Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 19

  • 2 days ago
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 19
00:01Our world is in peril.
00:03Gaia, the spirit of the Earth,
00:05can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet.
00:09She sends five magic rings to five special young people.
00:13Quokka, from Africa, with the power of earth.
00:17From North America, Wheeler, with the power of fire.
00:22From the Soviet Union, Minka, with the power of wind.
00:28From Asia, Yi, with the power of water.
00:37And from South America, Mati, with the power of heart.
00:42When the five powers combine,
00:44they summon Earth's greatest champion, Captain Planet.
00:49Go, Planet!
00:54The power is yours!
00:59At last, after six months of night,
01:01the radiant sun returns to the South Pole
01:04and Duke Nukem!
01:07Hush, it sure is pretty, Mr. Nukem.
01:10Pretty? I hate pretty.
01:12All I care about is my plan to turn the world
01:15into a beautiful place.
01:17I plan to turn the world into a radiation wasteland!
01:21And these two factories I stole will help me to reach that goal.
01:40You're going to destroy the world with air conditioners?
01:45I'm not interested in air conditioners or refrigerators.
01:48I want the chlorofluorocarbons they give off!
01:52And the changes I made in this factory will help me get them!
02:06CFCs to you, Leadhead.
02:09What are you going to do with CFCs?
02:12The sun sends delicious ultraviolet radiation.
02:16But that killjoy ozone layer blocks out the deadly rays.
02:21Now, for the good part,
02:23CFCs eat a hole in the ozone layer of Earth's atmosphere.
02:28But without the ozone,
02:30the sun's deadly ultraviolet radiation will pour down on us.
02:35That's why I built my giant lens
02:38to magnify and focus those ultraviolet rays.
02:41But you needn't worry.
02:42Your lead suit will keep you from being fried
02:45while I feed on the radiation.
02:48Ah, here it comes now!
02:54I feel stronger already.
02:57Beware, world.
02:59Your glucose is sizzling!
03:05Ah, Yagari-chan.
03:07Today is a real torture.
03:10I think you mean a scorcher.
03:14Well, Mati and I didn't waste our trip to the city.
03:17This should keep one of our huts real cool.
03:20An air conditioner.
03:21Good thinking, Wheeler.
03:24Ah, cool as a Siberian breeze.
03:28Ah, this is what I call civilized.
03:31And I never would have had it without my wise friend Wheeler.
03:34To the Crystal Chamber, Planeteers.
03:36Duty calls.
03:39Just when we're getting cool.
03:42Gaia, the ozone hole over the South Pole.
03:45It is bigger than ever.
03:47Dangerous radiation is pouring in.
03:50Yes, Linka.
03:51And this time it's deliberate.
03:53Someone is making vast amounts of CFCs.
03:56Who could do such a horrible thing?
03:58Who is the only human, if you can call him human,
04:01who actually thrives on radiation?
04:04Dr. Duke Nukem.
04:06His hunger for radiation could destroy our world.
04:09Yes, Kwame.
04:10If we lose our ozone shield,
04:12ultraviolet rays will give our whole planet a case of severe sunburn.
04:16People's skin and eyes will be damaged.
04:18Plants will die.
04:20Our planet will become a desert.
04:22Sunlight will become our enemy.
04:24We'll be driven indoors and our food supply will be destroyed.
04:28Then we must shut down Duke Nukem's operation.
04:31Next stop, South Pole.
04:33Remember, Duke Nukem can zap us
04:35with every type of harmful radiation you can think of.
04:38He must not see us coming.
04:43Let her rip!
04:51This is great!
04:52Yeah, but does anyone here know how to operate this puppy?
04:55I have piloted an ice boat before
04:58during winter vacation in Siberia.
05:00Sounds like fun!
05:03But to start, we need a boost.
05:11Are you sure you know what you're doing?
05:16I look radiant.
05:18And what a lovely day for soaking up some UV rays.
05:22Hey, Leadhead!
05:24Uh, that's lead soup, sir.
05:27Whatever. I need more CFC gas.
05:29Increase the factory's output!
05:33That's more like it.
05:36Huh? Intruders!
05:38I hate undivided company.
05:40Planeteer alert!
05:42Look! It's Duke Nukem's factories?
05:47A chance to test my radiation powers.
05:50Now what kind shall I use?
05:52X-rays? UV?
05:54No, I'll give them a warm welcome.
05:57With infrared radiation!
06:00With infrared radiation!
06:07Alpha Launch!
06:09Mika, get us out of here!
06:12That bottle burns to me!
06:17That took a lot out of it.
06:19Fortunately, there's more radiation where that came from.
06:23Can we sneak in on foot?
06:26Duh. I know how to travel in Siberian blizzard conditions.
06:30Maybe we'd better follow Linka.
06:32Hey, we have snow in Brooklyn, too, you know.
06:35Come on, Mati. We'll take out the other factory.
06:39I'm not sure.
06:41Wheeler, do not be such a know-it-all.
06:43You will get lost.
06:45No way!
06:47We'll find our factory first and shut it down.
06:50Now we must take a bearing on Landmark,
06:53so we do not get lost.
06:55If this is daytime in Antarctica,
06:57I hope I am not here when night falls.
06:59This is no time for cold feet.
07:01The factory should be right ahead of us.
07:06You're right! There it is!
07:10Wheeler, do you think we're near the factory yet?
07:13Look! What'd I tell you, Mati?
07:15I bet we beat Linka.
07:19Oh, no.
07:22Well, at least we beat them back to the ice boat.
07:25Come on, Mati.
07:27I know where we made the wrong turn.
07:33He's big!
07:35How do we get past him?
07:37I think I can keep him busy.
07:43What's that?
07:45Don't worry, Linka.
07:47I've got a plan.
07:50What's that?
07:56It's quitting time.
08:15I'm losing that special glow-lead suit!
08:20Thank you for calling me lead suit, sir.
08:22You've no idea what that means to me.
08:24Oh, no!
08:26You let those bio-brats get into my refrigerator factory!
08:29I was right the first time.
08:31You are a leadhead!
08:37You kids think you're so good.
08:39Let's see if you can walk on water.
08:43It's time to put you meddlers on ice.
08:45That freezing cold water is killing me.
08:47The water's turning to ice!
08:49I cannot get loose!
08:53Can you use your ring to command the ice?
08:55It is only frozen water.
08:57Where is my ring?
08:59It fell off!
09:03It's frozen in the ice!
09:05Now, if there are no further interruptions,
09:07I'd like to finish my sundae.
09:11I'm sorry, Linka,
09:13but I have to go.
09:16Linka, do you have any sunblock?
09:18How can you worry about that
09:20when our legs are freezing?
09:22Because soon your face will be burning.
09:24We're too close
09:26to that ultraviolet radiation.
09:28Don't get out of here quick.
09:30Get the most dangerous sunburn
09:32anyone ever got!
09:46Soon I'll be at full power.
09:48I'm just a wild
09:50radioactive guy!
09:56Melted marshmallow.
10:00This suit has a lot of drawbacks.
10:06at least someone is in a good mood.
10:08I would not like to see him
10:10in a bad mood.
10:12We almost get away from this radiation.
10:15Linka, you are getting a serious sunburn.
10:17Forget me. Look at poor Guy.
10:19What's keeping Wheeler
10:21and Matisse?
10:23Wheeler, we are lost.
10:25No, we're not. I've been through worse blizzards in Brooklyn.
10:27Really? What did you do?
10:29Well, actually,
10:31I took the subway.
10:41That's not the kind of subway
10:44I meant. Wheeler, look.
10:46We made it.
10:48What's Duke Nukem making?
10:50Air conditioners just like ours.
10:52Are you thinking what I am thinking?
10:54Yeah. We could have gotten ours a lot cheaper here.
10:56No. Duke Nukem stole
10:58this air conditioner factory.
11:00I wonder why.
11:02I don't know why, and I don't care.
11:04Let's just shut down those CFCs.
11:06Wheeler, wait.
11:10Ah, my favorite kind
11:12of radioactivity.
11:14Look, our friends are trapped.
11:16We must free them.
11:18Wait. If that radioactive reptile sees us,
11:20we're toast.
11:22You are right.
11:24But I have an idea how to rescue them
11:26without being seen.
11:28Okay. Meanwhile, I'll try to cut the power.
11:36My penguin friends,
11:38please help us.
11:41Some power cables.
11:43Now, if I follow them,
11:45it should lead me straight to
11:47the main power switch.
11:49Help is on the way.
11:51Good. I'm pulling the plug on this place.
11:59What's that?
12:01Sounds like help has arrived.
12:11Look what
12:13the penguins are doing.
12:15I'll bet my teeth behind this.
12:19what are those mangy birds doing over there?
12:21Actually, sir,
12:23they aren't mangy at all.
12:25They look very well-dressed.
12:27Spare me the fashion review.
12:31Now my air conditioner factory is stopped, too.
12:33Start it up again.
12:35I need more CFCs to widen
12:37the ozone hole.
12:40What are we going to do now?
12:46Hey, Sushi's got the right idea.
12:48Duke Nukem can't get the factory
12:50started without the main switch.
12:56I could have sworn there was a switch here.
12:58That's odd.
13:00I told you to get that factory going,
13:04Let's suit, sir, but I can't.
13:06Someone stole the switch.
13:08Those planeteers again.
13:12My foot's free.
13:14Mine, too.
13:16All right.
13:20My ring.
13:24Thank you, my friends.
13:26Now you must go.
13:28Not exactly the Marines,
13:30but they got the job done.
13:32Back to the ice boats, everyone.
13:34Doc, bring back my switch.
13:38Sir, I wouldn't blame you
13:40if you were critical of me.
13:42You incompetent.
13:44You're not only a leadhead,
13:46you're a lead-footed, lead-faced, lead-brained...
13:48Remember your radiation level, sir.
13:50You're reaching critical mass.
13:52You'll have a meltdown.
13:54I'll melt you down.
13:56But first, we'll fix those putrid planeteers.
13:58Come on.
14:02Get on the nukes, lead-leadhead.
14:07I am the juice.
14:09I am the power.
14:11Now let's get the planeteers.
14:15Look out.
14:17Here comes Duke Nukem.
14:23Wheeler, I have an idea how to stop him.
14:25Not so fast, sir.
14:27We'll fill a control rod.
14:29Bolt your mouth shut, Red Lips.
14:31I need that switch.
14:33Fire when ready, Wheeler.
14:41Watch her.
14:45That should send him head over heels.
14:47Oh, no.
14:49Oh, Kenneth Griffiths,
14:51do you really get me steamed?
15:03Hurry, Lincoln.
15:05We can be smarter.
15:12Get off me.
15:14Hold on.
15:28I don't feel well, sir.
15:30Could we stop for a second?
15:32Of course.
15:35Of course you can.
15:43Thank you, sir.
15:45I'll nuke that boat
15:47and make them all fall out.
16:01I cannot believe it was just this morning
16:04I was worried about keeping cool.
16:06Give it up, planeteers.
16:08I want my power switch now.
16:10Well, well, look here.
16:12My power switch.
16:14Okay, planeteers.
16:16Prepare to sizzle.
16:18Duke Nukem is running out of radiation.
16:22Now we can call Captain Planet.
16:26I've seen this before.
16:28Let our powers combine.
16:30What a time to run out of power.
16:33I need more radiation.
16:37Here I am, Mr. Nukem.
16:41For a guy with all that heat,
16:43he can sure be cold.
16:49Now your powers combine.
16:51I am Captain Planet.
16:55Captain Planet.
16:57Be careful, Captain Planet.
16:59Duke Nukem is contaminated with radiation again.
17:03I really get a charge out of this deal.
17:09Wait. Maybe I'm not too late.
17:11There is one way I can get near him.
17:17This lead wardrobe should get stuffy.
17:19If I didn't have a radioactive boss,
17:21I'd toss it.
17:25I don't think much of your tailor,
17:27but I'd love to try on your suit.
17:29Sure. Take it.
17:31And don't worry about having it clean when you're done.
17:33Just a lead suit.
17:37Now let Captain Planet come near me.
17:39I'll shorten his half-life down to nothing.
17:45Well, it's high time you got back here, Leadhead.
17:49Don't give me the silent treatment.
17:51Just remember that lead suit won't keep this out.
17:57What are you doing?
18:00Did I say leadhead?
18:02I meant lead suit.
18:12Have you been working out?
18:14You might say that.
18:18Captain Planet!
18:22I'm gonna irradiate you!
18:24Radioactivity won't penetrate this suit, Nukem.
18:27I've got all kinds of radiation.
18:29Try some infrared heat.
18:41Aw, burnt out already?
18:43Watch this, Planet.
18:45I can always get more energy.
19:15I'm sorry to shatter your dreams,
19:17but I've had enough of your ultraviolet ultraviolence.
19:23My suit's all stretched out.
19:25My UV radiation.
19:27It's gone.
19:29I'm done for.
19:31Hey, Leadhead!
19:39Let's roll!
19:41But my suit!
19:43Never mind.
19:45Get us out of here and I'll never call you Leadhead again.
19:47But you have a deal, sir.
19:49Now move it, chrome dog!
19:51I think I preferred Leadhead.
19:55Thank you for helping us
19:57stop Duke Nukem, Captain Planet.
19:59Too bad you could not close up the ozone hole as well.
20:03That's too much for me alone.
20:05But you took the first step
20:07by stopping Duke Nukem's CFC scan.
20:09Good job, Planeteers.
20:11The power is yours!
20:19It has not cooled off
20:21any on Hope Island.
20:24I can't wait to get into that air-conditioned hut.
20:26Hey, Monty!
20:28What gives?
20:30Sorry, Wheeler,
20:32but this air conditioner runs on CFCs.
20:34We must take it back.
20:36No, it's not fair.
20:38I'll miss it too,
20:40but it is a small sacrifice to make
20:42if it will help save our planet.
20:44I see your point.
20:46We'll wait until we can buy one that doesn't use CFCs.
20:53we don't need CFCs to cool off.
20:55I wouldn't spray that at me.
20:57Oh? Why?
21:17Go, Planet!
21:19I see you're catching some R&R.
21:21No, Cap. We're catching rays.
21:23We are sitting in the shade, Wheeler.
21:25You are getting burned.
21:27Linka's right.
21:29The sun's rays are very powerful
21:31and can burn your skin.
21:33And damage to the ozone layer
21:35which protects our Earth
21:37makes the problem even worse.
21:39Don't get burned.
21:41Protect your skin from the sun
21:43with clothing or sunblock.
21:45Too much sun is no fun.
21:50Wind! Water!
21:52Go, Planet!
21:54By your powers combined,
21:56I am Captain Planet!
21:58Captain Planet, he's our hero
22:00Gonna take pollution
22:02down to zero
22:04He's our power, he's magnified
22:06And he's fighting
22:08on the planet's side
22:10Captain Planet,
22:12he's our hero
22:14Gonna take pollution
22:17down to zero
22:19Gonna help him put us under
22:21Bad guys who like to
22:23loot and plunder
22:27You'll pay for this, Captain Planet!
22:29We're the Planeteers
22:31You can be one, too
22:33Cause saving our planet
22:35is the thing to do
22:37Looting and polluting
22:39is not the way
22:41Hear what Captain Planet
22:43has to say
22:45It's yours!
