The Apprentice UK S04E07 (2008)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Previously, on The Apprentice...
00:14You're going to come up with your own special occasion.
00:18..the candidates went into the greeting card business.
00:21My idea is the environment.
00:23Team leader Kevin got evangelical about Jenny's Save the Planet theme.
00:27Go out, buy a card, read up on some facts and start making a difference.
00:31Michael's team opted for National Singles Day.
00:34So we're celebrating a day of people that are actually single.
00:37Finally, my time's up!
00:41Pitching to national retailers, Kevin got on his green soapbox.
00:45434 million tonnes worth of rubbish is thrown away each year.
00:54In the boardroom, Michael's team delivered winning sales figures.
00:58Come on! Come on!
01:01It's not a football match. I apologise.
01:03And Kevin's eco-card was binned.
01:06People don't send cards to politically preach to people.
01:10Then the whole team rounded on Sara.
01:13I think Sara should be fine.
01:14Nothing was delivered from Sara throughout the course of the first date.
01:17I'm wise enough and old enough to know when people are ganging up on somebody.
01:22But it was Kevin who was returned to sender.
01:25As team leader, I hold you totally responsible.
01:29You're fired.
01:31Now, ten remain to fight for the chance to become...
01:35..the apprentice.
01:49The candidates are up, waiting to hear from Sir Alan.
01:59Good morning.
02:00Sir Alan would like you to pack for a two-day business trip to Morocco.
02:04The cars will be with you shortly to take you to the airport.
02:08Guys, we're going to Morocco!
02:12We're leaving in an hour, OK?
02:14So pack your stuff. Two-day business trip!
02:18It's not going to be scorching, but it's going to be fairly hot.
02:21So should we take our big jackets?
02:23So, you know, I think things like black suits and ties
02:26are probably going to be fairly redundant.
02:28Just normal business attire?
02:30Yeah, toiletries, obviously.
02:33And then that's it.
02:34It's the African colours, it's like linen.
02:36But if we don't have that, it's not a problem.
02:38Have you got a linen suit? I do, but not here.
02:41I have a linen suit as well, but not here.
02:45For the ten remaining candidates,
02:47an 11.30 flight to French-speaking shopping capital of Morocco, Marrakech.
02:53Fun and games.
02:55Je pense à nous.
02:57Parlez le français.
02:59You're shit at French.
03:05We're going to Morocco.
03:07We're going to Morocco.
03:09We're going to Morocco.
03:11We're going to Morocco.
03:13We're going to Morocco.
03:31They've got 30 minutes before Sir Alan's briefing
03:34in the gardens of the hotel.
03:36Oh, wow!
03:43Come on, Desjardins.
03:48Margaret and Nick are here, but Sir Alan is in London.
03:52Well, good morning.
03:54I classify Marrakech as the bargaining capital of the world.
03:58I've come up with ten items that I want you to go out and buy.
04:02And it's very simple.
04:04The team that spends the least amount of money on these ten items
04:07is going to win.
04:09And when you negotiate with these guys, I've got to tell you,
04:12no matter what price they offer you,
04:14you've got to be the biggest mug on this planet.
04:16They'll eat you for breakfast.
04:18They'll chew you up and spit you out
04:20and won't even know they've missed anything.
04:22Get back to the hotel, 6.30 tonight,
04:25where you're going to meet Nick and Margaret.
04:27And there, they will tell me which team has won.
04:31And they'll also tell me the team that has lost.
04:34And in that team, one of you will be getting fired.
04:38Jennifer McGuire and Michael, over to Renaissance,
04:42and Sarah to Alfo.
04:45Lee and Jennifer, you haven't been project managers before,
04:48so you're going to lead the teams today.
04:51In their new line-ups, the two teams get maps,
04:54tourist information and detailed descriptions
04:57of the ten items they must buy.
04:59What is that? Anybody have any idea?
05:02Oh, I've got one. I've seen these. Plenty of these, yeah.
05:06Berber bedspread, white with square pattern and silver sequins.
05:10My word, they are specific.
05:12What else? Kosher chicken.
05:14Is that Jewish?
05:16Let's have a look at what we need to get first of all.
05:19Project managing for the first time,
05:21marketing consultant Jennifer.
05:23We can chat in the car as well. How long is it from here, Claire?
05:26Do you not also think that we should use the phone,
05:29that we call some people and find out where we can...
05:31So we've at least got one port of call where we can find each thing.
05:34But the market will be open quite early, right?
05:36I would just like to get going and get things as quickly as possible.
05:39Yeah, and, you know, it'll...
05:41It'll be good for us to get the marbles out of our mouth as well
05:44with the French and with the negotiation, all that kind of stuff.
05:47Could I just...? I just want to get there.
05:49Let's do a quick recce, see what we've got,
05:51and then we'll go from there.
05:53Also project managing for his first time,
05:55recruitment sales manager Lee.
05:57OK, guys, I've never been to Morocco or Marrakesh,
06:00so I'm going to be heavily involved with people that have.
06:03I think getting into the local garb and making us, you know,
06:06not stand out as, you know, as guys from abroad
06:10would make a huge difference.
06:12No matter how you dress me, unless I've got...
06:14As soon as you open your mouth...
06:16They're thinking, are these people taking the P?
06:18It's just a suggestion.
06:19Once we get on the phone and we start talking to local businesses...
06:22Before they leave the hotel,
06:24Lee insists they pinpoint the places the items can be found.
06:28We need to find a Jewish area for kosher
06:30cos this is a Muslim country, it's not going to be widely available.
06:34Are they not open?
06:35I'm going to ask you, where am I likely to find it?
06:37Do you sell it in your shop?
06:39What I've recognised straight away is the fact that I'm going to be
06:42with Lucinda and Sarah, who, feedback-wise,
06:45on other tasks of have they pulled their weight, have they not.
06:48My judgement will be made once I've finished this task today.
06:51Are we ready to win, Team Alpha?
06:53That's what we're ready to win.
06:55Ah! Ah!
06:56Come on, man, we're ready to win.
06:58Smiles on your faces, that's what I'm talking about.
07:05The Souk, the main market in Marrakech
07:08and one of the biggest in North Africa.
07:11Here we are!
07:16Grouped into sections selling typical North African goods,
07:20the Souks are a five-mile maze of over 3,000 shops and stores.
07:25Oh, God, there's some snakes.
07:28For a million pounds.
07:30Even if Sir Alan said, Claire, kiss that snake or touch that snake,
07:34I'd have to say, I'm sorry.
07:36I'd rather kiss you.
07:38Honestly, I hate them.
07:42Less than two hours after the briefing,
07:45Jennifer is almost ready to hit the streets.
07:48Who is that phone?
07:49It's in there. Hang on.
07:51Oh, no, who's got it? I haven't got it.
07:53I haven't got a phone. Oh, lads, come on.
07:55Why don't we split up in our teams? Yeah.
07:57Go and find some... and just ask some questions.
08:00One bit over there does one thing, that bit over there does another one,
08:03so we need to know where the bits are that we need to go to.
08:06I just want to get in there and kind of feel it out as we go along,
08:10because it's a bit of a race against time.
08:12See you later. Bye. Good luck. See you in a bit.
08:15Lord, they've got chicken. He's got chicken here.
08:17Why don't we ask him where his chicken's going?
08:20Hello, my friend.
08:23Team leader Jennifer heads into the market with Claire and Alex
08:27to find half the items on Sir Alan's list,
08:30sending Jenny and Michael north to seek out the rest.
08:35Guys, I know we're going to look for the slippers and the dye,
08:38but there's a load of blankets down there,
08:40so just so for us to make a... Just make a mental note. Yeah.
08:47At the moment, I don't feel that we do have a strategy,
08:50and I'm just going to go in like a headless chicken.
08:52Before you know it, you've bought a product
08:54that you could buy cheaper down the road
08:56if you'd have just been a bit more focused in what you're doing.
08:59No, the juicer, the... Machine. Shhh!
09:02Despite a lack of research,
09:04Jennifer's half of the team stumble across their first item,
09:08a Santos orange juicer.
09:10Let's say you pretend that you're a couple and you both go up... Yeah.
09:13..and you walk away. Yeah.
09:15They know the woman in the house has the final say. Yeah.
09:17It would be a lot easier for him to negotiate. Yeah.
09:19So why don't we try that? Yeah, try it. Good idea.
09:22Do you think he can act as a couple?
09:28Alex, how long have we been going out?
09:30Seven years.
09:31OK. Why haven't we got married yet?
09:35I really, really want that one.
09:37The juicer is one of the more expensive items on Sir Alan's list.
09:45Oh, no.
09:47Asking price, 1,200 dirhams, £75.
09:51Target price, half that.
09:53That's too expensive. Too expensive.
09:56We have 600.
09:58No, no, prefix.
10:00Six pounds.
10:03Alex, I'm going outside, OK?
10:05All right, OK, OK.
10:06We don't have 1,200. We've got 600.
10:09But now... We can do 600.
10:12No, no, prefix.
10:14I really want that juicer.
10:16I have 1,100.
10:20Thank you. 1,000.
10:22Alex and Claire's double act
10:24only gets a pound discount off a 75-pound juicer.
10:29God, you have to keep that one in a ring, don't you?
10:31I haven't worked her in a long time and I remember now what she's like.
10:34I think we... I truly think we should just leave it one-person negotiating.
10:38Yeah, OK.
10:39Cos that thing wouldn't work, I don't think. There's too many people.
10:42They've got some cactus over here.
10:44Do you think it's worth asking them if they know any blue cactus?
10:47Just do one thing at a time.
10:53After staying back to call traders,
10:55Lee's half of the team are on their way to the souk.
11:00Yeah, alarm clock. Yeah, alarm clock.
11:02Rafe and Helene set off to find a one-metre cowhide with a tail.
11:07This, to me, is just, you know, grassroots negotiation.
11:11You know, this is as dirty...
11:13This is as it gets. it gets.
11:15Guided by their research,
11:17Lee heads straight to the electrical market
11:20for a green plastic mosque alarm clock.
11:24Yeah, we'll...
11:29We bought this clock. Lovely.
11:31Allahu Akbar wakes us up for namaz.
11:33300 dirhams.
11:35The shopkeeper wants 300 dirhams, £20.
11:38In UK, it's not 300 dirhams.
11:40It's very less. 300 is too much.
11:43Too much, madam. What do you want more?
11:45And why you give such a high price?
11:47There is no high price. Believe me, there is a gift.
11:50The gift means for free? No.
11:52My people, they bust me. I cannot be happy for tomorrow.
11:55May I take the view? Of course. Same, same.
11:58OK, so same, same.
12:00Negotiation stuck, they walk away.
12:02OK, thank you very much.
12:09Ah, this is it.
12:11Deep inside the souk,
12:13project manager Jennifer and her half of the team
12:16stumble across the textile market
12:19and the sequined Berber bedspread.
12:21Is that Berber? This is a Berber.
12:23I'll keep my mate's shop. Yeah, me too.
12:25Jennifer wants Claire to drop the double act,
12:28keep quiet and let Alex negotiate.
12:30Right. OK.
12:32Monsieur, how much is this?
12:35That one is 3,000 dirhams.
12:38We haven't got 3,000 dirhams.
12:40We have 1,000 dirhams.
12:42Your price is too low, my price...
12:44It's too high. I know. It's a little high, not too high.
12:47No, it's too high, at least we admit it.
12:49So, at the end of the day, you're going to sell the rug.
12:52I'd rather buy it here than have to go somewhere,
12:55cos I'm tired and I want to go home.
12:57My feet are killing.
12:59I've worked in sales all my life
13:01and the first rule is never jump in on someone's sale.
13:04Halfway is 1,500.
13:06We'll do 2,500 to make you happy.
13:08How much? 2,500.
13:10I can't afford it. Do it at 2,000.
13:12Do it at 2,000, yeah?
13:14Negotiations turn into a three-way debate.
13:17Alex has to settle at 2,000 dirhams,
13:2060 quid more than he aims to pay.
13:22Can we have a receipt, please?
13:24Do you want a smile?
13:26We need to stick to what we said before.
13:28Yeah. One person negotiating.
13:30Yeah. OK.
13:39Project manager Lee and the girls are still hunting for a deal
13:43on the Green Mosque alarm clock.
13:45Yeah, hi, Rafe speaking.
13:47We've just tried to negotiate on a clock
13:49and we walked away from it cos the guy was taking the piss.
13:52Have you bought anything, Lee? No.
13:57Alarm clock?
13:59Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just bring them over, man, we'll look at them.
14:02Open, look. No, green.
14:04No, no, no, no, no, pink.
14:06Thank you very much.
14:09We have to find this now. I'm getting worried.
14:16I think we're going to be able to do this quite quickly,
14:18so you must let us know if there are any items you can't get that we can get.
14:24I'm an extremely arrogant person.
14:26Someone came up to me and said, you're arrogant.
14:28I said, you're 100% right.
14:30I am arrogant and what are you going to do about it?
14:32That's the way I am.
14:34Jennifer has sent Michael and Jenny north
14:36to find the metre-long cowhide with the all-important tail.
14:41This is great, this is cow skin, yes, but I need one with tail.
14:46We have very, very little money. Very, very small.
14:49You have to bargain the price.
14:51Even if you want to buy tomatoes, we bargain the price.
14:53OK. So that's 2,500 dirhams.
14:56This is far too much for us.
14:58How can you expect us to pay this much?
15:002,500 for a cowhide that's got holes in it?
15:03We can't pay that.
15:05We can go anywhere to buy this for cheaper than 1,200.
15:08No problem.
15:10825, no more than this.
15:12825, yeah? Thank you.
15:14A cowhide at 50 pounds, a third of the asking price.
15:18Well done, though, Michael. Fantastic.
15:24For Lee's team, Rafe and Helene, also hunting for a cowhide,
15:28are at the tannery where skins are processed.
15:33Right, OK. OK.
15:37So this is where they make the skin.
15:40That's good, but can we buy it?
15:45OK, like that. How much do you want to give?
15:48We're looking... Well...
15:50The other man said 800, but it's still too expensive.
15:53We're looking at...
16:00How much? 250.
16:07250? 250.
16:09OK. Let me just check.
16:12Sorry, 250? 250.
16:15Dirhams? Yes.
16:17Rafe gets a hide for just 15 pounds,
16:20but his project manager Lee hasn't bought a thing.
16:24Only one person has this clock in the whole of Marrakesh.
16:27Not possible.
16:28Still in need of the mosque clock,
16:30it's back to the stallholder they first met over three hours ago.
16:34Give me your best price and we purchase a clock.
16:36OK, we don't want to pay 200. No.
16:38Give 250. Boss, man, you're breaking my balls.
16:40Believe me, it's a gift.
16:42We know we can source a clock for 100.
16:44Forget it. You are not a businessman. Forget it.
16:47150 for the cash, yeah?
16:49OK, OK. We haven't purchased.
16:52A £10 clock, their first purchase of the day.
16:56We walked round the souk for three hours
16:58and then we had to go back and still buy the fucking clock.
17:01We've bought one product and you've bought one, yeah?
17:04So we've bought two products.
17:06We've located a Jewish area, so we're going to find the chicken.
17:09Next on the list, one and a half kilos of kosher chicken.
17:14That means a chicken butchered under rules of the Jewish faith.
17:19And their research pinpointed this, the Marrakesh Jewish Korte.
17:27These are live chickens, man.
17:34Jewish? You speak English?
17:36You are Jewish. I love you.
17:38We need to buy some kosher boulet.
17:40We are Jewish, yeah?
17:42Come on, that's what I'm talking about.
17:46In the Muslim heart of the souk, Jennifer's found plenty of chickens.
17:51But kosher they are not.
17:55Anyone can't bless a chicken.
17:57It has to be a holy... Who blesses the chicken?
17:59A holy man. A holy man. Right, OK.
18:01And you find a holy man and a mosque. Is the mosque far from here?
18:04No, not really.
18:06Don't you think it's appropriate to take chicken into a mosque?
18:08Oh, God.
18:11Oh, look, his head's getting chopped off.
18:13There are thousands of chickens here, most of them are still alive,
18:16so I suppose they could be killed and blessed in a kosher way,
18:19but there aren't very many rabbis in this part of Marrakesh.
18:22Am I being stupid that kosher chicken is Jewish,
18:25and this is a Muslim country?
18:27Or do Muslims have kosher chicken?
18:29Muslims have kosher. Do they?
18:34Foxed, Jennifer hands the hunt for the kosher chicken to Jenny and Michael.
18:40Excusez-moi, poulet. We want to get chicken.
18:44Bark, bark, bark!
18:46She's mental!
18:51Monsieur, we want a chicken from you today.
18:54OK, OK.
18:57No, stop, stop, stop! Don't kill the chicken yet.
19:00Oh, stop. Stop.
19:02The chicken, I have to have it blessed by somebody from the mosque.
19:08Somebody from the mosque, so that it is kosher.
19:11Religious. It needs to be kosher.
19:13Religious, that chicken, like this.
19:16Halal. Halal chicken.
19:18This halal.
19:19No, no, no.
19:20No, not halal.
19:22Oh, can you make it halal?
19:25Oh, bless it.
19:27I want chicken, I want it blessed by somebody from the mosque.
19:32No, it's from the mosque, yes. That's the mosque.
19:35That is the mosque? Have they come from the mosque?
19:38He prays.
19:39He prays?
19:40Yes, he prays.
19:41He prays?
19:42You say the words to Allah.
19:44Allah, Allah, Allah.
19:49Sir Alan has warned the teams he'll fine them for every item that doesn't meet his exact specification.
19:56Two guaranteed to go.
19:59For example, the mosque alarm clock must be green.
20:03No, I don't have.
20:04No, you don't have.
20:05So 50 final prices?
20:0650, yes.
20:07With batteries?
20:08With batteries, yes.
20:09OK, thank you.
20:10Excuse me.
20:11Start with these things, which you cook the tagine in.
20:13Next on the list, a set of three top-of-the-range, a cow branded, tagine serving dishes.
20:19That is red, China. That is red.
20:21We need the size, the right model number, D23.
20:24If they're genuine, they should cost about 50 pounds, 800 dirhams.
20:30We'll do 100.
20:33OK, 100, OK.
20:35A lot of the places, they were asking for a 360, around the 360 mark, and we got it for 100.
20:40OK, carry on.
20:41I can't believe it. They've just bought three tagine.
20:44They haven't checked whether they're the right brand. They're not.
20:47They've completely missed that.
20:49They've paid no attention to the detail.
20:51It's very poor at this stage.
20:57Four hours left.
20:59Both teams work through Sir Alan's list.
21:02No time to stop.
21:08Lee's team have five items to buy.
21:11We can do this.
21:14Jennifer's team, just three.
21:17These are quite grey.
21:18I don't know, quite grey.
21:25Lee and the girls hit an upmarket shopping district, hunting for two branded tennis rackets.
21:31Ah! Oh, God!
21:39But the other team has got there first.
21:42Oh, my God, they're clever people. They're already here.
21:45They're in there, they're in there.
21:481800, you have a deal.
21:49Thank you very much. Thanks a lot.
21:52Hi, Lucinda.
21:54Hello, are you the manager?
21:56We understand, obviously, that you have the tennis rackets that we want.
21:59Our friends have told us about you because you gave them a good discount.
22:02So we also would like a slightly better discount.
22:05OK, no problem.
22:07Did you choose your racket?
22:08Sir Alan, a keen tennis player, has specified the rackets must be medium-strung.
22:16String the rackets tomorrow.
22:18I cannot string the rackets today.
22:21We could pay you ten dirhams, 20 dirhams, if you make the machines break.
22:28I'll give you money, yeah?
22:31I don't... With the string, yeah?
22:33I'll get you money.
22:36But you... We need to speak to her.
22:45We don't want them to have their tennis rackets today
22:49and we're very happy to pay you to delay the return of the tennis rackets tomorrow.
22:56I'll give you money, yeah?
22:58I don't need it, thank you.
23:02The other team have turned up and we've tried to prevent them from buying tennis rackets
23:06so we've been involved in espionage.
23:10How long does it take to string a racket?
23:12I don't know.
23:17They're taking the piss, these people.
23:19Taking the fucking piss.
23:25Claire decides to check their purchases against Sir Alan's list.
23:30Green colours, we need to swap that.
23:32Green, green, green.
23:33We need to get green.
23:34Let's go back.
23:35This is white and we need to get a green one.
23:51We haven't checked the photos because we looked at them this morning
23:54and we had a very clear idea of what we had to get.
23:57So that's why I remember the green clock.
23:59I can remember just looking and thinking, God, that's green.
24:04For fuck's sake.
24:06With less than three hours to go, it's off to find a green one.
24:10I need a green one, there.
24:12I paid 50, I paid 50, I paid 50.
24:15I don't want to pay twice, I don't want to pay twice.
24:19It is quite frustrating.
24:21If I was project manager, I'd be checking every single detail.
24:24I'm a control freak, I like to know what we're doing.
24:27And I think now Jen's really kicking us out.
24:29This means absolutely nothing.
24:32Hi, Jen, it's Michael.
24:34And Jen.
24:35And Jen.
24:36Is there any chance you can try and find the alarm clock?
24:40Personally, I think you, the team, have got the last green clock
24:44in the fricking market.
24:45So if you can just keep an eye out for that.
24:505.30pm, 60 minutes to go.
24:54Jen, we've got the rackets, let's go.
24:56We've got to fucking hurry up.
24:58Lee's team is still three items short.
25:04That, to me, is pretty spot on.
25:08We're looking for a tagine.
25:10No, he said 8.50.
25:12We should go on 8.50.
25:13We are sprinting, we are sweating.
25:15That's what I'm talking about.
25:16These are the originals, these are definitely authentic.
25:19There you go, that's the one, that's it.
25:21That's what you've got to buy, my friend.
25:23Get your best buy.
25:24Just to let you know,
25:25you fucking just nailed the blue cactus as well.
25:28Come on.
25:29Sorry about the bad language you heard there.
25:31It's just over-excitement.
25:33Busy, busy.
25:3535 minutes to go.
25:37All Jennifer needs is a green mosque alarm clock.
25:40Do you have this clock?
25:43Mosque alarm clock.
25:50This is what we've got to do, call the guys
25:52and see if they can find the mosque alarm clock
25:55in a shopping centre.
25:56But haven't we already asked them to do that?
25:59I don't know if I'd call them again, I don't know.
26:02We've got half an hour.
26:03Not a problem.
26:04We know where we're going, man, we fucking know where we're going.
26:08Lee heads for the electrical market
26:11in search of the final item, a Santos orange juicer.
26:14Shit, it's 6.30.
26:16Oh, no, we're shutting.
26:18I've just got a feeling that all the shops are shut
26:20and we are completely fucked if it's closed
26:22because we have nowhere else to go.
26:24We've just got to carry on straight
26:25and see if there's another electrical shop driver.
26:27Just any electrical shop.
26:29What about that bloke? Was he shut?
26:33Oh, you're fucking joking.
26:36Oh, bigger than fuck.
26:38Oh, no, there's lights.
26:39Just stop here.
26:40Just stop here.
26:45Where's the electrical shop?
26:49Oh, do you speak English?
26:53Bonjour, monsieur.
26:55Oh, look, look at the bikes.
26:57Where did you get this machine?
26:59Fuck off, that is unbelievable.
27:01How much?
27:02How much machine do you want to buy?
27:04Do you know where we can get this machine from?
27:06Shops are closing for prayers, but the word goes out.
27:09Some tourists will pay good money for an old juicer.
27:16No, no, no, no.
27:17What's this?
27:19Santos, Santos.
27:20The same.
27:21No, I don't have Santos. Come back.
27:23Five minutes, my friend, he'll bring it to you.
27:25So you tell him now.
27:26No, no, it's you, my friend.
27:27I'll pay him 1,000 dirhams.
27:29Fives can make or break us. We have to get this.
27:32Vous avez?
27:35Vous avez?
27:38Vous avez?
27:40We need time. We need time.
27:43Oh, yes!
27:44Oh, my God.
27:51Come on, come on, come on.
27:53Come on with your verre.
28:06Can we all say Hail Mary?
28:18We're going to get a fine, mate, because you can't get a juice out.
28:21Everything is shut for fasting.
28:23Everywhere we come back to is shut.
28:25You can hear in the background, fast inside.
28:27Prayer, time, everything.
28:29I just don't want us to get a £100 fine, so just get here quite soon.
28:32In five minutes, we're leaving our location, OK?
28:35Just get the cars around, all in the cars, all ready to go.
28:38You wrap your hands up, hand in the cash, off it goes.
28:47Juicer, juicer. Is that a juicer?
28:50Is that a juicer or what?
28:52Come on!
28:54Not one juicer, but two turn up.
28:57How much, how much?
28:59Last price, there's two machines.
29:03OK, £1,400, Jake, thank you.
29:05£1,400, leave.
29:07No, no.
29:08How much are you giving it for?
29:10This is £1,400. £1,200, we're buying from you.
29:15£1,200, give it to him.
29:18With five minutes left,
29:20we get a scruffy second-hand juicer for £1,200.
29:26Fucking got it! Come on!
29:30Come on!
29:36It's all over in Marrakech.
29:38Yeah, that was fun.
29:40In London, Sir Alan calls Nick and Margaret.
29:44Now he'll find out who's won and who's lost.
29:58Hello, Nick. How was it today?
30:01Lee did well.
30:03I think the real revelation, actually, was Sarah.
30:08But also Lucinda.
30:10They really did very, very well indeed.
30:13Margaret, how did your team do?
30:16It started off a bit scattergun.
30:19They paid more attention to detail.
30:21Some items had to be changed, but they got those changed
30:24and they all worked jolly hard.
30:26Let's get straight down to the numbers.
30:28Nick, how did Alpha do?
30:30Alpha bought all the items correctly, no penalties,
30:35and they spent £413.61.
30:40Margaret, how did your lot do?
30:42Well, Renaissance spent slightly more than that.
30:46They spent £149.60.
30:49But there are two items which they bought which we're disallowing.
30:53They incurred penalties on two items
30:56and that brought their total to just over £600.
31:04Well, Alpha, you seem to have done a very, very good job.
31:07Well done. Now, look, I've laid on a treat for you.
31:10And the treat is that I've organised a private air balloon
31:15for Leeds Castle, and I'll see you on the next task.
31:23Jennifer and Renaissance, you had two items disallowed.
31:29You're lost. You know the drill.
31:32I'll see you in the boardroom tomorrow, where one of you will get fired.
31:40For Leeds team, it's off for champagne cocktails.
31:50For the losers, the hotel cafe.
31:53Time to reflect on what they got wrong.
31:56The only thing I can think of is the cactus, but I just don't see...
32:01We didn't count its prickles, but I didn't think we needed to do that.
32:05It's absolutely gutting to find out that we've not only lost
32:08in the prices that we bought things by,
32:11but we incurred two massive penalties,
32:13which is totally and utterly embarrassing.
32:16You all worked really hard, and if you know in your heart and soul
32:20that you did the right thing today, you've nothing to be afraid of.
32:24I just want to know what's happened. I feel like I can smash the...
32:27Literally, I've got them that close, it's just fucking getting mental.
32:31I just... I...
32:33I put everything in it for you. I really mean it.
32:45Next morning, both teams return to England.
32:53It is lovely.
32:55For the winners, the high life.
33:02That's my mansion.
33:04That's where the dinner party is going to be happening.
33:07This is truly happy days.
33:10Happy days.
33:12I wasn't surprised with the result, because, to be honest with you,
33:16I expected nothing less from your managerial skills.
33:20Thank you very much, guys.
33:22And everyone else.
33:24Thank you very much.
33:27The losers have an appointment with Sir Alan.
33:30They bought ten items, but the serving dishes were unbranded.
33:35And their chicken, blessed by a Muslim butcher,
33:38was definitely not kosher.
33:41Total fines, £155.
33:44The winner of the high life, Sir Alan,
33:47is the winner of the high life.
33:50It was definitely not kosher.
33:53Total fines, £155.
33:56Jenny's been quite quiet today.
33:58Jenny's been quiet today. I know what she's going to do.
34:00She's going to put the blame on me for this.
34:02I'm not going to let her do it.
34:04And they paid £60 more than the other team for the Berber bedspread.
34:08But, yeah, it's a real bummer to fly to Africa and back
34:12and lose a task in a day.
34:38You can go through to the boardroom now.
35:05Good evening. Bonjour.
35:09What's the significance of bonjour, then?
35:14Just wanted to say hello in French.
35:18In French.
35:20Jenny, I made you the team leader.
35:23Tell me, what did you do?
35:25I decided to go straight to the marketplace
35:28and just kind of get a feel for where I was.
35:31Did you do any research anywhere?
35:33The research we did...
35:35Before you actually set out, did you just run off?
35:37Yeah, that was probably the biggest problem with this task.
35:40I was very hasty.
35:42Do you think she would run the team well, Claire?
35:46Yes and no.
35:47We purchased a muscle-arm clock,
35:49which comes in several colours, in white,
35:51and it was specifically said we needed green.
35:53It's not rocket science, is it, you know,
35:55to say, I'm going to look for a green clock, you know?
35:58There was a lot going on at the time.
36:00It wasn't like, OK, I didn't...
36:02You're buying a clock? Not brain surgery, is it?
36:05How was Claire, then? She was OK?
36:07On the bed throw, the price was coming down,
36:10and for some reason, they stood up, maybe doing a little bit of role play,
36:14and Claire said to, quote,
36:16I'm tired, my feet are sore, I want to buy it here.
36:19I thought we were like boyfriend-girlfriend.
36:21There are three fundamental errors here.
36:23There's that one, a real biggie.
36:25And then we get on to the two items that we got fined for.
36:29The first one was the Akal Tarjeen.
36:33Do you know what you've done wrong there?
36:35I wasn't... It's a reading issue, right?
36:38Everybody knows you can buy them in Marrakesh,
36:41but you specifically asked for a branded item,
36:44and you bought some copy piece of toot, really.
36:47You didn't even look at the list when you were buying the Tarjeen pots, did you?
36:51Alex, that was you, wasn't it?
36:53I don't believe I was solely accountable for that,
36:55because all three of us went to different shops,
36:57and it wasn't like I said, that's...
36:59Gucci-branded underpants, wherever you looked,
37:01you don't seriously think they were the genuine article, do you?
37:04Right, OK.
37:06And then we've got the kosher chicken.
37:09Jenny, you are a lady of the world,
37:12slightly older than the rest of the people here.
37:15It's my birthday today, Sir Alan, I'm 36 today.
37:20At 36 years old, are you telling me
37:23you've never heard the terminology kosher
37:25and you don't know that's associated with Jewish people?
37:29No, Sir Alan.
37:31I'm flabbergasted, to be quite honest.
37:34I mean, Michael, in your CV, what's the first thing you wrote on it?
37:38What did you say in there? You're a good Jewish boy, is that right?
37:41Yeah? OK, yeah.
37:43OK, well, you are or not?
37:45I'm a nice Jewish boy, yeah.
37:47OK, because if you're unsure, you can always pull your trousers down,
37:50we can check.
37:52Is it right that you went to a Muslim halal butcher
37:55and asked him to get you a kosher chicken
37:58and he made a prayer over it, is that right?
38:01That's correct, Sir Alan.
38:03And he slaughtered it for you?
38:05That's correct.
38:06Are you having a laugh or what?
38:08I don't know why you didn't go to Hohog
38:10and find a Roman Catholic priest to take the butcher's confession.
38:14You're supposed to be here because you're intelligent people.
38:18It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable.
38:21Aren't you embarrassed, Michael?
38:23No, I'm embarrassed, yeah.
38:25Do you know what the word l'chaim means?
38:27I know what the word schmuck means.
38:29No, but do you know what the word l'chaim means? No.
38:31You don't? I'm only half Jewish, Sir Alan.
38:33So why do you put on here you're a good Jewish boy?
38:35Was it there to impress me?
38:37Was it some kind of thing for me to sympathise with you,
38:39treat you a little bit differently?
38:41No, I'm not that way. What do you put it there for then?
38:43You either are or you aren't.
38:45I'm half Jewish. OK.
38:47Do you know what?
38:49I think this team is totally out of control.
38:52It's the people that made the mistakes in buying the products
38:56that I can just point at, or I can point at the team leader.
38:59Be under no illusion.
39:01There's no rule, no written rule that says
39:03I don't have to just get rid of one person here.
39:05There's three terrible mistakes here.
39:07I don't give a shit.
39:09I'll fire three of you if I have to today.
39:11I'll fire the whole bloody five of you if I have to.
39:13Don't bother me at all. It's up to you.
39:15You open your bloody mouth,
39:17or I'll just make some quick decisions now.
39:19Sir Alan, can I speak up then?
39:21Let me just take a moment to say
39:23I'll be the first to put my hands up
39:25if I've made a mistake in business.
39:27Let me find another expression for this boardroom
39:29about putting your hands up, please.
39:31I made a mistake in bartering for the, you know, for the pottery.
39:35And the bedspread also. I'm going to come on to that, yeah.
39:37On the bedspread, I truly believe
39:39that if Claire hadn't interrupted me on the negotiations...
39:41So it's her fault then?
39:43The £60 is down to her, is it?
39:45I agree. It was very difficult,
39:48very difficult to keep Claire quiet through a negotiation.
39:52Do you hold her responsible for the £60 loss?
39:55I do hold her responsible, absolutely.
39:57I understood we were doing a boyfriend-girlfriend role play.
40:00When we went into the place that sold the bedspreads,
40:02you actually said to me,
40:03I'm going to sit here and I'm going to stay quiet.
40:05And then I was halfway through it and you just...
40:07Couldn't help yourself.
40:08I don't think it was my fault.
40:10Did you stand up in the middle of my negotiation?
40:12I did. Well, that's the problem.
40:13Did you interfere in their negotiation?
40:15But I thought that was agreed.
40:16This boyfriend-girlfriend thing, I don't know...
40:18Sorry, I thought it was agreed.
40:19I've got a picture there. What do you want to say?
40:21So, very quickly, I don't want to...
40:23It doesn't have to be quickly.
40:24You can, you know, just make it concise and precise
40:26but you can say as much as you want. Right.
40:28I would like to say that in terms of sales and negotiating,
40:31which hasn't, I think, been looked upon,
40:33that I did a pretty damn good job in that task.
40:37Apart from the chicken? Apart from the chicken fiasco.
40:40I negotiated, I think, one of the best deals,
40:43if not the best deal of the day. On what?
40:45On the cowhide, which I got down from 2,500 to 834.
40:50Sorry, weren't we working as a team and wasn't that my negotiation?
40:55Yeah, I think we both contributed towards that.
40:57£51 equivalent, approximately.
40:59OK, and then from the cactus...
41:01Just as a matter of interest, the first team got it for £15.
41:08There's an awful lot of I going on there
41:10and essentially I'd like to go back to the chicken article, Sir Alan.
41:15I wanted to confirm when the guy was nodding his head
41:18and we were saying kosher,
41:19that he actually understood what we were saying
41:21because at this point I felt that I needed to double-check
41:24and it was actually Michael that told me
41:26that everything was absolutely fine
41:28and with his Jewish roots I felt that he would understand...
41:31That's an absolute lie. That is an absolute lie.
41:34How could you sit there like that and lie?
41:36Meaning of the word kosher...
41:38When did you know about his Jewish connections, then?
41:40I've always known that he's from a Jewish background.
41:43But a few moments ago you didn't even know
41:45that kosher was associated with Jewish, did you?
41:47No, it isn't.
41:48So now you didn't know it, you still didn't know it.
41:50You still didn't know it in the boardroom here
41:52till I raised the issue
41:53and now you're telling me that you did know what it was
41:56and you were relying upon his Jewish connection.
41:58Don't sound right to me somehow.
42:00No, actually, I said to you five minutes before we went there, OK,
42:03that I did not understand the full meaning behind kosher
42:07and you said to me that you had a better understanding of that word.
42:10Is that not true?
42:11I said... Is that not true?
42:13No, I didn't say that, Michael. You're a liar.
42:15I said I believed it to be
42:17when you cut a chicken's neck and let the blood drain out of it
42:20because I was confused between kosher and halal.
42:22Suddenly you know about all these things.
42:24No, I thought it was... A moment ago you didn't know anything.
42:27Now you know.
42:28Talk about chickens, like headless chickens I've got here.
42:33Whose idea was it to persuade the tennis racket shop
42:36not to string Alpha's tennis rackets?
42:39That was my idea, Margaret.
42:41And you tried to bribe them, I think, did you?
42:44We did take some money out and asked them
42:47if they would not string the other tennis rackets
42:50as we thought that we would be able to win.
42:53Bit of a cheap shot, wasn't it?
42:55It was a cheap trick in hindsight
42:58and we thought it may gain us an advantage.
43:02Do you know what?
43:03Normally I would ask the team leader to bring three people in.
43:07I'd like you all to get outside and sit and reflect.
43:12Get out.
43:20At the start, I thought she was a real contender, would go all the way.
43:24You know, she was bright, articulate.
43:26But as time has gone on, I think there's a sort of
43:29an element of dishonesty about it.
43:31And this final tennis racket,
43:33I think it's a dirty, cheap little sabotage trick, isn't it?
43:36This is all brand new to me.
43:37I didn't know that you two had done the racket and had done this.
43:40I had no clue.
43:41And you stayed quiet all day,
43:43knowing that I'd been worried on the plane back.
43:45The thing about these tasks and this competition
43:47is to find out what we are really like.
43:49And I've been quite shocked.
43:51I did what I thought was right for the team.
43:53To cheat, Michael.
43:54She claims she didn't know about kosher,
43:56then she becomes the foremost bloody authority on it
43:59and then turns on people when she realises she's under pressure.
44:03You may be glory hunting at the moment
44:05and you may be fighting for your chance to stay in the competition,
44:08but I believe that you should be honest
44:10about the things that I have done.
44:12Right, send the five of them in, please, Frances.
44:28You've got a clear vision in your minds
44:30as to why you think you should stay here?
44:33Yeah. Yeah?
44:35Who wants to speak first?
44:37When Michael and I went out and began negotiating,
44:40it worked brilliantly on the first particular negotiation.
44:43It went to pot in the second negotiation.
44:46The chicken one? Yes, it did, Sir Alan.
44:48This is the one that you didn't know anything about?
44:51When Michael was telling me to ask for halal meat
44:55and that we should be saying thank you to Allah,
44:58I thought that he had to... Thank you to?
45:00To Allah.
45:01What, for a kosher chicken? Yes.
45:03I thought that he must have some understanding
45:05because he was so passionate about what he was...
45:07You know what?
45:08It seems to me that you hang on every word that I say
45:12and then turn it on your colleagues.
45:14You have changed your story on the kosher argument
45:17and then tried to place the blame on your team-mate
45:21who you were running around with.
45:25No good. No good.
45:27Sorry, same old story.
45:29Jenny, you're fired. Goodbye.
45:49Right, who's next?
46:00I'm absolutely shocked that I've been the one that's got fired.
46:04The person who behaved inappropriately
46:06was bending the rules throughout the course of the task
46:09and then sat up in the boardroom and lied
46:11is the one that's got to stay.
46:13I'm absolutely amazed.
46:19With this task, I said openly what my mistakes were.
46:22I did the best I could to rectify them and I did.
46:24You're out of control. You can't read, you can't get green,
46:27you don't know what a kosher chicken is.
46:29I can actually read and I... Well, you can't.
46:32You didn't pay any attention to detail, did you?
46:34I didn't pay attention to detail, but I never give up
46:37and I can guarantee I'll not make the same mistake again.
46:40I'll guarantee you won't make the same mistake again.
46:43It may be not giving you the opportunity of staying here.
46:47What have you got to say?
46:48Sir Alan, I just wanted to say that I made a horrific mistake
46:51with this whole kosher business.
46:53Do you know, Michael? Yeah.
46:55You seem to have adopted a kind of,
46:57I'm going to come in here and I'm going to admit all my mistakes.
47:00No, I just don't like... Maybe you are one big mistake.
47:02No, there's things that I've done here that have been absolutely brilliant.
47:05I just don't like to make... I'm not a flasher about it,
47:07that's what I mean to say.
47:09Over to you.
47:10I went out, I gave it 100%.
47:12You were very good in the first task, even though you lost.
47:15I like the way you spoke up for yourself.
47:17I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that for the last six weeks.
47:20Sir Alan, I'm not subdued, I'm full of beans.
47:22I'm more passionate about doing this than I've done anything in my life before.
47:26So who should be fired, then?
47:27My opinion? Yeah.
47:29As I said before... Be bold.
47:31I don't believe you should interrupt anyone's negotiation.
47:33Claire interrupted mine. You're saying Claire, then?
47:35I would personally fire her for doing that. Claire, speak up.
47:37I think Jen should be fired because, ultimately, there was too many mistakes,
47:40she bought two items which were wrong,
47:42she had the list of items in her pocket and didn't check it,
47:44and I think there's got to be some accountability for the project manager.
47:47Sir Alan, if you go out with Claire on a task ever in your life,
47:51it's like working with a Tasmanian devil.
47:53She is so uncontrollable.
47:55Claire was a fantastic project manager when she looked after me,
47:58and, from my opinion, Jen should be fired.
48:00You didn't work with her for the whole day, Michael.
48:03Can I give an example where I disagreed with you?
48:05You said, I want to go back and take the items back,
48:07which potentially you could take now, and then I'll go with the rug,
48:10and I said, can I make a suggestion that you do the rug first
48:12and then do the items, and you went...
48:14No, I didn't go... Well, you did, but is that what...
48:16No, I didn't. No, I didn't.
48:18Jen, I wasn't there to undermine you. That's a very good point.
48:20But you bought two things which were wrong.
48:22And we fixed it. Here's my next move.
48:30..go back to the house.
48:33I'll see you on the next task, all right?
48:35Thanks very much.
48:47OK, you remain in three. Just go outside.
48:49I'm going to have a chat with Nick and Margaret,
48:51and then you'll come back in. One of you is going to get fired.
49:04She was completely disorganised from the start.
49:06This is totally disorganised, and just talks, talks, talks,
49:09talks, like a bloody rattling machine gun.
49:12Claire did keep interrupting.
49:15So I can see that she was irritating, but I think she was...
49:18..doing well.
49:24Michael, I mean, he's a waste of space as well as I'm concerned.
49:28I'm a Catholic. You're a Protestant.
49:31We know what kosher is, and he doesn't know what kosher is.
49:34It defies belief. He did classics at Edinburgh.
49:36He's a bright boy. How could he make such a mess of it?
49:39I think Edinburgh isn't what it used to be.
49:44Dear Francis, send her through.
49:46Dear Francis, send the three of them in, please.
49:48Yes, sir.
50:01This task was run by you, Jennifer.
50:04I believe that you lost control of it, quite frankly.
50:09But I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt
50:11to explain to me why I should let you carry on in this process.
50:16I may have lost control.
50:17I do believe I had somebody who was,
50:19maybe not intentionally or whatever,
50:21but was quite destructive on my sub-team.
50:24I didn't stress out, I didn't lose a plot.
50:26When I made mistakes, I rectified it as quickly as I possibly could.
50:29And I think...
50:30I don't even think you knew you made mistakes.
50:32It was other people that told you you'd made mistakes, no?
50:35I've worked with Claire,
50:36and I've felt that she tries to undermine the project manager
50:39and she speaks over them and tries to take control.
50:42She might see things going wrong.
50:44So, Alan, I'm sat here and I'm really frustrated
50:47because I wish Jen had spoken to me early on
50:49and said how she was feeling,
50:51because everyone knows I've got a very thick skin.
50:53I might not be as articulate as other people in this boardroom
50:56and be able to talk the talk and play the game.
50:58No, you don't do bad, love.
50:59Taking on the feedback that you've got one of these and two of these,
51:03and I am trying to change,
51:05and there's a lot of game playing, there's a lot of bullshit,
51:09and I'm sick of it.
51:10I came here to do business and to become better
51:12and to make money for you and to make money for me,
51:15and I don't know what else to say.
51:17Thank God for that.
51:19I found out something that really shocked me,
51:23the fact that yourself and Jenny tried to bribe...
51:27That was Jenny, actually.
51:29Well, you were there, Michael.
51:30You condoned the bribing of the man to destring the racket, did you?
51:34I'm not going to say that I didn't back it up,
51:36but Jenny instigated the bribing.
51:39It was condemnable, reprehensible.
51:41You were there and you didn't even tell me about it.
51:44And I think if you want somebody to work in your company,
51:47you want somebody who's not going to cheat and to lie
51:49to get ahead in a competition.
51:51And, yeah, I may have lost a bit of control.
51:53I mean, Claire may have had her differences,
51:55but I'm not a liar and I'm not a cheat.
51:58So, Alan, I do get overexcited sometimes,
52:01but I want to put this as eloquently as I can.
52:04I don't want to start going, you know, mental,
52:06but I want this more than anything.
52:08It's more important than anything in my life.
52:10And I really believe that if you're still apprehensive about me,
52:14which I think you are, I should have another go at Project Manager
52:17to show you what I can do again
52:19and prove to you that I wasn't a one-hit wonder.
52:22Michael, I can't have people that tell lies and cheat in my organisation,
52:28but, on the other hand, you are a young man
52:31and sometimes I have to reflect back myself
52:35about over-enthusiasm that I might have had
52:39in my very young days around about your age.
52:43But will a leopard change its spots? It will.
52:49Sir Alan, Michael has qualities that, personally,
52:53if you want somebody who cheats in task,
52:55which is pretty evident that you did...
52:57I'm not a liar...
52:59Well, it's just been proven, Michael, let's be honest.
53:01I'm not a liar and a cheat. On two occasions, you have lied
53:03because you didn't tell me what happened,
53:05you didn't tell me what went on with the tennis racket.
53:08So if that's the type of person you want to have in your company,
53:11fire me now to be completely honest with you.
53:13Oh, God, talk about making an escape.
53:15I'm not making an escape. I've just heard about it.
53:17Are you a politician or something? No, I'm not a politician.
53:20See the way the wind changes, like the weather forecast here, you know?
53:24She's hammer and tongue going against you there, Claire,
53:27now that she's hooked on to something else, the cheating angle.
53:30That is completely untrue. You asked me...
53:32That is untrue. You see, that's not untrue. That is true.
53:35I've got a pair of eyes, as she said,
53:37but I'm blessed with a pair of eyes and a pair of ears, right?
53:40I'm watching the way you go about doing things,
53:43the way you go about fighting for survival for yourself.
53:46Do you want to know why the other Jennifer went?
53:48I'll tell you why she went, because I think she was a bit of a snake.
53:52I think she takes words from my mouth
53:54and then turns it on people in this boardroom.
53:57Claire, Alex seem to think that you scuppered one of his negotiations
54:03and the £60 loss on that bed cover could have cost this team a victory.
54:08But it didn't.
54:10Because the real loss was due to the mistakes that were made
54:14and those mistakes were based upon
54:17what I consider to be somebody out of control.
54:27So, Jennifer, you're fired.
54:47I just had a flash of when I was 22, 23 years old in my mind
54:53and that's why you're still sitting here, OK?
54:56Yes, Sir Alan.
54:57I know a young person can be a little bit over-enthusiastic,
55:00to say the least.
55:02Go back to the house, see you on the next task.
55:04Thank you, Sir Alan.
55:24You're with people who come across very friendly
55:27and they really want to get to know you,
55:29but in hindsight, they're just looking for your weak points
55:31so they can totally screw you over in the boardroom.
55:34And if he wants to have somebody in his company
55:36that has proved to be a bit of a cheat and a bit of a shit, really,
55:40I'd rather go.
55:46I've been through it twice before
55:48and it's just people talking utter shit.
55:51Yeah, I think it's making me tougher.
55:53More resilient.
55:54My nickname at work is The Rottweiler
55:56and I thought that was going back to more like poodle-like,
55:58but I think I'm back to Rottweiler again.
56:02It's almost like, I know Sir Alan's Jewish,
56:04so I'm going to play the Jewish.
56:06I'm a good little Jewish boy. That's horrendous.
56:08I obviously, I hope they all get fired, obviously.
56:11Yeah, absolutely.
56:12But, I mean, you know, failing that,
56:14I think they've all shown that they lack any kind of integrity
56:16and honesty, et cetera, et cetera.
56:18I think Michael playing the Jewish con is hilarious.
56:21I've got... Who is that?
56:29Are you on your own?
56:30Oh, my God!
56:32Oh, my God, Michael!
56:35Oh, God!
56:37Oh, my God.
56:40Is it fucking horrendous?
56:44With one job, now eight candidates remain.
56:49Sir Alan's search for his apprentice continues.