Are You Attending A False Church? Are You Sure?

  • 2 days ago
Watch this video with an open mind and ask some serious questions. Your salvation is at stake. Don't put it on cruise control for some other to enact.
00:00Shalom brothers and sisters today I want to talk about the topic what does false
00:06churches teach and then we compare that to Bible scriptures you know the false
00:13churches they're out there they're alive they've suppressed the Masonic the
00:18Masonic assembly for a longest time and they're gonna do it again like they did
00:25back in the medieval times so I'm gonna I'm gonna sit here and state some things
00:31here okay number one is a false churches teach crucifixes or statues and pictures
00:42of Christ and angels are legitimate aids to worship now what does the Bible say
00:51says in Exodus chapter 24 to 5 we are not to use any images in our worship of
01:01Yahweh plain and simple you know it's right in scriptures it's not hard to
01:07read I mean we don't need a decoder pen for that you know number two false
01:14churches teach religious leaders are called father rabbi or reverend now
01:22what's the Bible say about that Psalms 111 verse 19 call no man spiritual
01:31father that's that's Matthew 23 9 and reverend is God is God's name Yahweh's
01:38name now the third one here false churches teach we can earn Yahweh's
01:46favor by doing penance now what does the Bible say Matthew chapter 3 8 and then
01:56you go to 6 7 Yahweh wants repentance not vain repetition that's you know we
02:05gotta go by the Bible plain and simple over over man tradition stuff like that
02:10all right what a number four false churches teach man is an immortal soul
02:17inside a physical body yeah well what does the Bible say or declare about that
02:24only Yahweh has immortality first Timothy chapter 6 15 through 16 and then
02:33go to Psalms 146 verse 4 so he's the only one who has immortality the angels
02:41don't don't have a mortality number five the first day of the week Sunday is the
02:51day of worship it's what the false church teaches or false churches okay
02:58and the Bible declares the always command commands a seventh day Sabbath
03:04Saturday Genesis 2 2 and then you go to Exodus 28 through 11 and that's that's
03:13throughout the Old Testament the New Testament the Sabbath day the seventh
03:16day it's never been changed I mean there ain't no scriptures it directly says
03:21it's changed you know and Yahweh he's not a he's not he's not a you know he's
03:27not he's not confusion or anything has nothing to do with confusion you know he
03:32tells you straight up okay next one is false churches teaches Christ did away
03:39with the need to keep the Ten Commandments you know that's that grace
03:44thing you know gotta go by grace we love of you but what does the Bible declare
03:51Yeshua did not do away with the law the law you know the Torah he didn't do away
03:58with the Torah Matthew chapter 5 17 and he go to chapter 19 the 17 he didn't do
04:07away with the law the prophets he didn't do away with any of that he magnified it
04:11he filled it he fully filled it next one false churches teach those who don't
04:17accept Yeshua will burn forever in hell now what does the Bible declare the
04:24wages of sin is death you look look up the in Romans chapter 6 verse 23 and go
04:33to Psalms 146 verse 3 and 4 the wages of sin is death next one is false churches
04:44teach we should bring a tree into our house and decorate it for Yeshua
04:50Christmas the Christmas you know the Christ Mass what does the Bible declare
04:59do not use a tree in a religious manner Jeremiah chapter 10 verse 2 through 5
05:06you know you can't put you can't put Christ in Christmas when he was never in
05:13there in the first place and I'm gonna do some episodes on these on these pagan
05:17religions and stuff like that I'm gonna do some future episodes about them the
05:22next one is false churches teach Yeshua was resurrected Sunday morning at sunrise
05:31now what's the Bible declare Yeshua was already gone when it was still dark John
05:41chapter 20 verse 1 yeah he was gone he's already out of there by that time
05:48according according to Scripture of course now the false churches teach
05:54believers are born again when they accept Yeshua now what's the Bible
06:00declare we're only born again at the resurrection John 3 verse 6 you know
06:08this born-again stuff is you know it's kind of kind of tricky and scholars do
06:14get a little bit of debate about what the real meaning of it is but you don't
06:18need to be a scholar to actually study and read the scriptures and not just one
06:22verse related to the topic gotta go to other others to the next one is false
06:30churches teach the kingdom of Yahweh is in your heart you hear that from a lot
06:36of Protestants it's in your heart you know just accept the Lord in your heart
06:41you know just believe what's the Bible declares the kingdom of Yahweh is a
06:49literal realm it's a literal place John chapter 3 verse 3 and you go to 18
06:56verse 36 read up these scriptures look at these scriptures I'm mentioning and
07:01whatever is you follow me don't trust even trust me you read it for yourself
07:05in your scriptures I employ you to do that okay next one is false churches
07:12teach Easter is a central Christian holiday you know bunnies you know what
07:21does you have to do with bunnies and eggs and things like that you know I
07:25mean you know the Egyptian yeah just got a lot to do with the Egyptians is star
07:30you know in the you know the Queen of Heaven stuff like that but what is it
07:35what does the Bible declare about this Yahweh will punish for worship of Easter
07:41and that's first Kings 11 5 first Kings 11 verse 5 check that out just read the
07:49scripture like I said the other ones it's very important and very very
07:53enlightening the final one I got here false churches teach believers go to
07:59heaven when they die now is that really what the scripture says now the bio is
08:05what the Bible declares no one has ascended to heaven Yeshua said that in
08:10John 3 13 and then you go to Acts chapter 2 34 so with that said and done
08:19I just wanted wanted to I just find it very important you know to try to
08:26educate you guys so you know give you ideas for Bible study and everything and
08:31you just look those scriptures up you know and see it for yourself like I said
08:36don't blame don't believe me don't believe anybody in the pulpits or
08:41whatever you know you got it you got it you got to check up on them you know
08:46you're you know you stay if they're there give you get a second opinion with
08:50yourself and your scriptures your book you just pull it out start reading
08:54studying take notes when the pastor's talking and he talks real quick you know
08:59you know he says you know look up just say John 3 16 he says look it up and
09:05then and then he goes real quick and before you while you're you know turning
09:09the pages he's done and he's on the Romans you know chapter 1 verse 3 or
09:13something you know I mean so if you just get a little piece of paper out and just
09:17jot stuff down while he's talking and put some kind of a little note it's a
09:22short little note on there about the topic that he's talking about go check
09:26it out later but you know it's up to you and it's your salvation on the line you
09:31want to put in the hands of a mortal man about your salvation you know anyways
09:36that's all I wanted to say and thank you for joining me again and if you like if
09:42you like my video please subscribe hit the like button notification bells and
09:46here's my little doggie back there right over here and she you know she's my
09:51biggest fan but anyways just comment below and share this video with anybody
09:58and everybody and I thank you again till we meet again peace out and Shalom