
  • 2 months ago
00:00We are back live here on Monday Night Raw from Phoenix, Arizona.
00:05And this should be the most interesting moment of all, Highlight Reel.
00:09And a great ovation for
00:14the host of the Highlight Reel,
00:19Chris Jericho.
00:23Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Chris Jericho.
00:28King, as you mentioned, Chris Jericho's guest tonight will be Matt Hardy.
00:35And certainly Matt Hardy has been caught in the eye of this Kane storm, if you will.
00:41Yeah, but even more caught in the Kane storm is Nita.
00:47I mean, last week Kane was actually,
00:50he was sniffing her, remember that?
00:54Yes, my God.
00:55I don't say smelling her, but the people smelled, animals sniffed.
00:58And it was like he was sniffing her, and then he kissed her.
01:02Man, repulsive.
01:04Something that hadn't been happening to Chris Jericho lately.
01:08Hadn't been getting kissed by any girls.
01:10No, I've been referred to as the highlight of the night many times.
01:14But let's be honest.
01:15Let's be honest.
01:16Tonight, the highlight is the Chris Benoit versus Shawn Michaels world title match.
01:23And everyone's been asking me all day, hey, Chris,
01:29what are your predictions about this match?
01:31What do you think?
01:32And what I think is this.
01:34It's been far too long since Chris Jericho had a world title match of his own.
01:40It's been far too long since Y2J had a title match of his own.
01:48So tonight, I'm gonna make a challenge.
01:52Tonight, I'm gonna challenge the winner of the title match, Shawn Michaels.
01:58Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, either one.
02:00I just wanna let him know that there's a new challenger waiting in the wings.
02:04And the initials are not HHH.
02:07The initials are Y2J.
02:10Everybody's trying to block Triple H from the world title.
02:15So that brings me to my guest tonight.
02:28Now this is a man who's had his share of problems with Kane lately.
02:32A man who's been living dangerously, who's been taking a lot of chances.
02:38And I think he's been doing this to attempt to reconcile with his former
02:43So ladies and gentlemen, and Jericho-holics of all ages.
02:50Let's get some answers from my guest tonight.
02:52Please welcome, Matt Hardy, version one.
02:56Well, Matt Hardy making his way out to the ring.
03:10And I'll tell you, King, there is a lot of unanswered questions as it relates
03:15to Matt Hardy and his relationship.
03:18Is it on?
03:18Is it off?
03:19Is it, where is, what is the status of his relationship with Lita?
03:23I don't know, but this makes for a very, well, it's after a pro highlight reel.
03:29You're gonna have two guys in the ring with former girlfriends.
03:33They'll have to start crying on each other's shoulders.
03:38They're perfect candidates for a lemonade instead of the highlight reel.
03:41All right, Matt, well, let's talk.
03:51Let's be honest.
03:52I mean, you and Lita have had so many ups and downs.
03:56I mean, I thought my relationship on this show was wonky and messed up, but you.
04:00I mean, Matt, come on, the last time you were on the highlight reel with Lita,
04:04you- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
04:05Please, let's stop right there.
04:07Let me just get straight to the point, okay?
04:11You see, I've had my fair share of problems, and
04:15I've made my fair share of mistakes.
04:17But that's okay, because I'm only human.
04:21But the only thing I can do as a person,
04:24the only thing I can do as a man, is to attempt to rectify those mistakes.
04:29And if that means going to battle with a seven foot tall,
04:36300 pound monster named Kane, then so be it.
04:45But I'm not out here to talk about Kane.
04:48I'm out here to talk about Lita.
04:51Oh boy, here we go.
04:58And Lita, I know you're backstage, I saw you earlier.
05:03And this is probably gonna come off as a bit of a surprise, but
05:06I would really appreciate it if you'd come to the ring right now.
05:12Because I have something that I wanna say to you face to face.
05:19My gosh, what's this gonna be?
05:20I don't know.
05:22You don't think he's gonna pop the question to you?
05:23Lita, this isn't a joke.
05:25This is completely legit.
05:27I just want you to come to the ring right now and
05:28appreciate it because I wanna make things right.
05:32Well, this could be big.
05:33Yeah, I'm pulsing like a man, I'll tell you that.
05:38Lita, it would mean a lot if you came to the ring right now.
05:42Please do.
05:42Matt, Matt, you have to listen to me.
05:54I never loved you.
05:56What are you talking about?
05:57That's not what you just- And I found somebody else.
06:05I never wanna see you again, Matt.
06:08Lita, look, this is- Ever.
06:09I need you to stay away from me.
06:15What are you talking about?
06:16Wow, that's embarrassing.
06:24I can't do this.
06:28You can't do what?
06:34I can't do this.
06:35Matt, please help me, I'm in the basement, I'm next to the boiler room.
06:40Please help me, God, please stay away from me, please stay away.
06:43My God, no.
06:44Stay away, please, please get away.
06:48You shouldn't have done that, Lita.
06:56Please help me,
07:01please help,
07:06please help, please help,
07:12please help.
07:15My God, what's he gonna do?
07:17What is King gonna do to Lita now?
07:18Matt Hardy.
07:21Wanting to, where did he say, where did she say they were?
