The Aldrich Family (Halloween)

  • 2 days ago
The Aldrich Family is an American television situation comedy that was broadcast on NBC from October 2, 1949, through September 12, 1953. Adapted from the radio program of the same name, which was based on Clifford Goldsmith's Broadway play What a Life (1938), it was the first successful situation comedy on NBC television.


00:00The Aldrich Family, written by Clifford Goldsmith and starring Ezra Stone.
00:16Henry Aldrich!
00:17Coming, Mother!
00:30You know, ladies and gentlemen, scarcely a day passes that doesn't bring us a letter
00:43from some housewife praising Jell-O butterscotch pudding.
00:47Many of these letters read somewhat as follows, I've tried just about every ready-prepared
00:52pudding on the market, and Jell-O butterscotch pudding is the one for me.
00:56Other letters, of course, speak of how easy Jell-O butterscotch pudding is to make, because
01:00you simply add milk, cook for a few minutes, and cool.
01:04And still other letters tell us how grateful housewives are for the many ways you can serve
01:08Jell-O butterscotch pudding.
01:10But the big point is its flavor, the warm, buttery brown sugar flavor of creamy golden
01:15butterscotch, just the way you like it, full of rich homemade goodness.
01:19Yes, friends, you like Jell-O butterscotch pudding a lot, so just try it, and let your
01:23own taste tell you why Jell-O butterscotch pudding is the pudding that thousands call
01:28the best of all.
01:34If your doorbell rings tonight, and you answer it, and find no one there, you'll remember
01:52that this is Halloween, and that you, too, were a youngster yourself.
01:56And you might suspect Henry Aldrich of having something to do with the prank, because he's
02:00a real boy from your own neighborhood.
02:03Tonight we find Henry in the Aldrich living room with his friend Toby.
02:06Gee whiz, am I bored.
02:11Same here, Henry.
02:12How could a thing like this happen, Toby?
02:14It's Halloween, and the two of us are dead broke.
02:16Gee, I thought I'd never live to see a thing like this happen.
02:19Can you think, Toby, that there'd be at least one thing a person could do on Halloween without
02:23it costing money?
02:25That's what you'd think.
02:26How about going over and getting even with Mr. Tarbell for what he did a year ago?
02:31Oh, we could think of something.
02:33I'll tell you what.
02:34If we could get his front steps loose from the porch, we could hide them.
02:37No, Toby.
02:38But, Henry, then when he comes out and starts to go down the steps, you'll wonder where
02:41they are.
02:42Who will wonder where what is?
02:45Oh, is that you, Father?
02:46You are not going to touch anyone's front steps.
02:49How do you know about that?
02:51I'm psychic.
02:52Halloween or no Halloween, you boys are not to touch any private property.
02:55Henry, are you in the living room?
02:57Yes, Mother.
02:58Gee whiz, Father, Toby and I don't want to just sit around and look at each other all
03:03How would you like to have me make some candy?
03:04Mother candy.
03:06Everybody else is out doing things, and we sit home and make candy.
03:10Well, if you'd planned ahead, you'd have enough money to go to a dance.
03:13I did plan ahead.
03:14I told you several weeks ago that my allowance isn't adequate.
03:19Henry, what do you say we get our hats and go out for a little stroll?
03:23All right.
03:25You aren't going to play any practical jokes on anyone, are you?
03:28Oh, no, Mr. Albridge, we're just going out for the fresh air and maybe ring one or two
03:34Henry, you're not going to ring any doorbells.
03:36But, Mother, what harm can come from innocently ringing just one doorbell?
03:40That's rung 50 million times in the year anyway.
03:42Because most people don't like it.
03:44Henry, the minute you begin to trespass, you're liable to run into trouble.
03:47And Father, name one thing that could happen from sticking a pin into a doorbell, aside
03:52from the fact that it's going to ring for a while.
03:54I'm not going to argue.
03:56Toby, I don't think I'll go out.
03:59Oh, dear.
04:00Ever since way back, I've been looking forward to tonight.
04:04And now it's here, and I can't even stick a pin in a doorbell.
04:06Sam, if Henry didn't actually stick a pin in it, couldn't he ring just one bell?
04:12It's entirely up to you, Alice.
04:14All we do is ring it and run, Father.
04:16Don't look at me, son.
04:17I'm only your father.
04:18Well, I don't see what fun there could be in it.
04:20At least my whole year wouldn't be ruined.
04:22Well, could you ring a bell where no one is home?
04:26All right, if it'll make you any happier, go out and ring one bell.
04:31We can, Father.
04:32We can.
04:33Toby, come on.
04:35I don't see what fun you'll get from it.
04:36At least we can say we've done it.
04:38Henry, I've got an idea.
04:41My folks didn't say I couldn't ring more than one.
04:43I'll tell you.
04:44I'll do the ringing and you do the running.
04:46Okay, let's ring Mr. Edwards' bell first.
04:49John Edwards, are you out there on the porch without any hat on?
05:07I am.
05:08I was just out to look at the car.
05:11Someone has taken the battery out of it.
05:12Who do you suppose could have done a thing like that?
05:14Oh, some Halloween hoodlum.
05:16I tell you, Phoebe, this town has reached a nice state of affairs.
05:19Well, come in and close the door before you catch pneumonia.
05:22You know what I think I'll do?
05:24I'll just wait inside the door and see whether anyone comes back.
05:27I'll get my cane, too.
05:29The next boy that comes up on this porch is going to get the tanning of his life.
05:33Yes, dear.
05:38He's going in.
05:39Come on up on the porch.
05:41What were they talking about, Henry?
05:43Search me.
05:44Let's write a note and pin it to the door.
05:46Okay, got a pencil?
05:47No, here's my fountain pen.
05:49Listen, Toby, let's just ring the bell and run.
05:51Let me ring it.
05:52No, Toby, this is the only one I can ring.
05:55You can ring the next one.
05:56No, besides, Mr. Edwards was my idea.
05:58Here we go, Toby.
05:59I'm going to ring it.
06:01Do you hear anyone coming?
06:04No, I'd better ring it again.
06:07Wait up, Phoebe!
06:08Somebody's coming.
06:09Run, Toby, run.
06:10I am.
06:12Stop there!
06:14Oh, John!
06:15Quick, Toby, duck around the side of the house here.
06:16I'm with you, Henry.
06:18Do you hear me?
06:19Stop nothing.
06:20Oh, boy.
06:21Oh, boy.
06:22What was that?
06:23I'm all right.
06:24I just knocked over an ash can.
06:25Come on.
06:26Duck back here through this grave robber.
06:29Here goes Mr. Edwards over it.
06:31That'll help.
06:32If I catch you, I'll turn you gold.
06:33Come on out through these trees, Toby.
06:34If he catches you, Henry, don't give your right name.
06:39Whose name should I give?
06:40Take one up.
06:41What was that?
06:43That was Mrs. Edwards.
06:44Look, Toby, here's a hole or something we can hide in.
06:48Here where?
06:49Right here on the ground.
06:50Oh, gee whiz, wait, Toby.
06:51What's the matter?
06:52It's an old hole.
06:53It's an old well.
06:54Well, this is a nice time to tell me.
06:55What's the matter?
06:56I dropped my fountain pen in it.
06:59Shh, Toby, he's coming.
07:00Toward us?
07:02He went right on.
07:03Boy, that was close.
07:04Let's beat it, Toby, and get out of here.
07:07But, Henry, I dropped my fountain pen.
07:10That's not so important.
07:11My mother just bought it for me.
07:12Gee whiz, I can't go home without my fountain pen, Henry.
07:15How are we going to get it?
07:16It's way down at the bottom of the well.
07:18Well, there's an old chain here.
07:20It's hanging right straight down.
07:22Is it fastened here at the top?
07:25Right to this piece of iron.
07:26Wait a second.
07:27I'll roll up my trousers.
07:28You better take them off, Toby.
07:29Then you won't get them wet.
07:31And hold my coat, too.
07:35What is it?
07:36Did you find them?
07:37No, not yet.
07:38Shh, Toby.
07:40Are you looking the shed off beyond the well?
07:41I'm just coming from there.
07:42Well, come back in the house, then.
07:44All I can say is they must have disappeared right into the ground.
07:47It's okay, Toby.
07:48You can go down now.
07:50Look out while I go over the edge.
07:52Are you sure you can get up again?
07:54Why not?
07:55All I have to do is hang on to this chain and climb right up the side.
07:58So long, Henry.
08:00Hang on.
08:02Hang on tight, old boy.
08:04Gee whiz.
08:05What's the matter?
08:06Toby, what's the matter?
08:08There's something tied partway down on the chain.
08:10What is it?
08:11It's an automobile battery.
08:13A battery?
08:14What's it doing down there?
08:16How should I know?
08:17And the chain ends right here.
08:19It does?
08:20Can you jump the rest of the way?
08:22What do you mean, jump?
08:23It's so dark down here, I wouldn't know when I got to the bottom.
08:27Oh, here's the trouble.
08:28It's up here.
08:29Some of the slack is hooked onto a bolt.
08:32I'll see whether I can loosen it.
08:34Let it out easy, Henry.
08:36Don't worry, Toby.
08:38You don't think I'd let you fall, do you?
08:45Oh, Toby.
08:47Toby, where are you?
08:49I thought you were my friend.
08:53I couldn't help it.
08:54Toby, can you float?
08:56How can you float in four inches of water?
08:59Oh, gee, get your pen and come on up.
09:01You're crazy.
09:02There's nothing to take a hold of.
09:04Stand on the battery and reach.
09:06I can't.
09:07Gee, Toby, I'll have to get you out somehow.
09:09I wonder whether I can find a ladder anyplace.
09:11Ask Mr. Edwards whether he has one.
09:15Do you think I'm crazy, Toby?
09:16Well, hurry up and get a ladder someplace.
09:18Look, there's the lid to the well up here.
09:21Well, what about it?
09:22Do you want me to put it over the top so you won't get cold?
09:25No, just get me a ladder.
09:27Do you want your pants and coat?
09:29Just throw down my coat.
09:31OK, here it comes.
09:32I'll get the ladder that's in our garage, Toby.
09:35And if anybody speaks to you, don't answer.
09:51Sam, has Henry come in yet?
09:52Not yet.
09:53It seems as though it's taking him an awfully long time to ring one doorbell.
09:56Do you realize, Alice, this is the first Halloween no one has bothered us?
10:00I certainly do.
10:01Did you put all the ice cans in?
10:03I put them in the basement.
10:05What was that?
10:06Something out in back.
10:09Sam, Sam, it sounds like one of the garage doors.
10:11Do you suppose anyone's getting in there?
10:13Listen, dear.
10:14Come with me.
10:16Let's go out to the kitchen and look through the window.
10:18Is the kitchen light on?
10:21No one can see us.
10:22Sam, someone is in the garage.
10:23Stand back from the window.
10:25Can you see them?
10:26Alice, someone is coming out of the garage with our big ladder.
10:30Sam Aldrich, I think that's the limit.
10:32Let's hang down the cellar stairs here and slip out to the basement door.
10:34Why not go out the back door?
10:36This way I can head him off in the driveway.
10:37Shall I turn the light on?
10:38No, no, don't turn the light on.
10:39I can see quite all right.
10:42Sam, what have you done?
10:44I forgot I put the ash cans down here.
10:46Well, my goodness, dear, are the ashes all over my cellar floor?
10:49Yes, and so am I.
10:51Turn on the light.
10:52Sam, you better come back up here and get your hat and coat.
10:54You want whoever it is to get away?
10:56Is that ladder more important than your health?
10:58Now come back up here.
10:59But, Alice, he's already gone out toward the street.
11:01In a town this size, Sam, you can certainly track down someone with a ladder.
11:16You say the battery was taken right out of your car, Mr. Edward?
11:19Yes, officer.
11:20But you didn't see anyone?
11:21Not until a few minutes later.
11:23Two boys came up on the porch and rang the bell,
11:25and I chased them right around here through the grape harbour.
11:27Were they carrying the battery?
11:28Well, I couldn't say.
11:30Well, whoever stole it is going to be apprehended and punished.
11:34The young fellows here have got to respect private property.
11:36Oh, they don't stop at anything.
11:38I even found a pair of somebody's trousers back here.
11:41You better take them down to headquarters.
11:43Why, one minute.
11:45What's up?
11:46Stand back there under this tree.
11:48Do you see out there toward the street?
11:51Somebody coming?
11:52Somebody with a ladder.
11:53He's coming right this way.
11:54All right, now, keep quiet.
11:56Keep quiet, and when he passes, I'll nab him.
12:00Just a minute there, young man.
12:02Oh, gee whiz, who said that?
12:03One minute, I said.
12:04Yes, sir.
12:05So was there something you wanted?
12:07Where did you get that ladder?
12:08At home.
12:09I asked you, where did you get it?
12:11I brought it from home.
12:12Sure, I did.
12:13I give you my word, I did.
12:14I did.
12:15Oh, so we're going to have trouble with you.
12:16Where's the battery?
12:17The battery?
12:18What battery?
12:19The battery that disappeared from my car.
12:20I haven't even seen any battery.
12:22What's your name?
12:23Why, uh...
12:24What is it?
12:25It's, uh...
12:28Harry what?
12:29Harry Ambrose.
12:30Where are you taking that ladder?
12:34Not any place in particular.
12:36I just...
12:37Just happened to be carrying it with me.
12:39Just giving it an airing, eh?
12:41Taking it out for a walk.
12:42Yes, sir.
12:44Well, Mr. Edwards,
12:45what do you think we ought to do with him?
12:46It's, uh...
12:4890 days for larceny, isn't it, officer?
12:5090 days in jail for taking my own father's ladder?
12:53That's what it is.
12:54But I've got a friend, see, and I...
12:56I see, and he has the battery.
12:58No, sir, he's in a terrible predicament.
13:00Where is he?
13:01Where is he?
13:03I don't know.
13:05I'm looking for him.
13:06Oh, you're just going around with the ladder
13:09looking for a friend.
13:10I know that seems hard to believe, officer,
13:12but that's what I'm doing.
13:13Well, suppose you leave that ladder here.
13:15But I'll get the deuce if I don't take it back home.
13:17And you'll get 90 days, Harry Ambrose,
13:19if you don't put it down.
13:20Yes, sir.
13:21Now get home, will you?
13:22Should have been in bed an hour ago.
13:23Yes, sir, only I don't know
13:24what my friend will do without me.
13:42Now, ladies and gentlemen, this being Halloween,
13:45I'd like to tell you a ghost story.
13:49The story of Edgar the Gloomy Ghost.
13:53Edgar, it seems, was very fond of nice desserts at dinner.
13:57But his wife, Phyllis the Phantom,
14:00kept serving him just ordinary desserts.
14:03As a result, Edgar went around moaning and groaning,
14:07like this.
14:14Then one day,
14:16Edgar's wife bought some Jell-O vanilla pudding
14:20at the ghostory store.
14:23And now Edgar is just as cheerful as can be,
14:26no longer does he go around moaning.
14:29Now he has a warm, likable laugh,
14:32like this.
14:38So, you see, just in case Edgar might drop in,
14:41ladies and gentlemen,
14:42always keep Jell-O vanilla pudding on hand.
14:44It's brimful of tempting flavor,
14:46as smooth as rich cream,
14:48and extra good when garnished with nuts, marshmallows, or fruit.
14:51My own favorite is Jell-O vanilla pudding with sliced bananas,
14:54but served anyway at all, it's grand.
14:57Order this delightful, ready-prepared dessert,
14:59and start right away to enjoy the luscious flavor of Jell-O vanilla pudding.
15:11Now getting back to the troubles of Henry Aldrich,
15:14it being Halloween, Henry and his friend Toby
15:16set out to ring just one doorbell and come home.
15:19However, one thing leads to another,
15:22until Toby was left stranded at the bottom of a well,
15:25and Henry is attempting to rescue him.
15:30Good evening.
15:31Oh, is that you out there, Henry Aldrich?
15:32Good evening, Mrs. Lockwood.
15:33Could I borrow a real strong rope from you?
15:36A real strong what, dear?
15:37A rope.
15:38I need about 15 feet of very strong rope.
15:40Oh, uh, would a piece of clothesline help any?
15:42No, ma'am.
15:43I have a friend that's in a well.
15:45Well, that's quite a Halloween joke, isn't it?
15:47No, ma'am.
15:48I'm trying to get my friend out.
15:49Well, how did he get in it?
15:51He was looking for his fountain pen.
15:52Well, why don't you try one of the other houses
15:54in the neighborhood?
15:55I have, I have.
15:56But every doorbell I've rung so far, the people chased me.
15:58You don't say so.
15:59Yes, ma'am.
16:00That's how I got all wet like this.
16:01Goodness gracious.
16:02How did you get that wet?
16:03They poured a bucket of water on me
16:04from the second floor window.
16:06Well, come to think of it, Henry,
16:08we have a good long tow rope out in the car.
16:10You have?
16:11Yes, sir.
16:12You'll find the car right out there in front.
16:13Right down the curb a ways?
16:14That's right.
16:16If I remember, the rope's a little bit
16:17straight in the middle.
16:18That's all right.
16:19It can certainly hold Toby.
16:21Will I find it in the front or the rear of the car?
16:23You'll have to look, dear.
16:25I guess this is the car.
16:28My gosh.
16:32That's funny.
16:33All right, young fellow.
16:34What are you trying to get away with?
16:35What's that?
16:36Did you think I didn't see you?
16:37She was let go of my collar.
16:39What were you doing in my car?
16:40I've got a friend that's in a well.
16:42But you see, Mrs. Lockbridge gave me permission
16:44to open this car.
16:45Mrs. Lockbridge did?
16:46It's her husband's.
16:47Well, it just happens to be my car,
16:48and I live right here in this house.
16:50You do?
16:51You mean this other car here is Lockbridge's?
16:52And I suppose you're going to tell me
16:54Mrs. Lockbridge gave you permission
16:55to let all the air out of my tires?
16:57Are they flat?
16:58What do you think I was watching out the window for?
17:00Well, you certainly have my sympathy.
17:04Here you are.
17:05What's that?
17:06It's a pump.
17:07Get to work.
17:08But gee whiz, I give you my word,
17:09all I was looking for was a piece of rope
17:10so I could pull my friend out.
17:12Maybe you'd like to have me turn you over
17:13to the police, my boy.
17:15Oh, no.
17:16Are you going to hook that pump onto the valve?
17:18Yes, sir.
17:19What's your name?
17:20Why, it's, uh...
17:21It's, uh...
17:22Which tire do you want me to pump up first?
17:24I asked you your name!
17:25It's a Harry Ambrose.
17:27Harry Ambrose, eh?
17:28Yes, sir.
17:29Well, your family ought to be ashamed of you.
17:30Yes, sir, they certainly ought to be.
17:32I'm going in and keep an eye on you from the house.
17:34And don't forget,
17:35there's a street lamp right here,
17:36and I can see every move you make.
17:38Yes, sir.
17:39If I hadn't been a boy once myself,
17:40I'd turn you over to the law.
17:42Yes, sir.
17:47I'll be with.
17:59Well, I'll be darned.
18:05Henry, is that you pumping up those tires?
18:07Father, where did you come from?
18:09I'm looking for our ladder.
18:10And may I first ask what you're doing?
18:12Father, I wish you'd go in
18:13and tell the man that owns this car
18:15that he has no right making me do this.
18:17How did he happen to ask you to?
18:19I was opening his car seat.
18:21Son, didn't you promise to ring just one doorbell?
18:23That's all I did do.
18:24Then let's not have any excuses.
18:25Pump those tires up and take your punishment.
18:27Where are you going?
18:28To find a family by the name of Ambrose.
18:30Of Ambrose?
18:32I tracked a boy by that name
18:33as far as Mr. Edwards' house.
18:34You don't happen to know him, do you?
18:36Harry Ambrose?
18:38Do you know him?
18:39Well, I think I've heard of him.
18:41But he's no friend of mine, father.
18:43Well, hurry up and finish those tires
18:45and then get on with it.
18:46But listen, father.
18:48Hey, there.
18:49Let me hide behind your car.
18:50Who's that?
18:51Is that you, Henry?
18:52Is that you, Homer?
18:53Here, Henry, hold this.
18:54What is it?
18:55It's a red lantern.
18:56What am I to do with it?
18:57Just hold it, Henry.
18:58I'm in a hurry.
18:59But I don't want this, Homer.
19:00Ah, so there you are.
19:02You with the lantern.
19:03Come along with me, my boy.
19:14You wait until I get even with you, Homer.
19:16You got away from him, didn't you, Henry?
19:18I got away from him, but look at what he did to my coat.
19:20How am I going to get this sleeve back on?
19:22Aren't I going to help you get Toby out of the well?
19:25And didn't I get this rope for you?
19:26Where did you get it?
19:27Isn't it a beauty, Henry?
19:28I found it over here on Walnut Street.
19:30What I mean, Homer, is whose was it?
19:33It was just roping off a new sidewalk
19:35that had been laid this afternoon.
19:36Listen, Homer, I'm not going to use it.
19:38Well, we aren't going to keep it, Henry.
19:40It's just to get Toby out.
19:41But, Homer, I don't think we should use it.
19:42All right, then.
19:43All right.
19:44Not so loud, Homer.
19:45Do you see somebody?
19:46We're right here by Mr. Edwards' house.
19:49Come on now, Homer, and follow me back to the well.
19:51Why don't you want to disturb Mr. Edwards, Henry?
19:53Well, if he's gone to sleep, there's no sense
19:55in waking him up, is there?
19:57Come on back through this grape arbor.
19:59I'm coming.
20:00Where is the well?
20:01It's right ahead here.
20:04Can't you find it?
20:06Well, that's strange.
20:08Gee whiz, don't you think?
20:10Gee whiz, don't fall in, will you?
20:12Oh, here it is.
20:14Hey, Toby.
20:16Toby, are you all right?
20:18Who is that?
20:20It's Henry and Homer.
20:22Well, you're the only ones that haven't been here before.
20:25Who else has been here?
20:27And they all threw something down.
20:31The last time it was a bushel of apples.
20:35Are you all right, Toby?
20:36How could I be?
20:37Get me out of here.
20:39I'm letting a rope down now, Toby.
20:41Here, Henry, I'll help you.
20:42Is it down yet, Toby?
20:45It's coming.
20:46Homer, have you got the end?
20:47What end, Henry?
20:48Of the rope.
20:49The end's down here.
20:52Which end?
20:53Both ends.
20:55Well, gee whiz, Homer, if you aren't a help.
20:57Toby, throw an end up here.
20:59How am I going to do that?
21:01Just throw it right straight up.
21:03Here it comes.
21:05Where is it?
21:06Around my neck.
21:08Henry, I've got an idea.
21:09Look out.
21:10What are you going to do?
21:11How about dropping this rock down and letting him tie the rope to it?
21:14And then throw it up?
21:15Now listen.
21:16Don't throw anything more down here.
21:19There isn't any more room.
21:21Henry, do you think you could hold my hand while I go down part way?
21:24How would you get the rope?
21:25Well, Toby could tie it to my foot.
21:27Sure, and then I'll pull you back up.
21:28Take it easy now.
21:29We like it over the edge.
21:30Okay, have you got a good hold?
21:32What's that coming down?
21:35Don't worry, it's Homer.
21:36Don't jump, Homer.
21:38What do you think I am?
21:39Are you sure you've got a hold of me, Henry?
21:42Easy now, easy.
21:43I only had something to hang on to.
21:45This is a nice time to think of that.
21:48Don't worry, Homer.
21:49I've got you.
21:50Boy, my arm's coming right out.
21:52How much lower is it?
21:54Wait a second and I'll tie the rope on Homer's foot.
21:57You got it?
21:58Come on, Officer.
21:59I think they're off this way.
22:00I'm coming.
22:01Oh, gee whiz.
22:02Who's that?
22:03Keep quiet.
22:04Oh, boy.
22:16Gee, if they had come two feet closer,
22:18they would have fallen right in with us.
22:19That would have been good.
22:21Well, we got you out, Toby,
22:22even if we did have a hard time finding my father's ladder.
22:25And, Toby, we got you away from Mr. Edward's house.
22:27But I still haven't got any pants, Henry.
22:30Just walk along as though you were coming home from a party.
22:34Boy, is this heavy.
22:36Is what heavy?
22:37Listen, Toby, what are you carrying?
22:39This battery.
22:40Oh, gee whiz, Toby.
22:41What'd you bring that for?
22:42I didn't even know I had it.
22:45Well, we've got to take that right back to Mr. Edward's.
22:47All the way?
22:49What do you think we hauled it out for?
22:50If we get caught with it, we'll get six months in jail.
22:52Here, Homer, how would you like to carry it?
22:54I don't want it.
22:55Let Henry carry it.
22:56Toby, don't try to shirk responsibility.
22:58Well, you fellas have got to go back with me.
23:00I'm not going alone.
23:01Come on.
23:02Gee whiz, who's that coming?
23:04Down there on the corner.
23:05He's coming right towards us.
23:06Isn't that a policeman?
23:07I think it is, Henry.
23:08Let's turn around and go the other way.
23:10That's what I say.
23:11No, we'll walk right along as though we were heading for a garage.
23:15Oh, sure.
23:16Now, our battery ran down, and we're going to get it recharged.
23:18But I still haven't got any pants.
23:20Listen, fellas, look ahead there.
23:23There's another policeman, and he's walking right toward us.
23:25So long, Toby.
23:26Now, wait, Henry.
23:27You can't leave me flat like this.
23:29I've got to get rid of this battery.
23:30Well, put it down someplace.
23:32Sure, and supposing he sees me?
23:33I've got an idea.
23:34You see that car parked there by the curb?
23:37Well, put it inside.
23:38Just dump it through the window.
23:39Henry, you've got a head on you.
23:40Come on, now.
23:41We'll hide between these two houses.
23:43Boy, if they see us.
23:45Wait for me.
23:46Well, hurry up.
23:49The police are going by.
23:52Do you think they saw us?
23:54They're not even looking this way.
23:55Say, fellas, do you know what I just happened to think?
23:59I left my fountain pen down in the well.
24:02Say, gee whiz.
24:03What's the matter?
24:04That car we put the battery in.
24:06What about it?
24:07Somebody just drove off in it.
24:22Is that you, Henry?
24:23Yes, Mother.
24:24Will you please tell me where you've been all evening?
24:26Just out with Toby, fooling around.
24:29Well, come into the living room.
24:30I've got to make a phone call first, Mother.
24:32Hello, operator.
24:33Then I'll be right there.
24:34Operator, could you get me?
24:36It's right here in the book.
24:38It's, um, it's Elm 36.
24:41Mother, Father isn't in yet, is he?
24:42No, he isn't.
24:43Oh, hello?
24:44Hello, is this Mr. Edwards?
24:46Well, Mr. Edwards, this is to inform you that if you will
24:49notify the police to look for a car number T-765, I think.
24:57Or maybe it was T-5 something.
25:00Anyhow, in it you'll find your battery.
25:03What's that?
25:04This is just a friend, Mr. Edwards,
25:06who happened to be passing by your house a little while ago.
25:12I'm coming, Mother.
25:13Oh, where's your coat, dear?
25:14I just hung it up in the closet.
25:16Well, did you ring your doorbell?
25:18Yes, Mother, I rang it.
25:20Did you find it worthwhile?
25:23Well, to be honest, I think I'm getting a little too old
25:27to be doing things like that.
25:30Where's my Latin?
25:32Oh, Alice, is Henry in?
25:34Yes, Sam, he's sitting here studying.
25:36Where have you been?
25:37I found the ladder, but not the boy.
25:39Sam, what on earth do you have all over your shoes?
25:41That is cement.
25:43They laid a new sidewalk over town
25:44and didn't even bother to rope it off.
25:46Well, don't get it all over the carpet.
25:48And what do you think I found a few minutes ago?
25:51The back seat of my car.
25:53A battery, Father?
25:54Tomorrow morning, Henry, you call up the police
25:56and find out who lost it.
25:57Aye, Father.
25:58And then after you've done that,
25:59you can go over to Mr. Edwards and get our ladder.
26:01Yes, Father.
26:03I wonder why people think Halloween is a time for fun.
26:22Henry Aldrich will be back in just a moment.
26:25And when you make out the grocery list for tomorrow, friends,
26:28be sure to include several packages of Jell-O puddings.
26:31They're easy to make, inexpensive, and really delicious.
26:35Ask your grocer for all three flavors,
26:37Jell-O chocolate pudding, Jell-O vanilla pudding,
26:39and Jell-O butterscotch pudding.
26:41Jell-O puddings are made by the makers of Jell-O,
26:43so you know they're good.
26:52Good night, folks.
26:53Be seeing you next week, I hope.
26:56Now listen in again next Thursday evening
26:58to the Aldrich family
26:59and to the Maxwell House Coffee Time program,
27:01which immediately precedes it on most of these stations.
27:04A solid hour of sparkling radio entertainment
27:06every Thursday night.
27:08The Aldrich family, starring Ezra Stone,
27:10is written by Clifford Goldsmith.
27:12Original music is composed and conducted by Jack Miller.
27:15Now this is Harry Von Zell bidding you all good night.
27:21Good night.
