Adelphi, Preston retro video

  • 2 days ago
We head down to the Adelphi in Preston to discuss the pub's historic past and recent modernisation
00:00Hi guys, my name's Jack Marshall, I'm a digital reporter with the Lancashire Post
00:04and as you can see, I'm outside the famous Adelphi pub.
00:07Now this pub will be very well known to a lot of people
00:10and it'll be very well known for the development that's gone on in the area around here.
00:14It's undergone a lot of transformation, the whole road system has changed,
00:18the pub itself has changed, inside, out, everywhere.
00:21It's really come on, but it's also got a really, really strong history
00:25and it dates back to the 1830s.
00:28The first recorded mention of it, I believe, is 1838,
00:31so it's really historic, it's in a proper storied area of town
00:35and obviously it's developed a lot over time.
00:37So we thought we'd just delve into the archives
00:39and look at a few pictures of the Adelphi and of the surrounding area
00:42just to give you a sense of how the area and how the pub itself has changed over time.
00:46So take a look at some of our best archive pics.
00:49Having undergone something of a modernisation and slick transformation in recent years,
00:54the Adelphi remains one of Preston's most recognisable pubs.
00:57Famous for its popularity with Preston's student population,
01:00the Adelphi is typically teeming with thirsty UCLan pupils
01:04keen to spend their student grants on affordable pints and Jägerbombs.
01:08But the pub also boasts a more historic side.
01:11The establishment actually dates back to the 1830s
01:14when the first recorded mention of the Adelphi Hotel came as far back as 1838.
01:19So we decided just to delve into our archives
01:21and have a look at some of our more standout pictures
01:24just to give you a flavour of how the area has changed back from when it was a classic pub
01:28right on the roundabout to what it is now.
01:31A bit more of a hip place with a bit more life and student focus.
