Emmerdale 11 October 2024

  • 9 hours ago
Emmerdale 11 October 2024


00:00How's little man doing?
00:13Oh, he didn't sleep well last night. Good choice to be in the spare room.
00:17Yeah, well, look, I would have rather have been with you.
00:20Look, I'll stay with him tonight if you're gonna be restless again.
00:23Depends how sore your lip is.
00:27One lucky punch, that.
00:33You sure you're alright?
00:34Yeah, it's just, um...
00:36I didn't say yesterday, but when the client caught me in the face,
00:41I fell into some gym equipment and bruised my side.
00:44Ouch. Double blow to the ego.
00:49Look, I'm sorry I wasn't there to pick up Evan yesterday.
00:53No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that.
00:58And you seem to be suffering enough.
01:02I'll forgive you just this once.
01:06Anyway, what are we doing today?
01:08Think I might take Evan out for some fresh air if you're alright to look after the kids?
01:11Yeah, actually, um...
01:13I've got a lead on another car.
01:15Seems like a bargain.
01:16Bargain call? Revenge?
01:18No, you do what you have to do.
01:20No, I'll be quick. I promise.
01:21And then, I'll stay with the kids as long as you need.
01:26And that's why I love you.
01:33So, that's one Americano and one bacon on toast.
01:38Shouldn't it be two? Or is Kim more of a muesli kind of a woman?
01:43I know there's a connection here, I just can't seem to figure it out.
01:46You. Waving the flag of peace.
01:50Calling a ceasefire and trying to save your marriage.
01:52Oh, that.
01:53Yes, that. I thought that's what you wanted.
01:56Yeah, the end result.
01:57It's all the suffering before hand that bothers me.
02:00What happens if she tells me where to get off?
02:02There's only one way to find out.
02:03Yeah, I know, but what if...
02:06I really don't like it when you're right.
02:08You get this smug face thing going on.
02:12The one that makes you want to punch me.
02:15Nicola might have mentioned it once or twice.
02:17Okay, I'll talk to her.
02:20If it shuts you up.
02:21I happen to know that Kim loves a chai latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top, if you're interested.
02:29Are you being a mate or are you upselling me?
02:32Are the two mutually exclusive?
02:36No, but it's not nagging if someone is genuinely trying to help and care for you.
02:41And you think giving me condoms will do that?
02:43Well, I want you to have a good time, but be safe.
02:46I'm seriously not having this conversation again.
02:48Alright, pretend I'm Ashley and I gave you these cond...
02:50No, it's still not working.
02:52Okay, fine.
02:53But this subject is not closed, alright?
02:55But lucky for you, I've got a bit of work.
03:02You get in the chat, lucky you.
03:05Oh, God, you heard that?
03:08I mean, talk about cringe.
03:09Why would she do that?
03:10Er, because she cares, maybe.
03:13Too much sometimes.
03:15Look, I've got to fix a headlight on the van later, you...
03:18Couldn't give us a hand?
03:20You want me to help?
03:22You catch on fast.
03:24And the way I look at it, you owe us a favour, right?
03:30Sam's visiting Samson today.
03:32He always goes really quiet.
03:34Bittersweet, I suppose.
03:36Well, I've had my fair share of that, believe me.
03:39I'm from both sides of the table.
03:41I'm sorry, here I am prattling on and you've got your own worries.
03:44Hey, we're friends.
03:46I like hearing about your life.
03:50Let's face it, it can't be as much of a car crash as mine.
03:54Between us, we could write a book.
03:57Let's just hope we both get the ending we want.
03:59Well, I'm a long way from that.
04:03See what I mean?
04:05Look, I know I'm probably the last person you want to see.
04:08And yet, in you come anyway.
04:11Astute and stupid in equal measures, it would seem.
04:14Do you know, I should be cracking on with them skirting boards.
04:16One day, I'm going to work out just how many miles of them there are in here.
04:23I bought you a chai thingy.
04:27But I can go.
04:28You've already ruined my morning.
04:30Might as well double down.
04:42What the hell are you doing here?
04:43This is my home.
04:44I know, and I'm impressed.
04:47I can see why you fight.
04:48Obviously, you've got a lot to lose.
04:49Do yourself a favour, because if my wife sees you here...
04:52I wouldn't have to track you down if you'd answer your text messages.
04:56You're wasting your time.
04:57You put on a good show yesterday, even with a hole in your side.
05:01Kind of made me want to see more.
05:02I'm seriously not interested in what you've got to say.
05:05How would you know, unless you've heard it?
05:09If you drop me in this...
05:12You alright?
05:13Just brought Evan out for some fresh air.
05:17Is everything okay?
05:18It would be, if Billy would do as I ask.
05:22Meaning what?
05:23It's nothing.
05:24Client recommended me.
05:25And as luck would have it, I was just passing.
05:27Is that luck, or is that a bit stalkery? No offence.
05:30Well, that depends, doesn't it?
05:32On whether I get myself a new PT out of it.
05:35You know, my mate's always raving on about how good he is.
05:39If there's a slot going, I want it.
05:41Yeah, I'll see.
05:42But right now, I'm going to focus on my family, so...
05:46If you say so.
05:47My mate gave you my number.
05:49I'm happy to pay over the odds.
05:51Let me know, yeah?
06:01Driving a car like that, you should double the price.
06:05Yeah, well, Evan's just got home.
06:07And I know that yesterday wasn't great, but...
06:10He comes first.
06:12Well, if she'll pay good money, you'd be daft not to think about it.
06:19To be honest, I half expected to end up with a horse's head in me bed after yesterday.
06:24Odd reference, given what you know about me and my love for horses.
06:28Oh, yeah. Sorry, I was just referencing that scene in the...
06:32Yeah, I know what you meant.
06:35You thought I'd take revenge on you for Kerry.
06:38Yeah, well...
06:41Then I realised that I'd done just the same thing with Peter,
06:45and I couldn't see the point.
06:47Except I didn't sleep with Kerry.
06:51I lied. We didn't, you know, actually do haute.
06:55Had too much to drink, had we?
06:57I'm not proud of it, but I...
06:59I paid her to pretend that we'd been together.
07:02With my money?
07:03With our money.
07:05But if that's what you want to take from this,
07:07I was hoping to prove how messed up this whole thing had gotten me.
07:12And you're telling me this because...?
07:14Because I wanted you to know the truth, and if there was any glimmer of hope left for us that...
07:18After everything we've done to each other?
07:20Look, I know it's a big ask, and I deserve everything I get, but...
07:25I couldn't live with myself if I didn't tell you how I feel.
07:31And then what?
07:32We wiped the slate clean?
07:36We both know things could never be the same.
07:38That doesn't mean that we can't try, does it?
07:42Look, I don't expect you to answer right now, but...
07:46Think about it. Please.
07:48At least give us that.
07:51Don't worry, I will.
07:55Well, you know where I am.
08:06Yeah, they're working.
08:11Nice one.
08:13Thanks for that. Here, let me get you a brew.
08:16How come you've been so nice to me after...?
08:18Telling everyone we had a hook-up.
08:21Not your finest moment.
08:23I just wanted to seem like I had more experience.
08:25Yeah, I know.
08:27You're not the only one who's ever felt like that.
08:29In Australia, I could be the real me.
08:32You know, but here, I just feel so stifled sometimes.
08:36Everyone expects me to just be Arthur.
08:39It's gonna take time to figure out where to go and who to see, and...
08:44Well, you might feel like you're leading a double life sometimes, but...
08:48You will get through it.
08:50Yeah, well, I'm glad someone thinks that.
08:51And look, don't take this the wrong way, but if you ever need any advice or...
08:59I just said it, didn't I?
09:01Don't make me regret it.
09:05Hey! You're moving well, like nothing happened.
09:09That's the plan. So everyone knows that they can't bring me down.
09:13They're not what they think.
09:14Yeah, well, I hope that doesn't include me.
09:17How could it? I love spending time with you.
09:20And if things weren't like they are?
09:23I don't know what you're getting at, but you might as well just say it.
09:25Look, what I'm trying to say is, Tom...
09:28Are we still gonna be seeing each other, or are you just trying to use me?
09:45Look, there's only part around the back of the car. It'd be great if you could take a look at it.
09:48Look, I've already told you I can't. I'm helping Moira out at the farm today.
09:53All right, well, I can bring it up to you if you like.
09:56Look, if it needs work doing it, I'd rather know now.
09:59All right, so that's where you're putting all your winnings.
10:02I take it Don doesn't know about your latest influx of cash?
10:05I don't know. I feel like I've got a death wish.
10:07And what about the gaping hole in your side?
10:10She hasn't seen it.
10:12I slept in the spare room, and this I thought I got from a boxercise client.
10:17Well, you really are digging yourself a hole.
10:20Okay, then. So what would you have done?
10:22Mate, I'm not judging.
10:24You know, I've made my fair share of bad decisions,
10:26but that's why I know they always come back to bite you.
10:28Yeah, not this time.
10:29Now that I've got enough money for a car, I'm going to concentrate on my family,
10:31and I'll tell Jade that I'm done once and for all.
10:34Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who's Jade?
10:37She's the one who runs the fights.
10:39Only she turned up at the house earlier, wanting to talk.
10:42You all know what that means.
10:44Well, hang on. You said you weren't going to fight again.
10:46Yeah, I know. Okay?
10:48Look, I took a risk, and so far it paid off.
10:51I heard what John said yesterday, and I might not get so lucky next time.
10:55Billy, this isn't about the money for you anymore, is it?
10:58You're getting a kick out of this, aren't you?
11:00Yeah, well, nothing is worth how bad I feel right now.
11:05And family. Family comes first. End of.
11:10Well, I'm still alive to tell you the tale. I mean, that's a good sign, right?
11:14See? I told you. Good for you.
11:17Unless Kim's keeping her powder dry,
11:19waiting for me to say too much to incriminate myself,
11:22then she's going to go for jugular.
11:24Or she's as tired of this whole sorry saga as you are.
11:30Wars of attrition can get you down.
11:32I should know.
11:34Nicola's a master of them.
11:36Jimmy, if I could, uh...
11:37Two secs. We've got a mini man club going on here.
11:39Oh, really? Anything I can help with?
11:41Me and Kim. I'm just trying to call a ceasefire.
11:44Well, good for you.
11:45That's what I said.
11:47But Will's worried that Kim might just be biding her time.
11:51That it's more of a Cold War period than all-out conflict.
11:54I suppose only time will tell.
11:59It's Kim.
12:01She wants to meet you this afternoon.
12:04You know, like, when the eyes on a picture follow you around the room?
12:09It's kind of like that.
12:11Except you can't see the eyes.
12:13A friend of mine had tendencies.
12:16Used to sit chatting to some spirit.
12:20Everyone thought she was doing it for attention, but...
12:23I believed her.
12:25Oh, that'll be my cue to leave.
12:27I can take out my frustrations on the bathroom tiles.
12:30I use a toothbrush. It's really good at getting into the little awkward bits.
12:34Sorry, we can pick this up another time.
12:36Well, yeah, if I've not been possessed by Noreen by then!
12:44Ignore her.
12:45We have got every right to be enjoying ourselves together.
12:48That's what people in relationships do.
12:53Look, you make me happy.
12:54And that is all that matters.
12:56And all this talk of me using you is complete rubbish.
12:59I'm sorry, Tom, it's just something what Lydia said.
13:01Yeah, well, it's not like she's biased at all, is it?
13:04Look, I get it. Of course I do.
13:07Can't be easy being in a relationship with a village pariah.
13:11But they don't know the real me.
13:13Not like you.
13:16I don't know what I'd do if I lost you.
13:17Look, you're not losing me, Tom.
13:20Look, if anything, I'm ready to take things to the next level.
13:24I want that too.
13:28we both agreed that we're gonna wait.
13:30And that way, it'll be way more special.
13:33You do understand?
13:34Yeah, of course I do.
13:37Hey, how did it go? Did you get the car?
13:39Yeah, yeah, managed to knock him down a bit while I was there.
13:43Well, let's see it, then.
13:44It's with Mac, the farm.
13:46He's giving it a once-over.
13:47Drove fine, nothing's fallen off so far.
13:49Well, that's him better nicked than you are, then.
13:53How's your side?
13:54Yeah, it's fine.
13:55Go and put something on the bruises if you want.
13:58Are you all right?
13:59Yeah, I'm just a clumsy fool.
14:01It's fine.
14:02I'm just a clumsy fool.
14:03Are you all right?
14:04Yeah, I'm just a clumsy fool.
14:06If anything, I'm embarrassed.
14:09And that's all it is?
14:12I mean, we're all right.
14:14You and me.
14:14Of course we are.
14:16Never better.
14:18Well, let's take our new car for a spin later.
14:22I'll call Mac and maybe we can take the kids for a drive-through or something.
14:25Sounds perfect.
14:27Come here.
14:29I love you, you know that.
14:31And I know things haven't been easy lately.
14:34But we've got each other.
14:37And this amazing family.
14:38That's all I need.
14:39Me too.
14:51Oh, are you cooking?
14:54Well, if you call heating a soup Lydia made cooking, then yes.
14:59Plenty to go around.
15:00Oh, sounds great, thanks.
15:03I would say it's just like old times, but I don't want to tempt fate.
15:07Why don't we just enjoy it for what it is?
15:10And what is it?
15:12Condemn man eating his last meal or?
15:15You just can't help yourself, can you?
15:17Always have to push things too far.
15:19No, sorry.
15:20I'm just a bit nervous.
15:23This, this means so much to me.
15:25And what is this exactly?
15:27Us being civil for once, trying to, trying to work things out like grown-ups.
15:33You think I acted like a child?
15:35We've both been guilty of letting our feelings cloud our judgment.
15:38Like paying Kerry to pretend to sleep with you.
15:41Well, at least I didn't go through with it.
15:43Oh, and here we are again.
15:45That wasn't meant as a dig.
15:46And yet it was.
15:49Let's face it, too much has happened to ever go back.
15:52Look, I'm not saying that it's going to be easy, but if it's what we both want.
15:57That's just it. I'm not sure it is.
16:00I'm just so tired of all this bickering now.
16:04I'm on edge in my own home most of the time.
16:07That's no way to live.
16:08I get that.
16:10We will figure something out.
16:13I already have.
16:15I know I've said it before, but I want you to move out.
16:22Look, that can't be right.
16:23It was just some little old bloke who said he was going to give up driving.
16:27Yeah, sorry, mate.
16:28You've been stung.
16:29What you've got there is a classic cutting show, and a bad one at that.
16:33You're lucky that thing didn't split in two driving up here.
16:36I don't believe this.
16:38Number's dead.
16:40Yeah, of course it is.
16:42Use burners, these guys.
16:44Falsify documents. They're professionals.
16:46So what am I supposed to do now, then?
16:48Sell it all.
16:51No, there's only one person that can take that off your hands, and that's Vinnie.
16:54Because that is not fit to be in the road.
16:57So someone winning is down the drain, then?
16:59Supposed to be taking the kids out for a drive-through.
17:02Might need to be a delivery instead.
17:03Don't. He's going to kill me.
17:05And I don't blame her.
17:07All I seem to do is let her down.
17:11We could ask Charles.
17:13You know, see if he could exercise Noreen.
17:17Sorry, what?
17:18It is her house, and I feel bad for forcing her out.
17:21Well, there's no need for that, is there?
17:25Are you kidding me, Ryan?
17:27I can't live in a haunted house. I'm far too sensitive.
17:30Well, you won't have to, OK?
17:32I've told Charles we're going to move in here.
17:37I own it, don't I?
17:38Well, I can't own it.
17:41Maybe then we'll finally get some sleep.
17:44Oh, thank you.
17:46Hey, how's Samson?
17:48Did you give him the picture of Esther?
17:50Yeah, yeah, he loved it.
17:53OK, well, I'll see you later.
17:55It's all right.
17:56Oh, you've missed Lydia.
17:57Something about bathroom towels and toothbrushes?
18:00What? Oh, right.
18:02Yeah, I'll just have a pint.
18:04I'll get Sam's.
18:07Look, you'd do with cheering up.
18:10I don't know if a pint will do it, but thanks.
18:14How's Samson getting on?
18:16Really, I mean.
18:17Yeah, he's proper down, to be honest.
18:21Hardly says two words most of the time.
18:24But I can't let folk know that, can I?
18:27And if Lydia found out, she'd be even more worried than she is now.
18:31Can't keep these things bottled up inside.
18:34Why not?
18:36Let's face it, if I'd have been a better dad,
18:39I would never have ended up in prison in the first place.
18:41Well, that's far from true.
18:43You're one of the best dads I know.
18:47Look, no offence, but I'd rather just drink this on my own.
18:52So the car's stolen?
18:55More like two write-offs welded together.
18:59Matt reckons it's a death trap, so...
19:02So no car, no savings?
19:05Some savings.
19:07Enough to pay for the extra heating next month.
19:10But basically, we're back to square one.
19:12I don't believe this.
19:14I'm sorry, OK? You were right.
19:17I got excited and I probably should've taken Matt with me to view it.
19:22I don't know what we did in a past life,
19:24but why does everything go wrong for us?
19:27I know it might feel like that.
19:29And things are probably gonna get tough again,
19:31but I'll work extra hard to make the money back.
19:34You know that, right?
19:36Well, you're gonna have to take that posh client from this morning.
19:38As many as you can get.
19:41I will, OK?
19:44I'll contact her and I'll sort something out.
19:46Like you said, double the price, wherever it takes.
19:51Look, Dawn, I can't stress how sorry I am.
19:56I know who you are.
19:57It's not your fault.
20:00It's just the worst timing, isn't it?
20:04I just... I just need time to process this.
20:11We've both done things we regret.
20:13Why don't we just call it even and draw a line under...
20:20So when you said that you wanted me to move out...
20:23I meant today.
20:25Living under the same roof isn't working, and you know it.
20:28But this is our marital home.
20:30In my name.
20:31That I owned before we got together.
20:34Oh, and just so as you know,
20:36I've drained our joint accounts.
20:38So from now on, the bank of Kim is closed.
20:41You can't do that.
20:42Half of it...
20:43Go on. Say it again.
20:45Not that it'll make any difference.
20:49We've said some terrible things.
20:51I had hoped it was because of how hurt we felt,
20:54that we were just lashing out.
20:56Well, now you know otherwise.
20:58Fine. Fine.
21:01I tried.
21:02But when you look back on the carnage that is our marriage,
21:05just remember,
21:07things didn't have to be like this.
21:13Hey, Jade, it's me.
21:22What was that you said about an offer I can't refuse?