Handy Manny Season 1 Episode 1 A Sticky Fix Paint Job

  • 2 days ago
Handy Manny Season 1 Episode 1 A Sticky Fix Paint Job


00:00Oh, it's so hot! It must be a hundred and six degrees in here!
00:13Oh, not after I fix this fan, it won't be.
00:20Just a few turns of the screw here, and it'll be good as new.
00:24Now that's a smart idea.
00:28Actually, to really fix it right, you should tighten these Phillips screws right here.
00:33Now that's a smart idea.
00:37The smart idea is to tighten this screw, remember?
00:41Oh, right. No, mi amigo. The smart idea is to tighten this one.
00:51You know, maybe if you two just work together on this.
00:54It's this one, I tell you!
00:56If you are mistaken, this one will fix it.
00:59Let's see who's right.
01:27I know what you're going to say, Manny. And I couldn't agree with you more.
01:33Me too.
01:34It was his fault!
01:39Hola, Mr. Nerdlander.
01:41Oh, Manny. Thank goodness you're here.
01:45I broke this Good Citizen trophy I'm supposed to present tonight, and I don't know what to do.
01:51What's a Good Citizen?
01:53It's another name for someone who helps his friends and neighbors.
01:56That's right, Manny. And now I need your help.
01:59Where's the trophy?
02:01Here. And here. And here. And a little bit here.
02:09I was a little clumsy.
02:12Wow. I'd sure hate to be around when he's a lot clumsy.
02:17Can you do it by tonight, Manny? It's really important.
02:21Uh, we can try.
02:23Oh, thank you, Manny. Thank you.
02:26Wow. That looks like a big job.
02:29Yes. But if we all pitch in and work together...
02:33Uh-huh. A big old slotted screw. That's what this baby needs.
02:38If you want to make one ugly trophy.
02:40Otherwise, you're going to need teeny little Phillips screws on the bottom so no one can see...
02:45...that the repair won't last.
02:48Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
02:50This one definitely needs something stronger.
02:53I'm afraid this job is going to take more than just screws.
02:57It's going to take Goma.
02:59Goma? Uh-oh. Yeah, I don't like the sound of that.
03:04No, no, Rusty. Goma is just Spanish for glue.
03:10But unfortunately, it looks like I don't have the right kind of glue here.
03:13Sounds like a trip to Kelly's Hardware Store.
03:171, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
03:26Hop, hop, jump in
03:28Come on, let's go
03:30Hop, hop, jump in
03:32Sí, vámonos
03:34Hop, hop, jump in
03:36Don't go too slow
03:38Keep up
03:39Let's get to work
03:41Muy rápido
03:48Oh, hey, Manny
03:51Hot day, isn't it?
03:53Mr. Lopar, careful
03:55Can I hold that stepladder for you?
03:57Manny, please, I assure you
03:59I can handle this by myself
04:05Mr. Lopar, are you alright?
04:09Oh, perfect
04:11Very, very refreshed
04:18Hola, Kelly
04:20Hola, Manny, hi, tools
04:22What can I do for you?
04:24We need goma
04:26Don't worry, that's just glue in Spanish
04:31Yeah, it's for a trophy made of wood and metal
04:35So it better be strong
04:38But delicate, too, so the trophy will still look good after it's fixed
04:42That's a tough one
04:45Unless you have this
04:51What's it say?
04:54Trophy glue
04:57A strong glue made for metal and wood
05:01And those delicate jobs
05:03Perfect, Kelly, it's just what we need
05:07Well, tools, we better get to work
05:10But first, we better put down some old newspapers
05:13Glue is something you have to be really careful with
05:16It can make a sticky mess
05:26I've got it
05:29I've got it
05:35Now look what you've done
05:37That's it, just stay out of my way from now on
05:41Finally, something we agree on
05:44Just what do you think you're doing?
05:47Fixing the trophy
05:49And I don't need you looking over my shoulder while I do it
05:53Uh-uh, I'm fixing it
05:55Uh-uh, I'm fixing it
05:57Now if you don't mind
06:00Uh-oh, that glue must have stuck you two together
06:09Come on, somebody help
06:29Now what are you guys doing?
06:31This is no time to fool around
06:34Manny, thank goodness you're back
06:36You have to do something
06:41There's no time, it looks like we're stuck
06:43Well, more like you're stuck
06:45Well, you two are just gonna have to make the best of this
06:50Yeah, okay, fine
06:52I'll do my thing, and you do whatever it is that you do
06:57That's just fine by me
07:03Hey, I thought we had a deal
07:06Where'd he go?
07:08I'm right here
07:10Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, don't you run away from me
07:13You're the one who's running
07:19Manny, it's no use, I can't work like this
07:23Yeah, neither can I
07:25You know, maybe you two are right
07:27If you can't work together, maybe the best idea is if you both sit this one out
07:32Wait, you can't do that, don't you need my experience?
07:37Or my ideas?
07:38It would help, but with the two of you stuck together like that
07:42Well, I know, what if we work together?
07:47Yes, yes, or maybe we could even take turns
07:51Working together, do you really think you can do it?
07:55After you, amigo
07:58No, no, no, no, I insist
08:04Let's get going and fix it right
08:06Twist and turn
08:07Make it tight
08:09Trabajamos juntos
08:11We work together now
08:14Cut and measure and tap and flap
08:17Bend and twist
08:18Just like that
08:19Each of us has a special job
08:22We work together
08:23Todos juntos
08:25We can fix it right
08:33Well, Manny, were you able to fix it?
08:39Manny, you did it
08:41We all did
08:44Yep, take it from experience
08:46It's easier that way
08:48Manny, you truly are one special repairman
09:00Squeeze, clamp
09:04Stretch, retraction
09:07I can't watch
09:09All right, relax now
09:11This isn't going to hurt a bit
09:16Go ahead, I can take it
09:19I'm ready whenever you are
09:21Do it, I tell you, just do it
09:25I already did
09:27What? Oh, yes, what a relief
09:30Even if being stuck together was kind of fun
09:34Yeah, I know what you mean
09:37Not that being on my own again isn't way better
09:45This is Manny
09:47Oh, hello, Mr. Noodlander
09:49Is there a problem with the trophy?
09:50A problem with the trophy?
09:52Oh, no, I knew this would happen
09:55Of course, we'll be there right away
09:58Come on, tools, Mr. Noodlander needs us right away
10:02Oh, we probably put the trophy together wrong
10:05I'm sure everything is fine
10:07But we better get going
10:09Mr. Noodlander said he'll tell us what's wrong when we see him
10:15Hello, Mr. Lopard
10:17Oh, hello, Manny
10:19You're still cleaning windows this late?
10:21Well, you know what they say, Manny
10:23I'm not sure I do
10:25Well, then let me teach you, Manny
10:27See, perfection doesn't happen quickly, mi amigo
10:30It takes time
10:31Well, your window sure looks nice
10:33Not nice, Manny, perfect
10:37Now, if you don't mind, I think it's time I got some well-deserved rest
10:41I put in a hard day's work out here
10:48Good night, Manny
10:50Good night, Mr. Lopard
10:52We can help you with that tomorrow
11:01I wonder what the problem with the trophy is
11:04I hope it wasn't my fault
11:06No, that's what's great about working together
11:09It'll be all of our faults
11:12Oh, wait, that doesn't sound too good either, does it?
11:16Well, we'll all know soon enough
11:19We're almost there
11:24Mr. Noodlander, I made it here as fast as I could
11:27What's wrong with the trophy?
11:31Um, I'm afraid I don't understand
11:34The trophy looks fine
11:36Oh, that's not the problem, Manny
11:38The problem is getting our Good Citizen of the Year here
11:42See, it's supposed to be a surprise
11:44Well, um, I'm just a repairman
11:47I'm not sure how I can help with that
11:49I think you already have
11:51And now presenting our Good Citizen of the Year
11:56Manny Garcia!
12:01Can you think of a more deserving choice, Manny?
12:04After all, nobody helps his friends and neighbors more than you do
12:08Well, I don't know what to say
12:11Just go out there and say thank you, Manny
12:13Say gracias!
12:30Good Citizen of the Year
12:35Pink job!
12:45Hola, Pedro
12:46Your mama wrote that when you grow up
12:48You want to become a repairman like your uncle Manny
12:51So I thought I'd make you this video to get you started
12:54Now, the first rule to always remember
12:57Is to never start a job without being totally prepared
13:01Cut! Cut!
13:03Pat, try acting natural without looking in the camera this time, okay?
13:14Dusty, what are you doing?
13:16You said cut, right? So I'm cutting
13:20Cut just means stop
13:24Oh, I didn't know that
13:29Everyone, can we please try it again from...
13:33What was that first rule?
13:35To never start a job without being totally prepared first
13:42Places, everyone!
13:44And... action!
13:47Hola, Pedro
13:55Oops! Sorry, forgot
14:00Hello, Handy Manny's Repair Shop
14:02You break it, we fix it
14:04This is Manny
14:06Oh, I see
14:08Yes, of course
14:11We'll be there right away
14:13They're fixing up the community center to surprise the kids of Sheetrock Hills
14:17And they need our help with a few repairs
14:20But what about our video?
14:23Everyone always comes first
14:25Besides, you wouldn't want to disappoint those kids, would you?
14:31Hey, I know! What if we took the camera with us?
14:35Oh, you mean film the real-life repair?
14:39I can almost smell the sawdust
14:42Oh, I don't know if it's such a good idea
14:46It is for your nephew, Manny
14:48And you wouldn't want to disappoint him either, would you?
14:52Don't worry, Manny
14:53It will be like you won't even know the camera's there
15:01Oh, why do I think this is going to be un grande mistake?
15:08Okay, tools, let's go!
15:13Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho
15:22Hop, hop, jump in
15:23Come on, let's go
15:25Hop, hop, jump in
15:27Sí, vámonos
15:29Hop, hop, jump in
15:31Don't move too slow
15:32Keep up
15:33Let's get to work
15:35We're happy now
15:52Hey, Mr. Lopar, is everything okay?
15:55Oh, hi, Manny
15:57Yeah, I'm just taking this jar of sour balls down to the community center for the kids
16:02But I seem to have lost my keys
16:04Well, can we help you look for them?
16:06Nope, believe me, Manny, I've got everything completely under control
16:20See, I found them
16:26Buenos días, Kelly
16:27Buenos días, Manny
16:29Morning, tools
16:30What can I get for you today?
16:32Well, a bit of everything
16:34We're fixing up the community center
16:36And want to be prepared no matter what the job will be
16:38Right, tools?
16:40Good, Manny, only say it bigger
16:42What's Felipe doing?
16:44Making a video for Manny's nephew about being a repairman
16:48Don't worry, it's like you won't even know the camera's there
16:52Louder, everyone, make me feel it
16:59Oh, well, um, speaking of family
17:02I want you all to meet my younger brother, Elliot
17:05Elliot, remember I told you about Manny and the tools?
17:10Hey, what up, dudes?
17:12Elliot's volunteered to paint at the community center
17:15Painting? Wow!
17:18Squeezie's right, the colors, the action
17:21Painting is just what this field needs
17:27Yeah, well, Elliot's a little new at it
17:30So I'm thinking you might be able to look out for him
17:33We'd be happy to, Kelly
17:35Say, Elliot, can we give you a ride over to the community center?
17:38Oh, that'd be awesome, dude
17:40I mean, Manny
17:42I sure wish the store wasn't so busy today
17:45So I could help out at the community center, too
17:48Oh, that's okay, everything's under control
18:01Aren't there supposed to be just a few repairs?
18:04Yeah, when are those kids supposed to arrive?
18:07Later today
18:09You'll never be ready!
18:11Well, we'll never finish if we don't start, right?
18:21Um, um, Elliot
18:24Aren't you gonna put down drop clothes first, you know, in case of spills?
18:28All right, I guess I forgot them
18:32Or how about tape for the windows?
18:35Whoa, this painting thing is harder than I thought
18:38But we can't paint without those things
18:41So, what do you say I drop you back to the hardware store so you can get all that stuff?
18:45Would you? That would be awesome!
18:48Awesome? Try awful! There's no time for that!
18:53You don't start a job without being prepared first, remember?
18:57Should we at least do some of the simple stuff while you're gone?
19:01No repairs without me
19:03Now stay put, and Elliot and I will be right back
19:10Stay put and we'll never finish in time
19:13Look at all this work
19:15Those poor kids are gonna be so disappointed
19:18Waiting is boring! My movie will be ruined!
19:22And that's...
19:24Nevis said no repairing, right? He didn't say anything about painting
19:29Kid's got a point
19:31But we don't have the things we need for painting
19:34So? How hard can it be? A dab here, a splash there?
19:39Ah! My movie is saved!
19:42What an ending! The tools come to the rescue of los niños, the children
19:48Look! I'm almost about to cry!
19:51Wait! Didn't Manny say to never start a job without being totally prepared first?
19:57Rusty's right! We need tape and drop cloths
20:01Sure, if you're a kid like his nephew or somebody new like Elliot
20:06But not highly trained expert tools like ourselves
20:10We don't need tape and drop cloths
20:13Come on! We'll surprise them!
20:15Yeah! Let's go!
20:22Oops! Think anybody will notice?
20:29I will now
20:35Somehow it just doesn't look right
20:39Yeah, I see your point
20:41Hey Pat! Looks like we're gonna need some more paint!
20:45No problem!
21:03Pat! Pat! Are you okay?
21:06Um, I think so
21:09Pat! Hold on! I'm coming to get you!
21:16Action! Suspense! Stunts! This movie has it all!
21:29That's it! We're left with no choice
22:02¿Qué pasó? What happened?
22:06Um, surprise!
22:11You know, one day we're going to look back and laugh about this
22:18Of course, today probably isn't that day
22:23We just wanted the place to be ready in time for the kids, Manny
22:28I'm afraid that doesn't look too likely now
22:31Hey! Need a hand?
22:33Kelly! What are you doing here? What about your store?
22:36Community comes first, Manny
22:39Besides, it looks like you guys can use all the help you can get
22:44Well, maybe we ought to start by cleaning up this mess
22:51Let's keep going and fix it right
22:53Twist and turn
22:55Make it tight
22:56Trabajamos juntos
22:58We work together now
23:01Cut it, measure it
23:03Tap it, slap
23:04Bend and twist
23:05Just like that
23:06Each of us has a special job
23:09We work together
23:10Todos juntos
23:12We can fix it right
23:34It's so pretty!
23:36Looks like they really like it
23:51Can't forget to wash behind your claws
23:55There, almost done
24:00We're sorry, Manny
24:02About everything
24:04Si, lo siento
24:06Especially the mess I made of your nephew's video
24:09What? The horror movie?
24:12I'm afraid we didn't set a very good example for him
24:16Actually, you'd be surprised
24:23The first rule to always remember is to never start a job without being totally prepared
24:29Otherwise, this could happen
24:47Wow, I never realized
24:50I'm a genius!
24:53I've got a great idea for the next one
24:56The next one, we'll call it Tool Trouble
24:59And we open on a close-up of me and a frosty
25:03And then we can slowly pull back and way, way back until finally...
25:29Ha ha ha ha!
