MEDI1 MORNING - 12/10/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : MEDI1 MORNING - 12/10/2024


00:00Median TV, thank you for remaining faithful to us, here are the titles of your newspaper.
00:21The first national cause, the Moroccan sister at the heart of the speech that His Majesty
00:27said yesterday at the opening of the Parliament's autumn session, we are talking about it in
00:32a moment.
00:33Projects of law of finance, law of strike, reform of the retirement system, the legislative
00:39year is expected to be charged for the two chambers of parliament which will have to
00:45look at several texts.
00:48The American president asks Israel not to target the positions of the United Nations
00:54Prime Minister in the south of Lebanon.
00:57The Israeli army says it is pulling in the direction of a threat.
01:05We start this newspaper in the kingdom where the coup d'envoi of the autumn parliamentary
01:10session was given yesterday by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the sovereign who pronounced
01:15a speech in front of the two chambers of parliament, a speech exclusively dedicated
01:21to the first national cause, the Moroccan Sahara, a dossier that has recently seen more
01:27than positive developments.
01:29The sovereign also mentioned it by coming back to the support of great powers such as
01:35France and the United States.
01:37He also insisted on the importance of collective mobilization, but also proactive diplomacy
01:44to sustainably strengthen the position of the kingdom on its Sahara.
01:51I told you a few moments ago, in his speech yesterday, the sovereign wanted to express
01:58his deepest gratitude to France and Emmanuel Macron for his frank support of the Moroccan
02:06Together we listen to His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
02:12Today, may God be praised, the truth that always ends up supplanting any other consideration
02:17has been revealed with a bang, because just causes triumph inevitably.
02:22God said, the truth has come and the lie has perished.
02:26The lie is always destined to perish.
02:29Verity is the word of God.
02:31So here is the French Republic that supports the sovereignty of Morocco over the entire
02:37territory of the Sahara and which supports the initiative of autonomy within the framework
02:42of the Moroccan territorial integrity as the only basis for the settlement of this
02:47regional artificial conflict.
02:49On this occasion, I express in my personal name and in the name of the Moroccan people
02:53my deepest thanks and my deepest gratitude to France and His Excellency President Emmanuel
02:59Macron for his frank support of the Moroccan Sahara.
03:06Thank you very much.
03:36Thank you very much.
04:06Thank you very much.
04:36With the help of God, we have managed to obtain the recognition of influential countries,
04:40also permanent members of the Security Council, such as the United States of America and France.
04:50We are also proud of the positions of the Arab and African brothers who support in a
04:56very clear and responsible way the territorial integrity of the Kingdom and more particularly
05:02those who have opened consulates in Ayoun and Dakhla.
05:06This initiative of self-government is the only basis for reaching a final solution to this
05:14At the same time, the initiative of autonomy, the only basis for achieving a definitive
05:19settlement of the conflict within the framework of the sovereignty of Morocco, benefits from
05:23the vast support of a growing number of countries from all over the world.
05:26Let's mention Spain, Ami, who knows well the hidden resources of this affair and whose
05:31position has a strong political and historical resonance.
05:34It is the same for most of the countries of the European Union.
05:37To all these friends and partners, we are pleased to express our consideration for their
05:42favorable position on the first cause of Morocco.
05:51We also thank all the countries that treat economically and in the form of investment with
05:56the provinces of the south of the Kingdom as an integral part of the national territory.
06:04They thus accompany the dynamic of social, economic and cultural development that is
06:09at work in the Moroccan Sahara and strengthens its position of communication and exchange
06:14between Morocco and its African depth.
06:17They also place the Moroccan Sahara at the heart of the strategic continental initiatives
06:22that we have launched, such as the project of Maroc-Nigeria gas pipeline and the process
06:27of the African Atlantic States, as well as the initiative committed to promote access
06:32of the Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean.
06:41The sovereign then insisted on the need for Morocco to remain vigilant and to maintain
06:48a proactive diplomacy in order to promote the fairness of the Moroccan cause to the
06:55nations still hesitating together.
06:58Let's listen to His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
07:03Nevertheless, all that has been achieved, the next step requires a surplus of mobilization
07:08and vigilance to sustainably strengthen the position of our country and it is important
07:13to continue to plead for the fairness of our cause and to counteract the maneuvers of the adversaries.
07:22In this regard, the fundamentals of the position of Morocco must be explained to the small
07:27parties that continue to go against the logic of law and to deny the facts of history.
07:33Correlatively, it is necessary to use and convince them of the legitimacy of the Moroccan Sahara
07:39with great reinforcement of evidence and legal, political, historical and spiritual arguments.
07:50This approach requires the mutualization of the efforts of all institutions and national
07:55organizations, partisan and civil, and to strengthen their coordination in order to
08:00provide the necessary efficiency to their actions and their mobilization.
08:08You are in fact honorable parliamentarians of the acting role that comes to partisan
08:12and parliamentary diplomacy to collect more recognition in favor of the Moroccan Sahara
08:18and to expand support for the initiative of autonomy as the only solution to this regional conflict.
08:26We also call for more coordination between the two chambers of parliament on this subject
08:31by setting up internal structures adapted, endowed with qualified profiles and applying
08:37the criteria of competence and specialization in the choice of delegations as well as during
08:43bilateral meetings as during the participation in regional and international forums.
08:49Always in his speech, the sovereign wanted to salute the efforts deployed by national
08:54diplomacy, the different institutions concerned and all the efforts of the nation to defend
09:00the legitimate interests of the homeland.
09:07The achievements that we have made in the perspective of closing this file, the socio-economic
09:12development that our southern provinces know have been made possible thanks to the momentum
09:17of solidarity of all Moroccans and in favor of their concerted efforts to consolidate
09:22national unity and territorial integrity.
09:34On this subject, we want to salute the efforts deployed by national diplomacy, the different
09:39institutions concerned, the living forces of the nation and by all Moroccans to sincere
09:44and authentic patriotism within the country as well as abroad to defend the legitimate
09:49interests of their homeland and to dispel the machinations of the enemies.
09:56In addition, we express our gratitude for our consideration of our Sahara sons for their
10:01indisputable loyalty to their homeland, their unwavering attachment to their sacred, religious
10:06and national symbols and for their sacrifice in order to preserve the territorial integrity
10:11of the kingdom and its stability.
10:15In conclusion, we reaffirm that Morocco will remain steadfast on its position and loyal
10:19to the spirit of openness on its Maghreb and regional environment, thus contributing to
10:24the common development of the peoples of the region, to their security and to their stability.
10:30Invited yesterday in Median Soir by Latif Komat Doayan of the Faculty of Juridical, Economic
10:36and Social Sciences of the Hassane II University of Casablanca, he returned on the main lines
10:41of the royal discourse.
10:43Together, we listen to him.
10:45By tradition, His Majesty, for the opening speech of parliamentary sessions, puts emphasis
10:50on a priority subject for our country, which can be of other social, which can be of other
10:57For this year, His Majesty has chosen to address the subject of the Moroccan Sahara, given
11:02the turn that this case is taking.
11:04In fact, today, Morocco is making, I would say, progress in terms, first of all, of course,
11:11at the level of the economic and social dynamics that the region knows, but also and especially
11:17at the diplomatic level, because today Morocco, in fact, obtains, I would say, the support
11:23of the Moroccan people and the recognition of the Moroccan Sahara by different countries,
11:27in particular regional and international powers.
11:30And there, His Majesty, of course, has insisted, in particular, he thanked France, and you know
11:35a little the symbolism, in fact, I would say, of the letter that was addressed by the French
11:40President to His Majesty, and in fact the heaviness in terms, I would say, of French position.
11:45So, beyond, of course, this French recognition, there is all the dynamics, because today,
11:50practically two-thirds of the European Union countries, Latin American countries, of course,
11:55the United States, Arab countries, African countries, which have opened their consulates
12:00at the Sahara level, and so we are experiencing a turn, and as His Majesty said, in fact,
12:06the truth ultimately ends up supplanting all other considerations.
12:10Today, the truth is that the Sahara is Moroccan, and that, of course, we see it on the ground,
12:15because there is an economic dynamic to which the Sahrawi population participates,
12:19which participates in this dynamic, but also which benefits from it.
12:22And then, of course, we see it at the level of the international entourage, at the level of Africa,
12:27at the level of the Arab countries, and at the level of the different countries,
12:30also at the level of international organizations.
12:32And, of course, today, His Majesty calls for another dynamic, namely development,
12:38for the Sahara, but also, in fact, in terms of geostrategic relations.
12:42And His Majesty has called today for progress at the level of geostrategic projects,
12:47including, in fact, the Sahara and the Coeur, namely the opening of Morocco to the Sahel countries,
12:53the Atlantic Initiative, but also the Gasoduc.
12:56And so there is a whole dynamic that leaves today the Moroccans convinced
13:01that the question today takes on another dimension.
13:04And it is, of course, about, I would say, aligning more, mobilizing more,
13:10because there are still things to do, but the dynamic is there.
13:15What should be done is to move forward.
13:18Today, what is the impact of the recognition of an influential country like France
13:23on the Sahara-Moroccan dossier?
13:25Abdelhatif Komet also answered this question. Let's listen to him.
13:30In fact, France, if we evoke the event of the recognition of Moroccanity on the Sahara by France,
13:38we can evoke it on, I would say, at least three dimensions.
13:41The first, first of all, of course, France is a power, it is a member of the Security Council,
13:47so it has its weight at the level of international political relations.
13:50The second thing is that the country, with Spain,
13:55which knows, I would say, the most the historical, legal foundations of this issue
14:01and the link that Morocco has with its Sahara.
14:03So they are the best placed, precisely, to bring an opinion based on credible and legitimate elements.
14:11And of course, they are likely to exert, I would say, an influence, not a political influence,
14:19but an influence of credibility, of legitimacy,
14:23because other countries believe, have the position of France and Spain,
14:28because they are the countries that know best the foundations of this issue.
14:33So there, too, is the second volume.
14:36The third is the nature and the depth, I would say, of the French position,
14:43which exceeds the other positions,
14:45emphasizing that the solution of the autonomy proposed by Morocco is the only solution.
14:52And then the second thing is that France, beyond bilateral relations,
14:55proposes itself to defend this issue at the international level,
14:59at the level of other countries, but also at the level of international institutions.
15:03And for this, of course, we expect that France, at the level of the Security Council,
15:07in the next session and in the next few days,
15:10will certainly still defend its position,
15:14which is the one that is based on the legitimacy of the Moroccan Sahara.
15:21We therefore see that Morocco imposes a new dynamic of change on the international level.
15:26And in his speech, the sovereign highlighted it well,
15:29Morocco has broken with the reactive approach
15:33for a logic of initiative, firmness and proactivity.
15:37On this, let's listen to the analysis of Zakaria Abou-Dahab,
15:41Professor of International Relations at the University of Mohamed V of Rabat.
15:46The first explanation is that Morocco, especially since 2007,
15:51from the introduction of the Moroccan plan of autonomy,
15:55has become in a position of anticipation, action on the ground
15:59and of prevention, as the sovereign reminded us today
16:02at the opening of the parliamentary session.
16:05Secondly, we have also seen a qualitative evolution
16:09of the operational world of Moroccan diplomacy,
16:13which has become a total diplomacy, I would say,
16:16since it includes in its compartments, in its elements,
16:20a lot of interdependent action,
16:23spiritual diplomacy, economic diplomacy, commercial diplomacy,
16:27cultural, military, humanitarian diplomacy, etc.,
16:31with tangible results on the ground.
16:34The third element, it seems to me, is important,
16:37is that from the return of Morocco to the African Union,
16:41we have noticed an accelerated evolution
16:44in relation to a re-centralization of Morocco within the continent
16:48and at the same time with gains on the ground,
16:51which means that this combined with other actions
16:54at the international level, of course,
16:57which are not satisfied only at the African level,
17:00even the Caribbean, we can talk about Latin America,
17:03we can talk about Asia, etc.,
17:06Moroccan diplomacy is now led by, conceived, conceptualized,
17:10also followed by the Moroccan sovereign,
17:13has become a diplomacy of results, on the ground,
17:16with actions that increase the geoeconomic, geopolitical,
17:20geostrategic coefficient of Morocco.
17:22And so, if today there is so much recognition
17:25and support for the Moroccan autonomy,
17:27this has not come from nothing,
17:29so it has been recalled by the sovereign today.
17:33Still in the case of the Moroccan Sahara,
17:35the lines move on the side of the Scandinavian countries
17:38after the decision of the French president.
17:41Finland is the first Nordic country to support
17:44the autonomy plan presented by the kingdom.
17:46It was on August 7th.
17:48Shortly after, Denmark took the lead.
17:51The official position of the Danish government
17:53was expressed by its head of diplomacy
17:56during his interviews with his Moroccan counterpart.
17:59It was on September 25th, in New York,
18:02on the eve of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.
18:09I will announce it to you in the titles.
18:11In Morocco, the legislative year is scheduled
18:13for the two chambers of parliament,
18:15which will have to look at several texts.
18:18Among the most awaited, there is in particular
18:20the project of organic law,
18:22fixing the conditions and modalities
18:24of the exercise of the right to strike,
18:26in addition to the legislative framework
18:28linked to the reform of the retirement systems.
18:31In addition to this agenda,
18:33a social agenda also includes the examination
18:36of the project of financial law,
18:38which sets four major priorities
18:40reflecting the government's orientations.
18:45On the approach adopted to debate
18:48the legislative agenda and the proposed texts,
18:50we listen to the analysis of the doyen
18:53of the Institute of Political, Legal and Social Sciences
18:56at the Université Mondiapolis, Ali Lahrechi.
19:00First of all, there are law projects that we are waiting for.
19:05For example, we are talking about the law project
19:08on the right to strike.
19:10As you know, the right to strike
19:12is devoted to the Moroccan constitution
19:15and we have been waiting for years
19:17for an organic law that will organize
19:19the conditions and modalities of the strike.
19:22At this level, we have several actors.
19:24Of course, there is the government,
19:26there is the legislator, there are the unions,
19:28there is the law, there is civil society.
19:30It is a very important project
19:34that the Moroccans are waiting for.
19:37There is also the project of the civil procedure.
19:43This project has been adopted
19:46by the House of Representatives
19:48and today we are waiting for its approval
19:52by the House of Councilors.
19:54On the other hand, there are lawyers
19:57who contest this civil procedure project.
20:02There is also the project for the criminal procedure.
20:08We know that it has been adopted by the government
20:12and it will be presented, of course,
20:14for both chambers, whether it is the House of Representatives
20:16and the House of Councilors, to be adopted.
20:20Of course, we are in the fall
20:24and it is the preparation of the financial law project
20:27that will be very structuring and very important
20:30in view of the conjuncture,
20:32in view of a financial law project
20:34that allows the government to manage the affairs
20:38of the government and the Moroccan state.
20:44In the rest of the news,
20:45there is the American President Joe Biden
20:47who asks Israel not to target
20:49the positions of the United Nations
20:52in the south of Lebanon
20:54where his army leads a vast air and land offensive
20:58against the Hezbollah.
21:00Tsar said he was shooting towards a threat.
21:03On his side, the FUNU
21:05made state of two Sri Lankan blue helmets
21:08injured after two Indonesian soldiers.
21:11The day before yesterday,
21:12French President Emmanuel Macron
21:14found it completely unacceptable
21:16that, I quote,
21:17these UN forces are deliberately targeted
21:21by the Israeli army.
21:26The return to the kingdom
21:27where locally strong thunderstorms
21:29with gusts of wind are expected this weekend
21:32in several provinces.
21:33This will be the case, in particular,
21:35in Essaouira, Safi, Sidi Ben Nour and El Jadida.
21:39This weather alert of the level of orange vigilance
21:42is expected this Sunday
21:44in the provinces of Tangier, Asila, Tetouan,
21:48Medjugorje, Farsanjara, Larache, Kenitra,
21:51Nsgane, Ait Melul, Agadir,
21:54Idaw Tanane and Tarunant.
22:02This concludes this news.
22:05For more information,
22:06go to Median TV and Median TV Africa.
22:12For more information,
22:13go to Median TV and Median TV Africa.