Captain Planet and the Planeteers - episode 3

  • 2 days ago
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - episode 3
00:00Our world is in peril.
00:04Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our
00:10She sends five magic rings to five special young people.
00:15From Africa, with the power of earth.
00:18From North America, Wheeler, with the power of fire.
00:23From the Soviet Union, Minka, with the power of wind.
00:31From Asia, Yi, with the power of water.
00:41And from South America, Mati, with the power of heart.
00:45When the five powers combine, they summon Earth's greatest champion, Captain Planet.
00:51Go, Planet!
00:57The power is yours.
01:05This is Duke Nukem calling, Dr. Blight.
01:09I'm approaching your laboratory.
01:11Get your mangy computer, Mal, to open that secret passage, quick.
01:17Quick, I said quick!
01:29Dr. Blight, that computer of yours is a menace.
01:33Why must we put up with this nuclear nitwit?
01:37Mal, baby, you be polite.
01:40Dr. Nukem's here to help us be wicked.
01:43Keep your distance, Dr. Blight, or you'll fry like a strip of bacon from my radioactivity.
01:50No problem, sweetie. This designer-led suit will shield me from your deadly rays.
01:55You'll like it.
01:58I'm all aglow.
02:00Now, why'd you send for me?
02:02I'm starting my most devious experiment, and I need your help to catch the guinea pig.
02:07Captain Planet.
02:09What's in it for me?
02:11All the nuclear waste you can feed on, Duke.
02:14You certainly know how to treat royalty.
02:18Captain Planet's no fool. How are we going to capture him?
02:22We'll bait the trap with Planet Ears.
02:25I told you Mal was a genius.
02:27He's even sending a phony message to lure them into our clutches.
02:41Thanks for the echo alert, Gaia. What's up?
02:45There's a strange glow coming from Antarctica.
02:49Hey, Planet Ears. Dr. Blight and Duke Nukem here.
02:54How do you like our nuclear waste bomb?
02:57With this, we can waste the planet.
03:00Ciao for now, planet punks.
03:03Gaia, what will happen if they succeed?
03:09Once that nuclear waste poisons our Earth, it can't be cleaned up.
03:13It'll be deadly to humans and animals for millions of years.
03:19Where'd Blight and Nukem get that stuff?
03:21Most radioactive waste is produced by nuclear power plants.
03:25It is so deadly, it must be put in lead containers.
03:29Dr. Blight must have broken into a storage site and stolen it.
03:33You must stop Blight and Nukem before they cause a catastrophe.
03:37Are you sure the Planet Ears will fall for your scheme, Dr. Blight?
03:42How could they resist?
03:44We made them think that container really is full of nuclear waste.
03:48And by the time they find out it isn't, Captain Planet will be our prisoner.
03:54And then, dear Dookie, you will have all the real nuclear waste you crave.
04:00It's sheer genius to get nuclear waste by pretending we already have it.
04:05No one cheats, lies and tricks better than you do, Doctor.
04:10Oh, Mal, you say the sweetest things.
04:18Planeteer alert, gang. There's Dr. Blight's hideout.
04:22Look, here come the Planet Ears, heading right into our super trap.
04:31We can't make things too easy for them, or they'll realize this is a trap.
04:36Let me zap them.
04:38No, please allow me. I'll put them on ice with my new freezer beam.
04:45Uh-oh, the Geocruiser is covered with ice.
04:48The controls are frozen solid.
04:53It is melting the ice.
04:56Pull up! Pull up!
04:58I cannot. The controls are still frozen.
05:09I told you to wear your seatbelt, Suji.
05:15Nice teamwork, Planeteer.
05:18That was a close one.
05:20Don't congratulate yourselves yet, Planeteers.
05:23You're not safe. You've just prolonged your inevitable doom.
05:31Activate the explosive device beneath the nuclear wastes.
05:35How unfortunate you can't join us in our radiation-proof underground shelter.
05:41Au revoir, Planeteers.
05:44We've got to stop that explosion.
05:56Come on, Wheeler. Time for teamwork.
05:59First, you melt that ice with fire.
06:05And now that it is water...
06:10I'll shape it into steps fast before it refreezes.
06:14Cool move, kid.
06:16Earth could be contaminated for millions of years, and you are making jokes.
06:26We made it. Now let's switch off the explosive device.
06:31Those goody-goody fools have played right into our hands.
06:37Then it's time for the final phase of our trap.
06:48Oh, no. We're caught in a force field.
06:51Yeah, and it's one minute to boom-boom time.
06:54My friends, there is nothing we can do to stop that nuclear waste bomb.
06:59Then let our powers combine.
07:10By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet.
07:15Go, Planet!
07:22Hey there, Planeteers. Looks like you've got an explosive situation on your hands.
07:27Don't say that again, Cap. In ten seconds, we're history.
07:31History? Not in my book.
07:34Ah, an easy solution.
07:36Don't mean to be slick, but how's that for a quick switch?
07:40Captain Planet has deactivated the bomb.
07:42Go, Planet!
07:44Now to take out that force field.
07:47Gonna put the pedal to the metal.
07:50I think I can iron this out.
07:58All right! We're free!
08:04Well, Planeteers, looks like another eco-emergency is down for the count.
08:09That's what you think, Captain Planet.
08:11Our deadly game is just beginning.
08:14Heads up!
08:28What's going on?
08:32Where am I?
08:34Welcome to my parlor, said the spider to the fly.
08:42Now for a dose of radioactivity to render you completely powerless.
08:49Our scheme worked. Captain Planet is ours.
09:02Everyone, look!
09:06Dr. Blight and Duke Nukem are escaping.
09:08And they have Captain Planet with them.
09:14Planeteers, over here.
09:17It's empty.
09:19No nuclear waste, nothing.
09:22We've been tricked.
09:24What dummies we've been.
09:26It was just a set-up to capture Captain Planet.
09:29And we fell for it.
09:31Now what are we going to do?
09:38We have an important message for Gaia and her teenage dupes.
09:43What have you done with Captain Planet?
09:45He's unsafe and unsound right here in my secret laboratory.
09:51You must release him at once.
09:53All in good time.
09:55But first you must meet our ransom demand.
09:58Which is?
10:00Bring me a lifetime supply of nuclear waste.
10:04And what if we refuse?
10:10Then you'll never see Captain Planet again.
10:17I can't give in.
10:26There is only one thing you can do, Planeteers.
10:30Rescue Captain Planet.
10:32How are we going to do that without our powers, Gaia?
10:35There is a way.
10:37We will just have to give Duke Nukem the nuclear waste he demanded as ransom.
10:42Then we'll be helping Nukem and Dr. Blight pollute the Earth.
10:46But if we do not, they will hurt Captain Planet.
10:49Captain Planet has never let us down.
10:51We will not let him down.
10:56Captain Planet
11:02According to my readings,
11:04Dr. Blight's ransom message came from just over this hill.
11:08There's nothing around here but that huge glacier.
11:10Dr. Blight hid inside the glacier before.
11:13Why not now?
11:14Maybe the geosensors can help.
11:18Captain Planet
11:22Planeteer Alert! We found them!
11:34I still say we should attack this place head on and right now.
11:38No. Better to sneak inside and take Blight and Nukem by surprise.
11:43But what if we're too late?
11:45We can cut through this ice.
11:50Intruders! Intruders! Those planet heads are at it again.
11:53They're trying to break into our hideout.
11:57Is this guy a genius or what?
12:00Mind your manners, ma'am.
12:02And give those meddlers a cold reception.
12:06I always follow the doctor's orders.
12:08One avalanche coming up.
12:10We're almost through.
12:13What is that rumbling?
12:17It's an avalanche!
12:36Faster, everyone!
12:38The snow, it is gaining!
12:40Look! We're coming to a gorge!
12:52Now that's what I call a real snow job.
12:56Nice work, Mal.
12:59That should make them realize they better forget trying to rescue and just deliver the ransom.
13:04I told you your plan wouldn't work.
13:06At least I did something besides just talk.
13:09Exactly. You set off the alarm.
13:11So now it's all my fault.
13:13If I had had some help, it would have been different.
13:16Look, it's Gaia.
13:18Planeteers, what's going on here?
13:20Gaia, I'm afraid we have let you down this time.
13:24No, you haven't.
13:26But you must remember, blaming each other is a waste of time.
13:29The only thing that matters is changing what's wrong.
13:34To rescue Captain Planet, you must stop blaming each other and start working together.
13:41The power is yours.
13:44Gaia is right. We must stop saying it is someone else's fault.
13:48Sorry, Lenka.
13:50Me too.
13:51Let's put our heads together.
13:53I know we can come up with a plan to rescue Captain Planet.
13:58Your powerless monkeys better pay our ransom soon, Captain Planet.
14:04You won't survive much more of my radiation.
14:08Forget it, Newcombe.
14:10The Planeteers will never agree to your evil demands.
14:14Attention, attention, malevolent master.
14:16And you too, Duke Radish Head.
14:18Watch it, computer.
14:20Your mouth's too big for your microchips.
14:23The Planeteers are approaching.
14:25The Planeteers are approaching with the ransom.
14:29This is the Planeteers calling Dr. Blight and Duke Newcombe.
14:34You win. Here's the nuclear waste you demanded.
14:38Well, Super Sap, it looks like you were wrong about your beloved Planeteers.
14:56There. We have kept our part of the bargain.
15:00Now you keep yours.
15:02Release Captain Planet at once.
15:04No way.
15:06Now give those young fools another taste of your powers.
15:10I think she'd never ask.
15:21It's a laser!
15:26Let's get the Geocruiser out of here.
15:29The Planeteers are running away.
15:37Nice shot, Blight. I guess that polish is off the Planeteers.
15:45Now wouldn't you know it.
15:47I do all the work and the mutant does the gloating.
15:50You double-crossing creeps.
15:52You never had any intention of letting me go.
15:58Of course not. I have something deliciously dastardly in store for you.
16:05There's enough nuclear waste here to keep me glowing for a hundred years.
16:13You've got what you wanted, my pernicious partner.
16:16Now it's my turn.
16:18What have you got up your evil sleeve now, Dr. Blight?
16:21My greatest experiment of all.
16:24I'm going to learn the secret of your power and then use it to destroy the Earth.
16:30And how do you plan to do that?
16:32You'll see.
16:34I'm afraid you're going to go all to pieces.
16:43Hold it right there, Dr. Blight.
16:46But how? We saw you fly away.
16:50Yeah, we blasted you out of the sky.
16:54We were not in the Geocruiser.
16:56It was operating by remote control.
16:59Oops, got to go.
17:01That was a mistake, Planeteers.
17:04The last you'll ever make.
17:15We must defend ourselves.
17:20Here, these lids are made of lead.
17:22They will shield us from the radiation.
17:24Okay, Duke. Nuclear worst.
17:27Ha ha ha ha ha.
17:30I always do, Planeteers.
17:36Give the Duke and the Doctor a dose of their own medicine.
17:50Are you all right, Captain Planet?
17:52I've absorbed too much of Duke Nukem's radiation.
17:57Don't worry, Cap. We'll get you back on your feet.
18:00Let's make like an atom and split.
18:04They're escaping with Captain Planet.
18:07Stop them!
18:09We'll get you back on your feet.
18:11Let's make like an atom and split.
18:14They're escaping with Captain Planet.
18:17Stop them!
18:25Quick, I'll shield you.
18:28Come on, Dukes.
18:34We made it.
18:35Now to re-energize Captain Planet.
18:41He needs to get back in touch with the powers that make him strong.
18:48A good, healthy dose of pure sunshine.
18:51The touch of earth, air and water.
18:54And good French cheering for him.
19:07It's working.
19:10Captain Planet is throwing off the effects of Nukem's pollution.
19:26Thanks, Planeteers.
19:29Go, Planet!
19:31Now to take care of Doctor Blight and Duke Nukem.
19:38It's Captain Planet.
19:40Very bright light.
19:41But now it's about time for you and Duke Nukem to clean up your act.
19:46He's transforming into water.
19:52And it's entering now.
19:58H2O intruder. Short circuit. Short circuit.
20:02I'm all washed up.
20:10The glacier's collapsing.
20:16Face it, you two. Your evil plans are on the rocks.
20:24I suppose this means I don't get my lifetime supply of nuclear waste.
20:36In a few seconds, there will be nothing left of Doctor Blight's secret lab.
20:47That is a good ending to an evil scheme.
20:52And best of all, Captain Planet is safe.
20:56Thanks for getting me out of that hot spot, Planeteers.
20:59With friends like you, the earth has a chance.
21:02As always, the power is yours.
21:10Go, Planet!
21:17Radioactive waste from nuclear power plants is definitely a big problem.
21:23But if we all use less electricity, we can reduce the need for nuclear power.
21:28Don't use a 100-watt bulb when a 60-watt will do.
21:32Do not leave lights, the TV, or radio on in an empty room.
21:36Wash only full loads of laundry.
21:38Energy efficiency can help save our planet.
21:41The power is yours!
21:50Go, Planet!
21:51By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
22:16Help him put asunder bad guys who like to loot and plunder.
22:23You'll pay for this, Captain Planet!
22:26We're the Planeteers, you can be one too.
22:29Cause saving our planet is the thing to do.
22:33Looting and polluting is not the way.
22:36Hear what Captain Planet has to say.
22:41The power is yours!
