2024 Australian Supercross Rd.1 Kayo Stadium, Redcliffe - SX1 Final 2

  • 12 hours ago
00:00It definitely wouldn't have crossed their minds.
00:04Well we are set to get the final race underway.
00:07Final moto of the night, that is moto number two of the SX1.
00:11Do we see another dominant performance out of Dean Wilson?
00:15Can we see a good start out of Suvaci to bring the fight?
00:20Remember Suvaci got up front ahead of Dean Wilson in race one.
00:24The first two laps Dino got around everybody and really executed to perfection
00:29the first two to three laps.
00:30Let's see if Suvaci learned from that and get ahead of Dino off the start.
00:35All those answers are about to come as the gates drop.
00:39Dean with a good jump out from the inside.
00:43He will control this run in here but he is under pressure from Cloud.
00:49Cloud though is very wide, Suvaci is there, Tanti is there, so too is Matt Moss.
00:55Beaten is further back, this time around off the start.
01:00Wilson triple-triple and will put himself into clean air
01:05as they go through the first rhythm section here.
01:09Triple-triple doubles into the corner as too does Suvaci.
01:13Suvaci had pace in that first race.
01:16Just the first couple of laps he wasn't able to match Dino.
01:21Let's see if he can get a toe here.
01:23I don't like what Suvaci is doing right there.
01:25He is going inside and jumping through these loops.
01:27Dino gains three, four, maybe even five bike lengths through that one little loop section.
01:32The only advantage I would say that Suvaci has got with jumping there
01:36is the fact that he is tripling through there whereas the rest of the riders are only doubling.
01:40To the inside there in the background shots.
01:42That was Tanti diving into the inside of Cloud.
01:46Really wants to make this pass happen straight away.
01:49Really the only Achilles heel that Dino has had throughout his career
01:53and I thought maybe even into this championship was potentially going to be his starts.
01:56These guys are in trouble if he can't get those starts figured out like he had there.
02:00And he has this type of speed and this comfort on a racing motorcycle.
02:05You know yourself, Justin, that a lot of the time starts can be very mental.
02:10If you are in the right mindset going into the start
02:14knowing you have that opportunity of a win, of getting a great start,
02:17then quite often that does eventuate.
02:20Right now it is exactly what we are seeing.
02:22Suvaci dropping off the back wheel just a little bit.
02:25He did lose a bit of pace.
02:26How is the opening lap speed of 52.4 from our race leader?
02:31Yeah, unbelievable.
02:33You can think Dean is just oozing with confidence, but I will say Joey is looking much better.
02:38He is losing time in the whoops a little bit,
02:41but I really think throughout the rest of the track he might be even just a smidge faster than Dean.
02:46I don't know if Joey will go to that skid line.
02:49I think he will maybe just stick to his jump line because he is so comfortable doing that.
02:52It is really hard to switch this point in the night.
02:54He has been so comfortable with one line throughout the day.
02:57But I will say Joey lays his head on the pillow tonight.
03:00If he doesn't win this race, he is going to know for sure where he lost it.
03:04That is in that whoops section right here coming up after this left hand turn.
03:07Well, of course, our riders back this up again on Sunday to go out there for round number two.
03:15He is probably saying that every lap for the white, he just straights the white.
03:19Yeah, the interesting thing though is I don't think Joey can skim as fast as Dean is.
03:24So if you think about, is Joey's jump line faster than what Joey could skim?
03:29And I think maybe he has worked that on his mind.
03:31He is so much more comfortable doing that jump line.
03:33So, you know, Dean can say it is easy to skim, but we both know it is not.
03:38There is no one else doing it, and I really think even if everyone else was skimming,
03:42they wouldn't be skimming as fast as what Dean Wilson is doing.
03:45Look, Joey is catching him actually a little bit right now.
03:47He is really fast on the rest of the track.
03:48I think absolutely he is fast.
03:50He has just done a 52.5 the last lap around.
03:53He is quicker than our race leader, 52.1.
03:57He is actually just sitting the fastest lap of the race.
04:00He is getting more and more confidence as he goes.
04:03So, let's see.
04:04He is going to double in, and he goes triple, triple, double.
04:09Still, Dean O'Gaines.
04:10Three bike legs on him.
04:11He jumped in that one section, but then the rest of the track.
04:14Watch Joey's turn speed.
04:16Watch how he gets in and out of these corners.
04:17That is where he is gaining that time on Dean.
04:19Absolutely blasting those berms apart as we see our race leaders absolutely demoralizing
04:25everyone else.
04:26Eight seconds back to third place, and that is Luke Cloud on the number four Kawasaki
04:31in front of Aaron Tanti, Matt Moss, Jed Beat, Peyton Doros back there in seventh place,
04:36Dylan Wills.
04:37Metcalf sits there in ninth, and Luke Solinsky in tenth.
04:41The first of our privateers.
04:43I am impressed with Joey this race.
04:45The whole rest of the track is really, really kind of learned from that first race.
04:50He is able to put down some better laps.
04:52He is, you know, lap two, three, four.
04:55Dean right there just matched him with a 52.0.
04:58They are almost the identical lap time now, matching each other lap for lap.
05:04So, Savace very quick at it.
05:06You can see the drive that Savace is managing to pull when he gets on the gas there.
05:11Launching out of those corners.
05:12We are half race distance.
05:14More laps to go at the completion of this one as Wilson finds to hold on to this position.
05:201.5 is the gap, but really that is not a big enough gap to be comfortable and ease up at all.
05:27And you can tell with the way Joey is riding.
05:29He is trying to push through these rhythm lanes.
05:31Trying to stay as low as he can.
05:33Trying to get that rear wheel back down to the ground to accelerate forward.
05:36He is riding really, really aggressive.
05:39Once again, I hate to keep harping on it, Henry, but it is just that loop section.
05:43If he had that loop section down, I think he would be, you know, half a second a lap faster than Dean.
05:47Very quick through the inside, but it is just simply that run through there.
05:51And there has not been any signs of Dean making mistakes or those loops getting him out of his comfort zone at all.
05:57And here is what is interesting.
05:59We are starting to get into some lap traffic here.
06:01Now, it can work to one rider's advantage or not.
06:05Typically, it is harder for the lead rider to get through lap traffic because they are the first ones through.
06:09Now, the track works really great job getting that blue flag out there, that lap flag,
06:14to allow the riders to know that the faster riders are coming up on them.
06:19But sometimes it is harder for that lead rider, which is Dean Wilson right now, to get by those lap traffic.
06:24But so far, so good for Dean.
06:26Well, Dean cleaned through there very well.
06:28And he has stretched that lead out just a little bit more.
06:31However, he gets to that point where he is unable to skid the roof.
06:35I do not think he is going to get to that position right now.
06:38It is still to the outside.
06:39We will look to the inside here.
06:41And the reason this is tougher for the lead rider to get by is because they do not know they are coming.
06:45But then it is easier for the second place rider because then the lap riders say,
06:48Oh, now I need to be aware of this.
06:50Now, okay, Joey Sabacci is coming up on me.
06:52Okay, I know to let him by.
06:54They do not really know that until the lead rider comes up by them.
06:57Two laps to go at the completion of this one.
07:00Wilson still leads the way at the moment.
07:021.8 seconds is the gap.
07:04Sabacci continues to close in every single time around the rest of the track.
07:09How about the pace these two guys have up front?
07:11They are in the 52-second lap times.
07:13The next best guys are in the 54s.
07:15They have over a 15-second lead on loop route.
07:18That is just a whole new level.
07:20Absolutely new level from the rest of the field.
07:22The back end stepping out there for our race leader.
07:25Probably the first mistake we have seen from the number one machine of Dean Wilson.
07:30Just getting a little bit loose.
07:32But again, managing to get the run onto the whoops.
07:35He has had a clean run through here.
07:38Sabacci has got to be eating the lives seeing that he closes in everywhere.
07:43He is as close as he is back this whole entire race.
07:46And I will say the one advantage that he might have in that turn before the whoops,
07:49if he can get close enough to Dean Wilson,
07:52he can block him in that turn and not allow Dean to be able to skip the whoops as fast as he is.
07:57But he needs to get closer than he is right now.
07:59He is about 1.5 seconds back.
08:01Not close enough.
08:02Not now.
08:03It looked like he had the chance, but Dean Wilson cleared that left rider very quickly
08:07and has now re-opened up that gap.
08:10Sabacci to the outside.
08:12So one lap to go will be the sign this time around for our race leader.
08:16Last lap forward is out.
08:19Sabacci has not let him off the hook, though.
08:21Dean needs to stay focused right here.
08:23Continue to do what he has done this whole time.
08:25There he gets past the left rider.
08:26There is going to be one other left rider, I believe, on this lap that he is going to navigate through.
08:32And what a performance.
08:34It wasn't rattled at all.
08:36Sabacci was there the whole time.
08:38Dean didn't put a foot wrong.
08:40Look, it's not over until it's over, but Dean has just had an incredible day
08:44in this incredible race.
08:45Executed the start.
08:47And Dean told me, we were at breakfast this morning.
08:50He said, look, I know my starts have been my Achilles heel.
08:52He called Ricky Johnson, the legend R.J. in America, and said, hey, will you come work with me on the starts?
08:58I need to get better at these.
09:00Well, it proves to be working.
09:02Well, Ozzy Dean has turned up here at Red Cliff.
09:05Sabacci with a last-minute shot, but it's going to be all too late.
09:10Dean Wilson picks up the 1-1 here at Red Cliff for round one of the Fox Australian Supercross Championships brought to you by MX Store.
09:20What a performance out of that guy.
09:23Joey Sabacci there in second place.
09:25Both these riders leave from the rest of the field as we wait an eternity to see who comes across in third place at the moment.
09:34It is scheduled to be Luke Cloud.
09:36And there he is, just coming across the line.
09:39Actually, only just in front of Aaron Tanti in the background there.
09:44But it will be interesting to see how and who gets third place.
09:49What's happened to Matt Moss?
09:51He is dropping down the order all the way into 21st place right now.
09:55One of our championship favorites coming in.
09:57Not sure what's happened.
09:59But great ride for Luke Cloud to be third.
10:01That's a great start to his championship.
10:04Yeah, wow.
10:05So Moss, one whole lap down.
10:09That's very interesting.
10:12Oh, there he is.
10:14We can actually see.
10:15As we take a look at the replay here of Dean Wilson and just how smooth he was all the way through this race.
10:21As he moves up into some lapped riders.
10:23Picks up the chequered flag.
10:25Sets the candles off.
10:27And a beautiful start to this championship with a 1-1.