Galaxy A54 Full Review!

  • 2 days ago
00:00Samsung Galaxy A54. In this video I'm going to review it from inside and out,
00:06top to bottom, going through every single component to find out if it's worth it
00:11and therefore if you should buy it. And of course, like in every video, let's
00:15begin by talking a little bit about prices. Right now you can find the A54
00:20on Amazon for about $400, even a little bit less if you're lucky, which is a
00:25pretty standard price. I think last year's model was a little bit more
00:29expensive when it first came out, so in the price category there's absolutely no
00:34surprises. By the way, as you saw in the screenshot, you can get it right now for
00:39under $400. You know, Amazon prices always go up and down, so this price is not
00:44going to be there forever. If you're interested in this phone, I left a direct
00:48link in the description so you can find it and buy it at that very low price. But
00:53anyways, to conclude, I'm going to give it a 7.5 in the price category. Moving
00:58on to the design, where we can celebrate, because Samsung has done an amazing job.
01:05They have polished the design a lot, bringing it even closer to the design of
01:09the top-range models, which is a very nice-looking design. And on the other
01:14hand, they have improved the construction quality as opposed to the
01:19old model, because in the past, as a lot of you know, the phone was entirely
01:23made out of plastic. It was plastic on the sides, plastic on the back, plastic,
01:27plastic, plastic. It was a plastic nightmare. And this year, even though it
01:31still has some plastic, the back is made out of very nice Gorilla Glass. Gorilla
01:37Glass. I don't know what kind of Gorilla Glass, but it's Gorilla Glass. It's very
01:40strong, very premium glass, and it feels much better, much more premium. So yeah, I
01:46think it's a step in the right direction. And because of these two things, I'm
01:50going to give it a 10 out of 10 in the design category. But anyways, let's move
01:54on to the performance section. Power and performance. Do not be scared by what I'm
02:01going to say, but I think this is the least interesting point on this phone,
02:05which does not mean it has bad performance. It has good performance. It's
02:09very decent, but it didn't surprise me, like other parts of this phone did. So
02:14it's just normal. It's what I expected. To be more specific, it has the Exynos
02:191380 processor, which is the most mid-range processor in existence. That is
02:26to say, it is right in the middle between a top-of-the-range processor like the
02:31Snapdragon 8 Generation 2, and a very bad low-tier processor. It is in the middle.
02:36It is very mid-rangey. So of course, apps are going to load up quickly, social
02:41media, simple games, everything normal is going to fly. But of course, very
02:47demanding 3D games won't be able to play at ultra settings and 120 FPS, because
02:53that kind of performance is exclusive to the highest-end phones right now. To be
02:58more practical with my words, I would say 90% of you watching this video are going
03:03to have more than enough with the A54. Because as I said, for like everything
03:09normal that most people do, it just, it works amazing, because it not only is
03:14but it's a very new mid-range processor. So it's adapted and tweaked for the
03:19latest necessities, like the latest Instagram updates, the latest TikTok
03:23updates. So in all of the normal apps and games, it's going to work amazing. Sure,
03:29as I said, it's not going to give you the best performance in the most demanding
03:333D games, but I'm sure most of you don't really care about ganshing impact at
03:39ultra settings. That's a very niche gamer thing to care about, you know. So I'm
03:44going to slap another 7.5 out of 10. And move on to the battery, another very
03:51strong point on this phone. As you can see here, it gets the same 12 hours and 40
03:56minutes of continuous use from the S23, which is a top-range model from the same
04:01year. And sure, it is only surpassed by the S23 Ultra, which to be fair, that phone
04:07is in another league. It is insanely big, insanely chunky, it has a very big battery.
04:12So, and it's also very expensive. So of course, it's going to have an incredible
04:16battery life. But I think 12 hours, think about it, 12 hours and 40 minutes, who
04:22uses their phone for 12 hours a day? Nobody. So every single person watching this video is
04:27going to get till the end of the day with no issues. And normal people like me who maybe
04:31use their phone for 5 hours, 4 hours, even 6 hours are going to have two consecutive days
04:38of usage without having to touch a charger. So I think in terms of battery, it is very good.
04:44But I'm going to give it only a 7.5 out of 10. Because sure, it is very good, but we have to
04:51be fair. Pretty much every other mid-range phone is also very good. Battery life is usually very
04:56good in low to mid-range phones. So it's not a surprise that it's not something special.
05:01Last year's model was already very good. So even though it's pretty good, it is not surprising.
05:06But anyways, let's move on to the display department. Another, one more time, very strong
05:13point on this phone. Although, although it is a point that has had a bit of controversy because
05:19it turns out people are complaining. People are complaining because it has a slightly thicker
05:24bezel than last year, which yes, it is not ideal, but I think it's actually good. It's a good thing.
05:31I prefer this year's bezel. The reason it is a little thicker on the sides is because it's also
05:37a little thinner on the, on the bottom. And they did that because they wanted to even out the
05:42bezels on the bottom, the bezel at the top, the bezels on the sides to make it symmetrical,
05:47which is very beautiful. It's how the iPhones look. It's how the Samsung S23 looks. Symmetrical
05:53bezels make the phone feel a lot more premium. So we're sacrificing a little bit of thickness
05:58reduction on the sides for a much more premium feel and look. And well, of course, in terms of
06:04technical specs, it is exactly what you would expect. It has a thousand nits of brightness,
06:08120 Hertz and OLED panel. It is the quintessential display on a mid range phone. So I'm going to give
06:15it an eight out of 10. And finally, we move on to the cameras. Here we go, my friends,
06:22the most important point, the most anticipated point, but also a point that has disappointed me
06:27a little bit, to be honest, because although you may think by looking at this phone, there are
06:32three cameras on the back. No, no, no, no, no. There's actually only two cameras on the back.
06:37Well, two and a half cameras. There is a 50 megapixel main lens. There is a 12 megapixel
06:44ultra wide lens down below. And the third camera, the one at the bottom, you would say, oh, it's
06:49the zoom camera, like in every other Samsung phone that has three cameras. But no, it doesn't
06:54have a zoom camera. It is a five megapixel periscope camera, which sounds cool. But in
07:00reality, it makes no sense. It is one of those cameras that that only works when you have it
07:04very up close to a subject. But that is something the main camera can also do. You can get better
07:10looking zooms, zoom ins like detailed photos with a main camera than with a periscope. So
07:15in reality, it only helps take better pictures with the other two cameras. It is a complementary
07:22sensor. But anyways, that being said, let's talk more specifically about each one of these cameras,
07:27starting, of course, with the main one, which, as I said, has 50 megapixels and it's the best
07:32camera on this phone. In fact, it is very close in quality to what we can expect from a top of
07:38the range phone. Really, if you compare the photos it takes, the ones taken by a Samsung Galaxy S23,
07:44the difference is not that big. And keep in mind, this phone costs half the price. It has a high-end
07:51sensor, big sensor that lets in a lot of light and gives very consistent, very accurate, detailed
07:57results. And well, all of this is obviously transferred to the night mode. The better the
08:01camera is in daytime, the better the camera is going to be at nighttime. And all of this,
08:06combined with a top-tier post-processing, gives very exciting results. Because not so long ago,
08:12mid-range cameras were crap. If you dared to try to take a picture at night with a mid-range phone,
08:19you would end up with a blurry, undistinguishable mess. Then, as I said, we also have a 12-megapixel
08:25ultra-wide camera that takes less impressive photos, but impressive anyways. The same thing
08:31that I told you about the main camera also applies to this camera. It's gotten better and better
08:36every year. And right now, it's very close to what you can get on a ultra-wide, top-range smartphone
08:42camera. There's detail, there's no distortion, which is a very common problem in ultra-wide cameras.
08:47And in general, at least my results have been satisfactory. I would use this camera very happily
08:52to take photos in my day-to-day life. What is a little more controversial is the video mode,
08:57because on one hand, it works well, it is very good quality, and it's perfectly usable to record
09:03TikToks or videos for YouTube. But on the other hand, I didn't like that it only records 4K video
09:10at 30 FPS, when pretty much every other mid-range to high-end phone records 4K video at 60 FPS.
09:18But well, on the other hand, it does have slow motion recording at 480 FPS. Not in 4K, but it's
09:26still very slow motion. It's twice as slow motion as the current iPhone models offer. And to play
09:33around with a camera, or even to capture things that the naked eye can't see, it is one of the
09:38coolest features to add to a camera. But anyways, the most important point for most people, the
09:44selfie camera. In this case, we have a 32-megapixel sensor, a very high resolution, but a little bit
09:49strange. I have never seen a 32-megapixel camera before, but it works very, very well. I think
09:56Samsung knows that today, people spend a lot of time taking selfies in Instagram stories and TikToks,
10:02and that the selfie camera has to be very good. This front-facing camera is extremely good. The
10:08same way I told you that the main camera was close to the S23, I can tell you this selfie
10:13camera is as good as the one on the S23. It is very good, both in photo and in video. Of course,
10:20funny enough, this selfie camera is also capable of recording 4K30, the same resolution as on the
10:26main camera. Very impressive. That's how you know Samsung is committed to the quality of their
10:31selfie camera. 4K selfies, 4K video, Instagram stories. In conclusion, well, I've been deliberating
10:38because I didn't know whether to give it a 7.5 or an 8 out of 10 because the camera is more than
10:45normal. It is good. It's very good. But as I said earlier, it has two cameras, when in the past,
10:53it had a lot more. The A53 had five, three normal cameras and two sensors. Now we get two
11:00normal cameras and one sensor. It's a downgrade in camera quality and therefore versatility.
11:06So I'm going to give it a 7.5 out of 10. In conclusion, adding up all the points, we have
11:12nothing more and nothing less than an 8 out of 10, exactly the grade that I asked for to recommend
11:19the phone. So I recommend the A54. I do recommend it. If you wanted to buy it, get it. It's under
11:27$400 right now. Under $400, you're getting a lot of phone. Links are in the description.
11:33You can check out the prices right now. Very good phone, very good price.