together with his brother they're two of the quickest
00:21:37wings in the competition. Califano, Gonzalez and Benadze for France in the front row
00:21:45that's the pickup from Steve Ajomo does well to get over their bondage line can
00:21:49England make something of this that was poor release and then it comes out France's way
00:21:55Philippe Salah the world's most kept player
00:22:00surely will be the last Rugby World Cup for him
00:22:03well there have been a few turnovers Tony because this time England have got it
00:22:12yes indeed both types of game plans that these sides play demand great ball creation and great
00:22:18ball retention skills and right now neither of them able to hold on to the ball in those critical
00:22:23moments that's Jeremy Gascott down in the midfield
00:22:32we've seen so little of those creative abilities of Jeremy Gascott during Rugby World Cup 95
00:22:41scored plenty of tests in his plenty of tries in his first tests and
00:22:46there's been a dearth of them but there's been a change in the game plan of England
00:22:49and that's probably the result and of course important to remember that he came to the World
00:22:55Cup as one of those players to watch the great kingpin in the three-quarter line for England
00:23:00in the three-quarter line for England and he's been marked out of the game he's been
00:23:03watched very closely by the opposition given very little room to move in
00:23:10a great tussle between him and Carling and Lacroix and Philippe Salah
00:23:20Brian Moore for the umpteenth time
00:23:25looking for the big men but it comes out once again on the French side
00:23:29Lacroix kicking for space and finding it
00:23:40we're just out of picture Will Carling is just over with his forwards and he says to them come
00:23:44on chaps line out ball we need it it's our best source of attacking opportunities and it's not
00:23:58well that's a good catch from Martin Johnson
00:24:07England looking for motion and finding it with Tim Rodbaugh good ball for Morrison Clark
00:24:13it was the third drive there from England can they do something with us now
00:24:17looking for to open up but that's it the kick is against Lacroix
00:24:22now Morris and there's a huge call from Ian Hunter for the ball on the far side that's
00:24:27the tap down from Sinandre
00:24:36well out of picture Steve Ajomo has gone down rather heavily after that last
00:24:41thrust by the English forwards
00:24:57well Steve Ajomo he's quite happy was he looking for a little breather
00:25:08both him and Victor Bogu with Nigerian roots
00:25:15two very very physical players that's a good solid scrum from France
00:25:20England get away with it looking to run with Gus Scott good tackle in the midfield
00:25:30Michael Catt is left alone there with Ian Hunter there's not much space for him to move in that's
00:25:34Philippe Sinandre's good defensive work by the French wing
00:25:42Galti it's a good bounce for Galti back foot is Ben Clark and Ian Hunter
00:25:49it's amazing you see that man the number 14 just having left the scene there that was Jean-Luc
00:25:55Sardeney he's just all over the field isn't he Tony well he's a fantastic player he showed last
00:26:00week in the wet conditions of Durban he was very safe under the high ball we've seen already this
00:26:05evening how he joins the line at pace and he may be the critical factor to break the England defense
00:26:11well France haven't thrown the ball in as much as England have but they're
00:26:15France haven't thrown the ball in as much as England have but they've certainly robbed
00:26:19them on occasions and they've been secure with their own throw-ins that's because of that man
00:26:23Gonzalez big take by Penazzi at the back
00:26:33difficult to get momentum against the big men of England but then
00:26:37Morris once again comes away with it this is Hunter Martin Johnson
00:26:45Ruma, Rob Andrew that was really quite a messy situation for both teams and then
00:26:54some relief for England well they want to get out of their half of the field
00:27:05well that's the scoreline then just 14 minutes
00:27:08left in this first half and who would have said that there would have been no scoreline
00:27:11but both teams probing and looking to uh to feel each other out
00:27:18all the big men in the line out England that's Bayfield
00:27:25well France went through that line out they crossed the
00:27:28middle line at a very early stage as Martin Bayfield went up for it
00:27:37and although we've had no score here at Loftus Fairsveld it is important to remember that it's
00:27:41only four or five days since both of these sides faced some very stiff opposition and no doubt
00:27:46feeling the effects just look at the French forwards barging coming right across the line
00:27:50and the referee indicates well you do a penalty against you you must remember that the victors
00:27:56today will have automatic entry into rugby world cup 99 in Wales so besides that point and of course
00:28:04the pride for the nation is it going to rest on the shoulders of that man Rob Andrew for England
00:28:12and Terry Lacroix for France didn't strike his first kick well Andrew but this is a better one
00:28:22Rob Andrew got a far better kicking stroke on that one and as we said earlier when he
00:28:25does force the kicks he tends to hook them a little bit that time stroked it super
00:28:30well well that now released the pressure on the England team
00:28:38many people were talking of this being a high scoring game well it's been far from that
00:28:44the product decides to go left with a poor kick
00:28:50well France really haven't been able to stretch the game
00:28:54Tony today to get the big England forwards moving across the field tire them out
00:28:59England have defended well in the midfield closed them down
00:29:01a lot quicker than England did against New Zealand last week
00:29:08David Bishop getting the two packs in a better organized fashion
00:29:14Morris he's been an absolute gem of a performer for England in this world cup
00:29:19yeah a great kick for England
00:29:25Michael Catt he'll know a little bit more about these conditions than most teams but
00:29:29England will also remember having beaten South Africa last year on this same field so convincingly
00:29:41no one can write off those men in the blue jerseys France that's Olivia Merle in the front
00:29:45great skills great creativeness if they allowed the latitude
00:29:51that they haven't been able to find yet
00:29:55Buma can't take that's Kapan coming away
00:30:01Gauti once again Manel using Lacroix who's closer to this touchline
00:30:10although we've seen no running from the England side yet we do know that they are capable of
00:30:14scoring very good tries from the support of their loose forwards and indeed in the second half
00:30:19against New Zealand last week they showed that when they run at the opposition they're capable
00:30:23of scoring a lot of points so let's hope we see the game expand a little more and a lot more action
00:30:29from both sets of three quarters well both teams will need a small solid foundation than they've
00:30:34got thus far in the game remember that France have robbed England of some possession in the lineouts
00:30:44oh France have been more successful on their own throw-ins that's the launch from Rob Andrew
00:30:52Sabunayi comes in well taken by him
00:31:00well France have the benefit of the penalty for a man being taken away
00:31:14that's big Frank Manel the uh oldest man in the French team it was Jeremy Gascot there just
00:31:21chasing up and not really focusing on the ball and just manages to get a shoulder under the
00:31:27behind of Sabunayi and the referee judges that a penalty
00:31:33Gonzalez with a throw-in
00:31:38Penalty so useful at the back of the line out Gauti finds some space it's a run on from Califano
00:31:51well Olivia Rumar went in there with the ball and
00:31:55France will be a little bit concerned that maybe they're not bridging that advantage line quickly
00:31:59enough because that ball will go to England well encouraging to see France using the ball at the
00:32:06back of the line out that's where they've proved the most dangerous they have the very good
00:32:10services of Benazir played at Locke and familiar with the eighth man position as well Ajomo controls
00:32:18well for England at the back not incredible how much space Dowie Morris has been given
00:32:23but give credit to the loose forwards this is Ntamaka and then suddenly
00:32:27so Blanco would uh would be proud of that man's performances in Rugby World Cup 95
00:32:38those are the sort of tactics that we have come to expect from England the little chip
00:32:42kicks over the top with the speed of Rory Underwood running onto them interestingly
00:32:47France keep Adil Benazir in the line out in place of Olivia Mill in the front against Martin Johnson
00:32:53Martin Bayfield is pushed in the back well he has another chance for Rob Andrew
00:33:01also quite incredible how with only four men in the line out that somebody can push somebody
00:33:06else and expect to get away with it well you're right Gavin but I must say that Martin Johnson
00:33:12there may well have won an Oscar award for that little one he tended to throw himself forward a
00:33:16little bit well the referee bought it see if we can pick it up in the slow motion here
00:33:24a little bit of grouping there by the French and English side and well Johnson goes to ground
00:33:32Rob Andrew will be encouraged by the fact that he'll kick the ball
00:33:35further yard altitude than he would have done at the coastline
00:33:38Struck his second one better this is the third that looks good enough
00:33:48from Rob Andrew no it's just just swung past the left hand upright
00:33:56I've been watching him kicking this evening and you almost get the impression that he
00:34:00he doesn't have the confidence that the ball's going to fly far enough he seems to be hitting
00:34:03it very hard and he should know from hitting his punts up here at the high felt that the ball is
00:34:08going to travel much much further than at the coastline long drop in from Eminel
00:34:18it's become so familiar from England those big launches and then suddenly takes
00:34:24always the fleeting glimpse to see whether they can run the ball the French they just
00:34:28love to run it but England have regrouped their defense well
00:34:32that's Ian Hunter well taken by him can he make something of this to a Jomo
00:34:38a Jomo only knows one path
00:34:49Morris to Clarke and then big Tim Rodber
00:34:54now can England spread it wide Carling
00:35:01well Lacroix and Philippe Salah have tackled so well in this match that's Victor Obogu
00:35:17big Victor Obogo joining the run for the ball there and what a big man he is I just
00:35:21happened to see him in the hotel this afternoon and quite incredible that a man of that size
00:35:27gets around the field with such mobility like you mentioned earlier started his rugby on the wing
00:35:33well that he did he's now up in the front of the engine room but territory and possession
00:35:40belong to England with very little conversion of points they haven't threatened the French line
00:35:45and only once of France being close to the England line so it's cat and mouse for the
00:35:50two teams from competing for victory for the northern hemisphere
00:35:59that's Olivia Mill enough to leave the field with a cut on his left eye
00:36:12the man who would replace him will be Olivia Bruze
00:36:20that's uh the message is that it'll be a temporary replacement because Olivia Mill will get patched
00:36:40struggle continues that was good play by the English team in terms of
00:36:45stopping Gaultie getting that ball out and they've won possession
00:36:51so often we've seen little Dewey Morris there stifle a pass from the back of the scrum
00:36:56and on that occasion Frank Manel just taking his eye off the ball and a little knock on
00:37:02gives England the advantage well that England got the confidence to run at the
00:37:05French with the backs they brought Michael Catt into the back line
00:37:18while England are penalized and France waste no time at all coming away with it
00:37:28now it's quite unusual I suppose to see handling errors from France
00:37:32but there's such opportunists with opportunities to run
00:37:40possession then lost in play just shows you how many times we've seen the ball turned over
00:37:46in France at this stage and lost 13 odd balls to England and that gives England the opportunity
00:37:51to run at you 13 odd times surely those opportunities should be converted to points
00:38:02well Rob Andrew has usefully got England on occasions into the French 22 and
00:38:09England will be concerned with their lineout possession
00:38:13which has been rather scant particularly on their own throw-ins
00:38:17now can Morris marshal these forwards to get
00:38:31some forward motion well that doesn't come for them but Gaultie can't take
00:38:47David Bishop in his 25th international just a little word there with Fabian Gaultie
00:38:55not too many scrums in the match today but plenty of lineouts almost a carbon copy of the last move
00:38:59there well then England's put in there they really are channeling the ball back very quickly to the
00:39:06back Steve Ajomo but in doing so they're not able to hold the scrum steady and that useful quick
00:39:11ball to the back really not being utilized by Dewey Morris
00:39:17Bruze moves up to the front against Martin Johnson Ajomo can't take
00:39:28well the referee's message is to tidy it up guys and that's definitely what's needed
00:39:38I'm just lacking the flow that we expected from both teams
00:39:45it was better control from it Ajomo at the back
00:39:49Andrew suddenly comes in takes beautifully
00:40:05France will want to make sure that they've retained possession of that ball suddenly
00:40:09will have to hold on to with his life which he did this is a little chip kick from Menel
00:40:15Rory Underwood coming back that was a dangerous kick by France
00:40:23now it's Rory Underwood's turn to make sure that that ball doesn't get lost
00:40:27all right England were required to use it because that was a maul and
00:40:31the pressure was coming from the French team as Olivier Mille makes his way back onto the field
00:40:38well wasn't that an outstanding catch by Sardonyi then and one would expect that Rob Andrews would
00:40:43now know that the strength of this man at the fullback he's not going to falter under those
00:40:47high balls and perhaps England should not persist with that avenue
00:40:58well that's been part of their game plan in Rugby World Cup 95
00:41:01making changes is never that easy as Cabane takes the pick up
00:41:05Delti also finds himself with some space not enough support
00:41:20as big and strong as Laurent Cabane
00:41:31France slowly getting into the game and that was a great tackle from Ojoma
00:41:43now what did France do because all the backline players have hooped on this side Saint-Andre
00:41:47Lacroix does well gets it to the big men in the middle that's Olivier Mille
00:41:59not two men on the far many men on the far side this is Menel
00:42:04and straight into Victor Obogu but no bother for France because they have the penalty for
00:42:09England being off sides in the backline and that came about because of the pressure that
00:42:13the trickle has exerted for the first time this evening we see France showing the true skills of
00:42:22their backline they really had some outstanding attacking opportunities there with Saint-Andre
00:42:26joining the line and after all that unfortunately no points and Lacroix is left with the opportunity
00:42:36to score the penalty
00:42:41and Laurent Cabane just got a little winded there one feels
00:42:47and Lacroix has the easiest of kicks and that's no problem for the French center
00:42:54three points all then we're into the referee's optional time in the first half
00:43:07this certainly has been an incredibly tight tussle
00:43:13most of the rugby has been played in the middle of the stadium
00:43:22and his voice taken beautifully by Ruma he's their primary catcher from the kick-ins is for France
00:43:29so then he won't be too bothered about the distance he got there because that is the
00:43:38halftime whistle then with England getting the first blood with the penalty from Rob Andrew
00:43:45followed by that penalty from Terry Lacroix that is Pierre Bebizier the coach of France and there
00:43:52will be words from both coaches to get them in action in the second half
00:43:56well match number 31 in rugby world cup 95 here in South Africa will continue
00:44:07France will kick off in the second half that's Martin Bayfield
00:44:11oh we've got the floodlights on full gear at Loftus Fersveld in Pretoria
00:44:26certainly got a lot cooler here so the players would be enjoying that
00:44:30Lacroix with the start taken by Bayfield he's a big man is Martin Bayfield
00:44:362.05 meters Martin Bayfield and that's Jean-Michel Gonzalez going down
00:44:51took a terrible knock as the English player stepped all over him but he's
00:44:54back on his feet again he's a really tough man is the French hooker
00:45:06oh well this is going to be the message then
00:45:13to the England camp that's Ben Clark being spoken to by David Bishop
00:45:22David Bishop is familiar with the rucking laws from New Zealand and
00:45:25certainly those laws over in that country are quite fiercely watched
00:45:30he just warns big Ben Clark there that you're in the wrong don't do it again treat it as a warning
00:45:40well with the dearth of scoring opportunities Tony one
00:45:44can only assume that these kicks are taking on great great importance for both teams
00:45:53both Lacroix and Rob Andrew of England have been unsuccessful with attempts
00:45:58as well as the solitary success for both teams and only one occasion
00:46:06start at the right hand Lacroix that's a better kick from Lacroix
00:46:10yes it's just got inside the left hand upright so France are in the lead for the first time in the match
00:46:15first time in the match
00:46:24in the slow motion here just reveals Ben Clark going in with the shoes there
00:46:30and well fortunately no bodily harm but Gonzalez the man who received the
00:46:37action of those boots unfortunately he's back in play
00:46:41it's a lovely drop out from Rob Andrew Tim Rodber's the first man there
00:46:48France come away with it this is Menil
00:46:54France regrouped well there and give credit to Menil because he did extremely well to
00:47:00maintain possession and give Sardinia that platform
00:47:12the French cockerel of course is well known throughout world rugby
00:47:19that's a rather colorful one that
00:47:32we're going to the back that was a good jump from Ajamo England looking to open up with a bagu
00:47:38Rob Andrew standing off well was above and now Rob Andrew
00:47:44Menil Intermac launched himself straight into Michael Catt now Ben Clark
00:47:52a little tip kick with the left foot back foot is Sinandre
00:47:57Philippe Sinandre has the benefit of that terrific pace whether it be in defense or attack
00:48:03well that was a try saving tackle by Intermac on the far side he knew that he had three men on one
00:48:10and quite rightly so he chose to take the man receiving the ball
00:48:15and this uh well England lose another opportunity to look at the trial line
00:48:23well Ajamo was useful in the last line out for England going along unconventional lines
00:48:29this time it's a better control but there was a knock on from England
00:48:40and out of picture the England back line including Will Carling they
00:48:44hands on hips they can't believe that their forwards are not giving them the kind of possession
00:48:48that they've become so used to receiving from the lineouts
00:48:51well England get themselves well organized in terms of tight defense back foot is Menil
00:49:03certainly had enough time but that's not a good kick from him this is Michael Catt
00:49:10almost familiar launch back for Saduni and then big Olivia Ruma decides to take it himself
00:49:22I'll take give credit there to Dewey Morris for the big charge on Terry Lacroix he's given
00:49:29absolutely everything for his country in Rugby World Cup 95 has Dewey Morris
00:49:3544 000 people have packed here into Loftus first felt they're in Pretoria
00:49:41short line out for England
00:49:49Johnson's tap that's good ball for England if they can make something of this back foot is Will Carling
00:49:58once again Andrew has the opportunity to launch his backs that's Gus Scott
00:50:02this is good running by Andrew
00:50:04for the third time now can England make something of this Rodba
00:50:16just a little lack of creativity in the back line of the England side but
00:50:20one must also remember that there weren't enough backs there they got sucked in on the far side
00:50:27once again Andrew that's a little tap kick from him
00:50:31one can't bounce initially and then Gus Scott keeps it in field
00:50:35this is lovely running by Milan Tamac
00:50:42now France have the chance but they'll bring some sanity back with that punt from Saduni
00:50:50Laurent Caban was standing on the far side just shrugging his shoulders because
00:50:55the ball didn't come his way and that such is the desire of the French to run the ball
00:50:59from anywhere on the field
00:51:07Martin Bayfield down on his knees the players will relish the opportunity of a breather
00:51:15while Martin Bayfield received some attention there's some pretty ineffective
00:51:20play by England there they just couldn't cross the advantage line and some good tackling by France
00:51:24but really what they need is for someone to straighten up the line someone to punch from
00:51:28the outside and Michael Catt really we haven't seen too much of the man not much opportunity to
00:51:34join the line and perhaps needs to join up Ajomo again helps from the line out Gus Scott
00:51:41he almost says look I'm tired of not getting this ball I want it and I'm going to make
00:51:44something of it this is Carling two great tackles there on on the England players
00:51:53well the good pressure has been coming from England in the last five minutes
00:51:56minutes and they've been rewarded with that penalty the French were playing the ball on the ground
00:52:02and although that was their third phase possession there England still haven't
00:52:05crossed the advantage line they still placed 20-odd meters 20-odd feet outside the 22 area
00:52:12and should provide a relatively easy attempt for Rob Andrew
00:52:15Carling sells the dummy inside and just look at the French defense they're in numbers
00:52:19Benazir always there to make those crucial tackles and you can see his involvement is just
00:52:25from the wrong side he is on his knees the ball says you've got to be on your feet well Rob Andrew
00:52:32is going to kick this goal with his captain lying alongside him with what appears to be a chest
00:52:40injury such as his concentration levels that that's not a problem for him
00:52:47six points all then two penalty goals a piece from Rob Andrew and Terry Lacroix
00:53:03well are we going to see a little bit more action in these last 30 minutes
00:53:12it won't be for lack of trying from those men the French
00:53:16Bayfield again he takes well does Martin Bayfield
00:53:25Rodber, Tim Rodber finds some space because he was way behind the advantage line
00:53:31this is good ball for England, Gascott, Rory Underwood
00:53:38well the French certainly just swamped the English team
00:53:41on the outside there's been some very aggressive tackling from the men in blue
00:53:47well no more aggressive tackle than will we see from Philip Sela there as he went on on Rory
00:53:52Underwood the French defense has really been outstanding they've closed the space very quickly
00:53:58and although England have looked pretty effective with the ball they just haven't
00:54:02managed to gain the yardage in terms of crossing the advantage line
00:54:08Tony I guess that there's those two packs of forwards who fought a hefty tussle here today are
00:54:13are feeling rather tired we've spoken about mental and physical tiredness this was Underwood
00:54:20now watch Philippe Sela just almost picks him up and then reverses him
00:54:27Sela is a really great defender one of the one of the greatest
00:54:31center three quarters that world rugby has seen is Bayfield for the second time down on his knees
00:54:412.05 meters big man
00:54:43there's some big men in the French side too that's Benadzi, Manel
00:54:55will the French find better rhythm now Manel going back inside again
00:55:04well he's looking for a tandem operation with Abdellatif Benadzi
00:55:09Manel probably a little bit guilty there of taking the ball on just once too often Benadzi
00:55:16in the first occasion was there in support for a big man who's used to playing at lock it's
00:55:22incredible to see his speed around the field
00:55:26both scrums have stood solidly in this match
00:55:30now what does Rob Andrew do in fact Michael Catt looks to open up that was positive play
00:55:35by England give them credit for that Sardinia's got yards of distance to make
00:55:49that's the sort of confidence that England would want in terms of being able to move the ball
00:55:54around and try and find space against a very spirited defensive pattern from the French
00:56:0028 minutes left six points all then England and France locked in this huge tussle for the playoff
00:56:18Gonzalez has been accurate for most of the game with a help there of Olivia Rumar
00:56:31some wonderful copybook line out play there from the French as they took the ball cleanly
00:56:38drove in sucked in the English opposition and in the end providing a very very clean
00:56:43ball to Manel that's the kind of position they'll be looking for
00:56:49one seven two four
00:56:54once again Ajomo helps in the line out almost unmarked and Morris comes away such a small man
00:57:00with such a big heart much latitude for the England side now can Rory Underwood make something
00:57:15of this well that is really disappointing for the England back of forwards because that
00:57:20seemingly was good possession for England Tony and nothing was made of it well it was excellent
00:57:24possession for England and uh unaccustomed as we are to seeing Rory Underwood in the almost fly
00:57:29half position there just so that he should possibly stick out on the wing the kick not
00:57:34proving to be that effective he's just getting a bit frustrated because the ball hasn't really
00:57:39come his way in this match Rumar is the winner again
00:57:45France moving it down with Cabana this is suddenly
00:57:48Cabana again with a take good support play from France Menel and Sela in tandem
00:58:00oh once again there's a turnover this has been Clark
00:58:02well what is big Victor Habaru doing he's not going to put it on the boot he's going to belt
00:58:11him England needed that then Hunter's kick for the second time now England must be kicking
00:58:19themselves because mentally there's nothing worse than that for a pack of forwards absolutely if a
00:58:25pack of forwards as we said earlier psychologically they love it when they're going forward but
00:58:29when you're going backward well it's not that useful and we saw some wonderful running there
00:58:34from France really they showed that they given the opportunity they can create some exciting moments
00:58:45France looking to come back into their own in this match Benazzi at the back
00:58:52looking to take on that English pack almost by himself initially
00:58:55now this is Menel
00:59:03that's good ball for France did they choose the right option in coming to the near side
00:59:10of Rumar looking to just wear down the English pack of forwards this is good ball for them
00:59:15Lacroix, Lacroix on the inside but once again it's the savior Morris for England
00:59:20well big pressure there coming on the England side and the French in the last few minutes
00:59:31Tony have really looked like they want to take on the England side like every running game
00:59:36well they have they've suddenly got a spark in them and for the first time we see Terry Lacroix
00:59:41runs from some depth and runs into a hole and were it not for the little nuggety Dewey Morris
00:59:48it may well have resulted in a triumph for France Pierre Barbizia is up there is encouraging
00:59:56well interesting thing there was the French were considering running that ball
01:00:01and I think their coach stood up and shouted down to them to
01:00:05to take the kick at goal because that's what they need points on the board
01:00:09and how often haven't we seen these two sides locked in a similar position
01:00:14a couple of points separating them and at the end it's the
01:00:17kicking at goal that decides the winner the five nations certainly has proved that
01:00:21France have the ability to score more tries but England have been more useful with the
01:00:25boot Rob Andrew often keeping England in the hunt
01:00:30perhaps Terry Lacroix may well get the better of him today
01:00:34well it's not easy to kick with a whole lot of wires around the place but Lacroix has dispatched them
01:00:53will he kill this ball in from the right hand upright he's most difficult kicker
01:01:00well that vindicates the vociferous shouting of the French coach in respect of taking the
01:01:05kick at goal they know the abilities of that man Terry Lacroix
01:01:12well Pierre Barbizia was nicknamed at the 1987 world cup tournament as le patron which means
01:01:18the playmaker that'll be useful to him he's got a lot of experience and he's got a lot of
01:01:25which means the playmaker that'll be useful to this French team
01:01:31Rodberg goes up uh England looking for a spark they're behind for the second time in the match
01:01:37Dalty on the inside to intermac he's a big man is Emile intermac this is great running by France
01:01:43Cabal now he has a real chance for France can they make something of this suddenly
01:01:47on the outside it's Lacroix and this is Philips and Andre
01:01:55well just suddenly the French have come alive
01:01:59and credit must go to their forwards that are generating the position that the backs want
01:02:05by the same token Laurent Caban's we've seen on the two last attacking movements by the French
01:02:10he's been the link between forwards and backs really a wonderful player lots of speed lots of
01:02:15ball ability and just before making those vital crunching tackles from England he releases the
01:02:21ball and that's what's got the French backs away all their handling skills are well known and even
01:02:27with some of the forwards in the back line Caban in particular has been a real live wire in the
01:02:32last 10 minutes that's a great take from Olivia Mo now can they get the surge on the English line
01:02:41English defense is also so well organized
01:02:43well Tony we're going to have to see who scored that try because there's a mass of bodies down
01:02:47there and I think it was Olivia Romar being the first lieutenant to Philips and Andre
01:02:58well possibly the happiest man in the world
01:03:01down there and I think it was Olivia Romar being the first lieutenant to Philips and Andre
01:03:12well possibly the happiest man on the French side at that moment was Olivia Merle he took
01:03:16a wonderful line out ball created the opportunity for the French to drive
01:03:22just look England don't have an answer to this really the rolling mall
01:03:25proving how successful it can be in the right opportunity
01:03:30French forwards getting all behind Benazir lends his hand in the end it's
01:03:34well Olivia Romar is credited with the try and he'll be very very pleased with that one
01:03:42well that's a great strike for Pierre Bebizier and his French team the first real opportunity
01:03:49for a thrust at the line for either side and was gratefully accepted by the French
01:03:58well of course that scoreline just suddenly surges two for France
01:04:09they lead 14 points to six with this kick to come
01:04:17almost from exactly the position that he kicked the last one Terry Lacroix
01:04:23has that swung too much from Lacroix it's off the upright
01:04:28well that's eight points are the difference between the two teams
01:04:39just 19 minutes left for Olivia Romar will this be the first time that he's played in
01:04:43a successful French team against England what was there so is Romar
01:04:54lots of time there for Jean-Luc Sardony
01:04:59this is where the French can be really dangerous when they get in front like
01:05:04this and they're given latitude what will be the English answer
01:05:18well now England have a chance to get themselves back and surely they will
01:05:23go with Rob Andrew
01:05:30perhaps the French just getting a little bit excited there Tony and giving away that penalty
01:05:35well we were hoping that that trial was going to be the start of a
01:05:39sparkling match from these two teams and you can just see
01:05:42as big Martin Johnson goes up for that ball he's pushed it's a little bit of an arm under the elbow
01:05:48and Rob Andrew has another attempt here well the French have brought this 44 000
01:05:55crowd alive as well that's the Mexican wave and there's great cheering in the stadium
01:06:03now a kick of great importance for England and Rob Andrew and that's there
01:06:18well it's taken 60 minutes to get this crowd moving and of course the French as well
01:06:25but England not to be denied it's only five points is the difference and both teams will
01:06:31have to guard against giving away penalties but the French will charge the English line on every
01:06:48once again they go who was in the middle of it Olivia Mill comes in last this is Gaultier
01:06:59well that was good refereeing by David Bishop because he saw that there was no way the ball
01:07:02was going to come out and the French will have the advantage of the put-in because they carried
01:07:07it into that rack and despite those statistics the French have grabbed the opportunities and
01:07:13used them well what a wonderful tap down by Olivia Ruma there's we saw the French surge on to attack
01:07:21now the switch in and then Laurent Caban can't take
01:07:25there's plenty of possession coming France's way but now England have it this is Rob Andrew
01:07:33and how England have that man to thank he's taken them from
01:07:40the most defensive of situations right up onto the attacking ones and he sees England up on the
01:07:44halfway line and so often he's able to relieve pressure from the most abysmal situations for
01:07:50the England side France choose Ruma and Benazzi in the lineouts against the two English locks
01:07:57Tim Rodber standing off at the back
01:08:03Gonzalez but what that takes well it was good play by England
01:08:06it was a good counter to have the big man from Northampton at the back
01:08:10at the back
01:08:23just 16 minutes left for those 30 men out there for Rugby World Cup 95
01:08:35now what can Michael Cat do well probably not too much because there's nobody close into
01:08:39support him taken by Sardonyi Sardonyi he's also big and strong
01:08:49that ball was knocked on there by Sigania
01:08:59England are getting possession in these situations but not finding their way
01:09:02through this is Rob Andrew almost out of frustration
01:09:06taking some pressure off his midfield and looking for space himself
01:09:12but the French defensive pattern has not been found wanting this afternoon
01:09:17well the defense has been outstanding they really have closed that space as we've said so many times
01:09:21this evening just on that occasion French forwards going to ground England also not able to produce
01:09:27the ball that quickly and in the end a little knock on by France ensures that the scrum goes
01:09:31England's way well can we see something positive from England they are in the middle of the field
01:09:35this is Tim Rodber scragged by Laurent Cabin initially England will want to make something of
01:09:43this this is Rob Andrew that was a good flick on there from Dowie Morris now Jeremy Guscott
01:09:56England have really got to try and get the ball wider if at all possible and a little bit earlier
01:10:00uh Rob always predictable in his running and then this is Michael Catt
01:10:08has been some great tackling by the Frenchman
01:10:12and Sigania just with a little tip kick free and then well Jean-Luc Sardini the man
01:10:19all in picture he's really had an outstanding game for France
01:10:25what we saw there is uh France went in for the
01:10:28Sardinian in the first half of the second half of the second half
01:10:31and they were able to get the ball back in the middle of the field
01:10:33and that's what you see
01:10:36that ball that was just bobbing up and down this left-hand touch line and really just the bounce
01:10:40beating suddenly there the possession again showing that France have lost a great deal
01:10:46of possession 24 odd opportunities
01:10:49well the big number eight in his first game this afternoon for France shows that he's got
01:10:54ample skills with a foot and in the inside and he just can't gather as the ball bobs into touch
01:11:01oh Tony we keep talking about afternoons and evenings it's really quite confusing isn't it
01:11:06but we're in the early evening here at Loftus-Festveld
01:11:08a short hold up there for an injury to one of the French players was Califano
01:11:27Morris's hoist
01:11:30well that was out now heaps and on races but he kicked that from outside he's 22
01:11:35the referee and the touch judge disagree
01:11:41crowd would love to see him show his places as well 10.9 for the 100 meters
01:11:45Philippe Sinandre captain of the day for France Gonzalez has been very accurate with
01:11:51his throwing in for France and he's been helped by Benazir at the back on occasions
01:11:59now England get it once again this is Rob Andrew
01:12:01now that's the first probe into the French 22 for some time
01:12:11and France and England really need some form of catalyst to
01:12:15inject the enthusiasm and the necessary confidence into them
01:12:19to take on this very well organized French defensive pattern
01:12:24well I think it's going to take the use of Michael Catt at fullback possibly to look to
01:12:28break the line we haven't seen him run with the ball too much and the odd opportunity he's put
01:12:32the up and under up it may be useful to see him running into the back line creating space
01:12:37he's got two useful wings outside him let's hope we see Rory Underwood with a chance to run
01:12:42England bring Tim Rodber to the front and that releases Benazir at the back
01:12:48this is great running from Sadouni he just loves to run with the ball and Menel gets through and
01:12:54then Rodber scrags Sadouni's back again that man's all over the field
01:13:02great ball for France now can they make something of this Menel comes back inside again
01:13:14well that ball was purposely knocked down there by Rory Underwood there's a free kick being given to
01:13:19France well the difference between these two sides this evening has been that France have
01:13:25chosen to make those vital passes just before the tackle and England have seemingly gone into
01:13:30the tackle gone to ground and lost opportunities to score well Menel 1-1 is just where that ball
01:13:37was meant to go but it's turned up to be an outstanding kick from him that's the hero of
01:13:43the occasion now can we see a carbon copy although it's the England throw-in
01:13:49can we see a carbon copy of the jumping from Olivia Merle
01:13:55well perhaps Olivia Romar will return the compliment to his lock partners we see this ball
01:14:01takes just the right bounce and well Menel couldn't ask for better
01:14:06now Olivia Romar will be really pleased because he's never been on a winning side against England
01:14:10for France in those many internationals he's played will this be the first time
01:14:16more with a vital throw-in that was a great jump from Martin Johnson
01:14:23wasn't that much room to move for Rob Andrew with Laurent Caban breathing down his neck
01:14:32Rob Andrew asked Dewey Morris was there something wrong with that pass it wasn't where I wanted it
01:14:37and obviously the communication between the two is such that
01:14:40he expects it to be put right in the bread basket well that man Pierre Bebizier has
01:14:47played scrum off for France in Rugby World Cup 87 and of great emotion and
01:14:54related with the performance thus far in the match by France 14 points to 9 they lead nine
01:15:00minutes left as Romar goes up throwing a skew England will have the advantage of the put-in
01:15:13Jean-Michel Gonzalez at hooker for France has been so accurate with his throw-ins
01:15:24will this be a big eight man scrum from France
01:15:26that's one of the few occasions that I've seen the England fact tested in Rugby World Cup 95
01:15:39you must remember that France have a powerful front row with
01:15:42Benazir Califano and the big Gonzalez in the mid in the middle
01:15:47oh he's back for France but England do well
01:15:54this is Morris's kick
01:15:59Philips and Andre can't take now can England make something of this because there will
01:16:03be some advantage for them if they can
01:16:07Morris no advantage for England they'll come back for the penalty of France being off sides
01:16:15a little bit of luck going the way of doing Morris there as he looked to find touch and
01:16:18instead ended up with a high up and under and from your own goal line not the ideal situation to be in
01:16:26well for Rob Andrew a difficult situation for him that's also just a loss of confidence
01:16:34that keeps screwing off his boot
01:16:35screwing off his boot
01:16:42while England just have eight minutes to rescue something of this game as a Jomu takes
01:16:46for the fourth time in the match in the lineouts done sterling work for them
01:16:54he's found four occasions without a marker against him now France have the pudding
01:17:00the England forward starting to look a little bit tired this evening as they
01:17:04edge themselves into the last eight or so minutes of Rugby World Cup 1995 and how
01:17:09dearly these teams would like to go away with a victory it'll make that plane
01:17:14trip back to Europe that much better and lift the spirits of both teams
01:17:21Zidane controls at the back this is Gaultier
01:17:26Rob Andrew takes the mark that was a brave take by the England fly half
01:17:31now can England make something of this
01:17:36well Rob Andrew has got to be blamed for that he had very little close in support and the French
01:17:41organized themselves so well in terms of getting between the ball carrier and the catcher
01:17:46the try will get England up to the French scoreline
01:18:06looks like Thierry Lacroix who's down on the ground
01:18:11but also an opportunity for a little breather for both teams
01:18:33that's a great scrum from France on the England put in
01:18:39and again we see that there's a very quick heel by Brian Moore there but in securing the ball at
01:18:43the back of the scrum the England forwards just stepping back
01:18:47and France getting the lean and not securing good possession for Dewey Morris
01:18:59Rodber looks to stand off was that wise for England they kept it steady enough now they
01:19:04got many numbers on the far side this is Carling great tackling there by the French midfield
01:19:10and then they'll keep possession assistance coming there from Emile Intermac
01:19:21alone one feels sure that France will be happy just to keep England
01:19:25down in their half of the field with just five minutes of normal playing time left
01:19:32Will Carling knifed through two holes last week against the All Blacks but this evening finding
01:19:37it difficult to penetrate the French defense and on that occasion putting the ball under one arm
01:19:42possibly the better option to keep it in both hands look for the pass he had numbers outside him
01:19:47he had indeed Rory Underwood looking for a run well one feels that that's the England
01:19:52should have moved the ball out further this is Rory Underwood now England have tried to bridge
01:19:58that midfield presence of France and there really is nothing to get through there instead of playing
01:20:02it wider some of the third second and third phase ball that they've got they've had those
01:20:13opportunities and haven't used them Michael Cat this is Rob Andrew just swamped by blue
01:20:25jerseys on every occasion when they pick up Carling this is Ben Clark
01:20:41there was good pressure coming from the Frenchman after the tackle on England in terms of letting
01:20:48the ball or making sure that the ball didn't come out in any form of quality for England
01:20:55and although England were making good use of their possession they really weren't there in
01:20:59numbers and you can just see that the fours are looking a little fatigued two or three of them at
01:21:03the breakdown instead of the normal six or seven I'll give credit to France because they've lacked
01:21:08in the percentage statistics for possession and territory throughout this match Michael
01:21:15Cat takes Intermac just breezes past him I'll give credit to Tim Rodber there because he was
01:21:23in to support the England fullback so quickly Terry Lacroix's kick there was too precision it
01:21:30fell almost a yard outside the 22 Michael Cat was thus up in unable to make a mark as he looked to
01:21:37call for one the referee clearly a judge that he was outside the 22 now England have got to try
01:21:43and find space somewhere but they've been unable to do that throughout this game maybe the little
01:21:50tap kick somewhere along the line but they prefer to keep it in hand that's Brian Moore Rob Andrew again
01:22:05well it might take some sort of catalyst for England that's my
01:22:11my catch at the back that goes through with the initial thrust
01:22:14Joey Morris is just all over the field
01:22:23well England are making it relatively easy for the French side to defend against them whenever
01:22:27they get into a situation where there's a one-on-one tackle they go to ground very easily
01:22:32and as defenders it allows you the opportunity to spread out you only have to have one man at
01:22:37the breakdown and that's why they're not finding too many holes in this French defense
01:22:42well I suppose that using the boot to bridge that first line of defense is sometimes also
01:22:48not wise with a man like Jean-Luc Soudanet at the back who's a great attacker
01:22:55England feel more comfortable with the ball in hand when attacking
01:22:59if they're not launching those up and unders
01:23:06now can Morris spark something with a Joma with the back
01:23:11quick move down the back line this is Cat
01:23:16French are like hungry wolves on that loose ball that's Philippe Sennard
01:23:23Lacroix just punting it over the goal line and wasting a little bit more time
01:23:32one minute of ordinary playing time left then France lead by 14 points to nine
01:23:37that's wasting time for England
01:23:43rather pensive mood there of Pierre Bebizier
01:23:51well that's the official time clock then showing that
01:23:55the 80 minutes are up there's been a little bit of injury time
01:24:01but England now will have to score a try to beat France
01:24:04this is Intermac Intermac's a big strong man Intermac Intermac will score
01:24:16well Intermac's shown signs this evening that he's hungry to score a try on that occasion there
01:24:21he shows his speed and ability to come off his right foot steps inside two tackles one of them
01:24:26by Rory Underwood and in the end well that's the try that France were looking for just look at the
01:24:33speed of the man the break made initially by Fabien Gauthier slips out of one tackle comes
01:24:40off the right foot a second time and showing the kind of strength that we've come to expect from
01:24:46a lot of the wingers playing in this rugby world cup 1995 well both teams have had well-organized
01:24:52defense for most of the game but England were found wanting there and that their battleship
01:24:56has now been sunk
01:25:06a relaxing enough situation for Thierry Lacroix
01:25:1619 points to nine France lead with this kick to come
01:25:20two steps and then three forward but there's a charge down well that's an interesting situation
01:25:25and that uh give credit to England there that was Rob Andrew this was the try then now watch
01:25:32Emile Intermac he steps off his right foot and uh England were really guilty of poor fully
01:25:38organized defense there in getting over well there was a kick charge down of Lacroix and
01:25:43down of Lacroix and this is the man in picture Selah can't take it
01:25:52bated breath from the crowd was that going to be the final whistle credit to Rob Andrew for
01:25:56charging that kick down he's certainly not going to give up but the cause is lost for England
01:26:07well Will Carling looks to be receiving some attention down on the field and he's at a
01:26:11a tough battle out there this evening against his old opponent
01:26:15Philippe Selah and just look at the Frenchman on the bench there great support great support
01:26:20from the team that came to the world cup there's no great expectations and look to be the third
01:26:27finished placed Ajomu's swampa blue jerseys well England are really going to have to try and run
01:26:34this at the goal line and rescue some pride but the difference is 10 points and there's no time to
01:26:40score two tries can they get one
01:26:51well Tony will this be the last scrum of
01:26:54rugby world cup 95 for both England and France
01:27:04well you can bet that there are 16 forwards out there that are
01:27:08relishing the opportunity to sit back and relax for a couple of months
01:27:12Morris trying on his own as he's done throughout this match Tim Rodber carries through
01:27:17now they can they spit it wide enough and quickly enough no this is Gus Scott
01:27:23once again Rory Underwood is starved of possession on the outside
01:27:26by field carries through
01:27:33and suddenly at the back he's normally been a great secure of possession but England have another chance
01:27:49Morris on the ground but the French will not be bothered by the fact that they've given away a
01:27:53penalty quick take by England can they stretch it wide this is Ben Clark
01:28:02well give credit to Menil, Silla and Lacroix who've tackled like demons in the midfield for France
01:28:10Andrew this is Hunter
01:28:16well they'll come back for a penalty which is going to be given against Philippe Sinandre
01:28:24the referee says that the next time there will be a penalty try but England take quickly
01:28:28this is Rodber, Morris, Obago and then Ojamu
01:28:41well that's then the final whistle with England pressing against France but France have won this
01:28:48match by 19 points to nine one feels almost deservedly so they've made most of the running
01:28:54they scored the only tries in the match those by Ruma and Emile Intermac and France have secured
01:29:01the opportunity of a permanent place in rugby world cup 99 in Wales plus it's the first time
01:29:07that they have beaten England since 1988 that victory in Paris by 10 points to nine and what
01:29:15a big day for Olivia Ruma, Tony Watson who has never played up until today in a winning French
01:29:22side against England
