• last year
(Adnkronos) - Anche quest’anno il Salone delle Csr e dell’innovazione sociale è stato un laboratorio di confronti e riflessioni in cui far germogliare idee concrete per il futuro della sostenibilità. Giunto alla dodicesima edizione, l’atteso appuntamento milanese presso l’università Bocconi, ha coinvolto più di 500 relatori e oltre 270 organizzazioni tra aziende, istituzioni e realtà non profit.


00:00More than 500 speakers, 270 organizers, 106 meetings.
00:11At the 12th edition of the CSAR Salon for Social Innovation, concrete ideas for sustainability are flourishing.
00:19The long-awaited appointment at the University of Bocconi in Milan for the 2024 edition, from 9 to 11 October,
00:26highlighted the theme of contradictions, with a title that invites to action, to challenge contradictions.
00:33Contradictions are under everyone's eyes.
00:37Sometimes a greater commitment in favor of the environment risks having social setbacks that are not considered.
00:46Or not being able to understand how a certain action, a certain project can have a negative impact.
00:57Since complexity is one of the figures that characterizes sustainability, it is necessary to put different competences,
01:06therefore multidisciplinarity, that is, environmental engineers are not enough,
01:11philosophers are also needed, to extremize, of course, and on the other hand, to make the various subjects dialogue more,
01:20so public administration, which should be a subject that also facilitates sustainability,
01:27especially at the level of territories, together with, of course, third sector entities and companies.
01:34Data from the Ipsos investigation were presented at the CSAR conference, which gives an important sign of confidence.
01:42For 49% of the population and 77% of participating companies, in 20 years the world will be much more sustainable than today.
01:51I think that sustainability has grown a lot in terms of cultural dissemination, and not only among young people,
02:00because there is this way of saying that it is the young people who will make the change.
02:06Well, of course, we hope so, because they are the ones who will have more problems if the planet no longer meets their needs.
02:14However, we also see that, let's say, more mature age groups are asking themselves how to become more sustainable.
02:24What I would like, and this is my ambition, is that people decide to be sustainable, not as a fatigue, a duty,
02:33but as something that makes life better and also our way of being on this planet better.
