Sanità: Congresso SIU, Ficarra: "Ricorso a chirurgia a cielo aperto fortemente diminuito"

  • 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - "Ormai le terapie vanno nella direzione della mini invasività. Ricorso alla chirurgia a cielo aperto con i tagli è fortemente diminuito.". Ad affermarlo all’Adnkronos, a margine del 97.simo congresso nazionale della Società Italiana da Urologia a Bari, è stato Vincenzo Ficarra, responsabile ufficio formazione SIU.


00:00The 97th National Congress of the Italian Society of Urology, an opportunity to see what are the news, both in the prevention, in the diagnosis and in the cure. Is the approach evolving more and more?
00:18Absolutely yes. Today we are lucky to be able to offer our patients innovative therapies, therapies that, from a surgical point of view, always go in the direction of mini-invasiveness, and therefore the possibility of solving important pathologies by preserving the organs and offering a minor invasiveness.
00:40The time of open-air surgery with cuts is probably, I do not say disappeared, but strongly reduced. Today most of our treatments are done with laparoscopy, with robotic surgery, and in urology there is the great chapter of endurology, that is, the possibility of treating pathologies of the urinary system using natural ways,
01:04therefore going back inside the urethra, going to reach these calculations that previously required invasive treatments, today we can treat them effectively through endoscopy with a very low complication rate.
01:20The Congress is also an opportunity to see the news in key medical therapies. Today there is the possibility of treating new treatments, especially in the oncological field, which in some way lengthen the life of patients who are less fortunate, who do not have the possibility of healing from their pathologies, but which can be treated with very effective drugs for an ever longer time.
01:48This happens for the prostate tumor, this happens for the bladder tumor and also for the kidney tumor. The main therapeutic change in the kidney tumor area is the possibility of treating patients operated in adjuvant therapy with immunotherapies that seem to have clearly favorable responses.
