7 ATTITUDES of a person who ONLY USES YOU and is DOESN'T CARE about YOU

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7 ATTITUDES of a person who ONLY USES YOU and is DOESN'T CARE about YOU
00:00Have you ever experienced the uncomfortable feeling of being treated just as a stepping stone or a ladder by someone?
00:07Fake relationships can be challenging to identify
00:11Especially when we want to believe in the goodness of others
00:14However, there are hidden signs and revealing words left by those who see us merely as means to achieve their own ends
00:22In this video, we will explore the depths of these toxic actions
00:28Highlighting seven critical attitudes that scream that this person is not concerned about you and is just using you
00:35It's time to unmask the false friends in your life
00:38Stay with us and find out how and don't forget if you want to cultivate a healthy environment and protect your energy
00:46Subscribe to our channel and learn how to identify and distance yourself from these toxic influences
00:53Navigating the often turbulent waters of human nature is an art that requires intuition and experience
01:00in our journey
01:02We encounter a variety of personalities some enrich our lives while others only harm us
01:09Identifying someone who is just using us can be painful and often not as obvious as we would like
01:18Recognizing these attitudes is the first step towards reaffirming our worth
01:23Establishing healthy boundaries in our journey to discern true intentions in relationships and essential
01:30understanding stands out you deserve relationships that are reciprocal and respectful if
01:36You identified with this content and found value in the information shared
01:42I invite you to subscribe for more insights like this
01:46Together we will continue to navigate the complexities of human interactions
01:52Unraveling and better understanding the patterns of behavior and emotions that surround us
01:57Your support is crucial in this journey of discovery and continuous learning
02:03Remember the key to healthier and more enriching relationships lies in recognizing acting and above all
02:11Respecting yourself and others the second signal selective availability
02:16Exploited in the complex nuances of human relationships a second warning sign stands out
02:23selective availability
02:25This situation becomes evident when someone is readily accessible when they need something from us
02:31But strangely unreachable when the roles are reversed picture of this scenario
02:36You often find yourself in the role of a benefactor
02:40Responding to various requests whether it be providing a shoulder to lean on for emotional support
02:47Doing favors or dedicating your time and attention
02:51However, when you find yourself in a vulnerable position
02:54Seeking support or assistance the response from this person is a deafening silence
03:00Messages ignored calls unreturned or at best a subtle change of subject
03:06These are the responses you get
03:09This pattern of behavior creates a scenario where the balance of giving and receiving is skew
03:16You find yourself on a one-way street where your efforts and care seem to flow in a direction with no return
03:23This dynamic not only reveals a lack of consideration, but also a deliberate disregard for your needs and feelings
03:31Selective availability is therefore a mirror reflecting an uncomfortable reality
03:37The person in question is present only when it suits them
03:41One-sided dynamic is a breeding ground for feelings of disappointment and resentment
03:47The relationship becomes an imbalanced scale where the needs of one party are continually overlooked
03:54Recognizing and confronting this reality is a vital step
03:58It's important to ask are we truly in a mutually enriching relationship?
04:03Or are we just a convenience or to satisfy someone else's needs?
04:09Self-respect and self-esteem come into play here
04:12challenging us to reassess our boundaries and to consider whether
04:16Reciprocity and respect are indeed shared values in this relationship
04:21The third signal the lack of detailed personal interest in the fabric of interpersonal relationships
04:28A third warning sign is distinctly prominent the lack of personal interest
04:34True friends and sincere companions are characterized by an authentic interest in our lives our emotions and our experiences
04:43They revel in our stories share in our joys and support us in our challenges
04:49however, a stark contrast emerges when dealing with someone whose interest appears to be merely functional or
04:57opportunistic this person rarely if ever asks about your day your feelings or your
05:03Aspirations their involvement in conversations seems to have a singular focus themselves
05:10The discussions when they occur revolve around their own
05:13Experiences and needs or are limited to superficial topics
05:18Devoid of any emotional or personal depth this dynamic reveals a disturbing disconnection
05:24You begin to feel that your voice and your story only hold value when they somehow serve these unilateral
05:32interests your role in the relationship is reduced to an audience for their narratives or
05:38resource for their conveniences
05:40this absence of
05:42Curiosity and empathy is a telltale sign that your value to this person is
05:47Conditional on what you can offer not on who you are
05:51This realization can be painful, but it is crucial for self-assessment and the preservation of one's own dignity
05:59Questioning becomes essential are we in a relationship of equitable and genuine exchange or are we seen as mere?
06:07Supporting characters in someone else's life spectacle the lack of personal interest in a relationship is a red flag
06:16signaling the need to
06:17Re-evaluate our connections and seek environments where we are valued and respected in our entirety if you've made it this far
06:25You're one of the few who are truly seeking growth
06:29Comment seeking wisdom along with today's date to make a commitment to yourself
06:35Let's continue the fourth signal guilt and manipulation
06:40dissected within the spectrum of human interactions a fourth signal emerges as a grim warning the use of guilt as a
06:47tool for manipulation
06:50This form of manipulation can manifest in multiple ways
06:54But its core is always the same to persuade or rather coerce someone into acting in accordance with the manipulators
07:02Wishes consider this scenario
07:04You frequently find yourself in situations where there is a subtle yet intense pressure to say yes to requests or demands
07:12Or perhaps the other person skillfully plays with your emotions using them like puppets to achieve their goals
07:20Phrases like if you were really my friend you would do this or I would do the same for you are
07:27Thrown into the emotional battleground as sharp weapons aimed at exploiting your kindness and empathy
07:33these manipulation tactics are insidious and often disguised under the guise of
07:40normality or
07:41Obligation they are designed to make you doubt your own perceptions and feelings
07:45Leading you to question whether it's your responsibility to give in this is dangerous
07:51Territory where your emotional integrity and self-esteem can be gradually eroded
07:57On the other hand it is essential to recognize that healthy relationships flourish in the fertile ground of trust
08:04mutual respect and the freedom to express and attend to
08:08Individual needs without fear or pressure if you find yourself frequently entangled in the clutches of these
08:16manipulative strategies an urgent need for
08:19reassessment arises
08:20It's a moment to question the sustainability of the relationship and the possibility of establishing healthier boundaries
08:28confronting and acknowledging
08:30Manipulation is a brave step towards preserving your emotional health and well-being
08:35It's an act of self-assertion
08:38Where you claim your right not to be manipulated or guilt trip into choosing?
08:43What is best for you the fifth signal the persistent lack of respect in detail in the mosaic of?
08:51interpersonal relations a fifth signal of dysfunction emerges clearly
08:56persistent lack of respect
08:58Respect an essential two-way street in any meaningful relationship
09:03must be a constant a
09:05True friend or a loyal companion honors this principle with actions that reflect mutual consideration and esteem
09:12However a person who habitually exploits you tends to disregard these boundaries
09:19imagine yourself frequently facing situations where your plans are canceled at the last minute or the other person is late or
09:26Worse doesn't show up at all
09:28It seems there's always an expectation that you should mold yourself to their conveniences and whims
09:35this pattern of neglecting your needs and time is a glaring indicator that the
09:40Relationship is undervalued by this person these attitudes when viewed collectively
09:46Weave a pattern of behavior that screams selfishness and lack of consideration
09:52However, it's vital to recognize that fallibility is a human trait
09:57We all at some point may act selfishly
10:01What differentiates a person who is using you is the persistence of these actions over time with a lack of?
10:09Acknowledgement or effort to change as we progress on this journey of unraveling the subtleties of human relations
10:16It's essential to remember that self-awareness and assertiveness are powerful tools
10:21They protect us from being exploited being aware of these signs and understanding how to respond to them is vital
10:30Recognizing the presence of a harmful relationship is a crucial step in
10:35Reconsidering these ties and taking steps to safeguard your emotional and mental well-being as we continue to explore the
10:43complexities of human relationships
10:45Realizing that we are equipped to identify and react to exploitive situations is an important step
10:53Knowledge and understanding of these signs enable us to maintain healthier and more respectful relationships
11:00the sixth signal
11:02superficial bonding and its implication
11:05in the complex tapestry of human relationships a
11:09six-telling sign emerges
11:11superficial bonding this sign is particularly insidious because it masks the true nature of the
11:19Relationship a person who is using you tends to avoid forming a deep and meaningful connection
11:25This behavior is manifested through an interaction that rarely goes beyond the surface in this type of relationship
11:32You might start to notice a pattern
11:35Conversations usually revolve around trivial topics shying away from diving into deeper or more personal subjects
11:43These people keep their vulnerabilities well guarded and their emotions tightly controlled
11:49This invisible barrier prevents the relationship from developing into a more intimate level of trust and camaraderie
11:57The relationship seems to be stuck in a perpetual initial state where even after a considerable amount of time
12:04You realize that you don't truly know this person beyond the superficial facade
12:10This is a clear sign that for the other party
12:13The relationship is not a priority nor a pathway to a genuine sharing of experiences and emotions
12:22Recognizing this superficial dynamic is essential for your emotional health
12:26It's an invitation to reflect on the value and depth of your relationships
12:31This sign challenges us to question. Are we investing our time and energy in fertile soil?
12:38Capable of nurturing mutual growth or are we clinging to a shadow of connection that never?
12:45materializes into something more substantial the realization of a
12:49Superficial bond serves as a guide to make informed decisions
12:53Allowing us to protect our peace of mind and seek relationships that offer true reciprocity and depth
13:01the seventh signal
13:03absence in crucial moments in the journey of discerning human relationships
13:08The seventh sign stands out with a somber clarity
13:12absence in critical moments
13:14The essence of a healthy relationship is often revealed not on sunny days
13:19But in life storms it is during periods of adversity
13:24Illness personal loss or phases of intense stress that the true character of a relationship is put to the test
13:32Imagine facing one of these challenging moments
13:35Expecting to find support and understanding from someone you consider a friend or partner
13:40However, instead of support you are met with a void
13:44The person is noticeably absent perhaps offering superficial
13:49Consolation or generic words that sound more like a formality than a genuine gesture of empathy
13:56this pattern of behavior where emotional and physical support is notably scarce or
14:02Non-existent in times of need is an alarming indicator
14:05It reveals that the relationship may be heavily one-sided
14:10With one person investing emotionally while the other evades during times of reciprocation
14:17Absence in crucial moments is a mirror reflecting the true nature of the relationship
14:22It's not just about not being physically present. It's the lack of empathy
14:28Emotional and availability and indifference that speak volumes
14:32This lack of support not only wears down the emotional fabric of the relationship
14:38But also raises questions about its intrinsic value and the sincerity of the connection
14:46Recognizing this reality can be painful, but it is essential for protecting one's dignity and emotional well-being
14:53confronting this truth propels us to reassess the
14:56Relationship and to ponder the importance of establishing more equitable relationships where support and presence are reciprocal
15:05Realizing the presence of concerning signs in a relationship is a vital initial step
15:10But what truly defines the nature and future of these interactions is how we act upon these findings in
15:18Crucial moments, especially those that require support and solidarity
15:22The absence of someone who should be by our side can reveal an uncomfortable truth about the relationship in
15:30These difficult times the true depth and sincerity of a bond are put to the test
15:36the lack of emotional commitment and
15:39Solidarity from someone who is using us is a clear indicator of these shortcomings
15:44To cultivate healthier and more balanced relationships. It is essential to establish clear boundaries
15:52Saying no is a fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship
15:56When feeling uncomfortable or pressure
16:00Communicating your own boundaries clearly and directly is crucial
16:04defining and firmly maintaining what is acceptable to you is a practice of self-respect and
16:11preserving your emotional health in
16:13Situations where you feel used open and honest communication is key
16:19Addressing the matter calmly clearly and directly
16:23expressing your feelings without
16:25Accusations can clarify
16:27Misunderstandings and even give the other person a chance to review and change their behavior
16:33Seeking support and dealing with the emotional complexities of being in an unbalanced relationship is another important step
16:41Talking to trusted friends family members or a professional can provide a much-needed outside
16:47Perspective as well as support and guidance
16:51Remember every individual deserves respect and reciprocity in their relationships
16:57identifying and confronting
16:59Situations where your interests are not considered is essential for strengthening your emotional well-being
17:06Learning how to handle these challenges empowers us to build and maintain healthier more rewarding
17:13relationships founded on mutual respect
17:16empathy and effective communication
17:19By recognizing the signs of imbalanced relationships and taking proactive steps
17:24You take a crucial step in protecting yourself and cultivating healthier and more fulfilling interactions
17:31It's important to remember that your value is not defined by how others treat you rather it is
17:38Intrinsic and reaffirmed by how you stand in situations where there is a lack of respect or consideration
17:45In our journey to discern true intentions and relationships an essential understanding stands out
17:52you deserve relationships that are reciprocal and
17:56respectful if you identified with this content and found value in the information shared I
18:02Invite you to subscribe for more insights like this
18:06Together we will continue to navigate the complexities of human interactions
18:12Unraveling and better understanding the patterns of behavior and emotions that surround us
18:18Your support is crucial in this journey of discovery and continuous learning
18:23Remember the key to healthier and more enriching
18:26Relationships lies in recognizing acting and above all respecting yourself and others
