Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 22

  • 2 days ago
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 22
00:01Our world is in peril.
00:04Gaia, the spirit of the Earth,
00:06can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet.
00:10She sends five magic rings to five special young people.
00:14Quach, from Africa, with the power of earth.
00:18From North America, Wheeler, with the power of fire.
00:22From the Soviet Union, Minka, with the power of wind.
00:32From Asia, Yi, with the power of water.
00:41And from South America, Mati, with the power of heart.
00:46When the five powers combine,
00:48they summon Earth's greatest champion, Captain Planet.
00:52Go, Planet!
00:57The power is yours!
01:06Rare, behold the future site of Greenlee's Greenland Estates,
01:11the world's most expensive beach resort.
01:18Beach resort? The place is covered with ice, Mr. Greenlee.
01:22I can make a silk purse out of this sow's ear.
01:25We'll warm up the Earth till this place is as hot as the tropics.
01:30Oh, I get it.
01:32After the ice melts, you can sell your land for a fortune, boss.
01:38But what about the planet's air pumps?
01:42Yes, nowadays they have everyone squiggling about the environment.
01:46But what if we could go back in time, before there were planeteers?
01:52You mean, you can time travel?
01:55Well, I can't hog all the credit,
01:58but my piggy bank financed Dr. Blight's newest invention.
02:05I call it the Somewhere in Time Pool.
02:10Oh, don't let's get poetic. It's just a time machine.
02:15Why, Mal, darling, you're jealous,
02:18just because you didn't invent a doorway to the past and future.
02:22If I did, it would reach further than a measly 50 years.
02:28They're sending us back to the 1950s.
02:31No pollution laws, no planeteers, and no Captain Planet.
02:35We'll burn all the coal and oil we can find.
02:39Permit me to show you what will happen if you go and do that.
02:42Your burning will release tons of carbon dioxide into the air.
02:46The sunlight, that would normally bounce back into space as heat,
02:50will be trapped by the increased carbon dioxide.
02:53It's like rolling up the windows on a car parked in the sun,
02:56or like a greenhouse.
02:58We know that, Mal. That's why it's called the greenhouse effect.
03:04After a few years, this global warming will melt the polar ice,
03:09raising the sea level all over the world,
03:12changing weather, making storms worse.
03:15In short, by changing the past, we will wreck the future.
03:21So, wrecking the future is what I do best.
03:25Then I'll make a fortune.
03:27Mal, please stop wasting time.
03:30Warm up our nuclear power source for the time pool.
03:33Well, you did say please.
03:38Starting tachyon flow.
03:52You will make history, Greedly, as the first time traveler.
03:59Make history nothing, I'm going to rewrite history.
04:03And there won't be any planeteers in it.
04:09I'm going to show you guys a real New York style New Year's bash.
04:14As long as we avoid those Times Square crowds.
04:17Leader, maybe you should give up this party idea.
04:20Duh, it is not very practical.
04:23I would rather be out stopping polluters.
04:26Come on, guys, we deserve a holiday.
04:32Planeteers, to the crystal chamber.
04:35Planeteers, to the crystal chamber.
04:38I hate to be a party pooper, but we have an eco-emergency.
04:42Oh, no, not on New Year's Eve.
04:46Dr. Blight has created her most dangerous invention
04:49in an underground lab in Greenland.
04:51Dr. Blight again?
04:53Even mad scientists call her crazy.
04:56What is she up to now?
04:58She's going to send Hoggish Greedly back in time
05:01to speed up global warming.
05:03Don't fault me, Earth is already warming up too fast.
05:07That's why you must stop them.
05:10But we'll miss my party.
05:12Why us?
05:14Why not send in the army or something?
05:16This is a job for planeteers.
05:19We will do it, Gaia. Hurry, Wheeler.
05:29Scratch one New Year's party.
05:31We'll never be back by midnight.
05:33If Greedly changes history, it will not be a happy New Year.
05:45This has to be the place.
05:49Well, unless we want to get out the shovels and dig,
05:52I better use fire.
05:55And we don't want to swim either.
06:03Come on!
06:16What is going on? Help!
06:19Whoa! What is going on? Help!
06:37Wow! When this is all over, I want to do that again.
06:41Look! That must be the laboratory.
06:44But there is no door.
06:48I will make one.
06:54All right. We're ready.
07:01Gee, this time pool can sure make waves.
07:04Don't you think, boss? Don't you?
07:06That's not the time pool. That's...
07:11The planeteers?
07:13We knocked, but no one answered.
07:18Here's your answer, my little eco-darlings.
07:21I call it my summit boom box.
07:32The weapon uses sound waves.
07:35That's what I call noise pollution.
07:39It may be noise pollution to you, planet brats,
07:42but it's music to my ears.
07:49Look out!
07:53It's shaking the ice loose.
07:57Time for teamwork.
07:59Let our powers combine.
08:12By your powers combined,
08:15I am Captain Planet.
08:18Go away!
08:20Hey, Doc.
08:22Looks like your music is really bringing down the house.
08:25This little thing is going home.
08:28Wait. Are you sure this thing's safe?
08:32Are you?
08:34Not really. That's why you're going first.
08:38I don't want to be no guinea pig while you get to be a chicken.
08:43What did you mean by that?
08:49Nothing personal, boss.
08:52I'll keep them busy. Hurry up and jump!
08:56Do you take requests?
08:58How about the sounds of silence?
09:09Captain Planet, look out!
09:11The whole ceiling is giving way!
09:15Dr. Blight's evil plan isn't all it's cracked up to be.
09:24What are we doing greedily up to?
09:27Who cares if you belly flop?
09:41I'm outta here!
09:44Come back here, you traitor!
10:03It's a catering!
10:06Out of my way, rigger! I'm slitting!
10:10I think I can pick up this split.
10:19Yes! A spare! All right!
10:25Please, spare us!
10:28Oh, my aching bacon!
10:41Captain Planet! We're trapped in here!
10:44Yes! Please get us out, Captain Planet!
10:48I promise I'll be good from now on!
10:51I'll tell any lie I can think of to get out of here.
10:55We have got to rescue Wheeler!
10:58I can dig it!
11:01I'm gonna dig it!
11:04I'm gonna dig it!
11:08I'm gonna dig it!
11:20Just like a superhero, when you really need him, he flakes out on you.
11:25Your time machine's nuclear power source contaminated the ice!
11:32Captain Planet! Are you all right?
11:35Get back, Bati! There's radioactivity here!
11:39It's weakening my powers!
11:44You mean you cannot rescue Wheeler?
11:53But he will run out of air in there!
12:05That nuclear radiation is draining my powers.
12:10We cannot just leave Wheeler in there to die!
12:14With friends like you, he still has a fighting chance.
12:19For now, the power is yours.
12:36You may have stopped us from time-traveling, but you'll never save your pal, Kai!
12:41Let me try!
12:47No! It will cause a cave-in and crush them!
12:56It's been over an hour. Looks like your hero has abandoned you.
13:03It was your radioactivity that took away Cap's powers!
13:07This is the most boring New Year's Eve I've ever spent.
13:12Boredom's not making you yawn. It's carbon dioxide.
13:17What? You mean we're running out of oxygen?
13:20Not we, human. You. I never use the stuff.
13:25Then this is it. Game over.
13:30Stop yapping. All your heavy breathing is using up our oxygen faster.
13:35It's not fair! This is what I get for trying to save the world?
13:40I could have been having fun tonight.
13:43Sometimes I wish I'd never gotten this stupid ring.
13:47Do you really mean that? Because I can arrange it.
13:51Arrange what?
13:53I can send you back in time to the moment when you got that ring from Gaia.
13:56When was that, anyway?
13:59Last January. The 5th.
14:03You heard that, Mal. Start up the time pool.
14:06Wheeler's going back in time. The January 5th.
14:11And where were you that day?
14:13Brooklyn, New York. But I really don't want to go back in time.
14:18Aren't you tired of being a planeteer?
14:21Of always recycling, carpooling, saving energy?
14:25It's what everybody should do.
14:28Forget should. Isn't it time you did what you want to do?
14:33Changing history? I don't know.
14:36There are billions of other people who can fight pollution.
14:40You've got your own life to worry about.
14:42I don't trust you, Blight.
14:44Then think about this.
14:46Our only way out of this cave-in is to change history so it didn't happen.
14:51I guess that makes sense.
14:54So go!
14:59So long, sucker.
15:07Man, where am I? And when am I?
15:18Wait a minute. I remember this.
15:21I made it. I've gone back in time.
15:37That's me, before I became a planeteer.
15:56Hey, what's the big... wall?
15:59You look just like me.
16:01Who are you? I am you.
16:04Not too long from now.
16:06What are you talking about?
16:08I came back in time to warn you.
16:10Don't accept this ring.
16:12This ring is gonna kill us.
16:14Leave it alone.
16:16Time travel, huh?
16:18Why should I believe all this?
16:20I'm here, aren't I?
16:22Yeah, I guess so.
16:24Right. Now get out of here. Go!
16:29Gee, that was easy.
16:51My planeteer insignia! It's gone!
16:54I did it!
17:00Oh, Gaia, what's the deal?
17:02You scared the freckles off of me.
17:04Wheeler, what have you done?
17:07I stopped being a planeteer so I wouldn't die in an ice cave.
17:11That's all.
17:12No, that's not all.
17:14You've changed history.
17:17Yeah, it's hot.
17:20And it was cold a minute ago.
17:22But wait a second. How could I change the weather?
17:25All I did was quit the planeteers.
17:28Yes, you quit.
17:30So you weren't there to keep Greedily out of the time pool.
17:34He and Rigger went back in time to the 1950s.
17:38And you were there to stop them.
17:42He and Rigger went back in time to the 1950s.
17:46Back before there were any pollution laws.
17:48Greedily built huge factories to burn fuels wastefully.
17:52Going back to the 50s was a stroke of genius, boss.
17:55No one worries about ecology back here.
17:58Yeah, we can burn fossil fuels like there's no tomorrow.
18:03And at this rate, there won't be a tomorrow.
18:11Yeah, boss.
18:14I don't get it.
18:18They released so much carbon dioxide that now the Earth is much hotter.
18:22Why didn't Captain Planet stop them?
18:24Captain Planet does not exist.
18:27You changed history.
18:29You never joined the planeteers.
18:31So there are no planeteers.
18:33They each went their own separate way.
18:37Oh, come on, Gaia.
18:39You found someone else to be a planeteer instead of me?
18:42No. Each individual has a unique role to play.
18:46You were supposed to set an example for countless others.
18:49I don't buy it.
18:51Other people will take up the slack.
18:53If we were on Hope Island, I could show you on the planet vision how wrong you are.
18:59But if you believe your actions don't have an effect,
19:02why don't you step into the 21st century and see what the world will be like?
19:07All right, I will.
19:09I hate to use a dangerous device like the time pool, but you leave me no choice.
19:14Mal, send Wheeler into the future.
19:17Oh, really? And what if I refuse?
19:21You're right near the North Pole.
19:23What if the Earth's magnetic field suddenly gets a lot more powerful?
19:33Wait! Stop!
19:35Don't! The magnetism will erase my data!
19:39All right, I'll do it. No need to get geophysical.
19:44Send Wheeler to this same neighborhood 35 years from now.
19:49But he can only stay for one hour. Then he must return to real time.
19:54Man, I'll see all the progress, the new inventions. This is excellent!
19:58We'll see if you like what you find.
20:00Future, here I come!
20:13Hey, what is this? This can't be my neighborhood.
20:17Then again, it does look familiar.
20:31If I don't find some land, I'm gonna drown!
20:45That was close! I almost didn't make it.
20:48Now where am I?
20:50Oh, no!
20:54I'm on the Statue of Liberty!
20:56It can't be!
20:58New York City is underwater?
21:01What happened to my home? What happened to the world?
21:06Gaia, where are you?
21:15Go, Planet!
21:23The future of Earth rests in all our hands.
21:27Please, don't waste water.
21:30Please, do not waste energy.
21:36Please, don't waste your minds and bodies.
21:39Please, don't waste our future.
21:41The power is yours!
21:50Go, Planet!
21:52By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
21:55Captain Planet, he's our hero,
21:58Gonna take pollution down to zero.
22:02He's our powers magnified,
22:05And he's fighting on the planet's side.
22:09Captain Planet, he's our hero,
22:12Gonna take pollution down to zero.
22:16Gonna help him put asunder
22:19Bad guys who like to loot and plunder.
22:24You'll pay for this, Captain Planet!
22:27We're the Planeteers, you can be one too,
22:30Cause saving our planet is the thing to do.
22:34Looting and polluting is not the way,
22:37Hear what Captain Planet has to say.
22:41The power is yours!
22:53Thank you for watching!
