Baby Snooks (Halloween)

  • 2 days ago
The Baby Snooks Show was an American radio program starring comedian and Ziegfeld Follies alumna Fanny Brice as a mischievous young girl who was 40 years younger than the actress who played her when she first went on the air.


00:04Jell-O! In those six delicious flavors, Jell-O puddings for old-fashioned, homemade goodness, bring you Baby Snooks!
00:13Yes, it's the Baby Snooks Show, starring Fanny Bryce as Baby Snooks with Hanley Stafford.
00:29As Fanny, Carmen Dragon and his orchestra, and yours truly, Harlow Wilcox.
00:34And brought to you each week by Jell-O and Jell-O puddings!
00:44Well, I guess I don't have to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that last night was Halloween.
00:49I don't know what you did, but here's what happened in the Higgins home.
00:53The family was just finishing dinner.
00:57Mommy, please can I go?
00:59No, you may not.
01:00Snooks, I told you a dozen times you can't go out tonight.
01:03But it's Halloween.
01:04I know it.
01:07That's why you're staying home, so you can't get into any trouble.
01:10But all the kids will be out.
01:12Snooks, you heard your mother.
01:17The subject is closed.
01:20Can we open it just a tiny little bit?
01:25Tonight of all nights, I want to spend a quiet, restful evening.
01:30Because there's a doctor coming over at nine o'clock.
01:33He's going to examine me for insurance.
01:35Do you think he'll find any?
01:39Very funny.
01:41More chocolate cake, Lancelot?
01:42No thanks, dear.
01:43Not with the doctor coming.
01:45At my age, he doesn't pay to stuff myself.
01:47I want some chocolate cake.
01:51Snooks, you've had three pieces.
01:53Do you really want some more?
01:55At my age, it don't make any difference.
02:01Yes, I think I'll go in the other room and lie down.
02:03I've had a hard day, and I'd like to relax a little before the doctor gets here.
02:07Go ahead, dear, and I'll clear off the table.
02:10Oh, boy, that couch looks good.
02:14What is it?
02:15If I promise to stay in front of the house, will you?
02:18No, no.
02:22Now, please leave me alone.
02:24I'm going to take a nap.
02:25But it's Halloween outside.
02:29It's Halloween inside, too.
02:31And you won't get into any trouble.
02:33Now, I want no further discussion on the subject.
02:37Yep, this couch is the best buy I ever made.
02:43I could sleep for a week if my nerves just let go.
02:47Hope it doesn't show up in my blood pressure.
02:55What's the big idea, Snooks?
02:57I put on my Halloween mask.
02:59Ain't it pretty?
03:05It's beautiful.
03:08Now, can't you go away and let me sleep?
03:10The doctor will be here in an hour.
03:12Perhaps you don't understand how important this is.
03:15Perhaps I don't.
03:18Well, it's not myself I'm doing it for.
03:20It's for you and the family.
03:22Insurance is protection.
03:25If anything happens to me, you'll get a lot of money.
03:28How much?
03:31Oh, maybe $10,000.
03:35Can I have a dime in advance?
03:39You've already had your allowance this week.
03:41I'll give you the dime back, dear.
03:44When I get the $10,000.
03:48Snooks, I don't think you know what you're saying.
03:51You only collect insurance if something happens to the insured.
03:55What could happen?
03:57Why, hundreds of things.
03:58And there's a different type of policy to cover each one of them.
04:01Life, health, accident.
04:04Why, you could even insure a finger.
04:06My little finger?
04:07Why, yes.
04:08Suppose you lost your finger.
04:11How can I lose it?
04:12It's stuck on to me.
04:15I didn't mean you'd leave it lying around somewhere.
04:18But suppose you accidentally cut off your finger.
04:21What would happen?
04:23I could only count up to nine.
04:28You could collect on it.
04:30Let's say it's my finger.
04:32If it should happen to get cut off, the company would pay $1,000.
04:36$1,000 for your little finger?
04:38Yes, sir.
04:41Let's cut it off.
04:44Snooks, please go away and let me sleep.
04:46My blood pressure's bad enough.
04:48Can't the doctor fix it, Daddy?
04:50This doctor isn't coming here to fix things.
04:53He's coming here to look me over.
04:55Whatever he finds wrong, he'll report to his company.
04:58I don't like that doctor.
05:00Why not?
05:00He's a snitch.
05:02He's not a snitch.
05:03He is, so he's a dirty old mean old dirty old snitch.
05:07Oh, Snooks, for the love of heaven, leave me alone.
05:09Go away.
05:10Mm, away.
05:13All right, I'll go outside.
05:14No, you don't.
05:16Go someplace else in the house.
05:18I'm trying to take a nap.
05:20I want to take a nap.
05:23Well, now, that's a good idea.
05:27Suppose you run up to your bedroom and lie down.
05:30No, I want to lie next to you on the couch.
05:32You can't.
05:33I want to lie next to you on the couch.
05:36Oh, all right, all right.
05:39I suppose it's the only way I can get some rest.
05:42Oh, come on.
05:44Lie here next to Daddy and go to sleep.
05:46All right.
05:48Good night, little Daddy.
05:50Good night.
05:54I think I got insomnia.
05:57Well, just lie here quietly and don't disturb me.
06:00All right.
06:02What is it?
06:04What's insomnia?
06:06Listen, Snooks, if you can't fall asleep, count sheep.
06:09Little woolly sheep?
06:11With big brown eyes?
06:14I don't like sheep.
06:17Well, count kangaroos jumping over a fence.
06:21I like kangaroos better.
06:22Oh, good.
06:2611, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25.
06:44All right, let's have it.
06:45What happened to 14, 19, and 23?
06:50They tripped.
06:55That settles it.
06:57Snooks, if I hear one more peep out of you,
06:59I'm going to take my belt off.
07:01And you know what will happen then?
07:03Your pants will fall down.
07:08I'll give you a tanning, that's what.
07:10Now, either you let me take a nap or suffer the consequences.
07:13But, Daddy.
07:13Not a sound.
07:14But, Daddy.
07:15Now, you heard me.
07:16Don't even open your mouth.
07:18I could get more rest in a boiler factory.
07:21Oh, just to close my eyes for 15 minutes.
07:25Oh, for Pete's sake.
07:26I didn't do it.
07:27Well, go and see who it is.
07:29All right.
07:31Hi, Snooks.
07:32Oh, hello, Phoebe.
07:34Can you come out for Halloween?
07:36Not so loud, Phoebe.
07:38My daddy's asleep on the sofa.
07:40But all the kids are outside.
07:42Why don't you ask him?
07:44I did ask him.
07:45He won't let me.
07:46Shall I ask him?
07:47No, you'll wake him up.
07:48Can't you see he's asleep?
07:50Well, what's he doing sleeping so early?
07:52He's waiting for a man to come and see him.
07:55About what?
07:55About cutting off his little finger.
07:59Gee, he don't snore like my daddy does.
08:01Oh, sometimes he snores.
08:03Sometimes he even whistles.
08:06Does he talk in his sleep, too?
08:10Does yours?
08:11No, that's what makes my mother so mad.
08:14He just mumbles.
08:16Poor, tired little daddy.
08:19Don't he look pretty sleeping on a couch?
08:21Yeah, I guess we better not wake him up.
08:24No, I wouldn't wake him up.
08:26I wouldn't wake him up for anything in the whole world.
08:28Oh, for goodness sake!
08:30I give up.
08:33Did you have a nice little rest, Daddy?
08:36With you two kids jabbering in my ears.
08:39Maybe you wanted me to wake you up, but I wouldn't do it.
08:42I just wanted to know Snooks would come out, Mr. Higgins.
08:45It's Halloween.
08:45All right, all right, go ahead.
08:48Shoo, both of you.
08:48Get out of the house.
08:49Come on, Snooks, before he changes his mind.
08:51All right.
08:52Bye, Daddy.
08:54I should have done that an hour ago.
08:56Maybe I'd have gotten some rest.
08:59Now I'm so wide awake, my nerves are screaming.
09:01Lancelot, was that you yelling?
09:04My defense has just collapsed.
09:06I tried to be wild out as long as I could, but I'm only human.
09:09What do you mean?
09:10I let Snooks go out.
09:12Oh, well, it is Halloween, after all.
09:14Maybe it's for the best.
09:15It's not for the best.
09:17Every Halloween is the same thing.
09:19Life and property aren't worth two cents,
09:21with those kids chasing around the streets.
09:23What do you plan to do about it?
09:24Eliminate the holiday?
09:26No, but I can teach our daughter a lesson.
09:30You see this mask I'm wearing?
09:32Oh, I hadn't noticed.
09:36Well, maybe the mask isn't so bad,
09:38but when I put on these false tusks...
09:41Oh, Lancelot, that's horrible.
09:44Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
09:46Pretty frightening, isn't it?
09:48Well, you wait here.
09:49I'll be back in ten minutes.
09:50Where are you going?
09:51Out to teach those kids a lesson.
09:53I'll give them such a scare,
09:54they'll never want to go out on Halloween again.
10:06Come on, Snicks, whose doorbell shall we ring first?
10:09Let's ring this one right here.
10:11Okay, put on your mask, and I'll sit on my broom.
10:14Go ahead, ring it.
10:15I did.
10:16Someone's coming.
10:18Trick or treat, trick or treat!
10:20Well, well, if it isn't two little goblins on my doorstep.
10:24Hi, Mr. Wilcox.
10:25What's this trick-or-treat business?
10:27Well, you gotta treat us to something,
10:28or we'll play a trick on you.
10:31You know, I sort of suspected this might happen tonight,
10:34so I've got a treat all ready for you.
10:35Come on inside.
10:37Here it is, kids.
10:38Right on the table.
10:39Oh, boy, I'm Jell-O.
10:41With cream.
10:42And little pieces of fruit inside.
10:44Ah, that's a Jell-O Halloween special.
10:50Snooks, that looks like a dish of sunshine,
10:52all dressed up, doesn't it?
10:54And just taste that wonderful flavor.
10:56But hey, don't eat so fast.
10:57That's the famous locked-in Jell-O flavor, you know,
11:00sealed in by a special process,
11:02so safe and sound till your first big spoonful.
11:05Makes you think of the real ripe fruit, doesn't it?
11:08You know, I can't think of a thing I like better
11:11than a dish of Jell-O, can you?
11:12Yeah, another dish.
11:15Well, I'm afraid that'll have to do for now.
11:17When the sugar shortage is over,
11:19and there's lots of Jell-O again,
11:20you come around, and I'll give you each six dishes.
11:23One of each of the six delicious Jell-O flavors.
11:26Strawberry, raspberry, cherry, orange, lemon, and lime.
11:29How's that?
11:29Oh, boy.
11:30And now, if you two goblins have finished gobbling,
11:34just put a mark on my door
11:36and leave me alone for the rest of the night, eh?
11:37Thank you, Mr. Wilcox.
11:40Goodbye, kids.
11:40Happy Halloween.
11:42Well, who's next?
11:45Let's try the house on the corner.
11:47Come on.
11:48Hello, Snook.
11:49Hiya, Phoebe.
11:51Who are you?
11:52It's me, Roger.
11:54You didn't recognize me with this pumpkin on my head,
11:57did you?
11:59Gee, is that a real pumpkin?
12:02Ain't it uncomfortable?
12:03Well, it was a little warm at first,
12:06but it's better now that I put the candles out.
12:11Hey, come on.
12:12Let's go down to the drugstore and see what we can get.
12:17Wait a minute.
12:18What's the matter?
12:19I saw something move behind that tree.
12:22It looks like a man.
12:24No, it's an animal.
12:26It's got big, long teeth sticking out of its mouth.
12:29I'm scared.
12:30Here he comes.
12:31Room for your life.
12:37Little children should be home in bed.
12:42Well, that ought to teach him.
12:44Hey, what's the big idea, bud?
12:46Haven't you got anything better to do
12:48than to go around scaring kids?
12:50Look, friend, I suggest you mind your own business.
12:54One of those kids happens to be my daughter.
12:56Well, one of those kids happens to be my son.
12:59And I don't like any overgrown ape with false tusks
13:01running around scaring him.
13:03I did it for their own good.
13:05Every Halloween, those kids go out and get into trouble.
13:08Besides, I don't like your attitude.
13:12Oh, you don't, huh?
13:14Say that again.
13:15I don't like your attitude.
13:19Next time, try scaring somebody your own size.
13:22So long.
13:24Oh, what's this?
13:28My teeth!
13:29Oh, they're the false ones.
13:35Oh, Daddy.
13:37What are you lying in the gutter for?
13:41I tripped and fell down.
13:42Gee, that's funny.
13:44What's funny about it?
13:45You must have tripped just when that man hit you.
13:49You tell me something.
13:50Who was that man?
13:51That was Mr. Hopkins, Roger's father.
13:53Where does he live?
13:55Right down the corner.
13:57Never mind.
13:57Come on.
13:58Any man who punches your father does so at his own risk.
14:02Why didn't you stock him back?
14:03Because I've got a brain in my head, that's why.
14:07Suppose I did punch him back.
14:09With the tremendous power I generate,
14:11I could easily have broken my hand.
14:13Nine chances out of 10, the hand wouldn't have healed straight.
14:16And there I am, faced with the prospect of never
14:20playing the piano again.
14:22Oh, but Daddy.
14:25You don't know how to play the piano.
14:28Mind your own business.
14:31Pick up that rock.
14:31All right.
14:34What are you writing?
14:35Oh, just a little note.
14:37A little note?
14:38I'm going to throw a scare into that bully.
14:41Now, do you see that window in Hopkins' living room?
14:44The one that's open?
14:46Well, I take the rock, thusly.
14:50And I attach the note with a rubber band, thusly.
14:54And I draw back my arm, thusly.
14:57And with uncanny accuracy, I toss it
15:00through the open living room window.
15:06Yes, my aim isn't what it used to be.
15:08Come on, let's get home.
15:18That was fun, Daddy.
15:20Don't say anything about it to your mother.
15:23Well, come on, we'll just sit in the living room
15:25as though nothing happened.
15:28What did it say, Daddy?
15:30The note you tied to the rock.
15:32Oh, I just thought I'd worry him a bit.
15:34He won't figure that one out in a hurry.
15:37All the note said was, guess who?
15:41That's a good one, Daddy.
15:43Yes, it was pretty clever.
15:46What was that?
15:48It's a rock.
15:49It came through the window.
15:51And there's a note on it.
15:53What does the note say?
15:54It says, who?
16:02Wants to play, does he?
16:04Well, two can play at this game.
16:05Can three play?
16:06Yes, come on.
16:08Lancelot, what happened?
16:09What was that?
16:09Good heavens, who broke our window?
16:12Vandals, Vera.
16:13Irresponsible hoodlums.
16:16A law-abiding citizen like me hasn't a chance on Halloween.
16:19Where are you going?
16:20Out to chase him away.
16:21Let's go, Snooks.
16:33Now, quiet, Snooks.
16:35Inch your way forward a little.
16:39I'm tired of crawling on my stomach.
16:42This is the way they do it in the army.
16:44If you don't want to be seen, you crawl forward on your stomach.
16:48Yeah, but not down the middle of the sidewalk.
16:52The idea is that we don't want him to see us from the house.
16:56What are we going to do?
16:57I don't know yet.
16:58Oh, wait.
16:59I've got it.
17:01You see this gate here?
17:03See the garage over there?
17:06Well, if Mr. Hopkins wants to use this gate tomorrow morning,
17:10he's going to have to climb up on the garage to do it.
17:13You're so smart, Daddy.
17:15You can say that again.
17:16You're so smart.
17:17Never mind, never mind.
17:19Let's go to work.
17:35Home, sweet home.
17:37Gee, that gate looks funny up on top of the garage.
17:40Yes, it did, didn't it?
17:42But I don't want you to get the wrong idea from all this.
17:46Certain things are merely mischievous pranks.
17:49Others have a purpose behind them.
17:54Well, let's put it this way.
17:56Your daddy has never been a believer
17:57in a policy of appeasement.
18:00Neither have I.
18:01That's the way I like to hear you talk.
18:04What does appeasement mean?
18:06Well, when someone strikes you and you don't strike back,
18:10that's appeasement.
18:11How do you like that?
18:14I've been appeasing you and Mommy for years.
18:17Well, off to bed with you, Snopes.
18:19After the gate episode, I don't think we're going to hear
18:21from Mr. Hopkins again tonight.
18:23I want to stay up and see what else next happens.
18:26Rest your pretty little head.
18:28My pretty little head?
18:30Well, your little head.
18:32Nothing's going to happen next.
18:35Our friend Mr. Hopkins has shot his bolt.
18:45Did you hear something, Snopes?
18:50What was it?
18:52I don't know.
18:53The windows seem to be okay.
18:56Oh, that must be the doctor.
18:57Go answer the door, Snopes.
18:58All right.
19:01Can't answer the door, Daddy.
19:03Oh, why not?
19:04There ain't no door to answer.
19:06What? No door?
19:08It's on.
19:09That does it.
19:11He wants trouble.
19:13All right, he'll get all he's looking for.
19:15I got it.
19:16A brilliant idea.
19:18Run into the kitchen, Snopes,
19:20and get some hamburger, a pail of water,
19:22and your mother's flat iron.
19:23What do you want me to do?
19:24Now, don't ask questions.
19:25Just get them.
19:26All right.
19:27Now, before I pay a visit to Mr. Hopkins,
19:30I'm going to prepare a little reception for him
19:31in case he returns.
19:33First, this rope stretched across the front stoop
19:37and up over the trellis.
19:39Hurry up, Snopes.
19:40I'm coming, Daddy.
19:42And now another rope stretched this way.
19:45Here you are, Daddy.
19:46Oh, thanks, Snopes.
19:47Now I just put the flat iron up here,
19:51and the bucket of water goes up on this side.
19:55Get the fiendish ingenuity of it?
19:59Well, if an unexpected visitor,
20:01say Mr. Hopkins,
20:03walks across this side of the porch,
20:05he gets the flat iron on his noggin.
20:07On the other hand, if he trips the rope on this side,
20:10he gets a refreshing bath of aqua pura.
20:13Who gets the hamburger?
20:15I think this hamburger will interest
20:16some of the many dogs in our neighborhood.
20:19To arms, Snooks.
20:20The Higginses ride again.
20:21Yeah, let's go to the dogs.
20:33Gee, Daddy, I bet we got 50 dogs following us.
20:37Well, quit patting them.
20:40Just keep dangling that hamburger.
20:42And stop nibbling at it.
20:44Come and have a little taste.
20:46Well, what do you want to eat raw hamburger for?
20:48I just want to find out what they see in it.
20:52You'll find out when we toss it through Hopkins' front door.
20:55Now come on, there's the house.
20:57Now here's the strategy, Snooks.
20:59One of us knocks on the door.
21:01When the door opens, the other one throws the meat inside.
21:04The dogs follow the meat,
21:05and Hopkins' living room becomes a bedlam.
21:08You got it?
21:09We throw the meat inside.
21:10That's right.
21:11And Hopkins' living room becomes a bedroom.
21:15Not bedroom, bedlam.
21:16What's a bedlam?
21:18Never mind.
21:19Go up and knock on that door.
21:20All right.
21:22Now run, Snooks.
21:24Here, Hopkins, some groceries.
21:27Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof.
21:38I'll bet there never was a youngster yet,
21:40including the contrary Snooks,
21:42who didn't go for the flavor of butterscotch.
21:44And when it's Jell-O butterscotch pudding,
21:46well, mothers get set to serve seconds.
21:49For Jell-O butterscotch pudding has such a buttery, brown sugar taste,
21:53such a rich, mellow flavor,
21:55a creamy smoothness that's just plain melt-in-the-mouth goodness.
21:59It's a real old-fashioned, homey flavor,
22:01but made a quick, new-fashioned way.
22:04Jell-O butterscotch pudding cooks to velvety perfection in just about five minutes,
22:08and it's nourishing, made with milk.
22:10A grand dessert for the youngsters.
22:12Then there's Jell-O vanilla pudding, rich-tasting and distinctive.
22:16And there's Jell-O chocolate pudding with that swell, chocolatey goodness.
22:20A little hard to get these days, but a wonderful treat when you do get it.
22:24And take whatever flavor your grocer has,
22:26for all three Jell-O puddings are so good,
22:29they're just like grandma's, only more so.
22:39And now, back to Halloween in the Higgins home.
22:42Mommy is on the telephone.
22:44What's that, Mrs. Hopkins?
22:46Oh, but that doesn't sound possible.
22:48You mean you were sitting in your living room, minding your own business,
22:50and my husband threw a pound of raw hamburger in your face?
22:54Oh, really, Mrs. Hopkins, my husband wouldn't do a thing like that.
22:57Well, it's probably just another Halloween prank.
23:00Well, I don't know what you're complaining about.
23:02You should see my house.
23:03Windows broken, the front door gone, and the d-
23:06Good heavens, I've got to hang up, Mrs. Hopkins.
23:08A strange man just staggered in here and fell unconscious at my feet.
23:12Oh, get me a doctor.
23:14Who are you?
23:14I'm the doctor.
23:17The insurance doctor.
23:19You poor man, what happened?
23:21Somebody hit me with a flat iron.
23:23Oh, dear.
23:24Oh, here comes my husband, he'll help you.
23:26Oh, what's the trouble, Vera?
23:27What happened, Mommy?
23:28Oh, Lancelot, this poor man is the insurance doctor.
23:31Somebody hit him with a flat iron.
23:33A flat iron?
23:35Oh, Daddy, that must have been the iron-
23:36Now, Snooks, run into the kitchen and get the doctor a glass of water.
23:40All right.
23:40Oh, my head.
23:42Okay, Doctor, up we go.
23:45On your feet.
23:47How do you feel now?
23:48A little wobbly, thanks, but I guess I'll be all right.
23:51Are you Mr. Higgins?
23:53Would you prefer to skip the examination for tonight?
23:55No, as long as I'm here, I might as well get it over with.
23:58I'll get my baggage out in the car.
24:00Oh, fine.
24:01Oh, Doctor, look out for-
24:06Oh, the poor man.
24:08Lancelot, who put that water bucket up there?
24:12Daddy! Daddy!
24:14Get out of the way, Snooks.
24:15I've got to drag the doctor back in.
24:18Oh, how do you feel, old man?
24:21Oh, my head.
24:23What's going on here?
24:25Here, drink some water.
24:27Give me that glass of water, Snooks.
24:28I didn't get it.
24:29Didn't get it?
24:31I told you to bring a glass of water for the doctor.
24:33Why didn't you get it?
24:34I was scared.
24:35Now, what could you possibly be scared of?
24:38There's a horse in the kitchen.
24:40A horse?
24:43What would a horse be doing in the kitchen?
24:45Eating the curtains.
24:47Good heavens, there is a horse in the kitchen.
24:50Not anymore.
24:51It's coming right here.
24:52Stand back, everybody.
24:57Look out, Doctor.
24:58The horse is going to step on you.
25:08He did step on him.
25:10Oh, the poor man.
25:11I hope he carries insurance.
25:17He's gone.
25:19Out the front door.
25:21Are you all right, Doctor?
25:23Let me help you up.
25:25Oh, what a house.
25:26Help me to my car.
25:27I want to go home.
25:28Oh, sure, Doctor.
25:29I'm terribly sorry.
25:35He's out again.
25:37What hit him?
25:38A rock.
25:39It just came through the window.
25:41Oh, another worry.
25:43And there's a note attached to it.
25:45What does it say?
25:46It says,
25:47Thanks for the dogs.
25:48Here's a horse on you.
25:51Why that lowdown?
25:53Lancelot, what is this all about?
25:55What's going on here tonight?
25:57I'll explain it to you later, Vera.
26:01Meanwhile, there's work to be done.
26:04Come on, Snooks.
26:05All right.
26:06What are we going to do this time, Daddy?
26:08This time, he gets the works.
26:11It's a little trick I learned in college
26:13It's a little trick I learned in college
26:15called the sunken living room.
26:19It's fiendish in its simplicity.
26:22I merely climb a tree beside his house
26:24and drop the end of a garden hose
26:26down his chimney.
26:27And I turn it on?
26:28You guessed it.
26:41Where are you running to?
26:42I don't know, Phoebe.
26:43I gotta call the fire department.
26:45What for?
26:46My daddy's stuck head first
26:48in Mr. Hopkins' chimney.
26:51He fell out of a tree.
26:53Well, what are you calling
26:54the fire department for?
26:56To get him out.
26:57I don't think they'll come, Snooks,
26:59unless there's a fire.
27:00There is a fire, all right.
27:01Mr. Hopkins is building it in his fireplace.
27:05All right.
27:31Oh, hello, Roger.
27:33How's your father feeling today?
27:36That's good.
27:37Oh, the doctor says my daddy
27:39will be all right in a couple of days.
27:41Yeah, as soon as they take the stitches out.
27:48Oh, I'd love to come over and go waiting in your living room.
27:54But I can't leave the house. My daddy won't let me.
27:58I don't understand it, but he says every time he lets me out of his sight, I get into trouble.
28:05Ain't daddy's funny.
28:11Well, Snooks has done it again. She's really wonderful.
28:24And we hope you'll be with us next week when Snooks gets going in another of her amazing adventures.
28:29Until then, remember Jell-O and Jell-O pudding.
28:32Snooks, what do you say about Jell-O?
28:35Just a taste of Jell-O pudding or of Jell-O.
28:40And you know it's the one and only J-E-L-L-O.
28:49I like it.
29:05I like it.
