Met Office Afternoon Weather Forecast 15/08/24- Rain sinking southwards

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Brighter conditions with scattered showers will move in across Northern Ireland and much of Scotland as general cloud and rain continues to push southwards into parts of northern England and Wales. Further south and east, largely dry with the best of the sunshine across the far southeast of England and East Anglia. This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the afternoon of 15/08/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Alex Burkill


00:00Hey, how's it going? Is it a bit wet with you at the moment? There will be some dry,
00:05sunny weather around for some of us today but there is also quite a bit of rain that
00:09has pushed across parts of Northern Ireland, much of Scotland and is now feeding into parts
00:14of Northern England and Wales. Towards the south of the UK it is a drier start to the
00:19day and in the south east it's going to stay mostly fine through much of today as well
00:24but we are going to see that cloud, that rain feeding a little bit further south eastwards
00:29into more central parts of England and across much of Wales as we go through the afternoon.
00:34To the north west of the frontal system things will brighten up a little bit, some sunny
00:37spells developing but also a scattering of showers but here there will be some blustery
00:42winds so any showers should rattle through relatively quickly. The blustery winds though
00:46will add to the cooler feel to things with some fresher air coming in behind the front
00:52in the north, temperatures peaking in the mid to high teens but towards the south east
00:56we still have some warm air around so across southern south eastern parts we're looking
01:00at highs in the low to mid twenties, highs of around 25 possibly 26 Celsius. Clinging
01:06on to some fine weather across the far south south east for a time this evening but eventually
01:11the front will make its way in as we go overnight bringing some cloud and some rain. Do watch
01:15out for some heavy bursts of rain for a time across the far south south east as we go through
01:19the early hours of Friday morning. Elsewhere we are going to see a largely dry and clear
01:24weather just a few showers dotted around and with those clear skies and that slightly
01:29fresher air temperatures will drop a little bit lower perhaps than they have done through
01:32some recent nights. In rural spots we could see some places dropping into mid single figures
01:38perhaps many towns and cities still just about holding up in double digits and in the south
01:42east quite a bit warmer than this. A bit of a wet start then across the far south east
01:47first thing on Friday morning but any rain across Kent should quite quickly clear away
01:51and then for many it's looking like a largely fine day. Again some showers particularly
01:56towards the northwest of Scotland and still some blustery winds so those showers rattling
02:01through relatively quickly but for many places it is going to be dry fine with plenty of
02:07sunshine around. Yes we do have that slightly fresher air across us but nonetheless feeling
02:12warm enough in that sunshine again temperatures just about getting towards the low to mid
02:16teens mid 20s sorry towards the south and further north again mid to high teens celsius.
02:23More showers to come across northern parts of Scotland in particular as we go through
02:27Friday evening but elsewhere it's a largely fine end to the day lots of late sunshine
02:31especially across much of England and Wales. The generally fine pattern continues as we
02:36go into this weekend for many it is going to stay dry and there'll be some decent sunshine
02:41around still some showers possible most likely towards the west and northwest as we go into
02:46Sunday and in the north northwest it is also going to be a bit breezy at times but if you
02:52want a more in-depth look at what we can expect this weekend then do head to our YouTube channel
02:57later on this afternoon where Annie will have our longer weekend forecast available. I'll
03:01see you again soon bye bye.
