Documental China, Rusia e Irán El eje de la venganza

  • 10 hours ago
'El eje de la venganza', reportaje que analiza cómo China, Rusia e Irán están decididos a restablecer sus imperios y a restaurar un nuevo orden mundial. Su herramienta es la confrontación militar, tecnológica, económica, geoestratégica e informativa al servicio de acabar con la hegemonía occidental.

Nunca antes los regímenes autoritarios ruso, chino e iraní habían estado tan alineados frente a Occidente. Los tres tienen un rasgo común que los une: su odio a Estados Unidos, a quien consideran la guadaña de sus imperios históricos.


00:00The international military games, which every year since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine in 2014, organized by the Russian President Vladimir Putin, seem a real demonstration of strength.
00:21Welcome to the Army 2022 technical forum and to the international military games.
00:51The August 2022 edition was held in Venezuela, in the middle of the war in Ukraine. The Russian President managed to bring together 34 friendly countries, almost all under international sanctions.
01:17For Vladimir Putin, the military games were, above all, an opportunity to show that his country is not alone. He can count on powerful allies, starting with China and Iran, who a few months earlier had proven to be his most loyal supporters in a very real war.
01:40The relationship between China, Russia and Iran is based on close cooperation. We must be united, maintain cohesion to counteract Western domination. A country in itself is too weak to face hegemony.
02:00On February 24, 2022, the world woke up to the sound of Russian howls, crossing the muddy plains that separate Russia from Ukraine.
02:26With the invasion, Vladimir Putin brought war to the European continent again.
02:35For our country, it is a matter of life or death.
02:40A war is being fought against us, and we are forced to react. In the territory of Ukraine, we fight against the West, or rather, the West fights against us. The Ukrainians are an unhappy people, deceived and turned into cannon fodder. We feel for them, but we do not fight against Ukraine, we fight against NATO and against the West, and we will win.
03:06Vladimir Putin justified the offensive by approaching the borders of NATO military bases, the mutual defense alliance between the United States and Europe, created after the Second World War.
03:19We see it today with NATO's expansion to the east. The situation in Russia is becoming more and more dangerous, year after year. We cannot sit idly by and watch what happens without doing anything.
03:32We have been lied to for a long time, saying that NATO's expansion was not a threat, and that the countries that joined NATO would be more friendly.
03:45We are tired of hearing lies. Now we say what we think. NATO is an alliance of aggressors. Now we do nothing but punish a criminal organization, preventing it from expanding its control area.
04:05Sometimes I have heard that with such an expansion, NATO has provoked Vladimir Putin. But it is not NATO that has sought to expand, but the countries of the former Soviet Union, which have approached the West.
04:24It was Ukraine, which has literally freed itself from the shackles and has wanted to approach Europe.
04:31To understand the war in Ukraine, we must take into account that the Kremlin was convinced of achieving a decisive victory in 72 hours. The goal was not so much to invade the country as to overthrow the existing government and replace it with another favorable to the Kremlin.
04:51In the United Nations vote, which took place on March 2, 2022, 52 countries out of 193 did not condemn the Russian aggression. A deafening silence before the significant change of some countries, including Iran and especially China, of whom the Westerners expected a clear conviction.
05:14I wonder why, so far, the Chinese position does not include a call to the Russian aggressor to end the war.
05:27On June 18, 2022, the imposing Russian presidential plane landed at Tehran airport. It was Vladimir Putin's first important visit abroad since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.
05:41The warm shake of hands with the supreme leader Khamenei, under the gaze of the Iranian president, the ultra-conservative Raisi, showed the importance of Iran's support for Russia.
06:01The origin of the crisis in Ukraine is only the result of the policy of the United States and Western countries.
06:13When Putin desperately needed military support, and especially low-cost drones, Iran was the place he could go. And the Iranians also benefited.
06:26Iran would even have sent Iranian soldiers from the Revolutionary Guards Corps to Crimea and Russia to train Russian soldiers in the use of these drones. It would be the first time that Iran sends Iranian soldiers out of its usual influence zone, which is the Middle East.
06:53Iran has clearly chosen a side. But the main support of the Russian regime is on the other side of its eastern border. Xi Jinping's China, which Vladimir Putin visited just three weeks before launching the offensive in Ukraine.
07:22In the Unlimited and Unprecedented Friendship Pact, which was signed then, the two leaders exposed the pillars of this new order and, above all, the common battle they wanted to wage against the West, giving their own definition of human rights and democracy.
07:42Each one appropriated areas of influence on which historical rights were granted. They questioned the fundamental principles of international law agreed unanimously after World War II to preserve peace. A right called Universal, inscribed in the United Nations Charter of 1945 and its Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
08:10The first paragraphs of the Joint Declaration directly attack universalism by redefining the notion of human rights, saying that in the end they are principles created and imposed by the West. And that both countries are fully legitimate to promote their own approach to human rights.
08:30And of course, this poses a problem, because when authoritarian countries that violate human rights position themselves as defenders of themselves, a confusion is created that, if not clarified, can, so to speak, bind certain countries.
08:59It is an alliance in which a great country, currently China is the second economic power in the world, and Russia, a great military power, can, together with others, change the world balance whenever they ally.
09:14This is where the third partner comes in. In any alliance, there must always be a partner who is in charge of executing what others cannot do officially. This is Iran.
09:29The war in Ukraine is an unprecedented manifestation of the ties that unite Iran, China and Russia. It has led to the discovery of a parallel economic alliance, in the center of which is the Iranian regime and its ghost fleet. A collaboration that is particularly useful to avoid international sanctions that are hitting the Russian economy.
09:52Iran has been subject to US sanctions for decades, and also for a long time to Western sanctions for its illegal nuclear program. At this time, Russia needs to know how to avoid the sanctions that fall on it.
10:09Iran has sent advisers to Russia to talk to them about how they have managed the sanctions in the last 30 or 40 years, and to help Moscow find a way to draw the sanctions, since Iran has become a professional at that.
10:25The parallel market exists despite the US sanctions. The oil market, for example, is not very controllable, and we have used it to sell our oil.
10:40The idea is to build 100% Russian fleets that have no link with any Western company, no connection with insurance companies or transport. The currency used to carry out all this trade cannot be a Western currency.
10:56Of course, we do not sit idly by. Yes, in Russia there is the so-called ghost oil fleet. We buy them all over the world, while you were doing the fool trying to block Russia. Yes, we have around 600 oil workers who can transport our oil to any point on the planet.
11:26The ghost fleet system, inspired by the Iranian regime, allows Russia to export its oil at a lower price, but without leaving a trace.
11:39At the moment, we are selling oil to the European Union. Our oil is in your gas stations, and we are making money. We sell oil at a price above the limit set by the Western idiots.
12:01We transfer oil at night to your oil workers, including the French. We do it in precise places. Your French oil workers.
12:13At least 20 ships used by the Iranians are currently used for the illicit export of Russian oil. The main buyer is none other than China, whose volume of orders from Russia continues to increase. In 2023, it reached an increase of 40%.
12:36The United States and Europe believe that economic sanctions can destroy their adversaries. But they are wrong. They overestimate their capabilities. In addition, from a historical point of view, the sanctions have never worked.
12:52Thanks to these methods of illusion, the Russian economy resisted the collapse and continues to support the war effort. With the support of this success, Russia, Iran and China are trying to organize a global economic cooperation, independent of the Western system, which they do not want to have to account for ever again.
13:18In Samarkand, Uzbekistan, on September 15, 2022, seven months after the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the triangle of China, Russia and Iran came out of the shadows during the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
13:35This anti-Western summit was created in 2001 by China and Russia to compete with existing international institutions. Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin strengthened their alliance in the presence of new allies. They had just decided to integrate a strategic partner in the Middle East, Iran.
13:55Without a doubt, American hegemony tries to prevent countries from following an independent development path.
14:05One of the objectives of the summit was to organize coalitions with the participating countries and also with others who were willing to play with different rules than those established by the United States.
14:17In the geopolitical sphere, Iran is the most important country in the Middle East. It maintains close ties with Russia and China in terms of diplomacy and security. The three have joined forces. In fact, a country on its own is too weak to counter the American hegemony.
14:39One of the things that Iran, Russia and China are trying to do to consolidate their relationship and present themselves as an alternative model for the rest of the world is to build alternative international institutions.
14:54The countries gathered around Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin sealed a new pact against the West, in which they revealed the foundations of their own international law system. The revenge against the world after more than 30 years of domination of the United States and Western Europe.
15:13It is designed specifically to provide a safe place for dictators, an environment in which no one can interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. In the future, the Shanghai Summit could focus more and more on defense. We cannot exclude it.
15:39In a Chinese media controlled by the Communist Party, they applauded Iran's surprise adhesion at the Shanghai Summit. A new concept had appeared.
15:49An iron triangle is being formed between China, Russia and Iran. The triangle is the most stable and indestructible form. It will not only destroy the military hegemony of the United States, but it will also blow new airs around the world.
16:04Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, authoritarian countries are no longer afraid to clearly state their vision of the world and their ambitions. Never before have Chinese, Russian and Iranian regimes been so aligned against a common enemy, the West.
16:23Each country of the new axis cultivates in its national narrative a foundational fact that justifies the hatred of the West. In the case of the Iranian regime, the origin of the anti-American sentiment dates back to a very specific event.
16:43In the 19th century, the Persian Empire, defeated by the Russians and the British, was divided among the Western powers. After decolonization, Persia became, in 1935, the monarchy of Iran, led by the Shah, but the country remained under the economic influence of the West.
17:05Iran even became the main pillar of American policy in the Middle East. In 1953, when the Iranian Prime Minister, Mossadegh, wanted to nationalize Iranian oil wells, the CIA, which feared Soviet control, organized a coup to overthrow it.
17:23It was a turning point for the vision that the Iranians had of the United States. After that, the slogan, death to the United States, spread, and American military advisers became hated characters.
17:49The Ayatollah Khomeini initiated an Islamic revolution, overthrew the Shah of Iran, and established a religious dictatorship in 1979. His successor, the Ayatollah Khamenei, received his legacy, restore in Iran the great loss of the Persian Empire, and export the Islamic revolution.
18:11He then developed an axis of resistance to the United States and Israel, financing militias in Syria and Iraq, terrorist groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Palestinian territories, or the Houthis in Yemen, an area of ​​very active influence under the orders of Tehran.
18:30In the case of the Chinese regime, the Opium Wars, led by the British against the Chinese Empire in the mid-19th century, constitute the greatest humiliation and symbolize Western domination.
18:47It is not necessary to mention the crimes that the West has committed against China. In 1840 we suffered the Opium Wars. Today it is difficult to imagine that a European country will use force to impose the sale of opium to China.
19:08After converting the Chinese into opium addicts, treaties qualified as unequal allowed the American, Japanese and European fleets to navigate through the center of China, through the Yangtze River, taking advantage of the Chinese commercial ports.
19:24When Mao took power in 1949, he set the Chinese Communist Party the goal of protecting the communist revolution and restoring territorial unity. Subdue Tibet and Xinjiang.
19:39Recover at all costs the control of the lost territories, such as Hong Kong, which remained under British protection, and the island of Taiwan, which separated from Communist China. And finally, regain its maritime influence in the South China Sea.
19:57It is the legacy that Xi Jinping has received.
20:02If in the case of Iran and China, the current leaders have inherited the humiliations of colonization as an anti-Western leitmotif, in the case of the Russian regime, the humiliation is more recent.
20:17Vladimir Putin himself, destined for that time in East Germany by the KGB, lived it in the first person. He was a first-hand witness to the end of the Cold War between the Russian communist regime and the American liberal regime, and the collapse of the Soviet bloc.
20:36The USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, dissolved. Fourteen Soviet republics, such as Ukraine, proclaimed their independence.
20:55We must recognize it. I already said it. The fall of the Soviet Union has been the biggest geopolitical disaster of this century.
21:05Every neo-empire has its own history of humiliation, which is often based on real facts, but which is usually constantly exaggerated, mythified, exploited, and sometimes even rewritten, to lead the affected peoples to confrontation with the West.
21:24In just 20 years, all the pieces have been placed. The Russian and Chinese regimes now form a strategic and pragmatic triangle, with joint military maneuvers increasingly frequent.
21:39They carry out maneuvers in scenarios designed to reflect what they consider to be the greatest threats they face.
21:49If the three countries, China, Russia and Iran, see the West as an enemy, we must be aware of this and understand their systems. We need to understand their military capacity, the potential of their intelligence services, as well as the intentions of their leaders.
22:10At the end of the 1990s, the three powers began to join forces in other fields, through a hybrid war against the West that was going to take place on all fronts, visible and invisible at the same time.
22:26The objective? To sow chaos in democracies.
22:35Convinced that the United States was responsible for the collapse of the USSR, Vladimir Putin once again mobilized the fearsome arsenal of Soviet secret services.
22:45Such as active measures, interference actions created by the KGB to destabilize democracies from within.
22:54It is a war of information that uses disinformation. It is about cyber operations, both to attack and to collect information. We face different forms of economic war, corruption and illicit financing.
23:13When Putin was about to restore the Russian state, he first reinforced his intelligence services to be able to continue to carry out active measures.
23:24One of the problems we face to understand the increasing rivalry between the West and a certain number of authoritarian regimes, in particular Russia and China, is that we tend to conceive war in a binary way.
23:43Either we are at war, or we are at peace.
23:48Now, if we want to understand the situation we are in, we must break this dichotomy to understand that between the state of war and that of peace, there are many other options in which we will not really be at peace, but we will not be at war either.
24:04That is, there will be no tanks, missiles, planes and those things, but we will make war by other means. I am talking about a war in the shadows.
24:17The first time the three regimes really aligned in a campaign of common disinformation was during the COVID pandemic declared in 2019 in Wuhan, China.
24:28Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Russian regime has disseminated false information about the origin of the virus. In the media, it was claimed that the coronavirus was a biological weapon of American origin, developed by the United States to be used against its enemies.
24:53When was a biological weapon last used?
24:59In 2019, when this whole story of COVID began.
25:05Is COVID a biological weapon?
25:08I think so.
25:10It is evident that the United States has sinister and evil intentions. The United States has the largest laboratory of chemical weapons.
25:29You Americans are guilty because you created the virus. Part of the virus was produced to be used against Iran using genetic codes of Iranians.
25:48In social networks, an Iranian disinformation network was launched to disseminate content accusing the United States of manufacturing the virus and to praise the behavior of Russia and China in the fight against COVID-19.
26:03We see a set of information that makes people question the reality in which they live. It is the Russian strategy.
26:18At present, Russia, China and Iran, together or separately, are waging a total hybrid war against the democratic regimes, in the image and likeness of the information war initiated by Russia.
26:33In 2023, the CIA and the intelligence services of about 10 Western democracies placed the three authoritarian regimes at the head of the list of the most alarming threats.
26:45One of the objectives preferred by these three countries in the European Union is Sweden. Exemplary democracy, peaceful, respectful of human rights and neutral for two centuries.
27:01We have noticed that these countries are cooperating in a way that we had not seen before. We have observed it very closely. We are interested, of course, especially in our national security.
27:18At the beginning of 2023, Sweden was more than ever in the point of view of Russia, after requesting entry into NATO to protect its borders from the threat.
27:31Dear colleagues, I want to inform you that Russia has no problem with these states. However, the expansion of military infrastructure in these territories will undoubtedly have an answer on our part. Our reaction will be proportional to the threat created.
27:48The representative of his government told Sweden that if he joined NATO, it would become another target for Russia.
27:58A week before a decisive vote in Turkey, the only member of NATO that still hindered the adhesion of Sweden, an event was going to alter the course of negotiations.
28:15Welcome to today's event. I'm Rasmus Paludan and I'm going to ...
28:22A Swedish far-right activist burned a copy of the Koran in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm. The scene was filmed by a journalist affiliated with the pro-Russian network, which supposedly financed the operation.
28:38In the case of Sweden, we are facing what the Russians call an active measure, that is, it is a matter of amplifying a phenomenon.
28:46In this case, amplifying the perception of acts against the Muslim community, organizing the staging of the burning of a copy of the Koran by a Swedish in front of the Turkish embassy.
28:58In a context of very restricted negotiations between Turkey and Sweden on the adhesion of the latter to NATO.
29:07The phone call that summoned him came from a reporter from an alternative media outlet.
29:15He worked for the group more clearly pro-Russian.
29:21It is the typical network class assigned to the services of Russian foreign intelligence.
29:29The next day of this pseudo-media event, Turkey temporarily announced that it did not support the adhesion of Sweden to NATO.
29:39Destabilizing actions were spread all over the world through Russian, Chinese and Iranian media, which propagated provocative images in the Arab countries.
29:55What we know for sure is that Russia fueled misinformation about the burning of the copy of the Koran in the Arab world, and promoted this type of action to generate strong reactions in it.
30:14These actions spread rapidly all over the world, in a very aggressive way.
30:24We know for a fact that Russia and Iran are interested in making Sweden look like a country that opposes Islam.
30:37This is one of the most complex issues that we are dealing with here.
30:43Of course, Russia is involved.
30:45Of course, Iran is involved.
30:47But by proxy.
30:52Through third parties.
30:54That is their strategy.
30:56To destabilize, to spread misinformation, to make sure that they attack Sweden, and thus delay our entry into NATO.
31:07The war of information is a war of death between democratic regimes and authoritarian regimes.
31:14A war in which today authoritarian regimes are convinced that they can emerge victorious.
31:25To ensure the correct spread of propaganda among their populations, authoritarian states develop and share increasingly sophisticated security technologies.
31:36The master in the matter is the Chinese regime, which inspires other authoritarian regimes.
31:45China has industrial, technological and economic resources that Russia and Iran do not have.
31:53From this point of view, it is a supplier of technology, knowledge, engineers and infrastructure.
32:01Thus, there is a form of Chinese technological advance, of which its allies want to benefit.
32:10In July 2017, a delegation of officials of the Russian Agency for Censorship and Propaganda visited their Chinese counterparts.
32:19There were unprecedented leaks that showed Russia's interest in the Chinese system of Internet control and the beginning of cooperation between the two regimes.
32:29Thanks to our experience, we have developed a very effective information control system.
32:37Only 0.18% of the forbidden information escapes our blockade.
32:44For us, it would be very interesting to return to China to see how the fabulous Chinese shield works in practice.
32:52Because more than 95% of the forbidden information in the Russian Federation comes from abroad.
33:00With the digitization of personal data, the surveillance of social networks and cameras equipped with artificial intelligence,
33:09the Chinese regime has developed a real box of tools for censorship and repression that exports to its partners within the framework of trade agreements.
33:19What does this digital repression tool box really consist of?
33:24What we know is that it is basically a set of surveillance tools that allow you to quickly identify people likely to cause problems.
33:36China can provide this type of tool, we could call it digital authoritarianism,
33:43and it has begun to export them to several countries, not just to Russia.
33:49The Russian regime launched its own surveillance and control system, called Oculus, in early 2023, inspired by the Chinese system.
33:58Recently, the Iranian regime was also able to count on the technological support of a Chinese company called Tiandi.
34:06Tiandi is the most dangerous company in the world and no one has heard of it.
34:11Tiandi uses cameras equipped with artificial intelligence that can detect the ethnic origin and race of a person.
34:19The company produces torture devices known as the tiger's chair, which are used in interrogations not only in China but all over the world.
34:30China has sold Tiandi products in Iran to the Revolutionary Guard, the intelligence services and the police,
34:37and throughout the country to be used against protest movements that have destabilized the regime in the last two years, including the feminist movement.
34:48The people who take off their veils in public places will be identified thanks to intelligence teams.
34:59First they will receive a warning, then they will be taken to court.
35:08A Chinese-Iranian cooperation plan provides for the installation of 15 million cameras in 28 Iranian cities.
35:16The data will be transferred to two control centers, one in Tehran and the other in China.
35:25This type of technology has become a commercial proposal for Beijing.
35:30They help each other.
35:32China can promote this repressive technology among its partners to strengthen these autocracies
35:38and help build a less secure world for democracies.
35:46The new coalition against democracies manages to destabilize even the highest international institutions.
35:54In Geneva, Switzerland, the UN Human Rights Council has become its preferred objective.
36:03The UN was created to protect the sovereignty of every state.
36:08But the regime that uses this power to violate the rights of its own people is violating the values of our United Nations.
36:21Over time, both Iran and China have managed to impose themselves on this institution that condemns them regularly.
36:32Ten years ago we said, well, China is dedicating itself to multilateral relations in the United Nations and other places.
36:39But it will not be able to unite the countries around its positions.
36:43Because it is seen coming, everyone is aware of the human rights violations that occur in Chinese territory.
36:49But the truth is that today it has succeeded.
36:58In September 2022, when 25 countries of the Human Rights Council asked for an investigation commission
37:05on the persecution of the Muslim minority in Uyghur, the Chinese delegation managed to turn the situation around.
37:13The Chinese managed to convince 11 countries to abstain.
37:17And 19 to vote against the investigation commission, based on a letter of support.
37:25The text was signed by 50 ambassadors to the UN, including Russian and Iranian delegations.
37:31And also partners like Syria, North Korea, Venezuela.
37:36If we look at the list of members, we realize that about two-thirds are dictatorships,
37:42and others are other forms of non-democracy.
37:45We could talk about solidarity between authoritarian regimes.
37:49Which means that when human rights violations pose a problem for democracies as such,
37:55it is not for many countries.
37:57It is a question of solidarity.
37:59It is the lowest level ever reached in the history of the Human Rights Council since 1946.
38:08This unexpected turn revealed the strategy of the Chinese regime to influence the Human Rights Council.
38:14For example, to organize an exhibition on the welfare of Uyghurs within the UN.
38:20The Chinese Organization for the Study of Human Rights has the floor.
38:25Or the creation of false NGOs to monopolize the time of speech.
38:37China, for example, will favor taking the word some NGOs,
38:41which are actually what we call gongos.
38:44That is, false NGOs, controlled by the Chinese government.
38:48In fact, they are state organizations that intend to work for human rights,
38:53but insist on issues that are not important to China.
38:57For example, getting out of poverty.
39:06They poison the great opportunity that authentic NGOs could have.
39:11China, Iran and other regimes deploy false NGOs, gongos,
39:16to poison the system.
39:37The Chinese solution is to build a community of shared destinies for humanity
39:42and achieve a common and beneficial development for all.
39:46China has actively promoted its own definition of human rights,
39:50indicating that the first right would be the right to prosperity.
39:55So individual freedoms would not be priority rights.
40:00Each country must have its own definition of human rights.
40:05We can not all have the same.
40:07Not all have the same values.
40:09It depends on the stages of development of the country,
40:12traditions, history.
40:15There are particularities and not universalism.
40:19Each nation must choose the mode of government that it considers most effective.
40:24And in my opinion, democracy is the worst way to govern that exists.
40:30We are developing a new concept of human rights,
40:34which, of course, will be more in line with the true needs of man
40:40and with a new way of conceiving humanity.
40:44In a way, what China is trying to introduce is the end of universalism.
40:50According to her, there is no longer a universalist conception of law.
40:55Western law cannot be applied as is to the Chinese population,
41:00which has another history, another trajectory, another culture.
41:05That is why a right is needed that is consistent with this inheritance.
41:11At the end of 2023, while Iran presided over the Human Rights Council Social Forum,
41:17China managed to become the president of four of the 15 United Nations agencies.
41:23They devised a plan.
41:25They thought they would have to work together
41:28and that they would need a coalition of countries much larger around the world.
41:35Today, geopolitical changes are taking place in the world.
41:38Changes that have not been experienced for 100 years.
41:42And if we work together, we will take the initiative of these changes.
41:46Take care, dear friend.
41:52In addition to sowing chaos in democratic countries
41:55and neutralizing the universal values of human rights,
41:58this new axis of authoritarian countries led by China
42:02is organizing a real parallel world, an alternative to the Western world.
42:10To restructure the world in their favor and initiate historical changes,
42:14China and Russia want to form a much larger coalition
42:18with the aim of isolating the West.
42:22At the end of August 2023, at the top of the BRICS in Johannesburg,
42:27they completed the first stage of their plan.
42:32The world today is in full restructuring.
42:36They trust above all in the BRICS group.
42:40An emerging economy club,
42:42created at the end of the first decade of the 21st century by China and Russia,
42:47along with Brazil, India and South Africa,
42:50to counteract the domination of the United States in the world.
42:55They started to test and examine other global alternative structures,
43:00asking themselves, can we form a power strong enough?
43:04Are there enough countries like us who hate the United States,
43:08who hate the liberal world order,
43:10and who are willing to join forces with us?
43:13The summit was the setting of an important event.
43:17After the negotiations between China and Russia on the one hand,
43:20and Brazil, India and South Africa on the other,
43:23the BRICS announced the integration of five new emerging countries.
43:29China and Russia got the adhesion of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
43:33which had been isolated for a long time.
43:36It is true that the advantages of Iran's adhesion to the BRICS
43:40will go down in history.
43:44It will be a new chapter and a new stage towards justice,
43:48equality, morality and lasting peace
43:53in the international scene.
43:56For the Ayatollah Khamenei, it was a personal and historical victory
44:00that ratified his policy of rapprochement to China and Russia.
44:05They consider that Iran's economy is at a level high enough
44:10to be part of the organization of the BRICS.
44:15The BRICS is an international organization
44:18that has been in operation for more than 50 years.
44:22China, Russia, India, South Africa and Brazil
44:26see themselves as countries at the forefront
44:30of the future world economy
44:34and want to have Iran on their side.
44:39The more obstacles you put in our way,
44:43the more united we will be among ourselves.
44:47And the idea of ​​expanding the BRICS,
44:50which the Chinese have aggressively promoted,
44:53is simply designed to show the rest of the world
44:56that there is a demand for what the BRICS offer.
44:59It is a great diplomatic victory for China.
45:04For China, the new coalition is above all
45:07an opportunity to strengthen the relationship
45:10between China and Russia.
45:13For China, the new coalition is above all
45:16an opportunity to create an alternative economic world
45:20independent of the West,
45:22since with the new incorporations,
45:25the BRICS represent almost half of the world population
45:28and a third of its wealth,
45:30not to mention the new requests for adhesion.
45:38The plan is that in the long term,
45:41countries like Iran, Russia and China
45:44are going to erode the US's ability
45:47to use sanctions as an international political tool,
45:51because they are going to establish alternative mechanisms
45:55to circumvent the unilateral US sanctions
45:58and to circumvent the primacy of the dollar,
46:01which will be the only way
46:03to use sanctions as a tool.
46:07For the first time since World War II,
46:10economies with enough power
46:12seem able to create a commercial, economic and financial space
46:16protected from the power of the dollar.
46:22China is playing a lot,
46:24because the alternative space
46:26would immunize it against Western sanctions
46:29in case the island of Taiwan is annexed.
46:32China's aggressive stance on Taiwan
46:35is in the point of view
46:37and it cannot be ruled out
46:39that it may attempt to invade Taiwan in 2030.
46:42Around that date,
46:44China is likely to become
46:46the world's first economic power,
46:49but in the meantime,
46:51China will want to have alternative financial mechanisms
46:55so that sanctions are ineffective.
46:59Creating a parallel world free of sanctions
47:02and forging increasingly larger coalitions
47:05is the goal of China, Russia and Iran
47:08to be able to pursue their respective ambitions
47:11without having to worry about the possible consequences.
47:21Iran presents itself more than ever
47:23as the biggest opponent of the United States in the Middle East.
47:29Today it moves its chips,
47:31benefiting from the chaos
47:33caused by the terrorist attack of October 7
47:36and the bloody reprisals of Israel.
47:39The accumulation of oppressive actions
47:42has led to the uprising of the people of Gaza
47:45and the axis of resistance
47:47which assisted a decisive blow to the Israeli regime
47:51on October 7.
47:53There is nothing left to do
47:56There is absolutely nothing surprising
47:58in Iran's attitude.
48:00Tehran supports Hamas,
48:02continues to support Hezbollah,
48:04rejoices at what has happened
48:06and presents itself as a defender of the Palestinian cause
48:09while encouraging Hezbollah
48:11or the Houthis and Hamas
48:13to move forward.
48:16Militias supported by Iran
48:18like Hezbollah in Lebanon
48:20or the Houthis in Yemen
48:22threaten to escalate the situation
48:25which could further destabilize the West.
48:29An important evolution has occurred in the area.
48:33The groups of the axis of resistance
48:35have gained importance
48:38and the future organization of the region
48:41will have to take them into account.
48:45In a certain way,
48:47the three countries benefit
48:49from the rebounds of the attacks.
48:51Iran, because it is located
48:53in the center of the Eastern Middle East
48:58Russia, because it presents itself
49:00as a defender of oppressed peoples
49:02like China.
49:05And also, Moscow and Beijing
49:08see with great satisfaction
49:10how international observers
49:12divert their attention from Ukraine and Taiwan
49:15to focus on the Middle East.
49:18In their own way,
49:20Russia, China and Iran
49:22benefit politically
49:24from the attacks of October 7.
49:27In this world,
49:28in which the West is no longer the undisputed leader,
49:31the Iranian regime,
49:32like its Russian and Chinese partners,
49:34seem more free than ever
49:36to achieve their goals.
49:38A priori, we would have small regional systems
49:41that would interact with each other.
49:43And then, at the head of these regional systems
49:46would be the legitimate power
49:48to reign in the area.
49:51In the Middle East,
49:52it would be a system led by Iran.
49:56In Eurasia, a system led by Russia.
49:59And in South Asia,
50:01a system led by China.
50:05In this fragmented world,
50:07Europe is faced with the question
50:09of its strategic independence.
50:12There is a bloc led by the United States,
50:15a bloc led by China
50:17and a bloc of emerging economies.
50:19The question is whether the European Union
50:22can emerge as a fourth autonomous bloc
50:24or whether it will have to be located
50:26somewhere behind the United States.
50:30China is increasingly flirting with the European Union
50:33and has decided to remove it from the Western bloc.
50:39China is eager to establish friendship with Europe,
50:43increase trade and strengthen mutual understanding.
50:46Following the United States will bring you to ruin.
50:50The coalitions can be flexible.
50:52Tomorrow, they could also include
50:55many more states in Europe and other places.
50:59Most countries in the world
51:01have a neutral attitude
51:03or positive neutrality towards us.
51:07Only a minority of countries,
51:09increasingly smaller,
51:11which is still significant,
51:13fight against us,
51:15but has no future.
51:18It is the old West.
51:22Over time, it will also be fragmented.
51:26And then many Western countries
51:28and even Europeans
51:30will join the great Eurasia.
51:34This new era,
51:35unstable by nature
51:37and indefinite duration,
51:39allows each power to review its position.
51:43NATO forces have been organizing
51:45the most important military maneuvers
51:47since the end of the Cold War since 2023,
51:50mobilizing 90,000 soldiers
51:52from the 31 allied countries.
51:55I'm not saying that something can happen tomorrow,
51:58but we have to realize
52:00that peace is not a given,
52:02that's why we have programmed these maneuvers.
52:06Peace seemed to be
52:08around the corner.
52:11But not everyone received the message.
52:15Our adversary was mobilizing.
52:19Many have said it before me,
52:22but allow me to say it with the force of office,
52:25in a more direct way,
52:27with absolute clarity,
52:29there could be a war in Sweden.
52:31What would you do if the war broke out?
52:35Now that the support of the United States to NATO
52:38could suffer some setbacks
52:40and Europe could find itself
52:42supporting Ukraine alone
52:44against Russia,
52:46the European Union is facing
52:48more than ever its destiny
52:50as a military power.
52:53If Putin won this war,
52:55because the Europeans and the Americans
52:58stopped supporting Ukraine,
53:00we would be sending a very bad message
53:03to other dictatorships
53:05and autocratic regimes in the world.
53:09Enough brutality and time
53:11to oppress the neighbor.
53:13It would be a catastrophic message.
53:17The big question for Europe
53:19is how far we are able to organize ourselves
53:22to show that it is not just
53:24a big market, a single currency,
53:26but a continent that knows how to defend itself
53:29and that knows how to be respected.
53:31The second way is simply
53:33to get involved again
53:35in our democracies,
53:37to commit again,
53:39to formulate values
53:42that can be universal.
53:48For the regimes that challenge
53:50the West today,
53:52the question is to see if they can
53:54overcome their own weaknesses
53:56and control some populations
53:58that continue to express their desire
54:00for freedom and that believe
54:02in the victory of democracy.
