• 2 days ago
La División de Investigaciones Antidroga realizó un operativo en una fiesta electrónica en Punta Carrasco, Buenos Aires, donde se presentaba el DJ neerlandés Armin van Buuren.



00:00Electronics invaded by drugs. This happened on the coast of the city of Buenos Aires, in Funta, Carrasco.
00:05The Anti-drug Investigation Division was the one that was working in the framework of this investigation.
00:13There were 7,500 participants. We have the images.
00:17At an electronic party, a Dutch DJ was introduced. We are talking about Armin van Buuren.
00:23And in that situation, they kidnapped, attention, ecstasy pills, MDMA crystal.
00:29And doses of Tuzi to 47 people for infraction of the drug law.
00:35The truth is that this brings us back to memory, let's remember, in April 2016,
00:41the tragedy of Time Warp, which occurred on that occasion in Costa Salguero.
00:45And where, for consuming young people, adulterated ecstasy pills,
00:51five people lost their lives and five ended up hospitalized in the Fernandez Hospital.
00:56And add to this the situation of Tuzi, which is a type of highly addictive drug.
01:03Yes, and what is the name of the other Filtamino, what is it?
01:06And another, brutal, crystal, MDMA.
01:09Worse than cocaine today, Filtamino.
01:13Which, unfortunately, is being extracted.
01:15With all due respect, I do not see, look, there is a mixture of everything.
01:21No, I don't think it has to surprise us too much, because we are in a city of very high consumption.
01:27And, unfortunately, in these electronic parties, it is usually quite common.
01:33Unfortunately, it is common.
01:34We presumed that maybe it had been resolved after that tragedy that took international reach.
01:38The news, five dead from adulterated ecstasy consumption.
01:42But the truth is that eight years later, electronic parties are surprising us again,
01:46where international DJs are presented.
01:49They are usually presented in the area of ​​La Costanera, Portela.
01:52This time it was in Punta Carrasco.
01:54In 2016 it was in Costa Salguero.
01:5710,000, 20,000 people participate.
02:00The electronic party is held until dawn.
02:03And of course, dealers begin to appear.
02:05And what do they sell?
02:06This type of drugs that we have just mentioned.
02:09On the one hand, well, marijuana, which is the one that is most used.
02:13But the truth is that hard drugs appear.
02:15And very dangerous drugs, such as, I repeat, ecstasy, MDMA crystal and doses of Tuzi.
02:21What also happens many times is that those responsible for these electronic parties, for example,
02:24do you know what they do?
02:26They take the water from the bathrooms.
02:28Of course, for the hydration they need, for example.
02:31Of course, because when young people consume ecstasy, they dehydrate.
02:34And what do they have to go to?
02:35To buy mineral water.
02:36A parallel business that occurs in the market.
02:39In other words, dealers who have been handling these drugs for several decades,
02:43they know how the dynamics are handled, where it exists.
02:45Electronic music, the building, the water sales business,
02:50the dealers who can enter.
02:52On this occasion, the Anti-drug Investigation Division intervened.
02:5647 people were found with these drugs that we have just mentioned.
03:00And we repeat, our island of Molia, the tragedy of 8 years ago,
03:03where 5 young people died due to consumption.
03:05I was with Chano's mother this week,
03:06who was trying to raise awareness about the modification of this disastrous mental health law that we have.
03:12The numbers in Argentina, not only in electronic parties,
03:15the consumption is brutal.
03:17It is due to marijuana, but an explosion from the pandemic to this part.
03:22And more and more young people are starting.
03:23But more and more young people, and from marijuana onwards,
03:26and with a very, very serious situation,
03:28because Argentina is a country with very high consumption,
03:33and the despair of many mothers,
03:35as I was talking to Marina, Chano's mother.
03:37Mothers who are tied up today, who do not know how to solve.
03:41Because once you enter, it is really very complex to be able to stay inside that core.
03:46Are there detainees, Cristian, here?
03:47In principle, there are no detainees.
03:48There we have the images.
03:49Look, this is already dawn.
03:52Look at the number of young people on the coast, how dangerous this is.
03:55But, let's see, I don't understand.
03:58They find all this amount of, let's say, material, possible intake,
04:03and there is no delay?
04:05No, no.
04:05These people were identified by infraction to the drug law.
04:09But the truth is that...
04:10The sellers are in, you know where.
04:12No, it was only the consumers.
04:13It was the consumers.
04:14That's why we saw the images of the drug, for example,
04:17in the seat of the passenger of a vehicle.
04:19That is to say...
04:20Yes, it was for personal consumption, and then, well...
04:23Of course, they were not detained.
04:25The sellers, the organizers...
04:27They were identified, but the issue is who sold them to the young people who attended this party.
04:30It is a pity that it does not go a little further, right?
04:32Because if we stay with the lowest level...
04:35Here we are talking about organizations that operate in this kind of parties,
04:39which we already know, it does not happen here, but it also happens in other places,
04:42which has its base in Ibiza, when they organize these parties,
04:44where the dealers fall for these drugs,
04:46because what they do is cause an effect, precisely, of alteration.
04:52And a lot of money.
04:53That invites...
04:54A lot of money invested there.
04:55That invites those who consume it to participate in the party and dance until dawn.
05:00Yes, unfortunately, these two consumptions are associated.
05:03For example, they are consumptions that have been around for more than two decades,
05:05that we have already learned in this matter,
05:07we know that young people consume them,
05:08we know that they attend these parties precisely to consume this type of narcotics,
05:11but they are still hard drugs, dangerous,
05:14that it is not known what kind of chemicals they have inside.
05:16Of course, because this is central, what you say, Cristian,
05:18and in relation to what you said about the Time Warp,
05:21is that there is no control.
05:23As they are obviously illicit, there is no control.
05:25There are other countries in the world, and I understand that what I am going to say is controversial,
05:30where there is enablement so that people can see precisely what they are consuming.
05:37Yes, how to analyze.
05:38Exactly, I understand that it is controversial.
05:40What I say is that it is a form...
05:42But they have other regulations.
05:44They have other regulations and they have another framework.
05:46The same here, let's remember the case of Costanera that you mentioned,
05:49and the other case that was in Puerta de Hierro, with that illicit drug.
05:53Yes, the pink cocaine.
05:54The pink cocaine.
05:55It was also in a summer, we are talking about a time of the year
05:58where in general this type of consumption increases because the good weather comes,
06:02there are more parties.
06:04But justice has all the elements to be able to produce.
06:06It has all the elements.
06:07There is a lot of money at stake here.
06:09Yes, this is also dangerous.
06:10We see the images.
06:11They are crossing the coast at the first hour of the morning of Friday.
06:15This was at the beginning of the weekend, Thursday night.
06:18And that is still dangerous.
06:19There is the traffic officer, knowing that many young people go out,
06:22they do not have full use of their mental faculties because they are under the effect of drugs.
06:28Do you know how they got out of the operation?
06:30At full speed.
06:31They say, let's get out of here before they check us,
06:33or one of these dogs comes and smells drugs.
06:35In principle, what they did was kidnap the drugs.
06:38Kidnap the drugs.
06:39I just mentioned which ones they are.
06:41And the amount was a total of 47 people identified for infraction of Law 23.737,
06:48which is the drug law.
06:50Intervened, so that we take into account the unit of flagrancia Norte,
06:53which is in charge of Dr. Vila,
06:55what he did was to impute these people for infraction of the drug law.
06:59They are not arrested, but they have an imputation.
07:02Yes, obviously.
07:03Penal imputation.
07:04It is not something simple for that person and for their family,
07:07because they are generally young.
07:09And also, if you are within the scope of consumption, you have a double problem.
07:12You have an imputation and you have a problem that you cannot handle, which is consumption.
07:16Problems for the whole country, for example, these young people can have.
07:20You have to ask for authorization.
07:21There are situations that are presented, obviously the health issue is a priority.
07:25There have been deaths.
07:26This is also interesting, right?
07:28Notice that these dogs are dedicated precisely ...
07:30Look how they check the cars too.
07:31This is also interesting to tell.
07:34That is, what the dogs did was to work at the parking lot.
07:37And they were detecting this, of course.
07:39And the dogs say, here in this vehicle there is drug.
07:41Well, they wait for the owner to arrive and there they find it.
07:43Notice that they are located in bags.
07:45What we see there are ecstasy pills.
07:47They are ecstasy pills.
07:49Many consumers usually ingest one, sometimes share half and half with another.
07:54Yes, in addition to the cost of all this, the illegality of all this,
07:57the danger of health and addiction, which for me is the most important thing,
08:02and the huge amount of money that many earn against the good life and good health of all these people.
08:10Well, La Costanera, once again, we have already seen it in many opportunities,
08:14but unfortunately it is reiterated and none of those that have to do with the organization
08:20or with what is potentially strong, are detained or at least go after the route of all this scandal, right?
08:27No, it is as you say, but many times the organization goes hand in hand with the people who are going to offer these drugs.
08:33Many times young people buy it in other places and arrive at the party there with the stupefying.
08:38What is presumed happened in this opportunity and that is why the operation was carried out at the parking lot
08:42and that is where they found these drugs.
08:44A very important amount of drugs, of everything.
08:47Ecstasy, which is the one that is more now.
08:49Yes, and in that context, well, this situation occurred, the infraction of the air of drugs,
08:54the imputation, without detainees at first, well, there the young people have them.
08:58Those dogs are tremendous.
09:00No, the dogs are found, I mean, when they appear, they are trained for this.
09:05The location, we know that unfortunately it is par excellence the place where this type of drugs usually appear,
09:11in this kind of events.
09:14There was a Dutch DJ who was presenting on Thursday.
09:17Look there, more drugs.
09:19More drugs, there the trunk of the vehicle, young people, many young people and the dogs that continue with their work.
09:27Well, one more case of Argentina that is permanently reiterated in a lot of things that do not come out
09:31and every now and then we have powerful events like this.
09:35Thank God, today we are not talking about interned or contaminated people,
09:38after having consumed this, which in general adulterates it to make it more flexible,
09:44what is the raw material and the cost, but well, a really painful situation,
09:50because behind this we know that anyone is at risk of becoming addicted.
09:54There are many public cases that show the suffering of this type of life.
09:59In La Costanera, this morning, we will be attentive because the weekend continues,
10:04also with many people.
10:06And because it starts, as we said before, the season of this type of parties.
10:10Of course, of course, farewell party.
10:12I hope they can follow the traces.
10:14Good weather, help and much.
10:16Of course, these parties are held in La Costanera and many times they are also rented fifths.
10:18Yes, yes.
10:20Now these parties are closed when they are in an operation, actually it was in the parking lot.
10:25And they would have, right?
10:27Yes, this time it was not closed, the show was carried on and we repeat,
10:32what is outrageous is that they did not give to those who are behind the logistics
10:36to offer these young people this type of drugs.
