APPLY THESE and they'll give you PRIORITY 9 Powerful Psychological Strategies STOICISM

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APPLY THESE and they'll give you PRIORITY 9 Powerful Psychological Strategies STOICISM
00:00Have you ever felt like you're constantly overlooked even when you give your best?
00:05Do you wonder why some people effortlessly command attention while others struggle in silence today?
00:11We'll uncover nine powerful
00:14psychological strategies based on stoic teachings that once known and apply
00:19Can elevate your influence and make you a priority in any room you step into
00:25These strategies are not only immensely powerful
00:28But you might have been using them without even knowing through the stoic lens
00:33You will not only grasp more about the human psyche, but also learn how to harmoniously shift dynamics in your
00:41Conversations meetings and even in seemingly ordinary day-to-day interactions
00:46I urge you to stay with me until the end because every strategy every piece of this puzzle amplifies the next
00:54Miss one and you'll miss the complete picture
00:56If you're as passionate about personal growth as I believe you are take a moment to hit that notification bell and subscribe
01:05It's crucial to approach these strategies as tools for understanding human behavior and for ethically navigating
01:12Social dynamics leaning more towards influence and awareness. Are you ready to see what's been hidden in plain sight?
01:20Now let's unravel this together one
01:24Cultivate an air of mystery as humans. We're naturally drawn to the unknown to riddles that beg to be solved
01:32By maintaining an element of enigma about oneself you compel others to seek you out to discover what lies beneath the surface
01:41This doesn't mean being distant or aloof, but rather choosing what to reveal and when it's a delicate balance
01:49Sharing enough to engage yet withholding enough to intrigue
01:53Marcus Aurelius once mused the object of life is not to be on the side of the majority
02:00But to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane in a world where over sharing is rampant
02:07Going against the grain by being more guarded ensures. You're not just another voice in the cacophony
02:12It prompts those around you to listen when you speak and value your opinions
02:18However, it's crucial to ensure this doesn't veer into dishonesty or manipulation
02:24Authenticity remains key being mysterious doesn't mean creating false narratives about oneself
02:31It's about mastering the art of timing and revelation as people get more curious about you
02:37They prioritize your presence in opinion
02:41Mastering this strategy sets the stage for an even more impactful one as you continue on this enigmatic path
02:48You'll find that making others anticipate your next move can be a formidable tool
02:54It's not about playing games, but understanding human psychology and using it to grow
03:01Harnessing this initial strategy is merely the beginning
03:04The next strategy will introduce you to a concept so powerful
03:09It has the potential to shift dynamics and tilt scales in your favor to use the power of strategic silence
03:17you've been in those moments a heated debate a
03:21Challenging negotiation or even a casual conversation where words fly around like wildfire
03:27It's tempting to jump in to add your voice to the mix
03:31But sometimes the most potent weapon isn't what you say
03:35But when you choose not to silence often perceived as passive can be a dynamic force in steering
03:42conversations asserting presence and
03:45Commanding genuine respect while many believe that being vocally dominant equates to holding power
03:52It's often the silent observer the one who measures each word who truly influences the narrative
03:58It's not about being the loudest it's about being the most impactful
04:03consider the concept of pausing when you hold back allowing a momentary lapse in conversation or
04:11deliberation you create
04:13Anticipation others grow restless even anxious
04:17They start filling in the gaps often revealing more than they intended
04:22this gives you the space to respond from a place of insight as
04:26Epictetus said we have two ears in one mouth so that we can listen wise as much as we speak
04:33By practicing restraint in speech you become the orchestrator of dialogues
04:38Guiding them as you deem fit yet strategic silence isn't merely about listening
04:44It's about discerning when to interject how to harness the potency of your words and realizing the weight
04:51They carry each utterance should be purposeful aimed not just at communication, but at influencing perception
04:59Words after all are not mere constructs
05:02But tools that can shape realities a word of caution
05:06Like any tool the power of strategic silence requires finesse
05:12Overuse it and you risk appearing aloof or disinterested
05:16The key lies in balancing active listening with moments of calculated silence
05:21Ensuring your interactions remain genuine now imagine the immense
05:26Possibilities when pairing strategic silence with another impactful strategy
05:31One that promises to amplify your influence and ensure you're not just seen but remember three
05:38master persuasive storytelling
05:40Have you ever found yourself struggling to get your point across?
05:44Do you wonder why some ideas stick and others fall flat despite their merit?
05:49The answer might be simpler than you think
05:52Storytelling before technology before modern education and even before written language
05:59There was the power of the story from ancient campfires to today's viral videos
06:05Stories have been the hidden force that shapes opinions drives actions and changes minds
06:12Epictetus wisely noted men are disturbed not by things but by the view which they take of them
06:18It's all about perception
06:20You provide a lens through which others can view the situation
06:24Guiding their interpretation and in turn their reactions
06:28The beauty of storytelling lies in its ability to make listeners feel as though they're part of the narrative
06:35Evoking empathy and making your viewpoints resonate on a personal level
06:40Imagine you're trying to persuade a team to embrace a challenging project rather than listing out facts and figures
06:47weave a tale of triumph over adversity of
06:50pioneers who face similar challenges and emerge victorious
06:54Draw parallels between their struggles and the task at hand making it clear that the road might be tough
07:01But the rewards both tangible and intangible are worth it
07:06Suddenly the project isn't just another task
07:09It's a noble quest and who doesn't want to be a hero in their own story
07:15However wielding the power of stories requires
07:19Authenticity people can sense when a narrative is contrived or when its sole purpose is
07:25Manipulation. The goal is to find genuine connections real parallels and true emotions
07:32This authenticity combined with the craft of storytelling makes for an unbeatable
07:38combination one that ensures your voice is not just heard but remembered as
07:43Captivating as stories can be they are but one piece of the puzzle
07:47Our next strategy delves into a principle so deeply ingrained in human nature that leveraging it can open doors
07:55previously thought lock for
07:57apply the principle of reciprocity think of the last time as small gesture major day a
08:04Simple favor from a colleague a surprise coffee from a friend or an unexpected compliment
08:11These moments seemingly trivial often linger in our memories
08:15That's because they tap into a powerful force in our human sight
08:20Reciprocity, it's that inner urge that makes us want to give back when someone offers kindness
08:26Beyond mere etiquette. It's a fundamental part of who we are
08:32recognizing and harnessing this force can transform the way people perceive and engage with you as
08:38The philosopher Seneca observed while we teach we learn this captures the essence of reciprocity
08:45beautifully by offering value
08:48Insights or even simple favors without expecting immediate returns you plant seeds of goodwill
08:55over time these seeds blossom into a network of individuals inclined to support assist and
09:03Prioritize you they might not even realize why they feel compelled to reciprocate
09:08But that invisible bond forged by genuine acts of giving nidges them in your direction
09:14Yet caution must guide this strategy
09:17There's a fine line between genuine gestures and overt manipulation
09:22The key is sincerity when you offer assistance or share knowledge do it selflessly
09:30Authenticity shines through and when people sense genuine intent behind your actions the bonds of reciprocity
09:38Conversely if they detect ulterior motives trusty roads and the connection dissipates
09:44While you contemplate this principle prepare brace yourself for profound introspection
09:50Our next strategy nudges you to look in one to a place often overlooked, but immensely powerful five
09:58Prioritize yourself ever noticed how some individuals command a room without uttering a word their very presence demanding respect
10:06That aura that magnetism
10:09Doesn't stem from external factors
10:11But from within from an intrinsic belief in one's worth the cornerstone of influential power
10:18Rests not in seeking validation from others, but in the undeniable act of prioritizing oneself
10:26It's a concept as ancient as time and yet in our relentless pursuit of external affirmation
10:32Its essence often fades you have power over your mind not outside events
10:39Realize this and you will find strength said Marcus Aurelius
10:44These words are a clarion call to look in what by acknowledging and nurturing our self-worth
10:51We inadvertently project an aura of self-assuredness
10:55This isn't about arrogance or an inflated ego, but a genuine appreciation for oneself
11:02Recognizing one's value strengths and potential when you cherish and prioritize yourself the world
11:09Unconsciously begins to mirror that sentiment now as you embark on this path of self-love
11:16It's crucial to understand that this isn't about disregarding others or becoming self-center
11:22It's about balance much like the principle of reciprocity which thrives on genuine gestures
11:29self-love flourishes when it stems from authentic introspection and
11:34Self-respect by investing time and energy into oneself be it through learning self-care or setting
11:41Boundaries you signal to the universe your worth
11:44This in turn reshapes perceptions making those around more inclined to value and prioritize
11:51you though
11:53Prioritizing oneself forms a crucial pillar of influence. It's but a fragment of the vast mosaic of
12:00psychological strategies as we inch closer to the next strategy
12:05Anticipate a technique that promises mastery over emotional ties
12:10potentially making allies out of adversaries
12:14Genuinely listen to people with so many voices seeking attention a quiet strength emerges for those who take a moment
12:21to truly listen
12:23Every individual craves to be heard to be understood by granting someone the gift of your undivided attention
12:30You not only gain insights into their thoughts and desires
12:34But also position yourself as a beacon of trust and respect
12:38We have two ears in one mouth so that we can listen wise as much as we speak
12:44These words underscore the profound impact of active listening
12:48While many nod their heads and wait for their turn to speak a skilled listener absorbs
12:54Processes and responds making the speaker feel value this simple act often overlooked in its potency
13:03Establishes a bond of trust by making another feel acknowledged you become an indispensable presence in their life
13:11Ensuring that you're seldom ignored and frequently prioritized
13:15However, the art of listening isn't mere silence
13:19It's an intentional process of understanding of diving into the depth of another's words
13:25Discerning the emotions and intentions hidden beneath. It's about being present both mentally and emotionally
13:32As you master this art, not only do you become a repository of knowledge and secrets?
13:39But you also wield the ability to influence decisions shape perceptions and guide outcomes
13:45All because you took a moment to genuinely listen
13:497 create a sense of scarcity there exists an age-old or you're to that which is rare
13:56Illusive and momentarily out of reach and much like a rare gem is more valued than a common stone
14:03People too are often valued by their perceived scarcity
14:07It's not about playing games or being deceitful. It's understanding human nature's gravitation towards the uncommon
14:15Imagine you're at a gathering
14:17Everyone's accessible eager to share stories and be the center of attention
14:23Envision someone who makes a brief appearance
14:26Interacts meaningfully, but doesn't overstay their welcome. Who do you think remains a lingering thought in people's minds?
14:34It's often the latter
14:36By not always being readily available. You create a sense of importance around your presence
14:42Every interaction becomes a valued exchange a memorable encounter because they don't happen all too frequently
14:49Marcus Aurelius once mused very little is needed to make a happy life
14:54It is all within yourself in your way of thinking this embodies the essence of scarcity
15:01It's not about depriving others of your presence, but about valuing your own time setting boundaries and
15:08Understanding that every moment you give to others should be impactful when people recognize that your time is valuable
15:16They're more likely to prioritize and respect it. It's essential to strike a balance though
15:22disappearing entirely can be counter predictive and
15:26Overexposing yourself can reduce your perceived value
15:29The key lies in being present when it counts making those moments matter and then retreating to focus on yourself
15:36Your goals and your well-being eight
15:40Acquire mastery over emotions every person regardless of age or background to a certain degree is
15:47Driven by emotions they influence our actions reactions and interactions
15:53However few have truly harnessed the ability to understand and subtly influence emotions
16:00Not only in oneself, but in others
16:03This mastery once achieved can position you as an indispensable figure in any social setting
16:10We all know that people tend to gravitate towards stability
16:15especially emotional stability through stoicism
16:19Demonstrating the ability to remain calm composed and rational in
16:24Situations where others might falter instantly sets you apart
16:27It's like being the anchor in a stormy sea
16:30Others will naturally look to you for guidance and in doing so place you on a pedestal
16:37Remember though it's not about suppression, but understanding and channeling emotions effectively
16:44Epictetus remarked we cannot choose our external circumstances
16:48But we can always choose how we respond to them this echoes the essence of this strategy
16:54By demonstrating control over your reactions you inspire confidence and trust
17:00you also gain the ability to gently guide the emotions of those around you if
17:06Someone's anger can be pacified with your calm or their sadness can find solace in your words
17:12You become a beacon they're drawn towards, but this is no mere play. It's a responsibility to handle with care
17:20There's a deeper layer to this beyond just exuding calmness learn to read the emotional undercurrents of the room
17:28Recognize the inset feelings
17:30Respond to them and you'll find people becoming more receptive to you not because you're manipulating
17:37But because your understanding and resonating with their very core
17:419 be willing to walk away there lies a subtle strength in the ability to walk away
17:48To detach oneself when this situation demands is not an act of cowardice or indifference
17:54It's a testament to self-worth and the recognition of one's own value when you are confident in your worth
18:02Leaving the table becomes a choice not a reaction
18:06Many associate attachment with care or commitment, but it can easily become a chain
18:11By always being available always bending backward always saying yes the value you diminishes
18:19others start to expect rather than appreciate your presence and
18:23Contributions and that's when the scales tip and imbalance takes root
18:28It's not about playing hard to get it's about being hard to forget
18:33Seneca once said it's not the man who has too little but the man who craves more that is poor
18:39To be willing to walk away is to embrace the essence of this wisdom
18:44It's acknowledging that there's richness in self-respect and power in autonomy
18:50When people sense that you're not bound by desperation or neediness they start perceiving you differently
18:57They begin to recognize that to have your time your skill or even your company is a privilege
19:03Not a right by mastering this strategy you signal to the world that your presence is a gift
19:10One that can be taken back any time
19:13Paradoxically by showing that you can walk away many will want you to stay even more
19:19They'll see the rarity in such strength and in an age where clinging is common your detachment becomes your crown
19:27Harnessing the strategies discussed offers a range of benefits and when applied appropriately they can elevate your influence
19:35Strengthen relationships and position you in a light where people not only prioritize you but also
19:42genuinely value your company
19:44however a word of caution as
19:47Stoics these tactics should serve as tools for influence when necessary not as mechanisms for
19:54Manipulation or a bid from your attention
19:58Authenticity and integrity are paramount
20:01Using these strategies without them would not only be ethically questionable
20:06But also counterproductive in the long run if you found value in this content and wish to see more
20:13Please hit the like button and subscribe to our Channel which strategy resonates with you the most
20:19Which one are you eager to try out first? Let us know in the comments
20:24Also, brace yourself for our upcoming video will not just be an eye-opener
20:30It will be a soul awakener lastly for more stoic insights and valuable lessons
20:36Please watch one of the videos that appear on your screen now
