Big Brother UK Season21 Episode10

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Big Brother UK Season21 Episode10


00:00La dernière fois sur Big Brother.
00:06J'ai eu une journée incroyable.
00:08Tout le monde s'est amusé et a rigolé.
00:12Mais des bruits vont apparaître.
00:15Les niveaux d'énergie sont au top, les gens sont faits faim.
00:18On va recevoir des comments qui vous pourraient vous faire tomber en incroyable chute.
00:22Il n'y a qu'une seule personne ici dont vous ne faites pas rire.
00:27J'espère que les gens vont aimer.
00:28J'aime les gens comme moi.
00:58J'aime les gens comme moi.
01:00J'aime les gens comme moi.
01:02Et c'est tout à fait commencé avec une sausage.
01:28Bikini's on top
01:31Jour 4
01:38Le Big Brother House a été transformé en Big Brother's Coconut Island Resort
01:44pour la première tâche d'achat de la maison
01:57Bonjour tout le monde
02:06C'est Big Brother
02:09Sera-t-il que tous les amis de la maison se réunissent immédiatement dans l'endroit où ils vivent ?
02:18Oh mon Dieu, arrêtez ! Coconut Island !
02:22C'est là où je dois être, en vacances
02:26Oh mon Dieu !
02:32C'est tellement cool !
02:35Les amis de la maison, bienvenue à la nouvelle destination de vacances de Big Brother
02:40Coconut Island Resort
02:44Où sont fabriquées de jolies souvenirs
02:47et où les ondes rafraichissent vos inquiétudes
02:50Ok, ça a l'air bien, oui
02:51Pour la tâche d'achat de la maison de cette semaine
02:53des amis de la maison seront les invités
02:57Mais, pas tous vont se détendre sous les arbres
03:026 amis de la maison vont travailler dur en tant que mon employé
03:06qui gère le resort pour moi
03:08Dean, tu seras mon manager du resort
03:16Félicitations ! Bienvenue tout le monde
03:20Dean, sous ta supervision stricte, ton équipe d'invités sera
03:37et Hannah
03:40Je le savais dans mon coeur
03:41Vous êtes les meilleurs travailleurs que j'ai jamais vu
03:44Génial !
03:45Les restes de vous sont des invités
03:47Vous n'avez rien à vous inquiéter
03:49sauf sur le cocktail d'ordre
03:54Big Brother veut que vous appréciez l'anniversaire
04:10Big Brother a fourni les invités des essentiels d'anniversaire
04:14Tout ce que j'ai, c'est ça
04:17Ça pourrait prendre un tour très différent, Big Brother
04:22Regarde, je vais à la plage
04:30et des vêtements pour l'équipe
04:33C'est ça ! Ils s'apprécient
04:41Bienvenue !
04:43Pour commencer l'anniversaire, l'équipe doit vérifier les invités
04:47C'est Big Brother
04:50Pour célébrer l'ouverture de ce resort
04:52Big Brother a fourni 5 bandes de risques inclusives
05:00Dean, en tant que manager, c'est à toi
05:03de choisir l'invité le plus inclusif
05:07C'est à toi de choisir l'invité le plus inclusif
05:09pour profiter des luxuries de Coconut Island
05:13Tu veux me lisser le cul maintenant, non ?
05:16Les autres invités recevront seulement des bandes de risques
05:20et leur journée ne sera pas si merveilleuse
05:25C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer
05:28Bonjour, bienvenue à Coconut Island
05:31C'est un plaisir d'être ici
05:32Ryan, voici vos bandes de risques
05:34Merci, vous avez un jour fantastique
05:36Une partie de la bande, vous êtes des chiens !
05:38Je suis inclusif !
05:44Ryan sera accompagné par Dears, Izzaz
05:47Une partie de la bande
05:50et Emma
05:51Quoi ?
05:53Des Rangers !
05:54qui resteront toutes une partie de la bande
06:00Ce qui signifie que, Ali
06:01Tu es inclusif
06:07Baked Potato
06:10Merci beaucoup, j'apprécie ça
06:12et Stian, tous inclusifs
06:14C'était incroyable, c'était incroyable
06:15C'était vraiment merveilleux, c'était tellement facile
06:17Merci beaucoup
06:25Est-ce que tu peux nous dire
06:26quel est votre procédé d'inquiétude ?
06:28Oui, s'il vous plaît
06:37Quelques invités
06:38sont en train de vérifier le resort
06:40Oh mon dieu !
06:42Non !
06:43Oh non !
06:44Oh mon dieu, c'est incroyable !
06:47Tu ne penses même pas que ça sent différent ?
06:48Oui, ça sent différent
06:49Oh mon dieu, prenez ma photo ici !
06:51Ah !
06:52Ok, c'est bon
06:53Oh mon dieu
06:54Oh, je ne veux pas briser le swing
06:57Les jambes crossées
06:58Les jambes crossées
07:00C'est ça
07:02C'est le moment
07:13La staff prépare le brunch
07:15Aline a besoin de jus plus de 5 minutes
07:17Où est le jus ? Où est le jus ?
07:18Préparez-lui du jus
07:19Je ne peux pas partir de la station
07:20Tu dois rester là
07:21Préparez-lui du jus
07:22Je vais cuisiner
07:23Aline est dehors
07:24Nous sommes en tâches de cuisiner
07:25C'est quoi ?
07:28C'est un...
07:29C'est un...
07:31C'est un revanche
07:32J'aime les pieds
07:37C'est la première fois que tu joues au football, monsieur ?
07:40Je joue de temps en temps, oui
07:41De temps en temps
07:42Monsieur, vous êtes très talentueux
07:44J'aime ce que vous avez fait pour le endroit
07:46Merci monsieur
07:48Nous faisons de notre mieux pour nos clients inclusifs
07:50Lily est arrivée à la salle d'enregistrement
07:53Bonjour Lily
07:54Bonjour grand frère
07:57Comment vas-tu ?
07:59Je vais bien
08:01C'est vraiment amusant d'être un travailleur à Coco Land
08:07Coconut Island
08:10Coconut Island
08:12J'aime absolument ça
08:15Je suis un travailleur très dur
08:18Le travailleur le plus diligent c'est...
08:25Je sais qu'il est important d'être un travailleur pour une raison
08:29Parce que c'est ma ligne de travail
08:35Tu ne veux pas travailler
08:37Tu veux être en vacances
08:39Avec tes amis
08:40Et s'amuser
08:43Je vais gagner
08:45La tâche d'acheter
08:46Et acheter
08:47Un grand
08:58La nourriture est servie
09:00Au resort Coconut Island
09:02Les invités inclusifs
09:04Prennent un délice
09:06Et les invités de la moitié
09:08Prennent un buffet
09:10C'est incroyable
09:11J'ai l'impression que c'est facile
09:14Je ne veux même pas manger maintenant
09:16Parce que l'autre équipe n'a pas mangé
09:18Je me sens mal
09:19Pour passer la tâche d'acheter
09:21L'équipe doit rester polie et professionnelle
09:24A toutes les heures
09:28Et ne peut pas manger la nourriture de l'invité
09:32Les invités de la moitié ne doivent pas manger
09:34Aucun ingrédient du menu inclusif
09:38Bonjour mon client
09:39Bonjour Lily
09:42Oh mon dieu
09:43Tu n'as pas...
09:44C'est lui
09:45Il a un peu de service
09:47Il est sur un appartement
09:51Oui ma chérie
09:53Je suis un peu stressée
09:54Sur notre employé
09:56Lily les filles
09:59Je ne veux pas faire faillite à cause de ça
10:00C'est bon
10:02C'est assez
10:03Mais je suis en train de repartir Anna
10:05Je veux des pâtisseries
10:06Oui oui
10:07Lily les filles
10:10Pas de canoudlerie avec les invités
10:13On ne veut pas faillite
10:15On veut manger
10:16Pourquoi tu n'as pas le service ?
10:19Je ne veux pas
10:20Pas de service d'un bracelet inclusif
10:23Tu as raison
10:24Pas de service
10:26Tu aimes ta journée ?
10:27Je l'aime en fait
10:29C'est génial de voir tout le monde s'amuser et manger de la bonne nourriture
10:33J'aime ça
10:34Prends un morceau de melon si tu veux
10:36Je ne suis pas autorisé
10:53J'aime ta nourriture
10:54Il y a tellement de joie qui se passe là-bas
10:56Oui sur cette table
10:58Je pense qu'il est temps de faire un petit boulot
11:03Partez pour les courts
11:06J'ai pas de boulot
11:13Viens moi
11:14Je vais faire des petits boulots
11:18Ryan non
11:19On va le faillir
11:21Si tu en as un, moi aussi
11:25Toi sale boulot
11:27C'est tellement amusant
11:30Les gens vont commencer à craquer
11:32C'est juste des règles qui se déroulent, je ne comprends pas.
11:34Ryan a pas mangé de sausage.
11:36Donc, si on ne mange pas maintenant...
11:40J'avais faim et j'ai besoin de sausage.
11:42Je suis en train de marcher, je vais me faire chier.
11:44Je suis en train de marcher.
11:46Je vais être comme...
11:48On est ici et on ne mange rien.
11:50On est ici et on ne mange rien.
11:54Sarah va couper le doigt de sa tête.
11:56C'est bon, Sarah?
11:58Oui, j'ai juste 5 minutes.
12:00Elle m'appelle.
12:02Ne t'inquiète pas.
12:04Une sausage ne va rien faire mal.
12:06Oh mon Dieu, je m'en fous.
12:08Je ne peux pas.
12:10Je pense qu'elle va faire mal à ses enfants.
12:12Et tout a commencé avec une sausage.
12:46Manager Dean
12:48has come to the diving room.
12:52how is running the resort going?
12:54Oh, it's a lot.
12:56Honestly, it's like herding sheep with them lot.
13:00who are the strongest members of your staff?
13:02Oh, the strongest members are Khaled,
13:06and Hannah.
13:08The other two
13:10are just a bit
13:12on a rollercoaster, so my attention really is on them two.
13:14My weak link, I think, is Lily.
13:16She is
13:18a loose cannon.
13:20You tell her not to do something,
13:22five seconds later, she's doing it.
13:24She's like a puppy.
13:26You have to train Lily to not do these things.
13:28And Sarah needs to smile more.
13:32That sausage is good, you know.
13:34Do you want one?
13:36I can go and get us one each.
13:38I need a sausage.
13:40If you have one, I'll have another one.
13:42I feel like we've already failed the test.
13:44And then we're going to be on Russian,
13:46so we might as well eat it all.
13:48Come on then, let's go!
13:50Go on!
13:52You are a bad influence.
13:54You've got to do it first.
13:56No, no, no.
13:58If Ryan has a sausage,
14:00I'm having a sausage.
14:02If you have another one, I'm having another one.
14:04No one's having a sausage.
14:06Please don't have another sausage.
14:08You can't have anything yet.
14:10We're on the same page as you, babe.
14:12Oh, oh, oh!
14:14No, no, no!
14:18Ryan, you are such a shit!
14:24I can't believe you did it.
14:26I can't believe you did it.
14:28I can't believe you did it.
14:36Lily, don't think that's a free pass for you to have a sausage.
14:38Lily, do not have a sausage, babe.
14:40You are stronger than that.
14:42That hurts me because I actually really like him.
14:44I really like him.
14:46I'm like, do you know what?
14:48I said, it's all fun and games now.
14:50As soon as we're on a budget shopping list.
14:52If I get voted out for eating a sausage...
14:54No, it's not that, bro.
14:56People might direct their angst at me.
14:58Oh, yeah, they will, yeah.
15:00You know what, bro?
15:02I'm your friend.
15:04As long as you're happy, bro.
15:06I don't want you to do this yourself, man.
15:08No, it's all right. I'm old enough, I'm big enough
15:10to make my own decisions.
15:12It's all right. If I go, I go.
15:22Guest Emma is talking to Big Brother
15:24about her holiday.
15:26I'm a peasant.
15:28Why am I a peasant?
15:30This is outrageous!
15:32I should be all-inclusive!
15:34And I thought me and Dean
15:36were tight.
15:38But when Dean was the hotel manager,
15:40I was thinking, Dean's got me.
15:42Fine, I'm going to be all-inclusive.
15:44And then he gave me the peasant wristband,
15:46so I'll be having words with Dean later on.
15:48I'm going to snub him soon.
15:50Next time when he's like, hey, Em,
15:52I'm just going to be like, whatever.
15:54How are you finding Coconut Island Resort?
15:56The scale starts at one,
15:58and Coconut Island's like...
16:00It's just...
16:02It's sub-zero for me.
16:04Shit would be
16:06the word I would choose
16:08to describe it.
16:10Some of the staff are catching up.
16:12Do you know what's so funny about you?
16:14When I first met you,
16:16you're not someone that I ever think
16:18I would get on with so well.
16:20I'm a nice person.
16:22I know you are, but on first impression,
16:24just due to, like...
16:26Everyone always judges me.
16:28Yeah, I think because you sound
16:30like the way you sound, the accent,
16:32the city, the way you dress,
16:34you're someone that in public
16:36I probably wouldn't gravitate towards
16:38I'm joking.
16:40Nathan and Dears
16:42are talking house dynamics.
16:44I'm kind of waiting for, like,
16:46the, oh, I love you so much veneer
16:48to kind of wear off. It's a bit boring now.
16:50Like, I like everyone, no doubt.
16:52Oh, absolutely. Everyone is so nice.
16:54But we've not seen
16:56the full picture of everyone yet.
16:58And I want to.
17:00I want to see how people react
17:02to a bit of a crisis.
17:04I think everyone is nice,
17:06but it has to be when everyone gets a bit more tired.
17:08To be honest, I do think Sarah
17:10is getting to her edge
17:12quite quickly, actually.
17:14I'm a bit worried.
17:16Yeah, she seems really upset.
17:20He's such a troublemaker.
17:22In the staff room,
17:24manager Dean is giving feedback.
17:26Right. Debrief time.
17:28I ate a sausage.
17:34You've done it now.
17:36I'm going to go one by one.
17:38I'll start with you, Khaled.
17:40I've got no thoughts for you.
17:42You've literally been on top form.
17:44Marcello, breakfast was a hoot.
17:46Thank you.
17:48It was a hoot.
17:50It went down very well. You did a great job.
17:52Don't eat the food.
17:54Hannah, you smashed it as well in the kitchen.
17:56I just need you to smile more.
17:58But yeah, well done. You've done well.
18:00Sarah, my love.
18:02You've done well to manage.
18:04Thank you.
18:06But I think you just need to de-stress a little bit.
18:08I'm struggling.
18:10Don't let them stress you out.
18:12Service with a smile. Keep smiling.
18:14Keep doing what you're doing, but don't stress.
18:16Because if you stress...
18:18I really struggle not to.
18:20If you need five minutes,
18:22go sit in the toilet.
18:24Noted, Dean.
18:26But other than that, you were great.
18:28You've been great with the customers.
18:30Don't get stressed.
18:32No sitting with the customers.
18:36No eating the food.
18:38Because that will literally fuck us up.
18:40We are solely responsible for this task.
18:42If we fail, it's on us.
18:48And she kept the customers entertained.
18:50And you kept them entertained.
18:52But just no hugging.
18:54We're a five-star resort. We don't do hugging.
18:56That's an extra service they're not paying for.
18:58I'm proud of all of you.
19:00All of you.
19:02We're proud of you too, man.
19:14Sarah is leading an aquasize class
19:18for Big Potato and Martha.
19:20OK, ladies, how are you feeling today?
19:22Are you feeling good?
19:26Well, here at Coconut Bay Resort,
19:28we're all about being fun, fit,
19:30and burning some calories.
19:32So, to make sure we're all ready
19:34to get wet and wild and pool our energy,
19:36let's hear your best dolphin noise.
19:42That's a she, Rosie.
19:44Let's get started.
19:46Do you hear that?
19:48There's a whirlpool coming.
19:50So you guys need to do
19:5250 laps of the hot tub
19:54and get that whirlpool whirring.
19:58A beach whale...
20:00Martha, you look like a rotisserie chicken
20:02going around there.
20:04I don't know whether that's a compliment or not.
20:08In the bathroom,
20:10Dears is talking about her experiences
20:12with therapy.
20:14They were just, like, telling me
20:16I should lie to myself about, like,
20:18the way that I see the world.
20:20She's like, oh, yeah, that person
20:22and I was like, but the likelihood
20:24is they might have been.
20:26And I tried to explain, and she was like,
20:28yeah, maybe you might be putting yourself
20:30to be the victim, and I'm like,
20:32well, on the line...
20:34And I was like, I do recognise
20:36how my voice that portrays
20:38a certain class privilege
20:40has literally saved me on many occasions.
20:42So let's not pretend that, like,
20:44you know what I mean, I'm just going around
20:46going, woe is me, because I'm black.
20:48This is the problem.
20:50I bash my head with my own profession
20:54Because it is
20:56very white-dominated.
20:58And they're not from very diverse
21:00backgrounds, they don't have a very wide
21:02selection of friends or people that they
21:04spend time with, and they haven't done any work
21:06to understand the experiences of
21:08exactly what you just described
21:10as a black woman.
21:12The person who's most likely
21:14to be right about your experiences
21:16is you.
21:18It's you.
21:20So I literally was like...
21:22It makes me so mad when I hear things like that.
21:24People find it really difficult
21:26to watch, like, black women
21:28especially be, like, upset.
21:30Because it turns from, like,
21:32me being upset to, like, you know,
21:34me being angry.
21:36Exactly. And it's like, whoa.
21:38Or, like, because I don't, like, you know,
21:40cry when I'm in, like, discomfort,
21:42suddenly, like, she's so strong, she can get
21:44through it all, when I'm, like, crumbling on the insides.
21:46And it feels like you're just never, like, truly seen.
21:48This is the sort of thing that gets me
21:50really, really mad. And I don't know how we can
21:52change that, really, in the profession.
21:56So, this next one is inspired by
21:58our very own staff member,
22:00Kung Fu Khaled.
22:02This is
22:04Water Punches.
22:061, 2, 3, 4,
22:085, 6, 7, 8,
22:109, 10, 11, 12,
22:1213, 14, 15, 16,
22:1417, 18, 19, 20.
22:16OK, guys.
22:18I want you to kind of just take a nice, deep breath.
22:20Ladies, I want to thank you so much
22:22for taking part in Coconut Bay Resort.
22:24Thank you.
22:28Where the fuck's Coconut Bay?
22:30We're in Coconut Island.
22:44Oh, yeah!
22:52OK, by the ocean!
22:54Big Brother has
22:56called Dean to the diving room.
22:58Hi-dee-hi, Camper.
23:00Hello, Dean. Let's chat, hun.
23:04Dean, as you know, here at Coconut
23:06Island Resort, maintaining
23:08top-notch service is very important.
23:12So, to ensure everything
23:14is running smoothly, Big Brother needs
23:16to test the guest complaint
23:18procedure. OK.
23:20In order to do this,
23:22staff member Hannah must
23:24do anything it takes to get a guest
23:26to make a complaint.
23:28I genuinely think it won't
23:30take her no time at all. She's going to thrive
23:32in this. Dean, it's important
23:34that the other guests don't
23:36suspect that this is a secret
23:38mission. Good luck, Dean.
23:40Thank you. I'll see you in a bit, my love.
23:46I'm 34.
23:48And I'm 53, so I'm 19 years
23:50older. So I am old enough to be
23:52your mum.
23:54Oh, my God!
23:56How are we?
23:58Come with me.
24:04We've got secret
24:06tasks, basically.
24:12OK, cool.
24:14OK, cool.
24:20Yeah, yeah, yeah.
24:22All right, cool.
24:30Rosie, I don't think that looks cute.
24:32Really? No.
24:34You don't?
24:36What are you saying? What's wrong? The jumper or the trousers?
24:38The hair.
24:40The hair? It's wet!
24:42What do I do?
24:44Help me. The trousers are wrong, literally.
24:46I'll change these. What are you saying, black?
24:48Yeah, black.
24:50OK, thank you, lover.
24:54Oh, man.
24:58Where's the manager? Manager! Hello.
25:00I'm in a luxury hotel, and I should be having
25:02a good time at all times, so if I want coffee,
25:04I need to speak to staff. Coffee it is, then.
25:06Would you mind making
25:08Ryan a coffee? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
25:10Thank you.
25:14Oh, no, no, not that. It's got to go...
25:16Oh, OK. You put it
25:18through there. Yeah, go on.
25:22And can you bring him over to my table, please?
25:24Thank you.
25:26You're welcome.
25:38I'm so sorry.
25:40I suppose as a manager, I have to tell you
25:42there is a complaints process. You can actually complain.
25:44OK, I understand. You can complain. Staff's had a bad day.
25:46Absolutely fine. Shit!
25:48We'll make you another one.
25:50As a manager, I've got to tell you there is a complaints process.
25:58This hotel, man.
26:00Gone downhill.
26:02You carry on, we're going to get complaints.
26:06Start cleaning up.
26:08Where's Lily?
26:10Oh, Lily!
26:12Don't do that face,
26:14you little toad!
26:22Ryan, I swear then,
26:24if you complain...
26:30as a manager, can I just have a quick word?
26:32Because I asked for a coffee,
26:34I don't know what the hell running you're here.
26:36Are you trying to spike me?
26:38That wasn't me.
26:40That's not a coffee, is it?
26:42So whoever bought it spiked me.
26:44You should be sacked.
26:46The whole team should be sacked.
26:48I cannot have this.
26:50Thank you.
26:52I will put a note to say you did handle it very well
26:54and I don't want to press charges or anything like that.
26:56Just put it on there and I'll come back and collect it.
27:04Yeah, zero star.
27:10Congrats to me.
27:12What do I get, Big Baba?
27:14Sorry, Baba.
27:16You can't get the fucking staff these days.
27:18There you go, thank you.
27:20Do I not get anything in return?
27:22Do I just do this for the culture?
27:24No, honey, you don't get anything in return.
27:26This was a procedural test.
27:28That's a bit sad, don't you think?
27:40Tonight, resort staff must put on
27:42an incredible show
27:44to entertain the guests.
27:46The tropical scent of you
27:48Sweeps me up, up, up
27:52When I look at you
27:54When I look at you
27:56Girl, I fall in love
28:00I don't know the lyrics.
28:02Mysterious girl
28:04Move your body close to mine
28:06Got mine to move your body
28:08In the bedroom,
28:10Martha is quizzing Emma.
28:12Do you find, because you are so beautiful,
28:14do you find that you get a certain type of men
28:16that people do go with you because of looks?
28:18I don't really walk around with make-up and hair on.
28:20I mean, I look like...
28:22No, you don't.
28:24We all look good with our fucking hair and make-up.
28:26I don't know if I attract a certain type of man,
28:28but I tend to be attracted to, like,
28:30the bad boys and...
28:32Yeah, a little bit of excitement.
28:34Do you know what I mean?
28:36I just want someone who's nice,
28:38but who isn't a wet-lactus.
28:44The staff are on their dinner break.
28:46Sarah, this is yours, my love.
28:48Oh, sorry.
28:50Thank you.
28:52Thank you.
28:54Is this cheese, like, non-dairy cheese?
28:56Because I will shit my pants.
28:58Oh, no, thank you.
29:00I don't eat eggs. I don't like egg sandwiches.
29:02Do you want a swap?
29:04What's yours?
29:06Mine's cheese.
29:08What's in this? Egg and what?
29:10Are you gluten-free?
29:12I can't have cheese or milk.
29:14This bread feels like gluten-free bread.
29:16I don't like egg sandwiches. I'll eat this.
29:18I'm quite, like, strict with my diet,
29:20but I'm not eating bad food, I suppose.
29:22I'm just not eating enough.
29:24Normally, I'll eat, like,
29:26over 2,000 calories a day,
29:28and I have a set amount of protein,
29:30a set amount of carbs, a set amount of fat.
29:36Oh, my God, I'm eating a sandwich.
29:38Oh, my God, no.
29:40I didn't realise there was meat in it.
29:42Oh, fuck.
29:44Oh, shit.
29:46Are you vegetarian?
29:52Suddenly, things went wrong.
29:54Oh, no.
30:06We got confused.
30:08I didn't want my egg sandwich,
30:10and Dean gave me his, and he was like,
30:12oh, it's just cheese.
30:14And, like, I could taste...
30:16It tasted weird, but I knew it was, like...
30:18I thought it was, like, gluten-free bread
30:20or dairy-free, and I thought it was, like,
30:22cheese and tomato.
30:24I didn't even taste anything,
30:26but then I opened the second one,
30:28and it was, like, fucking, like, salami in it.
30:30I'm not even that upset about eating it.
30:32I'm just more embarrassed
30:34that I feel like...
30:36If people watch this,
30:38they're going to think, like,
30:40it's a meat sandwich,
30:42and she couldn't even tell.
30:52In the bedroom,
30:54Izzaz is talking to Baked Potato.
30:56I bet you're amazing with make-up.
30:58I'm not.
31:00I bet you are.
31:02Thank you, I'm actually not.
31:04I think what it is, is because you do it yourself,
31:06you don't probably do it as much as other people.
31:08When it's on Tom, I was like,
31:10I have to do this nice thing.
31:12With me, I'm like, I've got my make-up tattooed on,
31:14but I don't have to worry.
31:16I'm not good at make-up.
31:18But with Tom, I was like, I want to do it.
31:20Did you ever, like, take care
31:22in doing make-up yourself?
31:24No, I'm very, like...
31:26Obviously, on the night I was here,
31:28the first night I was here,
31:30I was like, I'm going to really, really try.
31:32I put so much effort, but now,
31:34it takes me about, like, ten minutes.
31:38Do you know what I mean?
31:40In the staff room,
31:42the workers are talking
31:46Because there's so much choice, people
31:48are not content with one person.
31:50That's my problem.
31:52You always think there's something better out there.
31:54It's not better, it's just something more,
31:56there's something fun there, again, you can do it again, have fun.
31:58That's addiction, don't you think, babes?
32:00No, because I'm not...
32:02It's like you're chasing something,
32:04I like the freedom to be able to go away
32:06and meet someone new, like, I like that,
32:08that's what I like, you know?
32:10Something that's a big part of my life,
32:12you know? It's weird.
32:14Settling down for one, I just feel like
32:16you limit yourself
32:18to so many experiences,
32:20I just can't understand, like,
32:22how I would ever do it.
32:24See, I'm too much of a soft girl for that shit.
32:26I'm not going to lie to you too much,
32:28I went, like, two years
32:30without dating anyone,
32:32then after, like,
32:34the end of, like, last year,
32:36I was like, OK, like,
32:38might need to, like, start dating people
32:40because you're getting so comfortable
32:42with, like, your own self.
32:44Do you know what I'm saying?
32:46So, like, my dad and...
32:48will always say, you're single until you're married.
32:50Everyone, even the aunties, will always say to me,
32:52you're single until you're married,
32:54and these are people which have been in relationships
32:56for X amount of years, basically.
32:58Like, for me,
33:00especially because we're Muslim,
33:02the aunties which I'm speaking to,
33:04and et cetera, they're like,
33:06you are free until then, basically.
33:08I just don't know about the phrase,
33:10the phrase just doesn't...
33:12If a girl said to me, basically,
33:14I'm single until I'm married,
33:16is basically you saying you're in no loyalty to me
33:18in any form or shape,
33:20if we're in a relationship,
33:22regardless of how...
33:24Yeah, but you know what,
33:26it's like, I get the point.
33:28No, she's passionate.
33:30No, no, no, I'm passionate, babes.
33:32Literally, I don't get aggy,
33:34I just get passionate about certain things.
33:36Like, if I speak, it's not from aggression,
33:38it's not from anything like that,
33:40it's just passion, regardless.
33:52We're just dancing the night away
33:54Boy, you feel like a holiday
33:56So I'ma let go
33:58No one else in the world could ever come close to you, baby
34:06For dinner,
34:08all-inclusive guests are enjoying
34:10a five-star Indian banquet.
34:12The half-board guests are tucking in
34:14to plain rice and half a poppadom.
34:16Onion bhajis are one of my faves.
34:18Oh, we...
34:20This is a shit show.
34:22He wants a half-board.
34:24He wants a half-board.
34:26It's a bit sad, isn't it?
34:28In the storeroom,
34:30Hannah is having a moment.
34:34Yo, yo.
34:38Yo, are you good?
34:40I'm OK, I'm OK.
34:42I just need a minute to myself.
34:44What's up, man?
34:46Is everything all right? What's going on?
34:48No, you know what it is,
34:50between me and you,
34:52I'm on a, like, serious note, basically.
34:54Is it what I said before?
34:56No, but you know what it is, like...
34:58Yeah, like, kind of, because...
35:02I don't know, like,
35:04basically, when someone calls someone,
35:06which is, like, a black woman,
35:08aggressive, like, there's such a stereotype
35:10about black women coming across
35:12as being aggressive, basically,
35:14and I'm not an aggressive person.
35:16So, like, it was just that...
35:18The point of, like, saying that
35:20might be aggy when I'm just passionate,
35:22and, like, I've told people from the get-go,
35:24I studied international politics,
35:26like, I might become, like, a bit passionate
35:28when I speak and all this other stuff.
35:30I feel like the icing on the cake
35:32was just, like, being called that,
35:34and then after, it's just a stereotype
35:36of, like, people thinking,
35:38oh, yeah, you might be a strong black woman,
35:40where it just emasculates a woman,
35:42it emasculates us as people, basically,
35:44and it's not a nice feeling at all.
35:46If it came across like that,
35:48I didn't mean it like that,
35:50but if it did, it's just plain-out sorry
35:52because I don't want you to react like this.
35:54I was saying, you're like sister,
35:56and people say, why should I sister to you?
35:58I'm like, it's a Somali thing,
36:00you don't understand people's struggles.
36:02So for it to come across like I don't understand
36:04your struggle and that, well, I am sorry.
36:06The only reason why I asked that
36:08was because, you know how you said
36:10it's a very shameful thing to talk about,
36:12but you were talking about it extensively
36:14and people were asking questions.
36:16I don't know if we're pressing.
36:18Do you know... Just give me one second, sorry.
36:20Is it all right if I just...
36:22You OK? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
36:24If you were chatting to me about something
36:26that was quite personal, that you've not
36:28spoken to me about, and then I start
36:30showing you a side that you've not seen to me,
36:32and I'm moving a lot and it's just kind of
36:34getting louder and it's like people are
36:36pressing questions and stuff.
36:38Would you not just go, is everything good?
36:40Are you good?
36:42Yeah, well, that's how I would phrase it.
36:44No, but it seemed...
36:46Are you OK?
36:48Yeah, maybe the Aggie thing came different.
36:50I don't want to say to you,
36:52are you OK?
36:54To me, you've not been a weak girl.
36:56Have I said to you now, are you OK?
36:58To me, you're strong.
37:00I think you're one of the strongest girls there.
37:02You don't seem like someone I need to be,
37:04are you OK?
37:06You seem like someone who's like,
37:08you will say your piece.
37:10Yeah, exactly, I will say my piece.
37:12I get that, so we could have been worded
37:14a little differently.
37:16Thank you for talking to me about this.
37:18I'm so happy that we're able to have this conversation.
37:20It's hard, it's hard, this is.
37:22Don't worry.
37:34It's showtime.
37:36How are we holiday campers?
37:40Oh yes, right.
37:42I have got the biggest show
37:44lined up for you on Coconut Island Resort.
37:46To start things off,
37:48we have got the lovely Khaled,
37:50and he's going to be leading
37:52the conga.
37:54Come on, let's go.
37:56Come on, let's go.
38:02Go ahead, go on lad.
38:04Ali, you know you're going to have to.
38:06We know you're going to have to.
38:20And this is your chance to do the limbo.
38:22Can you go?
38:24Hello, can you go?
38:26Hello, can you go?
38:28Hello, can you go?
38:30Hello, can you go?
38:32The lord himself.
38:44Are you all feeling good?
38:46Yeah? You've all drank and stopped
38:48and ready to go for your next
38:50amazing act. I am bringing her
38:52all the way from a farm in somewhere I don't know.
38:56All the way from Shropshire,
38:58it's Little Bo Peep!
39:02This is a wrap
39:04for our hotel guests.
39:06Each and everyone truly the best.
39:08Martha in the pool going round and round
39:10charming us all with her dolphin
39:16Who's the biggest MILF in here?
39:18No dilemma, the page 3 1010.
39:20It's Emma!
39:24Gum in the hair, it's outrageous!
39:26Rosie, your smile
39:28is so contagious.
39:30Next up here,
39:32big boy shags, laughing,
39:34dancing and fertilizing eggs.
39:38Tom's got one eyebrow,
39:40good feature, come shoot your shot,
39:42he's a real keeper.
39:46Sausage stealer, diamond in the rough,
39:48you look like a pub bouncer, right?
39:50And fuck off!
39:54Little Bo Peep!
39:56Little Bo Peep, well done my love.
39:58That was amazing.
40:00Next up,
40:02here's an icon of our time,
40:04a legend, prepare for oil,
40:06prepare for backing dancers,
40:08I give you Peter Andre!
40:16Big brother, hit that track!
40:22Let me hear some noise for my beautiful
40:24big brother contestant!
40:30Let's go baby!
41:00I want to be with
41:02a woman just like you
41:10I want to be with
41:12a woman just like you
41:20Mysterious girl
41:22I wanna get close to
41:30I want to be with
41:32a woman just like you
41:42I want to be with
41:44a woman just like you
41:46Mysterious girl
41:48I wanna get close to you
42:00I want to be with
42:02a woman just like you
42:30It's not genuine
42:32I think I'm curious too, I'm not gonna lie to you
42:34I'm a nosy little bitch
42:36I don't know
42:38I don't know, we'll see
42:44What does Nathan think?
42:46You should know, go and tell me
42:50She has to touch the head
42:52Touch my head and tell me then, go on
42:56You bitch!
43:00No, no, you're off the mark
43:02with that one
43:04It's the first time you've got it wrong
43:08Hello darling
43:10Isn't she just gorgeous?
43:12How are you?
43:14I'm good, how are you?
43:16I'm good
43:18What are we doing?
43:20I have no idea
43:22Deez and Sarah, that's my answer
43:24Deez and Sarah, that's my two question marks
43:26Don't know why, but that's fine
43:28I 100% disagree
43:30that day
43:32Ryan is in the diving room
43:34I enjoyed causing a bit of mischief
43:36with the sausages
43:38And it's just a bit of fun in it, do you know what I mean?
43:40As long as I don't hurt anybody
43:42I didn't want to upset anybody
43:44and I actually spoke to Sarah after and made sure she was alright
43:46because I know people are getting a bit angry
43:48but there's a lot of mischief going on
43:50It's alright now, but if we fail the shopping budget, boom, fingers on me
43:52and if there's any punishment, I will say it
43:54I will take one for the team
43:56I think it's alright now
43:58but it's going to be a scapegoat
44:00If the luxury budget fails, 100% I'll be an easy target
44:02I've not really played it very well
44:04to be honest
44:06I came up like a whiz kid on day one
44:08got blown up by a cake
44:10stayed in a storage room
44:12tried to do an honourable thing
44:14photo's been ripped up
44:16I'm up for eviction
44:18and I've pissed people off today
44:20in the bloody shopping task
44:22but we'll see
44:24We'll see how it goes
44:54So we have some Hollywood action for you right now at ITVX
44:56starring some massive names
44:58you do not want to miss
45:00the incredible Fight Night
45:02Ok, here next, Will Best
45:04is here with all the tea
45:06we get to unpick everything we've just seen
45:08and we get to vote
45:10and we get to vote
45:12and we get to vote
45:14and we get to vote
45:16and we get to vote
45:18and we get to vote
45:20and we get to vote
45:22and we get to vote
45:24and we get to vote
45:26and we get to vote
45:28and we get to vote
45:30and we get to vote
45:32and we get to vote
45:34and we get to vote
45:36and we get to vote
45:38and we get to vote
45:40and we get to vote
45:42and we get to vote
45:44and we get to vote
45:46and we get to vote
45:48and we get to vote