My Parents Own a Zoo- Trying to Fit in but You Smell Like Monkeys

  • 14 hours ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00I woke up in a cold sweat as I heard a pack of wolves howling outside.
00:04Seconds later, the cackling hyenas joined in, and then I heard the blood-chilling roar of a lion.
00:10I was surrounded. I walked over to my window, opened it, and yelled,
00:14Be quiet and let me sleep, you buffoons! Do you want me to look like a raccoon in the morning?
00:19Wow, it actually worked. They don't always listen to me.
00:22And yeah, I said the whole waking up in a cold sweat thing for dramatic effect.
00:26I'm the melodramatic girl.
00:28You see, I am surrounded by wild animals, but they're all in cages, and I live inside a zoo.
00:33Now please go away. I'll tell you the rest of my story in the morning.
00:37And by the way, I'm Tina. And don't forget to like and subscribe. Yada yada. Bye!
00:41So yeah, I really did grow up in a cottage inside the zoo, since my parents were the zookeepers.
00:46And I know I called the animals buffoons earlier, but I didn't mean it.
00:51It's like when you call your siblings morons, but you still love them, right?
00:54The animals were my first playmates, so naturally, I couldn't quit horsing around, even in school.
00:59Listen, I can howl like a wolf.
01:03Tina, can you stop making animal sounds? You're disturbing the whole class.
01:07At least I'm not putting them to sleep.
01:09I heard that, young lady. You're staying back in recess to reflect on your behavior.
01:14The only thing I reflected on was how to prank my teacher.
01:17So the next day, when she opened her desk drawer, a tarantula casually walked out and then jumped on her arm.
01:23She screamed and flapped her arms around like a rabid chicken, then tripped on her chair and fell on her butt.
01:29Needless to say, I ended up in detention.
01:31And that's where I first talked to the dreamboat in my class, a.k.a. Eric.
01:36Okay, yeah, he's only 11 here, but you could tell even then that this kid's gonna grow up to be a hunk.
01:41And he already had a bad boy reputation.
01:44I'd seen kids giving up their lunch money to him, carrying his bag, and even cleaning his shoes.
01:49Rumor had it that a kid who pissed off Eric woke up in a garbage dump the next day.
01:53And he had no memory of how he got there.
01:55But Eric seemed to be utterly fascinated by me.
01:58Or maybe all the animals I could play with at the zoo.
02:01The point is, he was nice to me, and that was all I needed to consider him my first human friend.
02:06Can you really pet the crocodiles? Don't they bite?
02:09Nope, they love me.
02:10Well, the alligators do.
02:11But they're kind of the same, right?
02:13Potato, potato!
02:14Newsflash, they're not the same.
02:16But that's a discovery I made later.
02:18Can you sneak me in tomorrow? I want to play with them.
02:20Hmm, I'll have to think about it.
02:23I can pay you.
02:25I was so excited to have Eric over, and even my parents were happy to see me with a two-legged creature for once.
02:30Alright, kids, your mom and I have some things to do.
02:33But feel free to roam around the zoo and don't get into any trouble.
02:36You sure you don't want me to take you around?
02:38Dad, we don't need a babysitter.
02:40We'll be just fine.
02:42Be cool, man, be cool.
02:44Once they left, Eric turned to me.
02:46Did you get the keys?
02:47Yep, my dad had keys to all the enclosures.
02:50And I'd taken the key for the crocodile one so Eric could see them up close and personal.
02:55Now all we have to do is not get caught by the cameras.
02:57Wait, there are cameras?
02:59Yep, but I know where they are.
03:00Come on, we just need to sneak past them using their blind spots.
03:03Do you do this often?
03:04Yeah, I love feeling like a spy.
03:08I was definitely impressing Eric a lot.
03:11I could already see it.
03:12Me and Eric, prom king and queen in high school.
03:15Soon, we were standing inside the enclosure, only a few feet away from the crocodiles.
03:20Up close, they looked a lot bigger than I thought.
03:23I told you, I've only played with alligators before.
03:26And wow, these creatures could swim fast.
03:28And they were coming right at us.
03:30Uh, they look hungry.
03:32Yeah, maybe we shouldn't pet them.
03:35Ah, look at that one! He's gonna eat me!
03:38Eric screamed and started running frantically, and I was right behind him.
03:42Then he tripped over a twig, I crashed into him, and we both fell on our faces.
03:47And the crocodile was hot on our tail.
03:49Just then, I noticed a mirror on the ground next to Eric.
03:52I held it up and caught the sunlight, sending a blinding flash into the crocodile's eyes.
03:57It got confused for a bit, as we scrambled to our feet and ran out.
04:00I locked the enclosure quickly, and Eric dropped to his knees.
04:04Oh god, oh god, that was the worst day of my life.
04:09It wasn't that bad.
04:11I mean, think of how I saved your life with my quick wit and fearless spirit.
04:15Why do you carry a mirror around, though?
04:17To see my beautiful face.
04:19Which that crocodile would have destroyed in a second.
04:22You're horrible!
04:23What? I'm amazing! I'm your hero, Eric!
04:26But he just couldn't stop hyperventilating.
04:28My parents found us, and when they discovered what had happened,
04:31they dropped Eric at home, and I was forbidden from ever having friends over again.
04:36Eric's mom, the school principal, tried pressing charges.
04:39But since we'd avoided all those cameras, there was no proof I'd let him into the crocodile enclosure.
04:44But Eric did stop talking to me.
04:46Which hurt. In case you haven't figured it out, I have a crush on this guy, okay?
04:50Don't ask me why. A heart wants what it wants.
04:52However, taking Eric to the zoo did give me a rather cool business idea.
04:56I had access to stuff most people didn't, and I could use that to make money.
05:01Here, a photo of the new lion cub.
05:03It's totally exclusive. The public hasn't seen it yet.
05:06And you ordered a skin from the rarest snake, right?
05:09It wasn't easy to get, so that'll be $200.
05:12As if I'd ever hurt my beautiful, slithery friends.
05:15No, this Tracy is some rich psycho who wants snakeskin bags,
05:19and I told her I'd get her the real deal.
05:21But this skin is as fake as her face.
05:24Alright, alright, she's actually very pretty naturally.
05:27Love that for her.
05:28My business went well for about a week,
05:30till it was cut short by the principal, who still hated me for putting her precious baby in danger.
05:35You cannot bring anything like that to sell in the school from now on.
05:39You better start acting like other normal girls your age.
05:42Do you understand what I'm saying?
05:44The other normal girls were the ones asking me for pictures and snakeskins.
05:48You only sell something if there's a demand for it.
05:50Economics 101, people.
05:52But the worst part was that my parents agreed with her and grounded me.
05:56You really should start acting less like a wild child, Tina.
06:00No going out to play with the animals until you cool down a little.
06:04Watch your tongue, young lady.
06:06Okay, gotcha.
06:07And I stuck out my tongue and watched it.
06:10Mom was not amused.
06:11As time passed, we all slowly forgot about my reckless past.
06:15With my 16th birthday coming up, I wanted to do something fun that my class would remember.
06:19Okay, I don't really care about the rest of the class.
06:22It's just that my prediction had come true, and Eric had become hot.
06:26He was now your typical bad boy.
06:28Hair slicked back with gel? Check.
06:30Top shirt buttons always open? Check.
06:32Look super cool chewing gum? Check.
06:34Flirting with every girl? Except me, of course. Check.
06:37I couldn't invite him alone, obviously.
06:39So I had to invite the rest too, and maybe he'd accept.
06:43But first, I had to get him to stop hating me.
06:45I googled some tips on how to attract a bad boy.
06:48I swear, the internet is a wonderful place.
06:51Number one, make sure you stand out.
06:53Bad boys like girls who don't blend in.
06:56Well, that one was already covered.
06:58I stuck out like a sore thumb.
06:59No one else dressed in tiger-striped t-shirts or giraffe-print leggings or laughed like a hyena.
07:05Number two, say something brief that would catch the guy's attention,
07:08then smile mysteriously and walk away to keep him wondering what you were talking about.
07:13So one day, I joined Eric and his friends for lunch and sat right opposite him.
07:18Hi, Eric.
07:19Hi, Tina.
07:21I had a dream about you last night.
07:23Oh yeah? Were you feeding me to the crocodiles?
07:26I smiled mysteriously and then walked away.
07:29Wait a minute, you'd think that just made me look like a psychopath.
07:33Number three, don't let a bad boy know you're intimidated by him.
07:36Think of it like coming face to face with a bear.
07:39The second you show fear, you'll be destroyed.
07:41One day, I was putting stuff in my locker, and suddenly, I found Eric beside me.
07:46Hey, sorry I was snappy before.
07:48So, you want to tell me more about your dream?
07:52Uh, well, you're not the boss of me.
07:55I'm not afraid of you.
07:56I'll dream about you if I like, and I'll tell you if I want to.
08:00Then I stomped on his foot and walked off.
08:02What the heck was I even doing?
08:04He was showing interest in you, you buffoon.
08:06The stupid internet has messed up my judgment.
08:09Okay, at least he'd tried talking to me himself.
08:12Maybe I'd just give him the birthday invitation, and he'd accept it now.
08:15But the next day, as I was taking the invitations out of my locker,
08:18I dropped a few and turned around to find Tracy picking one up.
08:22Yeah, that's snakeskin Tracy.
08:24And yeah, she's even prettier now and has a huge Instagram following thanks to her pretty face.
08:29So happy for her.
08:31Oh, what's this? A birthday party at the zoo?
08:35Uh, yeah, it's gonna be a banger.
08:37I know the zoo like the back of my hand, and I can show everyone the exclusive spots.
08:42And why would we hang out with you?
08:44You're the girl who nearly got my boyfriend killed.
08:47Huh? Who's your boyfriend?
08:49Eric, you dummy.
08:50How many boys have you nearly killed in the zoo?
08:53Ugh, I couldn't believe Tracy was dating Eric.
08:56I couldn't stand her.
08:57You know, a little birdie told me that you're obsessed with wolves,
09:01and one of them just had the cutest, fluffiest baby.
09:04Wouldn't you like to pet a wolf puppy, Tracy?
09:06Take a picture for Insta, maybe?
09:08Now we're talking, girl.
09:10Okay, deal. I'll come to your party, and you arrange the baby wolf meeting.
09:14Nuh-uh, not so fast.
09:16I'll make it happen if you break up with Eric and you pay me a hundred bucks.
09:20What? But I love him.
09:22Can't help you then. Bye.
09:23Okay, fine. Consider it done. Here's the money, too.
09:26Yeah, I wasn't the nicest back then.
09:28But seriously, how sincere could her love be if she broke up with him for a picture?
09:33I gave Eric the invitation the next day.
09:35And we even started hanging out.
09:37At this rate, I'd be girlfriend and boyfriend by my birthday.
09:40However, there was just one teeny tiny issue.
09:43I might have forgotten to ask my parents' permission for the party.
09:46No way. You can't have 20 people over at the zoo. Not after last time.
09:51But that was five years ago.
09:53I know, but I still worry.
09:55If something happened, it could cost me my job.
09:58But I won't do anything stupid, I promise.
10:00It took my parents five whole days to give in.
10:03But finally, they did.
10:05And I made sure everyone was familiar with the rules beforehand.
10:08No interaction with the animals without my supervision.
10:11And of course, they had to bring me presents.
10:13Before I knew it, the day of the party had arrived.
10:16I had a balloon arch and a huge cake smack in the middle of the zoo.
10:19And everyone turned up.
10:21Of course, I only wanted Eric, but I wasn't complaining about the pile of presents.
10:25I'm so happy you guys could all make it.
10:27Because of what happened many years ago, we can't go inside any enclosures.
10:30But I'll be giving you a tour of the zoo once everyone's done eating.
10:33Now dig in!
10:34I was cutting up the biggest slice of cake for Eric when Tracy suddenly pinched my arm.
10:39When will I get my pictures with the wolf pup, Tina?
10:42Shh, don't announce it. Then everyone will want pictures.
10:45I have the key to the enclosure right here in my pocket.
10:48I'll take you when I have time.
10:50Tracy huffed off to sulk in some corner.
10:52Then I let her.
10:53I was enjoying messing around with her.
10:55Oh, also, the keys I had, they were for the harmless mountain goats enclosure.
10:59I wasn't going to repeat past mistakes and put anyone in any real danger.
11:03But some ten minutes later, we heard high-pitched screams.
11:06And then Tracy came running like a madwoman.
11:09Save me from the freaking goat! Help me!
11:12Right behind her, a goat came charging in and slammed right into the food table.
11:17The kids screamed and all ran away, including Eric.
11:20It was just me and the goat left.
11:22And boy, she did not look happy.
11:24Come on, Butthead. You know me.
11:26I named you Butthead, remember?
11:30Uh, bleh, bleh!
11:32See? I'm your sister.
11:34It wasn't working.
11:35Butthead was stomping her foot, ready to charge me.
11:38My legs felt frozen, and I really thought that this would be my end.
11:42When suddenly…
11:43Hey! You! Go! Get away from her!
11:45Hey! Pay attention to me!
11:47A boy with glasses I'd never seen before was standing a few meters from me.
11:51And he was whistling to Butthead and pulling faces at her.
11:54Are you crazy?
11:56Don't worry about me. I got this. Just run!
11:58I didn't need to be told twice.
12:00I ran as fast as I could back to my house.
12:02All my guests had left, and my parents were waiting for me, looking furious.
12:06We found Butthead back in her enclosure, and the mysterious boy was nowhere to be seen.
12:11I had no idea how he'd snuck in or out, but he'd certainly saved my life.
12:16Other than that, things were pretty bleak.
12:18Yes, she gave me the key.
12:20First, she charged me for a wolf picture.
12:23Then sent me to the mad goat's enclosure.
12:25I never gave you the key.
12:27You stole it from me, and I've never seen a goat behave like that before.
12:30You must have done something to make it so angry.
12:32Maybe it's just your face.
12:34You have that effect on some people.
12:36Trust me.
12:37But everyone was against me.
12:39Even Eric.
12:40Well, especially Eric.
12:41You're such a weirdo, Tina.
12:43And all you do is put us in danger.
12:45Just stay away from us.
12:46The zoo authorities reviewed the case, and they didn't fire my parents.
12:50But they told us we had to move out of there.
12:52I was banned for life.
12:54We moved into an apartment, and I spent the next week in my new room crying.
12:58And also very much grounded.
13:00Before dad came to me.
13:02I think it's time for you to grow up a bit, Tina.
13:04This summer, we'll send you away to a camp where you can learn some discipline.
13:09And well, that's how I got here.
13:11This place is boring.
13:13We sleep outside in tents, which are not comfortable.
13:16And all we do is study.
13:18Fine, sometimes we go swimming in the lake, too.
13:20But mostly, it's just annoying.
13:22To make it worse, Tracy was there, too.
13:25Don't go near Tina.
13:26She grew up with animals and has their diseases.
13:29She might bite.
13:30Don't say I didn't warn you.
13:31Thanks to Tracy, most people chose to stay away from me.
13:34And it was lonely.
13:36But one good thing about being here was that I had plenty of time to read about animals.
13:40Which was nice.
13:41I'd always been too busy playing with animals to read about them before.
13:44I might even become a vet after this.
13:46One day, she was poking fun at me again, and I kept trying to ignore her.
13:50So, how does it feel to be kicked out of the zoo?
13:53Do you miss your four-legged brothers and sisters?
13:55Do you miss the stink of animal poop?
13:57Do you even know what fresh air smells like?
14:00Hey, knock it off and leave her alone.
14:02That voice was so familiar.
14:04And I turned around to see the mysterious boy from the zoo.
14:08Wait, it's you.
14:09You saved me from the goat.
14:11Yep, I'm Mason, by the way.
14:12I've been sneaking in and out of the zoo for ages.
14:15I just like hanging out around animals.
14:17And that day, I was just roaming around when I happened to see your friend Tracy here stealing the keys from your pocket.
14:23So, I took some pictures.
14:24You took pictures?
14:25Yeah, right.
14:26You're lying.
14:27They're right here on my phone.
14:28But it'll be five bucks if you want to see them.
14:30Why would I want to see them?
14:32How will you know if I'm lying or not?
14:35Tracy paid up, and Mason really wasn't lying.
14:38I spoke to the camp leaders about how her lies had caused so much trouble for my family and how she was harassing me even now.
14:45And Mason backed me up, and Tracy got kicked out.
14:48Mason and I became quick friends and spent the summer together for the most part.
14:52He was really nice, and we could talk about animals all day.
14:55At the end of camp, I was kind of sad to know I wouldn't be seeing him every day.
15:00You see, I developed a small crush on Mason, even though he was a very good boy.
15:05I really have grown up.
15:06Promise to write to me every week?
15:08I will.
15:09And when I went back home, I also showed the pictures to my parents, and they apologized for not believing me before.
15:15Even my zoo privileges were reinstated, and I could visit anytime I wanted.
15:19Mom, Dad, I want to be a vet, and I think I want to change schools.
15:22I've looked up a few where they start vet courses in high school.
15:25That sounds like a good idea, and it's a very fitting job for you, sweetheart.
15:29Things were going well, except that Mason didn't really stay in touch, which made me kind of sad.
15:35I was both excited and nervous on my first day in my new school.
15:38I didn't know anyone, and I wasn't the best at making friends.
15:41Just then, someone came and sat next to me.
15:44Hi, Tina.
15:45Mason, hi!
15:46You're in my class?
15:48Or you're in mine.
15:49Either way, we're both here.
15:51Listen, I meant to stay in touch, and things have just been crazy.
15:55I'll tell you all about it, but first, I really missed you.
15:58I missed you too.
15:59Guess I didn't have to start from scratch after all.