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MEDI1TV Afrique : MEDI1 MORNING - 20/10/2024


00:00The information is in content on Mediain TV Africa, thank you for joining us for this
00:21round of news.
00:22Here are the headlines.
00:23In front of the two chambers of parliament, Nadia Feta presented the guidelines of the
00:28law of finance 2025, the Minister of Economy and Finance therefore presented the four main
00:34axes of the PLF.
00:37Moroccan Sarah Antonio Guterres for the first time highlighted the Atlantic vision of His
00:43Majesty King Mohammed VI, the shining points of the declaration of the Secretary General
00:48of the UN in a few moments.
00:53Israel continues its offensives in Gaza and Lebanon, which the south of the Lebanese capital,
00:58Tsar al-Aqsa, has called on the inhabitants to evacuate this area.
01:00We meet again right away for the development.
01:05Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Council of Ministers chaired by His Majesty King Mohammed
01:14Nadia Feta, Minister of Economy and Finance, presented the main lines of the law of finance
01:21The PLF 2025 therefore focuses on four main axes, as explained to us by Suheil Jalila.
01:27Reform, fiscal measures, taxation of profits, the main lines of the PLF 2025.
01:40The State Budget Project focuses on four main axes.
01:45The first concerns the strengthening of the social state, with as a priority the generalization
01:50of social protection and direct aid to about 4 million households.
01:54The text also focuses on the reform of the health and education system, while pursuing
01:59the reconstruction of the sinister areas by the earthquake of the House.
02:03The second axis aims to stimulate private and public investment, in particular via the
02:07investment charter and projects with clean energies.
02:10Water management in response to the needs of the country is also prioritized, as is
02:15the preparation for the World Cup 2030.
02:17The third pillar concerns structural reforms, including the modernization of justice and
02:22the digitization of judicial administration.
02:25The sustainability of public finances is at the heart of the fourth axis, with measures
02:30to reduce the budget deficit and stabilize finances.
02:33The bill provides for a growth rate exceeding 4% and a controlled inflation for 2025.
02:40The government targets a growth rate of 4.6% in 2025.
02:45These forecasts are subject to several factors.
02:48First, inflation, which should be 2%.
02:51The external demand for phosphate and its derivatives, which should increase by 3.2%.
02:56Agricultural yield, which is close to 70 million quintals.
02:59And the price of a ton of butane, which would be around 500 dollars per ton.
03:06The preparation of this project takes place in a difficult international context, marked
03:12by the pursuit of geopolitical tensions and the accentuation of climate crises.
03:17And despite this situation, Morocco has been able, under the clear guidance of His Majesty
03:23the King, to pursue economic and social reforms while preserving the sustainability of macro-economic
03:31Also, this financial law project is articulated around four priorities, each acting as a lever
03:37to consolidate social cohesion, immunize economic sovereignty and bring together the necessary
03:43conditions for the development of future generations.
03:49The 2025 Paylef foresees the creation of 28,906 budget posts, distributed between the different
03:55ministries and other public institutions.
03:57The majority of these new posts are allocated to the Ministry of the Interior, which will
04:01benefit from 7,744 posts.
04:03The Ministry of Health and Social Protection will receive 6,500 posts, while the Ministry
04:09of Economy and Finance will receive 2,600 posts.
04:12In addition, the National Defense Administration will receive 5,792 posts.
04:18The Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation will receive 1,759
04:25And the General Delegation to Penitentiary Administration and Reinsertion will benefit
04:29from 1,000 posts.
04:30In addition, 400 posts will be allocated to the Ministry of Habeas and Islamic Affairs,
04:34365 to the Ministry of National Education, Pre-School and Sports, and 350 to the Superior
04:40Council of the Judiciary.
04:42The financial law project also provides 500 budgetary posts under the authority of the
04:47head of government, who will be able to distribute them between different ministries or institutions.
04:51Among these, 200 posts are reserved for people with disabilities.
04:56Finally, the government had planned the creation of 30,043 posts as part of the 2024 financial
05:08One of the priorities of this state budget project is the creation of employment for
05:13the absorption of unemployment.
05:16Prof. Hassan Arafi, Professor of Public Finance at the Faculty of Economic and Social
05:20Juridical Sciences, will tell us about the issue of the dynamization of the employment sector.
05:27I will give you a very, very simple equation to understand this issue.
05:31We have almost 11 million assets.
05:34Public service cannot cover more than 1 million people who have the ability to work.
05:42And the 10 million will have to work only in the private sector.
05:45It is true that the financial law project provides for 28,000 jobs, whether new recruits
05:51or promotions, etc.
05:54But it remains tiny compared to the global problem of unemployment.
05:59So, on this issue of unemployment, I think that I listened to the Minister's speech
06:07by saying that he considers this as an absolute priority.
06:11It can only be such a priority.
06:14We are planning three axes.
06:17The first axis aims to stimulate the dynamic of investment because we cannot have employment
06:23without investment.
06:25So, investment is the main input to promote employment.
06:30The second axis will focus on the improvement of the impact of active employment programs
06:36and the strengthening of the training system.
06:39This is very good.
06:41So, there are a lot of best practices that we can take inspiration from.
06:45And the third axis will be devoted to measures aimed at mitigating the consequences of unemployment
06:51So, among the things they intend to provide is compensation for unemployment, etc.
07:00But the most important is the employment axis.
07:03Unemployment is only a consequence, not a measure.
07:06It is a consequence of the reactivation of the investment process.
07:13The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, referred in his last report
07:18to the Moroccan Security Council to the letter addressed by President Emmanuel Macron
07:24to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, supporting autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty
07:30as a framework for resolution of the difference around the Moroccan Sahara.
07:34France, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, plays a crucial role
07:39in the dynamics of this matter.
07:41Permanent, of course, of the Security Council, of the EU members,
07:46and of many African, Asian, Latin American and Arab countries,
07:51as well as regional and sub-regional organizations,
07:54have expressed their support for the Moroccan proposal.
08:00Antonio Guterres has, for the first time, highlighted the Atlantic vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI
08:07in his recent report on the Moroccan Sahara.
08:10The Secretary General of the UN, in his document presented to the Security Council,
08:14has highlighted a royal initiative that aims to make the Moroccan Sahara
08:19a regional economic hub, facilitating exchanges between sub-Saharan Africa
08:25and the rest of the world.
08:27Let's listen to Yasmin Asnawi's analysis,
08:30Professor of International Relations at the American University of Kuwait.
08:35First of all, we must say that Morocco adopts a multidimensional approach.
08:41Apart from the diplomatic path of negotiations,
08:44Morocco plays this role of economic cooperation and shared growth.
08:51It is in this context that several major projects are included,
08:54which are implemented by the King of Morocco,
08:57which are the Gasoduc Morocco-Nigeria initiative,
09:01the royal initiative aimed at promoting access to these countries in the Sahel,
09:07to these countries in the Sahel and the Atlantic,
09:09as well as the port of Tarlac, which is a future South-South hub.
09:16The UN considers the Moroccan Sahara as a space for Atlantic cooperation
09:21and complementarity at the service of these African countries,
09:26in particular the Sahel countries.
09:28This is why we have brought more than a hundred UN member countries,
09:36two-thirds of the members of the African Union
09:39and more than 19 members of the European Union,
09:42to collaborate with Morocco in the economic and social sphere
09:47in this part of Morocco, the Moroccan Sahara.
09:51Moreover, it is for this reason that we have seen,
09:53in the last four years,
09:56the opening of more than thirty consulates in Dakhla and Ayoun,
10:00so Morocco is the most suitable and the most armed country
10:04to play this economic role towards Africa.
10:09Let's now talk about security cooperation between Morocco and Spain,
10:13which continues to prove itself.
10:15Yesterday, the Spanish police arrested presumed members
10:19of the terrorist organization Daesh.
10:21A follow-up arrest, an operation carried out in perfect coordination
10:26with the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance.
10:29The suspects were arrested in the cities of San Sondo and Aviles
10:35for their involvement in the crimes of androgyny
10:39and the dissemination of terrorist propaganda
10:42and also incitement to commit violent acts.
10:47In the conflict, Benyamin Netanyahu condemns the allies of Iran
10:51who tried to assassinate him after a drone strike on his private residence
10:56located in the center of Israel,
10:58which was targeted by a drone shot from Lebanon.
11:02An announcement made on Saturday by the Israeli army,
11:05the Lebanese Hezbollah claimed rocket shots
11:10in response to Israeli attacks targeting several regions in the north of the country.
11:15In a town in eastern Lebanon,
11:17four people were killed yesterday in an Israeli strike.
11:21Tzahal also called on the inhabitants of the neighborhood of Hrek in southern Beirut
11:26to evacuate this area.
11:31At the same time, Israel continues its deadly military offensive in Gaza
11:36where more than 43,000 civilians were killed in Israeli bombings.
11:41Strikes continue despite the death of Hamas leader Yair Yassin Nour,
11:45the Palestinian movement that intends to continue the fight
11:48until the liberation of Palestine,
11:50indicate that the hostages held by the Gaza Strip will not be released
11:55if Israel does not put an end to its aggression.
12:02Meanwhile, the ministers of defense of the G7 said they were concerned
12:07on Saturday by the threats aimed at the UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon.
12:12As a reminder, the UN peacekeeping mission accuses Israel
12:16of deliberately targeting its positions in southern Lebanon.
12:19Four Blue Helmets were killed in Israeli attacks.
12:22In parallel, the ministers of defense of the G7 also reaffirmed yesterday
12:27their unwavering support for Ukraine, including on the military level.
12:35The news leads us to France where Algerian activists
12:40express their concern about the presumed disappearance of journalist and writer Hichem Maboud,
12:46according to the journal L'Observateur.
12:49The Algerian journalist, who lives in France, took the plane to Paris
12:52to go to Spain before disappearing.
12:55The journal cites his friend and Algerian opponent Anwar Malek,
12:59who received a call from Hichem Maboud's lawyer
13:02confirming that there is no trace of the opponent.
13:05The Algerian journalist Walid Kebir also expressed himself on social media
13:10to express his concerns about his disappearance.
13:13Let's listen to the explanations of Moulaye Abdel Janil Dalil and his colleague,
13:17lawyer Obaro Delina.
13:20For the moment, all we can say is that I received Hichem Maboud
13:26on October 17, 2024, at 10 a.m.
13:30and he told me that I was going to take the plane to Barcelona.
13:37Since October 17, 2024, and particularly from 3 p.m.,
13:46we have had no news of Hichem Maboud.
13:50The family, of course, contacted me
13:56and unfortunately still at this stage today,
13:59I use the term kidnapping and not disappearance
14:02because we already have the opportunity to raise this question in front of the PNAT,
14:08the PNAT is the National Anti-Terrorist Party of Paris and Liège,
14:12since my client was already the subject of a first kidnapping complaint a few years ago.
14:17Today, we are obviously worried
14:22and we ask questions to find out who is behind this kidnapping.
14:28Of course, you know better than me the position and commitment
14:33of our journalist friend, writer Hichem Maboud.
14:38Hichem Maboud has been the target of the military agent for several years
14:43and today, of course, we think,
14:48family, me and Hichem Maboud's friend,
14:51that the authors of this kidnapping
14:56are the Algerian military agents.
14:59In Indonesia, ex-general Pabro Subianto,
15:0373 years old, has been invested as a new president
15:06after taking an oath today in front of parliament,
15:09according to images from public television.
15:12Largely elected in February last year,
15:14from the first round, Pabro Subianto succeeded Joko Widodo
15:19in office for 10 years, at the head of the first economy in Southeast Asia.
15:28In Mali, following the floods that killed many people
15:32and devastated the urban commune of Segou,
15:35USAID and its Catholic Relief Service partner
15:39decided to help the local population
15:42in the framework of the Kizilisis project.
15:45An important donation of food was made to more than 1,200 displaced people.
15:51Our correspondent, Mohamed Dagnoko, tells us more.
15:54Bags of rice, oil, haricots and several other donations of food
15:59were donated to the 1,228 displaced people of the urban commune of Segou
16:04which were reimbursed by the Social Development Service.
16:07We supported the Social Development Service
16:10to identify the displaced people
16:14in order to help them reduce their suffering.
16:19This operation took place in this framework.
16:21In terms of costs, it amounts to more than 222 million.
16:26So it's living support, welfare, work and cash.
16:32These donations of a value of 222 million francs CFA
16:35are part of the Catholic Relief Kizilisis project
16:39financed by USAID
16:41and which aims to come to the aid of the needy in an urgent way.
16:45In terms of moral support,
16:50first of all, food,
16:52which is sold to 95 tons of rice,
16:5718 tons of haricots,
17:004,800 liters of oil.
17:05In addition to living and non-living,
17:07the 1,228 displaced people will receive an amount of 47,000 francs CFA,
17:12a supply of oxygen in this difficult period.
17:15Rice and oil are currently very expensive on the market.
17:18These donations will therefore relieve us.
17:21We also had soap, buckets, nats and bed covers.
17:26We are therefore happy and say thank you to the donors.
17:30The regional authorities have saluted this Catholic Relief support
17:34and through it the United States, financial partner of the project.
17:39Back in the kingdom to talk cinema.
17:41With the 24th edition of the National Film Festival of Tangier,
17:45the send-off was given on Friday in the city of Detroit
17:49in the presence of eminent figures of the world,
17:52of the 7th art, culture and media.
17:55A great cultural rendezvous continues until October 26.
18:04And after the tributes given to two actors of culture,
18:08there is also a competition with a program in the fields
18:12presented to us by our special envoy Ilhan Berada.
18:15A rather special and singular selection this year
18:19because we find there the great names of Moroccan cinema
18:23who come back with their new films.
18:25This is the case, for example, of Saad Chraibi,
18:28so the Silence of the Violins.
18:30The case also of Hassan Ben Jeloun,
18:32the day of the last Mlech.
18:34There is a lot of music.
18:36Jamal Belmjdoub with his new film,
18:39so after five years, because he was there in 2019.
18:43Fawzi Ben Saidi, Desert,
18:45which was presented during the last edition of the Marrakech Festival.
18:49And of course this new generation of filmmakers
18:52who are there, who are present.
18:54Hicham Nuzraq, Esmel Moudir.
18:56And just to remind the public of Median TV,
18:59Esmel Moudir is the first Moroccan director
19:02to have won the Golden Star for his documentary.
19:06So the mother of all lies,
19:08Hicham Nuzraq had also won the Grand Prize of the jury
19:13during the last edition of the International Festival of Marrakech.
19:18So we have a very unique selection.
19:21And what is also important to note here,
19:24is that when you talk a little to these directors
19:27who are there in competition,
19:29whether in the category of feature films, short films, documentaries,
19:33they all speak of today's Morocco.
19:36They count on a very, very beautiful relief of Moroccan cinema.
19:41There is nothing to be afraid of because the producers are there,
19:44they accompany the filmmakers,
19:46whether with large projects or small projects.
19:49So the Moroccan 7th art is doing well.
19:53So the jury will really have bread on the table
19:56for this 24th edition of the International Film Festival of Tangier.
20:00I obviously remind you that, for example,
20:02in the feature film category,
20:04it is none other than Mohamed Koftakel,
20:06who is a regular at the festival,
20:08since he had the opportunity to win two Grand Prizes.
20:11So for five weeks, here at the Palace of Congress,
20:14all the screenings of the competition films take place here from 3 p.m.
20:20And remember all the same that from 9.30 p.m. every day here,
20:25it is another category that is presented, but which is out of competition,
20:29and it is the panorama of Moroccan cinema.
20:32These are the films that have not been selected for the competition,
20:36but which have been produced during the last 12 months
20:39and which will therefore be presented to this audience who loves Moroccan cinema
20:44and who came in large numbers for this 24th edition of the International Film Festival of Tangier.
20:51Sport also in this newspaper,
20:53with the Cannes Stars team,
20:55which won the Grand Prix of the Longines Global Championship Tour on Friday.
21:00The final was on Sunday in Charabat for their first participation.
21:05The Cannes Stars were awarded the title with a total of 301 points.
21:10The Riesenbeck International team was awarded second place with 241 points,
21:16ahead of Stockholm Huts and Doha Falcons.
21:20On his side, Philippe Weishaupt, representative of Riesenbeck International,
21:26regrets having lost a title that they won in the previous two editions,
21:31assuring that his team will come back stronger next year.
21:35These four teams are therefore assured to participate in the Global Championship Playoff,
21:40scheduled in Saudi Arabia next November.
21:47And that's it for this newspaper.
21:49Thank you for following.
21:50The news is of course on Mediain TV Africa.
22:01For more information, visit median.ac.uk