Wedding Recap, Trump On ‘Call Her Daddy’ & MORE! I Underreported Stories

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01:00Hey everyone, welcome back to underreported stories where I cover the news that CNN MSNBC and Fox News
01:05fail to report on or don't report on enough and today we are doing a bit of an
01:12Unstructured podcast episode because as you can tell my voice sounds like shit guys
01:17Truly, I have been yelling talking screaming dancing singing all the things cuz I just got married
01:24yes, I'm so excited and
01:26I'll be honest. I am on top of feeling like not my best. I am
01:31So bad at taking time off like I don't know how else to describe it. I'm just not good at
01:38Stepping away from my work because I really love my work. I had the coolest job in the world
01:42Why would I want to leave this right?
01:44But I knew that for the sake of my marriage and my mental health and all these well
01:50That was an annoying way to say it
01:51But you know just for the sake of like being with my family
01:54I wanted to be super present and
01:56Really just happy in my wedding weekend
01:59So I took off and I seriously didn't look at the news which for me it's a really big deal
02:03Okay, so I wanted to just take today to talk about my wedding. I have a major announcement for you guys and
02:11Yeah, I just want to talk through some personal things and some I
02:15Don't even know I want to opine on some things but not any serious subjects without doing my adequate research
02:20And you know, my brain fog is just like off the chart right now because I drank for like five straight days
02:24Which I haven't done since I was in college. So anyway, here's what's on the docket for today
02:29Actually, I'm gonna give you a recap of my wedding weekend. I'm gonna share my favorite moments
02:33I'm also gonna share my biggest regrets and then if you're in the story seekers group chat, you know
02:38I have a big announcement and I'll share that after the wedding recap
02:42I then want to hop into my thoughts on Alex Cooper's call her daddy interview with Kamala Harris
02:47Specifically I want to talk about whether Trump should go on the show and we'll get into that and finally
02:53I want to address these alleged conspiracy theories about Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton. So we're gonna get into all of that. Let's do it
02:59Alrighty, I'm just gonna start by taking you through my wedding day gallery, which I figured would be really fun
03:05So we really just started getting ready at the beginning of the day if you guys are listening on Apple or Spotify
03:11of course
03:12I would really encourage you to come over to YouTube rumble X or Facebook to watch this because these are all pictures and I'm
03:17Talking through but these pictures are my mom putting on my dress, which was so special and in this picture you can see
03:24the watch and the blue engagement ring on my finger the blue engagement ring was actually my grandma's engagement ring and as well as her
03:32Her watch she's no longer with us
03:34She passed away in 2014 and she would have loved nothing more than to be here on this day
03:38So it was really special getting to wear that and having her be there in a way and of course my beautiful mother
03:43You know being so fun. This was when I revealed my dress to my bridesmaids
03:48These are all my best friends right here Mia Katya Alexa Tory and my little sister Jenny
03:54She's taller than me and I know we don't look like sisters
03:56But truly and seeing their reaction was just truly so cute. The saddest cutest reaction was my dad
04:04He we he it's just me and my little sister and he is like this burly tough
04:11hockey, dude and
04:13Seeing him. He absolutely lost it. I was like dad. Stop crying. He he was just so
04:20Overwhelmed his dad's in the audience. I'm sure if you've ever had a daughter get married
04:24it's just
04:25It was crazy was so sweet
04:27It was the sweetest moment and my bridesmaids and my mom and my sister were all sitting behind watching this moment happen
04:33It was so sweet
04:34You can kind of see in the background here
04:36This barn door is cracked open a little and you can see them all their blue dresses. They
04:41They were being so pesky they're sitting there like
04:44Nose and eyeballs through just trying to see it was it was super sweet. And my dad was so very excited
04:51For this he used his tie to
04:53Besides it was really funny then
04:57From here again. I if you're in the listening audience, you've got to come watch this because these pictures are so fun
05:02This is where I came to say hi to Jake and do our first look as you can see at the top
05:08Our friends gave us
05:10No privacy. I didn't want any privacy. I'm not complaining about it
05:13But you know now I will say not a regret
05:16But I I got married on October 5th, and I thought oh, it would be nice. October's gonna be great
05:22The weather should be like in the 70s
05:24No, it wasn't 93 and all the pictures you're about to see Jake poor Jake's in a whole suit
05:28I'm at least in like short-sleeved dress, but still it was brutal
05:33But anyway, he knew I was coming look at his little cheesy smile he's so cute and he saw the dress we
05:40Actually, I I cannot understand I get the I get it in theory
05:46Right that we're supposed to not show our partners our wedding dress leading up to it
05:52He's my best friend. I really wanted to show it to him
05:54I didn't but it took everything in me to not show him because I was like
05:58I just want to show you what I'm wearing, right?
06:00And so it was really hard for me honestly to keep this in
06:04But I did but I also kind of didn't I I mean I didn't show him the dress that sounds stupid
06:10But but what I did was I would I went on Pinterest and I showed him different dresses and I was like
06:14I want you to guess what you think my dress looks like and he really nailed it. He really had a good idea
06:18He didn't think it was this but in this moment. He was standing there going. Oh, it's beautiful
06:23But also I totally knew that this is what it was gonna be. He just knows my personality
06:27So well, then I he liked the back of the dress. I was doing a little butt wiggle cuz I'm goof and
06:33Yeah, it was just oh my gosh this moment. I'm like so sad. It's over but so happy. It was so
06:39fun. Oh
06:41Yeah. Yeah, these are all the pictures and then we went to go do like all of our pictures just the two of us
06:47There we actually took our pictures next to a brewery in Nashville. So
06:51After our parents and family and friends saw our first look they went to go get beer because
06:57They knew it was up. It was just a fun wedding and I'll just kind of scroll through some of these pictures quickly
07:02But we took this again. Like this is a brewery right behind us like right here is a brewery
07:08But this part of Nashville is just kind of like undeveloped and or is being developed
07:12and yeah, here's your girl all dolled up on her wedding day and
07:16A couple more and then here's the whole wedding party again. These are our guy friends Joey Ross
07:22No, we're not in the episode of friends Luke
07:25This is Jake's little brother Noah and our friend Trent who we lovingly call coach titty
07:31Too long to explain that story, but everybody walking behind us. It was so fun now
07:37This next picture you already saw if you're in the listening audience
07:41It is my sweet baby boy Harper my dog not my human child my doggie child
07:47Walking down the aisle with my cousin. He walked down the aisle you guys to who let the dogs out
07:53Okay, the DJ turned on who let the dogs out
07:58Who let the dogs out okay jammin, yeah
08:01The DJ turned this on Harper walks down the aisle and it's about the funniest frickin thing in the world
08:06He's in a tuxedo
08:07Everybody's smiling and clapping. It's so funny
08:12okay, then here's Jake because he's like we're like back to reality now and
08:17My sweet dad walking me down the aisle and this is what our ceremony looked like
08:21This arch. Oh my gosh
08:23It was beyond my wildest dreams of what this was gonna look like, but it was so pretty everything was oh, here's Harper again
08:31Everything was so beautiful and this is us right after we got married
08:35It was so exciting. Okay. So here's what I'm gonna say. My biggest regret is it's such a little detail
08:42So you can see I literally had no complaints about my wedding day
08:45But right here my veil was not in well enough
08:49and so by the time I walked down the aisle my veil was falling out of my hair and
08:54Then we did like we were walking down the aisle and I looked at Jake and I said
08:58I saw how tight the aisle is because you can kind of see like we barely fit
09:02Down this I was a really small aisle
09:04and so I looked at him I was like no dip because we had been practicing like a
09:08Dip at the end of the aisle and I looked at I said don't dip me
09:12but it was so loud and everyone was cheering that he heard dip me and he dipped me right into his friend Danny and
09:20My veil came off. I just like smacked someone the head. I was like, ah, come back up
09:25Luckily, I don't like really care about that stuff
09:27I feel like other people would have been like really traumatized by it. I was like, ah, whatever we're moving on
09:32But anyway
09:32It was uh
09:33I think that was my biggest regret was like not taking the proper amount of time to put the veil in my head and
09:38Like sit back there and get it, right
09:41I was just like just get me down this aisle. I just wanted to get married
09:44So anyway, but as I expressed in my last episode I was dying to get married
09:48Anyway, here's another picture of harp daddy and uh his little mom and dad now. He's so funny
09:54He was very anxious, but very excited
09:57Now here is my favorite part of our wedding one second. Let me just put that clock away
10:04So this is my favorite part of our wedding Jake and I I know I haven't really divulged too much of our love story
10:09On the internet, but we we met at tin roof, which is a really
10:13Ratchet college bar here in Nashville guys. Don't judge me. I was 24
10:16I just like had never gone out in Nashville before and this is where I was meeting people and I met him at the bar
10:23and so we we ended up going to the bar and I posted these on Instagram if you followed along and
10:29Yeah, we we went to the bar where we fell in love and took all of our pictures here
10:35And it was so funny. I both of us forgot our IDs. And so we're like, oh my gosh
10:39I really hope they let us in the bars. That would be awful if we went all this way
10:44To not get let in clearly. I mean like what are we child brides? We're obviously of age. Look at us
10:50It's not like I look like an 18 year old. But anyway, we we come in we sit down and we're like come to the bartender
10:57We're like hi. Um, so we don't have our IDs, but can we just like sit here?
11:01We just want to take our wedding photos and we'll be out of here and they're like, yeah, sure, whatever
11:04And so we took a shot of water and I'll peep this in the background
11:09You can see Vanderbilt beating the shit out of Alabama, which was also amazing
11:13and we're just sitting back here taking pictures and having fun and finally the bartender comes up to us and he's like
11:19You know what? I don't actually care. Like do you guys want a shot? We're like, yeah, sure
11:25So we took shots and then as you can see I went cross-eyed doing a tequila shot
11:30These are my favorite pictures. I love this sign back here that says thanks for being a regular like just so funny
11:37And we just took a couple more photos at tin roof
11:39It was a blast and then we decided after going to the place where we fell in love
11:45We went to
11:46Broadway, which also so fucking fun. So glad I did this. This was right after our ceremony
11:53We went and we just took a car and it drove us around with our videographer and our photographer for a whole hour
11:59Unfettered it was just so amazing and some of these pictures turned out so great. Jake's not smiling in that one
12:06This one's cute, but I love love this one. Oh my gosh
12:10I can't wait to frame this and this one. I mean the Batman building is so iconic in Nashville
12:16If you know truly if you know, you know and it just get this little dip photo. Oh
12:21My gosh, I'm obsessed. And so yeah, these are kind of just some of our pictures from Broadway
12:26Walking together. This is obviously where you know, we spent a lot of our time where we fell in love and then here's our
12:33ceremony we came in to
12:36Don't stop me cuz I'm having a good time having a good time. Oh my gosh, not me singing every word
12:42But we came in dance together. We did our first dance to
12:47It's called lifetime by Justin Bieber. So sweet. I loved every second of it
12:52Let me see if I we we practiced the dance a lot and we did a little
12:57Lift at the end and it was so fun
12:59And you guys can kind of see a sneak peek of my little white cowgirl boots that I turned into and it was so great
13:05Now here was arguably again one of my favorite moments of the evening
13:09My dad and I had a choreographed dance that we did and he was so funny and he was so proud of himself
13:16You can see all of our friends. We're dying laughing watching because he he did the whole routine
13:23Not well, but he did it. It was really really funny. So we loved that
13:27We then had a taco bar for dinner, which was great loved everything about that
13:32And then we had the light up cowboy hats and glow sticks and we just had fun. Our friends are a blast
13:38Truly such a good time. They put us up on chairs and
13:43Made us I don't even know I had way too much fun up there
13:46I might have been served a little a little too much Jake felt like he was gonna fall the whole time
13:50I had a blast but we just danced and sang the night away. It was so fun
13:55I know this picture is so silly. It's not even of me, but
13:59These are this is a girlfriend from college and a girlfriend from high school and just seeing your best friends all together
14:04There's really nothing like it
14:07Truly all our moms our parents. It's so cute my friend Sarah and then this is the last moment
14:13I'll share the wedding and then we can move on from it, but I figured I'd give you guys a good recap was
14:21Instead of a final last dance like sweet and cute in
14:24Typical Christy style we duetted no air by Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown and just saying at the top of our lungs and
14:33duetted it and danced and chugged our drinks together and
14:37walked out and
14:39It was just the truly
14:42The best night ever. So gosh, if you watch that you you basically came to my wedding. I hope you had a great time, right?
14:50Anyway, I'm really glad I got to share that with you guys
14:53It was crazy how quickly the picture just turned over but I'll definitely be posting a lot more on
14:58Instagram and all those things but definitely one of the biggest questions I've been getting from
15:03friends and from co-workers is if I'm going to change my name and
15:08the short answer is no for
15:11Podcasting YouTube social media purposes for you guys. Absolutely not. I've spent
15:16Five plus six plus years building a brand as the Chrissy Clark. I'm not changing that name
15:24That I'm happy to change it for like my kids, you know
15:26Like I want to be mrs. Stout to my children or to my children's friends and like I will be their mother Chrissy Stout
15:33You know, like I'm so excited to like legally take that on and everything but for all intents and purposes here
15:40I have no intention of changing my name. I like my name a lot. It was uh, it was cute
15:44I like the CC, you know, I like the alliteration names
15:48So yeah, I'm not gonna get rid of that for you guys
15:51Another big question I get is where am I honeymooning and I want to share this story because it actually leads me to my big
15:57announcement that I'm gonna make so
16:00we had a honeymoon booked to Aruba and I obviously work for myself slash for contracts that are
16:07It's imperative that I be working during election season
16:10and so I decided that no matter what if we were gonna honeymoon or not, we couldn't honeymoon until
16:17After I got through this election, so I was like, alright cool
16:21Well, we'll just hold off on the honeymoon and we'll put it push it to around Thanksgiving time
16:26my parents live in Florida will drive down to Florida with the dog and we'll it'll probably be cheaper to fly to the Caribbean or
16:32wherever we want to go if
16:35We fly to Florida right instead of Nashville Nashville's airports just kind of up-and-coming I would say
16:41So we decide okay. Cool. We're gonna book a flight to Aruba on all-inclusive in Aruba
16:48And we started getting closer to the wedding and both of us at separate times had said something like I don't actually know if I want
16:55To go like I really want to save I don't really know if I want to go
17:00And we were so excited about our wedding. We had no problem spending every last penny on our wedding
17:04But we just didn't feel that way about honeymoon
17:06And I feel like it's because we had just gone on a ton of vacations. We went to Peru last year into Greece last year
17:12We're going to Mexico twice next year for different weddings
17:15We're like we have so much to look forward to that. We truly like just didn't feel the need to go on a honeymoon
17:23So we knew we were gonna be saving a lot of money and we'd actually already spent like I don't know
17:27We spent a lot of money up front on the flights and everything in there. It's completely refundable. We just refunded it
17:33So we're not going on a honeymoon
17:35which leads me to my big announcement that we saved that money and
17:40I'm now a homeowner
17:42Kinda, it's crazy
17:44the day before our wedding October 4th, we
17:50Initially signed on a house. It's being inspected literally as we speak or as I speak into this microphone. But yeah, we bought a house
17:57And so not only did I get married he became a homeowner all the same weekend it was frickin
18:05Wild, so I'm really excited. That's the big announcement
18:08but I say I'm a homeowner kinda because I
18:13I just need to be honest, and I don't know who this is gonna hit
18:17But I know it needs to be said
18:20Because if you've been following me for any amount of time on this YouTube channel on rumble X Facebook the podcast
18:26Whatever wherever you listen or watch this, you know
18:28I've been bitching on this show for so long about not being able to afford a house and
18:35I complain about it all the time and
18:38So it would be really a lie to come on and say I got this house by myself because I didn't
18:45the truth is at
18:47The rate of interest rates which they got cut now they're increasing which sucks ass the cost of living is so expensive
18:54The truth is is that there was no realistic way to afford a house
18:59Anywhere near where we could live for Jake's job
19:04Be around our family and afford that like there was no plausible way
19:09so as a
19:11wedding gift
19:12My parents gave us a loan to buy our first house
19:16And so we I just want to say I am so thankful
19:20No part of what I'm about to say is supposed to come out as ungrateful or bratty I am so thankful for my parents
19:28but at the same time I
19:30Also feel really sad
19:33because buying my first house is supposed to be this huge moment in a young adult's life and
19:41You guys don't know
19:43Like you don't know what you don't see on the internet and obviously you see what you do see and I'm sure it's evident that
19:49I work really hard, but of all the things that I am proud of of who I am as a person
19:54My work ethic is probably number one chief among them. I have worked for
20:00Everything I have ever wanted. I remember actually when I was working for the Daily Wire a producer
20:05There was like who are your parents?
20:08Like how are you where you are like who bought your way here? And I said no one
20:12I worked my ass off to get here. My parents don't have anything to do with the media. My dad is a
20:17Like a in tech and my mom is now a real estate agent
20:21She was a stay-at-home mom until like three or four years ago
20:24So everything I've gotten here in the media sphere is not because my dad or my mom was somebody I worked my ass off to
20:30get here and
20:31I worked my ass off to be in this position where I am now and I worked my ass off to be the sole breadwinner
20:38Because my now husband became an entrepreneur and a businessman in the past year and it it took everything out of me to
20:45To get us where we are today. I work countless hours
20:5116 17 days at a time before I even take a break off of work you guys I
20:55Have to let you know that it hurt my heart to know that I am in the top
21:025% of earners in my age demographic and I am still priced out of the market and
21:09When I was talking about this behind this closed doors with my friends
21:12I was like it really hurts me because I'm such a hard worker and
21:16I'm I can't afford a house and it feels like shame and embarrassing and I was like talking to my friends and I would venture
21:23to say
21:24Every single one except for maybe one or two said their parents also had to help them
21:28and so I just figured if I came on my platform and was really honest and vulnerable about the fact that I
21:34As a very hard worker and hard earner
21:38Still can't afford a house
21:41It's okay and it's also okay to take help because my parents want to help your parents want to help
21:47But it is sad because we they shouldn't have to you know
21:50Like we shouldn't have our parents shouldn't have to do this. They shouldn't be burdened with this, right?
21:56so I'm sharing this because
21:58Obviously, I'm obnoxiously real with you guys. But also this is a very sad reality that we live in and
22:05I don't want to make this sad. This is such a happy experience
22:08But I just needed to be honest with you because I
22:11Really am excited and I'm also I'm not hopeless like Jake and I still can buy our first home
22:17it's just going to be come later in life and
22:20This also made me think a lot about how do you?
22:24Start a family and buy a house in this economy because that ultimately was it
22:30It really was for me picking between holding off a family for a decently long time and being like a first mom at 35
22:37We're taking the assistant or the assistance
22:40I should say from my family and I certainly wasn't gonna let pride get in the way of a future family
22:47It's so hard to navigate. I'm so grateful. I'm so thankful. I'm also a little sad
22:51I'm so excited for a new home a new adventure a new studio all of that. I get to do all with my husband
22:56I'm so excited. But anyway, I just need to come on here and be honest
23:01Excited revved up either way. I have some equity in it. I'm a homeowner. Okay in the way, but anyway, let's move on
23:10From the happy sad big announcement. Let's move on to the call her daddy interview with Kamala Harris
23:16This is all over the internet. So I didn't want to just talk about this today
23:19I wanted to talk about wedding big announcement and also want to hurricane stuff later
23:23But I really want to talk about this interview interview because like I said, I haven't been crazy up to date in the news
23:29So this is just a topic that I tried to turn my cell phone off all weekend
23:33And in the little use of social media, I used I seriously could not avoid this interview
23:39No matter how much I tried. So naturally I've got that. I
23:44Don't think you're gonna like all of them and that's okay
23:47But let me start off with the first one. I
23:51Don't think Alex Cooper
23:54Wanted this interview as much as people are painting it out to be I
23:58Think that the Harris campaign or the White House and Kamala in her capacity in it
24:04I think that team reached out to call her daddy and
24:09No matter who you are
24:12How the hell do you say no to the sitting vice president and the vice or and the Democratic candidate
24:18Coming to sit down on your podcast. I
24:22Don't really see much of an upside for her
24:25This is bad for her audience, it's infighting among her audience half of the audience is gonna hate her for this. I
24:32Just think that this is probably not Alex Cooper's
24:35first choice and if you're going to be honest with yourself if you had a top podcast and
24:42Even if it wasn't your niche
24:44You wouldn't say no to the opportunity to interview Kamala Harris no matter who you are or how unprepared you are
24:51which leads me to believe that
24:54Alex was very much used by Kamala and the White House
24:59that also really concerns me because I don't know whether she came on as her capacity as a candidate or her capacity as the vice
25:06President because I don't know why it's like, oh, it's not. Okay. It's so weird. It's more. Okay
25:13that she went on call her daddy and her capacity as
25:17A candidate than as the vice president. There's something weird about the vice president sitting down on a sex podcast
25:23Now, I know she technically is both
25:25But you can go on not being like I don't know how to put it
25:28You can go on more in the candidate role and I really feel like she leaned into the fact that she's like
25:35I'm the vice president. Let me sit down for this sex podcast. It was weird. That part was weird
25:40but back to my my initial thought about
25:43How I think Kamala or the White House really used Alex Cooper
25:48We know for a fact from other journalists that the White House and
25:53Kamala's campaign has a very strong grip on what questions are allowed to be asked of Kamala and
26:00If you listen to the introduction of the podcast episode
26:04Alex Cooper gave this whole explainer on why on why she did this whole interview and she
26:10Specifically said that she was allowed to ask any questions. She wanted of the vice president
26:17Which means one of two things to me either one
26:21Alex is a liar and they gave her questions and she's covering for them or two
26:26This is the White House slash Kamala campaign, whichever it is
26:30Openly insulting Alex Cooper's intelligence and her not realizing it like they won't let any
26:37journalists ask Kamala questions, but they will let Alex Cooper because they think she's too dumb to push back and
26:44I think that was kind of the theme of the whole interview was
26:48women being too dumb
26:50the premise of the podcast again, like the intro part that Alex gave
26:55Was that Alex was going to interview Kamala Harris about women's issues and then they proceeded to talk only about abortions
27:03That's fucking misogynistic and incredibly reductive to say we only care about abortions
27:10I'm sure you've heard that from countless pod. This is not a hot take but it's just my take like I find it reductive
27:15I care about the economy. I care about border security. Those are all women's issues. They're issues that affect women
27:22We're all human beings in this world. We have to realize it and
27:25I I do think that Alex had a semblance of self-awareness to realize she's probably not the right person to talk about those things
27:31So I applaud her in that aspect
27:33But I did find it really reductive to say that we're gonna talk about abortion because all women care about is the ability to kill
27:39Their baby. That's a big lie
27:41right and the problem
27:44With the interview writ large again was the lies and also this is where I will hold Alex Cooper culpable
27:50Her lack of preparedness was a joke
27:53I think you can make a lot of legitimate criticism of Alex Cooper in general outside of this interview
27:59Being unprepared is not one of them. But then in this case the one of the biggest interviews she's ever had on the show
28:05She comes incredibly unprepared and it was a failure on the preparedness part
28:11With an interview of this magnitude, I
28:15Just feel like it's yes, it's on Alex
28:18It's also on the whole team like somebody should have stopped her and said hey
28:22we should bring in a team of women and the experts on the left and the right to agree on facts so that Alex is
28:28as prepared and as
28:30possible and she's ready to
28:31You know make sure that everything that's being said is at least truthful or she knows the truth when Kamala tries to spin
28:38I think it's really
28:40Stupid of any podcaster to think that people are gonna come on your show and tell the whole truth and nothing about the truth
28:45They're on a podcast where they have access to the largest female audience of all time
28:50Come on
28:51Like you should have done a little bit of due diligence a little bit of research a little bit more preparedness
28:57That is entirely on Alex and I mean, you know, you could put a tiny bit of the blame on her team
29:02But that really is on her
29:04So, yeah, that's definitely some of my thoughts also in
29:08Alex's intro video that I mentioned where she kind of explained why she did this
29:12she did say she invited Donald Trump on the show to have a similar conversation and
29:17I wanted to unpack all of my thoughts on this
29:20But my friend Mary Margaret O'Han is suggesting that Trump should not go on call her daddy
29:26And this is her reasoning why?
29:27MMOs tweet reads seeing a lot of people suggesting that Trump is stupid to not go on call her daddy
29:33She says Alex Cooper is not the fair and balanced interviewer that some of us seem to have painted her as
29:38Which I don't I don't think really anybody is but maybe she's seeing that online
29:43She said aside from the fact that she made her name talking graphically about sex. She is openly pro-abortion
29:48She promoted multiple pro-abortion
29:50Misinfo narratives in this Harris interview and she specifically said that she would have Trump on
29:56To quote have a meaningful in-depth conversation about women's rights in this country
30:00the basic premise of her invite is that abortion is a woman's right that interview would be a
30:06disaster now, I do want to caveat this by saying that
30:11Alex Cooper is not
30:13Anti-republican by any stretch of the means it's been widely reported that
30:18Alex's best friend and roommate is or a former roommate. You should say her name is Lauren is
30:25very Republican and
30:27Alex herself is married to a man that I would be
30:30Wildly shocked at if he wasn't a Republican
30:35Alex herself, I think is a a
30:38Political slash pro-abortion person and so if you pull her aside from maybe her abortion views
30:46I also wouldn't be shocked if she was somewhat more conservative when it came to taxes and
30:54general conservative economic
30:56Economical what the fuck crazy economic policies, right? So I
31:01do I
31:03Get what you're saying because she's so pro-abortion pro-abortion fanatics tend to be really wildly unfair. I
31:11Don't know. I don't think she's like
31:13The worse. I just don't think she's suited for this at all
31:17I don't know why Trump would go on this to give Mary-Margaret Olhan credit because she's awesome
31:22By the way, I think this tweet would be
31:25100% accurate if the invite was for JD Vance like no he should not go on
31:30But Donald Trump does not hold those same pro-life views
31:35Like it's so interesting because he's he was the most action oriented president
31:39therefore he got a lot done for the pro-life movement that the movement has pretty much been unable to do for itself in
31:46overturning Roe vs. Wade
31:47But Trump didn't like do that with pen and paper he's not inherently pro-life he just
31:55conservative judges to the bench that overturned law that was widely regarded as
32:01Crap law to begin with or as legislating from the bench essentially
32:06He's constantly said he would leave abortion up to the states that he wouldn't implement any federal abortion bans
32:12If anything, he's moved the Republican Party more to the center on the issue of abortion generally speaking
32:17like the problem
32:19With a call her daddy Trump interview
32:22Isn't the substance of the conversation that would happen?
32:25It would be Alex Cooper's
32:29unpreparedness and
32:30therefore leading her audience astray to try to fit her own personal biases and the questions that she asked and
32:35Then I think Trump is probably not the best person to speak to a younger generation of women
32:40Generally speaking. I do think I think if
32:43JD Vance had
32:46Trump's messages about abortion or
32:49Trump had JD Vance's ability to pinpoint the facts and
32:54weaknesses of Alex Cooper and her arguments and messaging then
32:57That would be in an interview worth doing and honestly, I would be like fuck. Yeah, that'd be an awesome interview to watch
33:03but strategically in the grand scheme of things given the people that we have the players that we're playing with I
33:08Agree with MMO that this
33:10Probably isn't an interview worth doing for Donald Trump
33:14But that's okay because Trump has been going on other podcasts and I don't think that Kamala Harris campaign
33:20Anticipated the backlash they were going to get from the call her daddy interview
33:24Trump went on and did this whole full in-depth interview with Dave Ramsey and then Kamala decided to do
33:31is she declined the Dave Ramsey one and then decided to do the call her daddy one and
33:35Then Trump is probably gonna decline to call her daddy one
33:39so it kind of evens out and
33:41I don't think that the Kamala team anticipated that people would be so reactive to that and
33:48Yeah, I just I don't know I think a lot of people
33:51Who are voting based on the economy, which I think is more people than we let on to believe
33:56They're gonna wonder why the campaign the Kamala campaign thinks that it's more important to go on a sex podcast and an economics podcast
34:03Right, but I will say just final thoughts on this before we move on. I like to issue warnings of
34:11How do I put it?
34:12Reality to my conservative audience. I went on
34:17the Spotify charts today and when you search the top female podcasts the top podcasts of women for women are
34:26Alex Cooper's call her daddy and the hawk to a girl
34:30This is what women in America like you don't have to agree. I don't agree with it. I think it's fucking brain rot, but
34:38It's what women like and if you want to speak to them
34:41this is the place to do it and remember that those women listening to
34:46brain rot podcasts they still vote and
34:49They turn out at higher rates than men their age. Therefore. They are a more coveted demographic to get
34:57So just beware
34:58You know, I think everything that we've been seeing about
35:02Kamala Harris in
35:03This interview on call her daddy you might come across as negative on your social media algorithms because they are created for you
35:09But I went on left-wing social media. It's playing really well in those circles and that's where most women fall already. So just
35:17Be wary. That's all I'll say. Anyway, let's move on to our last topic for today, which is hurricane conspiracy theories
35:24So I was reading my morning news today and I came across this headline from the Daily Caller
35:30It says North Carolina State Board of Education all or State Board of Elections
35:35sorry alters rules in wake of Hurricane Helene disaster and
35:41Reminded me of my spray tan
35:43Probably like what the fuck?
35:45It reminded me of this wacky conversation I had on Thursday
35:48I had to go get a spray tan for my wedding and I was chatting with the spray tan woman about my job and
35:55Generally speaking when people ask me what I do
35:57I kind of gauge the situation and I either say influencer or journalist because
36:03You just never know sometimes when I'm with like really girly girls
36:07I say influencer because they'll be like, oh, that's so cool
36:09If I'm with like a more respectable crowd that women aren't that sounded really wrong
36:14But like if I'm with like more a professional crowd, I'll say journalist
36:17Okay, one of the two and so I kind of told her I'm like, oh, I'm like a political influencer
36:22that's kind of the best way to describe my job and
36:24We were chatting and I didn't want to say what side of the aisle I was on because I just didn't know where she fell
36:29Just looking at her. I couldn't tell so today
36:32She starts opening up to me long story short. I find out that she's really conservative and it was great
36:37I'm like, okay cool me too. Whatever we we start chatting and at the end I'm wrapping up. Um, you know
36:43putting the little powder on your hands and stuff and
36:46she started talking to me about the hurricanes in the election and people always ask me for my take on the election and I
36:51Say the same thing anytime I say anybody tells you they know who is gonna win this election
36:55Stop listening to them immediately because they're idiots. They do. This is a 50-50 tie. No one can tell you who's gonna win. Okay, and
37:03So she starts going on. She's like why I really think that
37:06the left is gonna win and
37:09She suggested to me that the hurricanes specifically Hurricane Helene
37:15exacerbated by the government
37:17Because the government put stuff stuff in the water and
37:22the government moved the hurricane to Republican parts of North Carolina in hopes of changing the outcome of the election and
37:30Utilizing the disaster to mine lithium or some shit. I was sitting there looking at her like
37:36Bitch, you sound crazy. I
37:38literally looked at her and was like
37:41How does the government move the weather like explain that to me I'm interested
37:46Like this sounds like some Jewish space laser shit or something. I don't know
37:50So anyway, I had that conversation on Thursday
37:53I then come to my morning news this morning and I start reading that headline from the Daily Caller and I'm like, oh my gosh
37:58This reminded me of my conversation from Thursday totally piqued my interest and so I was like, okay
38:03I'm gonna start researching this to see if there's just any validity. That's all I want to know
38:08So if you google I think I googled what did I Google it was like
38:13Government put stuff in water that exacerbates hurricanes. I think that's exactly what I put it
38:19You put that into Google you get no results. So it's like, okay, I'll put this into duck duck go
38:25You get stuff but it's nothing that verifies or even shows the facts of this conspiracy
38:30Instead what you get are fact checks from CBS News and while of course, I am NOT advocating for spreading rumors baselessly
38:38I don't I didn't find anything about this to be factually, correct
38:42When I read this fact check though, it felt like they were hiding something. Okay, let me pull it up for you
38:47The headline reads misinformation has surged following Hurricane Helene. I can feel my voice going out. I'm sorry guys
38:54It's just been so much talking with everybody in town. Anyway
38:58Some the article reads some of the more extreme conspiracy theories taking root online claim
39:03Politicians manipulated the weather to target Republican areas and the government is trying to seize land in North Carolina to mine lithium now I
39:11Would love to just go. Okay. Yeah, this is all false, whatever
39:15But they don't actually refute any claims here. This one says federal aid is being diverted to support immigrants. These claims are false
39:22They don't actually refute the point with facts they just say FEMA says otherwise Trump says this FEMA says this we believe FEMA
39:29What if FEMA's lying? Have you thought for a second that FEMA's lying?
39:33So interesting that they just don't actually fact-check. They just kind of say well, this is what FEMA says
39:40That's not a fact check. That's just
39:43Saying somebody says otherwise
39:46Then it goes storm victims will receive only
39:49$750 so this claim is misleading
39:52It's just not full context. It doesn't mean it's a lie. That's not fact-checking
39:57Volunteers are being and donations are being blocked. These claims are misleading again. There's no fact check
40:04It's just saying that you know, just that statement alone is not enough, which is fine like
40:11At the same time you can say things that are partially true. That doesn't mean it's a lie
40:15It's not the whole truth. That's fine. There's not a fact check
40:19There's just additional information write a fucking article about it don't do a fact check fact checks are so stupid
40:25This one government is withholding aid to Republican areas. This claim lacks evidence. It's not a lie. It's just
40:32How do I describe it?
40:36FEMA has
40:38FEMA is not advocating for giving people money or assistance based on where they are
40:44It just happens that Republican areas have been
40:47Hit stronger, that's true
40:50But again, this doesn't this isn't about what's how do I put this? I
40:57Have not done my research
40:58Entirely on what is true and it was not I'm happy to get back to you with the information of what is true
41:02and what is not my
41:04General consensus here is that I think most of this is
41:08The whole general conspiracy theory is false
41:12But when I read fact checks like this that don't actually fact-check anything
41:16They just say oh you say this. Well, someone else said this that's not helpful to anybody. Okay?
41:21I'm not suggesting that any of this is true or false. I'm just suggesting that sometimes fact checks
41:27make conspiracy theories more
41:30Ingrained in society like we seriously need to get rid of them
41:32They are so ineffective and mostly just like clickbait written by garbage journalists
41:39They seriously need to go that did nothing to help me if anything
41:42It made me wonder why they don't want me thinking that do you know what I mean?
41:46And why I had to go through all these hoops. I couldn't even just like get that fact check on Google
41:50That's so weird to me. But anyway, let me know in the comments whether you believe this conspiracy
41:55Like do you believe the government can control the weather?
41:58I don't think so
41:59But I'm just very interested to hear what you guys have to say and while you're in the comments if you're a real one and you
42:03Made it to the end of today's show. Will you drop the house emoji as an homage to my big announcement?
42:09Thank you so much friends
42:10I'll be back here tomorrow
42:11With another YouTube rumble X and Facebook only video and we'll be back Thursday with a regular podcast. See you then
42:17Thanks so much for watching
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42:36Bye friends
