Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 25

  • 2 days ago
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 25
00:00Our world is in peril.
00:04Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our
00:10She sends five magic rings to five special young people.
00:14From Africa, with the power of earth.
00:17From North America, Wheeler, with the power of fire.
00:24From the Soviet Union, Minka, with the power of wind.
00:31From Asia, Yi, with the power of water.
00:40And from South America, Mati, with the power of heart.
00:45When the five powers combine, they summon Earth's greatest champion, Captain Planet.
00:52Go, Planet!
00:57The power is yours!
01:32There's the runaway barge!
01:33And it's spilling some kind of toxic yuck!
01:36That yuck threatens the entire river!
01:45But what can we use to stop it?
01:47Not fire.
01:48Too dangerous.
01:50How about water?
02:02Nice try, Wheeler.
02:04Only now there is more pollution than ever spilling into the river.
02:08I think it's time for a team bean.
02:11You are right, Wheeler.
02:13Let our powers combine.
02:15Earth, fire!
02:18Wind, water, heart!
02:23By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
02:29Go, Planet!
02:32If I don't contain those chemicals, we're in for a serious spill!
02:36Time for me to barge in.
02:40Barge in.
02:43That gives me an idea.
02:46First, take some sand.
02:48Then to turn up the heat.
02:52Barge in a bottle.
02:54I always did want a hobby.
03:02Now to put a cork in it.
03:06All right!
03:07Go, Planet!
03:10We will make sure that toxic mess gets cleaned up, Captain Planet.
03:16Power is yours!
03:24Welcome to the S.S. Plunder, the ultimate planet-plundering machine.
03:28The best mercenaries money can buy.
03:31An all-terrain attack force ready to loot entire continents of their natural resources.
03:37And it's all rotten cheese if Captain Planet gets in our way.
03:44Hate to agree with the rat, but scum's right!
03:47For a change, we all agree.
03:49Captain Planet and the Planeteers must be stopped.
03:53And my latest secret invention should do the trick.
03:56Show them now, baby.
03:59Anything you say, my toxic bombshell.
04:02This is our new molecular duplicator.
04:05It can analyze any object and create an evil opposite.
04:37An evil duplicate of the rabbit.
04:39I'm sure the Planeteers will find your invention.
04:44A hair-raising experience!
04:46But what's the real deal, Doc?
04:49Maybe this will ring your bell, nuke-head.
04:52Their rings give the Planeteers superpowers.
04:55Their rings also summon Captain Planet.
05:01Are you saying that machine can make evil duplicates of the Planeteers' rings?
05:08Once we get our hands on the originals, of course.
05:12Just another typical Planeteer bell.
05:14First a burning barge, and now a distress call.
05:17Coming from that island.
05:19But there is no one in sight.
05:21Then who sent the distress signal?
05:29Plunder was right.
05:31Those Planet Patsies couldn't resist our phony distress call.
05:35Time for a rat attack.
05:38Target dead ahead.
05:41Launch the sleeping gas.
05:44Nighty-night, Planeteers.
05:54I can't stay awake.
05:59Got to stay awake.
06:11Let's get those rings!
06:20Like taking candy from a baby.
06:26Stop! What are you doing?
06:29Taking you and your rings for a little ride.
06:32No! You can't!
06:41What's that?
06:47Get off this island! Get off this island now!
06:50Hey! Plunder said this island was deserted.
06:53Where'd that soldier come from?
06:57This is a restricted area. Leave now, or suffer the consequences.
07:05Forget the kids! We've got the rings! Let's scram!
07:19Oh, he's right. That was one rough landing.
07:25Who are you? Why have you come to this island?
07:28We heard a distress signal.
07:30I sent no distress signal.
07:32Take your friends and leave. This island is a restricted area.
07:41Scum and sludge! They took our rings!
07:46You plunderers! I told you to bring back the Planeteers.
07:50Oh, yeah. But you said that island would be deserted.
07:54Deserted, huh? We just barely got out of that rat trap with our skins intact.
07:59And the rings.
08:01The rings aren't enough!
08:03Those Planeteers are too dangerous to us on the loose!
08:07You want them, you go get them.
08:11Perhaps that mysterious soldier who drove you off can help us.
08:15Mal, darling, activate the military information database.
08:19Exactly what I was about to suggest.
08:22First, I'll access his name and authorization code.
08:26Then I'll pretend I'm calling from his headquarters,
08:29and trick him into doing our dirty work.
08:32Calling Island Command.
08:35Calling Island Commander Clash.
08:38This is Clash. Identify yourself.
08:41Commander Blight. Authorization code LV-6.
08:45LV-6. Authorization code correct.
08:48I haven't heard from headquarters in years. Proceed.
08:51Call to warn you, our signal is being jammed.
08:55Listen carefully.
08:57Spies have landed on your island. You must stop them!
09:01Those children? Spies?
09:04Now the enemy sends children to try to trick me.
09:10Very well. I will do my duty.
09:12The enemy must be dealt with.
09:14They cannot repair the damage key?
09:17There is only one possibility.
09:19Hold on there.
09:21If you're going to go ask that dude with the mile-high muscles, count me out.
09:25Without help, we may never get off this island, Wheeler.
09:28We must find him.
09:31Man, what I wouldn't give to get my ring back.
09:36Hurry, Blight. Put the planet's rings in your molecular duplicator.
09:39Patience, Plunder. This won't take long.
09:44It worked! Of course it worked.
09:47Gentlemen, your rings of destruction.
09:52For Duke Nukem, the power of super radiation.
09:56This is it.
09:58This is it, Blight.
10:00The ring of destruction.
10:02I am the ring of destruction,
10:05I will destroy the planet with my own hands.
10:08For Duke Nukem, the power of super-radiation!
10:15For Luton Plunder, the power of deforestation!
10:20For Sly Sludge, the power of smog!
10:25For Firminus Gum, the power of toxic!
10:30And for moi, the power of hate!
10:35With the planeteers out of the way, the world is ours!
10:43What is a soldier doing out here so far from anywhere?
10:50I'll tell you what he's doing! He's scaring the daylights out of me!
10:54I intend to do more than scare you, spy!
10:58I warned you to get off my island, and still you brazenly seek me out?
11:03Sir, we come in peace to ask...
11:05Silence! Do not try to fool me!
11:09I have been warned about you, and now I am taking all of you prisoner!
11:14Do not bother to run! You will not get far!
11:20This way! Back to the Geocruiser!
11:25Where are you?
11:28A tizzy!
11:30Give up, spies! You are all my prisoners!
11:34Run! Run! Before he gets you, too!
11:39Lin, we must fight back! Use guerrilla tactics! Set traps!
11:46He will track us down!
11:49Kwame's right! We must set a trap for this guy!
11:53Duh! But if the trap does not work, the planeteers are finished!
12:01Help! Help me! Someone, please, help me!
12:13I have caught you, spy! Though this brings me no pleasure.
12:18You were the perfect bait for the perfect trap!
12:21Yes, but as our opponent just said, this brings me no pleasure.
12:26Okay, General Tough Guy, why are you after us? And what did you do with our friends?
12:32Emil Clash, Commander 32897855.
12:37What kind of answer is that?
12:39Name, rank, and serial number. The only answer a good soldier gives...
12:44when he's captured by the enemy.
12:47Only we are not your enemy, Commander Clash.
12:50We just want to know where our friends are and how to get off this island.
12:54I am a soldier. I will tell you nothing.
12:57Give us a break! Tell us!
13:00Emil Clash, Commander 32897855.
13:07Look out, big guy! Your tree is...
13:10Look out, big guy! Your tree is...
13:19You should have calculated the strength of the branch, spy!
13:25Quick, Sam!
13:26Careful! If we grab him, we will be pulled down with him!
13:32We must save him! Too bad we do not have our rings!
13:36If we had them, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
13:41These rings are great plunder.
13:44Watch me waste the place.
13:52Hey, guys! If you think that's hot, check this out!
13:56Super radiation!
13:59Oh, no! My million-dollar anti-aircraft gun!
14:02Watch this!
14:06Stop! Stop, you idiot!
14:08Hey, loosen up, Putin. We're just having some fun.
14:11Quiet, you fools!
14:13You got something up your sleeve, Blight?
14:16The Planeteers used their rings to create Captain Planet.
14:20If we combine the polluting powers of our rings, what would we create?
14:26Hopefully, havoc. But let's find out.
14:30Then let our polluting powers combine!
14:34Super radiation!
14:50By your polluting powers combined, I am Captain Pollution!
14:56I am Captain Pollution!
15:00No pollution!
15:08Hold on, Commander Clash!
15:12We will pull you out!
15:24This is hard for me to say, but thank you.
15:28You saved my life, so I will spare yours.
15:32We are even, spies.
15:34George thoughts me. He still thinks we are spies. He is heartless.
15:39Commander Clash!
15:41We helped you. Now we need your help.
15:45Follow me. I will take you to the others.
15:50Talk about your basic man of few words.
15:53Few words, but many feelings.
16:04These toxic chemicals feel wonderful!
16:10Just as Captain Planet renews himself with the powers of Earth.
16:14Our captain needs pollution to renew his energies.
16:19Now that we have General Pollution...
16:23What do we do with him?
16:25He is Captain Pollution.
16:28We send him after the Planeteers.
16:31That Clash guy should have those rats under wraps.
16:35I would sleep better knowing the Planeteers were history.
16:40Without their rings, what threat are they to us?
16:43The Planeteers are very resourceful, Plunder.
16:47They might find a way to destroy your new army...
16:51and short-circuit all your plans.
16:54Oh, no! Four hundred million dollars down the drain!
16:59That's a lot of cash in the trash! We can't have that!
17:06Then we simply send in my new creation...
17:09to finish off the Planeteers once and for all!
17:13This is my camp.
17:15Neat! He's got a solar generator and a water wheel.
17:18Pure, clean power. No pollution.
17:21Just what every country in this world needs, Commander Clash.
17:24What my country needs is a watchdog who never closes his eyes.
17:28Check it out! Some kind of radar defense system.
17:32Now we know why Clash is on this island.
17:35He is helping to protect some country somewhere.
17:38A watchdog! That's what he called himself.
17:41A watchdog who never closes his eyes!
17:46I do not care why he is here. I just want him to release Mati and Gi.
17:52Your friends are in here.
17:54Here goes!
18:03Mati! Gi!
18:05Wow! Are we glad to see you!
18:07What are you doing here? Did that crazy soldier capture you too?
18:11No, he did not.
18:13The crazy soldier is letting you all go.
18:19Now leave me. I have work to do.
18:22What's he doing?
18:24Clash operates a radar defense screen over his country.
18:29Perhaps he is not aware there is no more enemy.
18:32Commander Clash, may I show you something on that monitor?
18:35No. I have been ordered never to break radio silence.
18:38I must not contact anyone.
18:41I will radio no one.
18:43I can access what I need through our computer.
18:46No one will know. May I?
18:51The world has changed, Commander.
18:53Borders are opening. A new peace has begun.
18:56The enemy you are guarding against no longer exists.
19:00This is a lie!
19:03You saw the truth with your own eyes, Commander.
19:06Accept it.
19:08This radar station is no longer needed.
19:13Home Base, this is Watchdog.
19:15Report, Home Base.
19:17Is Watchdog necessary? Report.
19:21Watchdog, no longer necessary.
19:27If this station is obsolete,
19:31so am I.
19:33But that is not true.
19:35You are brave and intelligent.
19:37The world will always need people like you.
19:40When we leave this island, we want you to come with us, Commander Clash.
19:44No. I am like this equipment.
19:47No longer needed. Obsolete.
20:01At least Clash gave us tools to repair the Geocruiser.
20:05Yes, but it is too bad he lacks the courage to come with us.
20:09What are you talking about?
20:11Clash is just about the bravest guy I ever met.
20:14To fight an enemy, yes.
20:16But to face a new world, no.
20:18Mati is right.
20:20The greatest courage is the courage to change.
20:23And I fear the Commander may not find that courage.
20:27There's the Geocruiser.
20:29As soon as we repair it, we can go after our rings.
20:38You're not going anywhere, planeteers.
20:43Who are you?
20:44Why, I'm Captain Felician, dude.
20:47Created from evil duplicates of your rings.
20:51And I have a little surprise for you.
20:59That's just the beginning, planeteers.
21:02The beginning of the end for you and all your do-gooder friends.
21:11Go, planet!
21:13The health of our planet relies on the health of its people.
21:18To reach the highest heights...
21:20And win the fight to save our planet...
21:23We must fight together.
21:25To reach the highest heights...
21:27And win the fight to save our planet...
21:30We must have strength...
21:33And courage.
21:35Our minds...
21:36And our bodies must be in shape.
21:39Stay fit.
21:44The power is yours.
21:55I am Captain Planet!
22:25You'll pay for this, Captain Planet!
22:28We're the planeteers.
22:30You can be one too.
22:31Cause saving our planet is the thing to do.
22:35Looting and polluting is not the way.
22:38Hear what Captain Planet has to say.
22:42The power is yours.
