RB-Merrill-Carson-White, 12/18/61

  • 15 hours ago


00:09Welcome to Black & White Overnight.
00:11Game Show Network's salute to the bygone era of classic game shows.
00:15Featuring some of your favorite stars of stage and screen.
00:21Five years ago tonight, December 18, 1956,
00:25one of these men stood on this stage and said,
00:30My name is Cecil Underwood.
00:34My name is Cecil Underwood.
00:38My name is Cecil Underwood.
00:40Only one of these men is the real Cecil Underwood.
00:44The other two are imposters and will try to fool this panel.
00:47Ralph Bellamy, Dena Merrill, Johnny Carson, and Betty White.
00:52On to tell the truth with your host, Bob Collier!
00:56Thank you very much. Good evening.
01:02And welcome once again to Tell the Truth.
01:05Brought to you this week by Dristan Nasal Mist,
01:08the new decongestant spray for relief from miseries of sinus congestion and head colds.
01:14Good evening, panel.
01:16I don't know how many of you know it, but you're taking part in a very signal occasion tonight.
01:20We are celebrating five years on the air.
01:23It was exactly five years ago tonight that we began with Tell the Truth.
01:26So happy anniversary to us.
01:28Happy anniversary to us because I was there watching it.
01:32All right, let's open up your envelopes, take out your affidavit cards for the first time,
01:36and follow along as I read.
01:39I, Cecil Underwood, am the former governor of the state of West Virginia.
01:45I served my four-year term and am now vice president of the Island Creek Coal Company.
01:50On December 18, 1956, when I was governor-elect,
01:54I was the first person to appear on the very first broadcast of To Tell the Truth.
01:59Signed, Cecil Underwood.
02:14All set, gentlemen?
02:16Panel, you just heard these three gentlemen claiming to be Cecil Underwood,
02:21who appeared on our program exactly five years ago tonight.
02:24Let's begin this first round of questioning with Betty White. Betty?
02:27Thank you, Bud.
02:29Mr. Underwood, number one, there's a racetrack in West Virginia, a small racetrack.
02:35Could you give me the name of it?
02:40Number two? Could you?
02:42Which one of the four do you want?
02:45Well, I'd like to hear all four of them.
02:48Charlestown 1 and 2, Wheeling, and Waterford.
02:57Well, it's obviously not number two. He's a horse player. He wasn't the former.
03:01Thank you very much.
03:02Number three, what street is the Capitol building on in West Virginia?
03:06It's on Kennawagwa Boulevard. It's not a street, a boulevard.
03:11And the name of it again?
03:13K-E-N-N-A-W-A, Kennawagwa.
03:18And Ralph Bellamy.
03:21Number one, who were the other two contestants on with you that night?
03:26Do you remember what their business was or what their occupation was?
03:30I don't remember who they were. I'm sorry.
03:32Number two, do you?
03:34I remember one was a scientist, the other I don't know.
03:39Number three, would you agree with that in part?
03:41In part, the other one was a doctor.
03:43Number three, what's the population of West Virginia?
03:46It's a little under two million.
03:48Number one, what cross-country main artery goes through Wheeling, West Virginia?
03:54What's the number of it? Number of the roads?
04:04Number two, where's the Island Creek Coal Company headquarters?
04:08The headquarters is in Huntington, West Virginia.
04:15Mr. Underwood, number one, who is the West Virginia golf champion?
04:20I don't know.
04:22Number two, do you know?
04:24The amateur golf?
04:26The amateur golf champion, yes.
04:28Bill Camel.
04:32Number three, what kind of coal do you mine?
04:36I see.
04:38Number one, what is the name of the senator in your state?
04:42Senator Randolph.
04:44And how long has he been senator?
04:46He's just been elected.
04:48In fact, I ran against him and lost.
04:56Johnny, you did run for the second term, though.
04:59No, the second term isn't allowed.
05:01You're not allowed to succeed yourself as governor of West Virginia.
05:04I see.
05:06Number two, what is the only state in the country that has a unicameral legislature?
05:11I believe that's Nebraska.
05:14Number three?
05:16It's Nebraska.
05:18Number one?
05:20It's the only question I knew.
05:22Who was on the panel five years ago on this show, the panelists?
05:26Number three?
05:28Well, it was Polly Bergen, John Cameron Swayze, Dick Van Dyke, and I believe Miss Parks.
05:36Number one, would you agree to that?
05:41Yes, of course you would.
05:43All right, there we go.
05:45Now, that brought back a lot of memories for me.
05:47And we have to vote now.
05:49There's no further time for questioning, so will you kindly tend to that panel?
05:52Take your pencils and your ballots, and without conference, without consultation,
05:56will you mark your ballots for number one, number two, or number three?
06:02Our team of challengers will, as is customary, receive $250 for every incorrect vote.
06:08Ralph, all set?
06:10Mainly on his answers to the question about the Senate and the governorship.
06:15I touted myself, I was on number three for a while, but I came back to number one.
06:19Okay, Dina, which one did you select?
06:21Well, I voted for number two, but he knows my pal Billy Campbell.
06:25And he's got to be from West Virginia, I think, or I don't think you would have known about him.
06:30Okay, Johnny.
06:32I have to go with number two, being a former Nebraskan, they do have a unicameral legislator there.
06:38So I'm, uh, you know what that is?
06:40What is it, Johnny?
06:42Well, I'm not sure, I think it's where they don't exactly have two houses, it's all one body.
06:47Is that right?
06:52Well, I just went for number two for lots and lots of reasons, but I think mostly because
06:57number three's answers sounded like the kind of answers that he might have been trying to fool us with.
07:03They were so packed, and I don't know the racetracks in West Virginia,
07:07but that Charleston one and two, that sounded very sincere.
07:11Well, we have the panel with three on one and one on number one there, all by himself, Ralph.
07:17Let's see whether we are right or wrong in our voting as we discover right now
07:21which one of these gentlemen is the real member of our Tell the Truth show.
07:27First one, as a matter of fact, five years ago.
07:30So will the real Governor Cecil Underwood please stand up.
07:51Well, it's a real pleasure, Governor, to have you back with us tonight to help us celebrate our anniversary.
07:55It's a pleasure to be back here, but I don't make much money out of this.
07:59I hope I was able to sell a little coal.
08:00Yeah, well, you might get some orders before you leave.
08:02I would like to state that at the time that Governor Underwood was with us five years ago,
08:06he was at that time the youngest governor in the country.
08:09He's aged rather well, I think.
08:12Don't think it shows too much. Thanks again, Governor, for helping us celebrate.
08:15Number one, would you tell us your real name and what you really do, please, sir?
08:18My name is James Thickering. I am an astronomer with the American Museum Hayden Planetarium.
08:23And I became a professional liar five years ago tonight because I was on that same show
08:28pretending to be Governor Underwood.
08:37Just for fun, Mr. Thickering, did you get any votes that time?
08:40I got three.
08:41Oh, you got three?
08:42They had a different method of scoring. I had five votes from the audience, and I got three out of the five.
08:47That's right, the audience was taking part in the first show, the very first one. It changed right after that.
08:51Number three, your real name, sir, and what you really do, please.
08:53My name is F. Ray Keezer, Jr. I am not the governor of West Virginia,
08:58but I am currently the youngest governor in the United States,
09:02and I'm governor of the Green Mountain State, Vermont.
09:12Governor Keezer, I want to thank you for leaving your beautiful state, the Green Mountain State of Vermont,
09:16to come down here and join us.
09:18It's always a pleasure to join you, and I'd like to take this opportunity to invite the panel,
09:22you, and everyone that would like to, to come up and visit the beauty state of the nation.
09:27Yeah, she's a mighty pretty state, believe me. Thank you very much, sir.
09:31Checking over the score, we find there were three right votes, only one incorrect,
09:35the $450 from Dristan, and a gift package of the fine products from the makers of Dristan.
09:39But gentlemen, we thank you very much for being with us and helping us celebrate.
09:42Good night, and God bless you.
09:44Thank you, sir.
09:48Now, a word of introduction.
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13:25Now, panel our next team of challengers.
13:28What is your name, please?
13:31My name is Bonnie Guitar.
13:35My name is Bonnie Guitar.
13:39My name is Bonnie Guitar.
13:42Follow along once again, panel, if you will, please, with the copies of this affidavit.
13:45I, Bonnie Guitar, am a singer.
13:48I perform in nightclubs and on television.
13:51One of my records, Dark Moon, has sold over a million copies.
13:56One of my records, Dark Moon, has sold some one million copies.
14:00I've never completely gotten over my love of horses.
14:03I own and race a string of quarter horses.
14:06I sometimes act as my own jockey.
14:09I've ridden my own horses in many races against men jockeys.
14:12My quarter horse, Graybar, once set a track record for 220 yards, hitting a speed of nearly 60 miles an hour.
14:17Signed, Bonnie Guitar.
14:20Get in touch with Game Show Network.
14:23Get on our website and play our games or e-mail us your questions and comments.
14:26It's www.gameshownetwork.com.
14:30Game Show Network.
14:35All set, ladies, and quite comfortable?
14:37Very well, let's go to work, then.
14:39And we start figuring out which one of these we'll just claim to be Bonnie Guitar really is.
14:43And we start this course examination with our own guitar player jockey, Johnny Carson.
14:50Bonnie, number one.
14:56What kind of a guitar do you play? How many strings?
15:00Six-string guitar? How do you tune a six-string guitar?
15:04Isn't there a little phrase or something when you sing yourself to tune a guitar?
15:10You know what I'm referring to?
15:13No, number two?
15:15E, A, D, G, B, and E.
15:18No, that's an eye chart. No, I mean when you...
15:21Number three, you know what I'm referring to?
15:23A little phrase that you hum to yourself when you tune a...
15:25My dog has fleas?
15:27Yeah, that's what I was looking for.
15:28You gotta say my dog has fleas real bad if there are six strings.
15:35Thanks a lot.
15:37Number one, what would be the easiest way for me to tell a quarter horse from a thoroughbred?
15:43The easiest way?
15:45Well, a quarter horse is one of the fastest horses.
15:49Number two?
15:50Pardon me, number one, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Anne?
15:53Anne, it is shorter than a thoroughbred.
15:56Shorter in height?
15:57In height than a thoroughbred.
15:59Number two, do you agree with that?
16:02I suppose that the difference would be in the confirmation, yes.
16:06The confirmation in what way? Height or length of body or...
16:09Perhaps all over, the general size of a horse.
16:13Not so fast.
16:15Just a minute.
16:16Number one, who has the record for the most records?
16:23What do you mean?
16:24Well, who sold, what singer has sold the most number of records?
16:29What singer?
16:31I really don't know, but Frank Como, I would think.
16:34Number two, do you know?
16:36Probably Elvis Presley.
16:37You say probably? Three, who would you say?
16:39Frank Sinatra.
16:41Number one, how long is a recording session?
16:45Well, it all depends.
16:49Well, uh...
16:50How things go.
16:51Technical terms. Number two, how long is a musician's session?
16:55Three to four hours.
16:57Dina Merrill.
16:59Number two, when you say quarter horse, well, it's...
17:03What's its blood made up of?
17:06What is a quarter horse, in other words?
17:08It's a controversial question. It can be part thoroughbred,
17:12but basically they are a quarter horse, which is a pure breed.
17:16Excuse me, basically it's what?
17:18It's a quarter horse, it's a pure breed.
17:21Then quarter doesn't mean quarter of anything.
17:24I doubt that.
17:25I see. Number three, how do you measure the height of a horse?
17:29By hand.
17:30The hand is four inches.
17:33Well, that's it.
17:34We have to stop with a pony, I guess.
17:36We didn't get quite up high enough to see how much that horse would measure.
17:39But we'll measure our votes right now, if you will, please, panel,
17:42by taking ballots and pencils, and let's go with marking.
17:44Without consultation, will you vote now for number one,
17:48number two,
17:50or number three?
17:53All set, everybody? Ralph, for whom did you vote this time?
17:56Number three, mainly on my dog has fleas.
18:01And also, she seemed to have the most information about horses, I thought, anyway.
18:08I'll go along with Ralph.
18:10Number two did seem to know a lot about horses,
18:13but number three did too, and she seemed to know also about music.
18:16Okay, Johnny?
18:18I voted for three also, because of my dog has fleas.
18:22I saw you two, I get that.
18:24My dog has...
18:25Oh, that's pretty.
18:26That's lovely, Johnny.
18:28Hang it up till we can all hear it, Johnny.
18:31Well, I'm swimming upstream.
18:33I voted for number two.
18:34I liked her terminology about confirmation and the way she talked about horses.
18:38And if her dog has fleas, she shouldn't be so busy with her horses.
18:46All right, once again, we've come to our own particular moment of truth on this, our fifth anniversary,
18:50as we find out which one of these three ladies is the real singer and jockey.
18:57So, will the real Bonnie Guitar please stand up?
19:14Thank you very much.
19:15Number one, would you tell us your real name and what you really do, please?
19:18I'm Marty Bond, housewife in New York, New York.
19:27And number three, you got most of the votes there.
19:29What is your real name and what do you really do?
19:31I'm Caroline Smythe.
19:32I'm a marketing research analyst for Royal McBee Corporation.
19:41Well, we've checked the score, and I tell you,
19:43your Christmas shopping is going to take a boom in the next few days,
19:46because with three incorrect at $250 each,
19:49for a total for you ladies of $750 from Dristan,
19:52as well as on your way out, you'll receive a gift package
19:54with the fine products from the makers of Dristan.
19:56We thank you for being with us very much,
19:58and Quarter Horses will know good night and best wishes.
20:02Stay tuned. There's more black and white overnight coming right up.
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22:01on Game Show Network.
22:05Cliff Sandese.
22:08Sandese, did you get three whammies or four?
22:10In all the excitement,
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22:26Well, do ya, Cliff?
22:28Press your luck every day
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22:32every night at 9.30 and 1.30 Eastern
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22:36Be on the lookout for this man.
22:38Monty Hall, deal maker.
22:40Got a deal for you.
22:42Oh, I think I'm gonna faint.
22:44Down, down, down.
22:46Well, listen, before you sit down.
22:48Entices contestants with living room sets
22:50then confuses them with cash.
22:52$525, $550.
22:54He's quick-witted, fast on his feet
22:56and capable at any moment of a devastating zonk.
23:00Watch out for Monty Hall on Let's Make a Deal.
23:02Monday through Saturday at 8.30 Eastern
23:05only on Game Show Network.
23:07Now may I present our next team of challengers.
23:15What is your name, please?
23:17My name is Harold Baker.
23:21My name is Harold Baker.
23:24My name is Harold Baker.
23:27Follow along once again, if you will, panel.
23:29I, Harold Baker,
23:31was junior pocket billiards champion
23:33of the world when I was 15 years old.
23:35At 16, I started traveling
23:37about the country giving exhibitions
23:39and playing the best local talent for money.
23:41Right after World War II,
23:43I realized I needed a more stable career.
23:45So I went to barber school
23:47under the GI Bill.
23:49I now own and operate my own barber shop.
23:51Billiards and pocket billiards, however,
23:53still play a big part in my life.
23:55I'm available at $100 per day
23:57as technical advisor to Motion Pictures
23:59and I also give private lessons.
24:02Among the people I have worked with
24:04are John Wayne, Rock Hudson,
24:06Fred Astaire, and Marlene Dietrich.
24:08Signed, Harold Baker.
24:22Three gentlemen this time, panel,
24:24each one claiming, as you heard,
24:26to be Harold Baker, billiards expert.
24:28Extraordinary. We'll start this round with our own.
24:30I don't know whether you're a billiards expert or not.
24:32Ralph Bellamy.
24:34Number one, when was
24:36Willie Moscone champion?
24:38He is right now.
24:40Number two, when was Willie Hoppy champion?
24:42He's been dead five years.
24:44Number three, when was he champion?
24:48Well, that's going back
24:50quite a long ways.
24:54Number one, would you know when?
24:56Or number two?
24:59All right. Number one,
25:01where's your shop?
25:03My shop is in Hollywood.
25:05I guessed that.
25:09Number two, what address?
25:116820 Hollywood Boulevard.
25:13What cross street is that near number two?
25:15Allen Avenue.
25:17Number three, what pictures
25:19did you do with all these
25:21stars you mentioned?
25:23Seven Sinners.
25:27Mr. Korff.
25:29There are only five of them mentioned here, you say Seven Sinners.
25:33Number one, what
25:35is the picture that is currently playing
25:37which has to do with
25:39pool or billiards? I must say I'm very ignorant
25:41on this subject. The Hustler. Thank you.
25:43Is it pool or billiards? No, that is
25:45pocket billiards. Pocket
25:47billiards. We don't say pool.
25:49Oh, you don't? No.
25:51Oh. Okay.
25:55Number two, do you know who the expert was
25:57who did the actual
25:59shots in that for the actors?
26:01Paul Newman was the
26:03lead in that. Yes, I know he was the
26:05actor, but who did the, you know...
26:07I don't know. He's not that good.
26:09He couldn't be.
26:11You don't know. Number three, do you know?
26:13Who the expert was?
26:15William Moscone.
26:19Number one, how do you get rid of dandruff?
26:21The best way is to make sure
26:24you clean your scalp. I see, but
26:26that's just washing,
26:28but is there some kind of special shampoo
26:30or something that you recommend? Well, we use
26:32an egg shampoo consisting of egg, witch,
26:34hazel, and salt. It'll get down deep.
26:38Is beer good as a shampoo?
26:40I hear that beer is good for a shampoo. Is that right?
26:42Number one? Yes,
26:44beer has been used as a shampoo.
26:46Wow, you don't hear ladies do that.
26:48They use beer. That's delicious.
26:50You have happy dandruff, I know that.
26:54Number two,
26:56when one barber cuts another barber's
26:58hair, who does the talking?
27:02I think the barber who
27:04sets the chair does most of the talking.
27:06Number one, what is the term snooker?
27:08What does that apply to?
27:10Well, that's a game of
27:12pocket billiards using a smaller size ball.
27:14And three cushion billiards
27:16is the exact terminology?
27:18Three cushion billiards is billiards.
27:20Three cushion billiards
27:22is billiards. That's right.
27:24Well, when you're making a three cushion shot, I assume you're working
27:26on a billiard table. Well, what is snooker then?
27:28Well, snooker is on
27:30an actual table with pockets
27:32like pocket billiards.
27:36Number three, to put draw on a ball,
27:38how would you hit it?
27:40You use reverse English
27:42hitting underneath the ball.
27:44Number two, what is a scratch?
27:46Scratch is when your cue ball
27:48goes into any one of the six
27:50corners. Number one,
27:52what is a masse shot? Well, you get
27:54way up in the air for that.
27:56It's good for withdrawal.
27:58And number
28:00three, what is the farmer's friend?
28:06Number two, do you know farmer's device?
28:08No, I don't. Number one, do you?
28:10No, I don't. Number three, what is a rake?
28:12I don't mean somebody that
28:14hangs around a pool hall. I mean, what is a rake?
28:18Number two, do you know what a rake is?
28:20Yes, I do. A rake is what you use with a cue stick
28:22when you have to reach for a long distance while you shoot a goal.
28:24Do you agree with that, number one?
28:26I call it a bridge.
28:28That's what she means. You're just trying to
28:30confuse me. That's all you're doing.
28:32Well, I don't mind telling you you've confused me. You've been spending your time
28:34in places I never thought of.
28:36But in any event,
28:38it's time to mark your ballots now,
28:40panel, so will you kindly do so?
28:42And without consultation,
28:44we'll go for number one,
28:46number two,
28:48or number three.
28:50Everybody set?
28:52Mines all made up, ballots all marked.
28:56Ralph, for whom this time?
28:58Number two. Again, I was
29:00on all three of them at one time or another,
29:02but this was mainly on the readiness with which
29:04he had his address
29:06in the cross street and the rake. He was the only one
29:08who knew the rake. I know it's sometimes
29:10called a bridge, but I think it's called a rake too.
29:14I voted for number one, Bud, because he knows
29:16an awful lot, seemed to know an awful lot about something
29:18I know absolutely nothing about.
29:20They convinced you. Johnny.
29:22I didn't change, I just made a mistake.
29:24This is actually, this is supposed to be
29:26one because of the explanation
29:28of the billiards
29:30with pockets
29:32is, as he said, is billiards.
29:38I was confused
29:40before, but you made it so quick.
29:42Betty, your vote.
29:44A good point there, John.
29:46I voted for number one simply
29:48because of his noncommittal answer
29:50about where the barber shop was.
29:52He didn't not know, he just gave us
29:54not a complete answer,
29:56and all the other answers were good in spite of that rake thing
29:58which almost threw me, Ralph.
30:00Okay, away we go then to our
30:02final analysis here, finding out who's which
30:04and what's what and who's right and who's wrong
30:06as we learn which one of these gentlemen is the real
30:08billiard expert, barber, and so forth.
30:10Will the real Harold Baker,
30:12therefore, please
30:14stand up.
30:22Ha! Ha! Ha!
30:24Ha! Ha! Ha!
30:26Ha! Ha! Ha!
30:28Ha! Ha! Ha!
30:30Ha! Ha! Ha!
30:32Ha! Ha! Ha!
30:34Thank you very much, sir.
30:36That was a messy shot
30:38and all messy shots, I think.
30:40Number one, may we have your real name
30:42and what you really do? You garnered most of the votes.
30:44My name is Jack London.
30:46I'm known as the world's greatest pickpocket.
30:48Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
30:50A performer
30:52and I also lecture on
30:54con games.
30:56Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
30:58Ha! Ha! Ha!
31:00And you've garnered most of the votes.
31:02Number two, your real name and what you do, please.
31:04My name is Woody Davis. I'm the operator
31:06of Woody's Bar and Grill over on 8th Avenue.
31:08Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
31:10Ha! Ha! Ha!
31:12Ha! Ha! Ha!
31:14Well, gentlemen, that was good fun, believe me.
31:16And you're going to have good fun, too,
31:18in this bright and shiny season we're in because
31:20you've fooled the panel all the way down the line
31:22with that one, and that means, of course, a total of
31:24$1,000 for you to pass around
31:26between you. And you've given us good fun.
31:28You also get from us a gift package of fine products
31:30from the makers of Dristan.
31:32And happy holiday season to you all.
31:42We'll be back with our incomparable panel of lie
31:44detectors just a moment later.
31:46Stay tuned. There's more black and white
31:48overnight coming right up.
31:50One hour.
31:52Two shows.
32:00And Super Password. Weeknights from 7 to 8
32:02Eastern only on Game Show Network.
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33:04It's a family feud.
33:06It's feuding family fun.
33:08A dashing post.
33:10He kisses everyone.
33:12It's sizzling relations
33:14with attitude.
33:16It's the feud. The Family Feud.
33:188 p.m. Eastern, Monday through Saturday.
33:20It's a family feud.
33:22It's feuding family fun.
33:24A dashing post.
33:26He kisses everyone.
33:28Family feud.
33:30See feuding families fight for lots of cash.
33:32Survey says, hey, that can't be right.
33:34Hotel prom.
33:36Mama too.
33:38It's sizzling relations
33:40with attitude.
33:42It's the feud.
33:44Our survey said, The Family Feud.
33:468 p.m. Eastern, Monday through Saturday.
33:50Be on the lookout for this man.
33:52Monty Hall, deal maker.
33:54Con man.
33:58Favorite tactic, bait and switch.
34:00Entices contestants with
34:02living room sets, then confuses them
34:04with cash.
34:06He's quick-witted,
34:08fast on his feet, and capable
34:10at any moment of a devastating zonk.
34:12Watch out for Monty Hall
34:14on Let's Make a Deal.
34:16Monday through Saturday at 8 p.m. Eastern
34:18only on Game Show Network.
34:20Carol Merrill, glamour girl,
34:22seductress, uses subtle gestures
34:24to distract contestants
34:26from properly judging merchandise.
34:28With a single alluring pose,
34:30causes entire fortunes to be traded
34:32for what's behind the curtain.
34:34Watch out for Carol Merrill
34:36on Let's Make a Deal.
34:38Monday through Saturday at 8 p.m. Eastern
34:40only on Game Show Network.
34:46Hold on, you get the button.
34:54Well, that's all we have
34:56time for tonight, except I do want to say,
34:58Ralph, it's been great fun having you back on the panel again.
35:00My pleasure, as always.
35:02Back again soon. Next week, Darren McGavin
35:04will be joining the rest of the panel, and that's about
35:06it, folks, so good night, panel.
35:08But, Carl, you're saying good night from Dristan
35:10and reminding you to tell the truth.
35:12Good night, everybody.
35:16To tell the truth is a Mark Goodson,
35:18Bill Todman production.
35:22Marty Bond's gown by
35:24Steel Chapman. Riding equipment
35:26by Miller.
35:36To tell the truth has been
35:38brought to you by Dristan nasal mist,
35:40the new decongestant spray for
35:42relief from miseries of sinus congestion
35:44and head colds. This is
35:46Johnny Olsen saying good night, for to tell
35:48the truth, this program was pre-recorded.
35:52In a world
35:54desperate to play, two
35:56men will push contestants to the
35:58limit. Intimate questions,
36:00unrelenting pressure,
36:02pain, and sweet victory.
36:04Who are these men?
36:06And why do they do it?
36:08Because on these game shows,
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36:16Newton. This hour,
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37:00Fill the blank and by gosh, you've won!
37:02Spin the wheel and match wicks with the stars.
37:04Play for prizes, big money, no cars.
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37:08But it's all American fun!
37:10Bless your blank.
37:12Match Game, 9pm Eastern,
37:14Monday through Saturday.
37:16Blank Nelson Riley. Charles!
37:18Match Game just for you.
37:20Game Center. Blank.
37:24Cliff Sandese, did you get three whammies
37:26or four? In all the excitement,
37:28we kind of lost track ourselves.
37:30But seeing as how a whammy
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37:40Do I feel lucky?
37:42Well, do ya?
37:46Press your luck every day at 9.30 and 1.30 Eastern.
37:48Every night at 9.30 and 1.30 Eastern.
37:50Only on Game Show Network.
37:52Go ahead, press it.
37:54That box.
37:56That darn box.
37:58It just kept calling my name.
38:00I figured I had a one-in-three chance.
38:02You know?
38:04What's that? 50%?
38:08I traded it all for a sack of potatoes.
38:10Who knew?
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38:28Game Show Network.
38:30A winner every 30 minutes. Guaranteed.
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39:14All new Three's A Crowd.
39:16My whole life changed. Moved to a new place.
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39:20That's signed Bubba Love.
39:22San Quentin Penitentiary.
39:26Sometimes I get pictures.
39:28All new Three's A Crowd.
39:30Weeknights at 11pm Eastern.
39:32Whoa. This has been digitally enhanced.
39:34It's a family feud.
39:36It's feuding family fun.
39:38A dashing host.
39:40He kisses everyone.
39:42It's a family feud.
39:44See feuding families fight
39:46for lots of cash.
39:48Survey says, hey, that can't be right.
39:50Don't call Mama True.
39:52It's sibling relations
39:54with attitude.
39:56It's the feud.
39:58My survey said,
40:00The Family Feud.
40:028pm Eastern, Monday through Saturday.
