Met Office Morning Weather Forecast 10/10/2024 - – Early rain clearing the south

  • 2 days ago
A drier and brighter day for many, with early cloud and rain clearing southern England, and a few showers for Northern Ireland and Scotland and down North Sea coasts. Colder with a northerly wind - This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the morning of 10/10/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Alex Burkill.


00:00Hello, good morning, happy Thursday. It's going to be a brighter, drier day for many
00:04of us than we've seen so far this week, but with that it's also going to be a fair bit
00:10chillier. That's because our air is now coming from the north, we're bringing arctic air
00:14down and as that pushes across the country we are going to see our temperatures dropping.
00:19I did say it is a brighter day and you may be thinking what are you talking about Alex
00:22if you're in the south because at the moment there is a fair bit of cloud, some outbreaks
00:26of rain, but all of that is going to clear away towards the south as we go through this
00:30morning with the brighter skies across the north spreading across much of the country
00:34and so yes, a largely fine day. Not totally dry, a few showers around for some inland
00:39areas, one or two perhaps, but not as many as we've seen through recent days. The most
00:43frequent showers will be in areas exposed to that northerly wind, so parts of Scotland,
00:47perhaps Northern Ireland, particularly to the north and also down the eastern side of
00:51the UK. I'm expecting a few showers to develop here. Like I said though, a chilly feel to
00:56things so even though there will be some sunshine around it is going to feel pretty chilly.
01:01Temperatures peaking only around 13 or 14 towards the south and a few degrees colder
01:05than this further north and all the time in the brisk northerly winds it's going to feel
01:10even chillier than these temperatures suggest. Later on through this evening most of the
01:15showers are actually going to die out and we'll have largely clear skies across the
01:18bulk of the country. A different story though across Scotland. Here, increasing amounts
01:23of cloud, outbreaks of showery rain feeding in from the west north west and some of these
01:27could be heavy, could even be wintry. Some sleet or snow possible particularly over higher
01:31ground. But elsewhere, where we get those clearer skies, temperatures are really going
01:36to drop as that cold air, that arctic air has plunged its way across the whole of the
01:40country. Especially in the south it's going to be quite a bit colder than it was last
01:44night. Even in some towns and cities we're looking at low single figures around freezing
01:48in some places. So a bit of frost is quite likely first thing tomorrow morning. Although
01:53it may be a bit milder perhaps than this morning across parts of Scotland where we have that
01:57cloud and those outbreaks of rain. And then through tomorrow itself, well actually for
02:02much of the country away from the far north across Scotland, I'll talk about that in a
02:06second. For much of the country it's actually going to be a pretty fine day. Yes, some showers
02:10feeding in across parts of Northern Ireland and maybe north west England. But many places
02:15avoiding these and lots of fine sunny weather, especially towards the south, south east.
02:20However, yes, across Scotland here it is going to be fairly cloudy. There will be some outbreaks
02:24of showery rain, maybe even a bit more sleet or snow over the higher ground and there could
02:29be some blustery winds around too. Here it is going to feel pretty cold. Those temperatures
02:34even more suppressed under the cloud and so not feeling particularly pleasant at all.
02:40Albeit they may be on paper just a degree or so higher than today for some places. But
02:44yes, with less sunshine around, feeling chillier if anything. Towards the south, temperatures
02:49well they're going to be similar to today, really 13, 14 Celsius again, but with some
02:53sunshine not feeling too bad, maybe feeling a little bit nicer perhaps. As we go towards
02:58the weekend, we are going to stick with that north south split of sorts for a time with
03:02various frontal systems coming across northern parts bringing further outbreaks of rain.
03:08Further south staying drier and that dry weather should cling on until the end of the weekend
03:12before then a system comes in from the west and that's likely to bring some wet weather
03:16as we go into the beginning of next week. But if you're after more information about
03:20what we can expect through this weekend, then head to our YouTube channel and you'll be
03:24able to find our more in-depth forecast available there this afternoon. I'll see you again soon.
03:29Bye bye.
